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Qhester Qounty historical Society


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Lib7-a7y Sfnet opposiie the FITTED STATES BA^K



Bank Xotes

[Maps axid Cluots

Bills of Exclumoe

Bills of Ladiiio-



Labels for Druo^"ists

^ratcli Papers

Heads of Bills

Tisitincr Cards


Address Cards

Hat Bins

Cloth. \


^\ebb - Labels

SmifE ;

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Nl Parchment


roi^xjr^s ^? tPvOft




DANIEL DICK & CO, Tobacco and Snuff MaiiwfactwYCYS,


Keep constantly on hand a large stock of the following goods, vvhich they offer for sale wholesale and retail.

Genuine Maccouba SnufF. Rappee SnufF, various kinds. Scotch do. Spanish Segars. Spanish Segars, American wrappers. American Segars. Smoking Tobacco. Plug, Pigtail and Virginia Twist Tobacco. Prime Cavendish do. SnufF Boxes and Pipes.

IVit/i every article in their line, a

IVhitcly'^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,

^•.■^ =" ?> -ci o =: ■>; o u Jii v"—









































.•) fli 9'-' - •— ^ P-i t!j "Ti . o ..



Whitely^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser.




Leghorn and Split-straw Hat and Bonnet Manufac- tory^ and Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery Store^


Men's and Boy's improved Water- proof Leghorn Hats, 50 doz. Bermuda Chip do. 15,000 yds. do. do. Piatt for making hats. Ladies' fine Yellow and Black Jieghom Hats and Bonnets^ of the newest fashion. 200 Ladies' and Gen- tlemens' superfine White and Black Manilla Hats and Bon- nets, an article equal, if not superior, to Leghorn, and comes at half the price. A large and fresh assortment of the most fashionable Split-straw Bonnets, by the case or dozen. La- dies' Black and White Chip do. Ladies' Fashionable, Plain, and Cut-bilk Velvet, Satin and Silk do. A large assortment of Ribands, Plumes, Artificials, Silk Cords, Chenille, Thulle Lace, &(\ &;c. With a general assortment of Fancy Dr}' Goods, such as Laventines, Florences, Luestrings, Lace Shawls and Veils, Merino and Silk Shawls, &c. &c.

J^ B. Country "merchants can be sufifilied on the lowest terms ivith Straw Hats and Bonnets for cash, or acce/it- ances in the city at Jour months.

lVhit€ly''s PhUacMphia Annual Advertiser,


Coach and Harness Manufactory?

.Xo. 56, sowth Te,\\Al\ st^ee-t,

(Between Chesnut and Walnut streets.),

Generally on hand, and for sale, an assortment oi fashionable Coachees and Gigs, calculated for the city and southern use, by





Ko. 1^, noTtli Txont stxeet,


Respectfully solicits the patronage of hi& friends and the public* By moderate charges, and working in the most fashionable manner^ he hopes to give general satisfaction.

N. B. All kinds of Dry Goods taken in exchange for work.


Whitely'^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser.

mm^m a i^pm^i


No. 16, South Sixth Street near Market Street ^





Coach and Harness Furniture ;


A large jlssortment ofthefolloimng Articles^ of the best and most fashionable Patterns viz-

Plated Bridle Bits, Stirrup Irons, Spurs, Bridle Buckles and Slides, Martiugale Huoks, Stirrup Slides, Cantle Mouldings, Fancy Saddle Heads, Saddle Nails, Bridle Or- naments, Morocco Slipper Stirrups, Saddlers' Tacks Pla- ted and Brass Coach and Gig Harness Furniture Do. Dash and Body Handles, Stump and Full Plate Joints, Gig and Coach Bands Do do. Mouldings, Curtain Knobs, Coacli Door Hinges, Venetian Blind Locks, Glass String Rollers, Coach Steps, Coach and Gig Springs. Aluo^ an Assortment of

Girth and Straining Webs, Saddle Trees, Plushes, &c>

Whitely*s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser.



Coach-Lace^ Fringe^ Cord& Tassel

MANUFACTURER, Xo. 8^, tVoTth S^econd Stireet,



Where is also kept constantly on hand, a general assortment of Fashionable Trimmings for Ladies' Dresses, &c. ; Military Articles ; Hatters' Trimmings, and all colours of Worst- ed and Woollen Yam, wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms.

N. B. Orders from any part of the United States executed with punctuality.

WhUely''s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,


Gold and Silver Beater ^

No. 22, Pear street, Philadelphia,

Will execute orders for Deep and Pale Gold Leaf, Silver Leaf, Deep and Pale Gold Powders, Silver Powder and Gold Foil. All which are of superior qualities.


Cabinet Brass-Founder,

Near the first Toll-gate^ Germantown road.

Chandeliers, Cornish Ornaments, Mortice Furniture, Drawer Knobs, Curtain Pins, or any kind of Stampt Furniture repaired and cleaned.

N, B, Stamping.

Whitely'^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,

-■wvv*. vwvw vwvw wx. wvvwwxi wv w%i vw w^ vwvw www vwv»/%


(from LONDON,)

South West corner of Walnut and Dock streets,




zjTN ^P^'W' "ff^ "1" fli^ A "W^

af the best quality and on reasonable terms; and maker of Burnish Gold Size, of a very superior quality, equal to the very best that can be bought in London, and very cheap; likewise manufacturer of Gold and Silver Paper, and Gold and Silver Embossed Borders; from l-8th of an inch wide to 3 inches do.



The ** American Daily Advertiser'''' from the year 1785 to 1820; the Aurora, from the year 1799 to 1820, and the Philadelphia Ga- zette, from the year 1793 to 1800. All in regular files (except the Daily Advertiser,) between the years 1793 and 1807, and the greater part bound, containing also, many of the hand-bill publications of the divers ^'O- litical parties, on the days of the General Elections. The whole or a part may be had, at a reasonable rate, on application to

JOHN KESSLER, No. 166, Coates street. Northern Liberties..

Whitely's Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,

k-X/V vvvvv%.vvvv^v vv-vvvvvvvvvx X/VVVX/VVVVVVVVWW^WV w>»wvvv% W


Mathematical Instrument Maker

North Sixth street^ near the 3Iill Pond^ one mile from


Presents his sincere thanks to his friends and the public » and respectfully soliciting the continuation of their favours, wishes to inform them, that he has devoted his attention principally to the making of


For more than thirteen years post, and has made cihcwtjive hundred of them, the good qualities of which are well known to man\ Surveyors, in at least sixteen of the Spates and Territories of the Union.

THOMAS WHITNEY, continues to make Surveying Com- PASSES, of all the constructions in general use, and also for Vertical and horizontal angles, leveling, 8cc. newly projected, and other Instruments made to drawings or descriptions ; im- proved Protractors, Gunner's CaHbers, and Quadrants, Stand- ard Measures, Surveying Chains, Magnets, Pocket Compasses, with various other Instruments and apparatus.

Also has for Sale,

Cases of Drawing Instruments, Pasometers, or Reflecting Se- micircles, Polygonagraphs, Globes, &c

N, B. Orders will be thankfully received, and promptly at- tended to, if left at No. 105, North Second street, at Messrs. M'Allisters, No. 48, Chesnut streets where the Instruments are for sale, or at his House and Manufactory, North Sixth street.

Instruments carefully cleaned and repaired.

ir/iitcly^s Philadelphia Amiual Advertiser.




Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general,^ that he has rernuved from 59 Zane, to No. 2, Locu&t, sign of the Locust tree Inn, between Seventh and Eighth, and Wal- nut and Spruce, where any orders left for him, or at any of the Livery Stables in Philadelphia, will be punctually attend- ed to.


(formerly of Philadelphia, -where he edited the Directory and


Book and Map Seller^ Staticner^ Land and General Agent^ and Commission Merchant^


Will attend to any business entrusted to him, with the ut- most punctuality and despatch.

Informatioii relating to the Western Country will be com- municated to persons in any part of the L'nited States, at the rate of o;?e dollar for every letter written : the money must be enclosed in the letter of application, in Philadelphia notes, or auch as are at par with them.

0:7' All kttei's on business must have the postage paid.

PHILADELPHIA Spermaceti Oil and Candle Storey



Has for sale, wholesale and retail, Sperma- ceti, Refined Elephant, and common Lamp Oils, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, to- gether with a variety of Liverpool Lamps, on the most approved plan, Wicking, Lamp Glasses, Tapers, &:c. Also, Rose and Wind- sor Soap and Wash Balls, which being se- lected expressly for families' use, are war- ranted of the very best quality, and to be received again if they do not give perfect satisfaction. All, without a single ex(;pption, that have used the above articles give them the preference to any offered in the city.

Tin, earthen, and wooden vessels of any size, are constantly kept for family conveni- ence ; but tin is recommended as the best vessel for Oil, as it preserves it from that glu- tinous state age is apt to give it. As economy is becoming the rule of the day, and observa- tion (from actual experiment) may add a few dollars to some one's pocket; that is, that any house, room, or table, can be furnished with equal brilliancy of light, with good lamps and oil, at less than one half the expense of can- dles ; which is at this time certainly an ob- ject worthy of attention.

CU* Lamps fnrnishtrd for the experiment ^n?«.— AU the above articks sent to any pari of the city free of expense.

Whitely^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,

.^vwwvw vwv%/ww w«i www wxj www wxi vwvwvw www vw vv«

S. M. MERRILL, Xo. n, noYth "EigVvih street,

Respectfully informs the ladies of this city and its vicinity, that she continues to manufacture Leg- horn, Split Straw, and Silk HATS, of the newest and most approved fashions, and on the most rea- sonable terms.


N. B. All orders in the above line will be thankfully re- ceived and promptly attended to.


Lottery Brokers and Commission Merchants,

North West corner of Third and Walnut street^

Transact all kinds of Commission Business.


lVhitelij''s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser.




No. 54, Filbert street^ between Seventh and Eighth.

Mill, Crosscut, Pit, and Wood Saws, made of every description, warranted of good quality.

Also, Bolt Saws, made from ten to one hundred feet in length.

N. B. Orders from any part of the United States strictly attended to.



Most respectfully informs the wholesale and retail dry good merchants, that he is determined to give their work the preference, if he is so fortunate as to receive encou- ragement in the Dying and Scouring. Silk, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Gauzes, Shawls, Clothe, Cassimeres, Canton Crapes, French Crapes, Plushes, Merinoes, Poplins, Bombazeens, Bombazetts, Handkerchiefs, Ribands, Galloons, Bindings, Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose, Glo\ es. Sewing Silks, and goods of every description dyed to any shade or pattern. As he intends to spare no expense in doing his work in the shortest time possible, and on the most reasonable terms, he solicits a share of patronage of the public in general.

N. B. Damaged goods restored. Cloths sponged. Chip, Straw and Leghorn Hats and Flats dyed. All will be put up as imported, in the most handsome manner, or as directed.

itT* Canton Crafie and Waterloo Shawls dyed scarlet.

Whitely''s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,

vw 4/vx vvvvx^xivvvvvvvvvvvv V'V'fc/V'W vwvwvwvw vwvwwx vwvww*



?<o. SB, XoYt\\ l^ig\\t\i Street,

Respectfully informs the dry- goods merchants that he carries on the above business, of dying French and Canton Crapes, Le- vantines, Mantuas, and Florence Silks; Satins, Velvets, Gauzes, Sewing Silks, Ribands, &c. Also, extracts spots from Silks, and brings them to their original co- lours. Bombazetts, Bombazeens, Poplins, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, dyed, pressed, or sponged. Every article of clothing done at the shortest notice.

S. W. assures those who may favour him with their orders, that they shall be executed equal to any in the city, and at the most reduced prices.

Whitely's Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,



No 37 and 39, Strawberry Street.

Informs his fiiends and the public that he still continues the PLUMBING BUSINESS at the old established stand, where or- ders for Hydrants, Lead FipeSy and all kinds of House and Ship work, connected with the busi- ness, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to.

Whitely's Philadelphia Annual Advertiser.

X'V'V v%/%/x/vv vv^ix/v-v vvvv^/vx-v V vv'v vvv vvN vv-v V v^ v-vx vvv vw wx www w*




Of the yellowing- articles of Iron and Steel.

Coach and Gig springs, of all sorts

Do. Work Railing for Steps Hinges of all kinds, Balconies for windows Iron Doors, for fire proof closets, &c. S^c.

N.B. All manner of Smith's work done on the niost rea- sonable terms, and shortest notice. B. & J.


Bifle Manufactory^

JS'o. 516, >roTt\i TtohI StTeet,


Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still continues the above bu- siness in all its various branches he is ena- bled at all times to render satisfaction to those who may favour him with their orders.

C^ All orders for Rifles, Pistols, Fowling Pieces and Muskets, will be punctually at- tended to. The above articles repaired at a low rate.


Whttely^s Philadelphia Annual Advertiser,


(opposite the bank of PENNSYLVANIA.)

Furnishes in all the various Metals, Ivory, and Hard W<^od, every article of fashion, use, or ornament, viz.


PATENT AXLES, on the most improved construc- tion

TURNING LATHES of all descriptions,




MACHINERY WORK of all kinds.

Besides^ Turning- of Silver Plate^ Or any thing else which can demand the application of

his art.



In Wood Metals and Ivory, "Bact ^f o. 40, Union Street,


Late principal workman to Messrs. Wil- kinson and Wornum, 139 Oxford street, London.


Days of the IVeek,

Dominical Letters.

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Look at the top for the century, then to the right for the \ intervening jxar ; in a line with it under the century is the | dominical letter for the year. ^ I

For bissextile, or leap years, use the letter on a line with ^ the blank above that year, until the first of February. <

Look for the month, and in a line v^^ith it under the given \ dominical letter, is the day of the week on which that \ month begins ; then find the corresponding day at the top 5 of the days of the week, and that column will be the days | of the week for that month. t


F glazed,

F F glazed,

F F F glazed,

F rough,

F F rough,

F F F rough,

F F F F glazed, or fine


O P or cannon.

Constantly on hand and for sale at REDUCED MANUFACTORY PRICES, by


Southeast corner of Wolnut and Front st.




Directory and Register,



OF ^

AW the BLeads of Tamilies




City and Suburbs^ Hamiltonville^ and Camden^ N. J,



M'CARTY & DAVIS, Printers,

^ook-store, south east corner Ninth and Race streets—where a few copies may be had price %\ 50.

[copy-right secured according to law.]

Comparative View of the number of Names contained zn the Directories of the following Tears.



No. of Names





Hardie . - _ _



Stephens » _ _



Stafford - - - .



Stafford - - - -



Robinson . _ _

- 10,668


Robinson _ _ .

- 12,348



- 11,760


Robinson - _ _

- 12.936


Census - - _ _

- 15,400

Robinson & Paxton

- 17,300


Paxton - - - -

- 20,160


Kite . - - .

- 21,252


.A'b Directory fiublished.


Robinson . - _ .



Robinson - - - .


Dawes - - - - .



Paxton _ _ _ .



New York Directory



New York Directoiy



Paxton, - - - - -



Whitely {present ivork) -

- 25.920


In addressing you, I am doing nothing extra- ordinary. It is customary, and, I believe, ex- pected, for the editor or publisher of a work to say something respecting it. Mine may not be of the first standing; but it is not the less entitled to credit, and to notice. All agree, with few ex- ceptions, that such a work is necessary in a capi- tal like ours extensive, populous, and rich! Without such a guide, where would the stranger, relative or friend [or thost who seek) know where to find? They may inquire in vain! The stranger of a stranger the relative of a relative the friend of a friend in vain! Justice may be an- swered by it Honesty has nothing to fear! Well then, will the labourer be deemed unworthy; or will they refuse to hire him, ^' so long as he is faith- ful to his trust,'''* No; I doubt not.

With such premises, mav I be permitted to speak of some of the difficulties that have to be encountered in making a directory. I here in- tended to have given a portraiture of the differ- ent characters with whom it was our lot to have connexion; but I decline it, and simply state, that that which my predecessor has given to the public, must suffice, in some measure, for me. I


may however be permitted to say, that we have had " to comhat^^'' if I may use the phrase, with Arrogance^ Impudence^ and Ignorance, Sorry am I to say it; but / have been received by some in such an uncourteous maimer, that had it not been for the '■^ public weal^^^ I should have dispensed with troubling them. To those who have treated me and my assistants with respect. I feel indebted. It may perhaps be irksome and useless to the public, m general, to mention that such an un- dertaking as publishing a directory is attended with some trouble. But I would say, as I have mentioned heretofore, that had ''\I not listed^ I would not have followed Vie drumP'' It cost me something to obtain the right; and that right I ex- pect the public (with all due deference) to sup- port me in. I have no reason to think to the contrary; for the very kind and respectful atten- tion 1 have received from those who patronise such a work, gives me every encouragement for a future prosecution of it.

My endeavours, and those who were employed by me, I hope have not been unavailing. I pre- sume that our efforts to make a correct directory, will better be proved by examination, than by any other test. People may have moved since names were taken (many may move and re- move)— but I cannot be accountable for them. The names I give to you, I give at the residence we found them.

It is not my intention to urge any thing that * your understandings are not capable of. I ask nothing but impartiality. Though errors are committed, of which I doubt not there are many, I hope you will have die goodness to place them


to their proper account not to a want of atten- tion— that has never, I believe, been the case; but in a work of such a nature, errors will occur in despite of every effort Who is perfect!

It will be said, by many, that the work has been delayed beyond the proper time granted. It has been said by some, that the work ought to be given to the public by the first of January this I deny. I'o print a correct directory, it is necessary to protract its publication to the month of February in each year as the elections of officers for the different institutions, other in- corporated bodies and societies, chiefly take place in all the month of January, annually.

Some apology, however, seems necessary for the late appearance of the directory this year ^ and this can be done in few words. It came into my hands late in the year I was not acquainted with all its difficulties. Much more might be said; but I hope my industry will make up for the delay, as there will be found upwards of two thousand names more than were collected for any previous directory. In future it may be ex- pected in the month of February. With all due respect,

The public's humble servant, E. WHITELY,


IVhitely^s Annual jidvertiser

Comparative View of Directories next to the title

To the Public

List of Physicians, Midwives, Nurses, Bleeders and Dentists, and

Layers out of the Dead Calendar for 1820 Di-igram of the Wards, &c. Directions to the Reader Removals and Corrections List ofAlames

Wfiitely^s Philadelphia Register. List of Streets, ficc &;c. - - '- from p. i to xxiv

List of Duties - . - - _ xxiii to xxviii

Commercial information - - _ xxviii to xlvi

Custom House, &c. &c. &c. - - - - xlvi

Chamber of Commerce, - - - xlvii

Port Wardens, ----- xlvii to xlix

Rates of Pilotage, ----- xlviii

Inspectors of Lumber, &c. &c. - - - xlix

Federal Government, 8cc. - - - - 1 to liii

United Stages Navy, &c. - - - Iv to Iviii

General Staff of the L^nited States Army, - - Iviii

Ministers, Consuls, &c. - - - - lix to Ixiii

Officers of the Customs, and Ports of Entry within

the United States, - - . - Ixiv to Ixvii

United States Patents, - - - - Ixvii to Ixx

Post Office Establishment, - - - ixx to Ixxvi

List of Stages, Packets, and Steam Boats, Ixxvii to Ixxx

Government of Pennsylvania, &c. - - Ixxx to Ixxxii

Courts of Pennsylvania, 6cc. - - Ixxxii to Ixxxv

Almshouse and house of employment, Ixxxviii to Ixxxix

Register of Births, - - - - Ixxxix to xc

Pennsylvania Hospital, - - - - - xc to xcvi

Christ Church Hospital, - - - - Ixxxix

Board of Health, . _ - - _ _ Ixxxix

Corporations of Philadelphia City & County, &c. &c. xc to xc\i To Foreigners - - - - - . - xxiv

Banking Institutions, - - _ - - - xcix to cii

Insurance Companies, ------ cii tc^ civ

Societies, &c. - . . ^ _ _ - civ to cxxii





Those marked thus (f) are Practitioners in Midwifery ; as far as they could be obtained.

fAitkin Wm 3 north Tenth Alberii George F. 116 N. Front fAilen C. 397 Race jA'.dcrson C. 69 Cedar tAiiee Edwin A 75 N. Fifth Bache F. 163 Spmce Baker Henson, 339 N Third Bara-.r-t Fi ancis, 135 S. Second Bi^rjies John, 275 N. Second Barton John R. 287 Spruce Barton Wm. P. C. 31 S. 10th S

E corner George Barton Edward, 173 Walnut fBeau'-egard J C. 81 S Third Berlron D. 328 '.orth Second Bethausen C. 49 Green Bleight S. 13th above Chesnut Bltiiv^n Anthony. Hamilton vil. Bull-.'-k J.jui:. 49 Filbert Burden J. R. 95 south Third Cambridge T. P. 119Callowhiil fCarter H. Y. 252 Spruce tChandler W. P, 99\V. Inut Chapman N. 9 York buildings tClark John Y. 97 Arch Cleaver Isaac, 287 N Second Colhoun S. 48 somIU Sixth fCo'.die D. F. 193 L.-.iuin'd Combs G, N.E cor. Pine & 4th Conover Sam. F. 141 S Fifth Coxe J. R. 8 York Buildings Cuvrie W. 119 south Fifth fD^vis D. J. 301 Mulberry tDewees W. P. 154 Chesnut tDuffieid W. B. 41 Sj)ruce •j-D.mlap J:tmes, 107 Arch fDunn Thomas, 155\ ine Dyott T. W. cor. 2d and Race

fEberle John, 289 Race Emlen S 114 Arch Fiss Joseph, 89 north Sixth Fitch Thomas, 127 N Ninth fFlagler Gilbert, 208 S Fifth Gallagher James, 37 .south Fifth GarnarL 151 south Second Gebhard L. P. 118 Race Gilfillan E. 195 Walnut Gilluspey George, 90 S Eighth Gregory A. L. 288 N Second tGviffith Elijah, 37 north Fifth Griflfitts Samuel P. 62 S Front Harlan Richard, 79 Arch Harris Samuel, Camden, N. J. Harris Thomas, 175 S Fifth Harrison T. 2 Chester Hartshorne J. 246 Spruce Hivdock Edwai-d, 50 S Second H'^^berton J. C. 115 south Fifth H'-v-'son Thos. T. 132 Chesnut H^- Ty Isaac, Lombardy N W

corner Centre Square Hevlin Isaac, 57 south Seventh Hodge Hu'4,h L. 181 Walnut |Hornor Wm. E. S W corner

Eighth and Chesnut fHouston P W 28 Franklin ct. fHorwitz J. 59 Vine ■Howell Abm 174 Lombard JHuquenele F. 27 Filbert Ijackson Samuel, 40 N. Fourth It James Thos. C. 7 York build. jfJanney B. S. 312 north Third |Joncs Jolm, 79 Shippen 'Keehmle John, 55 Wood |tKlap|j Harvey, 72 Aluioxd ItKlapp Joseph, 290 S Second


jKnight Alex. 138 north Front Kueler Benjn. 112 north Front La Roche Rene, N \V cor. Fiftli

and Pine Lange J. 95 Green Lehman G. F. Lomb. near 10th Leib Michael, corner Tummany

and Third fLobsttin J. F.D 77 N. Second Lopez M. L 176 Lombard Love John, 33 north Fourtii |Math;eu J. 52 Walnut JMalcolm H 59 south Seventh MGill Wilham, 37 Arch M'Vea Daniel, 155 Locust Mason Richard, 138 Arch Maurer J. A. Lawrence above

Wood Mayer John, 3d near Germ, r Mease James, 192 Chesnut tMtrigs C. D. 134 north Eighth Millard C. 410 north Front M Her Peter, 181 Arch fMonges J. R. Prune or 13 San-

som fMoorc John, 63 south Seventh Mo. .re John W. 61 Spruce M rgan M, 2 south Tenth ■■:NeiU H. 146 south Second ■Nancrede J. G. 138 S Tenth •Nancrede N. C.cor Fifth and

Powell Otto John C. 139 Arch Parke T. Rittenliouse place fParrish Jos. 109 Arch Patterson R. M. 210 Arch Peres P 54 Callowhill fPerkin John, 159 north Second Phillips M.41 north Fourth Physic k P. S. N.E corner Union

and Fourth

Porter John, 81 south Sixth Povall Richard, 115 S Ninth Preston Jonas, 275 Race fPrice W. cor. 4th and Prune f Robstein , 37 north Fourth Rousseau J. C. 149 S Sixth, SE

corner Pine Revoudt W'm.. corner Wood and

York road fRumsey Wm. 200 N Fourth Kush James, 65 and 98 S Fourth jSargeant T 122 north Fourth Sanders Robert, 198 S Fourth SchaefFer Charles, 137 Race Schott G. S. 47 north Eighth Sevbert A. 8 south Tenth Schaffer C- 68 Vine Shaw Wm. 2374 Arch tShip[)en J. G. 292 north Third fShoe maker N. 34 Sansom Smith James, 23 south Tenth Snow J. S E cor. Race & 13th fSommer J. 43 north Eighth Spencer O. H. 107 S. Fourth Stafford R. 21 and 25 Pine Stewart S. 112 south Eighth S ouse Joseph, 417 N Second Sutherland J. B. 66 George (S.) Thackara James A. 389 S. 2d tThomas John D. 69 Coates Thomson J. 2 Thomson's court fhum George, 57 Almond Tucker A. B. 148 S Fourth L'hler G. 414 north Front Van Hook B. R. 98 Race fVanhoy Abm. 148 Arch Vanzvle John, 105 Plum Werthington Wm. 231 Lom- bard Werthvm Alex J. 392 S. 2d Wood Geo. B. 85 Arch


Carlley R 56 Shippen Dupeila M^ry, Weaver's alley Eager Mrs. Frank, r n Queen Fite M iry, alley bet. Beach and

Allen Helmbold E. I 3 Quarry Hood Mary, 21 Cherry Houston Mrs- 28 Franklin court


Macarty R. Heyde*s court Mingle E. 22 Aj^pletree alley Morrell Judith, 71 Union Rose Ann, 6 Wood st. near 2d Rose Jane, 7 Wood st. near 2d Schaeffer Mrs. back 267 Race Wooley Mrs. 36 Appletree ay. Zigler Ann, r4 New 2


NURSES. Alston Judith, Penn bel Sccotui Lioyd Margaret, back 154 Race

Baktr E 196 south Fro. a Bakei- Surah, 23 north Fourth Bar: y Aim, 185 Cedar Bates Eiiz.itDeta, back 405 S 2d B Adii Eliz tbeth, 75 Curistian Bi aj'd D 7 \Wod near Second B.-vryman R ith, 1 Carhile'si ct. B'rkerton M. 25 P ti ham's allex BrovV; Ruth, 15 Watson's alle> Carr L S^einmetz's court Can Aiiii, 9 Lombard street Chriaty C. b.-.ck 86 south Third Clark Sarah, 560 south becouel Ci'fford Marv, 411 >outh Front Clothier M. 152 Kace Cook Eiz. 47 Almond Coo!>erM.Al.rlb.>ro' (K ) C<i-]jinger C H' fFm.in's alley C(>riielius A. 3 rrune tCropper S.C^eaar above 7th D rJrymple E. Prime below 2d D ivis A)n. 11 German Davi^ M. 7 CreSbOii's alley Dempiiev M. 293 Arch DrisdaU'R. Margaretta bel. 2d Dow R. 24 Christian Dunlap Mrs. S Front Eager C. Frrtnkf rd road Etris Mary, back 167 Coates Evitt Margery, 362 S Second Francis Mrs. 36 Apuletree alley Franklin E. 36 Appletree alle\ GofFEhzabeth, Pnme ab. 2d Gowan Ann, 17 Shippen Gragan M. Rose ay.n, Coates Grant Mary, 294 S. Front Green Mrs. inquire 78 Cnesnut Haley Eliz 87 north Ninth Hammill Eliz 33 Strawberry Hendricks C. 106 Cedar Hickman E. 20 Aimond street Huhngs A. Wf st's court Hammell P. 166 Vme Johnson Ann, Cresson's alley Joiinson A. 18 Starr alley Johnson S. 51 Meade alley Keech Merc\ . 448 north Front Knowles S 277 S Front Kraft Mrs. 197 St. John Krim Mary, 39 Coates' alley Kame Margaret, 453 S Fruht

Lv v)ns Mary, Broad near \'me M- Manas Mary, 83 Chesnut M.iggs R ■rhf 1, Rose alley Martin Enzabeth, KiU)dle Martin M 22 Little Water Matlack H. 56 Georg. (S ) M'Geagh M. back 126 S 6ih M Leod C. 81 north Tliird Miller Ann, 513 north Third Miller C 22 Poplar lane Miller Grace, 5 Patton's court Miller S 5 Pation's court Miller L. 110 Cathaiine M'ore Mrs Poplar 1. ab. John Muck E. 59 Meade alley viurl R. 16 Little Water Naglee H. 16 Little Water Norris H miiah, 81 Cedar Norton J. 13 Cresson's alley Norton Y. 429 south Second Ogden E. 45 C urrant alley Pepper Hester, 10 South alley Perry Am., 161 n«'rch Third Price Mrs.30 Cinistian Peters Lucy. 9 Hinckel's court Reed Ann, 106 Cedar Rees Margaret, 38 Charlotte R(. ppai d Sar ih, 17 German Ring Rachel, Galbreath's court Rogers M. 7 Prosperrtus alley Rowan Amelia, 358 S Front Sackriter Deborah, 259 S 7tb Sherer Ann, 264 Lombard Sn-ff Ann, 403 north Third Simpson H. 99 & 1 19 N Fourth Smith LabelU, 23 Lombard Springer H D; inker's court Stewart Elizabeth, 190 Cherry *>tewart M^ry, Joan ab. Poplar Sumption Mmn , 6 Knight's ct. S vager J 3 Fro nberger's court S^veeny Sa.uh. 140 Coates st. Taney Sarah, 314 S Second Taylor M^ry, 51 Meade alley Thomps>iH E. 16 Greenleaf ct. W'dlace (t 5tii ab. Button svood •A'arren Sarah, Green op. Budd Webb Mar^ , 42 Plum VVeest Susan, 9 not th Se- end Wcthy Eliz. 122 south Tenth White M. back St. James' ch.



Albert J. 23 Small i

Bui-khart R. 72 N Front Bynie Joiin, 97 Swanson, and

451 south Front Bo vers Michael. 402 north 3d Bi^ggs John, 47 N Seventh ]

D* ummond Josiah, 35 N Eighth: Dubisson B. 6 Powell j

Eckendorff M. 26 N Ninth Esherick Joseph, 9 N Fifth { Fl igler V. 27 North alley Gardette James, N W corner

Ninth andChesnut Gilliams Jacob, 35 Arch Gorges Wm 257 Race Harberger H. 132 S Eleventh Harrington Dciniel, 215 Arch H-iiler Catharine, 66 N bixth H lliday \. Walnut above 11th Hartman John, 114 N Sixth Huckel Joseph, 35 Pine Hudson Edw. 133 Walnut Huttert J. (Crosby's) Moyamen-

sing road

Koecker L. 1 Washington cor

of Walnut Kock.t-r>pine G. 332 N Second KroU William, 155 N Fourth Kunitz L. 17 N Eighth iLeonard John, 108 German Lopez M. L. 176 Lombard Maver John, 500 N Third Mitchell C. 4^ north Sixth Millard Wui. 53 Catharine 'Newhouse Jacob W 156 N 3d Pierie John, 122 S Fourth Ripperger Conrad, 35 Cheriy ;Seits George, 2 N Tenth ISimmons S. 181 S Front jSimon P. F. 282 Vine Smitli Jacob, 76 Union Uhle John, 45 N Fourth Vanderslice G 105 Race \ an Pelt A. S. 37 north Fourth Van Pelt P. 149 Chesnut Weaver A, 99 Swan son Wharton John, 54 Sine Williams Beiij. 44 north Fifth. W^oolf L. 36 Sugar alley


Bowers Michael. 402 N Third Drummnnd J. 35 N Eighth Gorges W^illiam 257 Race Hartman John, 114 riorth Sixti Havler C. cupper and bleedei 6'6 N Sixth)

Kunitz L. 17 N Eighth t'orterfield Sarah, corPenn and Cedar

Ripperger C 35 Cherry

•Veaver A. 99 Swanson u hie John, 45 N Fourth


Bethana Ann, G''een's court | Bulfincii M. 152 L:ttle Pine Evans Elizabeth, .'6 Prune Graff Rebecca, 46 Pcnn Griffith Elizab. 13th below Race Helmbold Mrs. 3 Quari y street Henderson Hannah. 252 S 3d Hnrne Marv, 12 Budd Hutman Mrs. Maria ab Fourth Hook Jane, 25 Coomb's alley

Howell Elizab. 4 Hoffman's ay. Johnson Catharine 167 N Front January H back 39 Arch Knowle- Mrs. 275 S Front KriftMr- 197 St John lObbi.rne Sarah, i Laurel court Powell R. 15 Elfrerti's alley iSiiowden S. 85 N Ninth j Wolbert Catharine, 193 St, John

Calendar for 1820.

Monday ^Sunday


3^ §■



Tuesday Monday Sunday






2 3











9 10






6 7 8





16 17






13 14 15





23 24






20 21 22





30 31

27 28 29












6 7






3 4 5





13 14






10 11 12





20 21






17 18 19





27 28


24 25 26











5 6






12 13






12 3





19 20






8 9 10





26 27





15 16 17

22 23 24



19 26

20 27

21 28



29 30 31

2 3 9 10

4 11



6 13

7 14

8 15


16 17










23 24






5 6 7






12 13 14 19 20 21



16 23



18 J 25







26 27 28



7 8






14 15







21 22








28 29



3 4 5 10 11 12

6 13

7 14

8 15

9 16





17 18 19





4 5






24 25 26





11 12







18 19






25 26









2 3






1 2





9 10






7 8 9





16 17






14 15 16





23 24






21 22 23





^30 31

28 29 30




Showing the Situation ot the Wards ot the City, and the ^ neighbouring Townships.



cr •<;

% r


S re »^ "-s

n o

!! "^

« o

O D-

►- rt>

re C!

Pe;2w Township.

Northern Liberties,


North Mulberry Ward.

Race, or

South Mulberry V/ard.

Arch, or

North Ward,

Market, or

Middle Ward,


South Ward,


Locust Ward.


Cedar Ward.

South, or


Upper Del, Ward.


Sassafras Street.

Lower Del. Ward.

Mulberry Street. High Street Ward,

High Street.

Chesnut Ward.


Walnut Ward,


Dock Ward.


Newmarket Ward.

Cedar Street.


S out Invar k.


(N. L.) Northern Liberties (K.) Kensington^?. T) Penn Township (V.) Vineyard (C ) for city (S) South- wark (M.) Moyamensing (O. y. r.) Old York Road (Germ, r.) Germantown road (P.) Passyunk— (Sch.) Schuylkill (Frank, r.) Frankford road N. north S. south E. east W. west cor. corner— n. near— ab. above 'F. I'oad bet. between f persons of colour bel. below —ay. alley ct. court av. avenue— 1. lane— op. opposite c. h. counting house d. h. dwelling house vict. victualler —gent, gentleman storekeefier^ is always to be under- stood as dry goods storekeeper.

^C?*For names not found in the body of the work, see list of ^^RemovaU and Correclicna.^^

The reader when searching for names, without knowing how properly to spell them, is requested to examine in every possible way they would admit of being spelled from their pronunciation. There are alternate references throughout the list of inhabitants, to those names having similar pronunciation, but not being spelled alike ; viz. Alli- son, see Ellison and vice versa.

Each page of the list of inhabitants, is headed in capitals, with the three first letters of the bottom name.

The reader will please to observe the following general rule for finding the numbers on houses, in the different streets in the city: In those streets that run east and west, say High street^ the numbers begin from the Delaware, the odd being on ihe north side. In those that run north and south, say Fourth street^ the numbers begin from High street, running north and south, the odd being on the east side.


A Alberger Elizabeth, ornamental needleworker 112 N Eighth Allen Charles, drug and medicine store 180 S Second


Bacon Joshua B. 29 Swanson

Baker Dobel, 32 Old York road

Barnes Aaron, printer, 300 Vine

Bennet John, copperplate printer, back 78 N Fourth— d h 173

Mulberry Borie 8c Laguerenn, merchants 5 Minor street Bosbyshell & Lower, merchants 95 High Bosbyshell William, cor South alley and Fifth Burden Jesse Roe, m. d. 35 Spruce^— d h 95 S Third


Congdon Mrs. widow 76 Mulberry Cooney John, carter 170 Cherry


Davis Sampson, shoemaker 322 Vine

Davis Wilham, shipchandler &c. S E cor Sassafras and Water

d h 273 Sassafras Duborow, Bryan &: Dehaven, merchants 185 High


Evans William S. teller in Bank of Pennsylvania, 56 Ann (N L)

F Fish Francis, printer 105 N Ninth Ford Robert M. copperplate printer, 181 High Ford William, silverplater 181 High Freestone Wm. B. hairdresser and bleeder, 101 N Ninth Frick Jacob, editor of the American Centinel, 85 Wood


Garrigues Edward B. druggist 235 High

Gilder John, housecarpenter Twelfth below Spruce d h 155 S

Eleventh Goodin & Son, grocers, 3 N Fifth

Goodman Charles, engraver 29 N Fourth d h 87 Callowhill Gravenstlne Jacob, baker, back 126 S Second Gray James, 2 south Tenth



Hazlehurst Samuel, 322 High

Heberton James, attorney at law, 99 S 5th d h 5 S Second

Hodge Hugh L. M d. 181 Walnut

Hodge Mary, gentlewoman, 181 Walnut

Hyde John, teacher, academy 125 Vine


Johnson Moses, merchant 233 High N E cor Sixth Jones 6c Mott, merchants 31 Chesnut


King John, goldbeater, S W corner Walnut and Dock Knorr George, late lumber merchant, 14 Newmarket KoUock Isaac A. printer 24 B'-ead


Langstroth C. S. hardware merchant, 294 and d h 355 High

Lyman & Brothers, merchants 264^ Hign


M'Calla Charles, china store, 66 N Fourth

M'Cdrty James F. vender of books, 300 Vine, bet. Chester & 8th

Maule Caleb, carpenter 5b S Sixth

Moore John, m.d. 63 S Seventh

Morrell John \\\ cluna store, 4 Old York road


P^ge James, attorney at law. 16 Swanwick d h 27 S Tenth Perry Charles & Co. merchants Summerrs wharf Pidgeon Joseph A. shoewarehouse, 12G High


Robms Thomas, merchant 294 High


Smith William P (major 9th regiment) flour store 473 High Sutterle> Charles, academy 118 New


Toland Henry, merchant S E cor High and Fifth

W Weem% James N. merchant 291 Race W'eenib & Rawhngs, merchants 26 south Front street W'ells LeAis I. B maker of water colours, Front below Cedar White Ambrose, merchant 233 High d h 345 Arch




Containing' the Heads cf Fniniltes^ and Persons in Busitiess^ alphabetically arranged,

itT* See " Directio7is to the Reader."

ABADIE HILARTAN, teacher of French 230 S. 7th

Abadie Jos. taylor 103 S. 2d IS. E. corner Walnut

Abbett Henry, blacksmith 45 Race

Abbett John, nailer 7o Budd

Abbott David, bookbeller 19 Cresson's alley

Abbott Edward, sea captain 11 Race

Abbott George, hairdresser 9 Chesi-ut

Abbott James, brewer cor. Pear & Dock d. h. 67 Pine

Abbott John, cooper 28 Catharine

Abbott John, currier 21 N. Sixth d. h. 67 Cherry

Abbott Joseph, measurer of salt J55 St John st.

Abbott Rcibt gentleman S. W. cor. 8ih and Locust

Abbott Sarah, widow 13 Gilles's alley

Abbott Timothy, currier 97 Chcsnut—d. h. 74 S. Third

Abbott Timothv 6c Co. curriers, 97 Chesnut

Abbott Wm, hairdresser 15 Norris' allev *

Abbott Wm. & James, brewers ccr. cf Pear and Dock

Abbott William, brewer, corner Pear & Dock d. h. 71

Spruce Abel Anthony, shoemaker 82 Bndd Abel Geo. shoemaker 143 north Water Abel Jacob, victualler, stall 26 New Market Abel Joseph, ccrdwainer Poplar lane below Third Abel John, cordwainer Beach near Shakamaxon Abel John, sen. sexton of St. John's church, back Com

Hall (N. L.)


ADA whitely"s annuaj.

Abel Peter, stable keeper u. 45 Cherry —d. h. 21 Apple -

tree alley fAbel Peter, tinplateworker 83 Cedar Abel Peter, cordwainer 376 north Second Abell Joseph, labourer Cedar above Tenth Abcrcrombie Christiana, widow of Thos. 144 S. Ninth Abercron.bie Jas d. d. sen. assistant minister ot Christ

church, St. Peter's and St. James' 119 Lombard Abercrombie James, jr. inquire 119 Lombard Abraham Abraham, biickmaker back 424 N. 4th Abraham Ann, vict. 1 N. L. Market Abraham Hannah, vict. Apple bel. George (N. L.) Abraham Isaac, vict. 170 Coats, stall 44 N. L. Market Abraham Jacob, brickmaker 25 Franklin street (N . L.) Abrams Henry, tailor 124 New street Abrams Isaac, minister ot the gospel 161 Lonjbard Abrams Thos. merchant 13 S. wharves d. h. 140 Pine Acheson Wm. weaver. Second above Ger. road Achilles George, cabinetmaker 7 Shield's court Ackley John B. paint and liardware store 168 N. 2d Ackley, widow of Thomas, Camden N. J. \_see Akley Adair VVm. shoemaker 99 (Terman Adams Andrew & Co. machine card manuf. 2 S. 3d

d. h. 2 New st. Adams Alexander, labourer West's court Adama Alex, tjrocer &;c. n. cor. Sch. Front & High Adams Benj. carpenter Noble above Second iAdams Benj. labourer Eagle court f Adams Caesar, coachman 212 Cherry street Adams Charlotte Mrs. Cedar near 7th f Adams Comfort, widow 5 Gilles's alley Adams Elizabeth, shoe store and milliner 171 N. 2d Adams Elizabeth, widow 4 Hinckel's court Adams Elizabeth, widow 70 Almond Adams George, potter Maiden Adams J. Knox and Nixon, merchants 159 High Adams Jacob W. printer 66 Mulberry Adams J.tmes, painter &c. S. VV. cor. 5th and Cedar Adams John, carter 17 Fitzwalter f Adams John, woodsawyer back 459 south Second fAdams John, H. W. mariner 84 Gaskill |Adams Jonathan, woodsawycr Trusty's court Adams Marv, v/idovv Sch, Sixth below High Adams Nathan, shipwright Queen near Hanover Adams Peter, tlour dealer Ger. road near Third Adams Peter, biscuit baker back 387 south Front Adams Priscilla, widow 201 Coats cor. 4th Adams and Reath, grocers S& south Second Adams Robcrc, mer. 71 Sims' wharf— d h 182 Chesnut Adams Robert, carpenter and builder 9 Pine Adams Robert, labourer Rose (N L) Adams Stephen W. collector and cryer 51 N Third 'Ndams Stephen, stonecutter Buttonwood above Sixth


Adams Thomas, cordwainer 17 Charlotte

Adams Wm. carpenter 9 Budd

Adams WilHam, liquor stove corner High & Sch. 8th

d h corner F'lbert and Sch 8th Adams Zephaniah, wharf builder Beach above Maiden Adcock Ehzabeth, widow Coats above 7th Addis Benjamin, carpenter Sixth above Poplar Adgate Danie), grocer 21 S Third & 65 S Seventh Adkinson James, tanner 506 N 2(1 near Beaver Adler Christian, morocco dresser back 536 N 3d Adolph John, carpenter corner St. John & Green Aechternacht F. A- mercer and tailor 115 N Third Afflick Mary, milliner 151 north Second Afflebaugh tieorge, ostler Hanover n. Frapkford road Aga Wm shipwright Frankford road near Prince Ager Margaret, widow Maiden near Stone bridge f Agew Algeo Frances, washerwoman 4 Gilles's alley Agnew Andrew, drv-goods store 20 south Second Agnew Margaret, 536 north Front Aiken Rf-bcrt, tailor 64 Penn Aikins Barbara, widow Cedar near 13th Ailes Joseph, tavernkeeper 161 Chesnut Aitken John, sheet copper manuf. 8 south Broad Aitken Robert, printer 60 Coats Aitkin William m. d. surgeon 3 north Tenth Akin James, engraver 166 Locust above Eleventh Akins James, labourer High W. of Sch. Third Aklns Wm. basket maker Morgan's st. above lltn Alberson Gilbert, lumber merchant 103 Swanson Albert Antonio, fruiterer 233 north Second Albert, widow of Casper, innkeeper 414 north Third Albert! George F. m, d. 76 Vine

Albertson Bevijamin, merchant 19 High d h 141 Arch Albertson Elizabeth, widow Frankford road above Otter Albertson Isaac, blacksmith 121 north 5th Albertson Marinadnke, shipwright Marlb. n. Bedford Albertson Phoebe, widow 418 south Second street Albertson Wm.. mariner 12 Almond street Alurecht Charles, musical instrument maker 95 Vine Albright Conrad, shoe warehouse SE cor. High & 2d Albright Frederick, cedar cooper 81 Browne Albright John, watchman Coates above Fourth Albright Jacob, watchman 80 German Albright Wm. limner, S E corner Lombard and 8th AUbright Frederick, boot and shoemaker 14 N 5th Alburger Abraham, vict. 259 Callowhill & 79 2d street

m a»'ket Alburgcr Adam, vict. James stall 45 2d st. market Alburger Eliz. ornam.ental needle worker 241 Arch Alburger John, vict. 261 Callowhill— stall 25 H'gh st. Alburger Henrv, vict. Charles st. (P T) bel. Ponlar lane Alburger Philip, vict. James stiiii 64 2d st. market Alburger widow of Philip, 76 Garden

ALL whitely's annual

Alburger Wm. M. plumber 8 Walnut d h 94 Wood

above 7th f Alburt James, whitewasher 12th below Chesnut Alcock Wm. jun. printcutter Broad below High Alcorn George & Son, boottree and lastmakers, leath- er cutters, tinders, and dealers in all kinds of morocco and sole leather, 77 Dock Alcorn Henry, lastmaker 77 Dock Alcorn Henry, shoe kid manuf. 42 Queen (S) Alcott John, carter 2d above Germantown road Alcott Jacob, (Phoenix hotel) Camden (N. J.) Aldridge Abraham, manner 63 Penn st. Aldworth John, tailor 18 Raspberry alley Alen Vve. widow 56 Lombard Alexander Aaron, 112 Gaskill Alexander 8c Carstairs, wholesale & retail grocers S

wharves above Cedar f Alexander Caleb, carter Cedar near 11th Alexander Eleanor, widow 112 south Tenth Alexander Eleanor, widow 29 Shippen Alexander Eleanor, widow St. Mary^street (back) Alexander Elizabeth, widow S7 FilSert Alexander Elizabeth, Brusstar's alley (K) Alexander Elizabeth, widow grocer 27 Green Alexander George, tavern and grocery 52 Swansori Alexander James, shoemaker 147 Walnut Alexander James, shoemaker Jones st, near Sch. 5tU Alex*ander Jane, \vidow back 216 south 6th Alexander John, painter &c. 4 Hartung's alley Alexander John, oysterman Gulbraith's court f Alexander Joseph, porter 138 Locust Alexander Lydia, Mrs. 128 German street Alexander Mary, shopkeeper 74 north Fourth Alexander Margaret, widow 25 Elizabeth Alexander Hcbecca, cakebaker 132 south Ninth Alexander Richard, cabinetmaker 92 south Third Alexander Sophia, widow 146 Twelfth below Walnut Alexander Samuel, merchant 19 Catharine Alexander Wm, G. grocer NW. cor, 2d & Shippen Alexander Wm.teamdriver Filbert near Sch. 4th f Alexander Wm, waiter Cedar near Eleventh Algeo James, grocer 18 Small Aiken Martyn, merchant 19 Lombard f Allair Jose})h, mariner 138 Locust Allardice Peter, silk dyer &:c. 181 south Second Allchin George, backgammonboard manuf. 125 S 2d Allen Albertus, carpenter 557 south Second Allen Ann, widow of Joseph, Church street Allen Atalanta, shopkeeper 10 York court f Allen Aueustus, smith I3road near George Allen Cairns, m. d. practitioner of midwifery 397 Racf^ Allen Chamless, 7& south Eleventh Allen Charles, druggist &c. 160 south Second


Allen Chas. boarding house back 39 Hii;l\

Allen 6v Clark, painters 187 Arch

Allen David, cotton trader 117 Browne

Allen David, shoemaker and sexton 34 Christian

Allen Ehzabeth, shop keeper 249 Vhie

Allen Enoch, taylor 52 and 54 south Water d h 15

Coomb's alley tAllea Griffith, widow whitewasher 265 S 2d jAUen Israel, waiter 3 Raspberry alley Allen James, gentleman 2 N Eighth fAllen John, waiter Green's court f Allen John, labourer 24 Burd's court Allen Jolm, grocer ION 5th 5c 7 South alley Allen John, coo{)er 15 S. wharves, d h IS Strawberry Allen Jolm, sexton Christian between Third £c Fourth Alien Jo!\n W. printer 126 Cherry Allen Josej)h, druggist &c. 202 south 3d Allen Joshua, city clerk, olHce city hall— d h 61 S. 7th Allen Lewis, merchant 278High— d. h. 18 N 8th Allen & Macartney, grocers 10 north Fifth Allen Mary, Avidow boarding house 438 south Front Allen Rebecca, hat binder 3 Jones's alley Allen Richard F. merchant 141 Arch fAllen Richard methodist minister 150 Spruce Allen Robert, collector of taxes 156 south Sixth Allen Sam. merchant back 86 N Front d h 397 Arch Allen Samuel, livery stable 42 north Sixth fAllen Samuel, wood sawyer Miles' court near Rose Allen S. 6c M. lucky lottery office 18 soutli Third Allen Solomon, manager of the state lottery 18 S 3d Allen Thomas, mariner 275 north Front t Allen Thomas 156 south Second & 242 Lombard Allen Thomas P. combmaker 19 Passyunk road Allen widow of Thomas, 77 Wood Allen William, mate Carpenter's alley Allen William, plasterer 295 Vine fAllen Wm. sweepmaster 10 Middle alley fAllen Zacliariah, i^jorter 20 Hurst fAllen Zilphey, whitewasher 90 Bedford above 7th AUibone Thomas, attorney at law 8 south Fifth Allibone Thomas, carpenter Wood above Twelfth AUibone William jun. agent <k com. merchant 83 S 2d Allibone William, currier 163 nortii Third Allien Peter, typef(;under Cedar above 9th \^ses j^llen Alli.^ood Thomas, mariner 567 south Front AUingham Wm. carpenter Jones' st, above Sch. 5th AUinson Bernice, widov/ 218 north Fourth Allinson Saml. wine 6c liqr. store 30^ Walnut, d h 59 Vine Allison Andrew, oak cooper 3 HoiFman's alley Allison Miss A. 6c M. ladies dressmakers 280 Arch Allison James, plasterer 280 Arch Allison John, grain measurer 11 Passyunk

[«fe Ellison, Mleson, Jillison 5^ Jllinso7i A 2

AND whitkly's annual


Allison John, conveyancer 2c justice of the peace N VV

corner Front & Shippen— d h 256 south Front Allison John, tavernkeeper NW cor. Front & Almond Allison John, carpenter Carpenter st. above Front Allison SLtrah, widow 122 Brown Allison Walter, printer 10 Raspberry alley Allison William, sailmaker 29 Mary (S) AUman Thomas, oricklayer 137 south Eleventh Allmcndinger Catharine, widow of Jacob 130 N 4th Allmendinger George, baker 474 north Second Allmendinger Jacob jun. grocer N W cor Race & IStii AUoway Joseph, labourer Germantown road ab. Front

{ste. Holloway iJf HoUonvell Alloway Joshua, smith Germantown road above Front Allovvay Lewis, oak cooper Coats above Eighth Alloway Samuel, Callowhill street wharf Alpin Bryan, woodsawyer 29 Union Alrich Saml. blacksmith Bisliop near Queen Alsop John, chi.ia merchant 11 and 92 north Front d

h. 10 F.'omberger*s court Alsop Ochniel, vinegar merchant 149 & d li 167 Vine Alston, Juditii, nurse Prime below Second Altenr.us James, wheelwright 524 north Second Akemus John, merchant tailor 38 Mulberry Altemus T. steward of C. hospital, Sch. iFourth near

Bushhill Alter & Bispham, grocers 272 High Alter Jacob, grocer 272 High d ii 3 Filbert Ambers Levi, carpenter Hopkins' court "Ambett Henry, sawyer Bonsall street "America Richard, porter back 257 Catharine ■America Cato, labourer St. Mary street back •Amey John, mariner Fuller's alley Amey Samuel, watchman 85 Browne Amies Thomas, paper manufacturer inquire 109 High Ammidon Otis, merchant 215 High Amos Abraham, boot and shoemyker 112 north Seventh Amos Jacob, carpenter Coale's alley Amos William, engineer north Front ab Maiden Ancker Levi, 138 south Fourth Ancrum J. H. gentleman 355 Arch Ancora Peter, drawing master 79 south Fifth Andaullejl widow of A sea captain 260 Mulberry Anderson Alexander, boarding house 204 south Second Anderson Andrew, tobacconist 127 north Second Anderson Andrew, mariner back 35 Arch Anderson Barbara, boarding house 84 Locust iAnderson Aaron, sweep Swedes' alley jAnderson Aaron, sawyer. Christian ah Fourth Anderson Christian, watchman back 459 south Second Anderson Clark, m.d. 69 Cedar Anderson Charles, inspector of customs 15 Brown Anderson Charles mariner opposite 537 south Second


tAnderson Cecilia, wdow 2 Pine alley f Anderson Daniel, boarding house 22 St. Mary's Anderson Ezekiel, carter 285 St- John iibove Poplar Anderson Elizabeth, widow 63 Shippen Anderson Elizabeth, widow Shackamaxon n Queen (K.) Anderson Elizabeth, widow Malbcrry near Schuylkill Anderson Ellen, Mrs of Wm.Oakab.hayscales (N.L ) Anderson Enoch jr. inquire 12 Pear street Anderson George, engineer Thirteenth above Filbert Anderson George, watchman St John near George Anderson Hanse, mariner 255 south Fourth Anderson Henry, porter Elbovv alley fAnderson Isaac, oysterman 195 north Eighth Anderson Isaac, blacksmith 198 St. John Anderson Isabella, washerwoman Weaver's alley fAnderson James, mariner 242 Lombard street Anderson James, carpenter 5 Wiley's court Anderson James, labourer St Mary street Anderson James, mason Sixth above Poplar lane Anderson James, porter 20 Kunkle fAnderson James, sawyer Allen's alley "Anderson John, drayman, 242 Lombard street "Anderson John D. mariner 5 Hurst street Anderson John, carpenter 10 Currant alley near Wal- nut— shop Locust above Twelfth Anderson John, tailor back 62 Race fAnderson Joseph, waiter 37 Currant alley Anderson Joseph, tailor 152 n Water and 151 n Front Anderson Leonard, labourer 11 Strawberry Anderson Lydia, widow Seventh near Small Anderson Mary, mantuamaker 104 Union And^:rson Mary, widow 105 Catharine Anderson Mary, mantuamaker. Juniper alley Anderson Mary, widow 4 Little Pine street Anderson 6c Meehan, printers 12 south Eighth fAnderson M';ses, sadmaker 16 Cypress alley fAnderson Philip, shoemaker 147 Chesnut Anderson Hfichel, widow Hunter's court Anderson Rebecca, widow 15 Watson's alley Anderson Robert P. printer 12 s Eighth d li 200 s Sixth Anderson Samuel V. merchant 25 north Water Anderson Samuel, secretary to the Delaware Insurance

company, 134 Mulberry Anderson Sam.uel, carpenter Cherry above Eleventh Anderson Sarah, widow back 437 north Third Anderson Sophia, widow of John, Twelfth below Pnie Anderson Thomas, boarding house 95 north Ninth Anderson Thomas, fishmonger 13 Strawberry Anderson Thos. saddler Pine corner Second Anderson Thomas, sea captain 14 Pine fAnderson Thomas, waiter, back 257 south Fourth Anderson M, widow Prince near Hanover f Anderson Wm. vvhite washer, 6th above Poplar lane fAnderson William, labourer 18 Burd's court

APP whitely's ankuai.

t Anderson \Vm. waiter back 288 south Seventh

f Anderson Wm. TTiariiicrSt. Mary

Andrade Jos. merchant 75 south Second

Anch'ess Jacob, carter Frankfort r near Prince street

Andress John, carter Beacli near Maiden

Andress Michael, bricklayer 7 Pratt's court

Andress Mrs. \vido\v 174 north Eighth

Andrews Catharine, widow Poplar lane rear St. John

Andrews David, wharf-builder Frankfoad road n Otter

Andrews & Elliot, conveyancers 82 Chesnut

Andre vvs Hannah, boarding house 82 Chesnut

Andrews Israel, coasting captain 61 Green

Andrews John, turner Rachel street

Andrews John, shallopman back 234 south Third

Andrews John, dry goods store 211 south Second

fAndrews John, woodsawyer 8 Middle alley

fxVndrews John sawyer Emlen's court (N. L.)

Andrews Joseph, merchant 259 north Second

Andrews Joshua, bricklayer Pine above Tenth

Andrews Mary, widow Sink's court

Andrews Mary, shopkeeper cor Newmarket and Noble

Andresvs Richardson, grocer, Camden N. J.

Andrews Robert, teacher 82 south Eleventh

Andrews Thomas, hatter 6 Wagner's alley

Andrews William, conveyancer 82 Chesnut

Andrews William, tobacconist 23 Charlotte

Andrews William, drayman Sch Eighth below Vine

Angelow David labourer 123 Swanson

Angue John, merchant 109 north Second

Angue John, jun. cordial distiller 154 north Second

Anhaeuser H. C. dutch-school, West near Palmer (K.)

Annadown Thomas, ladies shoemaker 207 north Front

northeast cor Vine Anners Thomas S. perfumer, &c. 141 Chesnut Anneslev Robert, tobacco inspector, 12 Morris's alley

d h 15 north Fifth Anthony E. boarding house 19 south Seventh Anthony Frederick, 32 Budd [^see jintony

Antliony Jacob, shipwright 57 Coates Anthony Joseph, mariner 285 south Third corner Plum Antliony Joseph, carpenter, 39 Coates Anthony Manuel, segar maker 10 Argyle Anthony Robert D. smith, Cauffman's court Antillo Anthony, sea captain 35 Lombard Antonio Alonzo, traderTownsend's court ]6re Anthony Antrim John, accountant 55 Spruce App George pumpmaker Frankford r n Queen [see Afit Appt widow of Michael, cor Queen and Marlborough Apkie Henry, rope maker Passyunk r below Christian Apple Adam, paperstainer vSch. Front sbove Arch Applf George, hairdresser 48 north Fifth Apple Henry, N. E. cor Fourth and Browne Apple Henry, guager 5c oak cooper 27 s whf. bel. Chest.


Apple John, ladies' shoemaker 100 north Ninth Apple Jacob, paperstainer Sch. Front ab(n c Arch Apple John, hairdresser High west of Sch. Fourth Apple Philip, coppersmith 130 north Third Apple Valentuie, oak cooper 27 south wh.irves d li

and store 70 aorth Second Applebaugh Henry, cabinetmaker, Germantown r n 4th Applegate David, carter 321 south Third Applegate Jonathan, carter 163Shippen Apple'ton, Mrs. Christiana L. ladies dress maker 132

south Second Appo John confectioner 119 south Sixth Arbuckle James, grocer 576 n Sec. cor Germantown r. fArcher Aaron, (81 years of age) 182 south Fourth Archer Ann, widow Camden, N. J. Archer Benjamin, ferry carter 8 Jones's alley Archer Charles, watchman Arch alley Archer Charles, brushmaker 87 Coates tArcher Hannah, wife of Aaron, (98 years of age, her

memory perfect, tut her eye sight deficient,) 182s4i:h Archer Joseph, auctioneer, 54 s Front, d h 36 n Front Archer Samuel, merchant 36 north Front Arcliibald Benj netmaker, 9 Sbippen street Archibald Martha, 11 Pine alley Ardis John W. carpenter 571 south Front Aidley R. A. broker 16 Carter's alley and 128 Lombard Arentrue ^^^illiam, soapboiler 357 Arch Ardman Richard, gluem«nufact. 222 Callow, ab Garden Arey <'iroom, 153 south Ninth Arey Robert B tailor inc/uire 153 south Ninth Arey Samuel, carpenter m^w/zr 1*53 south Ninth Ai'lv Hugh, labourer, 10 Flint's court Armbruster Henry, labourer Wiley's court Armbruster Jacob, brushmaker 220 north Third Aris James, ferryman 9 Perkenpine's court Armbruster Jolih, victualler, ] 1 Well's row n Eighth Armbruster Nicholas, grocer 361 north second Armljruster Peter, labourer Arch west of Sch. Eighth Armitage George, silverplater, and miUtary ornament

maker 438 Sassafras cor. Jacoby Armour John C. tailor 90 south Third Armour Matthew, carpenter Scli. Eighth near Vine Armour Susan M. storekeeper 6 Old Yord r Armour William, storekeeper 6 Old York r Armstrong Allen, hardware merchant 56 High Armstrong Andrew, mariner 251 north Front Armstrong Christopher, turnkey 3 Frazier's court |Armstrong Hannah, widow 440 south Front Armstrong Henry plasterer 178 Coates Armstrong Irwin, labourer, Anne (Penntown) Armstrong John, carpenter 95 Budd Armstrong James, wheelwright Queen n Shakamaxov: Armstrong lilary, widow 31 Coates street

ASH whitely's annual

jArmstrong Moses, 90 Small street

lArmstrong Mary, widow Mulberry alley

fArmbtrong Nancy, widow Baker's alley

Armstrong Peter, carter 89 Budd

Armstrong Sarah, mantnamaker 3 Poplar alley

Armstrong Susan, widow 128 south Sixih

Armstrong Thomas A. attorney at law, d h 85 Passy-

unk road office Prune above Fifth Armstrong Thomas, attorney at law 106 south Fourth Armstrong & Wallace, grocers 122 Race SE cor Fourth Armstrong William, tailor 343 north Front Arney Elizabeth, storekeeper 40 south Fourth Arnold George, ladies' shoemaker 178 Sassafras Arnold John, labourer 100 Queen (S. ) Arnold John, labourer, Piime below Front Arnold Levi, carpenter 84 Tammany Arnold Thonias, shipwright 16 Argyle Arnold Thomas, sea captain 303 south Front Arnold Thomas, bottler 379 north 2d Arrabin Mrs. boarding house 296 High Arrison John blacksmith 100 Locust Ar.rison Joseph, carter cor. Chestnut and Sch. Seventh Arrison Matthew, sen. and jun. carters corner George

and Schuylkill Eighth Arret James, merchant 35 south Front— d h N. W. cor- ner Arch and Eleventh Arrowsmith Eduiuud, 110 north Sixth Arthur James, grocer and feedstore 2 north Tenth Artiiur James, bookbinder Eleventh below Vine Arthur Margaret, nurse 32 Duke (N. L.) Arthurs Robert C. storekeeper Germant. r. ab. Second Arthur Sa;nuel, tavern keeper 349 RaceN E cor Tenth tArtsey Lucinda, widow Dean's alley Arty Julie, stable keeper near 17 south Eighth Arundal Margaret widow 239 Arch fAs Peter, labourer Elbow alley Ash Caleb, apothecary 66 north Ninth Ash John P. jjlasterer corner Green and 6th Ash John T. carpenter 16 Juniper lane Ash James, gentleman (Sansom's row) 155 Walnut Ash Jonathan, victualler 537 s 2d— stall 52 New Market Ash Joseph, grazier 144 Swanson Ash Joshua, grazier 54 Chribiian Ash Mercy, widow, boarding house S.W. corner W al-

nut and Front Ash Mio.hacl, feedstore 172 north Fourth Ash Nicholas, carpenter Laurence near Callowhill ^ Ash T. stave merchant Christian st wharf— d h 208 s 3d Ashbridge Rebecca, widow of Joseph 24 Little George Ashbriclce widow of William 321 Arch Ashbrook Joseph, sailmaker 86 Swanson Ashbrook Thomas, tailor 243 north Front^ Ashburn Peter, labourer Emlen's court (N. L- )



Ashburner John, jr. 17 Race

Ashbiirner John, tanner 66 s Third d h 321 north 2d

Ashburner John, jun merchant 321 north Second

Ashby WilUam, merchant tailor 43 Arch

Ashcraft John, blacksmith Camden N. J.

Ashford Eleanor, widow, 126 south 6th

Ashurst Richard, merchant 76 High d h 70 s Fifth

Ashman Godfrey, cedar cooper 16 Charlotte

Ashman James, ladies' shoemaker 139 Race

Ashman James, late boot mannfact. 13 h above Walnut

Ashmead Benj. inspector of cust()m> 159 north Ninth

Ashmead John, auctioneer and commission merchant

S. E. cor. 2d and Lombard d. h. 50 Lombard Ashmead Samuel, carpenter 55 Shippen Ashmead Thomas, accoutant 77 Lombard Ash ton Andrew smith 94 n Front d h 6 Fetter lane Ashton George, boatbuilder back 294 north Front Ashton John, oak cooper back 15 Noble Ashton John, tailor 123 south Wa^er Ashton Margaret, teacher 188 south Eleventh Ashton Mary, widow milkwoman Irish lane Ashton Samuel cabinetmaker 27.'^ s Second & 26 Union Ashton Susannah, widow, 94 Crown Ashton Thomas, chairmaker 83 6c d h 114 north Front Askew & Paxson, hardware merchants 245 High Askew Joseph, ironmonger 245 High d h 3 Sansom Askin John, shoemaker 244 south Second Aspell Richard C. convevancer & land broker 39 N 7th A spin George, paperstainer 300 south Fourth Astley Thomas, merchant SVV cor Wahiut and Ninth Astolti Laurence, 130 Locust Aston, widow of James 37 Queen S. Athertcn Humphrey, attorney at law 194 Chesnut Atherton H. merchant 121 south Ninth Atherton Nathan, city commissioner Hazel ay belLocust Atkinson Amassa, carter 26 Little Water Atkinson Asher, saddler &c. 3 Clawges' court Atkinson Benjamin, painter &c. Wall's Elbow Atkinson Clayton G. bricklayer 147 or 171 Pine jAtkinson Charles, carpenter 28 Blackberry alley Atkinson Joel, merchant tailor 64 Chestnut, d h 129 s 9th Atkinson John, cabinet maker 1 north Fifth Atkinson & Aylward, saddlers &c. Cook's build, cor, 3d Atkinson Josiah, teacher, Camden (N. J.) \_See ^4dkinso7i Atkinson Nvithan, carpenter 213 north Fourtli Atkinson Phineas, biscuit baker 230 south Tliird Atkinson Rebecca, widow Springett alley cor Barron Atkinson Samuel C. printer back 53 High Atkinson Sarah, widow 9 south Second Atkinson William B. storekeeper Hamilton village Atlee Edwin A. m. d. 180 Race Atmore Mary, widow 163 south Third Atmore Robert, coach lamp maker 19 Vernon Atmore & Loveridge, smiths 26 Dock

AYR whitely's annual

Atwcod James, merchant 111 High dh 129 s Tenth

Atwood & Co. merchants 111 Hit^h

Atwood John M. merchant 111 High— d h 129 s Tenth

Aubert John Peter, cook 209 south Fourth

Auchinleck Alexander, mate 74 Penn

Audas Jose ph, pkimber, Sec, High near Schuylkill 8th

jAuder Flora, widow VVashington court

Auflort Frederick, siioemaker Wood above Queen (K.)

Auge'N. & Lavigne, sugar refiner cor. Nicholson's and

Malt alley Augiistien Joseph, stevedore back 57 south Water f Augustin Peter, cook 219 soutli Fifth Augustin John, hairdresser cor. George and St. John Augustine Charles, blacksmith Hanover near Queen Avigustin Peter, mariner Smith's alley f Augustin Peter, hairdresser 79 Cedar Auner Joseph G. bookbinder 79 Cheriy Auncr Peter, tailor 79 Cherry Austie Margaret, boarding house 38 south Front Austin Ah ah, buttonmaker and tinman Filbert ab 13th Austin (ialen L. pointer, office back 39 Cherry Austhi (irace, widow, boauliiig house 12 north Third Austin & Hadaway, merchants 29 South wharves Austin Hosea, oysterman 50 Meade alley Austin James, labourer 10 Charlotte Austin Lewis L. baker High corner Schuylkill Fifth Austin Margaret, widow 364 south 2d Austin Mary, widow, 13 S])afford Austin Richard M grocer 97 north Fourth Austin & Smith, merchants 129 High Austin Samuel merchant 129 Higli— d h 6 Church alley Austin Thomas, merchant 7 north Thn'tceuth Austin & Wiiitman, grocers 97 north Fourth Austin Wm. B, merchant 29 s wharves dh 2 Sansom Auze' Charles, merchant 5 George Avery Ira, cordwainer. Cedar near Thirteenth Avery Isaac, combmaker 133 south Second Avis George, slicemaker Beuch above Maiden Avis Joseph, cabinet maker, 43 Cedar Await Hannah, widow corner George and Sch. 7th Await Henry, brickmaker corner George and Sch. 7th Await Jane, widow Joint alley

Await John, brickmaker Chestnut west of Schuvl. 7th Awl Margaret, widow, 145 north Fourth Axe Frederick, 31 Queen (S.) Axford Samuel J merchant tavlor George Avars Abijah, jun. cordwainer 86 Popl. lane. [See Eyre Avars Hamilton, labourer 128 n Eleventh [and Eayre Avars Sarah, widow of William, grocer 127 Swansea Aydelott Margaret, widow 17 I'arham's alley fAyres George, labourer 24 Burd's street Ayres James, bricklayer Small street Ayres John, wheelrigVit Oak (N L) below Noble Ayres Jonathan D. teacher 53 Coates d h Rose alley


jAyres Rachel, boarding house 57 Shippen

•j-A) res Robert, labou-er 97 Lombard

Azan Josepii, cordial distiller aud dyer, back 66 S 5th

Azan Rachel, silk dyer and plumist, back 66 S 5th

jAzore John, labourer Shippen near Thirteenth

Azpew T. T. teaciier Norris's ay. d h.70 Queen (S)

BABB MARIA, tailoress Maple street Babe Joseph, hatter 8 Perkeupine's court Babe Ljuke, grocer 338 south Front Babe Margaret and Catharine, storekeepers 197 S 2d Babe Rachel, widow 46 Penn Babe Richard, hatter Cedar comer Thirteenth Babenew David, waterman back 28 Spruce Bach John, gentleman 267 north Second Bach L. widow 11 Budd Bache Catharine, widow 228 Walnut Baclie Franklin m. d. 163 Spruce

Bache 8c Norvell, editors of the Franklin Gazette Car- penter's court Bache Richard, postmaster, and editor of the Frank- lin Gazette 116 Chesnut {^see Beach Bachman Peter, baker 96 Crown street Backlev Edward, carpenter 16 Juniper lane Bacon Allyn, music store 1 1 south Fourth Bacon David, carpenter 192 north Front Bacon Elizabeth, Filbert above Twelfth Bacon George, engraver of music 11 south Fourth Bacon & Hart, music store 1 1 south Foui th Bacon Joshua B, engine manuf. 72 south Eleventh Bacon Job, merchant 25 Dock dwelling 113 S. Ninth Bacon John, city treasurer, office City Hall S W" cor.

Chesnut and Fifth— d h 119 Race Bacon Isaac, cabinetmaker 13 Budd street Bacon Joseph, sen. late ironmonger 190 north Fr«nt Bacon Joseph jun. ironmonger 188 north Front Bacon Saml. sexton 2d Presby. church 3 Chancery lane Bacon Samuel, tailor 154 St. John Bacon Samuel & Co. 188 north Front , -^

Bacon Thos. hardware store 188 N Front— d h corner

Wood and West (K) Bacon Thomas, cabinet maker 11 Budd street "Badaraque Thomas,, accountant 179 Pine Baddell John, parchment maker 14 Franklin street Bader Juhana D. embroiderer 50 N Eighth Baderley William, locksmith 114 N Water Badger Samuel, justice of the peace S E cor. George

& Swanwick d h S W corner 6th & George Badger William, innkeeper 142 north Water Badlun Joseph, soapboiler 10 Vernon


HAK whitely's annual

Bagge Elizabetli, widow 408 south Second

Bagge Mary, widow 467 b. uth Front

Bagnell Ann, u-idow 184 Cedar

fBagwell Rich, labourer Davis's ct. back 72 Christian

Bailey Chester, agent tor the General Post Office, and

proprietor of the Mail & Citizens' coaches to N. Y. Badey Gamaliel A. drv goods &c. 425 N 2d Bailey Jane, widow 28 'Catharine street Bailey John, sea captain 25 Elfreth's alley Bajley Joseph, brickmaker 12th above Lombard Bailey Lydia R. widow printer 10Nort4i street Bailey Nathan, merchant 7 north Second Bailey Wesley, boarding house 210 south 6th Bailey Wm. jr. watch & clockmaker 80 High— d h 19

Julianna Bailey Wm. jr. clockmaker &c. 122 north Second Baily Jane, widow 305 south Third Isee Bellye

Baily Joshua, jr. mercht. 113 High— d h 18 S Eighth Bain Saml. blacksmith Morgan's court above llth Baird Joshua, labourer Fraukford road near Queen Baird Sarah, widow 275 south Second {see Beard

Bakehoven John, fisherman Queen near Bishop (K) Bakehoven W. plumber Palmer near Prince Baker Adam, cabinetmaker Front near Maiden fBaker Adam, woodsavvyer 28 Barron Baker, B.trtholoir.ew, ch'airmaker back 117 German Baker Bassett, tavernkeeper 4 L3etitia court Baker Benjamin F. Callowliill above'Eleventh Baker Chalkley, innkeej)er (Jackson's head) 264 Race Baker Charles H. merchant 61 Race d h 310 Arch Baker Charles, cabinetmaker 116 north Eighth Baker Christian, wntchman Buttonwood near 6th Baker Christian, blacksmith James above Charles B^ker Conrad, tisherijian Queen near Bishop Baker Conrad, junr. fisherman Queen near Bishop Baker Dobel, plumber 17 Wood above 4th Biker Edward, teacher Pine above Thirteenth Baker Elizabeth, widow boarding house 116 Arch Baker Elizabeth, Germantown road above Third Baker Eliz. widow 124 Browns \_8ee Barker CT* Boker Baker Elizabeth, widow 58 Arch

Baker Frederick, labourer Frankford r n. Blackhorse Baker widow of George A. cor. of Cherry and Fourth Baker George A. attorney at law and conveyancer NE

corner Fourth and Cherry Baker George, vict. 32 N L market— d h 47 Budd Baker (ieorge N. lumber merchant 7 Wood Baker George, labourer Knodle street Baker Hannah, 72 north Fifth Baker Hannah, widow 32 Race Baker Henry, sign and ornamental painter 82 N 6th Baker Isabella, v.idow, keeper of the store of the Fe- male Hospitable Society 54 north Fourth


Baker Jacob, smith Rose alley below Green Baker Jacob, victualler 47 Budd Baker Jacob S gunsmith 516 north Front Baker Jacob H. 'grocer cor. Front & Blackhorse alley Baker Jacob junr. victualler 32 Browne Baker James, victualler Old York r. above Tammany- Baker John H. exch and intel. office 3 Franklin court Baker John, sea captain 3 Mary (S) Baker John F. mate of vessel 350 south Second Baker Jolin, ropemaker Cierm. road ab. first gate Baker John H. C. grocer 222 south Seventh Baker John, flour and feedstore 433 north Second Baker John L. exch. broker and com. mer. 6 Lodge Baker John R. & Son, merchants 61 Sassafras Baker Joseph, ostler Hanover near Frankford road Baker John, victualler Rachel st. stall 32 N L market Baker Mary, vict 33 N L market Baker Michael 8c Son, lumber merchants N W corner

Browne and north Second Baker Mich, hardvare store 59 High dh 166 Arch Baker Mich, lumber mer. 74 Browtse cor. Second Baker Mich. jun. coppersmith 330 N Front & 227 n. 2d Baker Michael, ro])emak»r Hopkins's court Baker Mrs. widow Hanover near Frankford road Baker Newsom, carpenter Sixth above Callowhill Baker Peter, fisherman Queen above Bishop (K) Baker Richard, accountant 157 Green street Baker Samuel, cordwainer 63 Green Baker Samuel, blacksmith 386 N Front Baker Samuel, fisherman Cherry near Prince Baker Samuel, carpenter 49 north 6th Baker Stephen, cordwainer Apollo above Shippen Baker Susan, Lombard above Ninth Baker Susannah, 61 Queen (S) Baker Sylvanus, copperplate printer II south 4th Baker Thomas, sea captain 121 N 11th above Race Baker widow of Jacob, ropemaker 13 Well's row N 8th Baker William, carter corner Apple and George Baker Wm. J. wine merchant 136 N 2d— d h 69 Vine Baker William, druggist 6 north Fifth Baker William, ropemaker Germ. r. above first gat^ Balan Elizabeth, widow confectioner 241 south Second Bald Adam, grocer 472 N Second N W cor. Poplar Bald Wm, engineer Second near George Baldt Catharine, w.dow Crown near West K Baldt Conrad, labourer Coates above Eighth Baldt Frederick, labourer Hanover near Prince Baldt Henry, sen. & jr. hog vict's. Hanover cor. Prince Baldt John, carpenter Marlborough near Bedford Baldt Margaret, vict. 9 High street market Baldt Margaret, widow cor. of Frank, r. Sc Crown K Baldt Thomas, labourer 19 Charlotte Bait William, vict. Marlborough near West (K)

BAN whitely's annual

Baldwin F. baker 45 Cedar street *

Baldwin George, stablekeeper 13 S4th--d h 69 Crown

Baldwin John, bookbinder 28 Sugar alley

Baldwin John, cordwainer Duke near Vienna

Baldvvin Joseph, supercargo 148 south 6th

Baldwin Lewis, teacher 39 Sprace

Baldwin Mary, widow 129 south Eleventh

Bald Ail, Matthias, jeweller College avenue d h 129

south Ekverith j Baldwin Phcebe, milliner 40 south Fourth ipJdwin Willi .nr», farmer north Third near Oer. road . Halfe Li'.cas & Thomas, boot manufacturers 27 south 4t-h . Jalfour George, of the Pennsylvania hospital Jail t^lizBbeth, widow of Henry 7 Fayette iall Henry, diuggist &c 34nort!» Tenth iall I'-riel. ladies' shoe niiker 11 Shippen iail Joseph, gentleman Point road (K) Jc'll Joseph, gentleman 349 Arch ^a!l Richard G. can^enter back 17 Pas>yunk .Jail Stephen, taxernkeeper 234 south Third .Jail Wm. coachman 13 Knight's court iall William, mariner 98 Swanson B illard George, cooper 23 Mary's alley "Bnllard James, brassiounder Cordwainer's alley Ballard Levin, dealer 73 S Second— d h 170 Locust iallentine Jameti, cordv/ainer 70 German iallinger Catliaiine, nurse 135 north Fifth Ballinger Daniel, weaver Fourth below Browne Ballinger Jacob, carpenter 70 north Ninth Ballinrine James, grocer N W cor. Coates and Front Ballentine Josejjh, grocer N side Almond st. wharf Bancker Cha^. N. merch. 16 Chesnut d h C20 Chesnut Baucraft Jewell, 2 south 5d d h 117 New street Banciaft Titus, 2 south 3d d h New street Bane Wm. oysterman Allen st. (K) Banfield James, mariner 176 north Water Bantield widow of Thomas, sch. 7th below Walnut Banger Thomas, pocketbookmaker Nonnater's court Banger Timothy, account. (V) Ridge r. below 1st gate Brings Elijah K' sea captain 168 north Front Banker Peter, mariner Washington above Second Banker Peter, mariner Washington bel. Moyamensing r Banks George, smith Beach near Marlborough Banks John, d. d. 13 Powell jBanks Jonathan, cat ter 240 Shippen street jBanks Murrel, labourer 18 Plum Bankson Henrietta, 52 Vine Bannen John, carpenter Castle street B^innen Joseph, carpenter 10 Wagner's alley Banning John, cooper Frankford road near Queen tBantom Henry, labourer back 66 Small jBcintom Joseph, carter 18 Gaskill street JBantom Sarah, widow cook Shield's court


fBannister Margaret, widow 32 Lombard fBaptist Flora, Mrs. 238 Lombard street Barault doctor Francis, 93 south Front Barault Mrs. dry goods store 93 south Front fBarbarouse John Pliilip, waiter Green's court Barbaud J. J. A. portrait painter 55 Lombard street Barbazet Jacob, cabinetmaker 92 Callowhill Barber Alexander, stone cutter 128 north Eleventh "fBarber Anthony, sawyer Shippen above Tth Barber David, drayman Old York road ab. Poplar lane Barber Nathaniel, carpenter 203 Arch Barber Rebecca, widow Prime belov/ Second Barber Tacy, tailoress back 80 Penn street fBarber Thomas, sweepmaster Hazel alley ab. Locust Barber William L shoemaker 307 south Front Barbier Stephen P. goldsmith and jeweller 87 N 6th •Barclay Andw. C. mercht. 232 6c d h 250 north Third Barclay A. C. 6c John, merchants 232 north Third Barclay widow of George, grocer 168 south Second Barclay James J. attorney at law, office 119 Walnut Barclay John, president N Lib. bank 227 north Third Barclay John, jun. merchant 224 and 230 north Third Barclay John A. accountant 34 Union Barclay John, cordwainer 31 Cox's alley Barclay Joseph, mariner 325 south Second Barclay Rudolph, stonecutter Walnut W. of Broad Barclay Samuel, hatter 323 south Second Barclay Samuel, jun. sea captain 324 south Second tBarclay Tobias, hatter 24 Elizabeth street Barcrof S. B. dry goods store 217 north Third Barcus Stephen, labourer Sch. Seventh above Arch Bardeer Samuel, innkeeper 295 K 3d & coach fringe

manuf. Crown street Barford William, mariner Galbraith's court Barger Abel, painter &c. 14 Carter's alley Barger Benjamin, drayman Apple near George N L Barger Jacob, cooper Germantown road above Third Barger John, cedar cooper 421 N Fourth above Coates' Barger William, painter, Sec. Alder alley Barger William, rigger 78 Budd Bargh William, baker 225 Walnut fBarjona Elizabeth, widow 33 Gilles's alley Barker Abram. mer. 37 S wharves d h 148 S Front Barker Ann, widow storekeeper 188 south Second Barker Elizabeth, back 321 Race \_see Baker

Barker Hannah, widow Carpenter (S.) below 3d Barker Isaac, merchant 137 High Barker Jacob, carpenter back of 15 Parham's alley Barker James N.^ mayor of tlie city office City Hall

S W corner 5th and Chesnut d h Chesnut n. 11th ■{■Barker James, mariner 12th above Locust Barker Rachel, widow 2 Pleasant avenue Barker Stephen, labourer Sch. 7th above Arch

B 2

BAR whitely's annual

Barley William, caulker 124 Queerr(S.) Barling William E. caulker 46 German Barlow Arnold, mariner 2 Swanson Barlow George, mariner 72 Penn Barlow Joseph, weaver 83 Budd street Barlow Philip, 14 south 6th and 62 Zane Barlow Robert, weaver Oak above Coates street Barley George, shipwright Marlborough above Beach Barnaby Nathan, wheel wi-ight Frankf. road near Otter Barnacut William, tailor Relief street Barnard John, carpenter St. Bernard's ct [see Bernard Barnard Joseph & Son, ploughmakers High W. Sch. 4th Barndollar Daniel, back of 393 north Second Barndollar Frederick, corslet maker &c. 10 Taper alley Barnes Ann, widow cor. Fourth and George Is . L. fBarnes Charles, labourer Cedar near" 13th Barnes Daniel, merchant 26 S wharves Barnes Elizabeth, milliner 65 Sassafras Barnes Hester, widow 14 Parham's alley fBarnes Isaac, cordwainer 4 Ball alley Barnes Isaac, tailor 111 Vine [see Bams

Barnes James, pilot 196 south Front ^ Barnes John, m. d. 120 Arch Barnes John H. and N. Diehl. notaries public and ship

brokers office, IIT south Second Barnes John H 115 south Second d h 22 Prune JJarnes John, ladies' shoemaker 147 south Second Barnes John, pilot 501 south Front Barnes Joseph, judge of the district court of the city

and county of Philadelphia, 122 south 4th Barnes Jos. & John, ladies shoestnre 145 & 147 S 2d Barnes Joseph, mariner 35 Prime strcev (S) Barnes Leonard, domestic coffee store 74 Callowhill Barnes Mary, widow teacher 7 Plum Barnes Philip, boatbuilder 27 Mary (S) Barnes Samuel, currier 57 Chesnut d h 13 N 4th Barnes Robert, male of vessel 20 Catharine street Barnes Robert, waterman Hanover near Prince (K) Barnes Thomas, mariner Lombard street alley BariiCS Thomas, esq. currier 57 Chesnut— d h 275 N 2d Barnes Thomas and R. T. curriers 67 Chesnut Barnes William, jun. flour store 324 High Barnet Jacob, victualler 3d near Germantown road Barnet Joseph, carter 315 south 6th Barnett Sarah Mrs. Passyunk road n. corner Eighth . Barnott T & A. starch manuf Passyunk road cor. 8th' Barnhill Sarah, widow 13 north Third Bamhoh Fred, vict 237 St. John— stall 24 N L market Barnhoit George, victualler 249 Callowhill Barnholt George, jr victualler James above Rugan Barnhoit John, labourer 7 Well's row north Eighth Barnhurst Thos & Jos. umbrella furniture makers and

gen. brass founders, Filbert n. Broad [see Bringhurst


Barnitt Thos. Columbian printing press manuf. & tur- ner in brass, iron, &c. 198 N Frout & 7 Newmarket Barns James, coach trimmer 42 Prime (S.) Bams Robert, merchant 42 south Front Baron Joseph, cordwainer 14 north 6th Barr Adam, Jones's street W Sch- 6th Barr George, saddler Otter near Frankford road Barr Juhn, mate Crawford's court Barr Mary, Mrs. 36 Budd Ban- Samuel, shoemaker, 19 Prosperous alley Barras Sarah, widow of John 122 Callowhill fBan-eno Andre', mariner Crab below Cedar Barret George, labourer 12 Fuller's alley Barret Riley, cordwainer Camden, N. J.' BaiTett Elizabeth, widow 256 Lombard Barrett Louise, 8 Eimslie's alley Barrett Lydia H. gentlewoman 173 south Eleventh Barrett Riley, cordwainer Camden, N. J. Barrett Robert, bricklayer Castle st Barrington Charles, ^ocer, &c. 216 High Barrington Charles, jun. merchant 222 south Fourth Barrington Eleanor, widow of Richard 109 Lombard Barrington Henry, manuf. cliocolate 206 south Fourth

NW corner of Gaskill Barrington Wm. R. 206 s. Fourth N.W. comer Gaskill Barron Mary, widow 'of James 161 Pine Barron John, carpenter north Eighth below Buttonwood Bany Ann, nurse 185 Cedar Barry Charles, oysterman 22 North alley Barry Edward, unfversal turner 45 Prime Bany Eliza, Quince below Locust Barry John, shoemaker 164 Swanson Bany John, smith south Fifth near Carpenter st. Barry Jos. B & son, cabinetmakei*s and upholsterers 134 south Second [_see Berry

Barry Joseph, jun. cabinetmaker 134 south Second Barry Maria, nurse 4 Sassafras alley BaiTV Patiick, grocer 136 N Water and 191 N Front Barry Samuel, planemaker Kunckel below Tammany Barr>' Samuel, baker 340 n.onh Front Bany Sarah, widow of commodore 214Cbesnut Barry William, innkeeper 208 south Fifth Barry William, tobacconist 285 south Fourth Barthe Rev. Lewis, back of 17 Willing's alley fBarthelemy Wm. waiter, back 62 Gaskill Bartholomew Catharine, widow 106 Wood ab Eighth Bartholomew Charles, tobacconist 88 north Third Batholomew Fred, tobacconist 100 Wood above Eighth Bartholomew Joseph, tinsmith 114 north Eighth Bartholomew Mary, gentlewoman Spruce below 7th Bartholomew Peter, victualler 48 Old Shambles Bartholomew Thos. farmer south 2d near Buck tavern Bartholomew Thomas, com. merchant 157 south Sixth Bartle George, turner, &c. Queen n. Frankford road

BAT whitely's ankual

Bartle Philip, oakcooper 68 Garden below Buttonwoou Bartleson Eunice, widow 105 north Front Bartleson Mar}% widow 117 Callowhill Bartleson Peter, carpenter Fifth near Noble Bartlett Ann, seamstress 11 Mary (S.) Bartlett Thomas, shipwright 11 Mary (S.) Bartlett Richard, waterman Pine below Siecond iBartley James, mariner Lombard below Tenth Bartling Christlieb, inspector of lumber 485 N. Second Bartling Conrad, carpenter and city commissioner 455

Arch above Twelfth Bartling Charles, sea captain 85 Cherry Bartling David, carpenter 453 Arch above Twelfth Bartllt John 8c Co. merchants 17 s Water— d h 147 s 3d Barton Adam, gi'ocer cor. Sixth and Germantown road Barton Ann, widow 252 Lombard

Barton Christopher, shoemaker 151 Cedar [see Burton Barton Edward, m. d. N E cor. Walnut and Seventh Barton Elizabeth, widow of Wm. 204 Chesnut Barton Elizabeth, nurse 75 Christian Barton Henry, teacher Kunckel below Green Barton Isaac, storekeeper 20 north Second Barton John Rhea, m d 204 Chesnut Barton Joseph, teacher, Germantown road ab. Otter Barton Maiy, widow of Benj. S m.d. 285 Spruce Baiton Thomas W'. tailor 387 north Second Barton Thomas, tailor back of 34 north Fourth Barton Wm. P. C. m d professor of botany in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 303 Chesnut Bartrani George, alderman 68 south Second Bartram Isaac, late«druggist 13 Juhana Bartram Rebecca, 39 Race Barwick John, currier 225 north Second Bascom Samuel A. bookseller coi\ Carpenter & Decatur Bash George, labourer, Frankford road near West st t Bass Samuel, barber 1 Laetitia court Bass Wm. A. accountant U S arsenal Gray*s ferry road

[sfe Besse and Boss. Bassett Isaac, tailor, 25 Lombard Bassett Samuel, sea captain 10 Noble Bassett Zebedee, mariner, 416 north Front Bastian George, soap & candle manuf. 192 and 194 Vine

Bastian , widow of Henry vict. 1 Sommers* court

fBastian John, manner 171 south Sixth [see Boatian Bastian Joseph, sen. gardener Chestnut near Sch. Third Bastian Joseph, jun. paperstainer 12 south Broad Batchelor Hester, widow of Wm R. Miller's court NL Batchelor Powell, carter Vine above Broatt Batchelor William carter Pleasant above Chartes Bate William, huckster, Camden, N J Bateman John, sailmaker Spruce st whf. dh 41 Plum Bates Benjamin, accountant, 276 south Front Bates Benoni, jun. clerk 225 Callowhill


Bates Benoni, sen. late lumber merchant 225 CallowhiU Batts Elizabeth, widow nurse back 405 south Second Bates Isaiah, blacksmith back 169 north Second Bates John, carpenter Cobb's court Isee Beaten

Bates William cordwainer 10 Cypress alley Battin John, Sixth below Fitzwalter tBattin vVilliam, sawyer Atkinson's court Batis, William H. baker 45 George (S )

Battis John hairdresser back 10 Oak (S.)

-battis John, barber Broad above Cherry ■Battis John, woodsawyer Apple near George N L

•Battis John, sawyer, back 93 Shippen •Battis John, sawyer 124 Christian •Battis John, hairdresser, 432 south Second Battis John, oysterman cor. Second and Lombard Battis Nicholas, labourer, 96 Swanson Battiss Elijah, cordwainer cor. Queen & Shackamaxon Batton E.lizabeth, widow dyer & scourer 2 Shippen Batts John, mariner 445 south Second [see Belts

Bauch Frederick A. carpenter Kessler's court Baugh Margaret, widow 131 Green \_see Bough

Bauchman Jacob, R.ose alley above Tammany Bauersach John N. toyshop '59J north Third Baughman Catharine, boarding house 155 south Ninth Baukman John, labourer Coates above Eighth Baumgard Godfrey, baker 514 north Front Baush John, sea captain Juniper near Vine Bovington Thomas bfushmaker 394 south Third fBaxter Benjamin, carter Small near Thirteenth Jttaxter Edward, labourer Cherry bel. Schuylkill Sixth Baxter Isaac B. & Co. hardware merchants 248 south 2d Baxter Matthew, grocer N W corner Eighth and High Baxter William shopkeeper 244 south Front Bayard Andw. pres't. of Com. Bank 102 south Eighth fBayard A^idrew, labourer Twelfth above Locust Bayard George, tinplateworker, 3 M*Culloch's court

and 52 north Front Bayard Guy ton, tailor 81 Cedar Bayard John, segarmaker, 292 south Sixth Bayard Moses, coachman, Twelfth below Race Bayard, R. H. attorney at law 193 Walnut Bayard Rebecca, widow 203 Sassafras Baylis Joseph, needle manufacturer 565 south Second Bayne Nathaniel, turner and feed store 85 north Front fBayne Alexander, shoeblack 29 Union Bavne Samuel, cordwainer 316 south Second Baynton Jane, 100 Union

Bazeley Chas. W female seminary 75 s. 4th [see Basely Bazier John, accountant Cedar below Twelfth Beach Waldren, carpenter 51 George S. [s(?e Bache Beacon George, 471 north Third Beagle Henry, blacksmith Fifth above Callowhill Beakley William, grocer 165^ south Third


Beale Jacob, grocer 84 north Eleventh

Beale Joseph, cabinetmaker 75 Dock dh 2 Library

Beale & Jamison, cabinetmakers 75 Dock

Bealert Margaret, widow, 52 Lombard

Beam Jacob, silversmith 3')1 north Second

Beam Joseph, victualler Camden N J

Beamer Margaret, widow boarding ho 4 Nicholson's ay.

Beamer Samuel, stove manuf. 83 north Seventh

tBean Ezekiel woodsawyer Baker

Bean Jacob, silversmith iFifth above Buttonwood

Bean James storekeeper 163 north Second [see Bayne

tBean Joseph mariner Green's couit

Bean Samuel, tailor 163 north Second

Bean William. c<irdwainer Crab st.

Be m Wilham, (Tiger Inn) 121 Vine

Beans James» mariner 126 south Sixth

Bear Mrs. shopkeeper Cherry above Juniper

Beard Catharine, widow 4 Chesnut

Beard Da\'id, brickmaker, Sch. Fourth above Walnut

Beard James, labourer back 295 south Third

Beard John, carter Clymer's alley [see Biard

Beard Martha, Say street

Beard Nicholas, vict. 36 Charlotte stall 8 N L market

Beard Peter, currier 3 Eckfc'dt's court

Beard Thomas, segarmaker 45 Cedar

Beard Wm. vict. 36 Charlotte stall 63 High St. market

Bearman H. curled hair & glue manuf. Filbert n. Sch. 6th

Beartoles Mary, widow^ Hjgh W'. Sch. Eighth

Beaseley Abigail, widow 21 Christian

Beaslev Rev. Frederick, d. d. Provost of the University

289 Chesnut [«ee Bazely

fBeasley Moses, waiter 191 south Fourth Beasley William segarmaker Taper alley Beates Frederick, scrivener 94 north Third Beatly John, chandler 53 Passyunk road Beaty Isabella, washerwoman Cypress alley Be:^t.y John, papirhsnger 167 south Eleventh, Beaty W^ilUarn, mariner Juniper alley Beatty John, flour inspector Kunckel above Noble Beatty Samuel, baker 89 Cedar Beatty William, gentleman 508 south Second tBeaujon Lev. is, barber 159 Swanson Beaumont Effy, widow Frankfort road above Queen Beaumont Jacob, blacksmith Cherry bel- Sch. Sixth Beauveau E 6c Co. dry gocds store 78 south Third Beaver Samuel, cai*penter 290 south Third Beaver Jacob, labourer 393 north Third Beecherer Gabriel, baker 89 Christian Bechtel George, shoemaker 55 Duke (N. L.) Bechtel Jacob, boot and shoe manuf. 64 south Second Bechtel John {^bachelor) 8c Co. shoe warehouse 50 High Beck Daniel B- painter and glazier, 145 north Front,

near Poplar lane dh 81 Green Beck Elizabeth, widow back 207 St. John


Beck Daniel, 23 St. Tammany

Beck Cieorge, clerk of High st. market 215 Lombard

Beck Henry A. druggist, &C.-248 north Front

Beck Henry, conibmaker north Eighth n. Buttonwood

Beck Henry, exchange broker & com. merch't 63 N 3d

Beck Isaiah, carpenter 147 St. John

tBeck Ignatius, dealer under 219 south Second

Beck John, painter, &c. near 11 Tammany

Beck Jacob, sen accountant 15 Tammany

Beck Jacob, jun. carpenter 22 Tammany

Beck John, grocer 34 Passyunk

Beck John, late grocer Germantown road ah. first gate

Beck Margaret, widow, north Eighth near Buttonwood

Beck Paul', merchant 11 south Water— d h 315 High

Beck Peter, late draper 486 south Second

Beck Peter, shoemaker 63 Penn

Beck Valentine, shoemaker, back 2 Oat

Beck W.C&SM. Stewart, stationers&manufac. paper

hangings & playing cards S W cor. Walnut and Third Beck Wm. C stationer, &c. 77 south Sixth Beckel Godfrey, accountant 87 north Second Beckenback Benjamin, m.alster back 408 north Third Beckenback Jacob, carpenter back 12 Kunckel Beckenback Jacob, shoemaker 85 Green Becker Christian, piano forte maker 203 north Fourth Becker Francis, accountant and interpreter of foreign

languages 28 north Third Becket Archibald, tailor Cooper's ferry 2b. Camden N.J. Beckhorn Garret, tavernkeeper 62 Shippen Beckman Daniel, shoemaker back 15 Charlotte Beckman Susannah, 15 Wagner's alley fBeckus Lewis, hairdresser 185 Spruce Bedell John, shoemaker 16 Browne (N. L.) Bedford Ann, teacher Crown above Callowhill Bedford Isaac, accountant Crown above Callowhill Bedford John, boot and shoe manufacturer 296 High Bedford Joseph, printer 70 north Eighth Bedford Thos. jr. dry goods store, 57 north Second Bedford Thomas, Crown abo^e Callowhill Bedford Thorn as, painter, &c. Kunckel above Tammany fBedford William, carter south Eighth near Cedar Bedinger Henry, cordwainer back 190 Lombard Bedkins Mahlon, oysterman 16 south Sixth Bedlock William J. teacher near 49 Crown Bedwell Thos. apothecary and druggist 250 north Third Beebe Lewis, printer Quince above Spruce Beer John, carpenter Rose alley above Coates Beers Robert, carter Lombard below Twelfth Beers Ann, 13 Carter's alley Beesley William, sugarmaker Taper alley Begley Thomas, cordwainer, 116 German Behncke John C. tavernkeeper 24 Swanson Behonin Charles, labourer 26 Burd's court

BEN whitely's annual

Beidelman Catharine, widow Queen below Wood (K.) Beidelman Elizabeth, widow Warren near Beach Beidelman Henry, fishecman Queen near Bishop Beidelman Jacob, boardmg house 105 Race Beidelman Jacob, fisherman Queen above Wood Beidelman John, fisherman corner Beach and Bishop Belair Lewis D. foreign bookseller SW comer Sixth and

Chesnut— -d h 8 Wood Beldon Hosea W accountant 64 Vine Belford John, shipwright 33 Christian Belin A'lgustus, merchafcC 237 bpruce Belkiuip Siephers, jeweller 4 Quctrry. Bell Amos, cordwdiner A'ban near Lombard Bell Ciuules, liquor merctiant 442 north Second fBell Cybele, widow back 30 Christian Bell Elizabeth, widow li'2 New Be)i George, piinter 44 Queen (S.) Bed Hannah, 5 Mark's vane

Bel! Henry, lumb mer. ya' d 9th ab. Race— flh 145 a 9tU Bell Jacob, labourer H-msell' c^urt Bell James, ladies* shotmairer 40 Christian Bell James, mate of vessel Sink's court Beli James & John, distillers 230 Cedar Bell John, grocer SW corner Gernran and Third Bell Joim, sawyer 167 south ^ixth Bell Mar}', widow Christian bel.')w Sixth Bell & Mitchell, whip manutactory 17 St. Jdtin Bell Peter, searaptain 9 Powell

Bell Robert R. printer Christian above Pa^syunk road Bell Samuel, commission merchint 309 Walnut Bell Samuel, grocer and drover 230 and 236 Cedar tBell Samuel, waiter Lyndall's court Bell William, whipmaker 1 16 St. John Bell William merchant, 105 south Fourth Bell William, (G eei; Tree inn) Hi- mil ton village Bell William, stone cutter 266 Lonib^rd Bell \^ m J. & Co. stock and exchange brokers 35 Dock Bell William, jun. stork &c. brok. 35 Dock d h 93 Pine Bellangee Isaac, bricklayer 13 Wood Bellanger Isaac, waterman, 107 I'hristian Bellew James, labourer back 216 south Sixth Belling Andrew, combmaker 542 n Third {see Billings fBellize John, stevedore Fuller's alley Bellows Hester, widow of capt. D 117 north Second Belot Arno, merchant 72 Christian Belrose John, paperhanger 315 south Second Belsterling Mary, widow 484 north Third Belton nrajor Francis S. assist, inspect, gen. U S army,

29 south Seventh Beltzner Catharine, shopkeeper 72 Dock Berckert Geo F morocco dresser 1 Knox's court Bendel Israel W. pumpmaker 12 Maria ab. Fourth N L Bender Charles, cordwainer 154 St John


Bender Christopher, tobacconist Gcr. road above 2d Bender Elizabeth, widow Prince neur Palmer Bender Eliza, widow boarding house 21 Strawberry st. Bender Jacob, combmaker Cherry above Thirteenth Bender John, shoemaker 14 Green [see Binder

Bender Mary, widow Queen near Wood Bender Mrs. widow boarding house 324 High Benedict John, ladies shoemaker 149 Cherry Benfer J. C. tailor 353 north Front tBienjamin Joseph, labourer 130 Plum street Benjamin Taft, teacher 456 Race Benjamin Wolf, cordial distiller 167 Cedar tBenn Thomas, niariner back 444 south Front Benner Ann 8c Hannah, grocers b. Frankf. r. a. Queen Benner Charles, cooper 6 north Tenth d h 327 Arch Benner Ehzabeth, widow Lombard above Twelfth Benner Elizabeth, Mrs 99 Queen (S) Benner George, baker Frankford r. near Queen street Benner Henry, drayman 196 Cherry Benner Henry, brickmaker Spruce above 13th Benner Henry, constable 11 Beaver Benner Isaac, toll collector at 1st gate Ger. road Benner Jacob, carter 20 Green Benner Jacob I. brickmaker 164 Lombard Benner Jacob, jun. saddler 187 north Third Benner Jacob, sen. weaver 189 north Third Benner John, tailor 31 Beck's alley Benner John, chemist 48 south Eighth Benner John, baker 300 north Front Benner Mary, widow 17 Budd Benner Matthias, brickmaker Spruce above 13th Benner Peter, oak cooper 365 north Second Benner Peter, brickmaker Spruce above Thirteenth Benner P. 8c M. brickmak. kilns cor. Walnut 8c Sch. 6th Benner Whiteman, silverpUter 23 Duke N L fBenner -~— , sawyer St, John above Poplar lane Benners George, merchant 106 St. John Benners Margaret, widow 57 New street Bennet Abel, fisherman.Queen above Palmer Bennet Anna, Mrs. 9 Vernon street Bennet Ann Miss, Pryor's alley Bennet Ann, Mrs. Sink's court

Bennet Catharine, widow Marlborough near Bedford Bennet Christopher, mariner 13 Pratt's court Bennet Isaac, labourer Prime above 2d (S) Bennet Jacob, fancy store 78 Arch fBennet James, coachman James's alley Bennet Joel B. printer 11 Quarry street Bennet John, late marble cutter 63 Filbert Bennet John, coast captain 36 Meade alley Bennet John, confectioner 57 south Front Bennet Julia, mantuamaker 8cc. 172 south 5th Bennet Lewis, mariner Beach Bear Maiden


liER whitely's annual

Bennet Louisa, 6 south Fourth

Bennet Martha, widow SE cor. Shippen & George

Bennet Martha, widow 6 Vernon street

Bennet Maria, dealer 7 Jones's allev

Bennet Mary, widow of Jacob 105 Christian

Bennet Nathaniel, carpenter Rose alley above Coates

Bennet Nicholas, carter Wood near 6th

Bennet Reuben, ironmonger 274 south 7th

jBennet Richard, 90 Lombard street

Bennett Thomas, painter &c. 105 Christian

Bennett Titus, bookseller &c, 37 High

Bennett & Walton, booksellers &c. Q7 High

tBennet Wm. sweepmaster St. Mary street

Bennet W. W. storekeeper 6 south Fourth

Bennett John, shipcarpenter Beach near Warren

Benniker George H. Welshtown

Benninghove Catharine, 2 Prune

Benninghove John, tobacconist 160 north Third

Benninghove Elizabeth, widow 4 Church alley

Benninghove & Nassau, tobacconists 77 High

Benning Jane, widow 6 Frazier's court

Bensadon Jacob, rev. trader back Hebrew synagogue

Bensley Clement, teacher 150 south 6th

Benson Alexander, merchant 242 High [see Bentzon

Benson Catharine, Green's court

tBenson Daniel, bootcleaner 96 Gaskill

Benson Richard & Son, dry goods and carpet warehouse

242 High Benson Jane, widow boarding house 151 Chesnut fBenson Juba, sawyer St. John above Poplar lane Benson Paul, morrxco finisher Bushhill Bent William, enginernaker 35 Zane Bentley Christian, segarmaker N 4th n. Poplar lane Bentley David & John, coppersmiths 112 N 4th Benton John, carpenter and grocer SE corner Ninth and

Lombard Bentzon Peter, jeweller 19 north Third [see Benson Beresford Robert H. printer 20 George [see Brelsford Berg Henry, tailor 2 Sassafras alley Bergasse Cadet, merchant 42 Union Berger Elizabeth, teacher Hause's court Berger Jonathan, (Black Horse inn) 226 north Second Bergameyer Daniel, cordwainer 108 north 7th Berkenback Benj. labourer N 4th near Browne Berkenbaugh Jacob, carpenter Kunckel below Green Bernadou J. B. merchant 221 High d h 172 south 4th Bernanosse Claudius, teacher 47 Wood B^ernard John, late ncwscanier Ger. road below 2d Bernard widow of John, 94 north Water and 97 north

Front [see Barnard

|Bernet John, shoemaker 201 Cedar Bernhardt Lewis F. professor of music 22 Sansom Berrett Lydia, widow 173 south 11th

Philadelphia directory. BEV

Berrett Wm. sign and ornamental painter 9 Cherry

\_set Barren Berrian James, late constable Lyndal's court Bernen Mrs. boarding house 47 south Eighth Berrien Wm. tanner and currier 41 Prime street (S) fBerrington Archibald, bootcleaner Clever alley Berry Anthony, mariner 7 Stephens' court Berry Charles, oyst rman 20 riofrth alley Berry Charles, tanner and currier back 393 south 2d fBerry Charles, labourer 249 Spruce Berry' Edward, boarding house 94 Swanson Berry Henry, farmer 2d below Greenwich "Berry James, coachman Eagle court Berry Joseph, sea captain 366 south Front "Berry Maria, widow 35 Currant alley "Berry Moses, labourer Harper's alley (P.T.) Jerry OUver, boot and shoe manuf. 36 Mulberry Jerry Peter L. carpenter 78 south Fitth Berry Richard, sawyer 17 Mary's alley ' Jerry Richard, stevedore 83 Penn '. Jeriy Samuel, carter Second above Ger. road "BeiTy Samuel, waiter 253 Spruce "BeiTy Severn, waterman Cherry n. West K. Berryman Joseph, bricklayer 245 Callowhill ab. Tenth Berryman Richard, shipwright 31 Mary (S) Bcrich Henry, baker cor. Shippen & Passyunk road Bersoon John, labourer Buttonwood above 5th Bertron David, m. d 328 north Second Besse John Baptist, 30 Elfreth's alley Besselievre Francis P. accountant Fitzwalter ab. Stli Besson L. 8c son, fancy dry goods store 52 south 2d Besson Lewis, fancy storekeeper 52 south 2d Best George, tailor 80 Spruce Best John, shoemaker Morgan's court fBest Moses, gunsmith 16 Gaskill street Beswick James, hack driver back 123 Plum Betes John, weaver Cadwalader st. near Pitt Betham Ann, layer out of the dead Green's court Bethausen Christopher, ai. d. 7 south Front 6c 49 Greeu Bethell John, mariner Germ, road near Rose Bethell Joshua, shoemaker Frankford road bel. Queen Betterton Wm. cor. Moyamensing road and Wharton Bettinger Michael, tanner Ger. road near 2d Bettle Samuel, cloth merchant 14 south 3d

{_see Beetle and Biddle Betridge Lucy, south 5th near Carpenter Betts Wm. hatter 44 Plum

Betzel Herman, tailor W. end Upper Ferry bridge Bevall John, Shippen near Clifton Bevan Henry, cooper Lyndall's alley Be van John, painter &c. 253 south Front Bevan John, labourer Grissell's alley Bevan Matt. L, mer. 35 South wharves d h 192 Arch

BIG whiteiy's annual

Bevan Philip, N. labourer Mark's lane Bevan and Porter, merchants 35 Sou-h wharves tBevans Sarah, widow Bonsall below 10th Beverly Thomas, mariner 33 Elizabetti Beverioge Mrs. widow Maniua village Beverlin Mrs. of James, drayman 219 CallowhDl Bevvley Catharine, widow Wright's alley Bewley Hannah, widow 280 north 2d Bewly Isaac, letter carrier 130 Vine Bewley James P. accountant 280 north 2d

[see Boley and Boula Beylard John, jr. merchant 120 Walnut Beylle Joseph, wine mercht. 63 S 2d d h 184 Spruce Beyile Joseph and Co. wine merchants 63 south 2d Bible Elizabeth, widow tailoress 257 south Third Bickerton Benjamin, cooper 317 no?th Third Bickerton Elizabeth, widow Shakamaxon near Queen Bickerton Fanny, Mrs. 11 Lombard Bickerton Mary, widow nurse 25 Parham's alley Bickerton Thomas, oak cooper 45 Christian Bickham and Wade, dry goods store 245^ south 2d Bickham Sarah, widow 254 south Front Birking John, printer 452 N 3d office Arch ab. 2d Bickley D^vid, grocer SE cor. Front and Callowhill Bickley Daniel, lumber merchant 30 Callowhill Bickley Jacob, lumber merchant Oak N L near High bridge dh 30 Callowhill

\8ee Buckley ^ Beckley^ and Bigley Bickley Maiy, widow 77 New street Bicknell Charles, carpenter Fifth below Buttonwood Bickn<ill George A. mercht. 230 High— d h 309 Arch Bicknell and Jackson, dom. warehouse 230 High cor. 7th Bida x Charles, erocer Old York road above Fifth Biddle Clement C" notary public 41 Dock, d h 303 Spruce Biddle Charles, jun. merchant 27 Branch Biddle Cliarles, gentleman 310 Chesnut Biddle, widow of Clement 67 Spruce Biddle Clem, sugar refin. 27 Church ay. d h 36 Filbert Biddle Dan. mariner Federal bel. 2d [see Bettle i^ Bedell Biddle James C. attorney at law 58 Walnut Biddle John E. tailor 145 south Fifth Biddle John G. broker— 26 Walnut— d h &7 Sruce Biddle M.and C. Canby, sugar refiners 27 Church ay. Biddle L\ dia, dry goods store 52 south Fourth Biddle Nicholas, attorney at law 210 Chesnut Biddle Rebecca, widow 204 Lombard street Biddle Samuel, druggist, &c. 142 High Biddle Thomas 8c John G. stock brokers &c. 26 and d h

41 Walnut Biddle Wm. S. counsellor at law 112 Walnut— d h 310

Che.snut Bicelow, Mrs. widow Camden N. J. Bigelow Thomas, attorney at law 104 Walnut


Biggard John, oysterman 11 Green and 473 south 2d

Biggard James, shoemaker back 210 St. John

fBiggs Henry, porter 135 Plum Isee Boggs

Biggs Jeremiah, accountant N 4th above Browne

Biggs Thos. mathL instrument maker 66 south Front

Biglev John, labourer Perry below Pine

Bigley & Sweeny, grocers NW cor. Crab and Shippen

Biglow Thomas, carpenter Rogers' court

Bignell Mrs. Ann, sem. for young ladies 198 Race

Bigonet Jacob, druggist 158 Lombard

Biles Nathaniel, millwright, cor. Maiden and Front

Biles Samuel, tavern keeper (black horse) Frankfordr.

Biihngs Isaac, auctioneer 383 Race

Billings John, teacher 319 south Front [see Belling

Billington George, attorney at law, 5 south Sixth

Bilis John, shipwright 8 Federal

Bills WiUiam, sen. shipwright 8 Federal near Front

Bills WiUiam, jun. shipwright 26 Federal

Bilson John, cabinet maker, south Fifth below Cedar

fBinder Joshua, labourer Bonsall

Binder widow of Jacob, inkeeper Queen near Wood

Binder William, hatter 286 north Front

Binder WiUiam, jun. hatter 375 N. Front [see Bende?'

Bingham Ringham, engineer Juniper above Race

Bingham Robert, trunkmaker S W cor. Centre square

Binneau Theodore, silversmith 5 Willow court

Binney Horace, counsellor at law, office 81 &dh 79S. 4th

Binns Benjamin P. 70 Chesnut d h 185 Lombard

Binns John, editor and publisher of the Democratic

Press, 70 Chesnut [aee Bines

Binny John, typefounder N W corner Cedar and Ninth Bioren Benjamin, 86 Chesnut dh 154 Pine Bioren John, printer & bookseller 88 Chesnut [see Byron Bioret Chas. cabinet maker NW cor Lombard and Third Birch Francis, tailor, &c. 2 Quarry Birch Thomas, landscape painter 6 Prune Birch Tliomas, gardner cor. Race and Sch. Second Birckett John, hatter, 11 Sassafras alley Birckhead Levin, coachmaker 370 High— d h 6 S. 12th Birckhead P. E. Ill south Fourth [sec Burkhard

Bird Barnabas, labourer Callow hill near Garden Bird Catharine, Mrs 34 German Bird Charles & Co. hardware merchants 98 High Bird capt. George, agent foi- N. York packets, 17 South

wharves d h 388 north Second tBird James, cordwainer 139 Pine

Bird John G. confectioner 51 Budd [see Burd and Baird Bird Joseph, treasurer of the county of PhUadelphia,"

office west wing of the State-house, up stairs Bird Matthias, carter Callowhill above Garden Bird Nathan, carter CallowhUl above Garden . ' Birk Henry, Oak above Noble "Sch. 8th

Birkhead E. coachtiiaker 6 south Twelfth

BLA whitely's annual

Birnie William, accountant Twelfth below Locust

Birmingham Joiin, accountant 373 north Third

Birmbanm John H. bottler 78 New

Bisbing Andrew, labourer Pleasant n. Charles (K.) ^

Bisbing George oak cooper 200 north Fifth

Bisbec Ascph, cordwainer Poplar lane near Third

Bisby Maiy, tailoress 10 German

Bish George, oak coopei' 31 German

Bishop Benjamin, cabinetmaker 167 Coates

Bishop Garret, teacher Germantown r. bel. the 1st gate

Bishop Hijah, gardener Moyamensing r. I)el Greenwich

Bishop Margaret, widow 1 Harmony court

Bishop Mary, widow Pine below Twelfth

Bisliop Nathaniel, labourer Warren (C.)

Bishop Richard, importer of hosiery 36 south Front dh

Vme above Tenth Bish()i> William, carpenter 58 Moyamensing road Bispham Daniel, tailor Point road above Frankford r. Bispham Joshua V. hatter back of 60 Dock Bispham J. jun. 127 Arch Bispham Mrs widow of John, Anne (V.) Bispham widow of Stacy B. merchant 112 Arch Bissell Latitia, widow 520 south Front Biter George, weaver 57 Garden Bits John, weaver Third near Germantown road Bitting George, joiner, &c. 8 Fayette Bitton Robert, Eighth above Callowhill Black Alexandei-, grocer S W cor. Sixth and Shippen Black Ann, dyer and scourer back 380 south Second Black Ann, widow 147 south Tenth Black Charles, mariner 310 south Seventh f Black Cyrus, shoeblack 84 Gaskill Bl-ick Dorcas, widow Wiley's court fBlaok Ebenezer, chimney sweeper 14 Elizabeth Black Furmaii, deputy keeper of the prison, 225 Cherry Black George, shipwright 15 Federal near Front Bluck Isaac C. grocer and innkeeper 22 Passyunk r. Black James, goldsmith and jeweller 123 Chesnut Black James, plasterer, 86 Cedar Black James, chandler 108 Plum Bhick Jesse, porter, Eagle court Blaok John, sea captain, 49 George -j Black John, waiter Eagle court Black John Y. blacking manuf. 10 Juniper lane Black Joseph, watchman. Church st (S.) Black Matthew, cordwainer 91 Cedar tBlack Matthew, brassfoundcr 22 Elizabeth TBlack Raynor, widow 206 Coates B?B!ack Robert mariner 84 Gaskill

G'ack Ruth shopkeeper 137 Cheiry Biceisk Samuel, tallow chandler 209 Cedar Bigeiovrrhomas, grocery and tavern 93 Shippen 'homas, blacksmith 12 north Tenth


tBIack Thomas, hatter 4 Fries's court

Black Wm. jr. merchant 18 N. Front d h 126 S. Front

Blackburn Mar>% widow 44 N. Seventh

Blacksom Louisa Mrs. 569 south Front

tBlackston Catharine, wido-A- Catharine above Third

Blackston John, tanner & cur. 218 S. 4th d h 151 Cedar

Blackston capt. Thomas, 81 Water

Blackford Joseph, bricklayer Bonsall st.

Blackman David, shingledrcsser Oak above Coates

Blackman Enoch, grocer cor Oak and Noble (N L)

Blackwell Robert, d. d. 50 Pine

Blackwood Atchesou, grocer cor. Pine and Perry

Bladen Wm. T. buiscuit baker 165 north Water

Biain, widow ot Charles, 100 Filbert

Blaier Jas. superintendant of iDoms N. Third n. Germ. r.

Blair Hugh, superintendant cotton wea\ing manufactory Germantown road below Third

Blair Hannah, widow 228 Pine

Blair John, blacksmith 306 south Front

Blair William, boot maiuifcicturcr 49 south Third

•fBlair William, labourer Crown above Prince

"Blaise John, hairdresser 150 south Eighth

•Blake Abraham, carter 54 Bitckberr)- alley ■Blake David, bootcleaner 246 Lombard

!ilake George E music store and library 13 south Fittii ■Blake James, mariner 12 Small *.

■'Blake Joseph, labourer Bonsall' [*<f£> Black

!ilake Joseph, carter Saunders* ct. Blake Mitchell, mariuer Twelfth above Locust "Blake Sarah, widow Twelfth above Locust

3lake Timothy, librarian 166 soiilh Third Slake WilUam T. carpenter Noble above Old York r

Blakely Michael, mariner D^.mcan's court

Blakie George, merchaiit 100 north Front

Blame Joseph, clerk of Hign st. market 5 north Fifth

Blanc Victor, coppersmith 260 north 2d

Blanchard Margaret, widov. 81 Vine

Blanchard Isaac W. accountant cor. Noble & Kunckle

Blanchard John, ship carpenter Hanover near Green

Blanchard Samuel, tavern & boarding house 5 south 7th

Blanchard William, printer Noble bel. Kunckel

Blanck John, cooper 277 north Front

Blauckenburg Christiana, shopkeeper 3 Lemon st.

Blaney Henrietta, widow of Doctor 187i south 2d.

Blaney John, biscuitbaker 58 Penn

Blaney Sarah, widow Joint rtUey

Bla!;ford George, blacksmith back 251 Race

tBlanford John, smith Dean's alley

Blanford Samuel, blacksmith back 124 N Fifth

Blank William, coppersmiih Oak bt^lov. Coates

Blankev Susan, widow Sch. Eighth near Vine

Blatchford Stephen, 137 Race

Blee Samuel, brickmaker comer George and Sch. 8th

BOG whitely's annual

Blee James, labourer Spruce W. Sch. Fifth Blenon Anthony, late druggist Hamilton village Blecker Henry, cedar cooper 333 Callowhill Bleyler John, tavernkeeper 300 north 2d Blejier Thomas, cordwainer 7 Parham's alley Bleight Samuel, m. d. 13th second door above Chesnut Blight George, gentleman Chesnut above Twelfth Blisset Francis, comedian SW corner Sixth and Locust Blocquerst Andrew J. printer 75 Small Block John, labourer Palmer above West Block Henry, boardinghouse 28 north Third [see Black Blodget Mrs. widow Lancaster turnpike r. above High Blogg John, merchant 36 Church alley Blondeau Francis, professor of music 118 north Fifth Blood Eleanor, widow 108 north Water Blood John, tavernkeeper cor. Sch. Seventh and Arch Bloom Frederick, labourer Kunckel above Callowhill Bloom John, carter Lawrence above Pegg's run Bloom Juliana, widow back 6 Blackhorse alley Blower Elizabeth, widow dyer 36 Cherry Blower Robert, dyer and scourer 103 Cedar Bloxton Thomas, tavernkeeper 32 Washington square Blum Henr)% carpetweaver 443 north Third Blume David, carter 213 north Eighth Blume George, cordwainer 16 James' alley Blumer Christian, bread and cakebaker 137 Arch Blumer William, carter back 20 Juliana Blye John H. sea captain 31 Christian Blythe John, caulker 27 Callowhill Blythe Mary, 31 Jones' alley Boake Israel, carter Gf'eenwich above Front tBoardley Stephen, labourer Hazel alley jBoardley William, coachman 1 Warner's court Boardman John, hatter Heyde's court Boate Dorah, cakebaker 150 north Fifth Boate Horatio, printer 129 north Fifth Boate Thomas, bookbinder Camden N J Bockius Aaron, cooper U S. arsenal [see Buckius

Bockius Jacob, brush manufacturer 277 north Second Bockius William, carpenter 270 Lombard d h 81 Union Bockius George, skindresser and parchment manufac- turer Margaretta near Newmarket Bockius John, sea captain 381 south Front Boddy John M. constable SlieafF's alley Boden Lewis, tavernkeeper 78 Green Bodett Anthony, drayman corner Queen and Fifth Bodey Rudolph, chairmaker 279 south Third Bodkin George, coachman back 303 Walnut Boehm & Jarden, chocolate &c. manuf 154 north Third Boehm William, chocolate, &c. manuf. 154 north Third Boggs Catherine, widow Prime below Second Boggs David, cabinetmaker Pullin's court Boggs Francis, Friends* almshouse


j-Boggs John, dealer 158 south Second and 92 Small Boggs Mrs. boaixlinghnuse Hunter's court Boggs Robert, labourer Cherry ab. Eleventh [see Biggs Boggs Samuel, shipwright Frankford road above Otter Boggs William & Co mei*chants 188 High tBogle Robert, waiter 46 south Righth Bogue Hugh, nailer Rose allej', (C.) Bohlen B &: J merchants 67 and 69 south Fourth Bohlen John, merchant 67 south 4th dh 238 Walnut Bnileau Isaac, teacher Frankford road above Queen- school Surah, (K.) Boisier Jerome, ccrdwainer 74 Lombard Boizard John, oysterman 138 High [see Boyzards

B' jeo Anjelo, ironfounder James near Ridge road B'^ley Frederick, cedar cooper 19 High dh280 n. 3d Bolitho Benjamin, brickmaker High near Sch. Sixth Boiler widow of John, 89 Sassafras Boiler & Schneider, merchants 251 High Bolton Aquila, storekeeper 32 north Second Bolton John R bridlebitmaker Juniper above Race Bolton John, glassblower Wood above Prince Bomeisler L. & Co. fancy store 93 north Third Bonaparte Joseph, see ♦■ Survill»ers Count de" Bond Benjamin, carter comer Budd and Laurel Bond Jacob, saddler and harness maker 80 north Second Bond J mariner Wood near Princ-e, K, Bond Joseph, waterman Vienna near Browne Bond Joshua B. gentleman 92 south Eighth Bend Nathaniel H. teacher Bushhill Bond Ihomas, cabinetmaker 11 Hoffman's alley Bond William, carter Budd above Laurel Bones Samuel, baker Ridge road above Nintli Bonfield Robert, stonecutter 11th between Race & Vine Bonnell Saml. hardware merch. 251 High d h 96 n. 6th Bonner James, drover 37 Walnut Bonneuil Peter, confectioner 37 Pine Bonnin George P. accountant 23 Juliana Bonsall Be'ijamin. tailor 4 Fetter lane Bonsall, Duncan & Co. merchants 40 north Front Bonsall Edward, gentleman S W coi' Spruce and Sixth Bonsall Isaac, Friends' asylum near Frankford Bonsall Benjamin S. merchant 41 Race Bonsall John, conveyancer office 3 Carpenter's court—

d h Locust W. of Seventh op. Washington square Bonsall Samuel, blacksmith Shield's alley Bonsall Thomas, lime merchant 98 Locust ab. Ninth Book Hannah, widow 155 north Sixth Book John, sawfiler 1 Sassafras allev [see Buck

Book Peter J. hairdresser & bleeder KW cor Arch & 5th Boon Andrew% wooddealer Beach, (K) Boon Cornelius, carter back 272 south Front Boon Enoch, Penn st. Point Pleasant, (K) Boon Joha E. shoemaker Washington above Second

BOX whitely's annual

Boon Samuel M. lastmaker cor. Cedar and Third Boone Jeremiah merchant and salt provisioner 90 sooth

wharves d h 163 Pine Booes Susan, washerwoman Weaver's alley- Bootes Peregrine, accountant 20 Duke Booth Ann, widow 180 Vine tBooth Joseph, mariner 23 Crab Booth John, tailor 82 Cedar Booth Michael, tallow chandler back 324 Race Booth Thomas, umbrellamaker 185 north Eighth Booth William, mariner 27 Currant alley- Booth William, coachmaker 115 Browne Boozer widow of Adam, Spruce above Thirteenth Boreaff Catharine, vict. cor. Cherry and Thirteenth BoreafF Henry, victualler 85 Garden Boreaff Valentine victualler Filbert below Thirteenth Borden Francis, bricklayer 13th bel. George [see Burden Borden Joseph, cordwalner 10 Rihl's court fBorden Rictiard, porter Prosperous alley Borhek John, confectioner 75 south Third Borie John J. sen. merchant 5 Minor d h 11 N. Eighth Burie John J. jr. merchant 5 Minor d h 11 N. Eighth Borie Simrn, paperstainer 165 Cedar Boring Thomas, drygoods store 114 north Third Bon-ekens H. P. merchant 151 Chesnut—d h 142 S. 10th Borman Amos, caulker 119 Swanson Bormann Jno. sen. vict. 197 Callowhill, stall 3 N. market Bormann John, jr. vict. 158 St. John, stall 26 High Bormgard Godfrey, baker 9 Callowhill Borton Mary, boa'rdinghouse 28 Arch Bortree William, gunsmith back of 433 north Third Bose Conrad, sen. labourer Buttonwood above Cliarles Bose Conrad, jr. labourer Buttonwood above Charles Boshart Catharine, sievemaker back of 110 N. Eighth Boshart John, cedar cnopcr 42 Old York road Boss Fred. 38 Appletree alley [see Bass and Boze

■fBoss Jacob, fiddler St. Mnry above Seventh Boss William, brushmaker back of 30 Elfreth's alley Bossert George mealstore 126 Race Bossert Andrew, Seven star tavern NE cor. Race & 4th Bossier Joseph, brass founder Washington near Sch. Bost widow of Jacob, cor. Christian and Seventh Bost widow of Michael, 259 Catharine tBostick Maria, widow Green's court jBoston Elizabeth, widow Bradford's alley fBoston Elizabeth, 29 Blackberry alley Boston George, farmer Second below Buck road Boston John, carter Harper's alley, P. T. ab. Pop. lane Boswell George, tinplate worker 43 High and 341 n. 2d Boswell Samuel, printer 5 Sassafras alley Boswell widow oi William, back of 12 N. Front Bothwell John, carter 408 N. Fourth above Coates Botsford Alvey, stonecutter Scott's alley back S83 High


Bottomly John, trader Lugar's row

Bottomly Thomas carpetweaver 82 south Water

Bottomly , dealer Palmer near Prince

Bottomore Richard, oysterman 8c beerhouse 220 S. 4th

Boucher George, mariner Sink's court

Bouchet Joseph, cutler Passyunk road below Christian

Bouchet Joseph, cutler 69 south Fifth

Bourchertte John, gunsmith 31 Franklin st.

Boulu widow of Peter, 120 north Ninth

Boulter Benjamin, tailor Ann west of Sch. Eighth

Boulter widow of Benjamin, Cherry cor. of Sch. Eighth

Bourgeois Peter, shipwright 64 Coates ^

Bourke Hugh, shipsmith 172 & 74 Swanson

Bourn S. H. teacher 1 Ann st.

Bourselet Mrs. B. & Co. feather store 32 S. Second

tBouser Jeremiah, oysterman 209 north Fourth

Bousquet & Dutilh, merchants 30 Walnut

Bousquet Frederick, sea captain 30 Walnut

Bous(juett Peter, 30 Walnut

Bouvier P. vict. 60 Moyamensing r. stall 24 New market

Bouvard William, carpenter 3 Juniper lane

Boweker Henry, cordwainer 452 Race

fBowen Clarissa, widow 255 Spruce

Bowen Elijah, sexton of Christ church 3 Chancery laae

Bowen Ezra, sea captain 226 south Fifth

Bowen Henry, tanner 12 Hinckel's court

Bowen Henry, caulker Marlborough above Beach

Bowen John, gentleman 338 Arch

Bowen John, oak copper back 7 Elfreth's alley

fBowen Joseph, porter back 20 Appktree alley

Bowen Joseph E/ tailor 347 north Front

Bowen J. B.librarianofPhilada. Athenaeum 45 Lombard

fBowen Risden, waiter 238 Lombard

fBowen Tamar, widow Essex's alley

Bowen Thomas, 1 Carlisle's court

Bowen Thos. blacksmith 164 Swanson

Bowen William, grocer S E cor. Cedar and Fourth

Bowen William back 198 north Second

fBoweu William, coachman 66 Small

Bower Christian, baker 114 north Eighth

Bower Elizabeth, widow, gentlewoman back 352 S. 2d

Bower George, carpenter Eighth near Green

Bower John, baker Thirteenth below Race

Bower Joshua, shipwright Beach near Marlborough K.

Bower Philip, P. printer 3 Flint's court

Bowers David, cordwainer Frankf. r. n. Marlborough

Bowers Geo. labourer Ann bet. Twelfth & Thirteenth

Bowers Jesse, brickmaker Sch. Fourth near Cedar

f Bowers John, dealer 90 south Second

BowersiWin F. innkeeper cor. Ann and Callowhill

Bowers Mary, widow 448 & 455 north TJiird

Bowers Michael, surgeon-barber 402 north Third

Bowers Peter, brickmaker Ann between 12th and 13th

BOY whitely's annual

Bowers Rebecca, tailoress 113 German

Bowers Richard F. Frankford road above 1st gate

Bower Samuel, shipbuilder Penn st. K.

Bowes J. turner Marlborough near Bedford

Bow hay Mary, widow back 353 south Front

Bowhouver Frederick, wheelwright 450 Race

Bowin Mary, miUiner 82 south Fourth

Bowie Jane, widow 282 south Second

Bowlby Edward, hardware merchant 69 High— d h 9

ChUTch alley Bowlby & Weaver, hardware merchants 101 High Bowles James, stonecutter Cherry above Juniper Bowles Rebecca, widow Ann W. Sch. Eighth Bowles VV^illiam, block anrl pump maker 13 Swansoii Bowley , victualler stall 18 Old Shambles

j"Bowli:tg James, coachman Baker Bowman Abraham, printer 263 south Fifth Bowman Casper, labourer Merriott's lane above Fifth Bowman Charles, cordwainer south 5th below Cedar Bowman Charles, mariner back 62 Catharine Bowman Isaac, mariner 83 Penn Bowman John, jr. agent for steamboats 3 N. wharves Bowman Jr.hn, vict. stall 31 N L. mar. and 390 N. 3d Bowman Michael, combmaker 390 north Third Bowman Rebecca, Mrs. Christian above Fifth Bowman Sarah, widow vict. Lawrence ab Pegg's run- stall 10 High St. market Bowman VVm. accountant inquire of Jas. Mitchell & Co. Bowman Zachariah, paiuter, &c. 207 Coates

3owman , printer 206 south Frtmt

'Jownas James tallowchandler Arch west Sch. Second

' iowne C. widow 68 Lombard

"Bowser Jeremiah, oysterman north 2d— dh 177 N. 4th

"Bowser John, woodsawyer Sch. Second above Spruce

Bowser William, grocery and tavern 91 Plum

Boyce Hannah M boardinghouse 113 south Third

tBoyce Jacob, tanner Elbow alley

B(;\ ce Michael, labourer 19 Hurst

Boyce Sdrah, boardinghouse 12 Gray's alley

Boyd David, merchant tailor ufifier 42 north Fourth

Boyd rev. George, d. d. 21 Vine

Boyd Hugh, grocer 4 Hopkins* court, N L

Boyd John, rope maker Eighth near Prime

Boyd Joseph & John, exchange and commission brokers

16i south Fourth— d h 143 Spruce Boyd Maria, milliner 263 south Second Boyd Mrs. widow 6 Eckfeldt's court Boyd & Parks, flour merchants 425 High— dh 7 N 12th Boyd R. sandpaper and screwmaker Chesnut W. Broad Boyd Sophia, back 251 Race Boyd Susannah, widow Oak bel. Hayscales N L Boyd Thos. G. carpenter 12th bel. Locust— d h Mercer Boyd William, merchant 340 High S E corner Tenth


Boyd William, flour merchant 7 north Twelfth Boyd William tallowchandler 121 north Fifth Boyer Ann, Mrs. carpetweaver south 5th bel. German Boyer Ann, widow 129 Greene Boyer Benjamin, teacher 27 Charlotte fBover Daniel, labourer Catharine above Fifth Boyer F. victualler N. Eighth above Callowhill Boyer Henry, shipwright 43 Christian Boyer Isaac, merchant 142 north Second Boyer Jacob, innkeeper 140 north Second Boyer Jonas scrivener 4 Wood near Second Boyer James, tobacconist Germ, road near 1st gate Boyer John, blacksmith Frankf. road above Bedford Boyer John and James, carpenters 4 Wood fBoyer Thomas, carpenter south Seventh bel. Shippen Boyer Valentine, vict. 275 N. 8th— stall 57 New market ;5oyle Charles, shopkeeper 235 Spruce Boyle Edward, labourer Vine near Schuylkill 3oyle James, tallowchandler Lemon st. 3cyle James, sandman 82 Swanson 3o}»le James, labourer Raspberry alle}' Joyle James, labourer 48 Passv unk road Joyle John, sea captain 21 Little German Boyle John, gardener Pine above Eleventh Boyle Michael, oak cooper 76 Penn Boyle Patrick, labourer 252 south Fifth Boyle Susannah, widow grocer 30 Spruce Boyle Thomas, Juniper Ipetween Arch and Chen*y Boyle William, pjrocer South whar^es near Cedar Boyles Sarah, widow Geor^^^e near 2d (N. L.) Boyls Ann, seamstress 6 Echfeldt's court Boys Mary, widow of Samuel 17 Browne Boyter Amelia, widow Miller's court (N. L.) Boze Wm. grocer and bricklayer 148 Lombard Bozorth Andrew agent and collector N, W. corner

Twelfth and Mulberry Bozorth Wm. carpenter 122 Filbert Braceland Jeremiah, 4 Vernon st. Bracelin Jane, widow 274 Swanson Brackin Henry, printer 7 Cresson's alley Brackney Isaac, taylor 8 Carter's alley Bradbury Edw. engraver & turner in metals 2 Penn. av. Braden John, stone mason Third near Germantov/n r. Braden widow of Arthur, 18 Passyunk [See Briden

Braden Robert, stonecutter Thirteenth below High Bradfield Benjamin, carter 18 Stamper's alley Brades Peter,^ storekeeper 101 north Fourth cor. Vine Bradford David, mariner 6th above Greene Bradford Nath. R carpenter Washington (S) above 2d Bradford Samuel F. publication office of Rees's New

Cyclopaedia 45 Sansom d h 130 south Eighth Bradford Samuel cordwainer 337 north Third Bradford I'h^omas, jun. attorney at law 5 Sansom



Bradford Thomas, bookseller 8 south Front

Bradford Thomas 8c William, booksellers, stationers and

printers 8 south Front Bradford William, printer and bookseller 8 south Front

—dh 214 Mulberry Bradford Thomas, labourer 473 north 2d Bradley Anne, grocer 29 Prune Bradley Elizabeth, 313 Callowhill Bradley Ehzabeth, widow, Callowhill above Gaitlen Bradley Hugh, grocer 181 Cedar street jBradley Isaac, labourer 59 Bedford (M.) Bradly Mary, widow grocer 200 Pine southeast cor. fth Bradley James, baker 362 Higli Bradley John, ironmonger, mquire 78 High Bradley John, tailor 295 south Third Bradley John, boarding house 108 Mulberry Bradley Patrick, coacnman back 22 south Fourth Bradley Thomas, farmer and victualler Shippen's lane

Bradley , tinplateworker 228 Lombard

Bradshaw Sarah, tavern keeper 191 Chesnut Brachhaw Thomas, mariner Turner's court Brady Alex, carpenter Sheaft's alley Brady Andrew, dealer 296 south Third

[6ee Bradex^^ Bready^ Brodie Brady Catharine, pepperpot maker Old York r n Coates Brady Daniel, accountant 122 Chesnut d h 172 Vine fBrady Essex, laboii re r Miles' court near Race Brady F. grocer and tavernkeeper 289 Vine B'l^dy James, storekeeper 107 s Fifth Bnidy James, morocco manufacturer 77 south Fifth Brady John, bricklayer Germantown road above Third

Brady , pedlar Hazel alley i>elow Locust

Brady Laurence, 166 north Water

Brady Richard, shipwna;ht, Old York r. below Coates

Brady Sarah, widow 283 south Fourth

Bradway, John, Beach near Maiden (K )

Brad way, John, corder Oak (N L.) below Coates

Bramiiv'vvidow^ of Benjamin, Huddell's court

Brseuiigam Daniel, ironmonger &c. 194 north 2d

Bi'aley John, accountant Pearson's court

Bramble Mary, Ann widow 40 St Tammany

Bramble Wnj. cooper 9Sassafrass alley

BrancoJ. P. tobacconist 72 south Front

Branco John M. oysterman 99 Shippen

Brand Christian Lewis, tinman 90 north Eleventh

Brandum Samuel, porter Shippen near Thirteenth

Brandt Airoe', watchmaker and jeweller 129n«rth 2d

Brandt John, carpenter 123 Coates

Bramaker Frederick, ironfounder James al>ove Ridge r.

Brannan E. i?* M. storekeepers 4 south 2d

Brannan Peter, cai*penter Lyndall's court

Branner Daniel, labourer Pleasant above Charles

Branner Frederick, farmer Hickory lane near Ridge r

Branner George, late milkman 10 Brannei 's alley


Branner Joseph, Shoemaker's court ^Sec Brunncr

Brannon Jolin, labourer Camden N. J.

Brannon John, carpenter Sheaff*'s alley

Brannum Catharine, widow Britton's alley

Brannum Frederick, milknuan Ridge road

Brannum, Susan, widow 13 Wagner's alley

Branson Aaron, carpenter Shakamaxon cor. Prince

Branson Elizabeth, nurse Cresson's alley

Branson J. E agent tor the N. Y. and Fliilad.line of post

coaches 3 south Third Branson J. cedar cooper cellar 9 n. 6th d h Loxley's ct. Branson Joshua, agent 25 north Fourth Brant Jesse A- labourer Raspberry alley Branson Elizabeth, widow of Day, Twelfth below Pine Bransby Mary, washerwoman 4 Knight*s court Brar.dt, Taylor, stonemason and bricklayer 11 Budd Brant Wm. welldiggcr &c. cor Spruce and Sch. 7th

[^see Brandt Branu Robert Peter, broker 120 south Second Brisier Amable, watchmaker and jeweller 12 south 3d Brasingion Isaac, drayman 438 north Front Braw James, labourer Second above Gerinantown roiad Brax- llf Barcroft dr\' goods store 217 nortli I'hird Bray Daniel, storekeeper 217 north Third Bray Elkanah, sea captain 313 south 2d Bray Henry, labourer 301 soiith 7th fBray James, mariner Osbonrn's court Bra\^ John, painter &c, 26 Crown Braman Samuel, plasterer 130 German Brazier John, whitesmith 171 Green {_see Bra^Mr

Breaden James D innkeeper 121 s Water , ^

Bready C. L. coachmaker 197 and d. h. 132 sovrth Fifth Bready P. L. widow 144 south Fifth Brealey James, watchmaker 115 north Third dwelling

Fourth near (iermantown road Brearley Wm. shipwright Alberson's ct. n. shot factory Brebau John, mercliant 164 High— d h 8 south Tenth Breece Charles, inquire N W. corner Cheriy and 7th Breedin B. B. merchant 162^ d h 6th abovc'Callowhdl Breidenhart George, upholsterer 117 soutli Front Breintnall David, ladies shcemaker 200 Chesnut Breintnall rev. Thomas, i;2^z//rf 200 Chesnut Breish Joshua A. skindresser above 549 north Third Breisach George, drayman Race near Schuylkill 7th Brelsford Fras. bootmaker SiieafF's alley \^ee Berenford Brelsford Joseph, smith yu Cherry Brelsford & Joyce, smiths 90 Cherry Brelsford Thomas, (sign Benevolent Heart) S. W. corner

2d and Poplar lane Breniaud C. commission merchant 148 south Fourth Bresland John, labourer 166 south Eleve.ith Bresser Jaccb, innkeeper ^c. NE cor Lombard and 7th Brethoff Henry, sea cajjtain 21 Vernon

BRI whitely's annual

Bretz Adam, NW corner Tammany and St. John

Bretz Jacob, merchant 32 north Third

Breuel Catharine, storekeeper 195 south Second

Brevard Rebecca, widow storekeeper 229 south 2d

Brewer Daniel, cordwainer 262 Arch

Brewer Daniel, cordwainer 3 Faires's court

Brewer Isaac, cordwainer 7 Myers' court

Brewer Wm. clock and watchmaker Friend's almshouse

Brewer Wm waterman 353 south Front

Brewster Lucinda, widow 5 Emlen's alley

iJrewton Daniel, sea captain 444 south Front

Brice David, labourer Poplar lane near St. John '5rice James, labourer Morgan's court ab Eleventh Brice Wm. labourer Harper's alley, P. T. Jrick WiUiam, tanner 8 Frankhn street iricker Jacob, weaver 473 north Third ' irickman George, baker 44 Race iridge James, teacher SE corner Spruce and Third ; bridges Edwin N. teacher corner Vine and Fourth bridges Culpepper, merchant 206 Pme bridges Jemima, widow of Robert 259 south Front Jridport Hugh, miniture painter ^c. N.W. corner Ches-

nut and 7th— d h 26 north 5th Brien Mary Ann, dry goods store NW corner Race and

Fourth [see Bryan

Briggs Elizabeth, widow 55 St. Tammany Briggs John, cupper and bleeder 47 north Seventh Briggs Ralph, carter Rose N. L

Briggs Russel T. bailer maker Germantown road bel 2d Bright George, tavern keeper, 10 Spruce Br!g;^itwill Charles, cordwainer 46 Budd Brill Gv?orge, bricklayer Hanover near Frankford road Brindle Dorothy, mantuamaker 75 north 6th Brindle James," grocer 447 north 4th NE cor Poplar 1. Brine James, milkman Ridge road above Callowhill Bringhurst Ann widow boarding house 35 Mechanic st. Brlnghurst George, coachmaker 23 north Fifth Bringhurst Jesse, coachmaker near 13 Kunkle Bringhurst Mary, inkeeper 215 N Second Bringhurst Mary, widow 22 north Ninth Bringhurst Robert, cabinetmaker 5th n Carpenter (S.) IBrinkley David, labourer 5 Warner's court tBrinklev Rachael, widow 196 south 6th Brinley Jacob S. merchant tailor NE cor 5th and Walnut Brinton John H. counsellor at law 217 Mulberry Brintzinghoffer George, wheelwright 114 and 116 n 5th tBrister'Peter labourer 6 Warner's court Bristol Hannah, 403 n?»rth 2d tBristol James, woodsawyer Adams' street Bristoll Mary, widow 403 north 2d Britt Mary, milliner 99 Arch Brittin Joseph, Lower Delaware Hotel, 18 Bread Brittingii .m Mary, widow Cranmer's court Britton Charles, cordwainer Beach near High bridge


Brltton John, gentleman Mantua village

Bi'ittoa Thos. minter Stewart's court

Britton Wm. lumber merchant, S E corner Ninth and

Cherry d h 125 north Ninth Britzell Joseph, turner 12 York court N. L. Broadheart John, woollen manufacturer 28 Stamper's ay, Broadie Christiana, 148 Locust BrobsonWm. 194 south Fourth

Britz Adam, innkeeper and grocer cor Front and Poplar 1 Brobston Ann, widow 6 Cypress alley Brobston Joseph grocer 8E cor Front and Queen Broad Joshua, labourer Bushhill Broasnahin Daniel, labourer Hazel alley Brobst, Ann, widow cor Otter and Germantown road Brochet Charles, jeweller Pottery alley Brock Frederick, accountant 130 St. John Brock John, merchant 230 north 2d Brock & Rush, merchants 230norih 2d Brockerman Wm. tobacconist 50 Tammany Brocklehurst R smith Scott's alley— d h 96 Filbert Brodhead Daniel, scrivener and accovmtant 12 Arch Broadhead rev. Jacob, 77 north Fifth Brodie Andrew, grocer S E cor, Coates and 2d Brodie Edward, carpenter 76 Almond Brodie Michael, tanner Germantown road near Third Bronger Wm. victualler Race near Sch. Eighth Bronson Enos, late editor of " The Union,'' 6 Franklin

row 9th below Walnut [see Bi^anaon

Brooke Boyer, iron mer. 109 n Water— d h Brooke court B'-ooke Caleb, smith 88 Callowhill— d h Kunkle above

Pegg's run Brooke C. 6c S. blacksmith 88 Callowhill Brooke Ignatius, tamer St. John above Beaver Brooke John, blacksmith 88 Callowhill— d h 412 n. 2d Brooke James, smith 419 n 4th N. L. \^see Brooks

Brooke Robert, surveyor 316 N Third Brooke Susannah, widow Maria above Fourth Brooke Wdliam J. screw-auger manufactory High

west of Permanent Bridge Brooker, Christian, cordwainer 6th above Poplar lane Brookhouse John, labourer 255 St John Brooks Catharine, 22 Seventli near Walnut Brooks David, carter 125 north Eleventh [see Brooke Brooks , widow 7 Callowhill fBrooks Hannah, widow Portland lane Brooks John, cooper 83 S Water d h 5 Norris's alley Brooks John, ctiina store 272 north Front Brooks Joseph, brassfounder Cadwalader street Brooks Lewis, back 239 north Second Brooks Oliver, taoner and currier 362 north Front Brooks Rachel, widow of Wm. 25 Key's alley Brooks Samuel, merch Girard's wharf d h 80 S 8th Brooks Wm. grocer corner Juniper and Walnut

D 2

BRO whitely's annual

Broom Christopher grocer and draj'man 104 Budd Broom James M counsellor at law, office 97 and d h 9o

Walnut Broom Lxtida, widow 118 Cedar Broom Thos cooper 10 Swanson d h 353 south Front Broome Charles R. 1st lieutenant marines, Navy yard Broome William J. shoemaker Beach below Warren Bross Elizabeth, widow 120 south Fifth Brossie John, stagedriver 254 south Fourth Broslasky Henrv, dealer 12th corner Lvndall's court Brotherthon Elizabeth, widow back 166 St. John Brotherton Hugh, shoemaker 330 south Front Brotherton John, shoemaker Germantown road near 2d Broughton Horace, accountant 186 north Fifth Brower Jacob, potter 10 Rose alley near Brown Browne Aquilla A. attorney at law 38 s 6th--d h BOT

Walnut fBrowne Abner, mariner 58 Passyunk Brown Abm. mariner 113 Catharine Brown Abm. porter 40 Blackberry alley Brown Adam, grocer S W cor 9th and Cherrv

Brown , sexton back 49 Pine

Brown Andrew, innkeeper 44 Cedar

Brown Andrew, teacher 51 south Fifth

Brown Ann, widow back 44 Spruce

Brown Ann, widow 239 south Fourth

Brown Aulay, tailor 4 Chesnut

Brown Barney, labourer Shackamaxon near Prince

Brown Benjamin, skindresser George near Second

Brown Benneville D. hardware merch. 54 N Front d h

165 Arch Brown Benjamin V. carpenter 11 York court N. L. jBrown Benjamin, ])orter Pine below Twelfth Brown Charles I. 39 south Fourth Brown Charles, labourer Ger. r. n. Fourth Browne Charles, silkde\ er 49 Coate's alley : irown Charles H. merchant 28 S wharves— d h 258 n 3d 3rown Charles R.lieut. of marines Navy yard

Brown Csesar, coachman Mark's lane

■Browr* Charles, coachman Acorn alley "Brown Charles, mariner 3 Warner's court

■Brown Charles, porter 257 Spruce jirown Christiana, widow back 405 south Second 3rown Cornelius, boarding house 135 N Water

3rown David, sea captain 383 south Front 'kown David Paul, attorney at law NE cor Arch & 6th

■Brown David, labourer Grissell's alley

irown Deborah, widow of Dr. Thomas 42 George (S.')

irown Elenor, widow tailoress 53 Gaskill jirown Elijah, com. mer. 48 Dock— d h 39 Fourth

irown Elizabeth, boarding house 136 south Front

irown Elizabeth, tailoress Fourth bel. Germantown r Brown Elizabeth, widow of George 127 Callowhill


Brown Elias & Robert, stonecutters 195 S 7th ab. Pine

fBrown Ellis, sawyer Lyndall's court

Brown Esther, widow 165 Arch

Brown Ezra, cordwainer High ab. Schuylkill Seventh

Brown Francis, inspector of military clothing, Ann (Y.)

Brown George, oysterman 106 Cedar

Brown George, carpenter Lombard above Sixth

tBrown George, labourer Mile's court n Rose

Brown Geo. tavern keeper Cedar n Gray's ferry road

Brown Grace, widow of John 87 n Ninth

Brown Hannah W. widow 250 N Second

Brown & Harris, painters, &c back of 73 Chesnut

tBrown Harry, Dean's alley

Brown Henry, whitesmith 452 Sassafrass

Brown Henry, cordwainer 188 S Fourth

B^'own Hugh, nailcutter S Fourth n Carpenter

Brown Isabella, widow cor Arch and Juniper

Brown Isaiah, labourer 267 s Fifth

Brown Jacob, morocco dresser 18 Popl. ab Front

Brown Jacob, carter Federal bel. Second

Brown Jacob,,corder Oak below Coates(N. L.)

Brown Jacob, labourer Germantown r n Master's st.

fBrown Jacob, waiter, 225 S Eighth near Cedar

Brown James tobocconist 46 n Fourth

Brown James, & Chas, Harris, painters &c. 30 Bank

Brown James, weaver Sch. Sixth bel. High

Brown James, blacksmith Bradford's alley

Brown James, labourer back 18 Budd

Brown James, tailor, 2 Vernon

Brown James, cordwainer NE cor Locust and Ninth

Brown James, tinplate worker Fourth n Germant. r

Brown James, late mariner Fries's ct.

fBrown James, waiter 6 Eagle court

fBrown James, shoemaker 14 Hurst street

Brown Jeremiah, mariner 29 Browne

fBrown Jeremiah, labourer 6th above Poplar lane

fBrown Jesse, painter, &c. Warren (C)

fBrown Jesse, dealer 14 Bonsall

Brown John H sea captain Shackamaxon n Bedford

Browne John C, shipsmith 331 N Front d h Beach

above Hanover Brown John, inspector of customs 316 south Front Brown John, steam engineer 391 Sassafras Brown John, labourer Arch west of Sch. 2d Brown John A. and Co. importers of Irish linens 22 south

Front— d h 109 south 3d Brown John, tailor 384 south Front Brown John, clock and watchmaker 359 N 2d Browne John, 376 norti-i Front N L Browne John, U. S. superintendant of fortifications, 1

Little George Brown John, merchant 216 Chesnut Brown John, labourer Grissell's alley

BRO whitely's anxual

Brown widow of John, cor. Juniper and Arch Brown John, labourer Shackamaxon above Bedford Brown John, silVerplater inquire 22 south Third Brown John, superintendant of military clothing 16

Broad above Chesnut Brown John, hairdresser 7^ S. 6th— d h Washington ct. Brown John, painter. 8cc. 24 Watson's alley Brown John M. rigger 14 Noble Brown John P. Hshernnaii Queen above Palmer Brown John, cordwainer 6 South alley Brown John, labourer back 7 Shippen street ■Brown John, labourer Sch. 4th above Spruce -Brown Jolin, porter 72 Plum -Brown John, carpenter 11 Hurst street 'Brown John, barber Washington court ■Brown John, mariner back 183 Spruce ■Brown John, waiter Portland lane "Brown John, labourer Bonsall ■Brown John, sweep master 199 Shippen fBrown John, carter Gray's ferry road near Cedui Brown Joseph, watchman Shaxamaxon n. Prince- Brown Joseph, manner 107 Christian street Brown Joseph, hatter back ot 8 Oak (S.) Brown Joseph, watchman Arch below Broad fBrown Joseph, manner back 105 German Brown J. and M. and M. D. Lewis, men 234 Market Brown and Kinderdine, carpenters Kunckel bel. Greeii Brown Lawrence, 223 Spruce street jBrown La wry, coachman Mark's lane Brown and Lee, hatters and straw hat manufacturers,

70 south 2d 3rown Lewis, merchant 146 High Brown Liberty, conveyancer 393 N 2d and Falls of Sch. ■Brown Lunar, sweep Browne above Fourth •Brown Lunar, jun. ragman Brown above Fourth 3rown Margaret, widow 23 Noble 3rown Margaret, widow 587 south 2d ■Brown Margaret, widow Atkinson's court Brown Mary, widow grocer NW cor. 6th and Lombard Brown Mary, widow cake baker 377 N 4th fBrown Mary, widow Crab above Shippen JBrown Mary, widow 40 Zane Brown Michael, rigger 8 Margaretta fBrown Moriea, Cedar above 12lh Brown Mrs. widow above 239 St. John Brown Mrs. B. teacher 229 Arch Brown Noble, carter Clymer's alley near 6th Brown Peter, brushmaker back of 36 N Third Brown Peter A. attorney at law and conveyancer, office

16Swanwick d h 68 souih 6th Brown Peter, fisherman Queen near Cherry Browne Philip, surgeon's instrument maker 49 N 7th Brown Philip, labourer Wood above Prince


fBrown Phoebe, Mrs. back 249 Shippen

jBrown Rachel, widow back 118 German

f Brown Richard, sawyer 211 Shippen street

Brown Richard, fancy store 353 south 2d

Brown Robert, typefounder Cedar above Ninth

tBrown Robert, master sweep &c.Pine below Tenth

Brown Ruth A. nurse 15 Watson's alley

Brown Samuel, 140 south Eighth

Brown Samuel, tea-warehouse 73 Chesnut

Brown Samuel, pumpmaker 47 Mead alley

fBrown Samuel, manner Osbourn's court

JBrown Samuel, waiter 185 south 7th

Brown Sarah, Pine above Tenth

Brown Sarah, widow of Joseph A. boarding house 74

south Eleventh Brown Sarah, widow Browne below 4th Brown Sarah, widow boarding house 211 Arch tBrown Sarah, widow 90 Puss\ unk road f Brown Susan, widow St. Mary street (back") Brown Thos. carpenter 53 Tammany NE cor. Kunckel Brown Thomas, stave merchant 17 Swanson Brown Thos. oakcooper 24 Little \\'ater, dh S Front Brown Thomas, storekeeper 17 south 2d Brown Thomas, capt. of U. S. navy 61 N 4th Brown Thomas, wholesale and retail grocer, SE cor. of

Ninth and Locust ■'Brown Thomas, sawyer Plum alley "Brown Thomas, labourer George above 10th ■"Brown Thomas, hairdresser 153 south 6th "Brown Thomas, oysterman 238 High ■'Brown Thomas, porter back of 265 Race

Brown Thomas, oysterman Tammany near Fourth Jrown William, pinnter office 42 Prune d h 6 John

above Wood Brown William, rectifying distiller 172 Cedar Brown William, tanner and currier 135 north 6th Brown William, whitesmith 21 Green Brown W^m. tanner 4th ab. Callowhill— d h 196 N 4th Brown William, accountant 123 Lombard Brown William W. carpenter 25 Wood Brown Wm. accountant. Alms-house Spruce ab. 10th Brown William P. merchant 6th above Callowhill Brown WiUiam, cabinet maker back ot 262 Cedar Brown William, labourer W'alnut W^. Broad Brown WiUiam, bottler 50 north Fifth Brown WlUiam, tavernkeeper 54 Swanson Brown William, ladies shoemaker 140 Lombard Brown Wm. mariner 51 Queen street Brown William, back 49 Pine street Brown William, shoemaker Queen near Cherry fBrown WiUiam, waiter Sch. 2d below High tBrown WiUiam, labourer 18 Hurst street tBrown WiUiam, boot cleaner W^ashington court

BRY whitely's annual

TBrown William, waiter 17 north 8th

tBrown Wiliiam, master sweep 136 CheiTy

jBrown William, carpenter Gjorge below 11th

Browne W'm. J. flour merchimt 132 N Front

Brownell Gardner, inn andferrv keeper 155 Swanson

Brownell Sarah, widow 48 Prune

Browner Nicholas, mariner Sch. 7th above Arch

tBrownhill Daniel B. hairdresser 223 north 2d

Browning George, labourer Camden N. J.

jBrowning John, mariner back 75 George (S.)

Brownshoi Lewis, labourer 56 Cable lane

Bruce William, innkeeper 30 Cedar

Bruce William, biscuit baker 30 Queen

Brack William, buiscuit baker 113 Vine

Brugiere Charles, mercht. 247 High d h 296 Chesnut

Brugiere C. and A. Teisseirc-, merchants 247 High

Brum John, hatter 196 St. John

Bru;iiaken Frederick, labourer James bel. Ridge road

Brumer Benjamin, lawmaker back of 15 north 6th

Brummell Samuel, stonemason Taper alley

Brunei Andrew, mariner 29 Coate's street

Brunner Adam & Son, skindressers, 8cc. 11 Margaretta

Brunner W^m skindresser 112 St. John & 11 Margaretta

Brunner John, carver and gilder 90 N 3d [^see Branner

tBrunes William, stevedore 6th near Queen

Bru'.rierTh(.mas, labourer back 373 south Front

tBrammy Samuel, sawyer Browne nearCheny (K)

Bru. rtcn Get rge, china gilder and enameller, NE cor.

Chesnut and Sch. 6th Bruorton Wm. grocer NE cor. Chesnut and Sch 6th fBrustar CaroUne, Essex's alley \_sce Brewster

Brusstar Henry, shipwright Shaxamaxon near Queen Brusstar Samuel B. cabinet maker Queen n. Crown K. Brusstar Samuel, gentleman Beach near Marlborough Bruster Charles, grocer SW^ cor High and 13th Bryan Catharine, seamstress 273 south Fifth fBryan Henry, mariner 30 Stamper's alley Bryan Jesse, tailor 13 Wood

Bryan John C. cooper back 365 High d h 2 south 12th Bryan John, cabinet maker 5 Hinckle's court fBryan Margaret, widow Marv's alley Bryan Mc.rv, widow 93 south 4th

Bryan S irah, Miss Clover street {see Brian

Bryan Samuel, esq. Register for the Probate of Wills,

and granting Letters of Administration in and for the

city and county of Phil ideljihia.in the CommonweaUi.

of Pennsylvaula, No 6 east wing State b.ouse iBrvan Thomas, sweep master Shippen above 7th Brv an Wm. P. merchant 223 Hii^h d h 401 Arch Bryan T. M. mer. 223 Higii & d h 223 Arch [see Brien Bryant John Y. chemist, i<cc. NW cor. Pine and 2d Bryant Mordecai Y. wholesale and retail druggist 241

north 2d


Bryant T. J. druggist, &c. 396 N Front and 205 N 8th

Bryant Wm. cabinet maker 68 Chesnut d h 36 Dock

Biyars Thomas, weaver back 180 Lombard

Brvden James, baker 145 Walnut

Brynan John, umbrella maker Sec. 194 south 2d

Bryson William, cordwainer 220 S 5th 5c back 159 Pine

Buchanan Alex, cordwainer Hunter's court

Buchanan Andrew, grocer Juniper above Race

Buchanan Catharine, widow 13th below Walnut

Buchanan George, bitmaker Locust below 13th

Bachanan Laetitia, widow 190 Spruce

Bachanan Margaret, widow Alban street

Buchanan Thomas, weaver Weaver's alley

Buchhalter George F. baker 25 Franklin court

Buck C. N. merchant 144 soutli 3d— d h 204 south Front

Buck Chauncey, tinplateworker 13th bet. High &: Filbert

IBuck Edward, mariner 129 Cedar

Buck Hugh, blacksmith 12 Crab [_see Book ajid Beck

Buck John, labourer Arch alley

Buck and Krum.bhaar, merchants 144 south 3d

Buck Leonard cedar cooper 333 north 3d

fBuck Wilcher, bootcleaner 214 Lombard

Buckingham Edward, bootmaker 12th above Race

Buckingham John, messenger to Health Office 42 S 5th

Buckish N. J. copperplate printer 25 Cun'ant alley

[^see Bockius Buckley Adam, ced»ar cooper Rose alley near Coats Buckley Anthony M. merchant 133 south Front d h 87 south 3d [see Bickley and Backley

Buckley Elizabeth, widow 36 south Sixth fBuckley Henry, porter 2 Burd's court Buckley Isaac, meal store 389 north Front BuckleV M. B. merchant 22 north Water Buckm'an Benjamin, hatter 94 Gaskill Buckman & Benson, stock and exchange brokers 2 S 3d Buckman J. stock and exchange broker 2 S 3d d h 19

Sansom Buckman Jchn, merchant 19 Sansom Budd John, cedarcooper Broad above Race Budd Samuel W. apothecary Sec. 3 New Market Budd Susan, widow 14 south Sixth Budd Thos. A. attorney at law 113 Arch Budd T W. cabinetmaker 55 Green Budd W^m. A. merchant 23 north Front Buffington Isaac, cabinetmaker 62 Almond BuglassMarv, bookbinder 12 Coombs' alley Bujac M merchant 30 S 4th d h 2 Ranstead's court Bujac J. Lachassee, merchant 130 Pine jBuley Daniel, sawyer Broad below Locust tBuley Sarah, widow Kesler's alley jBuley Wilhelmina, 6 Middle alley Bulfinch Mary, layerout of the dead 235 Lombard Bulfinch William, printer Unity court

BUR whitely's annual

Bull Lydia, nurse inquire at 27 south Second Bull Marcus, goldbeater 22 Pear Bullock David, tailor 81 north Front Bumgard Jacob, waterman Queen near Shakamaxon Bumm George, carter Pine above Thirteenth Bumm John, carpenter Marlborough above Bedford Bumm Peter, silversmith and jeweller 119 Chesnut Bumm ScShepper, silversmiths Scjewellers 119 Chesnut Bumm Samuel, carter Irish lane Bunce Jared, sea captain inquire at Girard's wharf Bundick John, cordwainer 20 Vernon st. fBundy Solomon, waiter 12 Elizabeth Bungart M;.rgaret, widow Juniper above Cherry Bunker Ch.rles, confectioner 36 Plum Bunker John, sea captain 452 south Front Bunker Nathan, mer. 19 s. Water d h 22 Washington St f Bunkum Charles, coachman Middle alley Bunting Henry, coachman Filbert near Eleventh Bunting Isaac, wheelwright 28 Union alley Bunting Jacob T. merchant 166 N. 3d~d h 93 north 2d Bunting John, carpenter 172 soutli Sixth Bunting Joseph P. of the U. S. army Shippen near 4th Bunting Josiah, lumber merchant 281 Spruce Bunting Patrick, mariner 6 Steinmetz's court Bunting PhiHp S. merchant 95 north Second Bunting S. C. merchant 93 north Second d h 12 Branch Bunting W^m shingledresser 175 St. John Burbank Mary, widow of capt. Geo. W. Juniper ab. Race Burch rev. James K 10 north Eighth fBurch John, cor. Market and Sch. Sixth Burch rev Robert, 138 south Tenth Burchell Lydia, lady Eleventh below Spruce Burckle Christian T. merchant 60 Race fBurd Caesar, labourer Apple near George, (N. L.'J Burd Edward, gentleman 247 Chesnut [see Bird £5" Biard Burd Edward S counsellor at law 276 Chesnut Burd Jane H. confectioner 163 Chesnut & 70 S. Front Burd Samuel, tavernkeeper 159 Water Burden Calvin, gunsmith back 110 Race Bui*den widow of Cieorge, 529 south Front Burden Jeremiah R. m. d. 35 Spruce Burden J. R. m. d 95 south Third Burden Joseph, Windsor and fancy chairmaker95 and 97 south Third N E cor. York [see Borden ^ Burton Burden Joseph, cordwainer 10 Rihl's court Burden Lydia, Miss, 216 south Third |Burden Susan, widow 107 Queen, (S.) Burdick Lewis, painter, &c. 13 Mark's lane Burge & Bioren, wine and liquor store 86 Chesnut Burge John, confectioner 86 Chesnut Burger George C. grocer 116 Callowhill [«e<? Berger Burgess John, labourer 82 north Ninth


Burgess M. & H. storekeepers 134 High

Burgess Mary, widow 206 south Fif .h

Burgess Robert, wholesale grocer High west of Sch. 6t]i

Uurgin Geo. H m. d. 55^ N. Third— d h 165 S. Fifth

Bnrgoyne Stephen, mariner 55 Gaskill !iurk Caroline, Miss, 48 Currant alley

iurk Catharine, widow Locust above Juniper 3urk James, clothing store 30 S. 6th, Shakspeare build- ings— dh 175 Walnut Burk Jane, grocer S E comer Walnut and Water Burk John, labourer Green's court Burk Thomas, gentleman 33 Plum Burk Thos. coiichtriaimer cor. Raspberry & Shield's ay. Burk William, labourer 513 south Second Burkart Adam L. turner 33 Browne [^see Burkhart Burkart Frederick, constable Cresson's alley Burkart Saml. l>rushmater 193 N. 3d & 5 Harmony ct Burkart Valentine, gent. 28 Appletree alley Burke Thomas, dry goods store 6 north Second Burke Thomas, comedian 32 Wasliington st, Burkelow Isaac, dealer 293 north Seco:^d Burkhard Samuel, tobacconist 230 south Fifth Burkhard, widow of A. tavernkeeper 71 South wharves

[i-^e Birckhead Burkhardt & Bailey, merchants 7 north Second Burkhardt Henry, merchant 9 N: Second d h 70 Vme Burkhart Isaac, mariner 126 St. John Burkhart Jacob, cabinetmaker Rose alley ab. Tammany Burkhart Margaret, widow Rose alley above Tammany Burkhart Peter, hairdresser 57 ncrtii Water

[see Burkari, Burktt, and Burkhardt Burkhart Robert, dentist, bleeder, &c. 72 north Front Burkhimer Henry, mariuer Miller's court, (N L) Burkink John, blacksmith 103 Queen tBurkitt iVIoses, porter Bonsall below Tenth Burkitt William, carpentei- Knox's court Burklebaugh Matthias, shoemaker 6th ab. Poplar lane Burley Joshua, carter 364 north Froiit Buiiock Wilham, merchant 67 south Fifth Burman Henry, saddletremaker Frank, r. n Sorrel Horse Bamam John, hog vict. 158 St. John, :ind 5 N.L. market Burnham Dorcas,widow 107 Christian Buniliam John, labourer Swanson n. Catherine Burmann GuttMeb. vict 19 N L mark.— d h Poplaiiab 2d Burnell Robert, painter 5c glazier. Juniper ab Race Burns Aaron, sea captain 15 Ann st. Burns Arthur, carpenter .Vrch W Sch. 2d Burns George, labourer back 13 Mark's lane Burns Eliza mantuamaker 65 George St. Burns Ehzabeth widow, Lombard bel. 12th tBurns Ellen, widow Nieman's alley Bums Jacob, currier 18 New Market Bums Jacob, sea captain 18 New Market


,BUS whitely's annual

Burns James, ladies shoeifkaker 48 Spruce

Burns John, labourer 257 Catharine

Burns John M. boot and shoe manufacturer 45 Arch

fBurns John, sliipwright Sliackamaxon above Prince

Burns Joseph, Ktorekti-per 244 N Front

Burns Mary, widow, 57 Meade alley

Burns Nicholas, grocer corner Sansom and Seventh

Burns Penelope, teaclierSt. Joseph's avenue

Burns Sarah, widow 110 Lombard

Burns Wn). weaver Lombard ab. 12th

Burns Wm. tailor Bryan's court

Burns Wm H.siioeniaker 263 N 3d

Burring Matthew, coasting captain 36 Coates' st.

Burring and Wells merchants, S. wharves bel. Walnut

Burr William H. gentleman 13 Crown

Burr George H merchant 13 N Front

fBurr Joiih, hairdresser 223 N 2d 8c 51 CallowhiU

Burr Jose]}h, ])aiuter and glazier 237 Lombard

Burr Rebecca, widow 11 Vine

Burr Richard, merchant 95 north Fifth

Btirriclgc Benj Cr^ft imitation bird maker Alban ab. 13th

Burnson Peter 49 Movanicnsing r.

fBurriss Peter, fidJer'back 24 Small

Burrough Archibald, tailor 79 Green

Burrougl) Jos, capt Union Steamboat Kaighnton N J

Burrough Levi, tailor 13 Budd st.

Burroughs Ann, widow 15 Key's alley

Burroughs Ann, widow 383 Race

Burro^vs Caiiiarine widow 6th bel Fitzwalter

Burrows Jesse, carpenter Malt alley d h 82 N 7th

Burrows John, carter back 590 S 2d

Burrows Jolm, weaver Cooper's ferry N J

BuiTOws Wm. spectacle maker 2 Myer's court

Bur son John, 80 Wood

Bu<t Nath. mercht. NE cor. High and 2d and 237 High

Burth John, potter Germantown road n. 4th

Bnrtis John, Beach near Warren K.

IBui-ton Belfast, doctor 152 south Fifth

fBurten Bristol, sawyer Mary's alley

13urton George, mariner 192 S water

f Burton Isaac, coachman 32 Bnrd's court

Burton Margaret, widow 202 south Second

jBurton Miiiord, stablekeeper back 519 N 3d

[s^e Barton ^5" Burden Burton Peter, constaWe Camden N J fBurton Phillis Mr;,. Warner's ct. Burton R')l)ert, shipbuilder 260 Swanson fBurcon Rooert, mariner 4 Giles' alley ^

fBurton Robert, coachn\an Shippen above Seventh Burton Samuel, confectioner 171 S. 2d Br.iwell Stephen, bootmaker 3 Small Busch Andrew, shoemaker 138 N Third Busch John, mariner 281 S Third


Bush Bernard, shoemaker back 117 German Bush Susan, widow 98 Catharine fBush Wm. labourer 7 Giles* alley Busher Moses, shipmaster back of 15 Budd Busman John, bleeder and hairdresser 98 N 5th Busser Francis, tinplate worker 341 S 2d— d h Gal- breaths' ct. Bussier Anthonv, baker, back 262 Cedar st Bussier Daniel, "justice of the peace, 228 S. 3dst Bussier Samuel, grocer, cor. Christian & 3d Bussing Thomas, bookbinder Beach below Marlborough tBustlc David, plasterer Charles n. Coates Butcher Amos, W. merchant 49 iN Water Butcher John, tinplate worker 222 soutii Fifth Butcher Joseph, bridlebit maker Locust bel. 13th Butcher Samuel, cordwainer 121 N 6th Butcher Wm boot and slice manuf SE cor Arch and 7th Butland John, lace and fringe weaver 137 Cheriy tButler Amelia, widow, 54 Currant alley Butler Charles, plasterer Juniper alley f Butler Charles, saw sharper 26 Passyunk st Butler Christiana, widow, Crown n. west (K) tButler Dafney, washerwoman Pine above Eleventh cutler Deborah, widow 63 Christian Butler pve, widow washerwoman Ohio st. Butler Ezekiel, late sea captain 96 N 5th Butler George, planemaker 178 N Eighth. fButler Henry, hairdresser. Pine bel 12th tButler Henry, labourer. Rose st. (N L) tButler Heni-y, labourer, Shippen n- 13th Butler Isabella, widow 198 S 2d Butler James, accountant 65 N Fifth Butler James combmaker 56 Passyunk r. Butler widow of James, Broad above Race Butler Jane, Avidow back of 14 Quarry Butler John, planemaker 12 Quarry Butler John R. sea captain 7 Harmony court Butler Joseph, tailor 127 N 6th Butler Joseph, accountant High n, Sch. Front Butler Margaret, boardinghouse 98 Spruce Butler Martha, widow, Maiden n. Stone bridge tButler Mary, widow, back 10 Small st. Butler Nicholas, brickmaker, 33 German Butler Pierce, gentleman NW cor. Chesnut and Eighth Butler Pierce, whai-f builder Beach near high bridge Butler Pierce, constable 322 south Front Butler Pierce, clerk, Federal bel. Moyamensing Butler R. and D. R.dry goods store 14 S 2d Butler Richard, baker' 164 Locust Butler widow of Richard, Frankford r. above Otter fButler Richard, woodsawyer Baker Butler Samnel, tailor 18 Juniper lane Butler Samuel, G. painter, £vc. 136 south Ninth

CAI whitely's annual

Butler Thomas, labourer North st. Butler Thomas R engraver 96 Chesnut Butler Wm. W. cabinetmaker, 6th bel. Shippen tButler Wm. labourer, Warren st. bel. 12th Butler Wm. L ladies shoemaker 104 Locust st. Butler William, bill sticker 136 south Ninth Butt Wm. melter, N 3d near Franklin st. Butterworth John, tinplateworker 69 6c 90Hieh cor. 3d

and 355 N Sd Button Elizabeth, widow back 171 north Second Buzby Benjamin C bookseller and stationer 28^ north

Tliird—d h 140 Race Buzby H & Co flour mer. $6 :^. Water— d h 73 Wood Buzby He^'J^iin, grocer water & 26 Wood 15urby Hezekiah, merchant 73 Wood Buzby John, late dealer in flour 164 Cherry Buzzard Rebecca, widow Prince near Palmer Buzzard Peter, cooper Sixth above Caliowhill Byer George, labourer back 446 Race st. Byerly Christopher, gentleman 9 Sansom B>eriy George, labourer Marlborough near Beach (K) Bycriy John, shipwright Queen n. Shakamaxon Byerly Sophia, shopkeeper Queen near Marlborough 2yers Samuel, carpenter 52 south Tenth shop Quince Byrne Mrs. E. 19 b 5th ISee Bums

Byrne Henry, C. attorney at law 5 Little George Byrne John, bleeder and dentist 99 Swanson-— d h 451

south Front Byrne Margaret, widow Small alley Byrne Patrick, lottery and exchange office 33 south 4th

NE corner Chesnut— d h 318 Mulberry Byrne Redmond, gentleman, 7 N Water Bysher Jacob, 152 St. John

+CABIEL JULIAN, teacher 124 Spruce 6c 139 Lomb. Cabot Joseph, merchant 123 south Front Cadet Lyon, dry goods store 82 north Fourth Cadwalader gen. Thomas, counsellor at law SE corner Arch and Ninth

i Caesar Julius, woodsawyer 33 Currant alley Caesar Luke, sawyer, 33 CuiTant alley Csesar Peter, labourer, 249 Shippen st. tCaesar's Samuel, labourer 179 Cedar st. Caffcrty Joseph, cordwainer Frankford r. above Palmer Cahill Christopher, gardener. Prime ab. 8th Cahill John, carter 1 Laetitia court Cahoon John, 170 Cherry st. C^ihocn Joseph, ccrdwainer Hhil's court tCain Anthony, mariner 84 Plum Caines Hester, widow Shepard's alley


Cain Adam, waiter 53 Currant alley "Cain (ieorge, sawyer, Atkinson's court "Cain Kinsey, waiter. Quince ab. Spruce Cake Ann, widow Sink's court Cake Joseph, liatter 110 north Second Cakel Stephen, cordwainer 24 Charlotte Ciinby Caleb, H. plumber 29 Bank Cairns Francis, grocer cor. Sh'ppenand 6th Cairns Richard, grocer. Prosperous alley Calbreath James F. 64 St. Tammany Cdidcleugh Robert A. gentleman 64 and d h 66 Walnut Calderwood A. watchmaker Sec. Ger. r. ab. 1st gate Caldwell Alexander, white hear inn 248 High Caldwell David, clerk of the Circuit & District courts

of the United States, office west wing of the State

house up stall's fCaldwell Isaac, mariner back 11 Hurst st; Caldwell James, blacksmith Browne bel. Front CaklwellJam.es accountant 27 Mechanic's st. Caldwell James S. cor. Sch Sd & Hamilton Caldwell James, fish store 23 Strawbeny Caldwell James, weaver, Quince below Locu-St fCaldwell James, sweep Browne n. 5th Caldwell John, wheelwright, Callowhill n Sch 2d Caldwell John, cotton factory Twelfth below Pine Caldwell Jonathan, pinnter Car|>enter below Second Caldwell & Kilpatrick, smiths cor Brown & Fr-Mit CaldweU Murtha, widow 146 north Eighth Caldwell Noble, fencemakcr Coates beiow Sixth Caldwell Oliver labourer Stewart's alley tC.ildwell Richard, master sweep St Mar}' above Tin Caldwell Sarah, widow 179 S 7th Caldwell Vhomas, accountant Hamilton villa^ Caldwell Timothy, brickmaker 152 north Eighth k'.lns

Hickorv' lane above Eighth [See Calwell

Caldwell Thomas, sea captain 16 Christian Caldwell Wm tailor, Cedar ab 10th Caie Christopher, gardener Pr'-me above Eighth Call John, harness maker 33 Marv (S) Callaghan Charles, nierc!\ant 4 Union Callaghan Cnarles, gr.iin measurer 9 Wood st Callaghan Charles 9 Wood st Calahan Martin, labourer S Sixth st.

Callahan, drayman, Pottciy alley

Callan William, weaver 50 hmall ^

Callely Andrew, attendant in store. Pine bel. 12th Callelv Svir.th, widow 2 Willow court /

Callender Mrs. widow 179 sout'i Eleventh C?illiole Pert r, fruiterer &c 160 High Calloway Jacob, goldbe^^ttr 22 Pear ' Calvnry Catharine, widaw dealer 1? Jones's alley Camac Samuel, labourer Pine below Ele\enth Camac Turner, gentleman 152 south Third


CAM whitely's annual

fCambcrton Limus, porter Mary's alley

Camerloch Ursula, widow 67 Coates' st.

Cameron Ja.nes, gentleman 169 Walnut

Cameron John, smith back. 108 & 104 north 8th

Cameron John, agent 176 siuth Eleventh

Camm William, hatter 24 nortii Third

Canip Comfort, widow back 517 Jiorth Third

Camp David, labourer cor St. John & Tammany

Camp Nathaniel, labourer Prime above Second

Cammer Riley, mariner 72 Budd

Cammeyer W^m. jun. copperplate printer 100 Chesnut

and 6 Randall's court Campardon Jchn b. tailor 137 south Fourth above Pine fCampbell Atni, widow Jones's alley Campbell Alexander, boot and shoe manuf. 83 Cedar Campbell Alexander, cordwainer back 62 Plum Campbell Anthony, carter Christian cor Fourth Campbell Catharine, widow Queen below Sixth Campbell Cornelius, cordwainer 379 south Second Campbell David, cabinetmaker &c. 17 Chesnut Campbell George, attorney at law 120 Arch Cimpbell (ieorge, high constable 22 Bar:k Campbell George, cordwainer back of 209 Cherry Campbell Henr}, coachmaker back 22 Raspberry alley Campbell Hugh, coppersmith lOHinckel's court Campbell Isaac, watchcasemaker back of 40 N. Fourth Campbell James, mercer and tailor 115 S. Front Campbell James, labourer 119 Swanson Campbell James, tailor back of 419 N. Second Campbell James, cordwainer Shackamaxon n. Queer Cam])bell James, rigger Queen below Third Campbell James, labourer Hopkms' court (N L) tCampbell James, mariner Clymer's alley Campbell James, 174 south Eleventh Campbell James, hackdriver 85 Queen (S) Campbell James, manner back 57 Shippcn ICamjJueli James, labourer smith's alley Campbell Jane, miHine:' 5i north Second Campbell Jane, widow 164 south 'I'enth Campbell John, sea captain IQ Shippen Campbell John D merchant-tailor 8 S. Third jCHmpbell John, master sweep 1 Ball :illey Campbell Josepii, tobaccon'st 1 Perkenpine*!. court Campbell Maria, boarding rinusf 10 Saiisom Campbell Mary Ann, widow 174 S. Elerenth Campbell Marv, widofw 2 W itson's alley Campbell Mary, widow cm. Hrince and Wood tCa'npbcll Mary, widow 295 S- Fourth Ch upbell Mi 'hael, ostler back of 36 N. Third Campbell Patrick, tailor back of 295 south Third Camj^hell Quintiii, cashier of the Philadelphia bank, 50

south F virtij, next to the bank Campbell Richard, labourer Frankford r. above Queer.


Campbell Richard, m.iriner 2 Liberty alley

Campbell S.iiah, widow Crown near Franktord road

Campbell Tliomas, mariner 34 German

C-iiiipbcll Thomas, merchant 224 Vine

Campbell Tristram, tailor 341 N Front

Campbell Willi an, oakcooper 369 south Front

Campbell VViili.tm, cabinetmaker 136/.south Fourth

Campbell William, shoemaker 87 Cedar

Campbell William, labourer Spruce west of Sch. Fifth

-fCamper, Siephen, ostler corner Sch. Fifth 8c Filbert

Campion Francis, accountant 13 Race

Canby Isaiah, grocer NW cor. Walnut and Fourth

Canby Merrit, sugar-refiner 27 Church alley

Canby Saml jr. nierch. 56 S wharves d h 112 S. 4th

Cane James, Aveaver cor. Eleventh and Castle

Canely Wm. shingleshaver 1 Charlotte St.

Caner John, cabinetmaker 196 Pine

Caner Michael, coachmaker 205 south Seventh

Caney Charles, dry goods store 67 north Second

Cann Stuart, mariner 115 Coates

Cannon Ann, widow St. Mary above Eighth

Cannon Daniel B. 24 Plum

Cannon Edward, printer 250 south Fifth

Cannon Isaac, mariner 54 Vine

Cannon James, storekeeper 67 south Second

Cannon John, carter 14 Meade alley

Cannon Patrick, labourer 84 Budd -

Cannon Rachel, widow 50 EUzabeth

Cannon William, tavern, coach and livery stable keeper

83 south Fifth Canon Samuel, shopkeeper 3S3 High Canonge P A. commission merchant 12 Prune Canrer Jacob, cabinetmaker 9 Filbert d h llON. 8th Cantrel George, labourer 3 Shippen Capehard Mary, widow back 538 N. Thii'd Capron Wm. labourer cor. Allen & Fraiikford road Capp John G chymistSch, Eighth near Vine Crtvbo Susannah 460 north Second Cardeza J. M. merchant 57 Union Caldwell Wilhani C. merchant 14Chesnut Carrarer Elizabeth, widow 24 Gaskill Care Jesse, saddleti-eemaker 10 Almshouse Care Peter, merchant 30 N Water d h 112 Spruce Curels S.imuel, carpenter 173 Cherry [see Carell

Carels Samuel, jr. carpenter SW cor. Ninth & Cherry Carels William, carpenter 320 Vine Carey Daniel, cord»vainer 75 Christian Carey Ed.vard, victualler Fourth below Christian Carey Edward, ivairdresser 111 north Third Carey Henry C bookseller 126 Chesnut—d hlUWalnut tCarey John, b isketmaker Sixth above Poplar lane Carey Mary, widow Maria above Fourth (N L)

CAR whitely's annual

Carey Mathew, printer and bookseller, 124 and 126

Chesnut corner Fourth [see Carre aiid Carrey

Carey Mathew and Son, booksellers, 8cc. SE cor. Ches-

nut and Fourth Carey Surah, wido\v back 180 south Fourth Carie' John, oysterman S34 High Carilson, widow cf Wm, tavernkeeper 46 Plum CarissWnn. tailor Twelfth below Pine Carlan Elizabeth, widow south Seventh near Cedar Carles Samuel, carpenter 184 Cherry corner Ninth Carlin Mahlon G. cordwainer Franford r. near Otter Carlile Abm. hardware mer. 139 High— d h 219 N. 4th Carlile Hudson, soap and candle manut. Spruce corner.

Quince Carlisle David, labourer cor. Sixth and Coates Carlisle WiUiam, merchant Coates above Seventh Carlisle Wm. carpenter 10 Pennsylvania avenue fCarll John, waiter 20 Acorn alley Carll Rev. Maskell M, corner Twelfth and George Carilcy Jeremiah, cordwainer 56 Shippen Carllcy Joseph, carter 56 Shippen Carlley Rebecca, midwife 56 Shippen Carlton (ieorge, dealer 145 Spruce fCarlton Robert, labourer 416 north Fourth Carlyie John, carpenter 155 Moyamensing road

[see Carlisle Carmack Mary, grocer 163 north Water Carmalt Caleb, conveyancer 298 north Thiid Carmalt Jonathan, 302 no«-th Third above Tammany Carmalt Jonathan,jnn.NW corner Third and Tammany Carmalt, Miss S. seminary for young ladies 129 Vine Carman Hudson, grocer 395 and d h 331 High Carman Jacob, carpenter 132 south Fourth Carman Jacob, slater 191 Lombard & yard 218 S. Front Carman James, merchant 331 High Carman James, saddletreemaker Swanson n. Queen Carman James, trunknuiker \A'ashmgton above Second Carman Sanmel, merchant 331 High Carman VVm. merchant 331 High— d h 204 Arch Carmichael George, tobacconist 404 High Carn Elizabeth, widow 96 ChriSti;>.n Camahaia Samuel, weaver 5 Friends' alms house Carnell William, coachmaker Germ, r. near first gate Carney Mary, widow back 44 ST)ruce Carney Patrick, boot and slioemaker 47 south Third fCarney Philip, newscarrier Dean's alley Carney Robert, chymist back 98 Gaskill fCarney Thomas, labourer back 489 south Second Curns James, l;ibourer Carlvle's court Cams Richard, carter Lombard cor. Twelfth Cams Thomis, cordwainer 34 Cierin-m Carpenter Benj. 3c Co. grocei-s 213 north Third tCarpenter Caleb, porter 308 south Seventh


Carpenter Ch. jun. merchant 273 High— d h 121 N. 9th

Carpenter Isaac, cordwainer 208 south Second

Carpenter John, mariner 38 Catharine

Carpenter John, bookbinder 34 Coates' alley

Carpenter John, mer. tailor 88 S. 2d— d h 51 Walnut

j-Carpenter Jonathan, labourer Bonsall

Carpenter Joshua, painter, &c. back 205 south Second

Carpenter and Martin, sailmakers 93 South wharves

Carpenter Mary, widow 6th below Coates

Carpenter Rachel, widow 1 Raspberry alley

^Carpenter Rebecca, cook Sec 13 Chesnut

Carpenter S. sailmaker 93 S. wharves— d h 287 S. Front

Carpenter Stephen, carpenter Sixth near Coates

fCarpenter Tobias, waiter 7 Hurst st.

Carpenter William, hatter Green's court

Carpentier L. D. mercht. 208 Spruce [see Charjientier

Carr Benjamin, professor of music 7 Powell

Carr Edward W. screw and sawmaker and smith 158

Race— d h 120 north Fifth Carr Jacob, vict. 25 I^awrence— stall 15 High st. market Carr James, farmer Race near Schuylkill Carr John, carpenter 305 Walnut Carr John, hardware agent Pine above Thirteenth Carr John, filer Juniper alley Carr John, oysterhouse Juniper alley Carr Joseph, innkeeper 149 north Fourth Carr Leah, widow nurse 5 Steinmetz court tCarr L. labourer Eagle court Carr Maria, widow 52 Lombard Carr rev. M. of St. Augustine's church ab. 47 Crown Carr Mary, Locust above Juniper Carr Mary, widow of John, teacher Arch W. Sch. 2d. Carr Moigan, grocer 146 S. Third cor. Cypress alley . Carr Robert, cordwainer back 107 north Fifth Carr Robert, labourer 140 German Carr Robert, brass founder Pine above Tenth Carr Robert, seedman, &;c. Bartram's garden below

Gray's Ferry [see Keer and Kehr

Carr Samuel, auger filer 15 Noble Carr Sarah, widow 19 Spaffbrd st. Carr William, blacksmith cor. Christian and Fourth Carragan James, carpenter Mark's lane (>arrahan Alexander, grocer 195 south Sixth Carre' Charles, teacher 6 Chester [see Carey ^ Carie Carre' Charles L. blacksmith 428 S. 2d.— d h 4 Moy-

amensing road Carre' & Sanderson seminary 443 High Carre' John T. seminary 443 High Carre' Philip, shoemaker 48 Meade alley Carrel Edward & Co. merchants Bank alley Carrell (the family of the late Edward) 383 Mulberry Carrell H. widow 51 Arch [see Carell and Carels

CaiTell John, hardware mercht. 198 High d h 60 S. 5th

CAR \vhitely's annual

Carrell John& Son, hardware merchants 198 High Carrell John, jun. hardware nnerchant 198 High Carrell John, cordwainer51 Queen (S) Carrell Thomas, blacksmith back. 38 Zane, and back 28

north Seventh Carrick William, tailor 3 Hyde's i:ourt Carroll Harriet :252 Walnut Carrol James, tallow-chandler 3 Little Dock Carroll Patrick, ostler Nonnater's court Carson George, cord wainer 102 Cedar Carson John, bookseller and stationer 158 N. 3d Carson John M. 135 Walnut Carson Jonathan, 175 Cheriy Carson Joseph, plasterer 18 Watson's alley Carson Miss Jemima, boarding house 173 Chesnut Carson Mrs. widow of captain, 121 N. Eleventh ab. Race Carson Patrick, drayman back 78 south Front Carson Robert, cordwainer Prime below Second Carson Sarah, shopkeeper 69 Cherry Carson Thomas, cabinetmaker Ann W. Sch. Eighth Carson William, plasteier SW cor. Spruce and Twelfth Carson Wm. weaver, 77 Plum

[^see Corson and Casson Carstairs James, merchant 76 south Eighth Carstairs Thos. carppnt^v aiju draftsman 76 south 8th Carswell Samuel, merchant and alderman 24 S. Front Cart Ann, widow, nurse 9 Lombard Cart Peter, labourer Ger. road above Otter Carter Alexander, labourer 31 Elizabeth Carter Baj-naby, gentleman 168 Chesnut Carter D. A. merchant 182 High

Carter Enoch, painter, &c. 120 Chesnut— d. h. 145 S. 8th Carter Elizabeth, widow 135 N. 6th Carter Elizabeth, widow layer out of the dead 16

Pennsylvania avenue. fCarter James, master sweep 17 Springett alley Carter Job, blacksmith 7 Charlotte Carter Joel, tailor 9 Chancery lane Carter John, jr. shipwright Cjueen above Shakamaxon Carter John, waterman 496 south Second Carter John, shipwright Queen n. Shakamaxon Carter John, stablekeeper 12 and 21 and 27 Prune Carter Joseph, naiifactory 331 south Second Carter Joseph, tavernkeeper Blackhorse alley Carter & Powell, livery stablekeepers 86 south Eleventh Carter Rebecca, widow 216 Green street Carter Sharon, china merchant 244 N. 3d Carter Thomas, mastrwaker 104 Swanson Carter Wilham, silkdver 93 New Carteret Joseph W. cabinetmaker 399 south Front Cartmell & English, smiths 125 S. Sixth & back 50 Zane Cartmell Solomon, blacksmith 125 south Sixth


Cartret Daniel, Windsor chairmaker 203 south Third Cartret Ehzabeth, widow 328 S. Front Carty Mary, widow 105 Lombard street Carusi G. toyslTop, 31 N. 6th

Caruthers Samuel, chairmaker, 3d n. George (N. L.) Carver Hannah, widow of Samuel, 96 Spruce Carver Jacob, ci\rrier 52 Green and 249 N. 3d Carver James, veterinary surgeon, and professor of ani- mal mecUcine, Juniper below Chesnut Carver Sarah, boarding house 100 S. 4th Carvill Henry goldbeater 59 Dock street Casamajor Prudent, jr. 79 Sims' wharf d. h. 48 Walnut Casaubon & Rogier, artificial flower and feather manu-

facturers 84 S. 3d Casdorp Elizabeth, widow 266 S. Front Casey Ilannah, widow George near St. John tCasey John, labourer 82 Garden Casey Michael, cordwaincr 387 north Fi'ont Cash George S. tobacconist 3 and 14 Arch Cash Jacob, tobacconist 3 and 14 Arch Cash James, shoemaker 6th below Fitzwalter -^ Cash Thomas, inspeotor of customs 46 Crown Caskey Joseph, distiller and grocer 392 High above 12th Caskey Mary, widow 33 Union Casner Catharine, widow 252 St. John Casner Christopher, mariner 12 Callowhill Casner Enoch, shoemaker, 105 N. 9th Casner Henry, skindresser 13t!i above Race Casner Susannah, mantuamaker 81 Browne Cassan Mary, Mrs. 427 S. 2d street Casobon Egene, artificial flower manuf. 84 south Third Cassan Hannah, widow 52 Almond Cassan Samuel, sea captain 427 south 2d Cassady John, tallowchandler, Stewart's alley Cassaday Patrick, grocer 89 Plum Cassady Sarah, widow 12 below Sassafras Cassedy Francis, mastmaker 453 south Front Cassedy Hannah, widow Vine above 13th Cassedy John, labourer Sch. 4th above Spruce Cassedy Mary, widow 387 Front Cassedy Hugh, labourer Red's court, below 198 Cedar Cassedy John, labourer 18 Pine alley Cassedy Elizabeth, widow Spafford street Cassed Jane, huckster 78 German tCassey Joseph, hairdresser and perfumer 36 S. Fourth Castledine Wm. coachtrimmer, 516 S. Front Castor Jesse, atterney at law 7 N. Sixth Castles James, grocer 214 S. 2d Casper Martin, gentleman 26 Pine alley Castlehne C. shoemaker 538 N. Third Castleline Wnu shoemaker 516 south Front Castles Joseph, grocer 145 Lombard Caswell Mrs. Emlen's alley

CHA whitely's annual

Caterson Robert, carter High near Sch. Seventh

Caterson Wm. labourer corner George and Sch. Third

Cathcart Lethe, shopkeeper 7 Duke (N. L.)

Cathcart Wm. rigger 37 Meade alley

Gather John, W. carver 47 German

Cathrall Mrs. widow of Isaac M. D. 25 8th

Cathrin Peter, labourer Palmer above West (K)

Gathers John, 112 Gherry

Catherwood and Robinson, distillers 207 Cedar

Gatherwood Hugh, distiller 207 Gedar

Gathrall George, shipwright 471 N. 3d

Cathrall Isaac, Budd near Coates

Catlin George, musical instrument maker, NE cor. Fifth

and Walnut d. h. 3 Randall's court Caton Mary, widow 23 Lombard street Caton Jesse, waterman Pegg above Front Cattle Jonas, cabinetmaker Camden, (N. J.) Cattley John, crockery cellar 185 south Second Cattell David, labourer 20 Watson's alley Gauffman John, grocer Germantown r. near the 1st gate Cauffman Lawrence, china merchant 207 N. Third Gauffman Margaret, Germantown r. above 1st gate Cauffman Henry, labourer Hopkins' court

Gauffman gardener, Frankford r.near Hart tavern

Cauffman Margaret and Ann, 59 Sansom

Caury Philip, cordwainer 256 S Fifth [see Carry

Gauthron Lucy, widow Fravjkf. road near Hanover

fCavalier Philip, sawyer Bradford's alley

Cave Thomas, druggist &c. 298 High & S W cor. Ninth

and Locust d h 1 north JNinth Cauvin Nicholas, tobacco manufactory 49 Lombard Gavenaugh Hugh, grocer and tavernkeeper south side

of Almond (Argyie) street wharf Gavenaugh Michael, grocer and tavernkeeper SW cor.

Second and Catharine Gavenaugh Wra. tavernkeeper N E cor. High & Juniper Cavender Curtis, storekeeper 233 south Second Cavcrly Peter, merchant 204 Pine Ga^'ett Jesse F. printer Pearsoa's court Gayfort James, carpenter Poplar lane near 4th Gaze Madame Frances, widow 145 south Sixth Cecil Algernon, whitesmith 555 south Second fCecly Cyrus, woodsawyer 88 St. John's Celles John, hatter Sink's court Chace Paine M. grocer 12 Maria above 4th (N L) Chadwick Henry W. teacher of the Kensington public

school Chadwick Isaac, plasterer 140 Locust Chadwick William, 22 Currant alley Chaffin Ezekiel, shoemaker back ot 31 Beck's alley Chafin F. oysterman under 106 Race & 124^ High Chalfandt Mary, widow of Jacob, 39 North street Chaloner Daniel, drnggist, 8cc. 69 Union street


Chaloner Thomas, accountant Price's court ChalonerWm. merchant 192 High dh 355 Arch Chamberl aine Catharine, widow, boarding house 9 N 6th Chamberlai n Hannah, boarding house 86 Arch Chamoerlain J. G. mere. 43^ N Front—d h 129 S 3d Chamberlain John, guager and inspector of domestic li- quors, 310 Vine cor. Chester Chamberlin Horatio N. merchant 9 south Water Chamberlin H. N. & J. jun. merchants 6 S wharves Chamberlin John, carpenter 52 Wood Chamberlin J. jr. merchant 8 south Water d h 152

south Front Chamberlin Riciiard, carpenter 246 north Third Chambers Charles, accountant back 29 KUVeth's alley Chambers Jumes, shallopman \Vairs elbow Chambers John, labourer Otter near Frankf. road fChambers John, labourer Paschall's alley Chambers Maria, widow Roger's court Chambers Matilda & Jane, mantuamakers 48 Spruce Chambers Robert, coasting capt. 12 Shippen Champion Benjamin, drygoods store 5^ and 41 N 2d tChampion James, teacher 12 Elizabeth fChampion Job, drayman Grissel's alley Champion Wm. inn & ferry keeper, Ceclar street wharf Chance Marinus, saddle & harness maker Camden (N J) Chanceaulme Martin, cabinetmaker 9 Rihl's court Chancellor Hannah, widow of Wm. 271 Chesnut Chandler Miss Elizabeth, 16 north 9th Chandler Joseph R. teacher 164 north Third Chamberlin 8c Co. grocers 155 north 3d Chandler Samuel H. cordwainer W(>od ab. Prince (K) Chandler William P. m. d. 99 W^alnut Channeller Wm. merchant High d h 353 Arch Chapin Nathan, grocer N W cor. Cedar & Fifth Chapman Benj. publisher {blind) 18 N 10th cor. Filbert Chapman Clayton, shoemaker 109 south Fifth Chapman Elizabeth, widow of Geo. R. 182 Pine Chapman John, sexton to Friends' meeting-house in

Arch street & Venetian blindmaker 84 Arch Chapman Lucas, turner 159 Pine Chapman Mary, widow 133 south Third Chapman Nathaniel, m. d. 9 York buildmgs office back

in Good water alley Chapman Robert, painter & glazier 573 south 2d Chapman Thomas, teacher 8c accountant 45 Lombard Chapman William, accountant 6c teacher 64 Spruce Chapron & Nidelet, merchants 265 High Chard George, 44 Green

Chardon Anth. paper hanging, 8cc. manuf. 107 W^alnut Chardon (E) Vigneaux 8c Co. importers of French dry

goods, 98 south Second Charier Louis, cook and restaurateur 38 south 8th tCharles George, coachman George above 11th



Charles Henry, copperplate printer and map publisher,

117 N Fifth f Charles John, mariner Shippen near 13th Charles Thomas, carter 49 Moyamensing road Charles William, bookseller, stationer, copperplate en- graver and printer, north 6th above Vine fCharlow Mary, widow Portland lane Charlti n Benjamin, 133 north Sixth Charlton ?>lcirtha, china store 417 N Front Charlton I||:.hiird, tailor 37 Cedar street Charniey J. H. hardware mer. 228 High— d h 19 N 12th Charpentier Dan. confectioner 64 High d h 156 S 4th

[^see Carpe?itier Charret James, labourer 34 Coates street fChase Delia, widow Elbow alley Chase Elizabeth, widow Sch. 5th below High Chase Joan, innkeeper 218 Race f Chase Ricliard, labourer back 215 Shippen fChase Samuel, waiter 174 north 8th Chasson George, coppersnuth back of 226 south 3d Chatham John, shoemaker 1 Gaskill street Chatham Joseph, cordwainer S E cor. Cedar and 3d Chattm Abraham, labourer Vienna near Duke Chattin Chester, carpenter 8 Fetter lane Chattin Miss Elizabeth, 218 north 4th Chattin Sarah, widow 47 Mechanic street Chaudron Simon, editor ofthe French journal 168 Spruce Chaur.cey & Barnes. mei*chants 26 South wharves Chaimcev Charles, counsellor at law, office 83 and d h

85 Walnut Chauncey E. cashier of Pennsylvania bank, 157 Walnut Chaunccy Nathaniel, mer. 26 S wharves d h 42 N 8th Chauveau Joseph, merchant 26 Powell street •j-C havers Amelia, widow Wood above 8th Chozotte P. S. teacher of Frencli, 40 Sansom Cheeks William m. d. 78 Uuion Cheesman Jacob, labourer 35 Beck's alley Cheever Benjamin R. merchant 17 S Front Cheever & Fales, merchants 17 S Front Cherey John, hairdresser 153 Cedar Cherry Margaret, widov/ gricer 142 Spruce Cherry Moses, labourer Morgan's court Chesn'ey Sarah, widow bark 168 St. John's Chesney WiUiani, painter &c. Unity court Chesnut Mary, widow 14 Sugar alley Chesnut John, teacher cor. Locust and Dean Chesnut Sam. c;rccer 327 High— d h SE cor Vine & 8th Chesnut Samuel, stonecutter Alban Chesnut S.-.muel & William, grocers 327 High tChcster Charles, labourer bark 6 Oak Chestei Isabella, widow of Elijah 4 Littleboy's court Chester Jolm, ropemaker Queen n. Frankford r. Cheston Elijah, coachmaker 83 Pine


Chevalier Elizabeth, widow Old York r. n. Popl. 1.

tChevalier Fanny, widow back 105 German

Chevalier Jane H. widow 70 Tammany

Chevds Anthony, T. mei-chant 72 Lombard

Cheves Langdon, prest U. S. bank 266 Walnut ab. lOtii

CheviUer, widow of Samuel, Old York ab. Poplar 1.

Chew Benjamin, counsellor at law, 87 south Fourth

Chew Henry, grocer Camden (N. J.)

Chew Isaac, ladies' shoemaker Taper alley

Chew Jeffry, contectioi\er 262 south Fifth

Chew Jeffry, jun. confectioner back 107 Catharine

Chew Joseph, ladies' shoenirvker223 Chtrsnut

Chew Joseph, drayman Germaiitown r. ab. Laurel

Chew Richard, innkeeper cor. Laurel and Front N. L.

Chew William, dealer 249 south Sixth

fChew Wm. dealer 98 south Second and 245 Spruce

Chierdel Paul, tailor 1 Trotter's alley

Chiicot Margaret, widow 27 Noble

Child Henry, iate ironmonger 452 N. Second

Child John, clock and watchmaker 452 N. Second

Child John, cooper 31 Green

Childs C. (i. historical and landscape engraver 22 S 6th

Childs James, tailor 3 Whitehall st.

Childs Mrs. widow boarding house 256 High

Childs Thomas, sea captain 268 soueh Sixth

Clillds WiUiam R. mariner near 25 Charlotte

fChilders John, sawyer 22 Plum

f Chin Jesse, waiter 136 S. Eighth

fChrisfield Thos. joiner Cedar near Seventh

Chriskey Lewis, blacksmith Oak below hayscales (N.L.)

Christ Michael, shipwright Cherry ab. Duke

Christian Anthony, mariner lOS Chl'i^itian

Christian Daniel, shallop man 254 south Fitth

Christian John, mariner back 338 S Second

Christian Peter, alderman 72 north Tnird

Christian and Stokes, hardware merchants 57 High

Christian Thomas, 54 Race \jsee Christien

Christiana Stephen, professor music 429 Chesnut ab. 13th

Christie Catharine, v/idow Tammany below St. John

Christie Wm corrector for the press Sch. 8th n.\'ine

Christie William £c Co. upholsterers and venitian blind

makers 145 Chesnut Christie W^illiam, weaver Fourth n Germant. r. Christine Geo. drayman Old York road ab. Poplar 1. Christine Jacob, mariner bact 338 south Second Christine John, turner Duke (N. L.) Christine Thomas, accountant Old York r. ab. Poplar I. Christman Henry, cordwainer 116 Race fChristmas Mai-garet, widow 8 Pleasant avenue Christoph Lewis, cook 245 south Third iChristopher Bayhs, labourer back 11 Hurst street Christopher Michael, labourer Poplar below Fourth

CLA whitely's annual

Christy Catharine widow Small alley

Christy Charles drover 19 Hurst street [see Christie

Christy Robert, boot maiv.ifacLurer, 41 south Front

Chrystler Jacob, 3 "N. Thud

Chubb S'lmuel, dry goods store 151 N, Third

|Church Jacob, labourer back 123 north Tenth

Chur Jnrob, baker 85 Race

Cbuvch Mary Ann, 24 Argyle

Churchill Stephen, mate of vessel 23 Almond

Churnsides Stephc.-*, milkman 10th below Shippen

Cist Mrs. boardinghouse 342 High cor. Tenth

Cirge'' George pilot 66 Sw^nson

Clackncr John, farmer Passyunk below Federal

Ciampffer Marv, widow 21 Elfreth's alley

Clampffer William W. (Merino inn) 3 Cherry

Clanigian William, labourer Camden (N. J.)

Claphamson Samuel, (Pilgiiminn) cor. Sixth 8c Germ.r.

Ciapier Lewis, merdiant 6 Lombard d h 216 S. Front

Cl&re Bartholomew, 17 Fromoerger's court

Clare Charles, carter Christian cor. Seventh

Claridge Philip I. millinery and fancy store 25 N. 2d

Clark Alexander H. 8c Co. merchants 177 High d h

Horth Seventh Clark Ann, widow tailoress St. John below George Clark Benj. watchmaker 1 S. Front d h 88 Arch ClarR Benj. 8c Ellis, clock and watchmakers 1 S. Front

SE cor. High f Clark Benjamin, labourer Cedar ab. 7th fClark Benjamin, white washer 10 Gaskill st. Clark B. widow 2 Chancery lane Clark Calvin, printer 44 south Fifth Clark Catharine, widow 42 north Fourth Clark Daniel, grocer NE cor. Third and Coates Clark David W. carpenter 209 north Eighth Clark Daniel, grocer NE cor. Third and Coates Clarke Edward, teacher academy 1 College avenue Clark Edward E. proprietor of the floating baths Clark Enos, labourer back 104 Filbert Clark Eleanor, widow whitewasherSt. Mary Clark Ellis, watchmaker 1 south Front S E cor. High Clark Elizabeth, Mrs. of Robert, Tenth above Vine Clark Ephraim, late watchmaker 3 S, Ninth Clark Cieorgc, coachpainter Chesnut near Schuylkill Clark George, painter 8cc. 74 north Sixth Clark Hannah, boarding house 15 High Clarke Henry silversmith 22 Franklin ct. Clark Hugh, teacher Queen n. Sixth Clark Israel, oyster cellar 81 Shippen Clark Jacob R. carpenter back 3 Sugar alley tClark Jacob, waiter 155 Lombard Clark James, hatter 36 Sugar alley Clark James, brickmaker Filbert between 8th and 9th Clark James, carpenter 8 Nicholson's alley


Clark Jane, bonnetmaker 4 Strawberry

Clark Jeremiah, cordwainer 431 S. Second

Clark Job, shoemaker 46 Chester st.

Clark Johannah, widow 13 Sassafras alley

Clark John, grocer 39 Cedar

Clark John, grocer Maiden near Beach

Clark John, labourer 410 south Second

Clark John F. carpenter 95 Christian

Clark John, chairmaker53 N. Eighth

Clark John, plumber 104 N. Sixth

Clark John C. printer S W cor Fifth and Cherry— d h

87 Locust Clark John, music-seller 129 Lombard Clark John, cordwainer 22 Oak (N. L.) Clark John, turner 260 S Tliird

Clark John L. merchant 99 south Front— d h 32 N. Fifth Clark John Y. m. d. 10 Arch

Clark Joseph, merchant 7 S Water— d h 102 S Front Clark Josepii, carpenter Third near George N. L. Clark Joseph, drygoods store 24 N Sixth Clark Mary M. seamstress 31 Cresson's alley Clark Mary, 38 N Fifth Clark Mary, widow of John, Johns ab. Front Clark Maskline, accountant 27 Pine Clark Michael F. shoestore 90 High S W cor. Third Clark Morris, shoemtiker Li^hthab. Callowhill Clark Peter, 268 Race Clark Peter labourer Juniper below Vine Clark & Raser, printers— office S W cor. Cherry £c 5th Clark Richard, boardingnouse 330 S. Front Clark Robert, blacksmith back 353 S. Front Clark Robert, grocer 120 Swanson Clark Robert S. broker 8cc. 127 Spruce Clark Samuel, naval officer 227 south Front Clark Samuel, labourer back 11 Poplar lane Clark Sctrah, widow nurse 233 Callowhill cor. John Clark Stephen, cordwainer Gecrge street (C.) Clark Timothy, tailor 490 S Second Clark Timothy ,.jun. tailor 509 S Second Clark Wm. lookingglass-framemaker 176 Race Clark W'iliam, accountant 172 S Eleventh Clark William, shoemaker 10th ab. Vine tClark William, sawyer St. Mary street Clarkson Elizabeth, widow Ruce near Sch. Eighth ClarkiOn Jacob, accounuint 148 S. Tench Clarkson John, tailor Filbert :ib. Tenth Clarkson Samuel, merchant 226 Pii-.e fClarkson Q. teacher 167 Pine and Green's court fClaikson Rebecca, widow b^ck 35 Walnut fClarkson Solomon, teacher 155 Lombard Clause John H. accountant N W cr. Puje and 11th Claw John, mariner 21 Cox's alley Clawges Daniel, sen. painter, 8cc. 188 Vine


CLI whitely's an>jual

Clawges Daniel, jun. painter &c. 5 Clawges* court

Chuvges Charles S. accountant 52 n Fifth

Clrivvges Jacob, painter 8cc. 189 Vine

C:a-^gesJt))in, sen. measurer ot painter's work 52 nSth

Clawges John jun teacher N W cor Filbert and 10th

Clavvgfcfj Wm. combmaker Old York r. ab Browne

Claw^on John, labourer baik 17 Cresson's alley

Clawson John, watc hman Seventh ab. Camac

Claxton George B. shipchandler 5 North wharves

Claxton J.^hn, merchant 6 N wharves d h 11 s Fifth

Claxton Roger, storekeeper 36 Cedar

Clay Ann, widow teacher 34 north Tenth

Clay Curtis, accountant 177 south Eleventh

Clavpoole A. G. gone to Chihcothe, Ohio

Claypoole David C. gentleman 301 Chesnut

Claypoole Elizabeth, upholsterer 74 S Front

Claypoole Josiah, dep. keeper of the prison 183 Coates

Claypoole & Wilson, upholsterers 74 S Front

Claystine Bernard, sugarbaker 162 Vine

Clayton CluirU s, late coachmaker 151 S Eleventh

Clayton David, carpenter Crown ab. Prince

Clayton Edward, coachmaker Juniper below Spruce

Clayton Henry, carpenter Second ab. Germantown r.

Clayton Lydia, Middle alley

Clayton Reynold, tallowchandler 369 Arch

Clayton Thomas, h- tier, 126 south Front

Cleavenger Squire, taih r 12 N Water d h 48 Race

Cleaver Isaac, m. d. 286 N Second

Cleaver Jesse, late lumber merchant 103 St. John

Cleaver J )hn, 26 Cherry

Cleaver Mary, widow 215 N Eighth

Clemens Ann, midwife 70 Green street

Clemens Joseph, chymist and distiller of essential oils

Bushhill Clemens Wm. grocer 194 Lombard Clement Jacob, merchant 11 N Water— d h 65 Pine Clement Jacob B. sea captain 29 Penn Clement Joseph T. accountant 144 S Tenth ■{•Clement Lucy, widow back 190 Cedar Clements & Co. lottery and exchange office N. E cor.

Third md Walnut Clements John, i)atent chimneysweep, alley between

Qtiince and Rasjjberry alley Clemnier Mary, widow 107 north Third Clemson widow of Thomas, cor. Filbert and Ninth Clenmeer John, tobacconist 483 north Third Clew Peter, brickmaker Race near Sch. Eighth Clew Wm. porter in the U. S. bank 2 Whalebone alley Clifford John, merchant, incjuire 29 north Water Clifford John, waterman back 28 Penn Clifford Mary, nurse 411 south Front CUffton John, gentleman 206 Pine Clitton John, hatter Ann above Wood


Clifton Isaac, hatter 1 Wood near Second

Clifton Sarah, widow 64 Almond

Climer Andrew, currier 76 Christian street

fClincher Adam, porter Cotdwainer's alley

Cline Barbara, Twelfth below Pine

Cline Catharine, washerwoman 145 Moyamensing road

Cline & Curtz, silverplaters back 50 Zaiie

Cline David, labourer Hanover near West street

fChne David, 18 Fayette street

Chne Elizabeth, milkwoman Irish lane

Cline Elizabeth, widow, gentlewoman 68 north 6th

Cline George, carter 35 Charlotte

Cline George, tailor 282 Race [see Kline

Cline George, victualler 8th st. above Buttonwood

Cline Henry, tailor 463 Race

Cline Jacob, drttyman bixth above Green

Chne John V. waiter at N. Am. Ins. office 25 Barron

Cline John, brickmaker Cedar above Thirteenth

Cline & Lawrence, housepainters &c. 133 Locust

Cline Mary, widow grocer 354 north Front

Chne Philip, silverplater cor. Laurel & Budd (N L)

Chne Thomas, pilot 27 Beck's alley

Cline William, labourer Frankf. r. near ShakamaxoR

Cline Wm. brickmaker Cedar above Thirteenth

Chnger Frederick, sailin;.ker back 104 N Fifth

Clinger John, cordwainer Kunckel above Noble

Clingman George, carpetweaver 18 Oak

Chnton Ann & Elizabeth, shopkeepers 5 south Fourth

Clinton Francis, soapboiler Pegg above Front

Clinton John, printer 270 Cedar

Clinton Robert, teacher Ridge road above Francis

Clinton William, boatbuilder Maiden near Beach

CUver Joel, victualler Camden N J

Chpper Frederick, carter 40 Plum

Clocik Daniel, engineer 133 Green

Clopp (ieorge, smith 96 New

Clopp John, smith 15 Branch and 92 New

Clopp John, jun. coach- wheelwrigiit 36 Kunckel

Glopper Sarah, widow boardinghouse 226 High

ClobO Christian, baker 81 Passyunk road

Close Henryt grocer Hamilton street near Schuylkill

Clove Mary, v/idow 17 Tammany [sec Clause

Closson Sarah, milliner 48 Arch

Clothier Barbara, widow 365 iicrth Front

Clothier Charles, bootmaker 14 Knight's court

Cl'.thier Joseph, skindresser Tliorn's court

Clodiier Margaret, widow nurse 152 Sassafras

Clothier Samuel, carpenter Bedford near Crown

Clotworthy John, baker 27 south Water

Cloud Caleb, carter Emlen's court (N L)

Cloud Joseph, rehner in the mint 276 Mulberry

Cloude Da\ id, tanner Budd above Laurel

Clouden Jacob, labourer Shakamaxon n. Frankf. road

COC whitely's annual

Clouden John, labourer Shakamaxon near Bedford

Clouser Dorothy, washerwoman 331 Callowhill

Clout Jacob, blacksmith Otter street

tClover Prim, blacksmith Quince above Spruce

Clows Ann, widow Paschall's alley

Clufty John, whitesmith 509 N 3d street

Cluley Francis, wire worker 17 south Fourth

Cluley John, wirefender &c. manuf. 17 south Fourth

d h Mantua village Cluley John, jun. wireworker 17 S4th d h 69 Cherry Clun David, shipwright Beach near Hanover Clun John, shipwright Shakamaxon near Queen Clunn Charles, sea captain 224 south Third Clusey Peter, carpenter back 211 Callowhill street Clyde Joseph, labourer Smith's court near Sch. 8th Clyde Thomas, grocer N W corner Race and Ninth Clymer Archibald, tailor 115 German Clymer Jacob, carpenter 75 Crown Clymer Margaret, widow Newmarket bcl. Noble Coakney James, labourer Pottery alley Coates Benjamin H. m. d. N W cor. Walnut & Front

office IS Walnut Coates Caleb, 4 Hinkel's court Coates George M. china merchant 49 High Coates Jacob, labourer 190 Lombard street Coates John, rigger Prosperous alley Coates John, sailmaker 23 Little German Coates John R. 225 Spruce Coates Mary, widow 127 New street Coates Mary, widow 60 north Third Coates Samuel, jun. accountant 65 Gaskill Coates Samuel, 82 S Front N W corner Walnut Coates Thos. M. (Custom house hotel) 130 south 2d Coats Isaac, shipwright Beach near Hanover Coats Matthias, accountant inquire state house Coats Margaret, widow of Wm. 382 north Front Coats Warwick, shoemaker Prime above Second Coats Thomas, jun. conveyancer & office for the pur- chase and sale of real estate 320 north Third Cobb Alfred, grocer N E corner 6th and Spruce Cobb Ebenezer, victualler 22 N L market fCobb John, sawyer 40 Meade alley Cobb Joseph, tailor Pottery alley Cobb Mary, widow of Thomas, 438 north Fourth Cobb Samuel, carpenter back 12 Cresson's alley Cobb William, carpenter Frank, road above Otter Cobb WiUiam, carpenter 90 Locust Coburn Abel, mariner 83 Penn Coburn Robert, distiller 74, 76, and d h 119 Cedar Cochran Catharine, widow Relief street Cochran Chas. tavernkeeper & bottler 76 & 86 N Water Cochran Edward, labourer 2 Summers' court Cochran Hugh, drayman 233 Shippen above 7th


Cochran John, merchant 376 and 386 High

Cochran John, shoemaker 6th below Fitzwalter

Cochran John, gentleman 283 Sassafras {see Corkrin

Cochran Robert, gunsmith Rose alley above Tammany

Cockman George, jeweller 43 Union

Cody James, labourer 71 Moyamensing road

Cody John, ropemaker 87 Moyamensing road

Coe Oliver, shoemaker Point road (K.)

Coffee Ehzabeth J. widow 138 south 5th

Coffee George F. sprig manuf. 16 German

Coffee James, plumber 61 Walnut

Coffee Jonathan, smith shops NE cor. Vine 8c Ridge r-

and Bushhill— d h 292 Vine Coffin Albert, sea captain 192 south Front Coffin Anna, widow boarding house 283 Chesnut tCoffin Hannah, washerwoman Bonsall Coffin Jeremiah, copperplate printer Heyde's court Coffin Mrs. Mary, F. miUiner 126 south Second Coffin Robert, printer 99 north Front Coggins & Landis, curriers 80 Chesnut tCoggins Solomon & Thos. labourers 14 Burd's court Cogill Arnell, shoemaker 28 south 5th Cogill Hannah, tayloress Coates above Old York road Cogill Samuel H. mate Price's court Cogswell Samuel, inquire 144 Cedar Cohen Abraham B. 262 south Front Cohen A. M. & E. L. druggists 7 S 7th— d h NE cor.

Spruce and Fourth Cohen G. carver 8c gilder 262 S Front Cohen Eleazer, merchant 13 S Front— d h 86 Race Cohen Jacob I. merchant 155 Mulberry fCohen Manuel, waterman Shippen below 8th Cohen Morris B. dyer and scourer 45 Chesnut Cohen & Nisbet, merchts. 13 S Front— d h 86 Race Coin Patrick, laJDOurer Cedar near 13th Coit Gabriel, lastmaker and finder 57 Walnut Coit Richard, shoemaker 7 Small Coker Susan, widow teacher 87 Chnstian Colbert Thomas, mariner 5 Cox's alley (S) Colcord John P. printer 188 south Fifth Coldovey William, shoemaker Germ. r. bel. 1st gate Coldwater James, watchman Buttonwood above Fifth Coldwater Phihp, watchman Buttonwood above Fifth Cole gcBickham, coachmakers 121 Pine cor. Green's ct. Cole Daniel, ferryman Camden (N. J.) Cole Deborah, widow of Samuel, Coates near 6th Cole Elias, carpenter 343 Callowhill near Ridge road Cole Frederick, coachman Green's court & 125 Pine fCole George, waiter back 24 Elizabeth Cole Hannah, widow 73 Queen Cole Isaac P. teacher of music 45 Spruce Cole James H. merchant 99 High Cole John, boot manufacturer 42 south Third

COL whitely's annual

Cole John, tailor Lily alley above Green

fCole John, dyer 84'Bedford

fCole Michael, sawyer Small street

Cole S. tinplale worker Twelfth below Walnut

fCole Sarah, widow 325 south Front

Cole Thomas, cordwainer High near Sch. Front

Cole William tailor S W^ cor.' Tammany & Kunckel

tCole William, carter Vine alley above Twelfth

Cole , James street above Charles

Coles William, carpenter Sec. 45 south Second Coleman Adam, cordwainer back 293 Vine Coleman Enoch, mate of vessel 12 Parham's alley tColeman Hannah, widow back 257 Catharine Coleman Jacob, drygoods store 419 north Second Coleman Jacob, carpenter Camden N. J. Coleman John, brewer 23 Powell Coleman Margaret, widow 30 Meade alley Coleman Margaret, widow shopkeeper 65 Coates Coleman Philip, gluemaker 22 Noble Coleman Philip, carpenter 4 York court Coleman Rachel, tailoress 104 north 6th Coleman Susannah, widow innkeeper N E corner Race

and Twelfth Coleman Thomas, grocer 127 Plum Coleman William, labourer 4 Fai-mer's row fColeman William, shoemaker Vine alley ab. Twelfth Coleman Wm. shoemaker 46 Plum Coles see Cole

Colhoun, widow of David, Federal above Second Colhoun Gustavus, 265 Chesnut

Colhoun Hugh, merciit. 37 N Water— d h 5 south 12th Colhoun Samuel, ai. d. 48 soutn Sixth \_see Cahoon

CoUaday Charles, carpenter ^ "astle and 5 Elbow lane Colladay Hannah, upper 136 A'-ch CoUaday Jacob, ^arpenter 137 Eighth above Race Colladay Joseph S. stonecutter 1 17 N 10th above Race Colladay Theodore, carpenter Castle street Collard Jacob, carpenter Queen near Bishop K. Collard John, bricklayer Beach near Mniden Collar Mary, ]nits up sea stores 62 Penn Colley John, ropemaker back 467 south Front Collick Isaac A. ])rinter Dnnker's alley fCoUick Lewis shopkeev^er 194 south Sixth Collier Richai'd, shoemaker 169 south 5th Colligan Brien. labourer Shippen above 7t.h Collin Nicholas, d. d. near the Swedes church Swanson

street [see Culin

Colling James, cordwainer 13 Passyunk CoUingwood Sarah, widow Britton's alley Collins Benjamin, pointer &c. 60 & 120 Chesnut tCoUins Benjamm, labourer Jumper below Vine Collins Bernard, coachpainter 22 Hurst tCoUins Cato, white washer 100 north Fourth


Collins Charles, tailor 50 S. Water— d h 51 S. Front

Collins & Croft, booksellers 8c stationers 7S High

Collins Elisha, Tenth below Pine

Collins Eliza, widow 75 south Fifth

Collins Frederick, mariner 285 south Third

Collins George, cooper 8 Blackhorse alley

Collins Heniy, oysterman Tammany above Second

Collins H. cakebaker and confectioner 60 Chesnut

Collins John, labourer S. Second below Jervis'slane

tCollins John, porter 42 Passyunk road

Collins Joseph E. accountant Bushhill

fCollins Joseph, mariner Coates above Fourth

Collins Lydi_a, 1 Myers' court

Collins Margaret, widow grocery 184 north Second

Collins Mary, widow 60 Dock

Collins Moses, innkeeper 74 N. Water & 75 N. Front

fCollins Philip, cellar-digger 381 north Fourth

Collins Richard, late sailmaker Camden N.J.

CoUins Robert, signpainter, &c. 19 Filbert

Collins Samuel, block and pumbmaker 116 Swanson

Collins Samuel, waterman Queen st. wharf

fCollins Sarah, Gardner's court

Collins Sarah, widow Petticoat alley below Browne

Collins Wm. bookseller 73 High d h 112 Arch

Collins Wm. baker Seventh three doors below Cedar

Collins Zaccheus, gentleman 29 north Second

Collinson Joseph, sea captain Townsend's court

CoUom Wm. teacher school N. L. Commissioner's Hall

d h back 468 north Third Colonel John, jeweller 62 Gaskill

Colp John, labourer 40 Meade alley [see Culfi

Collrick C. widow (Printer's Hotel) 143 Walnut Colsher David, carter Ninth near Vine Colson Catharine, widow back 216 south Fifth Colson D. bonnetmaker 9 Strawberry fColson Elizabeth, widow 191 south Fourth Coltard Mary, widow 182 St. John Colter Sarah, widow 13 German Colton & Baldwin, jewellers 1 College avenue Colton Oren, jeweller College avenue d h 133 S. llth Colville Dennis, watchman. Queen above Fifth Colvin James, grocery and tavern cor. Cedar & Crab Colwell James, grocer 6 Little W^ater f Colwell Jas. chimney sweeper Browne above Fourth Comalt Jonathan, Third near St. Tammany Combs Germain, m.d. 8c apothecary N E cor. Pine 8c 4th Combs John, carpenter 88 Budd Combes John R. grocer corner Noble and Oak Combs Joseph, stovemaker 124 St. Johns \_see Coombs Combs Thomas, cabinetmaker 120 south 4f,h Comeg)-s Cornelius 8c Co. merchants 40 8c 42 N. 8th Comelow Mrs. widow bandbox maker 67 Coates Comelow John, cordwainer 239 north Front

CON whitely's annual

Comfort Stephes, broker Sec. 66 Chesnut Coniley Ethan, drygoods store 199 & 126 N. Second Comley George, shoemaker 322 south Second Comly Benjamin, shipwright 31 Browne Comiy Charles, merchant 97 High Comly David, carpenter Vine above Twelfth Comly Jacob, livery stablekeeper 20 Coombs* alley Comly Samuel, mercliant 97 High d h 26 Church alley Compier Lavier, cabinetn>aker 132 Ceaar Compton Joseph, mercer 6c tailor 23 south Fourth Conaird Hannah, rnantuamakcr 143 north Fourth Conard Jc^hn, marshal (Ef^stern District) office State

house— d h cor. Fifth & Gret- n Conard Joiin, labourer Sch. Froiit above Arch Conard Jonathan, luniber merchant 184 N. Fourth yard Noble below Fourth [_see Conrad

Conard & Lancaster, lumber merchants Noble bel. 4th. Conarrce Darling, gentleman cor. Front and Browne ConaiTce Richard, lumber merchant, Richmond village

one mile above the Glasshouse (K) Conari oe Thomas, (late lumber mercht.) wharf builder,

420 north Front Conaway Bei-nard, labourer Race near Sch. Eighth

Conavvay , labourer Spruce near Schuyl.

Conaway John, mariner 5 Cox's alley Concert George, ropemaker Shakamaxon near Frank- ford road Conden, widow of Wm tavernkeeper 5 Greenleat's ct. Condie David F. m. d. 193 Lombard Condie Thomas G. attorney at law 7 N. Sixth— d h 193

Lombard Condon Joseph, trader Twelfth below Pine Condon William, blacksmith shop Penn (Kensington)

dwelling 21 Beach fCondv Ann, widow Christian above Seventh Condy'J. VV. counsellor at law 187 Chesnut Cone Alice, widow 71 south Eighth Conger John, cordwainer 261 north Front fCongo Enos, labourer Smith's alley (N. L.) Conkle Henry, toyshop 84 N. Seventh ^see Kunckel Conkle Matthias, sheetiron worker 5 Fetter lane Conklin James, cordwainer back 92 St. John Conkling Wm. shoemaker 43 Coates Coniy Sc Eraser, milliners 56 Arch Conneil Elizabeth, widow Cobb's court (N. L. ) Connell John, merchant Bank alley— d h corner Ches- nut and Juniper Connell John H. glass manufacturer Kensington Connell P. grocer 172 south Water, and 173 S Front Connell Thomas H. m. d. 82 Vine Connelly Eliza, 142 south Ninth Connelly Henry, cabinetmaker 72 south Fourth Connelly J. blacksmith 276 and d h 274 S. Third



Connelly Joseph, painter & glazier 281 S. Third Connelly John, gentleman 280 Chesnut Connelly Mary, boardinghouse Eagle court Connelly Mary, drygoods store 289 Walnut Connelly Surah, Filbert above Sch. Eighth Connelly Thomas, labourer North street fConneE. widow 33 Catharine

Conner, James & Andrew, oyster cellar, S W cor Sassa- fras & Ninth Connery Martha, widow 311 south Third Conningham D. W. storekeeper 78 north Second Connor Bernard, drayman Cedar above Ninth Connor Charles, mercer 8c tailor & innkeeper 310 S. 2d- Connor Edmurid, cordwainer 25 Mary (S.) f Connor James, oysterman 20 Juniper alley tConnor John, sawyer 250 Lombard Connor John, ropemaker Thorn's court ^see O^ Connor Connor John, saddle, trunk andharnessmaker 172 High Connor John, shoemaker 75 George (S.) Connor Patrick, tailor 17 Apollo st. fConnor Philip, labourer Gilles*s alley Connor Thomas G, cooper & guager 3 and d h 10 Little

Water Connor Timothy, engineer, &c. 53 Chester Connor Thomas, carpenter SheafTs alley Connor Wm. B. 31 Elfreth's alley Conory John S. shotmaker Arch near Sch. Second Conover Ann T. mantuamaker 62 Spruce Conover Caze, waterman Rose alley above Coates Conover C. carpenter cor. Hamilton & Washington Conover Jeremiah, shoestore 172^ High Conover Joseph, shoe warehouse SW cor. High 6c Sixth

dh78High Conover Elias, hatter 418 south Front Conover Samuel F. m. d, 141 south Fifth Conrad Eve, widow 33 Catharine jConrad James, oysterman 20 Juniper alley Conrad Joseph, bricklayer 3 Summers' court Conrad John, chandler 31 Green's ct. \^see Conard

Conrad John, oysterman. Wood above Garden Conrad John, labourer Sch. Front ab. Spruce Conrad Matthew, shoe warehouse 60 Higli Conrad Peter, brushmaker 187 High d h 4 N. Front Conrad Samuel, NE cor. Fifth and Callowhill Conrad Solomon W. bookseller 87 High d h 81 Arch Conradi John, engineer back 191 Ctdlowhill Constable Charles, Eighth above Callowhill Constable Rd. gunmaker (successor to Booth) 88 S. 2d. Constable Wm. cordwainer 397 south Second Convery Thomas, labourer 8 Little Water Conway Harriet, widow Germ, road above 1st gate Conway Patrick, hatter, boardinghouse 160 S. Front Conway Susannah, widow Nonnatcr's court


coo whitely's annual

Conwell Gerard, tailor 184 S. Water & 185 S. Front

Conwell James, carpenter Wood near Queen (K.)

Conyer Peter, carpenter Shakamaxon near Queen

Conyers Mary, widow Sliakamaxon near Prince

Conyers John, late cordwainer 40 south Third

Conyers Walter, boot manuf 40 S. 3d d h 16 Bank

Conyngham David H. 229 Spruce \_see Cunningham

Cooch Francis L. merchant 220Sr)ruce

Cook Aljraham, letter carrier o7 Mulberry

Cook Alex, soap 8c candle manuf. 136 and 140 N; 4th

Cook Cliristiana, widow 28 Cresson's alley

Cooke David, merchant 13 south Front

Cook David, shoemaker 192 bhippen

Cook Duncan, weaver Lombard above Twelith

Cook E. W. turner back 8 Goforth ay.— d h 69 Gaskill

Cook George, planemaker Lilly alley above Green

Cook Geo. H. grocer 76 S Third— d h 9 Marshall's ct.

Cook George L. me' chant-tailor 149 north Second

Cook Hannah, teacher 40 George (S.)

Cook Hannah, widow M'Culloch's court

Cook Jacob, labourer Bntton's alley '

Cook James, brushmaker 238 High

Cook John, fish vender back 9 Lsctitia court ^

Cook John, newspaper carrier 33 Cresson's alley

Cook John, cordwaiuer 237 S. Fourth

Cook John C. whiskev, &c. merchant High W. Sch. 8th

Cook John, merchant'29<8 Chesnut, and over 10 S. 4th

Cook Jolm, china merciiant 27 Juliajia

Cook & LeufFer, whiskey &c. merchts. High W Sch. 4th

Cook Maria, tailoress 126 Filbert

Cook Mary, widow cor. Hinckel's ct. & Mulberry ay.

Cook Margaret, \vidovv shopkeeper 18 North alley

Cook Margaret, widow Rose alley above Tammany

Cook Martha, widow back 8 Oak (S.)

Cook Mary, washerwoman Lyndall's court

Cook Michael, cordwainer 170Shippen

Cook & Parkin, cabinet 6c chair manufs. 5S Walnut

Cook Philip, shoemaker 159 south Sixth

Cook Philip C. baker 176 Pine

Cook Rebecca, widow Old York r. ab. Button wood lane

Cook & Snowden, china merchants 240 north Third

Cook Susannah, grocer 76 south Third )

Cook Susannah, Sch. Eighth above Cherry

Cook Sitmuel, bookbinder Paris' court

Cook SHmuel, carpenter Alberson's court*

tCook Siimuel, labourer back 249 Shippen

Cook Wm. bootmaker 294 south Fourth

Cooke John, gentleman 147 Arch

Cocke ^amuel, carpenter and joiner Alberson's court

Cooke Tamer, tailoress 22 Swanson

Cooke William, tobacconist 10 N. Water— d h 89 Crown

Cooker Jacob, gardener Prime above Eighth

Cooker Jacob, filer 4th near Germantown road

Cooker John, vict. Christian above Third


Cooley L. intcl & exch. office 9 S. 4th--d h 1 Library- Coombs David, teacher 50 Ciermati Coombs George, carpenter 134 Pine Coombs & Spangler, stove manufactory 285 north 3d Coombs Joseph, "blacksmith 285 north Third— dh 124

St. John [see Combs

Coon Ann, widow Taper alley Coon Christian, painter cor. Wood and West (K) Coon John, shallopman Green above Front Coon William, mariner back 322 south Third Cooper Adam, carpenter Sch. Seventh above Race Cooper Ann, widow 17 Key's alley Cooper B. 8c B. merchants High street wharf s;A«th side Cooper Charles, victualler 6 Fayette st. Cooper Collin, merchant 35 north Front Cooper Conrad, shoemaker 256 north Front Cooper Deborali, widow 169 Spruce Cooper F. smith 100 Shippen— d h 308 S. Fourth Cooper Francis, tobacconist 104 Crown Cooper George, tobacconist 36 Kunckel Cooper George, labourer George near Sch. Third Cooper H.nnah, widow 194 north Front Cooper Henry, printer Increase court Cooper Hugh, 313 Arch Cooper Isaac, gentleman 235 Vine Cooper Jacob, dry goods store 229 north Third Cooper James, labourer 272 south Seventh Cooper James, oakCooper 261 south Thii d Cooper James, carpenter back 54 Duke (N L) Cooper James, proprietor of Bath house, back 124 S2d Cooper James, gentleman 249 north Front Cooper James, sea captain 212 south Third fCooper James, porter Nicholson's alley fCooper James, sawyer Bonsall above Ninth. Cooper Jane, widow of John, 137 Pine {^fsee Coufier

Cooper John, merchant 13 N. 2d— d h 108 Arch Cooper Joshua, carpenter Race W. of Broad Cooper John, printer 10 Green's court Cooper Josepli & Collin, merchants 35 north Front Cooper Joseph, merchant 2,5 N Front d h 55 N 4th Cooper Joseph, farmer Cooper"'s point N J ab. Camden Cooper Michael, labourer Lombard W Sch. Eighth Cooper Michael, constable 177 Shippen ('ooper Mrs. widow back 169 north Second Cooper Richard M. pres. of Camden bank Camden N J Cooper Robert, carpenter 137 Pine Cooper Robert, oak cooper back 60 Mead alley Cooper Susan, widow Camden N J Cooper Thomas, gentleman 282 Chesnut Cooper Thos hardware n'ierc'.ai?t51 High dh 14 N 4th Cooper Thomas, constable 33 Strawberry Cooper T. professor of chemistry in the L^niversity of


COR whitely's annual

Cooper Thomas, labourer 16 Swanson

tCooper Thomas, coachman Crab st.

Cooper Timothy, waterman Shakamaxon near Prinee

Cooper Wm. Cooper's fern above Camden N J

Cooper William E millwright Poplar lane n. Second

Cope Caleb, jnn. merchant 165 High

Cope C!ias. vict. Carpenter st. stall 39 New market

Cope Godtrey G. vict. comer 4th & Tammany— stall &

High st market Cope H. & C. jun. merchants 165 High Cope Hapnah, widow 89 Moyamensing road Cope Henry, merchant Walnut st, wharf— d h 102 S 4th Cope Herman, merchant 165 High d h 40 Filbert Cope Israel & Jasper, merchants 165 High Cope Israel, merchant 165 High d h 186 Arch Cope Jacob, accountant Old York road ao. Collowhill Cope Jasper, merchant 165 High d h 391 Arch Cope John, mariner back 78 Plum Cope Joseph, milkman 40 Currant alley Cope Margaret, widow 157 Church street Cope Richard, cordwainer 16 Currant alley Cope Thomas P. &-Son, merchants Walnut st. wharf N

side dweUing 36 north Fourth Cope Wm. carter Catharine above Third Copeland Abraham, store attendant cor. Locust & Dean fCopeland Allen, porter North st. Copeland Amelia, widow 524 south Front Copeland Asa, shipjoiner 524 south Front Copeland George, sea captain 13 Mary Copelaiid Jacob, shipjoiner 36 Queen, (S) Copeland Samuel, carpenter 29 Kunckel above Noble Copeland Mrs. Sarah 5 Mark's lane Copia Jacob, coachtrimmer 183 Pine Copper James C. accountant 56 south Eleventh Coppinger Clementina, widow nurse 360 south Second Copple Jacob, labourer Thirteenth below Walnut jCoppy James, sweepmaster 23 North alley Ccrbin Mai-garet, widow Weaver's alley Corbitt Israel, carpenter 27 Cresson's alley Corhitt Eliz:ibeth, widow Drinker's court Coibitt & Spencer, dry goods store 170 south Sixth Cordell Elizabeth, widow 174 Lombard Co' dis Ann, widow 4th above Masters' street (N L) Cordova Joshua, storekeeper 189 Pine Cordcv? Rapliael, storekeeper 189 Pine Cordova 5c Son, storekeepers 204 south Second Corev Dci\ id, ag'^iit ff)r military lands N E cor. Walnut

and Fifth— d h i76 Lombard [see Curry

Core> Ezra, mariner 6 Harmony court Ccrfield Adam, draper, mercer and tailor 64 Vine Coriield Edward 1). justice of the peace 234 N. Front Corgee Arthur F. blockmaker 13 Mead alley Corgee 8c Bashford, blockmakers 115 south Water tCork Lewis, labourer Dean's alley

Philadelphia directory. COU

Cork Perry, labourer 63 Currant alley- Cork Reynolds, waiter 28 Bonsall '^ ■Cork William, porter Atkinson's court Corkeram Mary, widow 18 Pear Corkrey Alice, widow 73 Moyamcnsingr. Corkrin James, jun. carpenter 20r S. 4tli [see Coc/ira?i Corlett Catharine, widow 81 Swanson Corlies Biitton, bricklayer 51 north Eighth Corlies J. W. commission merchant 4 North wharves

d h 160 Arch Cormit k David, sea captain 29 German Corn Sarah, widow of Lawrence, Maria above Fourth Corndaffer John^ labourer back 25 Cresson's alley Cornell Mary, 72 New

Coniisii Orlando B. bookseller S E cor. Catharine 8c 2d tCornish Samuel mariner 31 Elizabeth Cornman Adam, jun. printer 199 south Seventh (^ornman Adam, sugar refiner 243 north Front Cornman Mary widow of Joseph, Juniper bel. Walnut Corneau John B. carpenter Shield's alley Corneil John, hatter back 40 Cherry Cornell Mary, widow 475 High cor. Thirteenth Cornelius Cliristian, silverplater 183 Cherry Cornelius William, fisherman near Glass-house, K. Cornelius William, shingledresser near 39 Charlotte fCornish Tilghman 109 German. Cornwell Daniel, painter, &c. Camden, N J tCornweli^John, labourer back 66 Shippen Cornwell Joseph, pilot Carpenter above Front Cornwell Wr*. labourer cor. George andSch. Seventh Corry Helen, milliner 113 south Second Correy David, merchant 29 N. Water d h 73 Walnut

\_see Curiy and Currie Correy David & Wm. K. merchants 29 north Water Correy Robert, gentleman 29 Church alley Correy Wm. K merchant 29 N Water dh 85 Arch Corson Jacob, mariner Fedu'al above Second CoiTell Henry L. carpenter 23 Lombard Cossart David, cedar cooper 483 north Second Cosson Mary, widow 569 south Front Cost George, turner 123 north Water tCoste R. perfumer 198 Callowhill Coster Abraham, labourer 54 Artillery lane Coston Constantine, Cooper's court (N L) Coston Joshua, labourer 2G Budd fCotance Wiley, mas.er sweep 257 Spru.ce Cotman William, Brancli st. K Cotter Elizabeth, widow Paschall's alley Cotton John, labourer Pine alley below f'ourth Couden David, dyer, &c. 6 Spruce Coughlin Th(«mas, innkeeper 184 Callowhill Coulon Helena C. fancy store 129 Chesnut tCoulston James, barber Smith's court



Coulter Israel, merchant N W cor. Union and Front Coulter John, merchant, countine-house 3 & d h 5 Union Goulton & Rakestraw, tayiors N E cor. Penn and Cedar Coulston Barnabas, tanner 4 Frankhn st. Coulston Israel, cabinetmaker 66 Tammany Coinicil Joseph, bricklayer Cedar below Twelfth Countrymen C. ornamental painter back 120 German Course Sarah, widow St. Mary's above Sixth Courtney Joseph, carpenter 8 'Sugar alley Courtney Samuel P grocer cor. Franktord r. & Queen Couzins Benjamin, carpenter 531 south Second, N E

corner Prime [see Cozens

Corvet Isaac, block and pumpmaker 65 south Water Cowan John, tailor 104 Cedar Cowden Jane, widow back of 58 Zane Cowden John, stonecutter Old York r. bel. Tammanv Cowden Samuel, stonecutter Juniper above Arch Cowdy Daniel, mariner Sixth below Coates Covveil John V. merchant 38 south Second Cowen Jacob, Windsor chairmaker 102 Plum Cownover Jacob, grocer N E corner 3d and Noble Cowper Daniel, labourer 6th above Poplar lane Cowperthwaite James, tailor 26 south Water Cowperthwaite Mark, shoemaker 165 Spruce Cowperthwaite 8c Newbold, 9 north Front Cowperthwaite Pruden<e, teacher 177 Arch Cowperthwaite Sarah, widow of Hulings, 204 N. Front Cowperthwaite Thomas S. Camden N J Cowperthwait William H. merchant 9 north Front

d h 204 north Front Cox Abraham L. teacher 49 Filbert Cox Ann, widow Wharton below Second Coxe A. S. attorney at law Chesnut S W cor. Sixth

dh 167 Pine Cox Benjamin, tanner High west of Permanent bridge Cox Catharine, boarding bouse back 40 Cherry Coxe Charles Sidney, attorney at law 36 south Sixth

d h 167 Pine Coxe Daniel W. merchant 256 Walnut Cox David, carter Raceab. Broad Cox David, marketman back of lOLs&titia court Cox Edward, smith 28 Duke (N L) Cox Elizabeth, gentlewoman 9 Filbert Cox EHzabeth Miss, 239 S. 6«^h st

Cox Ehzabeth H teacher 8 College av d h 233 Spruce Cox Elizabeth, widow Loxley's court Cox Elizabeth, widow NE cor Un»on and Third Cox Gabriel, carter 524 N. Second Cox George, tailor 185 Cedar Cox Gideon, cedar cooper 253 & 235 High Cox Isaac, ladies' shoemaker 153 St. John Cox James & Abraham L, teachers of English and

Latin, 49 N Seventh Cpx James, teacher 49 Filbert


Cox James, S president of the Pennsylvania Insurance company, 295 Chesnut

Cox James, drawing-master NE cor. Fourth and Ches- nut— d h 39 Almond

Cox John, conveyancer 38 Zane street

Cox John, jr. gentleman Broad bel. High street

Cox John, A. late shoemaker Tenth below Pine

tCox Joseph, ticket-porter 100 Gaskill

Cox Mary, teacher 23 N. Fourth

Cox Mcirtin, gunsmith, &c. Oak ab. Noble (N, L.) d h 419 N. Front

Cox Mary, L & Susan H. teachers 49 Filbert street

Cox Paul, late sea captain 88 S Front

Cox Rachel, widow, 125 Arch

tCox Rebecca, widow 7 Pine alley

Cox Rebecca, & Co. storekeepers 18 N. Second

Cox Ruth, widow.S Coomb's alley

Coxe John, D. gentleman 76 Walnut

Coxe John Redman, m. d. 8 York buildings office back in Good water alley

Coxe Tench, gentleman 167 Pine

Coyle James, tailor 169 S Third street

Coyle John, mariner 32 German st

Coyle John, bottler. 17 Walnut

C oyle Patrick labourer, back of 70 S 5ih street

C oyle Wm. labourer High n Sch 2d

Coyles Daniel, tallowchandler 132 Crown

Cozens A. J. pilot's hotel SE cor. Penn and Pine

Cozens Benjamin, sea capt. Swanson n. cor. of Catherine

Cozens Benjamin, carpenter 531 S 2d street

Cozens Henry, S. conveyancer 366 N 4th

Cozens Josiah B. clock & watchmaker 73 north Front cor. Arch {nee Couzins

Crabb Wm . accountant 35 south Tenth

Crabb Wm. cordwainer 139 Locust

Craft Gershom, printer back 267 Race {see Crojt

Craft Jacob, carpenter Fourth n. George N. L.

Craft John, C. hatter 9 Harmony court

Craft Mary, widow back 216 S 6th street

Cragg George, dyer back 529 & d h 475 north Third

Cragg W^m. cabinet maker, 15 Gaskill st.

Craig Andrew, labourer 390 Sassafras

Craig Ann, Miss, 113 Spruce st.

Craig Charles, whiskey store & bottler cellar High W, of Sch 3d

Craig Isabella, widow back 89 Passyunk r.

fCraig Jacob, coachman 104 N. 11th

tCraig Jacob, sailmaker, back 183 Spruce st.

Craig James, labourer, Apple n. George N. L.

Craig James, gentleman 208 Chesnut

Craig James, boot maker 63 Walnut

Craig Jane, shoebinder back 56 Passyunk

Craig Jane, Miss. 113 Spruce st.

CRA whitely's anxual

Craig John, nailer 136 Locust

Craig John, cordwainer 568 S. 2d

Craig Lydia, widow 405 south Second

Craig Margaret, Mrs. 397 Race

Craig Saml. smith & farrier 5 Locust d. h. 124 s 10th

Craig Samuel, tailor back 5 s. Front

Craig Wm. merch. 8 Chesnut d. h. 136 s. Second

Craigan Alexander, drayman 8 Frazier's court

Craige Huston & Co. fancy plated saddlery warestore and Globe mill warehouse 110 High

Craige Jolm, saddler cor. 2d & Germantown r.

Craige Wm. proprietor cotton manuf. Globe mill Ger- mmtown road abore Second

Craighead Job, shoemaker 196 S. 2d st.

Craighead Samuel, sea captain 33 Key's alley

Cramer John, jun. shoemaker 30 Mary (S.)

Cramer Matthias, shipwright Crown n. Bedford

[see Creamer cjT" Cranmer

Cramond Wm. merch. 248 Walnut

Cramp George, shipwiight Marlborough near Queen

Cramp Jolm, fisherman Queeu near Cherry (K.)

Cramp Martin, hsher man Queen near Wood

fCranchel B. 15 S. 7th

Crane Elizabeth, Laurel N. L. above Front

Crane John, lumtjer merchant, 94 S. 8th

Crane John A. printer and editor of the Gloucester Far- mer Camden N. J.

Crane Thomas B. cordwainer 309 north Front

Craner John, grocer 39 South wharves

Craney Daniel, 17 Walnut

Crangel Patrick, labourer Carpenter n. 6th

Cranmer Joseph S. ladle's shoemaker 36 south Second

Cranmer Thomas, carpenter 22 Garden

Crans Peter, constable 97 Plum

Crap George M. coppersmith 23 Duke N. L.

Crap Nicholas, boot and shoemaker 17 Spruce

Craven George, tanner 2d n Beaver

Craven Ishi, accountant Popla'- lane above Fourth

Crawford Alexander, tailor 28Kunckel

Crawford David, tailor S. 10th 2 doors from Chesnut

Crawford Henry M. currier 324 North Front

Crawford Henry, carter Oak N.L. ab. Noble

Crawford James, labourer 387 Race

Crawford James, ostler, 3 Marble

Crawford James, dealer 222 S. 5th

Crawford John, labourer SlieaflTs alley

Crawford John, labourer Pine bel. Twelfth

Crawford John, mate 162 Swanson

Crawford M^irgaret, widow 151 St. John

Crawford Mary, widow of James 73 south Sixth

Crawford Mary, widowjwasherwoman Sch 4th n. Spruce

Crawford Mary, widow back 517 north Third

Crawford Nathaniel, shipjoiner Sarah st. near Queen


tCvawford l*Jelson, manner 9 Hurst st,

Crawford Samuel, W. d, d. teacher Marble cor. 11th—

d.h. 3 North 13th Crawford Samuel H. boatbuilder 328 north Front- Crawford William, silkdyer 94 Vine Crawl Peter, jr. brickmaker Srh. Fourth near Cedar Crawley Abraham, machinemaker 1 Drinker's alley Crawley Edmund, jeweller 295 Walnut ^see Crowley Craycroft Benjamin, sea captain 441 south Front Craycroft Joseph, shoemaker 309 soutii Second Creamer Christian, labourer back 41 Prime Creamer George, vict. Garden above Callowhill Creamer Jacob, blacksmith 68 and 70 Cedar Creamer John, victualler Old York r. ab. Fifth, stall 6

New Market and 29 Highst. market ^see Cranur Creamer Matthias, Point road above Glasshouse Creamer William, bricklayer 306 north Second Crean John, lumber merchant 12th st. cor. Locust d h

94 south Eighth Crean John, jun. lumber merchant Pine above Tenth Crease William G. fancy feather manufactory 43 south

Third, and confectionary 220 High Creely Michael, labourer Marlborough liear Bedford Cregar Samuel, shoemaker Kunckel above Tammany Creger George, cotton card manufactory 137 Cherry Creighner Joseph, milkman Marlborough above Prmce Creighton John, bookbinder 44 Cherry Creighton Robert, Irish linen merchant 11 s Front dh

48 Walnut Crellin Henry, shoemaker 37 Meade alley Cremona Mrs. of Peter vvaxworker &c. 260 Lombard Crenmer William B taihn* Lomb ird above Twelfth Cre'pu V. jeweller 11 Franklin court Cress Alexander, cordwainer 182 St. John Cress George, carter Lombard above Twelfth Cress George, jun. harnessmaker 249 Vine Cress Isaac, merchant 3 north Eighth Cress Joseph, mariner 9 Little Water Cress Lydia, widow of J. 299 Race Cress Thomas, cooper St. John above Callowhill Cresse Josiah, carpenter Smith's ct. & back 117 N 5th Cressey Aaron, mariner 18 Jones' alley Cressman Henry, cordwainer 138 n. 8th {see Grossman Cresson Benjamin, 197 Sassafras Cresson Caleb, gentleman 261 Arch Cresson Elliott, merchant 133 High d h 30 Sansom Cresson James, china merchant 227 High d h 37 n. 7th Cresson Joseph, china merchant ^281 High Cresson Joshua, accountant 18 Chester Cresson Mary, widow of John E. 30 Sansom Cresson Richard C. grocer 407 and 409 north Front Cresson Samuel lumber mere': ant 204 northSixth Cresson Wister & Co. merchants 133 High

CRO whitely's ankual

Creth Daniel, distiller 217 and d h 223 Cedar

Creth &: Williamson, distillers 108 north Ninth

Creth William, distiller 108 north Ninth

Cribs Mafv, widow 90 Callowhill

Cridland Benjamin, chinastore 223 south Second

Crigemire Henry, labourer 442 Race

t^'rippin Isaac, porter back 202 Lombard

Crispin Peter, waterman Franklin, N. L. near Second

Crissy James, bookbinder & stationer 112 Walnut

Crist John, oakcooper Rogers' court

Crist John, supervisor Palmer above Duke

Crist Joseph, caulker Palmer above Prince

Crist Michael, shipwright Cherry near Browne

Crist Samuel, victualler Palmer near West

Cristine Abraham, carpenter Pi'ankf road n. Queen

Crivell George, cordwainer back 198 north Second

Croasdill Wm. merchant 174 High . [see Crosdell

Croker Catharine, widow Smith's alley

Crocker Henry, mercer and tailor 37 Spruce

Crockett John, carter Cooper's court, (N L)

Crockett Saml. tailor 154 s. Water dh 51 Spruce

Crockett & i umbleston, tailors N W comer Water and

Drawbridge dock Crocks Bartholomew, carter comer Coates and 7th

{see Grog Crocks John, watchman Second above Germ, road Croft E. carpenter 17 Blackborse alley Croft Francis, bookseller 73 High dh 11 Elfreth's ay. Croft Thomas, mariner 177 Coates \_8ee Craft

Croft William, gentleman 3 south Tenth Crombarger John, flour merch. 314 High & 84 s. 11th Cromley Jacob, brickmaker. Cedar W\ Sch Seventh Cromley Thomas, brickmaker Soh. 7th cor. Walnut Cromly Christiana, widow back 31 n. 7th [^^ee Crumley Cromly Thomas, accountant back 31 north Seventh Crommie James, tavernkeeper High near Sch. 8th jCromwell John, sailmaker back 17 Swanson— d. h.

Green's court Cromwell John, bricklayer 20 Sch rivers' court Cromwell Oliver, bricklayer Kunckel bel. Tammany Cronins Edward, grocer SE corner Fifth and Spruce Crooks George R. currier and leathercutter 216 N. 2d Crooks William, tailor N E corner Chesnut and Water

d h 57 South

fCropper Sarah, nurse In^^A ^u ^ <-»!,

tCropper John, Stevedore j ^^^^'^ ^^^^'^ ' ^^^ Cropper Isaac, boarding house 1 Cullowhill fCropper Isaac, sweep N. 4th above Browne Cropper Kendall S. lumber merch 109 & 122 Swanson fCrosberry David, waiter 22 Prosperous alley fCrosberry George, labourer 35 Currant alley fCrosberry James, porter 300 S. 7th fCrosberry Thomas, porter Taper alley


(irosby Elizabeth, shopkeeper 82 Cedar

Crosby Heniy, brickmaker 6 Wells' row north Eighth

Crosby James weaver Lombard n. Twelfth

tCrosby James, porter 300 sotitli Seventh

Cro.-by Lydia, widow back 2z CailowhiU

Crosby M. stonecutter 9 Fayette sn< et

Crosier Andrew, grocer 424 south Front

Crosier Benjamin, slioemaker 3 Elmslie's alley

Croskey Geortje D. accouiitant 161 N 9th

Crosland William, stiawhat manuf. \75 south Second

Crosley Man", boardinghouse 77 >outh Second

Crossley Samuel, tobacconist Coatcs near 6th

Crossin, Mary, widow. Hazel nllev

Cross Benjamin, teacher of music 82 south Fifth

Cross D iniel, laljourer back 207 St. John

Cross Eliza, teacher, 56 Arch street

Crosson James, bricklayer 298 south Fourth .

Crossman June, widow- Tenth below Pine [.sf*? Cressman

Crothevs Wm. S. and Charles T. mercht. 219 High— d.

h. 389 Arch \_see Carothers

Crotto Henrv , labourer 22 Sugar alley Croucher Samuel oak cooper 125 New Crouding Elizabeth, shopkeeper 60 north Sixth Crousdell John, labourer Cobb's court (N. L) Crouse Christopher, victualler stall 4 Old Shambles

d. h. Garden street Crouta John, cook and csnfectioner 81 S. 5th Crow WiUiam, labourer 13th above Filbert Crowell George, stocking weaver, 94 Cireen Crowell George, labourer above 543 north Third Crowell Ehsha, druggist S. W. corner 2d and Shippen

and 69 Cedar Crowell Ellis B. merchant S. W. comer 5th and Vine Crowell James, teacher 26 Ai-g}'le and 18 Shippen Crowell Samuel, pilot 92 Swanson Crowell Smith, Moyamensing road near Federal Crowell Thomas, gentlem.an 147 Pine Crowell Thomas, painter, 8cc. back 91 Callowhill Crowl Martin, mariner 2 Branner's alley Crowle Jane, widow Shield's above Raspberry Crowley Jas shoemaker back 122 N 11th [see Craivley Crawley John, watchmaker 132 south Front Crowers George, skindresser Fourth above Franklin Crozier Benjamin, cordwainer 3 Elmslie's alley Crozier Margaret, widow 39 Union Cruger J. h.i D farmer, Sch. 4th (Penntown) fCruger Phillis, widow 228 S. 6th

Crukshank Jos, printer & stationer 16 & 20 Church alley Crumback Jacob, cordwainer 40 Pas; yunk [^see Krum Crumback Godfrey, cordwainer 15 Vernon Crumback Peter, labourer Snippen corrter Broad Crumley George, brickmaker Cedar above Thirteenth

CUM whitely's annual

Crumley Henry Jiin. brickmaker Irish lane [^see Croniley

Crumley Henry, Mechanic's hotel Cedar above 13th

Crumley Thomas, ropemaker cor Walnut 8c Sch. 7th

Crummeil Juliana, victualler, stall 95 High st. marlLet

Crummel Philip, victualler? Charlotte

Crumpton William, silverplater 89 south Sixth

Crumwell Martha, nurse Miller's alley

Cruse Rev. Christian, F Callowhill & John

Cruse Peter, mariner 429 south Second

Cruson William, inspector of lumber 3 Swansou

Crussy Jacob, coachman back 9 Crown

Cvyder John, cordvvainer, 6th near Coates

Cryder Mary C. storekeeper 165 N. 3d ^see Kreider

fCuff Daniel, labourer Paschall's alley

Culberson James, stonemason back 299 Callowhill

Culin Isaac V. tailor 59 Meade alley

Culin John, tailor S W corner High and Water d. h.

4 Chancery lane Culin Samual, ladies' shoemaker 62 Plum Cullin Jonathan, shallopman carpenter bel. 2d (S.)

Isee Collin Cullen John, M. d. chemist &c. 92 S Front Cullen 6c Pettit, grocers N. W corner Spruce and 7th Culp Geofge, brickmaker Camac belcw Old York road Culp Jacob, grocer 222 N. Second [«<?<? Coip

Culver Martha, widow 175 Vine Cummertord Jolm, oilcloth manuf. Wright's alley Cummings Abigail, widow 497 north Third tCummings Ann, washerwoman Old York r. n. Coates Cumming Catharine, 3 Prune Cummings David, accountant 157N. 4th Cummings Enoch, grocer 426 north Second & 396 N. 3^ Cummings James, labourer back 152 Spruce Cumming Martha, widow 274 north Second Cummings Peter, waiter back 37 St. Mary street Cummings Richard, porter Acorn alley 'umming Richard P. roof copperer, 163 Green St. fCummings Robert, carpenter 29 Sassafras alley Cummings Samuel S, druggist 8cc. 288 and 274 N. 2d Cummings Samuel S & Co. druggists 8cc. 288 N. 2d Cummings Wm. carpenter 5 Elizabeth Cummings Wm. grocer & corn factor 92 S. wharves— -d.

h 26 Plum Cummings Wm. labourer hack 17 Beck's alley Cummings James, weaver Maiden near Shakamaxon Cummins Ann, miUiner 29 N. 4th Cummins David grocer and liquor store 87 S water Cummins Ebenezer H. attorney at law, 55 S. 7th Cummins David 8c Co. merchants 68 South wharves Cummins Isaac, coachman 53 Currant alley Cumins Joseph, tavernkeeper cor. Callowhill and Old

York road Cummins Richard P. 274 N. Second


Cummins 8c Slioemaker, com, merchants 6 Decatur Cvmningham Elizabeth, vvidow 94 south Fifth Cunningham James, cordwainer Locust above Twelfth Cunningham Joseph, waiter. Church street (S.) back Cunningham John H. printer 70 south Third Cunningham John,, shoemaker Hartung's alley Cunningham Sarah, widow 236 S. 4th street Cunningham Silas, wharfbuilder, 263 S. 5th Cunningham Thomas, milkman Ridge r. n. Penntown Curby Edward, mariner 14 Pine Curbv Michael, guager and cooper 91 S. Water Curcier Andrew, merchant, counting-house ufi stairs 43

Dock d. h. S. Third 1st door Ijelow Pine Curcier Andrew, jun. merchant 162^ High Curran Arthur, barkeeper 125 Cedar Cui ren Hu<?h, labourer back 10 Prosperous alley Curren William, livery stablekeeper 9 Little George Currin James, cordwainer corner 6tVi 8c Buttonwood Currin Michael, classical teacher, 231 S. 5th corner

Gaskill Currin Timothy, plasterer 301 Walnut Currie Helen, boardinghouse 100 S. Front Currie William, m. d. 186 S. Front cor. Pine Curry Ann, widow 137 Spruce Curry Archibald, carpenfer-Arch n. Sch. Second Curry Ehzabeth, widow Pitt near Germantown road Curry George, shoestore 18 High d. h. 3 Elfreth's alley Curry James, typefounder Shippen above Ninth Curry John, merchant-tailor 121 S. Third Curry John, cordwainer 346 S. Second Curry Richard, cordwainer Camac below Old York r. Curry Samyel^t cordwainer 4 South alley Curtis Asa, grocer N. E. cor. Second and Arch— d. h.

8 Newmarket Curtis Cook, carpenter 195 Green ^Curtis Ddvid W. stonemason 8cc. Vine above Broad "Curtis John, potter 405 and 407 S. Front Curtis John H. accountant 443 S. Front Curtis Jonathan, weaver Maple street Curtis Kezia, widow, shopkeeper cor. Budd 8c Laurel Curtis Margaret, widow, mangier 16 Coomb's alley tCurtis Samuel, master sweep 34 Powell fCurtis Severn, woodsawyer 95 Lombard

CurtS C^'hari^e ] 13'h streetbelow Chesnut Curts Elizabeth, widow Whitehall street Cusfeldt Francis, black 8c whitesmith 459 N. Third Cushing Caleb, sea captain 421 S. Front Cushing John, sea captain 421 S Front street Cussaw Ahthony, oysterman Britton's alley Custer Samuel, smith Frankford road above Bedford fCustis George porter, 78 Catharine street Cuszine Wm. shipwright, '499 S. Front



CiJtbush James, assistant apothecary-general of the U.

States, army 207 S. Fourth Cuthbert Anthony, gentleman 41 Penn Cuthbert A. W. mariner 264 S. Second Cuthbert Ehzabeth gentlewoman 397 N. Front Cuthbert James L gentleman 189 south Third Cuthbert James, weaver, 20 Frankhn street Cuthbert John, carpenter Loxley's court Spruce street Cuthbert Mary, widow e;rocer 108 Filbert Cuthbert Samuel, 206 S". Third

CuthbertThomas, merchant 1 L. Water d, h. 264 S. 2d Cutter Frost, blacksmith St. Joseph's avenue Cutler James, mariner 14 Christian Cutler Joseph, 322 S. Front Cuzwell Francis, lock and keymaker 438 N. 3d

fDABANIER PETER, bootcleaner, Green's court Dacoster Charles, oakcooper 13 Cox's alley Daderker Adam, baker Marlborough near Bedford Daffin Elizabeth, teacher 38 Strawberry Ddhlgren Bernard^ merchant 107 south Front d. h.

14 Sansom Dahnger Jacob, dealer 32 Coate's alley Dahony Daniel, sawyer Shippen above 7th Daily Bernard, cordwainer Smith's court n. Sch. 8th Daily Bernard, typefounder Grissel's alley Daily Dennis, drayman 22 Poplar lans Daily Nicholas, cabinetmaker 135 Lombard street Daily R .bert, innkeeper 243 S 6th Dainty John, copperplate printer 8 College avenue and

32 S. 5th Dakins Hannah, widow Carpenter (S.) above 4th Dale commodore Richard, 55 Pine tDale Andrew, mariner Queen above 2d 13ale Peter, labourer Caipenter above Fourth Dallas widow of Alexander James, 2d below Walnut Dallas George M. attorney at law 174 Chesnut Dallas \\ m plasterer 100 Catharine [see Dulles

Dallet Elijah & Thomas, soap and candle manufac- turers 34 and 345 H.gh DaliingJumes, warehouseman 15 Elizabeth Dallman John, smith and pumpmaker 200 N. Eighth Dalrymple Elizabeth, nurse Prime below Second Dalrvmple James, cordwainer Prime below Second Dih Charles, cordwainer 134 Cedar Dai' John, sea captain 34 Queen (S.) DaU John, tavernkeeper 44 S. Eighth Dah J. nn, yaihr.aker 162 S. Sixth tp:ih J seph, mariner 193 Cedar DalzcU Robert, weaver 225 Shippen


!3alzell William, tidewaiter 79 Lombard

;3aiiby Abraham, sawyer Malt alley

'. Dandelot Louisa, boardinghouse 40 S. E'ghth

;3.inenhower Charles, (old Rotterdam mn) 118 N,3d

!3unenhower Lydia, boardinghouse 131 N. Fourth

iDantorth Cyrus, currier 141 Race

Daniels George, CHrj)enter Bvidd near Locust ^3.Miieh-j J'lshua, grocer Twelfth below Pine

■Daniels Whittenston, labourer Sm dl near Sixth ;])inielsWm. mariner Oak. (Nr L ) below Coates '. 3 uiiels Wm- carpenter Miller's court (N. L.) ;3inkel Henry, baker 31 Penn st. ^Dankworth John, baker b W cor. 6th and Elizabeth ;3annaker Christian, storekeeper 143 N. Third ; 3annacker Gojorge, g«-ocer 22 N. 2d d h 6 Hartung's ay. !3annenberg Christian, 270 Arch iDanzell Eli'zabeth, »vidow 158 Spruce !) irdine John L. tobacconist 33 Green )arking Charles L. painter &c back 9 Shippen D;irland Thomas, harnessmaker 39 Chester Darley John, comedian 91 north Sixth Darling Ann, widow 282 south Seventh D irling Mary Ann, widow Juniper alley Darling Samuel, grocer 253 High, opposite Decatur—

d h 77 Wood Darnell Henry, measurer of grain, Sec. 234 Catharine Darr widow of John, victualler 83 Brown Darrach Eliza, widow of James, hatter 268 Arch Darrach Thomas B. hat manuf. 62 south Second Darrach Wm. labourer Oak (N. L ) bel. hayscales Darragh Archibald, grocer 55 nortl> Fifth DaiTagh John, carpenter 174 Spruce Darragh John, malster Bioad above Race Darragh Neil, carter 294 south Third

"Dariagh Priscilla, widow Shippen above Seventh '. Daubayson Victoire, goldsmith 8cc. 5 Cherry '. Davalle Lewis August, 14 Juniper lane ; 3avault, John, labourer back 422 north Fourth JDavaux Aime', sea captain 24 Meade alley ;3avenport Elizabeth, widow of James, 465 S. Front ; Davenport John, Arch above Sch. Third ; Davenport Mary, miUiner 50 Arch ; Davenport Robert, jeweller 298 south Seventh . Davenport Wm. mathematical instrument maker 25 S.

Front— d h 90 Sassafras David Jacob, storekeeper 200 north Second David John, labourer 6 Fitzwalter David John T. merchant 164 High— d h 167 Spruce Davidson David, tavern 183 S. Front & 182 S. Water Davidson John, baker 229 south Fourth Davidson Nathan, merchant 239 Vine Davidson Robert, innkeeper, &c. S E cor. 2d. & Queen Davidson Wm. broker 83 Chesnut— d h 268 Walnut

DAV whitely's annual

Davie John, cabinetmaker 130 Cedar Davison Robert, sailm;.ker 71 Walnut Davison Robert, car])enterWood above Eighth Davison Wm. accountant 30 Strawberry Davies Edward, painter 39 north Fifth Davies Edward, stablekeeper next 2 N. Ninth tDayis Aaron, oysterman Eagle court Davis Abel, laboui er 145 Moyamensing road Davis Abner, shoestore 92 High Davis Abm. labourer 143 Moyamensing road Davis Absalom, grocer cor. Cherry and Sch. 7th Davis Amos, blacksmith Juniper below High d h Lo- cust near Broad Davis Andrew, labourer Lombard W. Sch. Eighth tlJavis Andrew, labourer Koble above Ninth Davis Ann, widow nurse back 13 German DmvIs Ann, widow back 14 south Tenth Davis Ann, wklow 405 south Second Davis Armon, flour merchant, store 224 High dh 7 S.

Eleventh above Chesnut Davis Benjamin^ bcokbinder 214 south Fifth Davis Benjamin, britkmaker Sixth near Coates Davis Bfcpjn merclit. 40 N. Second and 31 Key's alley tDavis Caesar, labourer Paschall's alley D<\ is Charles, carpenter Vienna near Duke tDavis Charles, sweep Apple near Geoi'ge Davis Christopher, smith Thirteenth above Wood and

S W cor. Centre sq^uare Davis David, cordwamer 123 Arch Davis David Jones, m. d. 301 Arch N W cor. Eighth Davis David M. accountant 92 Wood Davif^. David, distiller cor. Fifth and Germantown r. Davis D. and S. storekeepers 29 N. Ninth Davis Edward, carter 34 Budd [see Davies £5* Deavi Davis Eli, shoestore Second between Coates and Brown Davis Elijah, drayman 77 Budd Davis Elizabeth, widow carpetweaver62 Gaskill Davis Ehzabeth, widow 25 Catharine Davis Elijah, 19 W^ood above Fourth fDavis Elizabeth, widow St. John above Poplar lane Davis Ehzabeth, widow 257 south Froat Davis Ehzabeth, boardinghouse 120 Arch Davis Geo. stock and exchange broker 39 Dock— d h 8

Sansom Davis George, junr. 39 Dock and 8 Swanson Davis George, carpenter back 39 Prime Davis Henry, ostler Camden (N, J.) Davis Hannah, 3 Schriver's court Davis Harriet, widow 11 Juniper lane tDavis Hetty, widow 8th below Lombard Davis Isaac, tanner cor; Fifth and Noble and 109 Ches- nut—d h 88 New tDavis Isaac, carter Paschall's alley


i Davis Israel, carter PaschaU*s alley lavis James, suspendermaker 360 S. Front Davis James, smith 185 Siiippen d h and inn SE corner

German and Fourth ; Davis Jehu, morocco hatmaker 392 south Second '. 3avis Jesse, carter 179 Coates ; Davis John, watchman Arch corner Sch. Front

Davis John, labourer 163 Coates

'. Davis John, labourer 164 Svvanson

'. Davis John, bookbinder 15 Fromberger's court

'. Davis John, tailor back 62 Plum

"Davis John, mariner 18 Burd's court . Davis John, shoestore 40 High ; Davis John, tobacconist 344 High ; Davis John, cabinetmaker 40 Christian ; Davis John, labourer Spruce near Schuylkill ; Davis John, milkman Locust above Broad "Davis John, woodsawyer cor. 11th and Cherry

Davis John, porter back 199 Lombard ; Davis Jonathan, carpenter 175 Pine ; Davis Jonathan, sawwhetter 28 Vine ; Davis Joseph, mariner 181 N. Front ; Davis Joseph, plasterer Coates above Seventh

Davis Joseph, shoemaker back 176 N. Eighth ; Davis Joseph W. mason Sch. Front below Locust '. Davis Margaret, widow N. Fourth above Tammany '. Davis Mary Miss, Poplar court ; Davis Mary Mrs. 92 Wood '. Davis Mary Mrs. 28 Meade alley ; Davis Micajah, carter 17 Elfreth's alley ! Davis Miriam, nurse 7 Cresson's alley : Davis Morgan, carpenter 6th above Callowhill : Davis Nathan, storekeeper Camden (N. J.) ; Davis Pardon, seminary 17 Fromberger's court d h 39

north Second Davis Patience, Mrs. 26 Small Davis Patty, St. John near George tDavis Peter, Blackberry alley JDavis Phoebe Mrs. boar<inghouse 1 south 5th Davis Rebecca, milliner cor. Spruce and Second Davis Robert, labourer Budd below Walnut Davis Samuel C. tailor 80 Penn Davis Samuel B, gentleman 178 Chesnut Davis Samuel L. grocer 54 north Third Davis Samuel V. cordwainer 360 south Second Davis Sarah, widow 25 Jones' alley Davis Sarah, widow 84 George (S.)

JDavis Simon, sawyer Paschall's alley )avis Stephen P. grocer 580 north Third •Davis Susan, widow St. Mary below Seventh ,,

Davis Thomas, carter 228 Lombard

'. Davis Thomas, blacksmith Shepherd's alley Cherry St. ; Davis Thomas, weaver S E cor. St. John and Green


DEA v^ /ii. £,Lx's ANNUAL

Davis Thomas, piinter and bookseller S E comer Race

and Nintli Davis Thomas, (Black Bear inn) 1 south 5th near High Davis Thomas, cabinetmaker 32 Almond Davis Thomas, carpenter 369 north Third Davis VVm. printer 64 north 5th Davis William, biockmaker 13 Church Davis William, merchant tailor 31 north Third Davis Wiliiacn, woodsavvyer Old York r. ab. Browne Davis William, labourer Sch. Third below High Davis William, moulder Juniper below Vine Da\ is William, tailor 6 south Fifth Davis William, carpenter 241 Cedar Davis William, shipchandler and ropemaker S E comer

Sassafras and Water d h 118 Mulberry- Davis William, bookbinder 309 Walnut Davis William, milhvright 111 Cherry Da\is 2Sephaniah, mason Chesnut near Sch. Front Davolt John, carter Fourth above Browne Davolt Philip, drayman Davolt's court (N. L.) Dawes Ann, widow 20 north Sixth Daws Timothy, sea captain 534 south Front Dawson Edward, carpenter 96 north Eleventh Dawson Elizabeth, widow 113 Christian Dawson George, soap and candle factory Z77 S, Second Dawson George B. merchant 12 Pine Dawson George A. attorney and counsellor at law 203 p.

Arch and 12 Pine

f-^'Dawson James, glass papermaker Paper alley )awson Jonas, clock and watchmaker 41&High dh Juniper below High Dawson Joseph, stockingweaver 6th below Fitzwalter Dawson Josiah, gentleman 101 north Second Dawson Mordecai L. 79 and d h 77 Chesnut Dawson and Morrison, brewers 79 Chesnut Dawson, widow of William, 77 Chesnut Day Augustus, carver & gilder 22 Cherry Da'v Benjamin, shipwright Saraii near Queen Day Charles R. cordwainer back 387 south Front Day James, drygoods store 221 south Second Day John, weaver Spruce \\' Schuylkill Sixth Day Joseph, shipwright Maiden near Beach DciV Mary, tailwess 121 south Sixth Dav Michael, Palmer near West Day Margaret, bonnetmaker 7 Strawberry Day Samuel, tailor 11 Quan-y Day Wm A. gentleman coruer Spruce and Tenth Daymon Francis, teacher Vine near Ninth Day ten Lewis, mariner Germantown r. above Second Dayton Maria, 246 north Third Dazey Jemima, widow Sixth above Callowhill Deacon Israel, principal keeper of the Prune street

apartment of the prison Deacon Joseph, drygoods merchant 167 St. John


Decan Peter, shipmaster 19 Queen

Deal Abraham, pumpmaker 12 Maria above Fourth

Deal Charles, grocer 46 Wood {see Dale iS" Diehl

Deal Christian, baker 387 north Fourth

Deal Christopher 174 north Eighth

Deal Daniel, blacksmith Queen near Shakamaxon

Deal Elizabeth Sch. Seventh below Race

Deal Elizabeth, widow 195 St. John

Deal E. baker 25 Appletrce alley

Deal Francis, victualler stall 34 N L market, and 55

High street market Deal Jacob, carter Eighth below Buttonwood Deal Jacob, baker Marlborough near Bedford Deal Jacob, baker 50 Callowhill

Deal Jacob, vict. Ger. r. n. 1st gate stall 39 N L market Deal John, labourer Sch. Seventh below Race Deal John, baker 174 Coates Deal John, draynan Germ, road below 1st gate Deal Martin, baker north Fourth above Browne Deal MjcUael 8c Co. cor. Queen and Hanover, K. Deal Miiiam, widow Queen near^Bhakamaxon Deal Peter, gentleman Queen near Shakamaxon Deal Peter, Queen above Marlborough Deal William, victualler Button wood near Fifth Deamer Christian, labourer Frankf. r. below 1st gate Deamer George, wheelwright Germ, road near Second Deamer Lewis, 65 Queen, (S) Dean Janett, widow 192 St. John Dean John, 76 north Fifth Dean Alexander J. te^icher Clever alley Dean M. academy for young ladies 7 Clever alley n. side fDean Thomas, oysterman 8 north Fourth Deaiigeli Giacento, fruiterer SW cor. Chesnut & Eighth Dear Sprogel O. wheelwright 352 Callowhill Deary James, labourer 9 Shippen Death John, vict. Pleasant street near Ridge road and 49

High street market Deaves John, carver Coates below Old York road Deaves Tryal, blacksmith 26 Old York r. \see Davis Deavs Isaac, carpenter 220 Walnut De Benneville N, clock & walchniciker 178 north 3d J3ebimler Joseph, shipwright 38 Christian Debow Andrew, smith Sch. Eighth above Race d ii

Race near Sch. Seventh De Bree John B. accountant 148 south Seventh Debust John, sailmaker 4 Hoflinan's alley De Charms Sarah, female seminary 33 Sausom Derker Moses, labourer 202 St. John Decker P. I, storekeeper 100 north Second Decatrell Joseph, jeweller Christian above Seventh De Cruz Antonia Gonsaloes, ambassador from the re-

public of Pernambuco 150 south Second Deemer Mary, Germantown road above Third

DEL whitely's annual

DefFenbach John, Eleventh below Pine

Defield Fisher, shoemaker Merriott's lane above 4th

Deforest Mary, widow 64 north Eighth

Deforest Peter, hatter 62 Cherry

Deforman Joshua, cordwainer Christian above Eighth

De France Augustus, gentleman 179 Pine

Degen John, cedar cooper 268 south Fifth

Degrass Jeremiah, shoemaker 357 south Second

Degreaves John B. pilot 32 Queen

De Groot James, sea captain 290 south Front

fDe Harvey Henrietta, washerwoman 123 Plum

De Haven Edward, combmaker Otter near Front

De Haven Holstin, carpenter 40 Chesier

De Haven Hugh, gentleman, upper 45 north Sixth

De Haven Hugh, jr. merchant upper 45 n. 6th & 185 High

De Haven Jacob, vict. north 8th above Mulberry alley

De Haven John, carpenter 16 Franklin

De Haven Jonathan, pumpmaker Callowhill ab. Garden

De Haven Peter, 70 Locust

De Haven William, combmaker Hopkins' court

Dehof Margaret, widow 5 Myers* court

Deimling Francis C. accountant 2 Quarry

Deitz Christopher, gentleman west end Up. Ferry bridge

Deitz George, vict. Button wood above Charles

Deklyn Theodore, blockmaker and shipchandler Oak

above the Hayscales dh 26 Budd Delachaux Phihp H. clock & watchmaker 133 Arch De la Croix Louis, distiller 264 north Second Delahay Mary, widow back of 120 north Eleventh Delamatar John, merchant 68 N. Eighth Delano Judah, printer 194 north Fifth Delany Ann J, herbstore 8 Locust (Wash, square) Delany John, carver and gilder back of 216 Vine Delany Patrick, saddle and harnessmaker 8 Locust Delany Peter, ship-watchman 10 Pine Delany William, attorney at law 50 south Sixth Delaplaine Joseph, repository of the portraits and lives

of distinguished American characters, gallery in

Chesnut st. d h 466 north Second Delavau Joseph, grocer 51 Lombard Delavou Barbara, widow 217 Swanson Delavou & Jones, japanned-furniture wareho. 83 Dock Delavou Sarah, widow of Isaac, 21 Parham's alley Delavou William, ornamental painter 83 Dock dh and

grocery 51 Lombard fDelbrels Francis, cordwainer 9 Prune 13ele'on J. Alvares, teacher of French & Spanish 140 s 4th Delleker George, engraver 8 S. 8th d h 15 north 12th Delleker Samuel, silverplater C(ir. Fifth and Cherry Delorme Charles L. R. gi'ocer 66 Shippen Delpeux Peter, m. d. 106 Union De Luce N. professor of music 1 Fayette st.


De'iuy Ylaire F. hairdresser 2 south 6th and 1 south 7th,

fDemby Abraham wo<^dsa\vyer Malt alley

Demerlier J. B. shoemaker 172 south Second

Demor John, cooper 265 north Front

Demow Francis, baker back 107 Catharine

Dempsey John, iron merchant 8 Broad and S, wharves

Dempsey John, shoemaker 6 Willow court

DemJDsey Martha, widow nurse back of 293 Arch

Dempster James, carter Sch. Eighth near Vine

Dempster Wm. carpenter Sch. Eighth near Vine

Deuabre Mrs 30 Powell

f Denby James, waiter Bonsall

Denekla A. H. merchant 12 N. 3d— dh 306 Race

Denham John, mariner 19 Cedar

Denham Susan, widow 42 Gaskill

Denman Aaron, merchant 337 High— -d h 351 Arch

Dennis James, Jersey-hotel N W cor. Argyle (Almond)

and Swanson Dennis Jeremiah, cordwainer 51 Budd Dennis John, coroner 90 north Sixth Dennis John W. cabinetmaker >J. Sixth above Race tDennis John L. labourer back 90 Shippen IDennis John, mariner back 96 Shippen Dennis Michael, 506 south From fDennis Parker, porter 302 south Seventh Dennis Richard, late colonel of the U. S. army 124 s. 8th Dennis Shadrach, whitevvasher 60 Small fDennis Stephen, bootblack 168 south Sixth Dennison George, select academy 1 College avenue— d h and Mrs. Dennison's select seminary for young ladies 128 Locust Dennison James, potter 4 Bryan's alley Denny John, vict. Hanover near West Dennv Joseph, labourer 24 Prune

Dentzel F. oysterman cor. 3d & Chesnut and 43 Cedar Deuyke Davis, v/aterman 35 Prime below Front D'Orlic Mrs. French teacher 143 south Sixth Depangier Charles, accountant 3 Myers' court

iD'Pee Abraham, porter 22 Blackberry alley

■D'Pee Thomas, whitewasher upper 163 Pine

"Derham Clayton, sawyer 95 Small

"Derham George, labourer Pine below Twelfth

•Derham Isaac, porter Portland lane

■"Derhamwisaac, porter and oysterman 51 north Third Derham Jeremiah, labourer Allen's alley

■Derham John, sawyer 95 Small

"Derham Stephen, porter Middle alley

fDerham Whittingham, carter back 169 south Third

;)eringer Henry, gunsmith 370 north Front

!Derose Feeny, widow 15 Lombard

Derr Martin, back of 296 Race

'. Derr Mary, widow 185 St. John

i Derrick George, labourer Cooper's court, (N L)

DEW wmitely's annual

tDerrick James, 224 south Second IDerrickson Ann, widow cakebaker Bushhill fDei rickson JHmes, dealer 240 south Second tDerrickson Milford, sawyer 291 south Fifth f Denickson Purnell, labourer biwedes' court IDerry Tenor, washerwoman and cook Malt alley Desabaye Lewis, painter, &■'. Randall's court Desauque Lewis, merchant 65 south Second Deshong Matthias, tavernkeeper 82 Dock De Silver Joseph, 500 north Second Pe Silver Robert, bookseller, binder, &c. 110 Walnut De Silver Thomas, bookseller, &c. 2L8 High— d h 409

Mulberry Desilvey Thomas, mariner back 64 Christian Desmond Daniel J. attorney at law 122 south Fourth—

d h 99 Spruce ! Desmond Jeremiah, whipmaker58 Queen ; Desmond T. painter and glazier 148 and d h 99 Spruce !3espatz James, storekeeper 316 north Front !)'Espinos Cecilia, widow Green's court Desplat Stephen, ladies' shoemaker 49 south Fourth ;3essalet John, pumpmaker Germantown r. above 3d !3eswan Christopher, trnnknjaker St. John bel. George ;3estouet S. merchant 209 High ; Detiz Peter, cooper 33 Union tDetray Joseph, shopkeeper 63 Currant alley De vault Henr> , porter north Fourth above Browne Deveiin Artnur, weaver Christian below Sixth Deveney Jane, widow grocer 12 Ciiristi wi !Deveney John, (ircen Tree inn, cor. Prince & Marlboro' Dever Michael, labourer Pottery alley Devereaux James, glasshouse Lombard near Sch. Devereux John, sea captain 446 south Front DevereaAix John, tailor 256 Race Devereaux Peter, storekeeper Lemon st- Deverics G. inn and ferrykeeper, Greenwich point Devin Sarah, widow Broad below Arch Devitt Hugh, baker 240 Cedar Devitt Patrick, drayman 270 south Foui-th Devitt Terrence J. baker 149 Spruce Devitt Terrence, baker 240 Cedar Devlin Ferdinand, labourer Steinmetz court Devlins Felix, grocer 297 Arch Dewar Susannah, teacher 44 Gaskill Dewees C. carver and gilder 77 south Second Dewees David, tailor on the Drawbridge dh 10 Union Dewees Ehzabeth, widow storekeeper 13 north Sixth Dewees George W. tobacconist Pryor's court Dewees Martha widow Emlen's alley Dewees Mrs. boardinghouse 3 south Fourth Dewees S. &D. tailors 153^ S. Fronton the Drawbridge Dewees Spencer, tailor on the Drawbridge— dh south

Sixth near Fitz waiter


Dewees William P. m. d, 154 Chesnut

Dewey James, surveyor 41 Green

Dewit Peter, accountant 94 Poplar lane

Dews Thomas, cabinetmaker buck 37 Newmarket

Dexter John, mariner 86 Catharine

tpexter Sarah, widow 203 Lombard

Dey Amos, labourer Frankford road ab. Shakamaxon

Dey Stephen, whitesmith, Frankf. r. ab. Shakamaxon

Diamond Hugh, grocer 22 Parham's alley

Diamond Jacob, carpenter Thirteenth above Sassafras

Diamond John, merchant Bank alley d h 383 Arch

Diamond John, cordwainer Race above Thirteenth

Dice Christiana, milkwoman cor. Cherry and Sch. 8tlj

Dick Archibald T. attorney at law 74 Arch

Dick Daniel & Co. tobacconists 49 south Front

Dick Philip, tobacconist 49 south Front above Chesnut

Diet Peter, tailor John*s below Second

Dick William, janitor University of Pennsylvania s. 9th

Dickenson Rebecca, widow N E cor. Chesnut and 8th

Dickeson William, hatter Adelphi avenue

Dickerson John, jr. inspector of lumber 37 Coates

Dickhart J. victualler d h Logan ab. 8th stall 47 New

Market Dickinsheet David, labourer Poplar lane ab. St. John Dickinson Anthony, labourer St. Mary st. Dickinson Catharine, above 543 N Third Dickinson Daniel, miniature painter 169 Chesnut Dickinson David, printer back of 11 N Tenth Dickinson Elizabeth, mangier 6 Norris's ay. Dickinson Elizabeth, glove manufactory 42 s Second Dickinson Jesse, carter 20 Noble Dickinson John, mariner 21 Cox's alley Dickinson John, carver and gilder 121 N Tenth Dickinson Jos. ropemaker Juniper bel. Walnut Dickinson Keturah, widow of Abel, printer (Whitehall)

Ridge r. ab Buttonwood Dickinson Leonard, architect 4 Schriver's court d h

155 Cherry ! Dickinson Martha, widow cor Front and Germantown r "Dickinson Martin, waiter Cypre.s ay. ; Dickinson Phoebe, widow 158 south Second Dickinson Richard C grocer N E cor 10th & Lombard •Dickinson Samuel, oysterman 177 north Fourth Dickinson Solomon, dealer in stone &c. N W cor 11th

and Vine Dickinson Wm. labourer Frankford r. n. Queen

Dickinson , widow 16 FrankUn ct.

Dickis Frederick, joiner Cherry n. West

Dickis Samuel, shoemaker Hanover n Queen

Dicks Barton, shoemaker 55 Chester

Dickson John, grocer 7 Swanson

Dickson John, grocer 200 S Third cor Gaskill— d h 198

south Third [see Dixon

DIX whitely's annual

Dickson Joseph R. inspector of customs 92 Spruce Dickson Mary, widow 294 Lombard Dickson Michael, sea captaii* 171 S Eleventh Dickson Wm. merchant 255 High d h 320 Arch Dickson Wm. labourer back 490 Race Dielison V'lctoire, widow 129 Lombard Diehl Elizabeth 6 High st. market

Diehl Nich. notary public, uifi.ce 115 S2d-^d h 6 Locust Diehl Thomas, merchant 335 High [^aec Deal

Diehl Wm. merchant 8 Minor d h 135 n Ninth Diehr Adam, wheclironmaker Poplj! lane ab. St John Diekeli George, Mary ^K.) near Fiankford r Dietz Rudolph, 102 south Fifth [.see Diets

Diffcnbough Charle;., tanner Sec. Vine near Sch. fDiggs David, waiter Warner's ct, I3ilhorn Ann, widow ot Nathl. bi>cuitbaker 82 Arch Dilks Elijah, livery stablekeeper Camden N. J. tp'.ll Abner, sawyer Middle ay. Dill Joseph H.sea captahi 117 Swanson fDill John, waiter 39 Middle alley fDill Solomon, labourer Rose (N. L.) Dillin Archibald, curbstone setter 216 south Sixth Dillin Hannah, storekeeper 106 north ]Ninth DiUin Mary, Germantown r. ab. Otter (N. L.) Dillin Owen, bricklayer Vine bel. 11th [see Dill07i

"Dillinger John, drygoods store 196 N Second Dillingiiam Mrs. boardmghouse 181 Arch Dillman Jacob, labourer Third ab Poplar lane Dilmore Catharine, widow Prime n. Crown Dillon James, grocer cor Passyunkand Catharine Dillon John, drayman Carpenter below Fifth Dillon John, weaver Little Oak [see Dillin

Dillon Richard, grocer N W cor Fifth and Lombard Dillon Richard, grocer S E cor ot Ninth and Vine Dillon Valent. musical and literary academy 97 Pine Dilman Christopher, hairdresser 420 north Second Dilworth Mrs. Sarah, 5^^ Union Dilworth Wm. ironmonger 59 High d h 53 Union Dingee Charles, saddler 116 Cherry Dinnin Robtrrt, carpenter 188 south Sixth Dito Shery, grocer 72 Locust fDiton John, libourer 3 Pryor's alley Diver Joseph carpenter 4 Filbert d h 185 Cherry

[see Difer Divine Mark, weaver Wood near«Prince (K). Dixcey James, currier Adelphi avenue Dixcy Jonathan, carpenter 312 south Seventh Dixcy Thomas, pumpmaker Fitzwalter at)ove Seventh Dixcy Wm. printer Eighth near Green Dixcy Wm. pumpmaker 296 south Seventh Dixey Isaiah, sen. pumpmaker Sch. Eighth bel. High Dixey Isaiah, jun. carpenter Smith's ct. west Sch. 8th Dixev Wm. cordwainer back 390 Race


Dixon Joiin, drayman Cedar above Tenth

Dixon Jobepli, nierchant 48 south Front

Dixon Joseph, mustard nianutacturer (only son of the

late John) 30 south Front Dixon Peter, saddler 285 Market— d h 27 north Ninth Dixon Samuel, sawyer Kunckle above Noble Dixon Thomas, di-ayman Cedar abo^'e Tenth Dixon William, farmer Walnut below Ninth Doak Matthew, labourer Weaver's alle^ Doball Sarah, widow Eleventh below Walnut Dobbins Caleb, carpenter cor. Chesnut and Sch. Sixth Dobbins Eliz ibeih, widow of Thomas 298 liigh Dobbins Stev^art A. & Co. mercers and tailors 5 South

Front and 4 south Waaler— -d h 298 High

Dobbins , mate of vessel 10 Prospect alley

Dobbins Joseph, Green feC. ferry Oak (N. L.) ab Noble Dobcibower Charles, printer 332 south Second Dobson Jonathan, shoemaker N W Corner Third and

Brewer's alley Dobson Thomas & Son, booksellers and stationers (stone

house) 41 south Second above Chesnut Dodd Aaron, labourer back 23 Juliana Dndd Margaret, widow 271 south Fourth Dodd Stephen, carter "Vine near Sch. Eighth Dodameane Thos- brassfounder Sheaff s alley Dodson Robert, printer 68 Shippen Dodge Daniel H. jeweller 19 Powell street Dodge Wm. steam enginemaker cor Penn and Beach Dohnert Maria C. widow 186 Race Doig John, stonecutter 215 soutn Sixth Doke John, coachtrimmer Cedar above Tenth Doke Mary, widow^ SheafF*s alley Doke Matthew, labourer Cedar above Tenth Dolan Ann, inkeeper63 German st. Dolan Hugh, linenweaver back 6 Dock Dolbert John, sexton and clerk of Swedes'-ehurch south

Fourth near Queen Dolby Ana, boardinghouse 59 south Seventh Dolby Christian, widow 21 Cherry street Dolby Mary, widow 388 south Second Doll Valentine, weaver Frankford r opposite Marlbo. Dolman John & Co, shoemaker 46 Cliesnut Dolton James, labourer Wiley's court Doman Thomas, currier 37 Franklin Dominick John, mariner back 7 Shippen IDomiuick John, sawyer back 96 Shipper Doomer Thomas, victualler 516 north Front Donagan Thomas, drygoods store 410 N. Second Donahoe, Charles, labourer Cobb's court (N, L.,) Donaghy Hugh, grocer south Fif:h corner Small Donaghue Patrick, carter b^ck 125 Plum Donahue James, labourer Mifflin's court


DOR whitely's annual

Donahue Matthew^ soapboiler 57 north Eighth

Donauglie) Jane, widow 116Phiai

Donaldson Andrew, mastmaker Pennnear Maiden d h

Beach above Maiden Donaldson Isaac, china storekeeper 76 north Second Donaldson Jolin, sea captain 274 south Front Donaldson Jo.-^eph, hatter 7 2 N. Second [see Donnaldson Donaldson & Lang, mastrntikers 95 Swanson Donaldson Mary, chinastore 307 S. Second Donaldson widow of William T. BeacU above Maiden Donaldson Weston C. 95 Swans(>n— d h 9 Catharine (S.) Donath Joseph, merchant 28 S. Front Doncourt Jos. stationer 93 Race

Doufcker John, vict. 211 Callowhill \_sce Danyiakei'

Donekower Charles, engineer of Mint 13th ab. Race fDonehower Peter, labourer Sch. 8th near Race. Donhower Abraham, paperstainer Hazel st. Donley Alex, carter Moyamensing road ab. Prime Donley James, storekeeper 149 N. Third Donnaldson Edward M. shipmaster 43 Dock Donnaldson John, jun. insurance broker, and dispacheur for adjusting average and insurance losses, 43 Dock d h 38 Walnut Donnaldson Rich. M.shipmast 43 Dock [see Donaldson Doniiel James C 74 Catharine Donncl Lister F. siiipmaster 47 Catharine Donnel Matilda, widow of Robt. Perry below Pine Donnel Nathaniel, 74 Catliaiine Donnellon Antoine, late grocer 276 S. Fifth DoMi'ells Jas. cotton manuf. S. W. cor. High & Broad Donnelly Alexander, chandler 26 Mary Donnelly Ann. widow Germantown r. ab Otter (N.L.) Donnellv Eleanor tavernk'feper 140 Cherrj' {see Donley Donnellv Hugh, bricklayer S W cor. Plum and Fourth Donnelly James, labourer Maria ab. 4th (N. L.) Donnelly Mrs. J^ne, 11th below Pine Donnelly Martha, widow Galbieath's court Donnelly Margaret, widow Eleventh below Pine Donnelly Michael, tailor 123 Plum Doiizac'Bertrand, hatter 6 Biddle's alley D'i„>gHi^ Thornton M. upholsterer 328 north Second D- oer James, cordwainer Cttmdcn (N. J.) Doores WiUiam C. tailor 2 He> de's ct.

[see Dawes iS" Dowers Doran Michael, merchant 26 S Second Doran William, grocer S E C(«vner Front and Almond Dorbritt Eliza, widow back 8 Oak (S.) ;jr,rff Patrick, tinplateworker 307 High : )oras James, shopkeeper 32 north Eighth •Doris Elizabeth, widow 4 Middle alley ;3n!man James, cordwainer 18 Filbert :3orman Wm. saddler Mury corner Front ;3orman Wm. sawyer Queen n. Fourth


Dorren John, paperstainer 13 Chnstian -

Dornin Ber ard, bookseller and lotleiy office, 58 south

Fourth Dorscheimer Lewis G. baker 92 Cherry below Sixth tDorsett Levi, manner back 24 Small Dorrer Wm. shoemaker 423 n. Tlnrd Dorsey Benedict, china &c, me reliant 132 n. Second Dorsey John, 55 soutii Seventh Dorsey John, regulator of weights and measures, corner

8th and Filb- rt Dorsey widow ot'Joiin S m. d. 189 Mulberry Dorsey M-iry, widow 7 n Ninth Dorsey Moses, labourer 418 south Second Dorsey Michael, carter 6th ab Poplar lane Dorsey Simon, goldsmitli Christian above Seventh D ister Daniel, m. d. 33 Coates Dougal John, weaver 5 Appletree alley Dougherty Alex, clothing store S E comer Water and

Chesnut Doaghert> Bernard, labourer Washington ab.Callowhill Dougherty Charles, labourer back 134 south Fourth Dougherty Daniel grocer 178 Swans(5n Dougherty Edward, huckster Camden N. J. Dougherty Elizabeth, boardinghouse 1 19 south Water DougJierty Edward, blacksmith 5 Hyde's court Dougherty George, hardware mercht. 145 & 147 S Front Dougherty George, Lombard near Schuylkill Dougherty Hugh, weaver 251 south Fourth Dougherty Hugh, brickmaker St, Joseph's avenue Dougherty James, paperhanger 8th below Lombard Dougherty James, drayman Queen near 4th Dougherty James, labourer back 111 Catharine Dougherty John, Hano^ er near Prince Dougherty Joh!i, carter 106 German Dougherty John, ladies' shoemaker 36 German Dougherty Joseph, miller Pottery alley Dougherty Joseph S. cordwainer 155 south Sixth Dougherty Mrs. Lydia, Shippen below 5th Dougherty Patrick, back 10 Small Diiugherty Rachael, -widow Mark's lane Dougherty Richard, carpenter 228 south Seventh Dougherty Robert, skindresser Third n. Germant. r. Dougherty Sarah, widow 19 Cedar Dougherty Susannah, widow 117 Callowhill Dougherty Thomas, boardinghouse 63 north Tenth Dougherty W. sen. soapboiler corner Sixth and Noble Dougherty Wm. innkeeper Washington near Vine Doughten Mary, widow Kaighnton N. J, Doughty John, hardware merchant 41 High Doughty Thomas, landscape painter Germ. r. ab. 3d fDouglass CufF, carter 26 Blackberry alley Douglass Francis, bricklayer 71 south Eleventh Douglass John C. patent pegshoemaker 50 Zane

DRA whitely's aknual

Douglass John, alderman 168 south Fourth

Duiiglass J. sail maker 48 S wharves d h 17 Powell

Douglass Peter, toothbrush maker 67 north Third

tDouglass Robert, hairdresser &c. 54 Mulberry

Douglass S. L. accountant 479 south Front

tpouglass Tl.os. oysterman 39 south Third

Douglass & Ware, sailmakers 48 South wharves

Douglass Wilham, c irpenter 4*^ Spruce

D(mie Thos. B. innkeeper 320 north Front cor. Noble

tDouse Richard, labourer 126 Plum

D >uthwet Abraham, weaver 17 Apollo street

Dove William, \ender ofl^ooks Coates above Seventh

Dover Catharine, widow Ger. road above first gate

Dover Joseph, silverplater Germ, road ab. 1st gate

Dow Abraham, cordwainer 94 north Eleventh

Dow George, boardii^ghouse 14 Shippen

Dow John, printer 373 Race

fDovvden Knight, barber & oysterman 153 Lombard

Dowd Tiiomas, teacher 96 Catharine

Dowds, Rebecca, widow 9 Small street

Do.vdy Ammon, mate 21 Swanson street

Doweil Thomas, mate 31 Catharine

Dowerman Matthias, shipwright Sarah st. near Quee^

DoYers Nichrlas, tavern & stablekeeper 123 Pine

Dowlan Hugh, labourer Crab below Cedar

Dowlan John, plasterer 20 Juniper lane

Do'.vling John, pawnbroker S W cor Cedar & Fourth

Downer Charles L. mercht. 5 S wharves dh M'Cul-

loch's court Downing Isaac, 6 Minor d h 41 north 8th Downing John J. mercht. Girard's wharf d h 58 S 6th Downing Thomas, ladies' shoemaker Germ. r. ab. Otter Downs Earl, shoemaker Bedford, near Crown (K) fDowns Eleanor, widow Mark's lane Downs Miles, printer St. Mary above 6th Downey Ehzabeth, widow Mark's lane Doyle Andrew, bottler 75 Dock Doyle Bartholomew, stablekeeper Hartung's alle\ Doyle Catharine, widow 9 Fromberger's court Doyle Edward, mariner back 1 Elbow lane Doyle Elizabeth, Mrs. 83 German Doyle Hugh, accountant W iggins' court Doyle James, sea captain 58 Movamensing road Dovle James, cordwainer Miles alley Dovle John, grocer 338 High Doyle Joan, tavernkeeper Leopard Inn (Head Quarters

for the members of 12^) Laetitia court Doyle Lawrence, cordwamer 32 Catharine Doyle & O'Neill, bottlers 73 Dock Drais Daniel, sailmaker 3 Quarry Dr .ke Margaret, boardinghouse 128 Pine tDtiner Charles, ropemaker 257 Catharine jDraper Francis, porter 306 south Seventh


Draper Francis, sawyer 6th below Fitzwalter "Draper Jacob, porter back 4S9 south Second ■[Draper Jesse, porter 92 Bedford Draper John, engraver inquire 47 Sansom tDrap r Shadrach, labourer Lyndall's court Drayton James, umbrella manufacturer 3 south Fourth Dravton Jos. engraver & portrait painter Filbert n, llth Dredger John, tavernkeeper lo6 north Water and 161

north Front Dreer Frederick, cabinetmaker 152 S 4th & 104 N 5th Dreisbach Adam, clerk ccrner Noble and Kunckle Dreisbach Wm. merchant cor. 3d & Vine d h 97 Noble Drew John, iiaxhackler 30 Gilles* alley Drew William, storekeeper 211 Cedar Drexel Francis M. portrait painter 171 Ghesnut Dreyfous & Brother, importers of watches, jewellery,

musical pieces &c. 37 Chesnut Drinker Henry, cashier bank N. America 30 N Front Drinker Henry S. gentleman 67 Locust Drinker John, attorney at law 199 Walnut below 8th Drinker Wm, W. merchant 30 north Front Drips Matthew, oilcloth manufactory Bushhill Drisco Jane, widow boardinghouse 70 south Sixth Drisdall Rachel, nurse Margaretta below Second Drinkwater William, carpenter 85 south Front Drosdorf Charles A. grocer N E cor. Locust and llth Dro2 Charles A. clock and watchmaker 118 Walnut Druba Lewis, stonemason Penn near Maiden Drumb Uriah, labourer Swanson near Prime Drum John, victualler stall 25 New market d h But-

tonwood near 8th Drum Wm. vict. 302 N 8th-— stall 32 High St. market Drumbor Henry, innkeeper Juniper cor. Lambert Drummond J. bleeder with leeches 34 north Eighth Drummond Mary, widow 14 Lombard Drummond Mary, widow back 20 Budd Drury Michael, merchant 43 N Front & 63 south 3d Drysdale Wm. clock and watchmaker 144 south Front Duane Wm. editor and publisher of the Aurora d h

108 and office back 110 Walnut Duane William J. attorney at law 44 south Sixth Dubarry John, merchant 213 High Dubasee Joseph, carpenter cor. Christian and Eighth Dubasee Susannah, washerwoman cor. Christian & 8th Dubenaurd Thomas, carpenter 22 Sassafras alley tDublin Elizabeth, widow Plum alley Dublin Ferdinand, labourer Button wood near Fifth Dubois Benjamin, boxmaker Lily alley Dubois John, shoemaker 8c boardinghouse 32 Plum Dubois John, oysterman 9 south Sixth Dubois Mary L. widow of Abraham, 76 Spruce Dubois William, combm-iker 461 nortli 3d Dubosq Henry, lookingglass silverer &c. 131 Shippen


DUM whitely's annual

Dubrey John, clerk Filbert below Schuylkill Fifth Dubs Martin, broker 8 Miuoj d h N. E. oor. Race & 9th Duc'ie'Sc DonoaiKl, gold & silversmiths 29 Lombard Da<hc Jane, widow 22 Catharine \

Ducker John, exchange broker 20 south 4th [see Decker Ducoing John, milliner & fancy store 111 south Second Ducoing Peter, 132 Spruce

Dacomb Elizabeth, Mrs. widow of John, 62 north 6th Ducomb Gaspard F. accountant 168 south 6th Difomb Mrs. R. gentlewoman 168 south 6th I>u Commun H. watchmaker 1^ south Fourth Duddy Bernard, typefounder Bonsall near Tenth Diiden John, lock and whitesmith Second near Pegg Dudgeon John, shoemaker Thirteenth near Race Dudley Marg;.ret, widow shopkee(>er 23 Walnut Du-lley Nicholas, tailor 2 Hir.kel's court Dudley & Peart, tailors 64 north Third Dudrcau John, oysterman 48 south Fifth Duey Mary, widow of Adam, tavernkeeper 10 S Fifth Duff Eliza, manuf of razorstrops 54 nprth Fifth Duff James, soap and candle manuf. 484 N Second Duff Patrick, grocer 28 Plum fDuff Robeii:, Juniper alley

D'ff Wm. grocer S \V cor. 2d & Queen [see Dafield Duffel James, cordwainer Cheny below Sch. Eighth Duffel John, shipcarpenter back 64 Catharine Duffey Michael, printer Federal below Second Duffield Wm. B.>i. d. 41 Spruce, professor of midwifery

\Hce Duffel tDuffins John, coachman 40 Blackberry alley tDufful William, bo( tblack 11 (>hesnut Diiffj^ Ann, Penn street Point Pleasant (K) Duffy Francis, tavernkeeper 11 Walnut Duffy Francis grocery & ravern N W cor. 3d & Plum Duffv Jnmes, lab(;urer Queen near Cherry Duff\ John, teacher 378 south Second Duffy John, coidwaintr Lombard above Tenth D.iffs Margaret, bottler 3 Pear N W corner Dock Diffv Phihp, bottler Juniper alley Duffy Philip, grocer corner Plum and George Duffv William, copptrplatepvinter 159 S Tenth DuHef N. G.univei-sal bookstore 118 Chesnut Dua;an Edward, labourer Price's court Dugari Mary, widow back 201 north Third Dugan Patnck, stonemason Sch. 8th above Cherry Duhamel John, tailor 63 soutli Fourth Dugdale Thomas, jun. teacher of languages, Friends' Dsch(.>ol south Frurth d h 166 Spruce Dukemineer Marmaduke, labourer 451 south Second Duler Peter, professor of languages 12 Powell Dnley Catharine, v^idow 96 Plum Dulles Joseph, merchant 145 H gh dh Washington St. Dulles & Wilcox, merchants 145 Hi^ [«ee Dallas Dumas Elias^ gentleman 116 Budd


Dumoulin Sarah, widow ofM. boardinghouse 112 S 8th Dumoutet Elizabeth, widow jeweller S E cor. Chesnut

and Second Dun Ge.orgc W merchant 48 High Dunaiit Elizabeth, widow of Edward, 275 Chesnut IDunbar George, mariner 6th near Carpenter fDunbar widow of William, 76 Gerinau sjtreet 13uncan Benjamin, corder341 -south Second Duiic^m Uavii. T. printer 481 High above Thirteenth Duncan David, grocer N E ct;r. Walnut and Water Dune m & Doughty, hardware merchants 41 High Duncan Elizabeth, widow 24 Sliippen Duncan George, back 344 Race Duncan John, chandler Ridge road above 9th Duncan Lcetitia, wid(jw 435 Chesnut Duncan Margaret, widow back 47 Christian Duncan Mary, widow 30 Kunckel fDuncan Patience, widow Elbow alley fDuncan Priitias, sawyer Old York road above Browne fDuncan Sarah, widow Middle alley Duncan (general) W'm hardware merchant 41 High Duncan Wm. young ladies' academy 18 Library and

49 Spruce Duncan William, carter Mark's alley Duncan William M. hardware merchant 41 High Dundas James H attorney at law, office 42 Walnut,

dwelling 122 south Fourth Dundas James, merchant 4? Walnut & 122 south 4th Dur.gan David, tobacconist 4-4 Ga.skill Dungan John, (Buck tavem) 130 north Ninth Dunham Hugh, carpenter Camdet^ (N J) Dunkin Ann, gentlewoman 95 S Eighth l-'?ee Duncan Dunkiu Thomas, associat-e judge ot the Supreme court,

6S Walnut Dunlap Catharine, widow 136 north Eighth Dunbp Eliza, widow of John, N E cor. 13th & Chesnut Dunlap Elizabeth, "275 south Front Dunlap James & Co. merchaats 54 north Second Dunlap James, m. d, 107 Mulberry Dunlap James, gardener Washington st. Sch. ab. Race Dunlap John, gewtk man N E cor. Thirteenth & Chesnut Dunlap Mary, 149 L-cust Dunlap Robert, dt; 1-r 232 south Fourth Dunlap Thos. attorney at law 56 W'alnut d h 107 Arch Dunlap Thomas, mason Hopkins' court Dunlap widow of David, bookbinder Coates above Old

York road Dunlap William, carter Adams st. Dunlap William, paver 104 Locust Dunlevy John, shoemakei 22 Vernon Dunlevy Robert, sea captain 54 Catharine Dunlop John (Green Tree Inn) 50 north 4th ab. Arch Dunn Ann, widow Oak below hayscales


whitely's annual

Dunn Edward, carter 150 south Nintli

Dunn Frances, widow Hazel alley

Dunn George, turner and u?ibrellamaker 96 St. John

Dun George W. mercht. 28 N. Third d h Green's ct.

Dunn Hugli, constable and collector of taxes 175 Green

Dunn James H. merchant 35 Coates' alley

Dunn John, carmaker 17 Beck's alley

Dunn Mary, widow innkeeper 213 south Second

Dunn Mary, widow back 539 Callowhill

Dunn Michael, labourer 34 St. Mary

Dunn Robert, chandler 5 Wagner's alley

Dunn Samson, hatter Loxley 's court

Dunn Thomas, m. d. 155 Vine ^

Dunnell, Lyman, & Co. merchants 164 High

Dunnin Edward, labourer Christian above Fourth

Dunott Rachael, widow oilcloth manuf. 174 Coates

Dunphy John, merchant 16 north Second

Dunseeth James m. d. 101 Catharine

Dunton George, sea captain 30 Green

Dunton Jacob, sailmaker5 North wharves— d h 61 New

Dunton Ker, shipchandlers, &c. 7 South wharves

Dunwick Jane, widow 101 Christian

Dunwoody Ruth, boardinghoKse 41 north Seventh

Diipella Andrew, gardner'AVeaver's alley

tDiipeytm Francis, shipcarpenter Nieuman's alley

Duplaine Aga those C. druggist cor. Noble and Fourth

DuJDlaine Rachel C. widow of Anthony C. cor. Noble

and Fourth * Du Ponceau Peter S. counsellor at law, office 15 S. 6th,

d. h. 199 Chesnut N E corner Sixth Dupouy A. wine, grocery, and liquor store cor. Minor

and Sixth fDupree Jerome, hairdresser 56 south Tenth Dupree Staten R. carver and gilder 463 south Front Dupuy Daniel, 161 Sassafras Dupuy John, jun. merchant in(^uire 160 Sassafras Dupuy John, cook and confectioner 203 Chesnut Duran Lewis V. confectioner 126 south Sixth Durand Francis, pa])erhanger 88 Christian Durang John, comedian 216 Cedar Durant John W. inspector of customs 121 Cedar Durborow, Bryan, & Dehaven, merchants 185 High Dnrborow Hugh, chip hatfactcry 102 Poplar below 2d Durborow Saml. merch. 185 High— d h 139 south Sixth Durell Hannah, of Jeremiah 295 N. Second Durell Isaac, tailor Camden N. J. Durfor George, carpenter 17 Fayette f Durham Clayton, carter 95 Bedford ■Durham Isaac, porter Portland lane ■Durham William, carter above 233 Shippen Durhim Whittington, corkcutter back 169 south 3d Durm Sarah, Wood corner Garden Durnell Samuel, carter Queen below Sixth


Durney Catharine, Widow Spafford

Durney John, biscuit bake r-^

Darney Michael, do. do. ( S E corner of Second and

Durney Tobias, do. do r Shippen

Durney Paul, accountant J

Durr John, sugarbakcr back 147 Cherry

Dusar F. nu r Girard's buildings S 2d op Little Dock

Dusenberry Henry, stf)rekeeper 188 N. 2d &51 Vine

DusoUe Jonn, fire workmaker Olympic Theatre corner

Will n lit an d N i Vt t h Dustin David, seacaptain 49 Alnnond Duswald John, oStler 9 Sugar alley Dutch Ezra, grocer 98 New st. Duterre iVIaturin, hairdresser 46 north Third Dutilh & Co grocers 499 north Second Dutilh Edmund G. 499 north Second Dutilh John A merchant 155 Fine fDutray John, barber 211 south Eleventh tDatreile John, hairdresser 125 SpAice Dutton Caleb, bricklayer Callowhill above Tenth Dutton Elizabeth Mrs 157 Lombard Dutton George, teacher 11 Powell street Dutton Isaac, shoewarehouse S E comer High and 4th

dh 124 High Dutton John, shoemaker 164 south Sixth Dutton Joseph L. carpenter 88 Lombard 8c 197 S. Front tDutton Juliana Mrs. 232^ Lombard Duval & Co. merchants 179 High Duval Jas. S. mercht 275 High— -d h 15 N. Eighth

[see Develle

iDuvard Robert, sawyer Spafford st. )yachn^ Joseph, tavenikeeper 96 High Dych Hetty, widow Queen below Hanover Dyer Richard, labourer 28 Passyunk road Dyer William, brewer 121 Green Dyke John, hairdresser Christian below Fifth Dyke Solomon, manner 29 Cox's alley Dyott T. W. ji D. &; druggist N E cor. Second & Race Dyson Mary, widow Shackamaxon

EACHUR ROBERT, brassfounder 32 Catharine Eaden Wilham, Broad above Race Eager Mrs. C. midwife Frankford road near Queen Eager William, wheelright Queen near Shak;^maxon Eakins Isaiah, shoemaker IS south Tenth [^see Mtken Ealer Frederick, baker High W. Schuylkill Eighth Earheart John P. turner Sec. 76 D')ck Earle & Barker, merchants 137 High Earl Caleb, shipmaster 271 south Front

ECK whitely's annual

Earl Clayton, merchant 33 north Water d h 20 Pine Earle Edward, bookseller 62 S. 4th SW cor. Library- Earl Kliziibeth, widow shopkeeper 393 north Front Earl Hannah, boardinghouse 60 north Fifth Earle James, carver and gilder and gallery of paintings

169 Cliesnut Earle John, cdulke»' back 15 Poplar lanq Earle Martha, seamstress Gardeji above Vine Earle Thomas, merchant 137 High— d h 285 Chesnut Early Hugh, labourer Wiley's court Earley Hugh, drayman Federal above Second Earley John, dra) man Race above Schuylkill Seventh Earley John, drayman 552 south Front Earley Samuel, shingledresser Lyndall's court Earley William, carter 9 Lombard Earlston George, carpenter back 131 north Third Earnest David, tailor 19 south Fourtii— d h 111 S. 5th Earnest Jacob, merchant tailor 16 south Fourth Earnhart John, innkeeper 236 north Third Earp Ann, widow 17 Lombard Earp & Brothers, hardware merchants SWcor. High

and Fifth and 209 south Second Earp George, hardware merchant 209 south Second Earp Robert, hardware merch. S W cor. High & Fifth Earp T. G. 6c R. hardware merchants 209 S. Second Earp Thos. hardware merch. S W cor. High & Fifth Easby John, cooper 56 Callowhill Easby WiUiam, boatbuilder 50 Duke (N. L.) Eastburn Ehzabeth, teacher Lombard st. public school Eastburn widow of Thomas, 47 Christian Eastburn Joseph, 86 Vine Easterday David, labourer 267 Catharine Easterday Peter, labourer south Second bel. Greenwich Eastlack Francis, under corder Callo>vhill st. wharf fEaston Abraham, nailer Juniper above Chesnut Eastwick Margaret, 3 Clever alley Eaton Elijah, mealman Hopkins' court Eaton Jesse & Charles, grocers, 8 S. Third d h 59 N.

Seventh above Arch Eaton Jonathan, tanner Rose alley near Coates Eaton Levi, glassblower Lombard near Schuylkill Eberbach John C. baker 249 south Third Ebe,rle Charles, 11 north Sixtli N E cor. South alley Eberle Frederick, baker 150 Locust Eberle Philip, musician 172 Locust EbertJi Conrad, gentleman 127 north Fifth Eberth Joseph, carpenter 143 Vine Ebling Daniel C ladies' shoemaker 115 north Second Ebling Roliert, shoemaker 7 north Fourth Ebsworth David, coachpainter 8 Hurst Eccles James, distiller N V^' cor. Seventli and Cedar Eckar Adam, labourer Lawrence above Wood Eckard John, sugarretiner Charlotte


Eckard J. F. translator of languages 22 J Walnut Eckel Andrew, tobacconist 308 Sassafras Eckelburgher Jonathan, hatter Buttonwood ab. Charles EckendorfF Martin, surgeon bai ber 22 N 9th n. Filbert Ecker Christian, drayman Maria above Old York read Eckert Abraham, labourer Lawrence above Wood Eckert Chat les, tallowchandler 342 & .367 N. Second Eckert Conrad, baker Queen near Bishop Eckert George, watchman Wood comer Lawrence Eckert John, sen. gardener Hanover near Queen Eckfeldt Adam, chief coiner in the m.iiit Junipet* bel.Vine Eckfeidt John, soap and candle manufactory 203 south

Sixth d h 195 Lombard Eckfeldt Michael, carpenter Juniper below Vine Eckhardt Frederick, turner Kunckel above Tammany Eckley Jacob, cooper 33 Crown Eckley Sarah, widow 33 Crown Eckloff G. F. tailor 112 Race

Eckman Benjamin, shoemaker Pine above Tenth Eckstein Jacob, tailorand shopkeeper 116 north 4th Eckstein John, brushmaker 138 High and 56 N. Third Eckstein John, grocer and tavern 199 north Water Eckstein 8c Richardson, bellows manuf. 36 north Third Eckstein Samuel, paperstore 116 north Fourth Eckstein William, currier 116 north Fourth Ecky Anthony, apotheca^ry and druggist 83 Union Ecroyd James, teacher school-house cor. Poplar lane and

Front dh. 57 Browne Eddintield Thomas, pilot back 30 Plum Eddowes John, china merchant 96 north Second Eddy James, gunsmith 275 north Front Edel John, oakcooper Germantown road near Fourth Edelman Mary, widow Filbert above Eleventh Eden Catharine, widow 118 north Ninth Edenborn widow of Jacob, 110 Sassafras Edgar James, carpenter 33 Sugar alley Edgar John, printer Callow hill^above Tenth Edgar Owen, newscarrier Thirteenth above Filber-t Edgill Benjamin, waterman 1 Bird's alley (S.) Edgington Mrs. dr}'goods store 123 south Front Edmiston Elisha, mariner back 380 south Second Edmonson Mary, widow 8 Juniper lane Edwards Ann, widow 396 Sassafras Edwards Christiana, widow Catharine above Fifth Edwards Elizabeth, ladies* feerainaiy 45 north Seventh Edwards Elizabeth, widow Washington above Front Edwards Elizabeth, widow 81 south Eleventh Edwards Edward, grocer 326 north Front Edwards Edward, gentleman 28 Green Edwards Griffith, grocer 16 and 18 north Fifth Edwards John,jun. attorney at law, 108 Arch Edwards John, cooper 94 Gaskill st, Edwards Joseph, brassfounder 214 Race

ELB whitely's Annual

!?,dwards Josiah, ferryman Camden N. J. ;i,dward» Levi, labourej- Rogers' court ;£.dwards ivLiry, widow 14 Parham's alley !i,:! wards Natlian, vict.S:einmetz ct. stall 22 N; market Edwards Owen, hatttr Broad below Locust ■Edwards Patience, widow St. John ab. Poplar lane Edwards Sarah, tadore^s 459 N 3d [see Edwords

Edwards SaraU, gentlewoman 12 Little Pine Edwards Susannah, widow back. 23 Catharine Edwards Thomas, cordwainer 9 Flint's court Edwards \Vm. labourer German below Fourth Edwin Da^'id. i^rocer and engraver 165 south TentU Ed words John J. druggist &c. 336 High Eelis Nathan, sea captain 11 Vernon Eaffland EUzlibeth, Mrs. 99 Queen street ;S.) Egert Gcor>^e, baker 357 .I'Tt'a Second [*^e EckerS Egentci William, bottler 216 Norrh Front Fitglee Jacob, cabinetm iker 64 south Fourth Egiu^r Charles, gi-ocer 141 north Third Eggt-rs Caroline, widow 174 Pine EgiJileston Ann, wulow 1 Faries's court Eggleton John, caner AH /n near Beach Egv;lest<in Joseph, smith & tavern keeper 137 S. Water Eiirenzeller Jacob, carpenter cor. Beck 6c Sixeh

N. W. cor. of 3d & Walv.nt— d h. 109 South Ninth E'lrenzeller C itharine, widow 70 S. 11th cor. George Ehrenzeller Geo. accountant 70 S. lltli cor. George Ehringhaus & Kampmann stock & exchange brokers Eliringhaus Adolp'i, broker, corner Third & Walnut

d h 109 south Ninth Ehrmaiiu Victor, 102 north Third E'gelberner M .rg iret, widow 12 Prospect alley Einwechter Elizabeth, widow, PopUr lane n. 4th Einwechter George, carpenter 49 Charlotte Eisen Daniel, soap &c tallowchandler 90 Green Eisenbrey Jacob, tallowchandler 4th above Poplar Eisenbrey Jacob, carpetweaver 443 north Third Eisenbrey John grocer 142 Cherry

Eisenbrey P'vilip, coachpainter, south 8th-r^.h. 37 Zane Eisenbring L. b iker 544 north Third Eisenhut John D. coppersmith 203 N. 2d NE cor. Vine Eisenhutt Mary widow 100 Budd Elben John, late shoemaker Church street Elbers^n Francis, pilot 20 Parham's alley Elder Miss Mary, back of 184 Lombard Elder Wdliam T cotton, hay, &c. packer, Rcdstore-

whai*f d. h. 241 Vine El-^lredge James H mariner Federal above Second Eldridge An'hony sea captain Carpenter cor. Fifth Eldridge, Brick and Co. curriers 35 Chesnut Eldredge Isaiah, ship master 79 Christian Eldridge Job, labourer Hopkins' court Eldridge Joseph Mi currier 14 north Eighth


Elclndge Phineas, late sea capt. Carpeuter (S.) cor. 5th

Elfreth Isaac C. niifixhant 2 soiiUi 8:U

EllVeth Samuel, carter corner Coates and Seventh

Elfrey Jacob, cooper 2 Knight's court

Eltrey William, cooper Maria above 4th

Elias H^*nry,<jr\'goocls store 17 Juliana

Elkin Abraham, gentleman 313 north Second

Elkinton Asa, & son tallowchandlers 202 north 2d

Ella Hannah, milliner 21 south Fourth

Ella Jolin, agent &c. 21 south Fourth

EUick John, carpenter Tammany bel. Old York road

Elhott widow of Charles 13th above Cedar

Elliott Charles, storekeeper 431 north Second

Elliott Elijah, laooarer Frankfort road near Queen

Elliott Hannah, 56 north Fourth

Elliott Isaac, conveyancer 82 Chesnut d. h. 25 S. 10th

Elliott James, Shakespeare-hotel 193 Chesnut

Elliott John, grocer corner of Broad and Vine

Elliott John, hardware merchant 115 High

Elliott John, drugg'st, &c. 60 S. Front— h. h. 68 N. rth

ElUott John and Daniel, druggists, Sec. 60 south Front

Elliott John, teacher M ntua village

Elliott John, shipjoiner M rlbnn-ugh near Queen

Elliott John, sea captain 35 Qiie^n

Elliott Margaret, widow of William 14 Fayette

Elliott Richard R.coachtrimmer Wiggins's court

Ellioct Samuel, draynran Schuylkill 7th above Race

fElliott Solomon, waiter 22 Sugar alley

Elliott Susan widow P^^syunk road

Elliott Thos. principal deputy sheriflT, 41 George (S.)

near Cedar Elliott Wiiham labourer Broad near Vine Elliott William, g'ocer 12 Strawberry Elliott William, (Harp and F.aglc hotel) 43 north Third Elliott Daniel, druggist, &c 60 south Front fEihott Elizabeth, widow 22 Gilles' alley Elliott E. and M. dr\ goods store 74 N Second

Elliott , teacner and clock and watchmaker, Lan-

cas*^er turnpike above 1 mile stone EUis David, teacher Key's alley— d h- 123 Callowhill Ellis Enos, cabinet maker 55 Chester Ellis &Fr:-.ncis lab' urers Locust above Broad Ellis Hugh, silverplater 214 High-d h. 206 Race Ellis J imes, hrassfonnder 252 s<Hith Front KUis John, carpenti r back of 5 Duke Ellis Martha, boardinghouse 188 north Fifth Eiiis Thomas, oakco< per High west of Schuylkill 4th Ellis Thomas, hvery stable keeper Drinker's alley Ellis and Sloan, stable keepers 2 Drinker's alley- Ellis Mrs. Rebecca, Wharton below Second Ellis William, carpenter Marlborough near Beach Ellis Z, morocco manufactory 77 south Second



Ellison, Christian shipwatch 19 Parham's alley Ellison James, labourer 9 Pryor's alley [see Allison

Ellrnaker Levi, flour merchant 461 High d h 405 Arch Eimes Thos. hatwarehouse 202 High— d h 10 Sugar ay Elston Thomas, caulker Marlborough near Beach Elstoii Thomas jr. carpenter Queen below Hanover Elton Anthony, late high constable (Beehive beerhouse) Elton Hannah, widow of Anthony, 41 North alley Elton Samuel, bricklayer Camden N. J. Elton Thomas, carpenter 149 Chery

15 south Fifth Elmes Abner hatter 202 High— d h 45 Filbert Elmslie Alexander merchant 232 south Front Elmes T. & A. hat manufactcrv 202 High E,iton Thomas, merchant 193 High d. h. 30 Wood Elton Thomas, tailor back 78 Plum street EltonheadGeo.stavefinisher n. stone bridge Frankford r. Eltonhead Jane, widow, boardinghouse 5 Cherry street Elva Ann, seamstress back of 7 Whitehall Elwell David, carpenter 27 Browne Elwell Henry, blacksmith, shop 8 & d. h. 19 Meade alley Elwell Jeremiah, blacksmith 27 Browne Ehvell Jos. M. cabinetmaker and grocer 361 Arch Elwell Robert blacksmith Spafford street Elwell Samuel S. accountant 267 Race Elwell Wm. grocer 445 JN Thrid Elwine Michael, labourer Otter n. Frankford road Ely Benjamin, gentleman 185 Green bel Old York road Ely rev. E. S. pastor of the second Presbyterian church,

200 Spruce fEly Frances, widow back 100 N. 11th Ely John teacher ; f the public model school 136 N. 8th Ely Joseph, 188 Arch Emerick Baitus, 72 south Eighth Emerick Benjamin, bootmaker 72 south Eighth Emerick David, bridlebitmaker Palmer ab. West Emerick Frederick, shipcarpenter Palmer ab. West Emerick George, 23 N. 6th Emerick Peter K. china merchant, 247 north 2d d. h.

Pfeiffer's alley Emerick William B. 19 N. 7th Emerick Wm. B. and George, grocers 23 N. 6th Emmerson Henrietta widow 14 Little Pine Emmerson Samuel boardinghouse 92 south Front Emery Abrnham, carter Baker's court tEme'ry Edward, labourer 120 Plum Emery widow of Henry, Rose alley Emery widow of Jacob, 3d near Germantown road tEmery John mariner 332 S. 3d

Emery Lewis, grocer and confectioner 31 north Fourtli Emery Wm. farmer Sixth cor Germantown road tEmery Wm. waiter 129 Locust Ernes Ann, widow 207 Race Emlen Sc Howell, merchants 17 south wharve«»


Emlen Jeremiah, drug and paint store 6 north Third

Erolen Joshua, merchant 17 S. wharves

Emlen Samuel, m. d. 247 Arch

Emlen Sarah, gentlewoman 103 South Fourth

Emmes John, rigger 574 south Second

Emor Charles, labourer Sixth above Camac

Eneu James, sen. Federal near Passyunk road

Eneu James, jun. baker 8 Passyunk road

Eneu Jane, Mrs. 60 Passyunk road

Eneu Samuel, carpenter 152 south Fourth

Engard Adam, carter 180 St. John \&ee Ingara

Engard John, tailor 118 N. 2d

Engelman Daniel gardner, Sec. Cherry below Sch. 8tli

fEngland Thomas labourer Shippen above 7th

Engle Benjamin, storekeeper cor. Coates and Fourth

Engle Henry under sheriff 25 Plum

Engie James, inspector of customs 96 south Fifth

Engle Margaret, widow 139 Green

Engle Martm, tailor 408 north Third

Engle Mathias, watchman 2 Eckfeldt's court

Engle Richard, grocer N E corner Third and Race

Engle Thomas S. accountant 155 Pine

Englebert Leonard, mer. 108 High— d. h. 38 Carter's ay.

Englefred Christopher, smith Rachel above Browne

Englehart John G. watchman George near Second

Englehart Joseph milkman Irish lane '

Engleman Daniel, florist Arch W. Sch. Eighth

Engles Joseph P, teacher of languages corner Eleventh

and Marble d. h. 63 Locust Engles William, wharfbuilder Maiden near Beach Englibh widow of Edward, grocer Cedar street wharf English Elisha N. merchant 31 Pine English Joseph, cutler 98 north Third English Levi, tailor 50 Moyamensing road English Michael, carpenter Wall's elbow English Robert S. carpenter Juliana near Wood— d. h,

8 Littleboy's court English S. cabinetmaker 135 Walnut d. h. 178 Vine Ennis John, carpenter Holmes's alley Ennis S. widow storekeeper 288 south Front Ennis Thomas inspector of butter and lard, office 15

Arch d. h. 85 St. John street Enos John currier Loxley's court ' Ellsworth Benj. shoemaker. Law's court Entrikin Thomas, late grocer 187 Lombard Enters Lewis, innkeeper 54 Callowhill Epley Jacob, drayman Chiistian below Fifth Ephn Margaret widow 2d near Germantown road Eppelsheimer Lewis, sugar refiners 168 north 5th Eppes James, cordwainer 19 Strawberry Epplee Andrew, deputy collector customs 222 Walnut Epplee & Murry, grocers 104 north Fourth Epstein Jacob, dealer, 193 north 4th Epstein Jacob, beadstringer north Second

ijiTR whitely's annual

Ellis Aaron, cordwainer 8 Fromberger's court

Erben Henry, merchant 263 High.-^. h. 11 John

Erdmann Charles A. printer, Alban street

Erdmann Frederick, carpenter 13th near Vine

Erdmann Henry, carpenter Castle street

Erhard Adam, blacksmith 5th neav Germantown road

Erhart Joseph, tanner 4 Farmer's row

Erickson Christian, sea captain 44 Almond

Erickson Erick, mariner McCuUough's court

Erming Elizabeth, widow shopkeeper 146 north Third

Ernst Jacob, baker 100 Christian

Erskin Martm, cordwainer 32 Garden

Ervine Casper, bottler 204 north Eighth

Ervin Ann, widow Queen below Third

Ervin David, labourer Merriott's lane above 4th

Ervin James, labourer 27 Mechanic

Erwin Andrew cordwainer cor. Rose & Germantown i\

Erwin Catharine tayloress back of 9 Crown

Erwin Deborah, miUmer 72 Mulberry

Erwin Henrv', silversmith 26 south Third

Erving Johnj labourer 306 south Front

Erwin James, carpenter back 58 Pa^^syunk road

Erwin John, carpenter 259 S 4th [see Irwuie^ b* Anven

Erwin Joseph E. mercer & tailor 45 Pine ab. Second

EiAvin Margaret, widow grocer 109 Plum

Erwin Nathaniel, carpenter 39 Keys'^ alley

Erwin Susan, gentlewoman 9 south Seventh

Erwin Wm. hatter 9 Myers' court

Esher Conrad, saddler Lily alley above Tammany

[«ee Usher Esher Conrad, grocer S E cor. Plum and 5th street Esher Henry, innkeeper & hatter 3d near Germ, road Esher Jacob, tailor Third near Germantown i*oad Esherick Joseph, hairdresser and bleeder 9 north 5th Esherick Margaret, widow boardinghouse 2 South ay.' Esherick Mary, boardinghouse 48 Cherry Esket Mary, widow tutoress Coates above 4th Esler Benj. turner Harmony d h 20 Carter's alley Esler George, cai'penter 348 south Second Esler WiUiam, carter 100 Plum Esling Nicholas, Thirteenth above Race Esling Thomas, waterman 16 Swansea Espanet Augustus, ca-ndle raanuf. 231 soutU 4th Espey Elizabeth, 6th above Callowhill Espev James P. teacher Philada Academy 40 N 4th Essick Balser, gardener George (N L) above 4th Estell Daniel, tailor 24 north Water d h 69 Arch Estell Danl. E. merch. 30 N Water— d h 5 Elfreth's ay. Esterlon Andrew, bottler 244 Cedar Estine Jacob, laboui'er West near Orange Estine John, victualler West near Orange Estlack Thomas, bricklayer 113 Lombard Etris Christiana, widow 130 north 5th Etris David, cabinetmaker 130 north 5th


Etris Mary, nurse back 167 Coates above 4th

Etris Samuel tavernkeeper 426 south Second

Etris VVm. tavernkeeper S W cor. Second & Lombard

Etters Philip, trunkmaker Middle alley

Ettinger William, bricklayer 129 Callowhill

Eustace Thos. teacher 4 Locust (Washington square)

fEustin Peter, labourer St. Mary street

Evans Abel, lumber inspector .171 north 4th

Evans Ann, widow 107 Pine

Erans Ann, tailoress 16 Coomb's alley

Evans Ann, back 369 Arch

Evans Barbara, widow 31 Spruce

Evans Brooke, sportsman & hardwarestore 120 High

Evans Cadwalader, n\erchant 60 north Eighth

Evans Cadwalader, jun. flour merchant 394 and d h

u/ifier 375 High Evans Cadwalader & Robert L flour merch. 394 High Evans Cadwalader, gentleman 299 Race Ev^ns Charles, feed &c. store 147 N 6th [_see Evens Evans Charles, counsellor at law 3 York buildings Evans Charlotte, widow 171 St. John Evans Daniel, shoemaker 20 Cedar Evans David, labourer corner Shakamaxon & Prince Evans & Dnngan, merchants 183 north Third Evans Edward, caster of ornamental stucco work 113

N 9th corvser Maple Evans EUza, tailoress 127 north Eleventh above Race Evans Elizabeth, layer out of the dead 36 Prune Evans Elizabeth, storekeeper xip-tier 341 High jEvans Elizabeth, widow back Duncan's court Evans E. toll collector at 2d gate Ger. road Evans Griffith, treasurer of the Cheltenham & Willow- grove turnpike company cor. Decatur &: Carpenter Evans Gulielma, Miss 221 Spruce Evans Jacob, currier Prospect alley Evans John & Son, lumber merch. Sixth near Noble—

d h 145 north Sixth \_^€e Evins

Evans John, nurseryman and buttonmaker Frankford

road near Otter Evans John, signpainter and fanlight maker 73 Dock

d h Watson's alley Evans John C. hardware merchant 16 south Thh'd^ d h

Hamilton village Evans John F. late flour merchant 97 Crown Evans Jonathan, gentleman 102 Union Evans Joseph, commission merchant 7 South wharves Evans J. Ogden, chinastore 152 south Sixth Evans Joseph R. merch. 31 S wharves d h 101 Pine Evans Josiah, bricklayer 8 Blackberry alley Evans Josiah 8c Co. merchant tailors 122 Chesnut Evans Josiah, merch. tailor 122 Chesnut d h 5 Library Evans Mary, widow 2 Friend's almshouse Evans Mary, widow back 120 north Eleventh



Evans Nicholas, labourer Frankf. road near 1st gate

Evans Owen, soap and candlemaker 388 north Front

Evans Peter, tavernkeeper 3 Little George

Evans Peter H. carpeiUer 28 Garden

Evans Robert, innkeeper 100 New

Evans Robert J, flour mercht. 394 High d h 1 S lOjth

Evans Susan, widow 13 Apollo

Evans Susannah, widow 246 south Third

Evans Tnomas, druggist N E corner Spruce & Third

Evans Thomas, storekeeper 234 north Front

Evans Thomas, tailor 19 south Third

Evans Thomas, labourer Crown (K) below Prince

Evans Thomas, accountant back 1 Elmslie's alley

Evans Thomas, tailor 7 Pharris's court

Evans William M- clock and watchmaker 287 High

d h Hamilton village Evans Wm. druggist &c. 134 S Front— d h 102 Union Evans William, accountant 36 Ann (N L) Evans William, mariner 98 Cedar street Evans Wm. M gentleman S E cor. Eleventh & Arch Evaul Jacob, Camden (N J) Eveland Samuel, carter Davis's court (K) Eveligli Wm. mate of vessel 66 Catharine Evens Isaiah, labourer 25 Apollo Evens Whitton, merch. 77 S wharves d h 213 Spruce Everdell James, sen. musician 21 Currant alley Everhart Abraham, innkeeper 235 north Third Everhart Anthony, cooper 12 Swanson street Everhart David, coachmaker 151 north Sixth Everhart Margaret, widow cakebaker215 N Second Everhart Martin, painter &c. 6 Emlen's court Everitt James, tanner 162 sonth 5th Everitt John, shoemaker 81 Budd street Everitt John, shoemaker Fromberger's court Everitt Jonathan, hamessmaker 3 Mechanic street fEveritt Samuel herbdoctor back 259 Cedar Everley Jane, widow of Jacob, 123 Cedar Everly'Adam, fancy store & comb manuf. 87 Chesnut Evers' Ann, Mrs. 54 Plum street fEverson Elijah, oysterman 139 Pine Everson Thomas, coachtrimmer 11 Strawberry Everton James, mariner 28 Parham's alley Evil John, carter Race near Sch. 8th Evinger Wm. cordwainer 5th above Buttonwood Evitt, Margery, nurse 362 south Second street Ewell Robert, blacksmith 146 Brown Ewing Henry, smith Sch, Front below Chesnut E-wing James S. drtiggist 231 Chesnut, and plumber

Lodge alley [see Euiving-

Ewing widow of John, attorney at law 106 W^alnut Ewing Mar>', widow 72 George (S) Ewing Robert, merchant 225 High Ewing Samuel, attorney at law 146 Chesnut


Exley John, smith &c. 92 Vine [see Eckly

Eyre Jas. shipjoiner Bpach st. Point Pleasant (K) Eyre FrankUn, ship builder Hanover above Beach Eyre widow. Beach n. Hanover [see Rayres Is" Ayres Eyre Isaac, shipbuilder Beach above Maiden Eyre Jehu» shipbuilder Beach near Hanover Eyre Manuel, mercht. 28 S wharves d h 278 Chesnut Eyre &, Massey, merchants 28 South wharves Eyre & Landell, boatbuilders Penn st. (K) Eyres David, labouier Cherry near Prince Eyres John, tavern & liquor store 318 N 2d Eystricker John, barber back 203 north 4th Ey tinge & Philip, merchants 13 south Front

FAATZ PHILIP, pill-boxmaker at the junction of the

Frankford road, Crown and West Fable Fred, baker S W corner Walnut and Dock Fable George, labourer N E corner Browne and 4th Fabry Catharine, widow back 174 Pine Fabry Miss, seminary 20 north 8th Fackney John, cordwainer 2 Pennsylvania avenue Facy John H. cordwainer 6 Willow court Fagan Augustus, grocer High west of Perm, bridge Fag^n Hannah, widow 10 Small street Fagundus Jacob, brassfcunder 87 Browne Fa^undus widow of George, milliner 68 Arch Faiety Mary, widow 165 south Third Fainour Joseph, tinplatewcrker 113 S Front near Pine Fairchild Rufas, ladies' shoemaker 121 south Second Fairchild Wm. B. combmaker 121 south Second Fairchild Marcus, shoestore 257 south Second FairchiMs Abner, cordwainer 469 north Third Fairis Martha, widow 180 Lombard street Fairman Gideon, histoiical designer and engi-avfer, 30

south Seventh S W corner Chesnut Fairman Jabez, combmaker 358 north Third Fairman Richard, engraver 7lh S W corner Chesnut Fairweather Robert, marisier 40 Almond Falconer John, shipcar{)enter 301 south Front Fales George, merchant 17 south Front Faiknier Joseph, shoe warehouse 162 High Falls EHzabeth, widow tavernkeeper N Front h. Lanrel Fance Michael, fisherman Beach near Bishop Fannen Anthony, collector of taxes, 244 south 7th Fanning Charles, grocer 52 Small Farden WiUiam, mariner 27 George street (S) Fareir John, hatter 8 Carter's alley Faries 8c M'Afee, carters and diggers North street Faries Wm tailor 2 Woglom's court Farley James, tailor 84 Cedar

FAW whitely's annual

Farley John E. hatter Taper alley

Farhng Michael, labourer 187 north" Front

Farmer Mrs. widow of James, 469 south Front

fFarmer Thomas, labourer 30 Burd's court

Farquhar Elizabeth, widow of George, SOSansom

Farquhar G. W. attorney at law 36 south 5th

Farr 8c Kunzi, chemical laboratory Arch above 12th—

d h in Arch Farr Wm. wheelwright Broad above Race Farrand Wm. P. commission merchant 122^ High S

W cor. Decatur d h 19 south 7th {_see Ferrand

Farrell Andrew, dealer cor. 7th and Buttonwood lane Farrell Edward, beerhouse 94 north 5tli Farrell John B. accountant 167 N 4th Farren Mrs. 180 south 4th Farren Neil, speculator 7 Vernon |Farrer Thomas, labourer 225 south Third Farrer William, mariner back of 300 south Third Farrier Robert, weaver 35 German Farrier William, tailoi' Price's court Farrington Gilbert, hardware store S E cor. 3d 8c Race Farris Elizabeth, Mrs. 37 Dock |Farro John, woodsawyer Allen's alley Tarron John, cordwainer Loxley's court Faron Robert, labourer Broad above Arch Farrow Rebecca, widow Camden N. J. Farry Jane, widow S E coraer Sch. 7th and High Farthing George, paver 324 south 3d Farthing James, grocer 90 Shippen Fassitt, Jas. mercb. 329 Arch [^see Foucett Isf Faiucett Fassitt T. 6c J. fancy hardware store S W corner High

and Second Fassitt Thomas, hardware merchant S W corner High

and Second d h 327 Arch Faunce Ann, widow 441 north Third Faunce Ann, Mrs. widow 40 Coates Faunce Christian, sen. fisherman Cherry near Prince Faunce Christian, fisherman Queen near Wood Faunce Conrad, fisherman Queen opposite Bishop (K.') Faunce George, shipcarpenter Queen n. Hanover Faunce Henry, caulker 227 St. John Faunce Isaac', shipwright Queen above Palmer (K.) Faunce Jacob, fisherman Bishop near Queen Faunce Jacob, jun. fisherman Cherry near Prince Faunce Michael, fisherman Queen near Wood Faulkners John H. mariner 11 Parham's alley Faures L. P. merchant 215 north Sixth Fausset Eleanor, storekeeper 228 south Second Faussett James, gentleman 43 Lombard Fauver Casper, skindresser 57 Green Faw Lewis M. 108 Gaskill Fawcett Wm. accountant 75 Cherry Fawkes Richard, innkeeper 14 Strawberry


Fawl Elizabeth, widow innkeeper* N W corner Shippen

and Fi-ont Fay James, grocer High west of Schuylkill 5th Feable Anthony, tailor Vine Feable George F. tailor 39 Crown

Fearing Martin, accoantant 149 south 3d [see Faring Fearon James, soap St candle factor 49 and d h 62 Union Fearon Joseph, tallowchandler 104 Plum Fearon & Russell, soap & candle manuf. 49 Union February Jehn, invalid Rose street (N L) Fearis Bernard, 10 Powell Feaster John, innkeeper 193 north Second Feeny Dennis, labourer Snail near Sixth Feeny Patrick, printer 9 Pine ay [see Finney 13* Phiiiney Feeny Thomas, victualler German below 5lh Fegenbush D. shoemaker 429 north Second Fe-igel Charles, oak cooper Sch. Sixth below High Feinour George, cooper 73 S. Water d h 162 S. Front Feinour Joseph, tin and iron placewrrker and armourer

212 south Water— d h 213 south Front Fell Ja:;ob, tanner Perkenpine's court Fell John T. customhouse bargeman 5 Little German Fell Jonathan, mustard manuf. 52 south Front Felt John, shipwright Prime below Second Felthousand Mary, 45 Mechanic street fPelton Charles, herb doctor Lombard above Ninth Fel»on Sarah, widow Shippen near CHfton Felty Godfrey, labourer Penntown Ridge r. Felty John F. shoem.aker Cauffman's court Fenimore Benjamin, cord ^vainer Saunder's row Fenimore Joseph H. cordwainer St. John Fenimore J. L. & Co. merch. High we^st of Perm, bridge Fenimore John, brie klayer 39 Greene Fenimore Samuel, 151 south Third Fennell William, jun. copperplate printer 18 Library

d h 263 N Second Fenner Elizabeth, widow 409 soutu Fenner Peter, sen. sexton Sterling at. / Fenner Peter, sexton tobaccoziint ? 'J Vi<)i'th 4th Fenton Tliomas, ladies' shi>e-.Tiaker ^y Sassafras Fenner John F. tobacco:. ist 165 iior.n Frcut Fenno John, scisscrgrioder Queen below 5th Fenton A-ndvew, sailmaker Murdock 8c Latimer's

wharf— d h 28 Callowhill Fenton M^iJ'garet, widow 289 south Third Fenton Peter, cordwainer 289 scutli Third Ferat Charles, confectioner 46 Cedar Ferguson Agnes, widow 130 N Eleventh Ferguson Benjamin, tailor 15 Arch Ferguson Ebenezer, head inspector of lumber, and jhs-

tice of the peace, 46 George (S) Ferguson E. C. cordwainer 176 south Second

FEW whitely's annual

Ferguson Edward, corner Queen and Bishop Ferguson George W inspector of customs, 64 Queen Ferguson George, trunkmaker Walnut bel. Broad Ferguson George, watchmaker 400 High tFerguson Grace, widow 203 Cedar Ferguson colonel Hugh, 237 Arch Ferguson Hannah, seamstress back of 40 George (S) Ferguson J^sse, boot and shoemaker 261 south Second . Ferguson John D. moroccodresser cor Pitt and George fFerguson Jonathan, oysterman 111 south Third

Ferguson , cordwainer 253 Catharine

Ferguson Mary, widow 15 Spruce Ferguson Robert, gentleman Davison's alley Ferguson Rebecca, shopkeeper 18 Elfreth's alley Ferguson rev. Robert F. Merriott's lane above 5tli Ferguson Robert, labourer Prince street (K.) Ferguson Ross, cordwainer Merriott's lane above 4th Ferguson Sam. inspector of lumber, fny, 46 George (S) Ferguson Samuel, shipwright 253 north Second Ferguson Samuel, labourer Cedar near 13th Ferguson & Stewart, commission merchants 157 S 2d Ferguson Susan, shopkeeper 57 Budd Ferit Louis jeweller 2 Carter's alley Fernagus John, bookseller 8 Wood above Second Fernandez Joseph, mariner 45 Catharine Fernsler John, grocer High west Sch. Sixth Feron J & F grocers SW comer Seventh & Race Ferran Patrick, innkeeper Darby road below High Ferrel Catharine, widow taveriikeeper N W corner

4th and Lombard Ferrel "Joseph, plasterer Wood above Tenth IFerrel Joseph, mariner back 11 Plum Ferrel Margaret, boardinghouse Beach n. Marlborough Ferren Thomas, shipwright Queen near Palnrier Ferris James, innkeeper Ridge road ab. Francis's 1. IFerris James, blacksmith corner Ball and Pine alley Ferris Mrs. widosv boardinghouse 36 south Sixth Ferris Robert, accountant 22 Swanwick Ferris Samuel, grocer Ridge r. above Francis street Ferris Wm. tailor Sturgis's court fFerrer Thomas, labourer 225 south Third FeiTow Thomas, labourer back 105 German Fei-ry Jane, widow Chesnut west ^f Schuylkill 6th Feitner Catharine, widow Hcmorer near Prince Fertner Lewis, glassblower, Lombard near Schuylkill Fertner Moses, Victualler Cherry near Schuylkill 6th Fesmore Christian, cabinetmaker back 124 Catharme Fetter John, innkeeper 220 north Front Fetters Jacob, ferryman Camden (N J) Fetters James ropemaker.Marlborough above Prince Fetters Richard, ferry carter Jones's alley Fetters Peter, shipwright 43 Budd Fewkes William baker 112 Sbippen


Feyerhocker Henry, carter Second above Ger. road

Fichtner Godfrey, peelmakerShippen above Seventh

Fichter Catharine widow isciiuylkillSth above Cherry

Fidey C!ynthia, widow 134 German

Fiegel CliKirles cooper Sch. Sixth below High

Field Charles, 110 north Front

Field Charles, carpenter 77 Moyannensing road

Field Christian, widow boarding)\ouse 127 Walnut

Field Fobes 8c Co. domestic warehouse 275 High

Field James, merchant 275 High d h 10 north 11th'

'. neld John, carpenter Marlborough above Bedford

' Meld John, merchant NW cor. Locust and Eleventh

!?'iled John,brickmouMer Irisli lane below Shippen

"Field Lxtitia widow Allen's alley

'. ?'ield Peter coachpainter Acorn alley

;?'ield Peter, tailor 137 and 139 Spruce

;?'ield Peter brickmaker Thirteenth above Sassafras

'. ?'ield Peter, gardener Irish lane

Field P. gardener Greenwich below Second

fField Peter waiter 20 Hurst street

Field Samuel, grocer 6 High d h 17 Arch

Field Samuel & Charles, grocers 6 High

Field Samuel, silverplater 11 N. 7th— d h 91 N. 9th

Field Samuel, victualler Thirteenth above Race

Field Thomas, blacksmith 4 Flint's court

Field Thomas S. merchant 433 north Front

Field Thomas, saddler 6 Shield's court

Field William, labourer 4th above Masters (N L)

Fife John, weaver Lombard west Schuylkill Seventh

Fife William, reedraaker Schuvlkill Third below High

Filbert Peter, 52 George (S)

Fimple Mary, widow back 14 Kunckel

Filleter Thomas weaver German road near Second

Filley Harve]*& Co. tinplateworkers cor. 13th arKl High

Finch Elizabeth, widow of John A. 41 north Sixth

Finch Elizabeth, widow 44 south Front

Finch Peter, labourer 28 Elizabeth street

Fink Adam, stockingweaver Ger. road below Fourth

Fink George, stockingweaver cor. Third and Ger. r.

Fink Jacob, sen. stockingweaver 3d near Ger. road

Fink Nicholas, printer 3 Lombard

Finkbine Frederick, shoemaker Thirteenth bel. Chesnut

Finlaw Fow, woodsawyer 28 Bread

Finley Anthony, bookseller, &c. NE corner Chesnut

and Fourth— d h 65 Cherry street Finley John, hatter Sch. Eighth near Vine Finnegan Charles W. accountant 2 Sugar alley Finnegan Mrs. of James, 2 Sugar alley 1' mny Charles hatter 92 Cedar [see Phinney Isf Feeny Finley & Johnson, milliners 6 north 7th Finn Mary, widow milliner 122 Locust tFinney Samuel porter 230 Race Firehocker Henry, carter Second above German, roarl

FIS whit£Ly's annual

tFi'.ing Joseph, shoemaker, Baker's alley

Firing George, grocer 127 Green

Firth Preston, C. inspector of lumber 28 Ann (N L)

Fish Charles H. ferry and innkeeper High st ferry S. side

Fish James, shallopoian cor. Green & Lily alley

Pish Samuel P. whartbuilder Queen near Frank, road

fPisher Abraham, mariner Osbourn's court

Fishey Andrew, hatter 25 Higli d h 22 Arch

Fisher Ann Ehza, widow of James, 294 Arch

Fisher Ann, stall 51 New M .rket south Second

Fisher Ann, shopkeeper 506 Sassafras

Fisher Casper, ropemaker Washington above Front

Fisher Christopher, baker 341 Callowhill

Fisher David, pamter, &c. 12 Prospect alley

Fisher EUzabeth widow seamstress 19 Cox*s alley

Fisher Ehzabeih Powell, 170 Chesnut

Fisher Ehzabeth, widow Hanover above Queen

Fisher Fred grocer & tavern SW cor. Shippen and 4th

Fisher Gtorge, nailer 28 Gillf s' alley

Fisher George, 41 N. L. market and Ger. r. ab. Master

Fisher George we'avcr Prince near Marlborough

Fisher George, whai-tbuilder Beach near High bridge

Fisher George, drover Ger. road below Fourth

Fisher George, (Old Masonic Kail inn) 12 Filbert street

Fisher George, weaver Marlbra near Bedford

Fisher Hanse H. sea captain 206 Cherry

Ffeher Henrv, brickmaker 500 R-ace

Fisher Henrv, wheelwright OakN L.near Browne

Fisher Jacob', carpenter 49 Browne (N L)

Fisher James C. merchant 177 Chesnut

Fisher John, combmaker 43 Budd

Fisher John, blacksmith, Si. Joseph's avenue

Fisher John, C. jr. plasterer Race W Schi.vlkill 8th

Fisher John, victualler Gardn above Pegg's run

Fisher John, labourer Schuylj^dl 8th above Race

Fisher John, victualler Wood near Garden

Fisher John, milkman Ger. road below 1st gate

Fisher John, sen Germantown road near 4th

Fisher John, brickmaker Sch. 8th above Race

Fisher John, labourer Queen near Frankford road

Fisher J. N lace and fringe weaver 121 Mulberry

Fisher John, coachtrimmev4 Myers' coort

Fisher John, painter &c. Juniper alley

Fisher John, cordwainer Hoffman's alley

Fisher John P. siUerplater 10 Prospect alley

Fisher Joseph, ferrvman Camden N. J.

Fisher Joseph, victualler stall 26 4th street market

Fisher Lvdia widow north 4th above Browne

fisher Marv, widow 365 Arch

Fisher Margaret storekeeper^ 429 north Front

Fisher Mary, widow Cedar above 12th

Fisher Michael, sea captain 190 St. John

Fisher widow of Miers, 11 south 9th


Fislier Martin and Son, thermometer and spectacle tna-

ken. 105 north Second Fisher Rachel, dry goods store 190 south Second Fisher Rebecca, gentlewoman 306 Chcbnut Fisher Robert Y. mariner back 17 north Eighth Fisher Samuel, cardfactory Rearsticker's court Fisher Sam. R. mercht 27 D; ck— d. h. 110 south Front Fisher Sarah, Mrs. tailore<^s 119 Swanson Fisher Sarah W. widow 290 Chesnut Fibher William, mariner 16 Mary Fisher \Vm. W. mercht. 312 Chesnut above^ Eleventh Fisher widov>r of Elias, tavernkeeper Oak (N. L.) n h. b. Fisler Charles, grocer 146 N' 4th d h. 59 S-ibsafras Fisler Jacob H. merchant tailor 157 north Second Fiss Henr\', blacksmitn 326 Ciillnwjiill Fiss Henry tanner Kuncke) above Tammany Fiss Jacob hog vict. garden near Callowhill Fiss John, carpenter 124 Filbert street Fiss John, late grocer 86 north 1 l:h Fiss Joseph sailmaker Grissell's alley Fiss Joseph, m. d 71 Green Fiss Samuel, cabinetmaker 8 Little Pine Fiss \Vm. sailmaker 58 Cable lane Fitch Thomas, exchange broker 4 south Third d. h.

127 north 9th Fitch Thomas, m. d. near 127 north Ninth Fite Andrew, labourer Ridge road above Callowhill Fite Mar}', midwife alley between Bt-ach and Alien Fite Samuel, cordwainer back 450 Race Fithian John, (Easton hotel) 121 north Water Fitler Daniel vict. ab. 508 N. 2d stall 20 N. L. market Fitler Jacob, late sheriff, 511 nortu 2d opposite Beaver Fitler Jacob, jr. tanner 554 north Second Fitler Wnu tanner and currier 515 and 519 N. Second fFitz Todd waiter M ies alley Fitzevan Lewis, weaver Rose alley fFitzgerald David, woodsawyer 235 Cedar Fitzgerald George, cooper Spaff ra street fFitzgerald Jacob, carpenter 6th a^ove Poplar fFitzgerald Jeremiah, waiter Clever alley Fitz^^erald Jesse, innkeeper 139 lorth Trjird fFitzgerald Phillis widow Merev^v.h's court Fitzgerald Thomas, barkeeper 52 Passyunk road Fitzgerald Thomas, 132 Lnmbaid Fitzpatrick John, vict. N. L. market— d. h. 4th ab.

Franlin Fitzpatrick Maiy, wido v R -^e alley near Browne Fizel Elij. papefhanger 3l4 Sj.ssafras Fizeli Lewis, carpenter Pnnce n*ar Crown Fizon Jt^hn, labourer 1 Buttonwowi FizoHe Jacob, c ar,)enter back 321 Race Fizone Lewis, stocking weaver, Rose alley above Coates


FLI whitely's annual

Flagler Gilb. m. d. & man- mid wife 208 S. 5th corner

Sliippen Flagler Valentine, 27 North alley Flahaven MargareV, storekeeper 89 N. Second Flaherty Edward, cordwainer 433 south Front Flake Ann, widow 172 north 8th Flake -Benj. labourer Quten near Palmer Flake George, painter &c. 198 Arch and 55 north 8th Flake George, coachniaker 55 north 8th fFlamer Alexander labourer St. Mary below 8th fFlamer Salomon, labourer St. Mary below 8th Flanagan James, cordwainer Baker's court Flannegan James, carpenter Bread above Sassafras Flanagan Owen, bookvender 17 Beck's alley Flanagan Patrick, tailor 249 south 4th Flanagan Stephen, pilot 444 south Front Flanagan Wm. shoemaker 39 George (S.) Flanagan Wm. T. shoemaker 68 German street Flannery William, carpenter Broad above Race and

160 Cherry Fleck Elizabeth, widow 83 Ninth Fleegal George, master armourer United States arsenal Fleetwood Jos. oysterman 1 Decatur or back 210 High Fleming Alexander, innkeeper 244 south Front Fleming F. French boardinghouse 129 south Stxond Fleming Robert, wholesale and retail grocery comer

Market and Sch. 7th Fleming Thomas cordwaiiSer 53 Callowhill Fleming Wm. sea captain 150 south 5th Flenner Ann, widow Mulberry alley above 8th Fleshhower Martin, carter Steinmetz court Fletcher Ann, widow 250 Lombard fFletcher Anthony, mariner Portland lane Fletcher Catharine, cake baker 110 north 7th Fletcher C. & G. jewellers &c. N E cor. Chesnut and 3d Fletcher Edward, tobacconist 93 St, John Fletcher 8c Gardiner, silversmiths & jewellers 130

Chesnut, next above Philadelphia bank Fletcher Jo.shua, bookbinder back 3 Little Pine Fletcher John, oysterman Huddell's court Fletcher Rebecca, boardinghouse 172 Mulbeny Fletcher Sarah, widow Locust above 12th Fletcher Thos. jeweller 130 Chesnut— d. h. 157 S.5th Flexon Charles, rigger 42 (German Flick Andrew, curritr 72 Crown Flick Elizabeth, v/idow Prince near Hanover Flick Geo. blockmaker 144 Water d. h, 142 N. Front Flick Thomas, shoemaker Queen near Bishop (K.) Flitk William, fisherman Bishop near Quern Flickwire widow of David carpenter 24 German Flictor Catharine, widow Sch. Eighth above Cherry Fling B. & W. B. cabinetmakers back of 113 Chesnut Fling Daaiel, clock and watchmaker John ab. Callowhill


Fling Edward, painter &c. 7 Ho.rmony court

Fling Hunnah, widow Callowhill above 6th

Fling Su^n, Doardinghouse 113 Chesnut

Flinn Alexander, shoemaker oOl south Front

Flinn Robert, plasterer 381 Race

Flint Achilles, cabinetmaker 277 Walnut

Flint Erastus, cabinetmakers south Twelfth

Flint John, coachmaker 13 Filbert a»d 210i Mulberrj-

Flintham Elizabeth, widow 91 Vine

Flintham VVm. merchant 218 Arch

Flintoft Christiana, widow 72 Vine

Flisher Elizabeth widow Queen near Shakamaxou

Flitcraft Francis innkeeper 448 north Front street

Flomerfelt Geo. Columbian shoe manuf. S. W. corner

High and Sch. Eighth Flood Matthew, labourer 180 south Fourth Florence David, boatbuilder 32 Swanson d. h. 374 S.

Front Florence Eleanor, widow tailoress 25 Pavham's alley Florence 8c Sheets, boatbuilders 32 Swanson Flour Aaron, 104 south Fifth

Flowers Christopher, cedar cooper White man's alley Flower John, 45 Swanson

Flowers Geo. jun. grocer S. E. corner Race and Eightii Flowers Thomas carter S. W. comer Newmarket and

Callowhill Flowers Thomas, pilot 36 Passyunk road Floyd Jemima, widow back 69 Christian Floyd John, grocer 265 south Third Floyd John, groc«j: S. W. corner Fourth andOerman Floyd Wm. carter back 3 Passyunk road Fluck Catharine widow of Adam, 119 Callowhill Fluker Thomas, cordwainer Passyunk below Prime Fobes George W. merchant, 275 High Foeld Thomas, blacksmith 7 Flint's court Foering Abraham, saddler and harnessmaker 228 N ^ Foering Frederick, currier and justice of the peace 145

north Third \j&ee Farinf^

Foering Samuel & Frederick, curriers 265 {north Second Fogal Nicholas, woodsawyer 447 north Third Foley Edmund, labourer back 57 south Water Folk Caleb, 6 north 11th Folk Mar\% widow 31 Coates* alley Folkrod Elizabeth, vvidow 35 Ann Folkr.Ki Joshua, tinplateworker 233 High Folsji.n Joshua, baker Race near Sck ^venth Fobwell Charles S. merch. 26 north 2d d. h. 233 Arch FoUvell & Coraly, merchants 97 High Folwell Eliza, widow 442 south Bront Folwell Job, cordwainer 14 York court Fohvell John, cord w diner Newmarket street Folwell Jcnn, merchai.t 47 N. Front cor. Coombe's alley Folwell Nathan, merch. 97 High— d. h. 343 N. Third

FOR vhitely's annual

Folwell Samuel, tailor back 4 Oak street (S.)

Folwell Thomas J. merchant 63 High

Folwell Thomas, taih.r 39 Duke (N L )

Folwell W.n. merdiant 37 north Frojit d. h. 253 Arch

Folwell Wm. jr. merch. 55 N. Fronted h. 235 Arch st.

F«nde' Andre', 91-Budd

Foote Benj. E. accountant 29 Dock-id. h. 132 N. 11th

Foote James K. innkeeper (Washington head^ Callovr-

hill near 12th Foote John, shoemaker 35 Meade alley Forbes Jared, ladies shoemaker Galbreath's court

[see J^odes Forbes George domestic store High above 12th d. h.

26 George street Forbes Maiy, widow 20 Maiy (S.) Forbes Thomas, ladies shoemaker back 113 Christi.aft Force Ann, tailoress 28 Mary Ford Abm stonemason Arch west of Sch. 8th Ford David, carver and gilder 9 Garden street Ford Deborah, 47 Gaskill Ford Edward, plasterer Sch. 5th below High Ford Elizabeth, widow 105 north Sixth Ford George, grocer 106 north Seventh Ford Jacob, wheelwright 88 north 6th— d. h. 166 N. 8th fFord Jacob, waiter back 14 north 10th Ford John, merchant 206 High d. h. 8 north 7th. Ford Mary, boardinghouse 8 Fromberger*s court Ford Mary, widow Fc^urth above Poplar lane Ford Mary, widow 16 Wagner's alley Ford Peter, 211 south Third Ford Sarah, widow, storekeeper 33 north Sixth Fordham John, shipwright Beach near Bishop Fordh am Richard, shipwright Queen above Cherry Fordyce Abraham, chairmaker back 61 Budd Forehand Mary, widow 8 Fitz waiter tForeman Jacob, waiter Nonh street Foreman Jo.^hua D cordwainer Fuller's alley tForeman Wm. labourer 129 Cherry Forman Andrew, labourer Bedford near Crown Forman Enoch, blacksmith Camden, N. J. / Foi-man Isaac, teacher 61 north 7th [see Furman

Forman Isaac, innkeeper S. E corner Shippen & 4th Forman Thomas, mariner 267 S. 4th Forman and Laning, livery stable Camden, N. J. Forepaugb Christiana, widow back 14 Kunckel Forepaugh widow of William, James above Charles Fcrepaugh Mary, storekeeper 267 north Third Fommau Godfrey, labovirer Sch. 3d below Chesnut Forrest James, baker 6 Prosperoiis alley Forrest Rebecca, widow 77 Cedar Forrester Catharine, 100 Arch Forrester Henr}-, blacksmith 8 St. Mary street

Forrestier 282 Coates street [see Fouresitei'

Forsburg John, carpenter Weaver's alley


Forst Abraham, Jew-victualler 263 north 8th

Forst David, tavern & grocery v)ak. n Coates (N. L.)

Forst William, upholsterer 5 VVatson's alley-

Forsyth Jumes, innkeeper 71 south Water

Forsyth James, gentleman south 5th below Cedar

Forsythe Isaac, carpenter 64 south 6th

Fors) the and Maule, smiths, Ridge road above Vine

Fort'Daniel, bricklayer 389 Sassafras

Fort Lewis C. accountant 108 Gaskill

Forte Levi, cordwainer 58 Meade alley

fForten James, sailmaker 95 South wharves d h 92

Lombard Fortener Egbert, waterman 11 Poplar laue ab. Front Fortescue Joseph, shipmaster Mifflin's court Fortescue Thomas, carpenter 46 Almond

Fortunate , shallopman back 15 Poplar lane

tForiune Franklin, labourer Browne above Fourth

fportune John, sweep 147 Browne (N.L.)

jFortune John, svreepmaster 12 St. Mary street

fFortune John, hairdresser 384 south Second

Fortune Margaret, widow Shields' court

Fortune Michael, lottery office 117 Chesnut

tFoss Henry, mariner back 90 Shippen

jFossett Ellis, mariner Quince below Locust

roster Adam, mariner 28 Little Water

Foster Ann, seamstress back 351 north Third

Foster Conrad, whipmaker 419 north Second

Foster David, fanner 9 Flint's court

Foster Ehza, widow Tammany^^bove St. John

Foster Elizabeth, widow Prime above Front

Foster Gabriel B. cordwainer b.ck 132 Callowhill

Foster Hannah Mrs widow 23 Coomb's alley

Foster Isaac, labourer Stillhouse alley

Foster James, cordwainer 30 Coates' alley

Foster Jane, widow Locust below Thirteenth i

Foster John, caulker Hanover near Queen

Foster John, tobacconist 67 New st.

Foster Jos. bookbinder 24 Strawberry

Foster Margaret, Pnnce near West (K.)

Foster Mary, widow 82 German

Foster Rebecca, widow 14 Juniper lane

Foster Sarah, widow Tammanv near St. John

Foster Sarah, widow Camden N. J.

Foster Silas, pilot 36 Almond

Foster Thomas, shoemaker S. Fifth below Christian

Foster, Thomas & Mary 10 Hoffman's alley

Foster WiUiam, raercham: Nonh alley

Fotterall and Brothers, w holesale and retail drygoods

store and carpet warehouse, 31 south Sov^oiid Fotterall Stephen E. merchant, c. h. back 31 south 2d

d h 68 south Front Foudray John, tobacconist 4 Gray's alley Fougeray George I. stove raanuf. 99 north Second

-L 2



Fougcray Rene' J. & Son, iron store and stove manuf.

99 N. Second and 162 north Third Foulk Andrew, shallopinan Oak (S.) Foulk Wm. carpenter back 110 north Eighth Fouike Caleb, steel manuf. 19 Minor— d h 5 north 11th Foulke C, &; Wright, hardware merchants 151 High Fouike Charles, hardware merch. 151 High--dh 110 S. 3d Foulke Eliza, Mulberry court Fouike Hannah, gentlewoman 6 north Eleventh Fouike John P. painter 444 N. 3d [see Faulk ^ Folk Foulke Mary, widoAv 425 north Fourth Foulke Richard P. grocer 24 north Eighth cor. Filbert Foulkrod Mahlon, b;.ker Sixth below Coates Foulon Lewis, cor. Sch. Front and Vine Foulster Wm. mariner 115 Swanr>on Fountain Sarah, widow 469 south Front Fouquet Louis, grocer 373 Arch

Fourestier , 282 Coates [see Forrester

Fournier and George, merchants 229 High

Fourtanie J. & Rousseau, tinplate workers and lamp

manufacturers 47 Aixh Fousatt John B. merchant 181 south 7th [see Foussatt Fouser David, cabinetmaker Crown above Callowhill Fouse Matthias, shoemaker 59 Green Foust Henry, saddler 186 Callowhill Foust Michael, tailor Broad above Race Fowe George, vict. 56 High st. market, old shambles Fowe Jacob, victualler Spafford Fowe John, victualler Crown near Frankford road Fowe Peter, brickmaker Walnut W. Schuylkill Second Fowe Wm. vict Shakamaxon, stall 2 Callowhill market Fowe \Vm. jun. victualler back 296 south Seventh Fowe widow of Henry, washerwoman Shakamaxon Fowgey Susan, millmer o5 north Fourth ab. Prince Fowle George M. merchant 40 Dock Fowler Enoch, fruiterer 134 Callowhill Fowler J. A. 13 Fitz waiter Fowler James, labourer back 109 Christian Fowler Mary, widow Hoffman's alley Fowler Rebecca, widow back 380 south Second Fowler Samuel, segarmaker William (N. L.^ Fowser Edward, carter 458 south Second Fox Adam, carpenter 522 south Front fFox Charles, coachman back 50 Currant alley Fox Christian, weaver 113 Green Fox Dorothea, widow Hoffman's alley Fox Edward, secretary to the American Fire Insurance

company, 101 Chesnut Fox Francis, shopkeeper 175 north Third Fox Frederick and John, tallow chandlers Marlboro'

above Prince Fox George, gentleman 274 Chesnut Fox George, waterman Frankford road near Queen


Fox George, carpenter Palmer above West (K.) Fox George, baker Race near Schuylkill Third Fox George, labourer Cherry near West (K) '. ""ox Haimah, spinster 6 south Tenth •Fox Henry, porter Acorn alley "Fox Isaac, porter back 71 Christian : ToK James, dealer 46 High d h ^1 Jones's alley .?ox James, upholsterer 152 Spruce Fox John, vict. Budd near Poplar—stall 9 N. L. market Fox John, cabinetmaker 107 Budd Fox John, tobacconist back 142 Browne Fox widow of John, brickmaker 367 Arch Fox John, tavern &; stablekeeper Filbert ab. Eleventh Fox Joseph, teacher 224 Lombard Fox Lewis, baker Sixth above Poplar Fox Michael, brickmaker 12 north Ninth Fox Michael, shoemaker 54 Pcnn , Fox Mrs. widow Marlboro* near Prince Fox Samuel, accountant 214 north Front Fox Samuel, brickmaker 37 Filbert Fox Sarah M. widow, gentlewoman 23 Sansoan Fox Peter, rigger 26 Catharine Fox widow of Wm. Arch west of Schuylkill Second Fox William, carpenter Buttonvvood near Fifth Foxhill Thomas, victualler 44 Passyunk road Foy Mary, mantuamaker 136 Race Foy Michael, tailor Pine above Thirteenth Frabel John, tailor 71 Christian Fraley Enoch, shoemaker 353 north Front Fraley widow of Jacob, biscuitbaker back 198 CedaP Fraley John U. baker 17 Church alley Fraley Joseph, plasterer Beach near the market Fraley Martha, widow 74 north Seventh Fraley Peter, nailer Beach below Shakamaxon Francis Ann, boardinghouse 24 Mary Francis Catharine, widow Poplar lane above St. John fFrancis Charles, labourer Lombard below Sixth Francis Charles, gentleman 131 Walnut Francis Christiana, widow Palmer near West Francis David, wheelwright Camden N. J. fFrancis Francis, bootcleaner 76 Plum Francis John, corner Race and Schuylkill Third Francis John, carter Juniper above Race Francis John, mariner 251 north Front fFrancis John, shoemaker 200 south Sixth fFrancis John, labourer Rose near Germantown road Frajicis Joseph, potter 500 north Front

Fr incis Mark, sawyer Lombard below Sixth : ?'rancis Mary, widow 229 south Fifth [see Fraunces ;?'raucis Susannah, widow 97 Callowhill

"Francis Thomas, sawyer 31 Prosperous alley Francis widow of Thos. W. merchaiit 77 south Fourth " ?'rancis William, comedian 70 north Eighth Francisco John, labourer Allen's alley

FRA whitely's annual

Francisco, William, carter Spafford street ■'Francois Bernard, labourer back 96 Shippen fFrangois Mary, -widow 228 Shippen Franck George, tobacconist 317 north Second Franck Lather, glassworks Cedar near Schuylkill— d h

196 north Eighth Frank C. painter, &c. 479 Race and 94 N Eleventh fFrank Cyras, labourer 13 Parham's alley Frank Elizabeth, widow 32 north Tenth Frank Henry, farmer north Front opposite West Frank Jacob, tanner Noble above Fifth Frank Jacob, tailor 73 north Tenth {_8ee Frankft

Frank John, sugar refiner 195 St. John Frank widow of John, Marlborough near West Frank Lewis P. printer 52 north Tenth Frankelbery Sarah, tailoress 5 M'CuUoch's court Frankish Samuel, printer Clever alley Franklin Ellen, widow, nurse 36 Appletree alley FrankUn George, hairdresser Marlborough near Queen Franklin John, West near Hanover Frankliu Joseph, constable cor. 5th and Buttonwood IFranklin Joseph, labourer back 100 north Eleventh Franklin Lemuel, boot manufactory 59 south Thii-d Franklin Lydia, widow Lolar's court Fmnklin Margaret, widow tailoress 252 south Seventh Frarjkhn Nathaniel, sea captain 35 south Front Franklin Samuel R. teacher Sch. 5th below High Franks George, tanner 5th below Buttonwood Franks Isaac, prothonotar>' of the supreme court of the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, East wing of the State-house Franks Jacob, carpenter Old York r. below Callowhill Franks John, watchman 102 north 5th Franks John, labourer 195 St Jol\n [see Frank

Franks John, mariner 385 south Front Franks Lewis, dravman back 38 Crown Franks Mary Mrs.' widow 181 north Eighth Franks William, tobacconist 371 north Fourth Fraser Andrew, gentleman Fourth near George Fraser James, mariner 118 Lombard Fraser Thomas, carpenter Poplar lane above St. Johns Fr^tus Anthony, mariner near Allen st. Frankford r. Frazer Ann, widow SE corner Fourth and Walnut Frazier Ann, boardinghouse 124 Spruce Frazer Emanuel, carpenter 278 south Seventh Frazer Robert, counsellor and. attorney at law, West- chester road 12 miles from Philadelphia Frazier Anthony, carpenter Blackberry alley Frazier Eleanor, widow 1 Bud's court Frazier Elizabeth, widow 183 north Front Frazier James P. turner Prospect alley Frazier John, starch manuf. S. 5th below Christian Frazier John, wheelwright Noble below Third


Frazier Thomas, carpenter Poplar lane near St. John

Frazier Wm. mariner 78 Ptnn

Frazier Wra. thread manutHCturer Christian cor. Fifth

Frazier Wm labourtr near 6 Emlen's court

Fredc rick. Elizabeth, widow or John P. back 227 Walnut

Frederick GtiT.^e, musical insti-umeiit maker 5 Fayette

Frederick Gvt^rge, watchman 149 Moyamerising road^

Frederick George, fisherman. Wood above Prince (K.)

Frederick Joiin L. engraver and music store 53 S.4th

d h 5 Fasette Frederick John, carter Shields* alley Fiederick Mary, widow Buttonwood lane Frederick Masey, widow 24 Parham's alley Frederick Wm. S. groctr 354 Callow hill ■fFrederickson Abraham, shoemaker Ann W. Sch. 8tU Frederickson Godfrey, sugar- re finer 214 north Second Fredly Casner, basketmaker Germ, road bel. 1st gate Freheller Ge< rge, cordwa.ner Germ, road near Fourth Free Btnjamin, storekeeper 102 north Second Free Euward, carter and powder carrier 237 N. Second F-ee Samuel, carter Laurel st. near Budd (N. L.) Freeberger Peter, hatter 18 Sugar alley Freeburn Daniel, blacksii;lt;i 101 Christian Freed A. mahoganv frame maker Green cor. St. John Freed David, flour store S E cor Noble and Third Freed George, cordwainer (ierm. road near Fourth Freed George, mahogany framcmaker 91 Green Freed Henry, (Kensington hotel) Franktord r. ab. Queen Freehajt George, cordwainer Gerni. road near Fourth Fveel Margap.t, widow 25 Hurst street Freeland i)a\id S. U Co. hatters 22 High Freeland John, .shoemaker 31 Germaii fFreeman Catharine, widow back 183 Sjjruce Freeman Hannah, widow 12 Sugar ailev Freeman Henry G. attorney and counsellor at law 38

Walnut Freeman Jacob, grocer Cedar below Twelfth tFieeman James^ waiter 120 Christian jFreeman John, coachman Fries's court Freeman L widow 131 Locust Freemaii T. B. auctioneer N W cor. Chesnut & Seventh

d b S E comer Chesnut and Tenth Freestone Robert, silverplater 43 Coates* alley Freeston Wm. coachtrimmer 37 Moyamensing road Freeze Margaret, mantuaniaker Castle street Frcnaye Mark A. merchant 271 High coiner Seventh Frenave & Fontanges, merchants IS W ccr. 7th & High Frenaye Peter S. mercht. 271 High— d h 184 S- 11th French John, toll gacherer at Isr. gate Ridge road French Mahlon, printer 1.5 Gray's alley French Wm. P, blacksmith 7 Federal Freno Paul, storekeeper 28 Spruce Freshmuth Jacob, tobacconist 225 Callowhill ab. Sixth

FRY whitely's annuai-

Prevail Mrs. Powell street Freyberg Joseph, victualler 261 north Eighth Fre)'muth Benjamin, printer 89 Passyunk road Freytag Dan. potter and queeusware store 139 Cedai Freytag Daniel C. china, &c. store 68 nort i Third Freytag & Kempman, china glass and queensware stoi'e

68 north Third Freytag Michael, justice of the peace 198 south Fifth Frezell Lewis, carpenter Crown above Queen Frick Jacob & Co. editors and publishers of the Ame- rican Centinel 22 Walnut Frick Jacob, editor of the Am. Centinel 56 north Front Frick Jacob, brickmaker Thorn's court, (N L) Frick Michael, brassfounder 364 north Third Fricke Henry, cabinetmaker 209 St John Fricker Joseph, gentleman 362 north Second Fricker John, cabinetmaker 69 Green and 356 N. 2d Freidlein John A. Shippen near Passyunk Friel William, grocer 191 south Sixth Friend Andrew, smith 41 south Tenth Frier Mary, widow tavernkeeper Second near Camac Fries John, sen. gentleman 167 Mulberiy Fries John, jun. 167 Mulberry Fries Mary, widow «*j6 Callowhill Friez widow of Conrad, Sch. Eighth below Arch Frisby Stephen, sawyer Quince above Locust Fritez Peter F. printer 234 north Front Fritz- Christopher, b;*ker 100 north Seventh Fritz Elizabeth, widow 179 St. John Fritz Ehzabeth, widow 52 Mulberry Fritz George, carter Greorge (N L) near 4th Fritz George, blacksmith Ger. road above Third Fritz Jacob\ cabinetmaker 13 South alley Fritz John, 10 South alley

Fritz widow of Peter, stonecutter 220 Sassafras Fromberger Maria, 187 Pine Frombergcr John, tobacconist 30 Ann Frost D xniel, mate, 4 Budd Frost Mary, widow nurse 163 north Third Frost Thomas, painter 21 Charlotte Frost Thomas, trnnkraaker 169 north Sixth Frowert John, boot and shoemaker 62 north Fifth Frowcrt John jr. boot and shoemaker 232 Swanson Frowert Lewis H. boot and shoemaker 281 Vine Frugornain Godfrey, shipmaster back 140 south 5th Fry EUis, late victualler Wood above Seventh Fry George, Windsor and fancy chairmaker 88 N. Front Fry Henry, mevchynt 176 High Fry John,'baker 46 Vine Frv John H shoe w are) louse S E comer Third and High

d h 19 Franklin court Fry John, mariner 5 Coxe's allev Fry J. blockmaker 139 N. Water— d h 34 Elfreth's ar.


Fry Lucretia, widow Lily alley above Green Fry William, printer 63 S. Fitth— d h 65 south Fifth Fryburg Joseph, vict. 57 N. 8th stall 13 old t>hambles Fryburg Susan, widow of John, vict. 57 north Eighth Fryday George H. baker Thirteenth below Vine Fryer & Anderson, drygoods store 48 south Second Fryer Eve, shopkeeper 356 north Third Fryer John, mariner 59 Queen ^S) Fryer William 71 Callow hill Fulker Philip, labourer back 473 north Third Fullen Lewis, cotton manuf. cor. Vine and Sch. Front Fuller Mary, widow of James, back 22 Pea-- Fullender Aaron, labourer Hanover above Bedford Fulkr Archibald, baker 45 Plum ;?'uller John, pilot 58 Cathaiine '. ?'ullert«in Alexander, gentleman 33 Filbert 7ullerton C. boardinghouse near 23 Oak (NL) i^ullerton Eleanor, widow 28 Queen ; TuUerton Mrs. boardinghouse 72 south Fourth ' i^'ullerton Wm. labourer Old Yord road above Poplar i- Fulman Isaac, labourer Spaiford "Fulman Isaac, labourer Grissel's allev f Fulman Philip, porter 8 Warner's court Fullmer Frederick, watchman Wood above Eighth Fullmer John, merchant 8 Old York road Fulmer John, carpenter Franklin street near Fourth Fulmer John, milkman near the City Hospital Fulmer John, carpenter Palmer near West Fulmer Mary, widow 18 Budd Fulton George, accountant 2 Harmony court Fulton, James, storekeeper 22 Lombard Fulton Maiy, widow 11 north Tenth Fulton Samuel, salt and plaster store 365 High— d h 50

Filbert Fulton Jane, widow 32 German Fulwiler John, joiner Hinckel's court Fulwood Charles, shoemaker Pfeiffer's court Funk Jacob, milkman, West above Wood Funk James, mariner Second above Germantown road Funk John, shopkeeper 173 St. John Funk Susan, widow 5th above Buttonwood Funston Johnson, weaver Cadwalader near Pitt Funston Joseph, weaver 23 Franklin Funston Thomas, grocer cor. Poplar lane and St. John Funston William, bottler N W cor. Front 5c Catharine Furdanandurz Joseph, mariner 45 Catharine Furey Charles, weaver Hazel alley below Locust Furey. Charles, jun. paver 168 Locust Furey John S conveyancer and tax collector Hazel a J

ley below Locust Furey John, cordwainer Loxley's court Furdge Henry, bood binder 3 Farmer's row furlong Elizabeth, widow 190 Lombard

GAL whitely's annual

Furlong James, grocer 2 Littlt Water

Furman Abija\i»tinplcite worker Ann ab. Sch. Eighth

Fur:nan Adeline, lady Gecrge above Tenth ^see FormatL

Furman & ?.'rDanel, v;ojchspringmakers Grape

Furman Jonatnan, smith Spruce st. dh 128 south 5th

Furman Ruth, widow Alder alley

fFurrow Jos,epli, bootcleaiier Quivice below Locust

Furter Moses, victualler 77 High street market

Furze J tmes, accountant 323 south Sec«)nd

Fuss Mary, widow baker Federal above Second

Fussman William, waterman bnck 517" north Third

Fussman William, labourer 97 Budd

Fyan Catharine, widow 39 Coates

GABLE JX3HN, carpenter 451 north Second

Gable Peter, jun. carpenter Poplar lane near Front

Gable Peter, carpenter 418 north Front

Gadsdell Elizabeth Mrs, 297 Spruce

Gaffany Edward, soapboiler 252 south Fifth

Gagle Philip, printer 411 north Fourth

Gailey William, grocer Frankford road above Queen

Gaiilard G. T. importer of French dry goods 85 Chesnut

Gains William, tailor 1 Schriver's court

Galbreath James, carter 109 Queen (S)

Gal!)reath Robert, carter 119 Queen (S)

Galbraith Margaret, widow 58 Duke .-treet

Gale Isaac, cordwainer Beach near High bridge

jGale Jane, back 8 Blackberry alley

Gale Maltck, woollen manufacturer 112 Plum

tGile Richard, waiter 127 Cherry

Gale William, labourer 236 St. John

Gallagher Anthony. labourer Washington ab.Callowhill

Gallagher Bernard, grocer 12 south Seventh

Gallagher Daniel, labourer 18 Fitz waiter

Gallagher Hugh, labourer Bedford above Seventh ^

Gallagher Jacob, ivoiyturner Phillips' court

Gallagher James, m d. south Fifth, corner Library

Gallagher J'.nn, labourer 288 south Fourth

Gallagher John, labourer back 26 Barron

Gallagher Lewis, labourer Prince near West (K)

Gallagher Margaret, widow 5 Jones' alley

Gallagher Mary, tailoress 87 Small

Gallagher Mary, mantuamaker 38 Middle alley

Gallagher Mary, chinastore 116 north Second

Gallagher Michael, labourer cor. German and Passyunk

Gallagher Patrick, labourer hack 50 Currant alley

G diaghtr William, labourer Marlborough ab. Prince

Galligher, widow of Andrew, 43 north Sixth

Gallagher John, coachmaker back 134 south Fourth

Gallagher William, brickn\aker Lombard near Sch.


Gallard 8c Co. jewellery manuf. 103 north Third

Gallard Peter, jeweller 103 north Third

Gallay Henrv, sailnnaker 17 German

Galley Ann C. widow tobacconist 64 north Second

Gaily Isaac C. tobacconist and innkeeper (sign Battle of

Trenton) 238 south 3d Galioner Theresa, widow Palmer below West Gallr^way John, mechanist and engineer 82 north Third Galloway John, tailor 56 Meade alley Galloway William, labourer 24 Sugar alley Gall way John, carpenter Barclay's alley Gal way James, teacher Federal above Front Gamard L. m d 32 south Tliird Gamble Archibald, clerk 363 north Second Gamble, widow of James, 216 Spruce Gamble John, weaver Fitzwalter street cor. Seventli Gamble John, skindresser Second above Poplar lane Gamble Jane, widow 14 Queen (S) Gamble John M. major U. S, M. C. navy yard Gamble Thomas, worsted manuf. High between Sch.

Third and Fourth Gamble Thomas, moroccodresser 546 north Third Gamble William, mariner 70 German Gampher Michael, cojper 39 Lombard dh 274 S 5th Gance John, 262 Arch

Gandy Enoch, waterman Sch. Eighth above Race Gandy & Son, dry goods store 17 north Second Gandy Thomas, shallopman back 12 Christian iGanges Aaron, waiter 6 Poplar alley jGanges Millender, carter Sch. Front above Mulberry Oanlen Thomas, labourer 55 Catharine Gann John, blacksmith Queen near Hanover Gano John, storekeeper 2 N Third d h 28 North street Ganse James, gardener Prime above Eighth tGansey Caesar, porter 120 Christian jGansey James, labourer Mereditli's court JGansey Lahy, ostler 40 Meade alley jGansey Samuel, sawyer 7 Gdles's alley jGanson Robert, coachman 3 Fries's court Ganter Valentine, labourer Maria Garachon Francis, grocer cor. Fifth and Walnut Garden James, papermaker 106 Cedar Garden William, printer back 27 Cresson's alley Gardette James, dentist N W cor. Ninth and Chesnut Gardiner Baldwin, hardware merchant 98 Chesnut >

d h 109 south Fourth Gardiner Edward C. sea captain China below Second Gardiner George, drygoods store 211^ south Second Gardiner Hannah, innkeeper 8 Strawberry street Gardiner James, carpenter 3 Ly tie's court Gardiner John, jun. merchant 38 South wharves d h

270 Walnut Gardiner John, shipwright Union alley above S^Fanson


GAR whitely's annual

Gardiner John, shipcarpenter 30 Meade alley Gardiner Peter, druggist S E corner Cedar and Front Gardiner Peter, chairmaker 56 Catiiarine Gardiner Sidney, jeweller, &c. 130 Chesnut Gr rdiner, Vernon & Co. fancy hardward store, 98

Ciiesnut Gardner Catharine Mrs. Coates' alley Gardner Christiana, widow 66 Catharine fGardner Emanuel, coachniaTi Lombard below 10th Gardner George R. dry goods store 30 north Second Gardner Gilbert, carter Rose alley (N L) Gardner Henry, coachmaker 14 Chester > (Gardner Jacob, grocer 293 Vine Gardner JiiCob H. skindresser 311 and 312 Vine Gardne' James, grocer 144 soutl) Eighth Gardner James, cordwainer Cherry above 13th fGarduer Jonathan, coachman 22 Elizabeth Gardner Jonathan, baker 127 Pine fGardner Joseph, mariner back 137 Plum Gardner widow of Valentine, 291 Vine Gardom Thomas, cordwainer 108 Cherry alley Gardre Alexis, wine store, &c. Second below Dock Gardy John, siioemaker Hanover near Bedford Garesche' Gabriel, merch. 11 Minor d h 199 Chesnot Garing xVlichael, labourer W^ood above Queen (K) Garlanger Henry, bricklayer 148 St. John Garlick Joseph, cotton manuf. cor. Vine and Sch 2d Garlick William, cotton spinner Vine near Sch. 2d Garman Charles, cabinetmaker 350 south Second Garmon David, oakcooper north 6th above Camac Garner Thomas, innkeeper 47 N Front & 46 N Watet Garnor Daniel, cordVvainer Gi'cen below Tiiird Garns John, carpenter 287 south Fifth Garnett Michael, carpenter cor. Wood and Juliana Gerretson Ely, marhier back 403 north Second Garre*son John, harnessmaker 494 south Second Garretbou A. storekeeper 10 south Second fGarretson Priscilla, widow St. Mary's street Garretson Samuel, waterman 51 Cathanne Garretson W}lliam, cordwai.ier back 63 Union Garrett Eleanor, 4 Elmshe's alley

Garrttt J.Ta K. drygoods store 25 N. 4th d h 144 High Garrett Levi, tobacconist 138 south Front N W corner

Drawhn(ige Garrett Philip, clock & watchmaker 144 High & 9 N 6th iGarrett Richard, porter Green's court Garrett Samuel, grocer 243 Callowhill above Tenth Garrett Wm. brassfounder brass hinges &c. 287 Vine Ga. letr.son Eliakim, apothecary store S E cor. Race and 5ih d h 76 north Fourth ^see Garrison

Garrick Eliz:;bcth. widow Shields' alley Garrigues Edward B. druggist 6 N 6th— d h 39 Cherry Garhgues Edward, jr. 155 south Second


Garrigues Isaac B. stonecutter 39 Zane 8c 39 Cherry Ganignes Mary, 53 George street Garrigues VV^m. juii. carpenter 31 Cherry GaiTigues Will, stonecutter cor. 10th & Vine & 2 Gar- rigues court Gan'iacvn Abraham, hairdresser 239 north Front (iarrison Bonjannin, carter Pophu* lane near Third Garrison Clement, carpenter Broad below George. Garrison Israel, currier Hopkins' alley (N L) Garrison Jeremiah, cordwainer 201 Snippen Garrison John, grocer 131 north Second d h 14 Race Garrison Jonathan, waterman 273 south Front Garrison William, cordwainer back 63 Union Garson Henry, printer 15 Juniper lane Garson Thos. bookbinder 6 Carter's alley Gartland James, hotel & tavernkeeper 64 S Front Gartland John, tobacconist & queens ware store 59 2d Gartley Elizabeth, teacher 4 Dock Garlley John H. teacher 19 Cherry (iarvin JohivJ. sea captain 354 south 5lh Garvin John, labourer 236 south 5th Garvin Wm. labourer Lombard W. Sch. Eighth Gavett Benjamin, caulker back 12 Christian Garwood John, cordwainer back 116 German Garwood Richard, sea captain 420 south Front Garwood Samuel, labourer back 15 Poplar lane Garwood Samuel, labourer Bishop (K) Garwood Win. shipjoinei*, shop 247 Swanson d h 549

south Front Garwood widow of William, 468 soutn Front Gash Frederick, oakcooper 10 Swanson Gaskill Benjamin, bookbinder 14 Filbert Gaskill Edmund, ladies* shoemaker 116 Walnut Gaskill Esther, storekeeper 278 north Second Gaskill Sarah, widow gentlewoman 21 Race Gatchel Elisha 8c Joseph, livery stablekeepers Lodge alley above Seventh [^see Godshall

Gatchel Joseph, smith 1 1 Decatur d h 57 north 6th fGater Edward, woodsawyer St. Mary street Gates Nathaniel, shipwright 23 Beck's alley Gatier Mary, widow teacher 152 Cherry Gatter Martin, shoemaker 18 Bn'an's alley tGascon Theresa, Grissell's alley Gaskill Thomas, tailor 1 1 Pennsylvania avenue fGaskin David, sawyer back 30 Christian Gaukler Heniy, tobacconist Rose alley Gaul Frances, boardinghouse 152 south'Tenth Gaul Fred. & Son, brewei-s back 147 High, d h 17 N 4th Gaul' Frederick, jr. brewer back 147 High Gaul James, mariner 499 south Second Gaul John F. carpenter 130 Coates Gaul Daniel, brickmaker back 92 north Ninth Gaul Valentine, cordwainer back 92 north Ninth Gaun Peter, smithshop St. John near St. Tammany

GEO whitely's annual

Gaunt David, grocer Kaighnton (N J)

Gaunt John, carpenter Kaighnton (N J)

Gauss JdCobF. baker 258 north Front

Gavett Benjamin, cauiker Swedes' alley

Gavin Ellen, widow of George, 2 Clawges' court

Gavin Ann, widow, nurse 17 Shippen

Gaw Cliambers, inspector of customs fw^'wire 84 N Front

Gaw Ebenezer S. storekeeper 28 north Second

Gaw Elizabeth, widow, back 20 Juhana

Gaw Gilbert, cabinetmaker and inspector of customs 84

north Front Gaw John, blacksmith Queen near Marlborough Gaw Robert, chairmnker 179 and 280 south Second Gaw Sam. labourer Emlen's court Gaw Wm. P. clock and watchmaker 84 north Front Gaw Wiiliim, white dc blacksmith 395 south Second Gaw:^no Bernard, tobacconist 19 Walnut Gawn George, cordwainer 10 Stephen's court jGay Thomas, sawyer Paschall's alley Gay lord Catharine, Mrs. Blackberry alley Geary William, guiasmiih Washington above Second Gebhard Adam, baker back 356 south Second Gebhard Lewis P. m. d. 118 Sassafras Gebier A. 210 Arch Geb..er Mattiiias, accountant 190 Vine Geiger George, baker 4th above Franklin Geiger Marhn, baker N E corner Budd and Coates Geisse H. 317 High— d h 1 south 8th Geisse & Korckhauss, merchants 317 High Geisse Philip, merchant N W cor. 10th & Cherry^ Gellar Philip, baker 267 south Second Gelles Robert, weaver Lombaid west Sch. 8th Gendel Anthony, sawyer south 5th bel. Merriott's lane Gendy Mrs. Wiley's court Genge George, Camden (N J)

Genther Joseph, victualler Coates above Old York r. Genther Nich, labourer 22 North alley Genther Valentine, carpenter 175 Coates Genter Francis, fi'uiterer 200 High Gentry Samuel, shipwright &c. 9 Poplar lane Geniry & Wilson, boatbuilders Oak below Noble Geoghan Thomas, weaver 27 Wood street George Anthony, grocer 206 south Second George Charles, printer 2 Watson's alley George Charles, cooper 206 south Water tGeorge Daniel, labourer Cedar above TwelftU George David, tanner 4th north 8th George Duncan, accountant 481 south Front George Elizabeth, widow 44 Currant alley George James, grocer 113 Plum street George John, sugar refiner 21 Bread street George John, haircloth manuf. Hamilton village George John, grocer 143 south 8th


George John G. merchant 229 High

George Joseph Sc Israel L. curriers, 1/2 north Third

d. h. 44 Wood George Joseph, currier 172 N 3d— d h 12 Sterling alley George Mary, widow ofChas. milk woman Pine cor. 12th George Richard, hatter 156 High George William, mariner buck 10 Shippen Gerard Mary Jane, widow Coates alley Gerhard Elisabeth, widow, 31 Race Gerhard Wm. hatter 44 N Front and 20 north 7th Gerhart John, plasterer 13th abote Race Germon Francis S. paperhanger 8c marble papermaker

back 39 Cherry, d h 148 Race [see German Isf Jarmon Germon Greenberry D. silverbn.ith 329 ncvih Second Germon John, goldsmith 8cc. 3 Quai i'\ Gerome Catharine, Miss vitualling cellar 124^ High Gerrish Levi, flour mer. 2 N wharves— rl h 23 Browne (iesemver Jacob, tavlor 7 Pennsylvania avenue Gest John, flour, salt &: plaster store N W cor. High &

Tenth— d h N Tenth near Mulberry \ste Gue^t

Getchill David, wheelwright 58 Currant alley Gethen John, manufacturer 106 south Tenth Getler Christopher, labourer Christian near Seventh Getman Nicholas, tobacconist back 196 north Second Getz George, victualler 156 St, John Getze' F. A. professor of music back 278 High Geyer Andrew, inspector of customs 129 Sassafras Geyer George, carpenter 248 north 8th Geyer George, baker 4th belov^r Master Geyer John, gentleman 199 S 4th \jiee GuierlSf Guyer Geyer John, one of the aldermen 122 north Third Geyer Martin, labourer Pfeiffer's court Geyer Simon, regulator of dry measures 329 Race Geyer William B. currier S E cor. Lombard 8c Third

d h 199 south 4th Geyer widow of Andrew, 329 Race Ghriskey Lewis, gun a«d blacksmith Oak N. Lib. above

Hay scales d h 361 north Front Gibbings John, baker back 145 Walnut Gibbons David, mariner Mifflin's court Gibbons Geo. W conveyancer and office for the pur- chase and sale ot real estate 57 south 5th N E corner

Walnut— d h 73 south 11th fGibbons James, mariner Small near Sixth Gibbons Joseph, convevancer 8c office for the purchase

8c sale of real estate' 64 S 4th— d h 149 S Tenth tGibbs Abraham, labourer 2 Atkinson's court tGibbs Charity, widow back 100 N Eleventh (jibbs Elizabeth, widow Davis's court (N L) tGibbs Eliza, washerwoman back 43 Small tGibb> George, labourer Atkins(»n*s court Gibbs Henry, merchant 175 Arch corner 5th tGibbs Henry, labourer Hazei alley

M 2


I Gjbbs Jacob, bootcleaner Portland lane

jGibbs James, labourer Green's court

Gibbs Job, carpenter 193 (ireen

Gi?bs Joel, notary pub. &c, Wildes ferr)^ Camden (N J)

Gibos John W. printer 47 Prune

tGibbs Jonathan, waiter Eagle court

Gibbs J. VV. merchant 10 S4ih— d h 213 north 6th

Gibbs Josiah W. jr. merchiint N E cor. Arch and 4th

tGibbs Peter, mariner 14 (raskill street

Gibbs Rachel, widow 134 German

Gibbs Rosannah, widow back 62 Race

tGibbs Shepherd waiter 5 Little Dock

Giijbs Thomas, drayman West's court

Giberson M. M. & E. fancy dry^oods store 66 N 3d

Gibson Benjamin, smith 15 north 7th

fGibson Benjamin, labourer 122 Christian

Gibson Elizabeth, Juniper alley

tGibson Francis, labourer Swedes' ct. bel. Christian

Gibson Jacob, tinplateworker 334 south Second

Gibson James, counsellor at law, d h 78 Walnut office

61 south 4th second door below Walnut Gib^oi) James, distiller 83 Shippen tGibsoij James, carter Wharton above Front Gibsc«i John, storekeeper 350 High Gibson John, shoemaker 10/ Catharine ■fGibson John, siioemaker Dean alley fGibson John, sawyer 122 Christian street Gibson Joseph, tailor 7 Hiiikel's court Gibson Lydia, Alder alley Gibson Margaret, storekeeper 99 Cedar Gibson Margaret, 10 Emslie's alley Gibson Mary, seamstress St. Mary's above Seventh Gibson Thomas, plumber 56 north 8th tGibson Thomas, doctor 136 south 8th Gibson Wm. m. d. professor of surgeiy 132 Walnut

above 5th Gibson Wm. B. tinplateworker 36 Cherry Gibson William, collector 177 south Seventh Gibson William, carpenter 210^ Arch Gibson William, sawyer back 14 Plum Gice George, gentleman 157 north Ninth Gideon Benjamin, coachtrimmer Miller's alley Gideon Casper P. saddler back 14 Cherry Gideon G orge, chairmaker 202 north 8th Gideon Henry, vict. 202 N 8th, stall 11 old shambles Gideon Mary, widow 202 north 8th Giffen John, carpenter 304 south Third Gifford Allen, mariner 66 Christian Giffoid Mary, mantuamaker 349 south Front Gifford W^illiam, carpenter Bushhill Giger A H. distiller 352 north Second Giiion James, 'printer 26 Cresson's alley Gihon John H. taUor 100 Spruce street


Gihon Mary, bookfolder 26 Cresson's alley

Gilbert Catharine, widow 0:ik below Coates

Gilbert Christopher, cordwainer 144 Lombard

Gilbert Fred. & Son, merchts. 187 High— d h 395 Arch

Giloert George, eneraver on wood 13 south 4th

Gilbert George, baker, back 28 Spruce

Gilbert Hannah, widow Coates above 8th

Gilbert Jacob, tailor 139 north 6th

Gilbert John, tavernkeeper Coates above 8th

Gilbert John, mariner 30 Penn

Gilbert John G. tailor 96 Vine

Gdoert John, mercht. 29 Dock d h Renshaw*s hotel

Gilbert J. carpenter 20 Chester

Gilbert Joseph, umbrellamaker 158 High

Gilbert Joseph, cordwaiuer Carroll's ct. n. 4th (N L)

Gilbert Magdalen, shopkeeper btck 11 Walnut

Gilbert Mary, Mrs. washerwoman 30 Gaskili street

Gilbert Peter, grocer and tavern Buttonwood ab Charles

Gilbert Sauiuel, brickmaker Coates near Eighth

Giloert Samuel, tobacconist 208 north Second

Gilbert Sarah, widow 18 Vine

Gilben & VVessel, merchants 29 Dock

Gilby M irga; et, widow 326 soath Third

Gilbenfenny Henry, baker 176 Pine

Gilder John, city-commissioner 155 south Eleventh

Gilder Reuben, innkeeper S W cor. Second and Pine

Gildner Frederick A. shopkeeper 18 Callowhill

Giles George, vender of books Federal ab. Second

fGiles George, sawyer Portland lane

Giles Wm. accountant 19 Green

GilfiUan E. m. d. (Sansom's row) 195 Walnut

Gilfry John, brush maker 308 south Front

Gilfry Wm. brushmaker back 102 High

Gilfry Wm shipwright 83 Moyamensing road

Gilkey Isaac, stonepolisher Castle street

Gilkey John, carter Fitzwalier ab. 6th

Gilkey Jos. cabinetmaker Little Pise op. Pleasant av

Gill Edward, accountant 165 north 4th

Gill John, jun. & Co. merchants 204 High

Gill Mrs. widow washerwoman back 11 Walnut

Gill Nicholas, shipjoiner Maiden n. Front

Gill Philip, labourer back 262 S. 5th

Gill Robert, Jan. merchai.t 2 north Eighth

Gill K ichael, widow 5 Raubtead's court

Gill Samuel, carter Oak below the hay-scales (N L)

Gill Thomas, cabinetmaker 17 Passyunk road

Gill Thomas, cabinetmaker 7 Cypi'ess alley

Gillam Jeremiah, shallopman Oak-ab. hay-scales (N L")

Gillam Saml. corder Oakab. hay-&Gales wharf N L

Gillaspey George, m, d. Chesnutn» Sch. Seventh

Giliaspey Hannah, storekeeper 44 S. Second

Gilles Robt. weaver Lombard west Sch. Eighth

Gillespie Andrew, gardener corner 13th and Pine

Gillespie D. lotteiy and exchange office 11 south 3d

GIR whitely's annual

Gillespie Joseph, grocer High west of Schuylkill 4th

Gillespie Samuel, merchant 27 north Water

Gillet Anthony, painter &c. 51 New

Gilliard Miss E. milliner 79 Race

Gillies John, 63 north l Iwrd

Gillit Elizabeth, widow 115 Swanson

Gillit Wm. shipwright Prime ab. Second

Gilliams Lewis, 35 Arch

Gilliams Jacob, dentist 35 Arch

Gilliard George, ladies' shoemaker 39 Plum

GilHard John, ladies' shoemaker 184 south Second

Gilliard & Pidgeon, shoewarehouse 126 High

Gillies A. fruiterer 65 north Second

Giliies Theodore, combmaker59New & 25 north 4th

Gillingham George, labourer 10 Elbow lane

Gillingham James, hatter 175 south Front

Gillingham Joseph, president Mechanics' bank 158 Arch

Gillingham Mahlon, merch. 241 High d h 10 N. 7th

Gillingham & Randolph, merchants 241 High

Gilman &; Ammidon, merchants 215 High

Gilman Amos, grocer and tavern, N. 3d cor. Germ. r.

Gilman Benjamin I. 215 merchant High d h 106 Arch

Gilman Bcnjamjn I. jun. domestic warehouse 215 High

d h 106 Arch Gilman Francis, milliner N W corner Cherry and 4th Gilmer George, boardinghouse 16 Strawberry Gilmer James, watchman Pennsylvania Bank 82 Plum Gilmer widow of James, 110 north Fourth Gilmore Hugh, cordwainer 4 Vernon Gilmore widow of James, 200 Shippen fGilmore Isaac, sawyer Madison court f Gilmore Jacob, fruiterer 123 south Sixth Gilpin & Carpenter, grocers 295 Market street Gilpin Dynes, back 47 G askill

Gilpin Joshua & Thomas, merchants 149 south Front Gilpin Joshua, merchant 45 S. Eighth Gilpin Thomas, merchant 14 Dock Gilson David, 4 Pennsylvania avenue Gilthy Wm. carter 3 Ball alley Ginder Wm. mariner 220 north Fifth |Ginn Littleton, labourer 36 Blat^kberry alley Ginnings J. C. potter Frankford r. near Point road

[see Jennings Ginther Charlotte, widow mead garden Arch ab 11th Ginther David, victualler 94 Popl. 1. 31 High st. market Ginther Frances, widow victualler 42 Budd Ginther George, victualler 459 N. 2d— stall N L market fGirard Mary, madam 9 Norris alley Girard Stephen, merchant 21 and 23 N. Water bank-

inghouse Third opposite Dock Girdon David, tanner Pitt below Beaver Girdon James, sea captain 41 Key's ay. \jsee Gordon Girling William 73 Pine street


Girvan James, merchant 62 High

Girvan James, tailor 2 south Seventh [see Garvin

Girvan John, currier 64 Billings' court

Girvan Wm. labourer Lombard west of Sch. 8th

Givan Patrick, labourer High west of Perm, bridge

Givan Robert, mariner High west of Perm, bridge

Givin Samuel, tavernkeeper N W cor. Race and Sch.

Eighth Githens Sarah, widow 250 south 4th Githins Charles, cooper M'Cullough's court Githins Isaac, farmer Kaighnton N J Githins Samuel, carter 144 north Front Glacking Daniel, hatter back 204 north Second Glading James guager 31 Penn Glading John, oak cooper 13 Penn, and 28 SwansoB Glading Josefjh, nailer 197 St. John and 93 Coates Gladney David, labourer S3 Penn Glasgow H-ester, widow weaver 524 north Front Glasgow James, plasterer Pine above Tenth Glass John, teacher 27 Chester Glass Samuel, 94 Spruce Glass Samuel, carpenter Tenth below Pine Glassmire George, cordwaiuer and bleeder. Ridge r,

above Francis Glazier Elizabeth, widow tailoress Hause's court Glazier David, nailer 191 St. John Glazier Jacob, labourer. Germantown road near 4th Glazier John A. teacher Hause's ct. d h 96 north 5th Glause Abraham, hatter Hazel alley near Perry Glause Harriott, 448 north Third Glause Samuel, carpenter 10th below Pine Gleason Jonas & Simon, hardware manuf. High west of

Sch. Sixth fGleaves George, labourer cor Shippen and Shippen's 1, Glenn Daniel, caulker Beach below Warren Glenn Douglass shipwright Shakamaxon n. Prince Glenn Elizabeth, widow Shakamaxon near Prince Glenn Hamilton L. printer 24 Strawberry Glenn Hannah, widow Marble near Tenth Glenn John, boatbuilder near the glasshouse (K) Glenn John, grocer 4 north Tenth Glenn John, wharf builder Beach near the high bridgt Glenn Mrs. boardinghouse 322 High Glenn Robert, shipwright near the glasshouse (K) Glenn William, steel furnace at the glasshouse (K) Glenn Wni. cordwainer Water near Callowhill Glentworth George, druggist, N E corner Chester and

Race— d h 281 Race Glentworth James, surveyor of the port 140 S Second Glentworth James, jun. deputy surveyor of the port 14©

south Eleventh Glentworth Plunket F. m. d. Trenton (N J) Gloringer 6c Hippel, shopkeepers 192 north Third

GOO whitely's annual

fGloss Wm labourer Read's alley fCiloucester Rev. John, 268 south Seventh cor Bedford Gl *'er Andrew, milkman cor. Pine and Tenth G^'ildard George, gentlemm 12 Noble Gr. Idard John, mercht. 61 S. Front— d h 417 High Godfrey Andrew, victualler Juniper ab. Cherry- Godfrey Ctiarles, ropemi^ker Carpenter above 5th (S) Godon V. storekeeper 32 south 4th Godshall Ann, widow teacher back 37 Beck's alley Godshall John, cordwainer& collector of taxes 376'N 3d Godshall Wm. ropemaker Passyunk road below Chris- tian Isee Gatchell Godshaw Paul, carter Moyamensing road Gostz Frederick A professor of music back 278 High Gcetz Fred. jun. smith cor. Sassafras and Mulberry ay. Goetze M. G. storekeeper 30 north Sixth Goft' Elizabeth, nurse Prime below Moyamensing read Goff Hen rv, carter Moyamensing below Wharton Goldaker Matthias, oysterman Pme alley tGclden Amos, waiter Middle alley fGoklcn Isaac, labourer 161 south Sixth Golden Hannah, widow tailoress 2d ab. Germantown r. Golder John, attorney at law 350 south Front . Goldey Henry, cordwainer 164 Lombard [see Gouldy tGolding Eli, labourer 3 Hurst street Goldy John, cordwainer back 310 Race Goldsmith Charles, carter Swanson above Almond Goldsmith George, planemaker Laurel n. 2d (N L) Goldsmith Jeremiah, corder Oak (N L) ab. Hayscales Goldsmith Levi M. 422 north Second Goldsmith Thomas, planemaker 383 .north 2d, corner

Green d h 236 north Front Goldson Mary, widow back 57 Budd Goldtrip Wm. carpenter 12 Knight's court Gomez, Michael, mariner back 41 Beck's ay. Gomminger Agnes, glovemaker 83 Callowhill Gomminger Joseph, drayman 2 Baker's court iGonge Aaron, labourer Meredith's court jGongc Enos, labourer Apple near George (N L) Good George, biscuitbaker Hause's court Good Else, boardinghouse 7 Hartung's alley Good Joseph, 439 north Front Goodcn Jonathan, carpenter Camden N J Goodfellow Elizabet. widow of Wm. pastrycook 64 Dock Goodfellow James, nailer Wiley's court Goodger John, sugarboiler James below Ridge road Goodhart John, hatter 126 north 4th Goodin John, tavernkeeper 8 South alley Goodin James, grocer corner Ninth and Filbert Goodman Charles, engraver 87 Callowhill Goodman George, printer 24 Cherry d h 12 Kunckle Goodman Geoi-ge F. clerk 87 Callowhill


Goodman John, justice of the peace and notary public

87 Callowhill Goodman rev. John R. (Union Seminary) Germantown Goodman Mary, vvi^ow of bamuel, (cures the bites of

madanim lis) 12 Kunckle Goodman Thomas F. letter-carrier 134 Locust fGc-oduess Manuel, waiter Rose ay. (N L) Goodrich VVm. hatter 187 Arch Goods George, biscuitbuker 124 north Front Goodwin Ada^n, clothes denier cellar Sixth between

High and Chesnut d h 13 Sugar ay. Goodwin Catharine, widow tailoress Merriott*s 1. ab 5th Goodwin Courted, attorney at law 28 north 5th Goodwin Edward, ropemaker &c. S W corner Oak

(N L) and Coates— d h 414 north Front Goodwin George, ropemaker 216 north Sixth Goodwin George, jun. labourer 156 Coates Goodwin John D. & Edward, ropemakei-s S W cor. Oak

and Coates (N L) Goodwin John D. auctioneer and commission store 276

north Second Goodwin J. grocery and tavern Oak near hay scales whf Goodwin John, ropemaker shipchandler and agent for

N. Y. exchange line 71 N Water— d h 171 N. Front Goodwin Jonathan, tailor 53 north Sixth Goodwin Samuel, watchmaker 33 Penn Goodwin Thomas, broker inquire 12 Carter's ay. Goodwin Thomas F. letter-carrier 166 south Tenth Gordon David, carpenter 124 Plum Gordon David F. attorney at law 210 Spruce Gordon Elisha, inquire 210 Spruce Gordon Henry, grocer 165 Shippen \_see Girdon

Gordon M. L apothecary 66 north Second tGordon Nancy, widow Crab near Plum street Gordon Peter, caulker Nieman*s alley Gordon Robert, inquire 210 Spruce Gordon Rosanna, Mark's lane tGordon Robert C fruiterer &c. 60 Walnut jGordon Samuel, labourer 6 Budd's court Gordon Thomas F. attorney at law and clerk of the Or- phan's court office 12 Statehouse d h 32 Callowhill Gordon, widow of Robert, cor. High andSch. 7th fGordon William, oysterman Cedar above Twelfth Gordus George, labourer back 291 Vine Gorgas Cieorge, lumber merchant 282 N. Second—yard

south Water below Pool's bridge Gorgas Joseph, lumber merchant 185 Callowhill Gorgas Joseph C. lumber merchant 282 N Second Gorgas Peter K. merchant 185 Callowhill Gorgas, Son & Keyser, lumber merchants 9th bel. Vine Gorge William, woollen and cotton manufacturer 25S

south Third comer Shippen Gorges William, hairdresser 8c bleeder 257 Race


Goring Catharine, widow 296 south 4th Goiing Joseph, mariner Old S Front bel. Ropcwalk Gorman Catharine, widow back. 12 Paschall's alley Gorman David, whitesmith Sixth near Ger. road Gorman James, innkeeper 29 ^outh Water Gorman Patrick, saddier 26 Gaskill street Gorman Thomas, tavern & siabiekeeper 150 Race G-rman widow of E, tavernketper 128 north Water Goshong Louis, turner 4th near Carpenter street (S) Gosii»an John, victualler 24 old shambles, d h Law- rence above Wood Gosner Christopher, rcpemaker Greenwich street Gosner Joseph, potter 205 Coates Goss Ciiaries, Tiuriner Si. John near George Gosher Jac('b, hsherman Queen near Wood Gosscr Joan, c.rpenter Beach near Bishop Gi-aS r widow of P;iihp, Queen near Bishop Gossline wjdow of Nathaniel, 272 St. John fGott Chriilan, mariner Beac'i near the market Gouge John, druggist &c. 300 iiace Gouge Rebecca, boardiughi^use 253 High Gouge \\ iiham M- apothecar> -41 Arch Goughshe J».seph, victualler 122 Browne Gouir^ij Michael, jeweller 136 Cedar Goulcher Em.tnuel, gunsmith iJth near Green Gould James, weikligger CallowhiU above G irden Gould Samuel, mariner Emlen's court (N L) Gould Sarah, waow teaciier 43 Duke Gould Walter, cnairmaker 3 Clever alley Gouidbourn Jo-^eph, tailor 8 Myers' court GouldiDg Ann H. widow 276 s«>uth4th fGouldin^ James, labourer Miles' court near Rose fGo'jlding Sarah, widow Shippcn above Seventh Gouidy Caspar, labourer corner Locust and Juniper Gouldy David, brickmaker Sch. 3d bel. Pine \_si^e Goldey. Gouidy Khz. washerwoman cor. Locust and Juniper Gouldv Henry, brickmaker Sch. Third below Pine Gouidy John, shoemaker Smith's alley W. Sch. 8th Goulker Henry, segarmaker Rose alley above Coate? Gourley Hugh, 28 Union

tGoutier John, painter and glazier 120 Lombard jGovens Adam, labourer 95 Paf^syunk road Govett Charles, accountant 51 Filbert Govett EUen, widow 27 Filbert Govett William J. carpenter Cedar above Ninth Govett Robert, accountant 51 Filbert Govett Sarah, widf.w 51 Filbert Govett Wilham G. accountant 51 Filbert Govett William, carpenter Cedar below Tenth Gowen E-dward, grocer S W comer Front and Vint Gowen James, merchant 95 north Water Gowing Mary, widow of capt. John, 111 Lombard Gowl James,' stonemason back 282 Arch Goyt Christian^ labourer Beach below Shakamaxop


Graee Christiana, Charles' street [see Grice

Grace Jane, widow 35 Powell

Grace John VV. shoemaker 427 north Third

Grace John,brickmaker Charles below James

Grady John, carter North street

Grad'v John, cooper 199 St. John street

Gru ff 8c Homiller, grocers 289 north Third

Grnff Arthur, carter 147 Cedar

Graff Baitus, baker Poplar lane near Second

Grriff Balthazer, baker 6 Cherry

Graff Charles, merchant S E corner Mulberry and 6th

Graff Fred, manager of the waterworks 22 N Sixth

Graff George, cooper Germ, road above Laurel

Graff Henry, balance weigher 1 Spruce street wharf—

d h 29 north Sixth Graff Henry, bricklayer back 469 north Third Graff Jacob, grocer, N W corner Twelfth & Chesnut Graff J &: B. bakers 6 Cherry Graff John, gentleman 303 Arch Graff Joseph, victualler 41 old shambles Graff Joseph, victualler 31 Third street market Gruff Rebecca, widow layer out of the dead 46 Penn GraffWilliam, tailor 178 north Water Graham Abigail, widow of John, 69 south Eleventh Graham Ann, teacher back 124 C itharine Graham Charles, drayman 229 Shippen Graham James, gentleman 4 north Eleventh Graham James, founder Vine ne ir Thirteenth Graham James, weaver Thirteenth above Cedar Graham John K. grocer and agent for inland transpoiv

tation 308 High Graham John, importer of British drygoods 4 N Third Graham John, tailor Passyunk near 8th Graham John, chair and sofamaker 28 Bank d h 12

Goforth alley fGraham John, carter James below Ric^.ge road Graham Mary, widow Fedcr?! .J)ove Sf -^nl Graham P. &Co. merchts. 55 - Front— d b 291 Chesnut Graham Samuel, weaver Pitt belovv Germ, r; ad Graham Sarah C. widow of Robert M. 271 S Second Graham Peter 8c Co. merchants 59 south Front— d h

291 Chesnut Graham Thomas, grocer 289 High Graham VVm. grocer S E cor. Cedaf and 5th street Granfibo widow of Christian, merchant 80 Vine Grandom John, gentleman (in his 90Lh year) cor. San-

som and Seventh Grandom John jun, gentleman cornet 7th & Sansom Grandsby George, sea Captain 259 south 5th Granger Juliana, wido'v Vine near Sch. Second tGrant Abrahan\, carter Christian below 5th jGrant Ann, 28 Elizabeth street Grant Eleanor, widow 115 Christian


GRA whitely's annual

tOrant Francis, coachman 68 Small

Grant George, late tavernkeeper 498 north Second

Grant Hannah, widow Juliana

Grant Joseph P. merch 43 N Water d h 98 south 3d

fGraut Joseph, labourer back 75 George (S)

Grant Mary, widow nurse 294 south Front

Grant Robert, bottler 48 Lombard

Grant Samuel, merchant 43 no!th Water d h N E

corner High and Eleventh Grant William, blockmaker 62 Christian Grants & Stone, merch ts. 43 N Water and Perot's whf. Granville Ann, widow llZSwitnson Grasson Wm. starchraaker St. Mai7*s Gratz Benjamin, attorney at law 219 Chesnut Gratz Hyraan, mercht. 2 S Seventh d h 219 Chesnut Gratz Jacob, merchant 219 Chesnut Gratz Joseph, merchant 219 Chesnut Gratz Simon 8c Brother, m.erchants 2 south Seventh Grauel John, baker 334 north Second Gravel George, carpenter 11 Sassafras alley Gravel Henry, carpenter 220 Vine Gravel! James, copperplate printer 126 south Sixth Graville Margaret, widow Germantown road ab. Pitt Gravelle Lsa. M jeweller, &c. 117 Chesnut Gravelle Rene' L. military and jewellery store 19 N 3^

and 117 Chesnut Gravenstine Elizabeth, fruiterer 131 Race Gravenstine George, stablekeeper 202 Race & 96 N 6th Gravenstien Jacob, drayman 143 Coates Graves Bartliolomew, Spring Garden tavern and cattle

market, 6th below Button wood

[see Groves ^ Grcevca Graves Bazel, tallowchandler 16 Spruce Graves James, carter 115 Christian Grave:s William, innkeeper 40 Browne Gray Augustus, carver and gilder 22 Cherry Gray Caleb, drygoods store 10 north Second Gray Edward, mate 102 Swanson Gray Gawn, mariner 406 north Third Gray George, tyler, Thirteenth below Chesnfit Gray Hugh, dravman 15 Poplar lane fGray Jabez, shoeblack Juniper alley Gray James, teacher 355 north Third fGray James, cordwainer 148 south 8th Gray Jane, widow, back 389 Race fGray Javis, bootcleaner Juniper alley Gray John, labourer back 71 Christian street Gray John, waiter Atkinson's court Gray John, carter Second above Laurel street Grav John, carter Vine below Eleventh Gra'y Joseph, Juniper below Chesnut Gray J. china merchant 304 High— d h 2 south TcdId


Gray Patrick, tinplatew«rker cor. Decatur and High—

d h 4 College avenue fGray Peter, woodsawyer Smith's court Gray Richard, sea captain 26 Union Gray Robert, dravman Poplar lane below Budd Gray Robert E. brewer 24 and d h 22 south Sixth Gray Robert E. & Co. brewers 24 south Sixth Gray Samuel N. brewer 24 south Sixth Gray Thomas, carter Vine below Eleventh Gray Thomas, boot and shoe manufactory 75 north 3d Gray Thomas, labourer Perry below Pine Gray William, dealer Second near Germantown road Gray William, hatter Button wood above Charles Gray William, shoemaker 8 Pratt's court Gray WiUiam, hatter James* alley Gray William, carter Vine near Schuylkill 8th

Gray , waterman Shakamaxon (K)

Grear Jacob, victualler Button wood above 8th

Grear Jacob, victualler corner Garden and Buttonwoed

Grear )ohn, vie. Mulberry alley stall 66 New Market

Grear Nicholas, victualler 234 north 8th [^see Greer

Grear Mary, of William, North alley

Greble James, bricklayer 568 south Front

Greble Rebecca, widow of George, Cherry above 11th

Greble William H. carpenter Cherry above Juniper

"Green Alexander, waterman 112 Swanson

Green Alexander, accountant 376 south Front

tGreen Amelia, whitewasher 160 Cherry alley

Green Asa, blacksmith Queen near Crown

tGreen Benjamin, porter Malt alley

Green Branch, stoneware factory N Second above Ger

road d h 536 north Second fGreen Caleb, porter Burd's court Green Charles, metallogist 139 south Ninth Green Charles, tailor Laurel near Second (N L) •fGreen Charles, waiter Sch. Seventh below Race Green Daniel, weaver back 31 Mary street (S) Green Edward, labourer Arch west of Sch. Second Green Eleanor, widow, storekeeper 134 south 4th Green Elizabeth, grocer Rose street Green Elizabeth, innkeeper 252 north Front Green Elizabeth, nurse 196 north 5th Green Elizabeth, widow Cherry below Schuylkill 8tti Green Esther, widow 22 Small street Green Francis, cabinetmaker 26 Barron street fGreen Francis, hatter Malt alley Green George, inn and ferrykeeper 45 north Water fGreen Henry, waiter Quince above Spruce Green Henry, labourer Church street (back) Green Hetty, widow 5 Small street Green Hamphry, 11 Laetitia court Green Isaac, carpenter 3 Little Dock Green Jacob, millwright 191 north 8th above Viae

GRE whitely's annual

Green Jacob, cordwainer 11 Summer's coufI "j-Green James, newscarrier 213 Shippen f rireen James, sawyer 5 Madison court Green Job, chairmaker Drinker's alley Green John, S W comer Eiglith and Vine Green John, brassfounder 104 Poplar lane near Second Green John, sailmaker 3 Federal street Green John, packer U. S arsenal Gray's terry road Green John, bootmaker 73 north Tiiird Green John, sea captain China above Front Green John, machinemaker St. John below George Green John shallopman 123 Swanson Green John, carpenter China above Sixth fGreen John, labourer 45 Small Green Joseph, plasterer Kunckel near Tammany fGreen Joseph, labourer.45 Small Green rev. Lemuel, 202 north Third fGreen Lemuel, labourer Swedes' alley Green Lydia, widow boardinghouse 31 Chesnut Green Lvdia, Miss washerwoman N. 3d above Otter Green Margaret, washerwoman 4 Hoffman's alley Green Mary, widow Arch near Schuylkill Green Mrs. nurse inquire 78 Chesnut Green Patrick, painter, Sec. 46 south 5th Green Richard, storekeeper 81 north Second fGreen Richard, labourer 210 Cherry fGreen Robe it, coachman 167 south Sixth Green Samuel R. boxmaker 133 Vine Green Stephen, fisherm.an 135 Green fGreen Stephen, woodsawyer Malt alley fGreen Tamar, widow back 228 Lombard Green Thomas, carpenter 110 Lombard Green William, printer back 308 south Front fGreen W^illiam, labourer Dean's alley fGreenage John, labourer back 11 Hurst's court Greenham James, grocer Upper terry road Greenleaf James, gentleman 158 W^alnut Greenman Josiah, baker 2d near Gaorge (N L) Greer Andrew, smith 14 Starr alley and 119 N. Tenth fGrrer Dover, labourer Cherry above Eleventh Gi et-r Jacob, vict. stall 74 New market— d h Button- wood lane opposite Garden [see Grear Greer Jacob, cordwainer 20 Starr alley Greer Jonn, jr. vict. Eighth above Buttonwood Greev Mary, Mr.-^. 24 North alley Greer Nicholas, vict.— d h cor. Eighth andCallowhiil Greer Sarah, widow 18 Juniper lane Greeves Mary, widov/ 5 north Ninth Gr'gtr F''zabeth- widow 130 Swanson Grek'f Mirv, boardinghouse 23 Franklin ct. [see Griggs Greeg Richurd, labourer Wasaington below Vme GreJ^orv A. L. M d. 288 norih Second Gn gory Casper, manner SCallowhill Gregory Cornelius, waterman 246 Swanson


Gregory Djtvid, paperhanger Frankf. r. above Queen Gregory John, cabinetmaker 156 S. 2(1 d h 56 Spruce Gregorv William, huckster Camden, (N J) Greiner John, tailor back 204 south 4tli Griener John, domestic warehouse 260 High d h 182

Race Grelaud Madame, female seminary 89 south Third Grelaud Titon, auctioneer 51 N Front d h 96 Race Gresham Geo. collector & haircurler Lombard bcl. 13th Grible James, bricklayer 41 north Second Grible William, bricklayer 235 south Fifth Grice M. boardinghouse 446 south Fiont

[see Gross c^ Guus 55* Grace Grice Samuel, shipbuilder Penn (K) near Maiden Grier John, vict. north Eighth above Button wood Grieves John, sea captain 334 south Front Grieves Thomas F. accountant 4r8 north Third Griffee John, grocer 183 north Second fGriffin Aaron, carter O. York road above Poplar lane Griffin Denn^an, painter and glazier back 397 south 2d Griffin Michael, boardinghouse 85 south Water Griffin Sarah, widow 27 Elfreth's alley Griffin rev. Thomas, 38 St. Tammany corner Third Griffin Thomas, minter Courtney's court Griffin William, stevedore Huddell's court Griffin William, mariner 7 Chancery lane Griffith Benjamin, blacksmith Church street Griffith Cadr. boardinghouse 125 south Eleventh Griffith Catharine, widow storekeeper 181 north Third Griffith Eleanor, widow 348 High Griffith Elizabeth, layer out of the dead 13th bel.Rape Griffith Elizabeth, tailoress 63 Green Griffith George, mariner back 62 Catharine Griffith Is. wood wharf Oak bel. Coates, d h 24 Kunckel Griffith John, blacksmith Rose below Browne Griffiths John R. slater. Sixth 1st house above Vine Griffith Joseph, carpenter 13th below Race Griffith Joseph, shipjoiner 378 south Front Griffith Judith, widow, tailoress Broad below George Griffith Mathew, cordwainer 34 north Fourth Griffith Mary, widow 85 Walnut between 7th and 8th Griffith Mary, widow 134 St. John Griffith Robert E. merchant 9 Dock d h 106 8th Griffith Robert, milkman Spruce W. Sch. Second Griffith Robert, stonecutter Juniper near Arch Griffith Russell, shoemaker 72 Coates Griffith Sarah, widow back 51 Budd Griffiths Elijah, m. d. 37 north 5th Griffiths James, 22 Hartung*s alley Griffitts Samuel P. m. j>. 62 south Front Griffitts Sarah, widow 174 south 5th Griffitts Wm. F. mercht. 256 High— d h 62 S, Front Griggs Ann, tailoress 28 Mary street


GRO whitely's annual

Grigg Jacob, rev. teacher Washington academy 6 Old

York r. <i h 296 north Third corner Tammany Griggs A;^thoiiy, p- inter (Whitehall) Ridge road above

Button wood d li Torr's court Gn^gs & Co. printers (Whitehall) Ridge road above

Biittonwood [see Gregg

tGi'igiT > Cat(;, mariner St. Mary street fGii^gs John, labonier Harper's alley (P T) Griggs Joseph, (WhitcluUl) Rirjge r. ab. Buttonwood Grigler Cornelius, mariner back 353 south Front CTii^'sby Solomon, labourer Church street Grim Elizabeih, milkwoman 466 north Third Grins Hmnah, widow back 19 north Fifth Grim Hetiry, dry goods store 148 north 4th * Griin Peter, brickmaker, yard Germ r.— d h 480 N 3d Grimes George, cordwainer back 230 south Third Gri-Ties Jimes, engineer Sheaff' s alley Gnmes James, drayman corner Sixth and Shippen Grimes Noble, weaver Thirteenth near Cedar Grimshaw Mrs. seminary 79 south Sixth Grimshaw WilHp.m, rigger 43 Meade alley Grimslmr William, rigger, loft South street wharf north

bide d h S E corner Third and German Griner Joseph, co?xhpainter 180 Locust above Eleventh

d h '16 Acorn alley [see Greiner

Grinnell Wm. attorney at law 128 Walnut above 5th Grinnell W. planemaker S W corner 10th and Cherry Griscom Rachel, upholsteress 52 Race Griscom Samuel, bricklayer Vine above Tenth Griscom Samuel, bricklayer Callowhill above Eleventh Griskey Lewis, gunsmith Beach near High bridge Grisky Cornelius, labourer Crown near Franktord r. Grissom Daniel, caulker Cherry near Prince Grissom widow of Caspar, Vienna corner Duke Griswell Gilbert, cabinetmaker 2d above Germ, road Grives Diderich, chemist 180 Coates Grobon & Tissot, oyster cellar under 218 High Groff Jacob, \ ict. Old York road above Tammany Grog Bartholomew, carter corner Coates and Seventh Groff Joseph, victualler 225 N. Eighth [*ee Graf

Grof^' Joseph, victualler Lawrence above Wood Grogan Margaret, widow corner Rose and Coates Groome Rachel, widow, John corner Callowhill Grose Henry, cordwainer 20 Budd Grose Michael, carpenter 98 Budd Grosner Joseph, earthenware manuf. Maria bel.O.Y.r. Gross Ann D. widow of Jacob, Quince below W^alnut Gross Gottleib, hog victualler cor. Charles and Pleasant Gross (ieorge, farmer Passyunk below Prime Gross Hem'y, farmer 16 Starr alley Gross Jacob, shoemaker 144 south 12th below Walnut Grosii John, accountant back 39 Newmarket Gross John, shoemaker Cherry W. Sch. Eighth


|Gross Thomas, jun. undertaker and cabinetmaker 136

Lombard Grotjan Peter A. editor of the Philadelphia Prices Cur- rent and Weekly Public Sale Report 151 south 3d Grotjan & Blatchford, editors of the Philadelphia Letter

Sheet Prices Current 151 south Third Grouchy {Marshal) Emanuel, 244 Lombard Grouel George, labourer Third near George (N L) Grout Jonathan, inventor of universal grammar, 1 Car- penter's court, inquire of R. Desilver Grover Christopher, shipmaster 20 L^nion alley Grover George spoonmaker 37 Beck's alley Grover John, sea captain 281 south Front Grover John D. boatbuilder Church street Grover Thomas D. wharf builder 33 Christian Groves Anthony, mercht. 3 N. Front dh 16 north 7th Groves Christiana, widow of Robert, Red's court back

198 Cedar Groves Daniel, bricklayer 169 Vine Groves E. widow of Christopher 119 north 5th

[see Graves Iff Greeves fGroves Samuel, labourer cor. Eleventh and Filbert Groves William, bricklayer 132 Callowhill Grow Jane, widow Lyttle's court Grubb Christopher, fisherman Wood ab. Queen (K) Grubb Christopher, labourer Wood near Queen Grubb Curtis, 68 north Ninth Grubb Elizabeth, widow 23 Cox's alley Grubb Jacob, mariner Hanover near Prince Grubb John, cedar cooper Tammany below O. Y. road Grugan Charles, plasterer Quince above Spruce Gubert Joseph H. china merchant 264 High Guenat John B. merchant 230 Walnut Guest Anna and Amelia, gentlewomen 240 Filbert above Twelfth [see Gest

Guest Elizabeth and Anna, gentlewomen 330 Arch

above Eleventh Guesnard Theodore, jeweller Davi^n's alley Guiau E. J. merchant S E corner Pine and 5th Guier Adam, grazier near Gray's ferry [see Geyer Guier widow of Andrew 329 Race Guier George, merchant 8 Minor d h 361 Race Guier Mary, widow 6 Little Pine Guier Sarah, widow 6 Little Pine' Guier Wm. & Son, merchants 8 Minor Guier Wm. merchant 8 Minor and 5 north Niith d h

242 Walnut Guirey Samuel, meixhant 23 nortli Front Guigue A. baker 343 south Front Guiilou Victor, dancing master Washington hall— d h

175 south 5th Guin William, tailor 125 S. Water— d h 289 S. Front Guinn Margaret, washerwoman 1 Goforth alley

HAG whitely's anxVual

Guirey Daniel, farmer Passyunk below Federal Gulager Mrs. Mary, gentlewoman 19 Arch Guldy Jacob, labourer Weaver's alley GuUen John, stonecutter 289 Arch dh Schriver's ct. Gumpert Abraham, merchant 31 Callowhill Gumpert Saml: merchant 31 Callowhill store 263 N 2d Gumpert S. & Co. merchants 263 north Second Gundelach C. H. storekeeper 21 Callowhill Gundelach G. innkeeper 20 Bread Gune Jacob, carpenter U.S. arsenal Gray's ferry road Guthrie Ann, widow 4 Fayette Guy Matthew, typefounder Cedar above Tenth Guyant David, shipwright Warren (K) Guyant John, 462 north Third Guyer George, carpenter 260 north Eighth Guyerly Daniel, farmer Passyunk road bel. Federal St. Guyger Casper, tailorBlackhor.se alley Guyger (ieorge, hatter 87 south Fourth Guyger James, tailor 5 Lemon street Guys Edward, deputy keeper of prison 168 south 11th

{see Gets 8 e and Grice Gwin Alexander, tailor 25 Gilles's alley Gwin Andrew, tavernkeeper 26 Pine alley Gwin William, carter 49 Currant alley

HAARS CHRISTIAN, vinegar merch. Race

Haars Jacob, sugar refiner 189 Cherry

Haas Adam, carpenter 315 south Third

Haas Charles, painter, &c. 124 Coates

Haas Fred, carpenter N W cor. Callowhill and Eighth

Haas Frederick, shoemaker 110 Green

Haas Frederick, stockingweaver 361 north Third

Haas Hannah, widow 391 north Third

Haas John, cooper 391 north Third {^see Hause

Haas Samuel, carpenter cor. Poplar lane and Sixth

Habbeck Henry, cordwainer 378 south Third

Habermehl Henry, saddler 4 Stamper's alley

Hacker George, baker 106 Budd

Hacker John, labourer (Vineyard) Ridge road

Hackett Hannah, widow 264 south Fourth

fHarkett Joseph, sawyer 25 Mary's alley

tHackney Ezekiel, oysterman P.elief alley ab. Front

Hackney Joseph, boardinghouse 68 Vine

Hackney Rachel, widow 8 Springett alley

i Haddocks Seymour, shipwright 138 Crab [affline Sarah, widow 133 north Sixth Hag;; Godfrey, gentleman (Gothic mansion) Chesnut

above Twelfth Hag: 1 Catharine, hardware dealer 59 Coates Hagar Christian, cordwainer 21 Sassafras alley Hagar Daniel, grocer and tavern 359 north Front


H^ger John, shoemaker 22 Vernon street

iH.igermin John, waiier 36 Bard's court

tHagerman Sarah widow 25 Mary's alley

Hagertv Deborah, widow Norman alley

Hagerty tienry, milkman Poplar lane n. Ridge road

Hagert'y Thomas, labourer St. Mary's

Haghey Ann, widow Hazel alley

Haghery Hugh, smith Smith's court n. Schuylkill 8th

Hagms Auvlrcw, painter back 325 Spruce

Hagiier P, chocolate manufactory 112 Race and at the

Falls of Schuylkill Hdgner Wilham cordwainer Cherry below West (K) Hngner William V. carpenter 18 Garden H igstoz Jacob, sugarboiU-r 25 Church alley H igue Andrew, milkman Hanover near Prince Hhgue William milkma.i, Hanover near Prince Habn Ann, widow Garden street

Hahn John W, innkeeper Germantown road ab. Ottei Hahn John, packer, John above Callowhill H-hn Peter, merchant 101 N. Front— d h 222 Arch Haig Henry, shipwright Hanover above Queen Haig Thomas, poiter north 4th above Poplar d h Pop- lar lane near Second Haigh Elizabeth, Mrs of Charles, Scott's alley Hi ght Charles, pnuter 8 Hinkel's court Hailer Catharine, widow, bleeder and cupper 62 N.6th Hailer Freaerick, ladies shoemaker 40 north Sixth Hail Joseph, carter Arch west of Schuylkill Third

isee Hale and Hey I Haillv Elizabeth, widow 87 north Ninth Huly Philip, stonecutter Shippen above Seventh Hanie Jacob blacksmith cor. Sixth and Coates Hains George, tobacconist 64 norcti Third Hams John, victualler south Fcurth near Merriott's

lane— stall 15 New Market Haines J. Morrow, lastmaker 13 Dock street Hains Ptiilip, blacksmith back 210i Arch Hains Saml. survevcr nnd city regulator 317 Mulberry Haines C. W. teacher Point-no-point He irtes Catharine, widow Wood above Prince Hiines Daniel, gravedigger Cherry abo^x Duke Haines Ephraim, lumber merchant, &c. 307 and d h 174 north Front \_s: e Haynes and Hcins

Haines Hannaii widow 18 Watson's alley Haines Henry, cordwainer 240 Lombard street Haines John chinapacker John above Callowhill Haiiies John grocer Second near Germantown road Haines John, gardener Ch.crrv corner Duke Haines John, shipwright Crown below Prince (K) Haine-s John, victualler Fourth below Merriott's laue Haines Joseph, grocer 505 north Seco.^.d Haines Joseph, drayman James ojjposice Rugan Haines Joseph, waggoncover maker 120 Filbert

HAL whitely's annual

Haines Joseph, carpenter Callowhill above Tenth

Haines Joseph, carpenter Alder alley

Haines Josiah, boatbuilder 231 Swanson

Haines N & Charles tanners and storekeepers, Coo- per's ferry (N J)

Haines Peter, carpenter Cherry near Duke

Haines Reube.i, gentleman 300 Chesnut

tHaines Thomas carter 13th above Cedar

Halbach A. merchant 19 Dock— d h 119 south Fifth

tHalbert Joseph doctor 23 Small street

Hale Margery widow boardinghouse SW comer of Race and Seventh

Hale Matthias, gunsmith Juniper above Race

Hale Thomas blacksmith Second near Pegg's street

Hale Thomas, broker 83 and d h 284 Chesnut

Hale Thomas 291 north Second— d h 27 Newmarket

Haley Elizabeth, nurse 85 north Ninth

Haley John, shopkeeper 318 south Sixth

Haley Owen, farmer back 125 Plum

Halford Henry, victualler corner Cedar and Sixth

Halfpenny Robert painter &c. 168 north Eighth

Hall Abraham, back 75 Christian

Hall Alexander, grocer S W conitr Cedar and Peun

HhU and Atkinson, printers 53 High

fHall A. labourer Bonsall

fHall CsEsar, porter 235 Catharine

Hall Catharine, widow Prince near Hanover

Hall David, printer 53 High [««? Hilly Hail and Hey I

Hall Elizabeth, widow 79 south Eleventh

Hall Elizabeth, widow 86 Browne

Hall Elizabeth, widow 14 Fayette street

Hall Elizabeth, widow ot Benjamin matron of the Or- phan's Asylum, corner 6f Cherry and Sch. Fifth

Hall Elizabeth, Mrs. 13th near Cedar

Hall H'irrison, bookseller and publisher of the Port Fo- lio 209 Chesnut d h Eleventh above Market

Hall Harriet B. mantuamaker 126 Cherry

Hall Henry, labourer Ann west of 12th

Hall Isaac, corder Hayscales wharf— d h 318 n. Front

Hall Isaac, shipmaster 35 Almond

tHall Isaiah, hatter Lyndall's court

Hall Jacob, merchant 190 High

Hall James, hayscales keeper cor. Buttonwood 8c 8th

Hall James, hardware store 5 N 2d— d h 61 north Sixth

tHall James, labourer back 100 north Eleventh

fHall James, labourer Ball alley

Hall James, printer carpenter near Fifth

Hall James, carpenter 126 Pme

Hall John, hatter 66 nortii Front

Hall John, gentleman 5 north Eleventh

Hall John, clock and watchmaker S E corner Second

and Union d h 71 Union Hall John E. attorney at lav/ Eleventh above Market Hall John, weaver G'crmantown road above Second


Hall John, carpenter 118 south Tenth

Hall John, cordwainer York street

Hall Joseph, cottonspjnrier George (N. L.)

tHall Lavinia, widow 71 Pine near Second

Hall Louisa widow George (N L) near Second

Hall Margaret widow back 42 Zane

Hall Mai-garet, 71 High

Hall Miry Mrs. 134 south Eighth

Hall Mary, miUiner 31 north Fourth

Hall Peleg, shipmaster 236 south Front

Hall Robert, waterman M'Culloch's court

Hall Samuel, labourer Vine alley near Thirteenth

Hall Spicer, shoemaker west of the Perm bridge

Hall Thomas, sea captain 3 south Tenth

Hall Tliomas M. m. d comer 6th & Callowhill

Hall Thomas, hay weigher corner Front & Frankford r

Hall widow of Thomas M 42 south Sixth

Hall William, printer Mulberrv court

Hall William blacksmith cor. Oak & Coates (N L)

Hall WiUiam, shallopman, Burd's alley

tHall Wm. coachman Wagne r's alley

tHall Zara, hatter Lyndall's court

Hallman JohnS. oak cooper Phariss's court

Hallman Mnry, tailoress Loxlev's court

Hallowell Chas. T. merchhant 125 High— d h lltk

belcw Arch Hallowell Chalkley, shoestore 97 north Second Hallowell Edward, merchant 169 Callowhill Hallowell Jesse, clerk, 85 Callowhill Hallowell John, counsellor at law, SE cor. Chesnut & 5tfe Hollowell Wm. jun. ironmonger 197N.^3d. [see NolloweU Halstead Sarah, widow of cajitain Isaac 45 Shippen Halverson Hannah, widow 299 south Front Hslzel John, tailor 513 north Third Halzel Mary, widow 419 north Front Ham Huffman carter back 47 Kunckel Hama Godfrey, grocer S. E. corner Green and Third Hambauch Jacob, blacksmith 1 Green's court Hamel Butler, baker 60 Penn

Hamel Christian \-ict. 2 Old Shambles d h Buttonwood Haraer Jacob, tailor 22 Jones's alley Hamer John, teacher Beach near Marlborough Hamill Henry H. tavemkeeper (head quarters of the

Potatoe Club) 13 south Seventh Hamill James, blacksmith Price's court Hamill James, watchman Walnut above Broad Hamill Jolin, cai-penter Vine above Thirteenth Hamill and Pierie, curriers 81 Dock [^see Ha?ns

Hamill Robert, currier 81 Dock Hamill Samuel shoestore, 218 south Third Hamelin Joseph P. one of the editors of the Freeman's

Journal and Mercantile Advertiser, SW cor. Chesnut

and Front— d h 208 south Fourth

HAM whitely's animal

Hann\elton George, dealer 105 Cedar Hamilton Alexander 324 north Second Hamilton Archibald, carter Crown near Queen Hamilton & Desabay, painters &c. 215 south Fifth Hamilton Elizabeth dry goods store 117 north Fifth Hamilton Gavin, tobacconist 122 High Hamilton George, shoemaker 262 Arch Hamilton Hani\ah, boardinghouse 200 Arch Hamilton and Hood, grocers 4 High Hamilton James, gentleman 260 Walnut Hamilton James, sea captain 17 North alley Hamilton James, shallopman 121 Moyamensing road Hamilton John, shipwright 89 Broad Hamilton John, cordwainer 52 Plum Hamilton John hatter 249 north Second & 50 Callowhill Hamilton John, drygoods and hat store 9 north Third Hamilton John grocer 4 High d h 18 Race Hamilton John W. painter, &c. 215 south Fifth Hamilton M argaretta M. drygood*; store 28 south 2d Hamilton Phoebe, widow 38 Strawberry Hamilton Priscilla, widow 6 Chancery lane Hamilton Rachel, Federal above Second Hamilton Rebecca, boardiiighoube 82 ^outh Eighth Hamilton Robert, late waterman back 31 Catharine Hamilton Robert, carter biick 18 Green Hamilton William K. livery' stable Bank d h 99 Arch Hamilton William, cordwainer 96 north Seventh Hamilton William, mariner 25 Little German Hamilton William, cabinetmaker Cedar below Tsv^elfth Hamilton vViUiam, accountant 448 south Front Hamilton William, mariner 4 Eagle court Hamlin Joseph, carter Frankf. road near Shakamaxon Hamlin Thomas, boardinghouse 114 Swanson Hamm Anthony, shipwright Second below Federal Haraman Phihp, sugar refiner Wood below Third Hammar Adam, shoemaker 60 Vine Hammer Lewis, fruiterer 147 north Third Hammit Isaac, shipwright Hanover near Queen Hammit Joseph, blacksmith 9th below l^^-mbard Hammit Mary, widow Shakamaxon near Queen

Hammit innkeeper north Front n. Blackhorse lane

Hanimitt Jane, widow Hanover near Queen

Hammitt Thomas, sea captain back 111 Browne street

Hammon Elijah, cordwainer 354 N. 2d— dh 167 Coates

tHammon Frederick labourer Swedes court

Hampshire John, 129 north Eleventh

Hampton Alexander, carpenter, 407 Mulberry above

Eleventh Hampton Elizabeth, widow teacher 125 New Hampton Jacob, keeper of Arch street ferry and inn Hampton John H. shipmaster 448 south Front Hampton Jonathan, attorney at law 21 S. 7th Hampton Mrs. Mary 146 south Eighth ^see Hamfiton


Hanagan James, cordwainer 2 Baker's court Hance Jeremiah, grocer 90 Budd corner Poplar Hance John, teacher 64 Lombard— d h 273 south Front Hancock Ann, millinery and fancy store 37 north 2d Hancock, Teagle, farmer Jerviss's lane above Front Hancocit W. C. hardware store 88 north Second Hancocks Robert, silkdyer 93 Vine Hand Caleb, sea captain 26 Green Hand E. waterman 29 Beck's alley- Hand Elijah, sea captain 498 south Front Hand Jeremiah, carter 275 north Front Hand John, mariner 58 Vine Hand Ruth, schoolmistress 130 Sassafras HanderhuB Elizabeth, widow Pryor's alley Handley James, importer of hardware, &c. 32 N. Third

d, h. Old York road above Callowhill ■Handy Sarah, widow 21 Hurst ianey Thomas, carter Cedar above Tenth iiangary Gabriel, shipwright Marlborough below Prince ianigan John, carpenter Ann between 12th & 13th ianington John, cordwainer Charlotte below Poplar iank Henry labourer Mulberry alley above Eighth :iank John, jun. combmaker back 120 north Eleventh ianker Catharine, widow north 4th above Browne Hankins Daniel, tailor, Strawberry street Hankinson, widow of Samuel, 157 Coates Hankinson Samuel, bricklayer 157 Coates Hankinson Thomas, bricklayer 51 Budd Hanle John, carter 205 Callowhill Hanlen John, labourer Morgan's court above Vine Hanna Edward, late tavernkeeper 291 South Front Hnnna Edward, hatter Kunckel below Green Hanna John, stevedore 20 Almond street Hanna John, stevedore 28 Vine

H:.unah Preston, gardener Spruce west of Sch. Front Hannahgam Ruth, widow 2 Cherry Hannan John, bricklayer 232 Plum Hannings William., cordwainer Rose alley Hannis Andrew, farmer Passyunk below Buck road Hannold George, tailor 49 Coates alley Hannum Isaac G. printer 110 south Second Hannum Mrs. milliner 110 south SecQiJ^ Hanse Chas. carter Old York road above Poplar laae Hanse Conrad, coachmaker S. W. corner Fourth &

Walnut— d. h. 121 Walnut Hanse Charles, brickmaker Sch. Second near Walnut Hause & Hcirper, coachmakers S. W. cor. Walnut & 4tl} Hanse Jacob brickmake 38 Charlotte tHanse Jacob, labourer 205 Cherry Hause J..mes, mariner Washington above Second Hanse Samuel, bookbindei 170 south Second Hansel! Andrew mariner 67 Queen (S.)


HAR whitely's annual

Hansel! Charles F. combmaker cor. Wood and Eighth Hansen & Iseminger, wheelwrights cor. 6th & Passyunk Hansen Jacob, gravedigger 11 Hinkel's court Hansel! Barbara, shopkeeper 106 nortli Third Hansel! James, clock, &c. maker 3 N. Sixth d. h. 180

Race Hansel! John, wheelwright Queen below Sixth Hansel! Joseph, carver and gilder, 162 Race Hansel! Mary, 162 Sassafras

Hansel! P. H. gilder Old York road below Tammany Hansel! Sarah, widow 49^ north 7tii Hansel! Sarah, widow storekeeper 18 N. 6th Hansel! Thomas, turner 291 Arch d. h. 2 Schriver*sct. Hansel! VViiham, blacksmith back 12 Schriver's court Hansel! WilHam M. drygoods store 16 north Sixth d h

173 south 11th Hansel! William S saddler, &c. 24 High Hansel! Wm. accountant 173 south 11th fHanson Benjamin, shoeblack 2 south Twelfth Hanson John, merchants N. E corner Higli and Water Hanson Lorenzo, mariner 99 St. John Hanson Matthias, tallowchandler 7 Ehzabeth Hanson Matthias, labourer Broad below George Hanson & Roberts, merchants N. E. cor. High & Water Hara John, brushm iker 162 south Third Harbaugh Samuel, tailor Ann W. Sch. Eighth Harberger Henry, dentist 132 S. Eleventh be!. Walnut Harberger Henry, jun. copper and tin ware and wire

fender manuf. 406 High ab. 13th d. h. High near Sch.

Sixtii Harbert Isaac, bricklayer 151 north 9th {see Herbert Harbert John, carter Sell. Eighth below Vine Harbert Zebedee, bottler 133 Green Harbeson Benjamin, agent for the inland transportation

of merchandise 21 Minor— d. h. 74 Wood cor. John Harbeson Hugh, grocer, &tore on the Drawbridge d h

110 Union Harbeson Josepli, inquire 130 south Sixth Harljorn Joseph, jr cooper 6 Vernon Harborn Joseph, sen. mariner 22 Shippen Harden James, clockdia! and japan manuf. 18 Dock Harder & Conninghiim, dr} goods store 78 noi'th Second Harder John G. furrier 78 north Second Hardie David, inspector of customs 22 Oak (S.) Hardin Wm. carpenter Gardner's court Harding Hezekiaii, sea captain 85 Pine Harding Jasper, printer 366 south Second fHardingJohn, mariner Quince below Locust Harding John, oakcooper Rose alley (N. L.) bel. Green Harding Richard, stabitkeeper 102 Sassafras Harding widow of George 366 south Second jHarding William, mariner Second below Christian


Hardunuff George cordwainer 94 Plum Hardway Henry, chandler 488 south Second Hardvvick John, painter & glazier Cypress alley Hardwick Robert, accountant, &c. 20 Raspberry alley fHardy Cieorge, labourer St. John above Poplar Hardy John, baker 146 south Front Hardy Jotin, labourer Sj)afford

Hardy John C. baker 78 Spruce [see Hardie

Hardy Patrick, grocer N. W. corner Fourth and Plum Hare" Chas. W. attorney at law S. W. cor. 10th and

Walnut Hare 8c Masey, merchants S. wharves ab. Drawbridge Hare Robert, professor of chemistry S. E. corner of

Walnut and 10th Haren Mary, widow 9 Cox's alley Harford John, accountant Walnut alley Hargan Carey, bottler 12 Pine Hargeshei;iier John, painter &c. 140 Swanson and 94

Catharine street Hargesheimer Jonathan, vict. stall 77 Newmarket Hargeslieimer S. victualler 1 Church street Hargis Julian, boardinghouse 5 Franklin court Harker Benj. bricklayer 161 north Fourth Harker Joshua G. merchant 27 north 6th Harker Thomas, carter Cooper's court (N. L.") Harkins Catharine, widow Steinmetz court Harkins John, cordwainer 96 Cedar Harkins Mary, widow Poplar lane near St John Harkins Neil, stablekeeper Willing's alley— -d. h. back

88 south Third - ,

Harkins Wm. cordwainer Carpenter (S.) helow Sixth Harkins William, cordwainer 49 Plum Harlan George, carpenter 39 Crown Harlan Henry carpenter 10th above Pine Harlan Joshua, broker 79 Arch Harlan Richard, m. d. 79 Arch Harlan widow of Wdliam, 133 south 10th Harland John, merchanl5,<t40 Mulberry Harland John, jun. merchant 403 Mulberry Harlav Francis, coppersmith 95 south Front d. h. 63

Dock Harley George & F. coppersmiths 95 south Front Harley Geo. coppersmith 95 S. Front-r-d, h, 126 Spruce Harley Rudolph, tanner Maiden 3 doors W. of stone b. tHcir'Tian Ann back 10 Cypress alley Hioman Ehzabeth, boardinghouse 204 Race |Harino.n Ezekiel porter 304 south Seventh fHarman E- oystcrman 304 Baker street H.irman George, plasterer Castle street Human J<tcob, jun. sea captain 117 Lombard Havman JeremiaV), labourer 291 south Fourth tHarman Jeremiarh, labourer back 299 south Third Harman Jesse, carpenter Brusstar's alley (K.) fHarman John S, carter Shippen below Eighth


fHarman Lewis, porter Atkinson's court fHaiTnan Lot, porter in flourstore, 257 Spruce Harman Mary, shopkeeper M. E. cor. New & Fourth Harman Mary, widow washerwoman Wood above 3d Harmar Hannah, gloveress 3 Friends' almshouse Harmar Meezy v/idow corner Queen & Shakamaxon Harmes J. N. merchant 8 Minor d. h, 258 Walnut tHarmon Joseph, oysterman Shippen below 8th Harmstead Laurence, carpenter 26 Elizabeth Harmstead Sarah, storekeeper 56 north Fourth Harmstead Martin, shoemaker 135 north Front S. E.

corner Race Harmstead Wm. carpenter Weaver's ay. {see Hermatadt Harned John, tinplateworker 330 High Harod David, labourer 30 Stamper's alley Harod Jane, widow 22 Cedar street Harp Abraham, cordwainer Castle street Harpel Jno. cordwainer. Wood above Second Harper Alexander, blacksmith Filbert E of 11th, and

12 N.. Tenth. Harper Charles A. 8c Co. merchants S. E. comer Arch

and Second d. h. 21 Mulberry Harper Edward, painter &c. alley near Allen street

Frankford road Harper James, jun. brickmaker 291 Walnut Harper James, brickmaker Barker near Sch. Fourth Harper John P. innkeeper 60 D{;ck Harper John, saddler 146 north Third Harper John, cooper 21 south Water Harper John grocer 205 Cedar Harper Peter, dealer, 475 north Second Harper Samuel, tailor 1 Schriver's court Harper Thomas, brickmaker Chesnut corner Sch. 4th Harper Thomas, agent for inland transportation of mer- chandise, and treasurer and secretary for the Schuyl- kill navip-ation company, 18 Decatur street Harper Walter, coachmaker back 127 Walnut Harphanri Simeon, teacher back 96 Union Harpur Ruth, widow Maiden below Front Harrar George, rulemaker Coates below Sixth Harrar John, carpenter Law's court Harrel] James M. printer back 186 Lombard Harrington Daniel, dentist 235 Arch Harrington William, printer, 62 Chesnut Harris Adam G. coachmaker 14 Currant alley tHanis Alexander, labourer Spafford street Harris Benjamin, brewer Ann W Sch. Eighth fHurris Benj. waiter in store 129 Cedar Harris Charles B. painter Sec, 30 Bank— d. h. 3 Sassafras

alley Harris Charles, drug, glass and colour warehouse, 1?

south Front Harris Charles, paperhanger, 23 Cooirb*8 alley


tHarris Daniel, sawver 196 south Sixth

JHarris Hector, labourer 248 Lombard

Harris James, drayman xVnn West Sch. Eighth

tHarris James, labourer Browne above 4ih

Harris Jane, widow St Mary

Harris Joiin, dealer Garden near Callowhill

Harris John, mariner 7 Meade alley

Harris John, labourer Wharton below Second

Harris John, tailor Wiggins's court

Harris John W, carpenter 205 Race

Harris Joseph, carpenter 170 south Ninth

Harns Mary, Mrs. boardinghouse 35 Chesnut

Harris Michael labourer Old York road near George

fHarris Nathaniel, labourer 28 Budd street

Harris Nicholas, flour andfeedstore 35 Lombard

Harris Richard, tavernkeeper 16 north Third

Harris Robert, mariner Drinker's court

Harris Samuel, coppersmith 1 Poplar alley

Harris Samuel, M. D.Camden (N. J.)

f Harris Sarah, washerwoman Smith's court n. Sch. 8th

THarris Simeon, mariner back 299 south Third

Harris S. B. merchant 199 High— d.h. 98 south Third

Harris Thomas, silverplater Brooke's court

Harris Thomas, m. d. 210 south Third

tHarris Walter, 142 south Eighth

Harris William, collector of taxes 127 south 11th

Harriss Wm. china mercht. 27 north 3d -d. h. Vine ab.

Crown Harriss & Wright, china merchants 27 north Third tHarris WiUiam, porter Pine above Ninth tHarris WiUiam.oysterman 48 Filbert jHarris Wm. porter Fit zv/ ate r abore Sixth fHarris Wm. labourer Bringhurst's court tHarris Wm. mariner back 85 Small Harrison Amelia C. widow teacher Quince ab. Spruce Harrison Charles E. paperhanger 2Littleboy's court Harrison Charles P. engraver and copperplate printer

336 Chesnut above Twelfth Harrison Francis, grocer 453 N. Second cor. Browne Harrison Geo. navy agent 64 Dock d h 156 Chesnut Harrison Henrv, sea captain Beach near Marlborough Harrison Henry, broker SOS. Front d h 218 Chesnut Harrison Henry, stevedore 9 Burd's allev Harrison Israel, bricklaye]' 19 Carter's alley Harrison John, chemist and white lead mauufac. near

first gate Frankford road Harrison John, innkeeper and blacksmith S E corner

Fourth and German Harrison Joseph, ironmoulder Beach street (K.) Harrison Josiah, attorney at law Camden N. J, Harrison Rachel, widow' 2 Chester Harrison Ruth widow of Robert, 118 south Front Harrison Richard, engraver 12 Chester

o 2

HAR whitlly's annual

Harri-on Samuel, cordwainer 267 Coates Harrison Thos. locksrnifa cor. Queen & Third Hirribon Thomas, m d. 2 Chester Harrison Thomas, sea captain 15 Mary (S.) Harrison Wm. shipwright Ferris's court Harrison William, boardinghouse 343 High jHarrison William, hairdresser 15 Bla( kberrv' alley tHarrod Sarah, widow 20 Juniper allev Harrow John, fencemaker Carpenter below ^ixtli Harrow John, junr. carpenter 108 Chr#tian Harry William, laborer back 10 Oak (S.) Hart Abraham L. music store It S. 4th d h 75 N. 4th Hurt Cnarles, groce-r oo7 Callow hill Hart Elizabetli, nurse back 26 Spruce Hctrt Hetty, widow boardinghouse 75 north Fourth . Hart James M. innkeeper 184 north Third Hart James, gentleman 294 north Third Hart James, blacksmith b ;ck 40 Bread Hart John, druggist lo-^er 8 south 2d— d h 195 Arch Hart John, shoemaker 225 Cedar Hart John V. merciiant 175 Cullowhill IHart John, waiter 51 Currant allev Hart Joseph, grazier 186 noith Third Hart Levi, teacher of tiie Greek and Latin languages

144 south Eighth Hart Mar>', widow back 186 Lombard Hart Mary, widow back 536 north Third Hart Mrtry, widow Race above Schuvlkill Eighth Hart Mary, widow Crown near Frankford road Hart Mary, widow of John, 161 south Tenth Hart Mordecai, saddler High west Permanent bridge Hart Nidiolas, cedar cooper 164 south Third Hart Noah, tailor 3 Garrigues court Hart Samuel, pilot Lombard street alley Hart Susannah, widow Quince above Spruce Hart Thomas and W. H. grocers 231 north Third Hart Tiiomas, merchant 198 north Fourth Hart Wm. oakcooper back 83 S. Water d h 4 Penn Hart Wm. silversmith 20 Keys' allev Hart Wm. H. merchant 231 north Tiiird d h 114Arch Hartendorf John, weaver 5^6 noith Third Hartford Sarah, widow M'Cuiloch's court Hartley George, dr)'goods store 24 north Second Hartley Henry, labourer back 29 Prime Hartley John M. gentleman 55 New Harcley Joseph, upholsterer 266 south Second Hartley Mar)', widow Fearri^'s court Hartley Thomas, baker 165 Vine Hartley & Vanhorn, upholsterers 27 scuth Front Hartman Augustus, labomer Otter near Germ, road Hartman Christian, glassblowerGrav's ferry r. n. South Haiiman Elizabeth 17 Appletree all^^y \_8ee Herman Hartman John, hairdresser, bleeder, cupper & leecher,

114 north Sixth


Hartman Joseph, malster 17 Appletree alley

Hartman Philip, 24 Crown

Hartman Sebastian, brickmakerCallowhill near 13th

Hartnett Sarah, widow 366 Cedar

HartranfFt Sophia, widow 73 George (S^

Hartshorne Pattison P. gentleman 122 Mulberry

Hartshorne Joseph, m. d. S E en* Seventh and Spruce

Hartshorn William, back 107 north Fifth

Hartshorn Thomas, coachaiaker 47 Charlotte

Hnrtnock Christian, brickmaker 507 north Third

Hartraft Michael, plasterer Juniper above Arch

Hai trafft George, shoemaker 35 Noble

Harvey David, weaver Queen near Marlborough

Harvey Frederick, whiskey store High near Sch. Third

Harvey Gabriel, tailor 10 Harmony court

Harvey George N. merchant 110 Mulberry

Harvey Hannah, Miss, 10 Norris'b alley

Harvey Isaac, merchant d h 266 Chesnut office back

in George Harvey James, Farmer & Mechanics' inn 2d ab. Mudl. Harvey James, carter 288 south Fhird Harvey Job, labourer Wood near Prince (K.) HaiveV Joseph, tavenikeeper 244 south Third fHarvey Joshua, porter Atkinson's court [see Hervey Harvey Richard, carter Fi*anktord load near Hanover Harve^- Robert, watchman 94Spi'uce Harvey Robert, tailor 200 south Fifth Harvey Samuel &: Sons, hardware merchts. 62 N. Front Harvey Samuel jun. merchant 110 Arch Harvey Samuel D. gentleman Broad below High Hai#ey Thomas, mariner 1 1 Burd's alley Harvey William, constable 70 Shippen Harvey W^iliiam, weaver Marlborough near Queen Harwood Samuel, labourer back 32 Catharine HasbergJohn Frederick, coachman Weaver's alley Haseltme John, merchant 10 South wharves Haskins Ehzabeth widow of Thomas 302 Chesnut

[see Hoskins

Haslam , importer of china &c. 21 Chesnut

Haslett Elizabeth tailoress 17 Wagner's alley Haslett John, tobacconist Crciwford's court Haslett William, merchant SW cor. Front & Walnut Hc.sluck & Mctxfield, hardware store 10 north Third Hassall John, ladies shoemaker 181 nortli Second Hassail Joseph, shoemaker 305 south Second Ha'-sell John, callenderer 9 Crown Hassett Bc.Jamin, shoemaker Beach below Maiden Ha-siiiger Jacob, merchant 6 South alley Sc 207 High Hi'ssinger Jacob & Son, merchants 207 High Hassinger Philip, sugarboiler 53 Coates Hasbinger Jonathan K. merchant 207 High Hastings James, cordwainer back 356 south Second Hai^tuigs Robert, weaver 576 north Thiixi Hastings Sarah Mrs. 110 Chen y

HAY whitely's annual

Hatcher Thomas, shoemaker 10 Green's court

Hatfield Abraham, cordwainer Smith's court

Hatfield Adam, tailor 84 Vine

Hatliaway Caleb & Co. merchants 28 South wharves

Hathaway Caleb, mercht.28 S. wharves d h 4 Laurel

Hathwell George comedian 11 Watson's alley

Hattenfield Charles, miller Prince near Fi-anktord road

Hatter Wilham, nailer back 268 Race

Hatton Sarah, teacher 33 Jacoby street

Haughey Alice, tavern 169 south Front

Haaptman John, baker S7 Lombard

Hause Isaac, (Mechanic 2 pot house) cor. Cherry & 10th

Hause William, carpenter 193 Cherry d h 49 N. 8th

\see Haus iJ" Halves Havelan Catharine, widow 247 south Fourth Haven Joshua, merchant 127 S. Front d h 22 Pine Havens Joseph, carter Lolar's court Havens Mary, widow Lolar's court Havens Marv, widow 9 Coxe's alley Havenstrite Samuel, cabinetmaker 2 Stamper's alley Haverstick Chas. & Co. china merchants 128 N. Third Haverstick Wm.jun. china merchant 8cc. 250 High Havikin Catharine, widow 249 Cedar Haviland 6c Bridport, decorative architects and furnish- ers, & architectural and miscellaneous drawing aca- demy N W corner Chesnut and Seventh Haviland Cornelius, shoemaker 268 Cedar Haviland John, architect 26 north Fifth Hawk Christian, hosier 440 Sassafras Hawks William, harbour-master 2 Norris* alley tHawkins Daniel, labourer 249 Shippen Hawkins Daniel, sawyer 151 Locust Hawkins Elizabeth, widov;90 German Hawkins widow of John, 372 north I'hird Hawkins Temperance Mrs. south Fifth below Christian Hawkins Wm. shoemaker N E cor. Mary and Third Hawkins Wm. merchant 240 High— d h. 105 Pine Hawkley Mary, widow 10 north Ninth Hawley Lemuel, sea captain 35 Sansom Haws John, labourer 113 north Fourth Hawthorn John, hatter back 26 Lombard Hawthorn Thomas, mariner 69 Moyamensi g road Hay Catharine, widow Rotterdam inn 124 north Fourth Hay Jane, storekeeper 99 north Fourth Hay Peter, one of the editors of the American Centinel

22 Walnut— d h 30 Newmarket Hay William, engraver Smith's court back 117 N. 5th Haycock James, labourer 46 Budd Haydock Edward, m. d. 50 south Second Hay dock widow of Eden, plumber 8cc. 5 Lodge Haydock Samuel, domestic warehouse 35 Strawberry & plumbers shop 37 & 39 Stiawbcrry— d h 50 S. 2d Haydock Wm. painter &c. 39 Strawberr)'— d h 50 S. 2d


Haydon Wm. fancy chair manufacturer 109 Walnut

d h Washington street Hciyes Hannuh, ^l north Ninth [see Hays

Hayes P. sea Captain 10 (Franklin row) south Ninth Hayes Rhodea, widow 1 Liberty alley Haymer John, teacher, Hanover near Queen Ha'vnes David, cordwamer 319 south Third Haynes Rohert, slioeniaKer 143 St, John Haynes Sarah, widow 46 Bread street Hays Addis, carpenter corner Charles and James Hays Edward, shipmaster 470 south Front H-iys George, woodsawyer Rachel Hays James, cabinetmaker 23 Sassafras Hays J.'ihn, Windsor chairmaker 21 north Ninth Hays Margery, widovv boardinghouse 460 scuth Front Havs S-amuel,' merchant Chesnut above Twelfth Hays Thomas, silkdyer Caledonia court \_see Hayes Ha'ysom Christopher, stonecutter 347 Race Hayter James, ropemaker Germantown road ab. Otter Hayward John, baker 30 North alley !iazard Abigail, widow 31 Filbert ■Hazard Cyrus, coachaian Blackberry alley iiazard David, tailor 3Sh;cli!s' court !i izard Ebenezer, luOourer 445'south Front ■Hazard Edward, porter 22 Burd's court !iazard H. oysterman 4o4 north Water !iazard Morris, boardnighouse 2(9 Chesnut ■'Hazel Frances, widow 7 Sassafras alley iazel Joseph, vvelldigger Thiiteenih below Chesnut iazelton Isaiah, trunkn^aker Davison's alley riazelton Margaret, 45 Charlotte Hazlehurst Samuel, 220 Mulberry Hazlett Ann, wido^N 99 Shippen Headman George, potter 9 ncrlh 8th Headman Jacob, coachmaker Castle street Headman William, potter 17 south- 8th Headman William, jun. potter George above Eleventh Hearn Margaret, teacher 33 Keys' alley Heater Caroline, widow Powell above Vineyard Heath Charles P. Hamilton village Heaton Catharine, widow Noble above St. John Heaton Elijah, flour dealer 6 Hopkms' court Heaton Jeremiah, saddler 1 Strawberry [see Eaton Heaton Thomas, cordw'ainer Simons's court Hebbard William, weaver 67 Budd Heberton J. attorney at law 32 south 5th Heberton George, merchant 5 south Second Heberton J. C. m. d. 115 south 5th Heberton William Y. drygoods store 22 south Second Heck George, carpenter 67 Lombard Heckman George M. tavernkeeper 211 north Front & 208 north Water \_see Hickman

Heckman John, gunstocker back 18 Cheriy

HEL whitely's annual

Hector Archibald, sawyer back 129 Cherry fHeddelman John, labourer Hunter's court Heddernnan John W. milkman Christian above 8th Hedderman Lydia, Christian corner Seventh Hedderman VVilliam, milkman Prime above Eighth Hedderly Edward, bellfounder, &c 48 south 5th Hedelius Andrew, sea captain 180 south Front Hedenfield William S. mariner 415 Catharine Hedges WiUiam, tailor, back 211 St. John Heeny Sarah, widow 2 Callowhill Hei't Elizabeth, widow, vict. cor. George & Old York r. Heft George, vict. 22 Third street market. High street tHegemin John, sweepmaster back 108 Filbert neimer Catharine, widow Crown below Bedford Heimer John, victualler 306 Vine— stall 40 New market Heimer John, junr, victualler 306 Vine Heineken Mrs. 169 south 5th

Heinold Charles, grocer 138 Callowhill & 34 north 7th Heisler John, cooper 114 north 4th Heisler Peter, gentleman 514 norlli Second Heiss Christian, lookingglass sih erer Hopkins's court Heiss Israel, gunsmith, &c. 8 Noble street Heiss James, cordwainer 341 north Third Heiss John, shojikeeper 10 Cresson's alley Heiss Joseph, cordwainer Hopkins's court [«ee Hess Heiss William, copperware, copperplate & stove ma- nufacturer 213 north Second Helffenstein rev. Samuel, minister of the German I'e-

formed church 39 nortli Fourth Helffrich Francis, tailor 179 north Eighth Helffrich Mary, widow 19 Spafford Heller Daniel,' gentleman Crown below Prince Heller Joseph, labourer Prince near Hanover Hellings widow of John, 81 south Second Hellings William, plasterer 7 Baker's court Helmbold Elizabetii, midwift- 1 Quarry street Heimbold Frederick, innkeeper S E cor Juniper & High Helmbold George, paper warehouse 191 S Front d h

60 Union Heimbold George, editor of the Independent Balance,

2 Fromberger's court Helmbold }:\i:r\v\ , inquire 191 south Front Heimbold Joseph K. clerk 2 Vernon & 191 S Front Helmes Ann, widow back 81 Ci^crge (C) Helms Charles, m^.riner 28 Parhani's alley Helmuth Henrv K. merchant 279 High Helmuth John K. merch. 16 South ay. d h 297 Chesnut Helmuth rev. I. H. C. 279 High ' Helt Mary, widow 166 St. John's Helt William, bricklayer Vine alley above Twelfth tHelton Jacob, cook Portland lane Helverson Jonathan, cabinetmaker Second ab. Ger. r. Helverson Jonathan, pocketbook maker 3 Pratt's court


Helverson Nicholas, carpenter 106 Coates

Helverston , widow Carroll's court near 4th

Hcmbel William, tailor 16 north Water Hembel WilliaiT)., jtin. merchant 17 north Front fHemmenway James, hairdresser 41 Pine Hemphill James, merchant 42 Walnut— d h 19 S 7th Hemphill James & John, merchants 42 Walnut Hemphill John, mercht. 42 Walnut d h 95 Spruce Hemphill Joseph, counsellor at law 144 Chesuut Hemphill Thomas, shoemaker 16 Greenleafs court Hemple Samuel, senr. carter Button wood n Ridge. r. Hemple Samuel, junr. tobacconist 47 north 4th Henchman Adam, b ickmaker S E corner High and

Sell. St cond [see Hinchman

Henchman John, 178 Race

Hendel Elizabeth, chinastore 122 north Second Henderson Alexander, labourer Spruce \\ . of Sch.5th Henderson Ann, tailoress Coates above Old York road Henderson Elizabeth, widow Juniper above Cherry Henderson Guy, bookbinder 99 Cherry Henderson Jas. attorney at law 21 S 7th d h 59 S 2d Henderson James, carpenter 222 south Third Henderson Jane, widow Green's toxxrt Henderson John, cordwainer 25 Mechanic street Henderson John L. grocer Perry street Henderson John, drayman cor Lombard & Sch. Sixth Henderson John, carpenter 111 north Tenth Henderson John, grocer N Eighth N E corner Zane Henderson Mary, Mrs of James, cor. Sch. 2d 8c Arch Henderson Mary, widow back 133 north Third Henderson Mary,drygoods store 59 south Second Henderson Robert, cupper and bleeder Little Pine Henderson Sarah, gentlewoman 4 Library street Henderson Thomas, grocer N W cor. Callowhill and

Garden Henderson Thomas, porter Green's court Henderson William, labourer 2 Prosperous alley Henderson , widow Mulberry W. Sch. Second Hendricks Charity, nurse 106 Cedar Hendricks Randolph, cof dwainer Hamilton village Hendricks William, cordwainer 461 south Front Hendrickson Alchy, widow 69 Locust Hendrickson Benjamin, paintgrinder back 16 Arch Mendrickson Henry, mariner 55 Prime Hendrickson Joseph, shoemaker West near Marlbro*. Hendrickson Peter, bricklayer 79 Locust Hendrickson P & S. livery stablekeepers Raspberry ay. Hendy Elizabeth, Mrs. boardinghouse 26 north Front Heneberry Thomas, sailmaker 193 St. John Henk D. George, baker 423 north Second Henley William, merchant 4 north Second Hennesey Margaret, tailoress Prime bel. Moyamensing Hennessy Margaret, widow Prime above Second

HEN whit£Ly's annual

Hennessy Michael, grocer 16 Cedar {^see Henzey

Hennessy Robert, tailor 4 Dock

Hennessy widow of Thomas, N 8th near Buttonwood

Hennings jr & Zinkernogel, booksellers 19 Cherry st,

Henri Elizabeth, boardinghouse 110 Arch

Henrick John, mate of vessel 411 south Front

Henry Alexander, merchant 25 Minor d h 192 High

Henry Alexander,jun. & Co. merchants 192 High

tHenry Andrew, packer Eagle court

Henry Ann, widow Mark's lane

j-Henry Catharine, Dean's alley

Henry Christopher, dealer 536 north Third

Henry Casper, grocer Locust cor. Sch. Front

tHenry Francis, vender secondhand clothes, cellar of

219 south Second Henry Hannah, widow Arch above Thirteenth Henry Hester, widow 143 Locust Henry Hugh, dravman St. Joseph's avenue Henry Hugh, gentleman LombardvN Wcor Centre Sq. Henry Isaac, m d. Lombardy N W cor. Centre Square Henry James, shipwright 4th near Carpenter (S) Henry Jane, widow grocer St. Mary corner Seventh Henry Jesse, widow St. Mary Henry John, carpenter 17 Apollo Henry John, labourer 10 south Broad Henry John, doorkeeper at West's painting Spruce ab.

Eighth Henry John Joseph, gunmanuf. 290 north Third N W

corner Noble tHenry John, barber Poplar above St. John Henry Joseph, merchant 280 High Henry Juliana, milliner 48 Arch Henry Kesiah, tavernkeeper 304 south 4th Henry Mary, widow 5 Shippen Henry Mary, storekeeper 54 south 4th Henry Peter, oysterman 412 north 4th above Browne Henry R. Norris, bookseller 74 S 2d d h 54 south 4th Henry Robert & Brothers, merchants 163 High Henry Samuel, shopkeeper 83 north Third tHenry Samuel, whitewasher Third above Otter Henry Thomas, merchant 163 High Henry William, gentleman Kunckel above Noble Henry William S. merchant 192 High Henry William, copper and tinsmith 200 Lombard Henry, widow of Samuel, 143 Locust Hensel Catharine, widow Vine below Sch. Eighth Hensman Henry, confectioner 240 Lombard IHenson Henry, mariner 63 Currant alley Henson Nathan, oystermau 21 Prosperous alley tHenson Nathan, oysterman High corner Juniper Henszey Joshua, accountant 36 Race [see Hennessy Henszey Samuel, accountant 41 Wood Henszey 'I'homas, carpenter 12 Cvpress alley Henwood Abraham, carter 66 Plum street


Henzev Samuel, accour^tant 41 Wood

Hepburn Charles, hatter 84 Union

Hepler Henry, tobacronibt 478 north Second

Hepp Adum, Rose alley and 101 Coates

Heppard Hezekiah, inn and t'errj'keeper 9 N wharves

Heppard John, painter & glazier Emlen's court d Vi

202 north Front Heppard Jose])h, merchant 205 High d h 116 N 9th Heppard Thomas, barkeeper 43S north Front Heppel Adam, woodsawyer Vine below Eleventh Hera John, pewterer 61 VValnut Herbert William, stevedore 14 Man- (S) Hergesheimer Samuel, victualler— stall 63 New market He!-lgcs Bernard, tobacconist 186 north Se-cond Heriges John J. tobacconist 471 north Second Heriis Francis, goldsmith & jeweller 21 Franklin court Herkness Adam, stonecutter 11 N 7th— d h 22 N 9th Herman Hannah, widow grocer 93 Christian Herman John C. 165 south 5th [see Harmau

Herman William, tavernkeeper 2 Moyainensing road

S W corner Cl.ristian Hermon George, gentleman 45 north Sixth Hermstad Catharine, boardinghouse 7 Elbow lane

\_see Hamnstead Hermstad Joseph, bookbinder 7 Elbow lane Herning Henry, distiller Vine above Eleventh Heron James, printer Juniper above Race Heron John, grocer 253 south 4th N. E. corner Shippen Herrigai G tailo;- Prince below Crown Herrington Mary, widow 54 Garden Herse John, baker 578 north Third Herse S. Mrs. storekeeper 10 south Sixth Hertzog Joseph, merchant 33 Bread Hertzcg Michael, upholsterer 46 Cedar Hertzog and M'Caraher, grocei-s N. E. comer Vine

and Fwurth Hertzog Peter, grocer N E. cor. Vine and 4th d. h.

115 Vine Hess Abraham, carter \'ine above Juniper Hess Arnold, garderer Frankford road op. Marlbro. Hess Conrad, cordwainer 203 Coates Hess George, labourer 100 Coates Hess John, constable 178 north Fifth Hess John and Samuel, grocei*s comer Sch. Eighth and

Vine Hess John M. tin pi ate worker and grocer cor. Sch. 8th

and Vine Uee Heine

Hess John, baker 578 north Third Hess Peter, shoemaker 193 north Third Hess Philip, cooper 181 St John Hess Samuel, grecer corner Sch. Eighth and Vine Hess & Son, grocers cor. Sch. Eighth and Vine Hess WilHam, tinplate worker 392 Race


H£Y whitely's annual

Hess William, carpenter 122 Coates

Hess William, jun. maie 21 Mary (S)

Hess William, ct-rdwaiiicr Cedar above Tenth

Hesselpoth Henr} , Hanover near West (K)

Hesscr Chailes, coachmaker Pfeifftr's court

Hess>er Daniel, tton* cutler oO north Eighth

Hesser Edith, Mrs. Mary st. below Second

Hesketh 6c Sideboiham, distillers wholesale and retail liq,

wine ana coi dial store, cor. Lauiel and Front (NL) Hester Conrad, cieputy sheriff 212 north Second Hester widow ot Conrad, 212 nonh Second Kestcn Hannah, widow ot Thomas, 205 Arch Heston & Hays, storekeepers 21 north Ninth Heston Robert, weaver 576 north 1 liird Heston William, painter 21 north N-uth [^see Huston Hetterman Wm. milkman Hudson's lane Hcizei B. Oakcccper 169 St. John Heizel John, cakeoopei Lily alley Heuer Henry, baker 243 south 4th Ht'wes Jcsiah, gentlen.an 15 south Third [«ee Hughes H'-witt Abijaii, corder 58 Browne Heiviri John, saiidman Buttonwood near 5th Ht wiii Margaretta, wiaow boardinghouse 304 Race H*^ wia Elizabeth, widow 175 Coates Htvviit 'X'homas, sea captain 11 Pine Hewitts Wm. merchant 57 north Eighth Hewlii;gs Ehzabeth, widow 99 south 5th Hewliiigs & Foiwell, merchuuts 63 High Hewiii.gs Joseph, merchant 57^ Union Hewiings Thomas I. merchant 6.S High Hewhoii John, jun. calicoprinter Beach near Warren Hewsoii John, gentleman near the glasshouse (K) Hewson I'honias, T f<u d. 7 Librarv— ;d h \'o\i. Chesnut [ire- Hcufion, /Iusto?i, and jEuston Hewston John, cotton manufacturer 9 Green Hey Moes, worsted ;pinner Smith's court Heynergcr Charle.s, blacksmith 6 Noble Heyberger (ieorge, coachspiingmaker, Emlen's court

d h 52 Coates [tsee Heimb'-ri^er

Heybc'ger Jacob & Co. chocolate manut. 154 N. Third Hevbt»ge! J; cob, Penn township and 154 N. Third He'. btrijCi- Mi«ry, uidow of George, 6 Nuble He'\e: Jc)C<.b, \ictualler St. John above Beaver (N L) Hevl George, attc rney at law and notary public, 22^

Wr hrat-^i' h 49 north Eighth Heyi Hem V C. hog victualh r (keeper Columbia Garden Cu)'f;en,'N. J.)— stalls 6 High st. and Jersey markets Hevi Isaac, victuhiifr 27 N L market H. yi John, b^kei 106 north Second [see Hale

H^-j : John, brubiunaker 204 north Second Hoyl Philip, carpenter 173 Greene Hevl William, ('rug and paint store 35 High He'yiand George, labourer bih below Hudson's lane



IHeyland John, mariner 76 German

Heyler John, stonrkeeper 109 north Third

Heylin Isaac, M. D. 57 south Seventh ^_ ,

Heysham Robert, deputy naval officer, 323 N. Second

Hey wood Thomas, baker 277 north Th.rd

Hiatt James, druggist Sch. Fifth below High

Hibbs Barbara, Mrs. Wharton below Second

Hibbs Isnac, ropemaker Federal below Second

Hickam Marv, widow Coares above Eighth

Hickey James, grocer 124 Locust

Hickey John, ropemaker Second ab. Germantown r.

Hickey Michael, professor of mnsic GalbraithN court

Hickham Richard, fencemaker fhirieenth n- Cedar

Hickman Elizabeth, widow nurse back 20 Almond

H-ckman George, innkeeper 208 N. Water and 211 JN.

Fpont [«^^ Heckman

Hickman Isaac, labourer 275 south Front Hickman Jas. accountant 97 S. S.-cond— '^, h 20 Federal Hickman Jas. accountant Kuntkel bel. St Tammany Hickman Nathaniel, bookbinder and seller 53 High and

158 south 4th Hickman Selby, inquire 20 Federal Hi^ks Charles, carpenter 19^ Duke Hicks Elizabeth, widow 5th above Buttonwood Hicks Josiah, wat'-rman S W c or ^^leen and 2d (S^ H :ks Richard, carpenter 21 Union jHicks Robert, bootcleaner and carpenter Apple near

George "^

Hider Jonn, bricklayer N E cor Eleventh and North Hiffernan Mary, widow Me-riott'slane above 5rh Higbey Elizabeth, widow Wood near Queen (K) Higden James, boardinghouse 151 south Water Higginbottom William, sugarboiler 32 Crown Higgins Hannah, widow of Francis, 149 south Ninth Higgins Isabella, widow back 126 south Sixth tHiggins John, silkdver 8 Burd's court Higgins Nicholas, v/heehvright 5 Green's court Higgins Robert, mariner 151 Cedar Higginson George, carpetweaver 504 south Front Higgs Wm. milkman Irish lane f-

Highland Samuel, carter 12 Juniper lane Hight Adam, victualler 51 Garden Hight Christian, watchmaker back 257 Race Hight Christian, coachmaker 12 Schriver's court Higncr John, 180 Coates Hilborn Benjamin, wheelwright 325 Callowhill d h

242 north Eighth Hilborn Charles, mariner 511 north Third Hildebrand Charles F. A. baker 90 north Eleventh Hildeburn Samuel, clock and watchmaker &c. 72

Hic^h— d h 202 south 4th Hill Ann, widow mantuamaker 52 Cedar Hill Ann, widow boardinghouse 61 Dock

HIL whitely's annual

Hill Charles, tailor 2 north Water and cor. Arch— d h

„23Eitreth's alley [see Hall

Hill Charles, bricklayer 6 Knight's court

tHiil Edward, labourer Lombard ntar Sch. 6th

Hill Elizabeth, widow of M^ses, 110 St. John

Hill Ehzabeth, storekeeper 1 10 north Third

Hill ElizaDeth, Mrs. ot Joseph, Callowhill near Sch. 3Q

Hill George, carpenter Pine alley

Hill George, blacksmith 18 Greene

Hill George, Itibourer Twelfih below Pine alley

Hill Jacob, hbiiei-man Queen near Bishop

Hill Jacob, jun. caulker Hanover near Prince

fHdl Jacob, liibourer Cedar above 1 weilth

Hil) Jane, IS Suippen corner Vernon

fHih Jane, wido A' 246 Lombard

t Hill Jeremiah, paailer 185 south Seventh

Hill Avidow of John, shipwright Queen near Bishep (K)

Hill John, engraver 1 1 1 Moyamenslng road

Hill John, sea captain Oak comer Whitehall

Hill John, blacksmith 67 Bucld

■j"Hill John, stablekeeper 160 Spruce

H;ii Jonathan, 6 Baker's court

Hill Joseph, boatbuilder 157 Svvanson d h 10 Queen

Hil! Joseph, combmaker 7 Pennsylvania avenue

Hili Joseph, victualler 122 Shippen

Hill Joseph, labourer ccr. Sch. 3d and Callowhill

Hili Luban, ladies shoemaker Sixth above Callowhill

Hill Lawrence, shipwright Marlborough near Queen

Hill Mary, widow 381 north Front

Hill Mary, widow 5 Summers' court

Hill Mary, 137 south Tenth

Hill Mary, milhnerNew above Third

Hill Rebecca, widow netmaker Queen below Bishop

Hill Robert, cabinetmaker 8 Prospect ay.

Hill Robert, (watchman at Sheriif' s office) Pryor's court

Hill Samuel, carpenter 125 north Sixth

H-11 Samuel, chandler, corner Callowhill and Rugan

fHill Samuel, sawyer Juniper ay.

tHill Samuel, labourer Portland lane

Hill Surah, widow Pine below Twelfth

Hill Thomas, weaver Sch. Third below High

Hill Wm. F. sea captain 352 north Fifth

■{■Hill Wm. woodsawyer 231 Catharine

tHill Wealthy, Mrs. 159 Lombard

Hillegas Joseph K. stock and exchange broker 46^

Walnut d h Filbert above Eighth Hillegas Wm. cashier of Camden bank, Camden N J Hiilerman John, labourer 20 Charlotte Hillier Joseph, lookingglass manutacturcr 133 Vine Hillman Ehakim, waterman 70 Budd Hillman Mary, teacher 43 Vine Hillman Zacharias, carter 7i north Front Hilsee Joseph, tailor 119 S. Water— d h 9 Shields' court


Hilsee John, tailor 7 Callowbill

Hilsee Samuel, bricklayer Vine below Thirteenth

Hilsee & Thackray, tailors 113 south Water

Hilsee Wm. wheelwright 454 N Front d h 11 Browne

Hilsee Wm. tailor 88 north Water

Hiisman Frederick, tobacconist Thirteenth bel. High

Hilt Susannah, 2 Stamper's ay.

fHilton Raynard, labourer Merriott's lane above Fourth

Hilton & Taylor, grocers Thirtl near Germantown r.

Hilyard Abrm. merch. tailor 19 S. 3d d h 113 Chesnut

Hilyard Eber bricklayer 117 Lombard

Hilyard Henry grocer 152 south Eleventh cor Locust

Himeback Adam, covdwainer Frankford r. a <Jtter

Hinier Adam, biickmaker Coates above Eighth

Himes Christopher, fisherman Aspen &y. n. Sch. 2d

Himes Frederick, fisiierman Beach corner Shakamaxon

Himes Martin, shipjoiiier Hanover above Queen

Hinchelwood Thos. weaver N E cor Chesnut & Sch. 6th

Hinchman Benjamin M, merchant 199 High

Hinchman Joseph B. innkeeper 441 N Front & 19 Budd

Hinchman John, merchant 84 Wood [see Henchman

Hinchmans & Newbold, merchants 199 Market

Hindman John, accountant 130 Vine

Hineman John, currier 55 St. Tammany

Hine Jacob, drover 218 Vine

Hines Andrew, cordwainer south Eleventh below Pine

Hines Christopher, fisherman Aspen ay. above Spruce

Hines James, labourer back 106 Christian

Hines Jas. stevedore 71 Queen (S) [see Hynes^ Hdnes

Hines John, tobacconist 469 Race

Hines Wm. carpenter Hanover near Bedford

Hines Wm. mariner 176 Cedar

Hines Wm. shipwright Sch. Fifth near Market

Hinckel Adam H. shipchandler 23 South wharves

Hinckel Adam, vict. stall 56 New market d h 265 Cai-

lowhill Hinckel Conrad, ropemaker William (N L) Hinckel Henry, sen. and jr. dravmen, Rugan and 350


Hinckel John, drayman Coates above Eightli Hinckel John, blacksmih back 216 Vine Hinckel Peter, vict. stall 27 New market d h corner

of Callowhill and Lawrence Hinckel Peter, 354 north Third Hinkle Elizabeth, widow 35 Ann (N L) Hinkley Daniel, blacksmitii 258 St. Johns Hinshellwood John, weaver cor. Sell. 8th and Walnut tHinson Nathan, oysterman 21 Prosperous alley- Hint John, bricklayer Wood above Seventh Hippensteel Frederick, gravediggcr Ciierry n. Duke Hippie Lawrence, tavernkeeper, Blockleyville, West

Chester road Hipwell James, moroccodresser back 126 south Sixth


HOF whitely's annual

Hire George, innkeeper S W cor. Juniper ami Cherry Hirigoyen Peter, copperstill manuf. 473 north Front Hirneihen Alice, widi)\v 22 Chester Hirneisen A. M. vvidow milkwonian 25 north Seventh Hhneisen Susan, widow storekeeper 21 north Seventh Hirst Thomas, tinware manufacturer, imjuire S4 Che&-

tei' l-ste Hurst

Hise John, shopkeeper Cresson's allev Hitchcock Ira E. teacher 143 north Second Hitciicock R. tui]cr54 Chesnut Hite Aaron, vict. Garden street Hitner George, printer 296 Vine Hittel Eve, widow Hijickel's court Hoare, Robt. painter &:c N W cor Fifth and Spruce Hoat George, gentleman N E cor Fourth and Tammany Hobarc Elizabeth, vvidow ^88 south Seventh Hobbs Jame^;, whitesmith SW cor. Centre square shop

corjier Broad and Locust Hobbs James, brushmaker Wharton below Second Hobbs Tliomas, cordwainer Pegg's street Hobison John mariner 415 Catharine Hobson Benjannn, brushmaker 126 north Front Hobson John, broker 146 south Fifth Hobson George, merchant 30 Chesnut d h near cor.

Ridge road and Broad Hobson J. S. & G. merchants 30 Chesnut Hocker Christ, stonecutter &c 220 Race d h 52 Arch Hocker Jacob, refiner 91 Budd Hodgdon Samuel, merchant 126 Mulberry Hodge Andrew, gentleman 92 Mulberry Hodge Rici^.ard, shipcarpenter c. Frankford r. & Queen HfKlge Margaret, widow Marble above Tenth Hodge Wm. L. merchant 97 S. Front— d li 92 Arch Hodges Benjamin, cabinetmaker shop 266 north 2d Hodges Elizabeth, back 133 Locust Hodges Frederick, shipwright Fiankford r. bel. Queen Hodges Hannah, widow Frankford road n. Point road Hodgkinson Sarah, widow Ciown near Bedford (K.) Hodgkinson Samuel, shoemaker Rose (N. L ) Hodgson John B. (sea captain) innkeeper Coatesab. 9tU Hodgson Ralph, farmer Fiftii above Button wood Hodgson Richard, farmer Fifth above Buttonwood Hodgson R(>bert, hatter 82 Vine Hoding Thomas, landscape painter 26 north Ninth Hodnett Mary, 210 north Water Hoetb Charles, drygoods store 172 north Second Hoeckley Cliristr. F. coachlace & fringe maker 86 S. 5th Hoeckley F. lace and fringe weaver 304 north Second Hoever Jacob, mariner Marlboro' (K.) Hoff George, bricklayer 139 north Fifth

hee Haff, Huff, llf Hou^h Hotfecker John, constable 4 liurst Hoifman Adam, blacksmith 17 Charlotte


H'^ffman Adatn, carpenter Wood near Queen Hoffman Andrew, Irbourer Thorn's court north Fourth H iffi-nau Christian, gunsmith 14 Charlotte Hoffman EUzabeth, nurse Cedar below Twelfth Hoffman Frederick, grocer & armourer N E corner 6tb

antl Shippcn Hoffman Gabriel, bracemaker back 134 St. John Hoffman Gabriel, brushniaker 134 Sr John H: ft'nan George, carpenter Vienna near Duke H ffman George, carter Vienna near Browne Hoffman Jacob, flour and feed store 179 Race Hoffman Jacob, shoemaker 267 north jFront Hoffman Jacob, carpenter Queen near Bishop Hoffman James, labou! ec Duke near Vienna Hoffman John, accountant North street Hoffman John, shipwright Wood above Prince Hoft'nan John, stockingweaver 99 Green Hoffman Jonathan, cabinetmaker N. 4th cor. Poplar h Hoffman Margaret, widow Queen near Marlborough HoffHian Mary, widow 26 Kunckel Hoffman Samuel, shipwright Marlboro' near Bedford Hoffman Samuel, oakcooper Sch. Eighth below High Hoffman Samuel, combmaker 7north 3d dii 262 Race Hoffman Sarah, widow Wood near Prince (K.) Hoffman Susannah, widow 166 Sassafras Hoffmans and Rudy, comb manufacturers 7 north Third Hoffman Thomas, labourer Federal bel, Moyamensing Hoffman W^illiam, blacksmith Seventh above Camac Hoffman Wm. & Samuel comb factory 262 Sassafras Hoffman widow of Wolfgang, 262 Sassafras Hoffner Charles B. paperstainer Biishhill Hoffner Frederick, labouivr Lawi-ence below Wood Hoffner Lucy B. widow Bushhill Hofnagle George, tailor 42 St. Tammany Hogan David, bookseller and stationer 249 High Hogan James, Steamboat hotel 49 S. Water bel. Chesnut Hogan Patrick, 269 south Front

Ho^bin John, tailor 30 S. Water— d h 16 Fromberger's ct. Hcgerbets John, rigger Lolar's court Hogg George, saddler 143 south Eleventh Hogg Jane Mrs. milliner &c 143 south Eleventli Hogiand Jonathan, contractor for roads, iVnn (P T.) Holahan Amos, tavernkeeperS E cor. Zane & Eighth Holalian Jacob, innkeeper and smith cor. Locust & 10th Holbert Ebenezer, cordwainer 41 Prince (S.) Holbrook Benjamin, sea captain 362 south Front Holby Wm. carver 10 Littleboy's court—d h 174 N. 4th Holconibe Henry, d. d. pastor of the hrst Baptist church

21 Branch Holden James, mariner back 378 south Second Hoiderman Abraham, gravedigger back 251 Race Holderness Edward, livery stablekeeper 2 York St.. Holding Sophia, widow 23 Noble street


Holgate Jacob, head flour inspector 131 Vine

Holgate Samuel, cordwainer 589 south Front

Holland Abel, tailor 157 Vine

Holland Benjamin, 501 north Third

Holland James J. pilot 15 Vernvon [see Hollond

Holland John, weaver Franklin near Second (N. L.)

Holland Lawrence, stonecutter 211 Cherry

Holland Nathaniel, hatter 58 S. Second below Chesnut

tHolland Samuel, porter Christian above Fourth

Holland , widow Ann W. Schuylkill Eighth

HoUick Joseph, late baker Alban Holliday Allen, collector 158 south Third HoUiday Peter, victualler stall 34 New Market HolUnshead Edmund J. merchant 3d wharf bel. Race—

d h 144 Vine Hollinshead Hugh F. merchant 47 N. Water d h 237

Mulberry Hollinshead Mrs. H. 42 Sassafras Hollingshead Mary, widow N Wcor. Eighth & Arch HoUingshead Sarai;, widow 230 Spruce Hollingshead & Piatt, merchants 47 north Water HoUingsworth Henry, mci ciiaut 1«5 south Third HoUingsworth J. merchant 22 Penn— d h 237 S. Front HoUingsworth James, stocking weaver 510 north Front Hollingswonh Levi, merchant 16 Dock HoUingsworth L. & Son, merchts.S. wharves bel. Spruce HoUingsworth PaschaU, merchant 7 Union HoUingsworth Thomas, merchant 136 south Second HoUingsworth Samuel, merchant 267 south Front HoUingsworth S. & T. G. merchants. Cedar st. wharf HoUingsworth Thomas G. merchant Cedar st. wharf HoUis Ann, widow 85 Cedar HoUis Hinson M. tailor Pearson's court Hollman Sarah, widow Callowhill near Twelfth HoUman Susannah, Juniper below Caesnut HoUond Charles, merch. 28 Chesnut— d h 221 LombaFd

[see Holland HoUowbush George, plasterer 98 New HoUowbush Henry, plasterer 137 Green HoUowbush John, 98 New HoUowbush Youts, gentleman 98 New HoUowbush M. shopkeeper 239 St. John^ Holloway Ann, svidow 255 Race HoUoway Thomas, engineer 99 Budd Holloway Jacob, principal keeper of the Penitentiary Hollo well John, shoemaker Eleventh below Spruce Hollo well Richard, Juniper alley HoUowhill Jonathan, bricklayer cor. 13th and Vine Holmburgh Charles, shopkeeper 80 Green Holme James C. storekeeper 395 north Front Holmes Alexander, labourer Third near German Holmes Daniel, labourer Hopkins's court Holmes George, accountant 58 St. John


Holmes Jesher, carpenter Ann west Sch. Eighth Holmes John C. grocer 8c bottler N W cor. Pine & 6th Holmes John, cotton manufacturer 110 High d h near

Globe mill Germantown road Holmes James, carpenter 9 Pleasant avenue

H jlmes John, labourer Potteiy alley jiolmes Marv, widow Tenth below Lombard Holmes Ralph, carter back 26 Passyunk iolmes Wm. T. labourer Wharton below Second holmes Zebulon, domestic goods manuf. 28 Lombard Volstead Sarah, widow 30 hpruce lolson Whitton, labourer 4 Green above Front iolston John, carter Cedar near Eleventh Holley EUzabeth, widow Shippen above Seventh ^ Holt Abner, innkeeper Sixth above Callowhill Holt Isaac, (Citizen's hotel) 179 Chesnut Holt Jesse, late carter Fourth near George (N. L.) Holt John, mariner back 498 south Second Homan Abraham, carpenter 332 Sassafras Homan Mrs. widow 115 Catharine Homer Ann, widow Hopkin's court (N. L.) Hommann I. C. sen. professor of music 43 N. Seventh Hommann I. C. jun. 43 north Seventh Honey George, jun. carpenter 72 north Eleventh Hood Catharine, widow back 38 Cherry Hood Elizabeth, widow Old York road above? Browne Hood Geo. woodcorder cor. Svvanson and Catharine Hood Hannah, widow 42 south Eighth Hood John, grocer 9 and 11 Svvanson Hood Jbhn M. grocer 4 High d h 16 Race fHood John, porter 138 south Eighth Hood Lambert, cordwainer Jones west Sch. Fifth Hood Mary, midwife 21 Cherry Hood N. P. accountant 43 Zane Hood Samuel, cordwainer Pratt's court Hood Thomas, 29 Penn Hood Thomas, cordwainer 3 Pratt*s court Hood Wm. & Co. merchants 244 High—d h 3 N. 10th Hook Jane, layer out of the dead and boarding house 25

Coombs' alley jHook Peter, waiter Warrev» Hook William, potter 254 south Third Huukey Anthony, cabinetmaker 395 north Third Hooky Anthony, storekeeper N E cor. Green & Third ioone Adam, brickmaker Spruce W. Sch. Second "Hooper Caesar, coachman Quince above Spruce : iooper Isaac, pilot of Philadelphia steamboat, Crown

near Bedford (K.) Hooper Thomas, bootmaker 401 Race Hoopes Amos, carpenter North street Hoopes 'David, ironmerclit. High W. Permanent bridge Hoopes Israel, constable and tavernkeeper High W Sch.


HOR whitely's annual

Hooton Andrew, cabinet maker 262 Cedar Hooven David, blacksmith CHllowhilln Schuylkill Hooven Henry, blacksmith Poplar lane near Front Hooven Win. wheelwright Old York r. ab. Biittonwood Hoover Adam, victualler Charles below James Hoover Andrew, shoemaker Old York r. above Brown Hoover Catharine, Marlboro' near Prince H(x>ver Elizabeth, washerwoman Marlboro' ab. Prince Hoover Henry, smith N E cor. Browne &N. Front, and

5 Poplar lane Hoover John, cordwainer 119 Browne Hoover J. ropemaker 62 Moyamensing road Hoover Laurence, mastmaker Beach near Maiden Hoov'.^r Mary, widow 153 Gieen Hoover Mrs. widow 45 Charlotte Hope &C(). lottery and exchange office 63 Chesnut Hope John, carpenter 201 Coates above Fourth H. tpe Thos. lottery and exchange broker &c. 63 Chesnut Hope Wm. ferryman Camden (N, J.) H pfcins Alexander, shoemaker 11 Stephen's court Hopkins BarziVia, ladies' shoemaker 212 south Seventh tHopkins Cornelius, cuachm.in i5 Fayette Hookms Henry, brickmuker Fourth near Germ, road Hopkins Hester, widow 542 south Front Hc>pkins Howell, attorney at law, office 62 8. Fifth H jpkius Johns, gentleman 413 Arch above Eleventh Hopkins John, carpenter Nieman's alley Hopkins John, sea captain back 21 Noble Hopkins Joseph R. attoraev at law Walnut above 11th Hopkins Joseph R. & H. attorneys at law 62 S. P'lfth Hopkins Nicholas, mercht. 9 S. Eleventh ab. Chesnut Hopkins Richard, sawyer Shippen above Seventh Hopkins Robert, inspector of customs 182 S. Second Hopkins Ruth, widow 12 Knight's court Hopkins Susan, widow boardinghouse 25 Sansom jHopkins Susannah, washerwoman 4 Gilles's alley Hopkins Thomas, accountant 161 Green above Fourth tHopkins Thomas, labourer Bonsail Hopkinson Francis, attorney at law l7soutli Fifth Hopkinson Joseph, Esq. inquire \7 south Fifth Hopper Isaac T. tailor 33 Spruce Hopper Joseph M. watchmaker inquire 178 High Hopper Levi, 396 Sassafras [.?<?c Hoofier

Hopple John, shoemaker Christian above Fifth Hopple John, combmakcr Otter neir Germantown road Horn Abraham, dealer 244 south Fo\irth Hern Henry, silverplater 16 south Sixth 8c 248 Chesnut Horn Jacob. innkee])er W. end Upper ferry bridge Hern, John, skindresser 18 Raspberry alley Horn John, coachmaker 56 S Tenth & 248 Chesnut Horn 6c Kneass, silverplaters 16 south Sixth Horn Mary, widow 4 Rihl's court -^

Horn Philip, smith 46 N oth—d h 18 Br-mner's alley


Horn William, tobacconist Wright's alley

Horn William, accountant 13 York court

Horn William, oakcooper 277 south Fifth street

Horn William, High near Schuylkill Seventh

Hornberger Lewis, hatter 18 Jones's alley Hornbergtr Peter, victualler stall 76 New market S

2d d h Button wood lane near Eighth Home Isaac, corder Oak below Hayscales (N L) Home Mary, layer out of the dead 12 Budd Home William, corder Callowhill below Front d h 13

York court Horner Catharine Mrs. widow grocer 561 S Second Horner Elizabeth, widow Queen near Shakamaxon Horner Henry, bricklayer 3 Swanson Horner Samuel, drayman 93 Budd Homer William E. m. d. S W cor. Chesnut & Eighth Hcrnor Benjamin, gentleman 49 High Hornor John, merchant 261 High— d h 378 High Hornor Joseph P. hardware store 47 High, d h 63 Spruce Hornor Mary, widow of Benjamin, 62 north Third Hornor & Wilson, merchants 261 High Hornketh Henry, brickmaker Wistar's court Hornketh Jeremiah, brickmaker Wistar's court Horsfall Joseph, painter &c. alley back 149 Cedar Horsier Henrietta, widow, John above Callowhill Horstmann William G. & Co. lace and fringe weavers

45 and 55 north Third Horter Geo. vict. Ger. r. stalls High & N L markets Horter Jacob, victualler 27 Third street market Horter Jacob, victualler 2 Third street market Horterson James, labourer north 3d above Germ, road Hortz Peter, flour and feedstore 392 High Horwitz J. M. D. 59 Vine Hoscamp Mary, grocery 397 south Front Hosktns Eleanor, widow 180 Arch Hoskins John, teacher ladies* seminary 383 High Hoskin Thomas, accountant 163 Cedar Hossack Joseph, grocer, corner Eleventh and Race Host George, saddler Heyde's court Hostler Henrietta, widow John above Callowhill Hotz Daniel, victualler 239 Callowhill Hotz P. vict. 45 Old Shambles & N 8th ab. Buttonwood Houard Lewis, merchant tailor 120 S 2d {^see Hotuard Houck Elizabeth, widow 113 Catharine Houck Frederick, mariner back 41 Prime Houck William, carpenter Fourth near George Hough Constant, mariner 17 Coates alley [see Hoff IJough John, fancy store 239 north Front Houghcy Alice, widow, beardinghouse 168 and d h 169

south Front Houghton John, brassfounder Germ, road ab. first gate Houghton Thomas, labourer 286 Lombard Houghton Thomas, gunsmith Germ, road ab. first gate

HOW whitely's annual

Houlding James, mariner back 351 south Front

Houpt Jacob, drygoods store 211 N. Second & 52 Arch

House Elizabeth widow Beach ne^r Maiden

House Pcier, cabinetmaker 10 Franklin

House William, mariiier George nti-r S<cond (N L)

Housman &c Brobston, grocers ts E coi . Front & Queen

Hou^eman D. nl. vict. stall 4 New mi.rK.et, d 1; 4b9 S 2d

Houser Jolin, victualler Butronwo')d c<-raer Ciiarles

Ha.'ser Margaret, i;r cer 32 Pa.<s>unk

Houser, widow, victualler Burtonwond comer Charles

H('Us,.on Amy , ^idow Kan kel above Noble

H(juston Cathar.ne, Mrs. 1? M. . (>->)

Housif.ii George, lab'^un'T 18 Hur-t

Kou>»ion J mes, assistant c shitr C S. bank 60 south 6th

Houston James, shiprnjistei 278 south Fourth

Houston J'.r.e, midwife 28 Fianklin court

Houston Joiin A. L -drygciod-j stire 437 north Second

Houston P. \V. M. D. surgeon & deiai.-.t i'B Franklin ct.

H':ustori Stisannah, wasjierwonian back 118 l-.ombard

Houston Thomas, printer Shakaniaxon near Queen

Hovel Richard, cabiiaimaker 5 Shields' court

Hv'venier C harles. I bourer back 2G5 Race

H •'A J-^hn, carpenter 129 north Fourth

Huw Joseph, trader Juniper abo^ t Locust

How Philip, shopkeeper 20 Small

How Robert, carter Schuylkill Front above Mulberr}'

Hovv trd Azel, sea captain 269 S Front [*ee Houard

H'»ward Catharine, boardinghousf Beach n. the market

Howard Elizabeth, widow back 111 Catharine

Howard John, silversmith Price's court

Howard John D m-.riner 45 Meade alley

i Howard Robert, ^vHiter 122 Lombard [owani Sarah, 14 Sterling alley Howdcn John, milkman 83 Christian Howell Abraham, m. d. 174 Lombard Howell Amos, coachmakerSE corner Arch and Eighth

d h G6 north Eighth Howell Asher M. n.'t rcht. 167 High—d h 16 south 7th Howell Benj. B. mercht. 33 S Front— d h 90 S Front Howell Catharine, tavernkeeper cor. Beach & Maiden Howell Catharine, cakebaktrr Shields* alley Howell Charlotte, widow. Beach corner Maiden Howell Cornelius, trader 26 Juliana Howell D.ivid. bl .cksmith Beach near Marlborough How- ell D & E. Diummond, storekeepers 44 south 4th Howell Elijah, innkeep. r 87 Plum Howell Elizabeth, widow Pleasant above ('harles Howell Elizabeth, layer out of tlip dead 4 Hoffman's ay. Howeil Ephraim, Smith's court W. Sch. 8th Howell Ezekiel, tailor 20 Cherry Howell Felix, coach maktr Church alley Howell Israel, currier 107 Chesnut— d h 148 south 9th Howell William, blacksmith Beath r»ear Marlborough


Howell Jacob, currier 107 Chesnut— d. h.S. W. corner

Ninth and Chesnut Howell James R. goldbeater back 47 Kunckel Howell James, drygoods store 92 north Fourth Howell John, paperhanging manufacturer 125 N. Front Howell John, carpenter 76 r.orth Eleventh Howell Joseph, currier 107 Chesnut and 217 Spruce Howell Joseph and Co. curriers, 107 Chesnut Howell Joseph, sandman and carter Wood near Sixth Howell Lemuel, house carpenter 56 Filbert Howell Margaret, widow 168 Arch Howell Marv, widow Barclay's alley Howell Mrs! Mary, widow of Arthur 107 Chesnut Howell Reading, sur\xyor 8cc. inquire 228 Spruce Howell Richard L. major 41 south Fourth fHowell Richard, oysterman 6 Locust Howell Samuel E. merchant 17 South wharves Howell Sarah widow of Joseph E. 311 Walnut Howell W. W. & Co. merchants 167 High— d. h. 107

Chesnut Howell Wm E. mercht. 17 S. wharves— d. h. 132 S. 3d Howell Zachariah, carpenter 7 Poplar lane Howland Isaac, sea captain, corner Qiieen and Front Howorth George, bookbinder corner Darby road 6c High Howshell John, watchman Gerard's bank, 28 Penn Ht-iy Ttiomas, shoemaker Petticoat alley Hdbbcird Henry, blacksmitti 5 Baker's court Hubbird John, starch factory north 2d above Ger. road Hubbard William, mariner 25 Mary street Hubbard William, watchman Barker street n. Sch. 4th Hubbard William, oysterman 124 Catharine Hubbard 'Wm. starch manufacturer 522 north Second Hubbel Samuel, carpenter 54 Moyamensing road Hubbell T. M. lumber merchant Ist wharf above Hay- scales a. h.45 Swanson Hubber Samuel, rr.pemaker N. 3d n. Germantown r. Hubber Sophia, widow 40 Pine

Hubbert Anthony, starch manufacturer 521 N. Second Hubbert Benjamin, cordwainer Poplar lane near 2d Hubbert Christian, cabinetmaker 494 north Second Hubbert John, cordwainer 119 Swasson Hubbs Paul K. merchant 40 north Front Huber Henry, inspector of customs 147 Vine Huber Henrv, jun. hardware merchant and manuf, of plated saddlery furniture 34 N. 3d— d.h. 84Callowhill Habcr Jaineb S. 84 Callowhill

Huber Tobias, soap and candle manuf- 21 Coates' alley Hubie John, organ builder Old York near Germ, road Huckel Francis, chairmaker 38 Cedar Huckel Joseph, dentist 35 Pine Huckel Robert, tailor 14 north Front Huckel Samuel, clock and watchmaker 14 north Fron*^ Huckel Wilham, 164 south Front



Huddell Joseph, stave merchant 17 and 87Swansoii Huddell Joseph and Son, stave merchants 77 Swanson Huddell Joseph, jun. stave merchant 77 Swanson— d. h.

356 south Front Huddy Hunlock, inspector of customs 67 Gaskill Hudson D. VV. saddle and harnessmaker 2 Decatur Hudson Edward, dentist 133 Walnut Hudson James, broker 204 south Fourth fHudson James, porter 250 Lombard Hudson John, mariner 67 Queen (S.) Hudson Samuel, labourer 23 Jones's alley Hudson William, merchant 109 MoyamensJTig road HufF Jacob, vict. 355 Callowhill stall 5 Old shambles Huff Jacob, ji*. victualler 355 Callowhill Huff John, carpenter 353 Callowhill HufF John, vict. stall 23 New market d. h. south Front

below Federal HufF Samuel, mariner 23Parham's alley Huffman Henry O. cooDer back 7 Eltreth's alley Huffnagle Charlotte. 98 Arch HufFhaqle John, merchant N. E. corner High & Fifth

d.h. 429 High HufFstidler Heorge, mate Phariss's court Hufty Joseph, tavemkeeper 14 Locust (Washington sq.) Hufty Mary, widow of John, (Peiry hotel) N. E. comer

Cedar and Fifth Hugg Bright, shiDJoinerN. W. corner Vine & Water Hugg George \V. inn and femkeeper Kaighnton N. J. Hugg Jacob, labourer Shakamaxon above Bedford Hugg Joseph, inn and ferrykceper Gloucestc r fN. J. Hugg Jjevi, shipjoiner 125 north Water Hugg Wm. rigger Shakamaxon near Prince Huggens Samuel, morocco manuf. Ill Chesnut d. h.

46 Browne Huggins Benjamin, sea captain 5 Ann (N. L.) Huggins Samuel, morocco manuf. Ill Chesnut and 46

Browne tHuggs James, sawyer 12 Acora alley Hughes Ann, widow 81 German street fHughes Ashel, waiter Cedar near Twelfth Hughes Benjamin, grazier 16 Movamensing road Hughes and Co. dr\ goods store 137 north Third Hughes Edward, labourer Otter near Frankford road Hughes Elizabeth, widow, teacher Wood above 8th Hughes Elizabeth junr. teacher, south 3d corner Pear Hughes Isabella schoolmistress. Cedar above Twelfth fHughes Isaiah, labourer. Cedar near Eleventh Hughes James, 27 Penn Hughes J'ohn, laljourer Warner's court Hugiies John, jun. merchiint, 13th below George Hughes Jonathan, watchman Broad below Locust Hughes 5c KomdafFer, grocers, point Moyamensing road

and Second


Hughes Mary, shopkeeper 44 Spruce

Hughes M iry, washerwoman Germantown r. ab. Otter

Hughes Mile's H. broker 31 Church alley

Huglies Peier, cordwaincr 24 Old York road

Hughes Thomas, drygoods store 1 north Third

Hughes William, grocer 58 Spruce

Hughes Wm, grazier 460 south Second street

Hughes Wm. carpenter Chester street

Hughs William, cabinetmaker 18 Bryan's alley

Huguenin C. A. gold and silver watchcasemaker, 42

Bread street Huhn Catharine, widow Juniper above Locust Huhn Daniel, brickmaker 343 Race Huhn John D. brickmaker Race above Twelfth kiln

corner Callowhill and Broad Hukill 8c Apt, harnessmakers Callowhill above Garden Hukill Jeremiah, harnessmaker Callowhill ab. Garden Hulands Henry, coachpainter 187 Arch and 79 !N. 5th Huler Henry, baker S43 south Fourth Hulfish 0!)adiah, cordwainer N. 4ch above Browne Hulfish Wm. cordwainer Third near George (N L) Hulings Arm, nurse West's court [see HuUings

Hulings Michael, paperstainer t03 Catharine Hulings WiUiam E. m. d. 264 Chesnut Hulings Abraham, feedstore 68 Plum Hulings Elizabeth, 499 South Front Huley John, labourer Carpenter below Third (S) Hull Agnes, milliner 100 south Second cor. of Dock Hull Benjamin, gunsmith Sansom's alley above Noble Hull Wm. L. merchant Sixth above Callowhill Hullings Hannah, widow 41 Coates Hulme Thomas, gentleman 371 High Hults Benjamin, blacksmith Prime below Second tHuly William, carter 98 Plum Humble Margaret, widow 102 Coates Humes Archibald, bottler and grocer 88 Swanson Humes George, grocer and distiller 222 south Sixth Humes Jas. bottler and grocer N E cor. German & 4th Humes John, auctioneer 56 south Front d h 165 Wal- nut (Sansom's row) Humes William, bottler and grocer 185 south Sixth Hummel Casper, tailor 365 north Front Hummel Jacob, morocco manuf. 525 north Third Hummel Jacob, brasstounder 443 north Third Hummel Magdelina, widow 453 north Third Hummel Phoebe, nurse 166 Vine

Humphre\ ille Joshua, cabinetmaker Beach near Maiden Humphreville Martha, seamstress Queen n. Marlboro* Humphreys A. Y. stationer 85 Locust Humphreys Ann, boardinghouse 146 Chesnut Humphreys Clement, inspector of customs 33 Pine Hum|ihre;>s Edward, labourer Camdei'. (N J) Humphreys Eliza, widow of Thomas 8 Biddle*s alley

HUP whitely's ant^ual

Humphreys James Y. stationer and playing card maniir

facturer 86 south Front Humphreys Jas. ropemaker Frankf. r n. Shakamaxon Humphreys James, shipwright Warren (K) Humphreys John, accountant 48 north Front JJumphreys John, bookseller 48 nortli Front Humphreys Richard, gentle nnan 32 Sansom Humphreys Saml. shipbuilder of U. S. navy 320 S. Froi^t Humphreys Sophia, tailoress 11 Friends' alms-house Humphreys Elizabeth, widow Cherry near Queen Humphreys ik: Turner, mastmakers near 68 SwansoR Huneker John, chairmaker 371 north Second Huneker Joseph, gardener Irish lane Huneker Joseph, jun ornamental painter and gilder

371 north Second Hungerford James, mariner Beach near Marlborough Hunt Charles, smith Davison's alley Hunt Edward, sea captain 80 south Fourth Hunt Humphrey, cabinetmaker 155 south Fifth Hunt James, vict. stall 14 Penn. d h cor. of Sixth and

Buttonwood Hunt John, cord wainer back of 11 south Seventh Hunt Joseph, currier 12 Oak ',^S) Hunt Mary, widow 36 Queen (S) Hunt Paul, labourer Pottery alley Hunt Samuel, grocer 85 Passyunk road Hunt Wm. silversmith 176 Race Hunt Wm. shopkeeper and bottler 67 north Front Hunt Wilson, merchant 18 and d h 151 Chesnut , Hunter Edward, flour and feedstore Germantown road

below Fourth Hunter Dr. George, gone to New Orleans Hunter Israel, carter Knodle Hunter James, sea captain 9 Summers* court Hunter James, weaver Perry below Pine Hunter John C. carpenter 51 Moyamensing road Hunter John, justice of the peace 186 south Fifth Hunter John, innkeeper 92 north Water Hunter John, Race near Sch. Eighth Hunter Joseph, currier St. John above Beaver Hunter Margaret, Petticoat alley below Browne Hunter Rachel, 82 south Fourth Hunter Susannah, china store 397 north Third Hunter William, weaver 241 south Sixth iunter William, carter Knodle West Sch. Eighth ■Hunter William, sweepmaster 22 Mary's alley iunter & Underwood, 5 Biddle's alley "iunterson John, shoemaker 308 south Fourth : iuntington James, mariner back of 67 Catharine Huntley John, carpenter back 27 Cresson's alley Hnpfel'd widow of Charles, grocery 112 north Sixth Hupfeld Charles F professor of music 26 north Tenth Hupfeld John F. musician 26 north Tenth


Huplits George H. tailor Brown near West (K) Huplitz John, tailor Rachel Huquenele Frederick, m. d. 27 Filbert Hurchin Vander, tinplateworker Sch. 8th above Race Hurdman Peter, chairmaker 39 Coates' alley Hurley George, confectioner 318 south Second Hurley Isaac A. accountant Arch street ferry Hurley rev. Michael, of St. Augustine's church, above

39 Crown in the rear of the church Hurley's paper hanging warehouse 78 Chesnut Hurley Thomas, 142 Sassafras

Hurlick WiUiam, innkeeper NW cor. Race and Fifth Huri-v Samuel, Anne st. Pen town Hurst Elizabeth, widow 15 Spruce [see Hirst

Hurst John, shopkeeper 230 north Water Hurst Lewis, carter 306 south Front Hurtel John F. printer back 124 south Second Husband John J. teacher 197 south Fourth Husbands Mary, widow back 51 Budd Hush Lewis, dravman 18 Duke Hustlebaugh Henry, milkman Hanovernear West Hustlebaugh Mrs. West near Palmer Hustler John, merchant 36 Church a/.— d h 23 Filbert Huston James, drayman Sch. 8th above Race Huston Maria Mrs. 132 Locust Huston Thomas, 110 High— d h 66 south Eighth

[see Heston and Houston Hutchins Ann, widow back 203 north Fourth Hutchins Charles, hatter Noble below Second Hutchins Henry J. clerk in loan office, 116 Prune tHutchins Matthias, coachman 34 Currant alley Hutchins Richard, innkeeper Sixth above Poplar lane Huthins WiUiam, carpenter Sixth above Poplar lane Hutchinson Benjamin, machine maker Germ. r. bel. 3d Hutchinson Benijah, carter Ohio street Hutchinson Benjamin P. broker 85 S. 2d— d h 113 Pine Hutchinson Francis, clerk 471 Race Hutchinson Henry, mariner 68 George (S) Hutchinson Isabella, widow 132 south Tenth Hutchinson James, carpenter 146 south Seventh Hutchinson James, tailor 1 LyndalPs alley Hutchinson Jojm, labourer 132 south Tenth Hutchinson John, carpenter Orange Hutchinson John jr. drygoods store 1 north Fifth dh

corner of Seventh and Orange Hutchinson John, carter Sixth below Coates Hutchinson Margaret, grocer 31 north Tenth Hutchinson Randall, clerk of the Mayor's court, 3 E,

wing of State-house d h Walnut 1st' house ab. 11th Hutchinson R- jr. drygoods store 60 north Second Hutchinson Sarah, widow Kugler's court Hutchinson Thomas, clock and watchmaker 31 S. 4th

d h 6 M'Culloch's court

INC whitely's annual

Hutchison James, tailor Lyndall's alley

Hnte Catharine, widow 40 Ch^rrv

Hutiuan Elizabeth, layer out of the dead, Maria ab. 4th

Hutsel John, oakcooperLdv above Tammany

Hutson Henry, currier M'Culloch's court

tHutt Jane, teacher 163 t>outh Sixth

Hutiert John, innkeeper Purple and Blue inn {Crosby*s)

Moyamensing r.ad below Federal Hntton John, 502 south Front Hutton Mary, widow 36 Queen (S) Hutton Nathaniel, sen. shipbuilder 382 south Front Huver Andrew, cordwainer Old York road ab. Coates Huver John, labourer 39 Charlotte JHuvor Maiy, widow 151 Green above Fourth Hyatt Dorothy, widow 450 soutn Front Huyes John, cooper above 42 Tammany Hyde Charles, shipmaster 350 south Second Hyde George, bookbinder and stationer 71 Chesnut

d h 210 Walnut Hyde Geo. & Son, booksellers and stationers 71 Chesnut Hyde John, tailor 25 Filbert

Hyde Oren, teacher Washington academy 4th ab. Vine Hyde Wm. bookseller and stationer 71 Chesnut Hyle George, sailmaker 6 Vernon Hymas Samuel, innkeeper (sign of the Lamb) 30 N. 5th Hymas William, silverplater Germ.r. above 1st gate Hymer John, labourer 214 north 4th near Browne Hymer Peter, labourer 214 north 4th above Browne Hymer Stephen, brickmaker Ann west of Twelfth Hyneman Christian, cooper 265 Catharine Hyneman F. accountant Ann above Callowhill Hyneman John D. 119 Green above Third Hyneman William, gi'ocer 121 Browne and 119 Green Hynyore Ruth, widow 42 Parham's alley

IDAR HENRY, shipwright 61 Christian

Iddings Caleb P. acco'intant 21 Newmarket

Idler Jacob, merchant back 75 N. Water— d h 231 Arch

Idlet Man, widow 27 Meade alley

Ightlinger John, ^^kindresser James near Ridge road

Imbrie James & Co. domestic warehouse 127 High

Imbrie David, merchant 127 High

Imbrie James, merchant 127 High— dh 238 Spruce

Imes Solomon, shmgledresser cor. 11th and Cherry

Imlay & Potts, merchants 5 norrii Water

Imlay Robert, merchant 5 N. Water d h 6th cor. Race

Immel Catharine, widow storekeeper 76 nt rth Third

Immel J^icob & Co. merchants 76 north Third

Immel widow of John, Stewart's alley

Inches Thomas, storekeeper 216 south Second


Fnewichter Elizabeth, widow Poplar lane below Fourth Inewichter Wm. bricklayer Old York road n, George Ing John, cordwdiner 44 north Third IngersoU Charles J. attorney at law 130 Walnut Ingei soil Edward, attorney at law 159 Walnut ab. 6th Ingersoll Jared, counsellor at law 136 Walnut Ingersoll Joseph R. counsellor at law 180 Chesnut Ingham Catharine widow Blackberry alley Ingham John, cabinetmaker Mint court Ingleman Daniel, confectioner Cherry above Sch. 8th Ingles George, county commissioner 22 Newmarket Ingling Samuel, carpenter Coates above Old York road Inglis Catharine, 91 Pine [see Engle

Inglis Joseph L. treasurer to Franktord & Bristol turn- pikes 331 Arch flngraham Aiithonv, labourer 41 Crab Ingraham Edward 1). attorney at law, 215 Chesnut 2d

door above Seventh Ingraham Francis, gentleman 431 Arch above Eleventh Ingraham John, shoemaker M'CuIloch's court Ingram Sarah, widow mantuam-aker 40 Union Ingram Tuomas, tailor Vine below Eleventh Inkson Rebecca, shopkeeper 200 north Front Innes Cornelius, shoemaker 125 Plum [see £nne8

tinnes John, mariner 139 Crab Innes Joseph, carpenter Hamilton near Schuylkill Innet David, chandler 21 Juliana

Innskeep John, President ot the K. A* insurance com- pany, 171 Walnut Inskeep Samuel, labourer back 159 Moyamensing road Inslee John A, stewai'd of Almshouse Spruce ab. 10th Inslee Martha, matron ot the Almshouse Spruce ab lOth Ireland Alphonso C. carpenter, city regulator, & mea- surer of carpenters' work 122 Pine below Fifth Ireland Edward, trunkmaker, shop Norris' alley d h

Oak above Coates Ireland George, vinegar store 48 Browne Ireland James, bottler 123 Vine Ireland James, carter Oak above Coates Ireland Jacob, labourer 57 Prime (S.) Ireland John, carter 291 Callow hill Ireland John, wharf builder Shakamaxon near Bedford Ireland Richard, trader Camden N J. "reman Elizabeth, widow cor. Prime & Moyamensing r. ! rick Catharine, widow 114 Spruce : rick Chri.-tr. sexton of St. Peter's church 176 S. Sixth ■Irons Jacob, woodsawyer 25 Pine alley "Irons Richard, waiter Middle alley "Irvin Charles, cooper Nieman's alley Irvin John, waiter 12x\corn alley rvine Callender, commissary general of U. S. 431 High ! rvine Casper, bridlebitmaker Camac above Ger. road 'rvine Henry, (Buck inn) 356 High

JAC whitely's annual

Irvine Hood, mercht. S E cor. 2d & Arch d h 31 Vine f Irvine Samuel, cooper Nieman's alley- Irving Esther, widow 111 Catharine Irvist John, brickmaker Buttonwood lane Irwin Charles, sea captain 50 Shippen Irwin Ezra, labourer Clymer's alley ^ Irwin Edward, weaver cor. Thirteenth and Cedar Irwin Elizabeth, widow 238 Filbert near Twelfth Irwin Frederick, accountant 3 north Eighth Irwin James, dry goods store 217 south Second Irwin John W. 115 Lombard Irwin Thomas, carpenter St. Joseph's avenue Irwin William, stonecutter Vine near Thirteenth

[see Erwen l:f jlrivin Isdell Elizabeth, widow 45 Penn Iseminger Adam, wheelwright Queen below Sixth Isenring John, skindresser 391 north Front Isington James.tobacconist cor. St. Tammany & Kunckel Islington Lane, Sansom above Eighth Israel Abraham, 33 Callowhill and drygoods store 329

north Second Israel & Goldsmith, drygoods store 329 north Second Israel Israel, gentleman 103 Walnut Israel Samuel, merchant 186 Pine Ivins Ezekiel, bricklayer Broad corner Arch Izard Alice, widow 307 Spruce below Tenth Izard Gen. George, 295 Spruce

JACK ANN, widow of Francis, 218 south Third

Jack Mary, widow mantuamaker and tailoress 33 El-

freth's alley Jackaw ay Nathan, plasterer north Fourth near Browne Jackson Andrew, inspector of customs 27 north Twelfth Jackson Benjamin, carpenter 4 Wiley's court tJackson Benjamin, labourer Coates above Fourth

Jackson , lace, fringe &c. weaver 96 N- Seventh

Jackson Charles C. innkeeper (Schuylkill inn) High n.

SchuylkiW Front •j-Jacksou Caleb, sawyer Browne above Fourth Jackson Francis, coachman Twelfth below Chesnut tjackson Frances, widow Green's court Jackson George W. carpenter 208 north Eighth f Jackson Henry, woodsawyer Barclav's court Jackson & Hoare, sign painters, &c. i*f W corner Fifth

and Spruce Jackson Isaac, china store Coates bel. Old York road Jackson Jacob, labourer 10 Gaskill street Jackson Jacob, mariner 41 Catharine fJackson Jacob, waiter Shippen above Seventh Jackson James, mariner Galbraith's court


f Jackson James, labourer 206 Coates near Fifth fjackson James, waiter Fries's court Jackson James, mariner 13 Elizabeth fJackson Jane, Allen's alley Jackson Jesse, painter and glazier Middle alley tJackson Job, sweep Miles* court near Rose ■Jackson John, barber 211 S nh & Fourth near High Jackson Johi», tanner cor. Prince and Duke (K.) Jackson John W cordwainer Castle Jackson John, gentleman S W cor. WalQut and 12tli Jackson John, ice( ream maker 211 south Seventh Jackson Joseph, flr^ur and feedstore 245 north Front Jackson Jos. carpenter 10 Franklin court fJackson Peter, labourer back 90 Bedford Jackson Rachael, Union street

■Jackson Rebecca, widow Third near George (N. L.) Jackson Richard, tailor 159 Arch JJackson Samuel, carpenter 10 Franklin st, Jackson Samuel, m. d. 40 north Fourth Jackson Samuel, painter and glazier 163 Shippen Jackson Saml. &S (late David & S.) druggists 40 N. 4th fJackson Samuel, sweep Warren st. fJackson Samuel, bootcleaner 5 Little Dock Jackson Sarah, widow N W corner 12th and Arch Jackson Susan, widow of David, 40 north Fourth Jackson Thomas, late grocer Dawson's alley Jackson Thomas, accountant Orange street (C.) Jackson Thomas, coachmaker Locust above Eighth Jackson Thomas, 101 Walnut resid Mount Pleasant Jackson Thomas, late grocer Davison's alley ^ Jackson Washington, merchant, upficr 190 High fJackson Wm. mariner 215 Shippen Jackson Wm. mariner 10 Shippen Jackson Wm. 34 Chester Jackson Wm. carpenter Twelfth above Race Jackson Wm. editor of the Political & Commercial Re- gister, office 1 Lodge d h (Franklin row) south 9th near Locust tJackson Wm. coachman 3 Bell's court f Jacobs Abel, shoemaker 107 Queen f Jacobs Anthony, labourer Browne above Fourth f Jacobs Burton, woodsawyer Bonsall Jacobs Catharine, widow 26 Garden f Jacobs Henry, barber 93 south Water Jacobs Joseph, sexton 1st Presby t. church, back 104 Vine Jacobs Louisa, widow 17 Sassafras alley f Jacobs Miles, oysterman 87 south Second Jacobs Peter, tanner Pottery alley Jacobs Philip, collector 40 Crown Jacobs Richard, mariner 6 Penn Jacobs Sarah, widow 133 Green Jacobs Samuel H. attorney at law 63 north Seventh tJacobs Stephen, welldigger Hazel alley

JAR whitely's annual

Jacobs widow of doctor John P. 54 Chester

Jacobs Wm. hatter 34 Wood below Third

Jacobs Wm. carpenter, back 58 Ann

Jacobson Hanse, oysterman 7 Bard's alley

Jacoby Francis, gentleman Frankford r. near Hart inn

Jdcoby J >hn, cordwainer N E cor. Fourth and Browne

Jiggers Jonathan, 7^ north Front

Jdhns Christian, patent wall colourer and painter 216

N. Eighth below Callowhill [«ee Johna

James Cutharine, huckster 2 Callowhill James i^v. Daniel, 5 Lemon fJames Elijah, mariner 114 Cherry fJames Francis, whitewasher Browne above Fourth f James Frederick, carpenter 107 German James Israel E. cabinetmaker 276 north Second James Issachar, grocer and fruiterer 97 north Third James James, late shopkeeper 38 Meade alley James Jeremiah, merchant tailor 212 High James Jesse, carpenter back 468 north Third James John, sen. merchant 71 Cherry James John, grocer 360 north Front James John, junior, cabinetmaker back 113 Chesnut—

d h 71 Cherry James John, cordwainer 29 Union tJnmes John, labourer Harper's alley (P. T.) f James Judith, whitewasher 232^ Lombard James Margaret, widow 27 Queen (S.) James Otto, cabinetmaker 342 and 346 south Front jJames Peter, waiter Rose alley fJames Robert, porter Fourth below Merriott's lane f-James Samuel, labourer 20 Prosperous alley fJames Stephen, woodsawycr Baker st. James Thomas, clerk in U. S.bank, 263 south Third James Thomas C. accountant Allen near Beach James Thomas, labourer Siaka.maxon above Prince James Thomas, teacher 1 Budd James Ihomas C. m. d. professor of midwifery in the

University of Pennsylvania, 7 York buildings f Jameson Caesar, waiter Davison's alley near'Juniper Jameson John, grocer 39 Small Jameson Robert, shipwright 547 south Front Jamieson Robert (Harmonic Tavern) cor. Union & 2d Jamison Ann, widow 66 S.van^'On Jamison John, cabinetmaker IS Dock Janeway rev, Jacob J 208 Mulberry Janney Benjamin S. m. d 312 north Third January David, merchant 212 south Fourth January H. layer out of the dead, back 39 Arch January Rebecca, mantuamaker 39 Arch Janvier Wm. merchant 85 High Jaquett and Shaw, upholsterers 35 north Third Jaquett Thomas, upholsterer 35 N. 3d— d h 68 N Fifth Jardella Andrew B sculpturer and stonecutter 59 N. 8th


Jarden Catharine, widow of Samuel, 110 N Eleventh

[see Jordan Jarden John, stonecutter 224 S Front & 43 German Jarden Wm. plasterer 389 Sassafras below Eleventh Jardon S^ml. labourer cor. Cedar and Twelftli Jarman Charles, cabinetmaker 5th n. Carpenter (S.) Jarman Daniel, chairmhker 38H S 2d [ftee Germon Jarman Reuben, drygoods store 445 north Second Jarett John, oysterman near Ceflar st. ferry Jarraitt Ji^hn, weaver Camden N. J. Jarvis Elizabeth, widow tailort-ss Camden N. J. Jarves Stephen, shoemakt-r C irpe.nter (S ) ab Fourth Jasper James, sea captain 32 Union Jaudon Daniel, ladies academy 221 Mulberry Jay Benjamin, cordwainer Juniper above Race Jeanes Amos, lumber merchant High west Soh. Sixth

[.see Jo?2es Jeanes Isaiah, mcrcht. 155 N Water— d h 208 N. Front tJefFeesMary, back 519 ncrrh Third JefFeries Benjamin, shoeniaker O. York r.ab. Tammany Jefferies James, smith 79 L )Cust

Jeffers Barbara, widow milkwoman Coates bel. Fourth JefFers John, victualler cor. Callowhill 6c Ridge road Jefferson Joseph, comedian 14 Powell Jefferson Richard, painter & glazier Prinie above Front Jeffrey James, skindresser Third, near Ger. road Jeffrey Samuel, brickmaker Coates above O. York r. Jeffries Daniel, orickmake r 4th above Pojjlar lane Jeffries and Nuttle> coachmakers 40 Prune Jeff- ies George, coachmaker 40 Prune d h 46 Union Jeffreys William, ccachman 216 Lombard Jeineson Stephen, W. carpenter 465 south Second fJematrice Jobn, hairdresser 70 Dock Jenkins Abasha, shipmaster 25 Newmarket Jenkins Andrew, huckster Camden N. J. Jenkins Charles, mariner 47 Charlotte Jenkins Charles F. drygoods store 90 N. Second— d h

24 Key's alley- Jenkins Da«id« carter 11th below Spruce t Jenkins Henrietta widow Bonsall below Tenth Jeiikins Jabez, merchant Townsend's court fJenkins James, bootblack 10 Acorn alley Jenkins John, hackler 33 Crown Jenkins John, cordwainer 84 north Fifth Jenkins John, carter back 41 Coates Jenkins John J. bookbinder 123 Race tJenkins John, labourer Apple near George Jenkins John, rivet hose 8cc. maker Quince bel. Walnut Jenkins Joseph G. 57 Browne Jenkins Launcelot, tavernkeeper High west Permanent

bridge Jenkins Mary, widow 62 Tammany tJenkins Robert sawyer back 129 Plum


whitely's annual

Jenkins Sarah, storekeeper 208 south Second

tJ^nkiiis Steplieii, porter IStii above Cedar

Jenkins Tubitha widow Townsend*s court

tJciikins William porter 219 Cherry

Jcnks Jonathan, merchant 566 south Front

Jenks John, printer Tenth above Vine

Jenks Joseph R. m^rch. 54 S. wharves dh 5 Vine

Jennings Ehza, widv)W back 9 Shippen

Jennings Geo. vict. Lombard near Schuylkill river

jJennings Jane, widow 211 south Seventh

Jennings John, auc'r 107 south Fourth

Jennings Nathan B. mainer 38 Mead alley ^see Ginnin^s

Jenny Elizabeth, widow Queen near Bishop

Jerreli Hannah, widow near 16 Fitz waiter

Jervis Joseph I. sea captain 330 south Second street

Jess Ruth, bonnetmaker 14 Church alley

fJessop Isaac, woodsawyer 198 south Sixth

Jester T. P. painter &c. Littleboy's court

Jewell, Bancraft 8c Co. goldbeaters 2 south Third

Jewell Kenneth, merchant tailor 78 and 80 south Third

Jewell Leonard, goldbeater 2 S. Third d h 117 New

Jewell Miry, ladies' dressmaker 11 Strawberry

Johannes WilUam. B. baker 23 norh Seventh

John Brown, blacksmith Beach below Warren

John David, runner of Farm. & Mech. Bank 4 Bank

Johns John, boot and shoemaker Drinker's alley

Johns Joseph, bricklayer 227 Lombard

Johns and Linerd. mastmakers Haysca|es wharf (NL)

Johns Richard, mastmaker, yard at the Hayscales

wharf d h Liberty alley Johns Thomas, shipwright 18 Mary (S.) Johnson Abraham, blacksmith Frankford r. ab. Queen t Johnson Abraham, labourer Bengali tJohnson Abraham, waiter Quince above Warren Johnson Alexander, Germantown road near Fourth f Johnson Alexander, waiter Quince above Sprilce Johnson Ann, nurse Cresson's alley Johnson Ann, cotton embroiderer Arch near Broad Johnson Ann, widow of David 59 south Eleventh tJohnson Ann, widow St. Mary street fjohnson Arcy, labourer Sch Seventh below Race Johnson Augustus W. brassfounder 2d ab. Gcr. road Johnson Benj. bookseller stove 31 and d.h. 455 High Johnson Bernard, oysterman Spafford street Johiison Catharine, widow 160 north Water Johnson Charles, printing ink and lampblack manufac- tory cor. of Tenth and Lombard •j-Johnson Daniel, porter back 72 Christian fjohnson David, porter back 203 Lombard Johnson David, blacksmith Maiden near Front Johnson David, shallopman Cooper's court (N t) tJohnson Diana, widow Middle alley ' I Johnson Edward, sailmaker 21 Hurst


Johnson Eleanor, widow Liberty alley Johnson Elizabeth, widow Juniper above Race Johnson Elizabeth, widow Tammany below St. John Johnson Elizabeth, widow 446 north Front Johnson Ehzabeth, widow Id OYork road ab. Poplar lane JoI\nson Elizabeth wido v 12th below Race ■j-Johnson Elizabeth, widow (ireen's court Johnson Ellen, widow back 142 south Fifth fJohnson Ezekiel, shoeblack back 123 north Tenth jJohnson Francis, distiller 61 Currant alley f Johnson Francis, musician 65 south Fourth Johnson Gabriel, mariner 198 Lombard Johnson George, shoemaker back 111 Plum Johnson George, sugarboilei* Kunckel above Noble "Johnson George, labourer Chester near Vine ■Joimson George, waiter 23 Currant alley ■Johnson George, labourer Juniper below Vine Johnson Hannah, boardinghouse 122 north Front Johnson Hannah, widow SE cor. of Fourth & Green Johnson Henry, carter back 293 south Fifth fJohnson Henry, waiter 226 south Seventh Johnson Isaac, coachman 179 south Founh fJohnson Isaac, sawyer Twelfth below Chesnut Johnson Jacob, carpenter back 84 Union Johnson Jacob, bookseller 2J9 north Fourth Johnson Jacob, carter 39 Newmarket Johnson Jacob, bootmaker 152 Race John on Jacob, labourer West above Wood fJohnson James, labourer Swede's alley Johnson James, carpentei- back oi 172 Spruce fJohnson James, yjainter &c. 265 Spruce fJohnson Jane, Dean's alle\ fJohnson Jesse, sawyer 14 St. Mary fJohnson Job, master sweep 226 Shippen Joimson John, justice of the peace, Hannver al> Prince Johnson John, tavernkecDer 550 south Front Johnson John, laijourer Second above the Germ, road Johnson Joiin, labourer Tiiirteenth below Race Johnson John, 249 south Secor.d Johnson John & Co. oyster cellar 5 N. Front &: 4 north

Water Johnson John G. carpenter 24 S.isvafras alley Johnson John, carter 272 Swans on street Johnson John, baker 225 so|ith Fifth Johnson John, hatter, back 88 north Front Johnson John, sexton 38 Catharine Johnson John P. mate 19 Cox's allev Johnson John, drayman Coates below Sixth f Johnsoi, J )hn R. oyster cellarN.6th&:Osborn'say. N.L. Johnsen Jonathan, carpenter 539 north Front Johnson Jonathan, farmer Chesnut near Sch. Front Johnson Joseph, sea captain 544 south Front




Johnson Joseph, shipchandler 77 South -wharves— d h Moyannensing road comer Johnson's lane & 150 Pine

Johnson Joseph, mariner Crown near Bedford

Johnson Joseph, slater Laurel near Budd (N. L.)

Johnson Josephus, manner 16 Plum

fJohnson, widow of Joseph, back 90 Bedford

t Johnson Josiah, blacksmith lOr Budd below Laurel

Johnson Josiah, letter carrier 22 George

fJohnson Joshua, shoeblack o7 Prosperous alley

fJohnson Lawrence, labourer Bedford's alley

Johnson Levi, labomer 99 Queen

fJohnson L. labourer, 226 Catharine

fjohnson Margaret, widow Apple near George

fJohnson Mary, widow Miles' alley

Johnson Maria T. teacher Sch. I'Vighth above Race

Johnson Mary, widow, tailoress 283 south Third

Johnson Mary, widow Church street (back)

Johnson Mary & Elizabeth, storekeepers 28 north 4th

Johnson Michael, carter Paschal's alley

Johnson Mrs. boardinghouse S. E. cor. Tammany & 4th

fJohnson Nathan, woodsawyer Miles' court

Johnson Noah, labourer Washington

fJohnson Patience, dealer, 100S. 2d dh 245 Spruce

Johnson Peter, blacksmith Budd above Laurel

Johnson Peter, waterman 13 Federal

Johnson Peter, jun. nuiriner, btick 77 Christian

Johnson Peter, watchman, back 454 south Front

Johnson Peter, v.'eaver, corner Thirteenth and Cherr\

Johnson Peter, rigger, 17 Parham's alley

Johnson Peter, grocer (/atharine street wharf

fJohnson Phoebe, widow Allen's alley

Johnson labourer 322 south Front

Johnson Rachel, widow Second above Germantown r.

Johnson Randal, manner 468 south Front

JohRson Richard, huckster Camden (N. J.)

Johnson Richard, labourer 77 German

Johnson Richara B. turner 58 Dock— d h 1 Locust

Johnson Robert, carter 328 south Sixth

Johnson Robt. S. iron merch. 59 N. ^^^ater— d h 26 Vine

Johnson Robert, smith 33 Penn

Johnson R. widow Maiden near the stone bridge

Johnson Samuel, cordwainer S. E. cor. Minor 8c Sixth

Johnson Sarah, widow 51 Meade alley

Johnson Sarah, widow IfG Arch

Johnson Sarah, widow 46 Queen

f J(^hnson Solomon, waiter 21 Prosperous alley

Johnson Sophia, widow 98 Coates

fJohnson Stacy, woodsawyer back 130 north Fifth

fJohnson Susan, Meredith's court

Johnson Susannah, widow M'(iinnis's court

fJohnson Tamer, widow 90 Small

Johnson Thos, cordwainer Scott's alley back 383 Higb

fJohnson Thomas, labourer, back 219 Cherry street


Johnson Thomas, mariner China below Second Johnson \Vm. lumber merchant, corner, Sixth and But-

tonwood d.h. 49 Tammany Johnson Wm. B.coachmaker George above Tenth Johnson Wm. 29 Bndd

Johnson Wm. cordwainer 27 Watson's alley Johnson Wm. T. tailor 397 High Johnson Wm. labourer Say street Johnson Wm. H. hatter, 47 Currant alley Johnson Wm. caulker Hanover near Queen t Johnson Wm. labourer 6th corner Merriott's lartp (Johnson Wm. labourer 30 Christian t Johnson Wm. woodsawyer Quince above Spruce f Johnson York, shoeblack 2 south Eighth Johnston Adam, tallowchandler 467 Race Johnston Alexander W. merchant 25 south Water

d. h. 5 York buildings Johnston Alice, widow of colonel Francis, 163 S. Tenth Johnston Ann, widow, nurse 18 Star alley Johnston Andrew, carpenter 62 Passyunk road Johnston Benjamin, senior 29 Jones's alley Johnston Benj.Jun.oysterman 22 High d. h 27 Jones* ay. tJohnston Benjamin', sawyer Little Oak Johnston Charles, carpenter 21 Wagner's alley Johnston Christopher, labourer Vine above Broad Johnston Deborah, widow Barron street Johnston Eliza, milliner 153 Arch Johnston Ezekiel, labourer, back 519 north Third Johnston Frederick, labourer Federal below Second Johnston Hannah, boardinghouse 41 Sansom street Johnston James, gentleman 306 south Second Johnston James, grocer N. E. cor. Walnut and Eleventh Johnston Jane, widow grocer Chesnut above Thirteenth Johnston Job, sexton Prince above Front Johnston John, mariner 112 Swanson Johnston John, drayman Sch, Seventh above Race Johnston John, carter Coates above the Old York road Johnston John, carpenter 149 St. John Johnston, John, dry goods store 2 north Second tJohnston Joshua, laboui-er o7 Pi'osperous alley Johnston Mary, shopkeeper 380 south Second -Johnston Patience, dealer 100 S. 2d d. h. 245 Spruce ■Johnston Richard, waiter 100 north Eleventh ■Johnston Samuel, labourer Smith's court ■Johnston Samuel, labourer 220Shippen Johnston Thomas, labourer 24 Coomb's alley Johnston Wm. P. printer 47 Dock d h 143 south 5th tJohnston Wm. labourer 13 Plum Johnston Wm. trunkmaker 189 north Front Jolly Samuel, storekeeper 5S Plum street Jones Abraham, trader 93 north Ninth Jones Abraham, cordwainer Sansom's allev Jones Abraham, turner 203 north Third


whitely's annual

Jones Amos A. iron merchant 220 north Eighth

tJones Amos, coachman Appletree alley

Jones Amy, boardinghouse comer ()tter'& Frankford y

Jones Anthony, labourer 134 Browne

fJones Anthony, master sweep Fries's court

Jones Arabella, widow (Sansom's row) 187 Walnut

Jon s & Barton, drygoods store 20 north Second

Jones Benjamin, iron merchant 17 S. wharves dwelling

267 Chesnut [see Ja/ins, Johns, ksf Janes

Jones Benjamin, jun merchant 211 and d h 234 S Front Jones Benj. cabinetmaker Prime below Second Jones Benj. labourer Pottery alley Jones Benjamin, engraver 47 Chesnut and 50 Walnut Jones Benjamin, sen. grazier 7 Cedar Jones Charles, teacher S. W. corner Third and Vine

d h 28 north Fifth Jones C. & N. jr. hosiery store N. W. cor. Chesnut & 2d Jones Curtis, labourer 46 Queen Jones Daniel, blacksmith 386 north Third Jones David, cordwainer Franktord road above Queen Jones David, carpenter 109 Christian Jones David, hatter 128 north Second Jones David, carpenter 6 Fries' court Jones David, mariner 4 Meade alley Jones David, mariner 58 Meade alley Jones Edward, grocer 137 south Sixth Jones Edward, accountant 16 Newmarket Jones Edward, grocer N. W. cor. Catharine and Third Jones Elizabeth, widow 9 Ehzabeth street jjones Elizabeth, 12th above Si)ruce f Jones Elizabeth, widow above Atkinson's court Jones Elvey, collector 54 Newmarket Jones Esther Mrs 263 Spruce

Jones Evan, tavemkeeper N W. cor. Chesnut & Front Jones Evan, milkman Locust west of Broad tJones Evans, mariner 18 Elizabeth Jones George W. painter, &c. 51 Chesaiut Jones George m. d. 120 south Eighth Jones George, weaver Marlbr:>' near Queen Jones Geo. W auctioneer 34 S. Front d h 139 Walnut Jones George D. cabinetmaker 83 Dock d h 79 Walnut |Jones George, oysterman 152 south Fifth Jones & Gordin, grocers N E cor. Ninth & Filbert tJones Hannah, widow Potter}' alley Jones Henry, shoemaker, back 372 north Third Jones Henry jr. cordwainer 13th cor. Weaver's alley Jones Ho'vell, shoemaker 167 south Third Jones Hugh, milkman Broad below Walnut Jones Ira, 18 Cheny Jones Isaac, cabinetmaker 77 north Front Jones Isaac, shoemaker Camden (N J.) tJones Isaac, labourer near 163 Coates t^ones Isaac, labourer 163 Coates


Jones Isaac C. Oakford & Co, merchants 84 High Jones Isaac C.mercliant 84 High d h 184 Mulberry Jones Isaac H. 'obacconisc 169 north Front Jones Isaac H. & Son, tobacconists 169 north Front Jones Isaac R. dr> goods store 20 north Second Jones James L. cordwainer Cherry above Eleventh Jones Jane, widow boardinghouse 181 sourth Front Jones Jane, widow boardinghouse 6 Laurel street Jones Jesse, tailor 128 Callowhill Jones Jesse, carter George (N. L.) near Fourth Jones Jesse, 126 Pine ^Jones Jesse, pumpmaker Rose street Jones Jehu, shoemaker south 5th below Merriott's court Jones John, wheelwrij^ht St. John above Tararaany Jones John, druggist 79 Shippen

Jones John, wheel wrigiit High W. Darby r. Hamilton vil. Jones John, labourer Third near Germantown road Jones rev. John, teacher Mantua village Jones John, ferrvman Camden (N. J.) Jones John M distiller, &c. 16 & 18 south Eighth Jones John, tailor Germantown road abore Third Jones John, labourer Beach near Marlbro' Jones John & Co. lottery office 244 north Second Jones John J. grocer Vienna near Duke (N. L.) tJones John, attendant in store 25 Coxe's alley Jones John, calicoprinter, Charlotte near Fourth Jones John, flour merchant 228 and 30 north Front tJones John, mariner 6 Madison's court Jones Jonathan D. hatter 161 south Fiont Jones Joseph, wheelwright 4 Vernon Jones Joseph, accountant 2 Ann street Jones Joseph, saddler Cresson's alley Jones Joshua, grocer corner Ninth & Filbert tJones Leonard, sawyer Lyndall's court tJones Lewis, ticket porter 242 Lombard Jones Lloyd, sea captain 225 south Front Jones Lovell, gunsmith 6th near Coaces tJones Louisa, washerwoman back 43 Small Jones Margaret, widow 21 Catharine Jones Margaret, milkwoman Broad below Walnut tJones Martha, widow Bedford near Hanover Jones Martha, widow St. Mai\ near Seventh Jones Marhon, widow 43 Almo;id Jones Mark, tailor Nonnater'> court Jones Mary, boardinghouse 266 Arch Jones Mary, widow Carpenter near Fourth (S ) Jones Mary widow of Andrew, 486 Race f Jones Mary 4 Gilles's alley Jones Mercy, teacher Ro.se alley above Green tJrnes Moses, sawyer Juniper alley jJones Mo^es, sweepmaster Ball alley Jones Murdock, labourer 575 south Front Jones Nathan, storekeeper 58 south Second




Jones Nathan, jun. 60 south Second d h 82 Union

Jones Owen, gentleman 154 south Second

Jones Paul, merchant 299 Race

Jones Peter N. plasterer Pine below Tenth

t Jones Peter, porter Coates below Old York road

Jones Philip, umbrella maker 23i north Second

Jones Philip, labourer Malt alley

Jones R. & H. dr> goods store 26 north Fourth

Jones Richard, bottler 159 north Sixth

fJones Richard D. porter, Mark's lane

Jones Robert, sea captain 191 Cedar

Jones Robert W. Thirteenth 2d door above Walnut

Jones Robert, bricklayer 30 Fitzwalter

Jones Samuel, mariner 45 Green {see Jnhns 'Cf Jone&

Jones Samuel, smith and wheelwright '303 and 309 S.

Front, shop Penn street Jones Samuel, dry goods store 48 north Second Jones Samuel, ornamental painter 101 Swanson Jones Samuel, cabinetmaker back 83 Chesnut Jones Samuel, dyer, &c. 38 Penn fJones Samuel, porter Fitzwalter above Sixth Jones Samuel S. accountant 12 Garden street Jones Samuel W. merchant 103 & d b 154 north Fronr fJones Simon, fruitstore and intelligence office 9^ S 6th Jones & Smith, merchants 103 north Front Jones, Susan, cakebaker 13 south Tenth fJones Susan, widow back 257 south Fourth Jones Thomas, cordwainer Green above Front Jones Thomas, Pearson's court Jones Thomas, calico glazier Sch. Front above Vine Jones Thomas, merchant 25 south Second Jon«s Thomas, coachtrimmer 156 north Fifth Jones Thomas, jun. storekeeper 39 north Second Jones Thomas, shoemaker Prime below Second (S) Jones Thos. merch. 96 Crown office on Hodge's whav: Jones widow of Thomas, Frankf. road above Queen tJones Walter, carter Cherry below Thirteenth Jones Wilkin, mariner Cypress alley Jones William, gentleman 12 Lombard street Jones William, com. merch. 244 Arch 2 doors W. 9th Jones William, plasterer 233 Spruce Jones William, merchant 169 High d h 80 Wood Jones Wm. cordwainer alloy n, Allen st. Frankford r, Jones William, quarryman Otter near Frankf. road Jones William, labourer 265 Catharine Jones William, labourer 460 south Second Jones William, cordwainer Vine above Thirteenth Jones Wm. wheelwright Frankf. road above Queen Jones William R. engraver 23 Carter's alley fJones W^illiam, labourer, back 100 north Eleventh Jordan Abigail, widow (ierman below Fourth Jordan Frances, superior of the St. Joseph's Orplvans"

asylum, 134 south Sixth


Jordan Henry, currier 129 north Second

Jordan John, merchant 123 north Third

Jordan Joseph F. pedlar 161 Cedar

Jordan Mary, widow of Joseph, 10 Bonsall

Jordan Michael, tailor 4th above Franklin

Jordan Michael, mariner 310 south Third

Jordan Patrick, teacher 246 south Third

Jordan Richard, druggist and apothecary S E corner

Third and Coates Jordan Thomas, agent for inland transport, 4 Decatur Jordan William, cordwainer 9 Pratt's court Jorden Zachariah, labourer West near Marlborough Joret Francis, oysterman 52 N Second d h 14 Union Joseph Abraham, merchant 130 Arch tjoseph Eliza, back 165 German fjoseph John, sawyer Clever alley tJoseph John, barber 214 Cedar Joseph Manuel, mariner 75 Plum Joseph Samuel, late storekeeper 161 Cedar tJoseph William, hairdresser 84 Shippen Josiah James, sea captain 23 Christian Josiah J. 6c G. M'Leod, ropemakers and shi^chandlers

40 South wharves Joubert Peter, goldsmith 240 south Second Joule Sarah, milliner from London, 410 north 4th Jourdan David, merchant back 29 N Water d h Cal-

lowhill above Eleventh Jourdan Henry, labourer Maria above 4th (N L) Jourdan Samuel, labourer Shippen above Sixth Jourdan Sarah, boardinghouse 41 north Eighth fJourdan Thomas, carter 76 Plum Jourdon Thomas, weaver 84 north Water fjoval John, labourer Passyunk below Christian Joyce David, shoemaker Clever alley Joyce John J. smith 90 Cherry Joyce Phomas, watchmaker 242 south Sixth Joyce Thomas, tobacconist 86 Shippen Joyce Thomas, tailor 20 Vernon Joynes Littleton, grocer 418 north Third Joynt Charles, surgeon barber 335 north Front fJudah Harriet, Paper alley Judd Anson (Judd's hotel) 27 south Third Julian William, carpenter 34 Carter's alley

■Julius James, sawyer 5 Madison's alley

•Jupiter Esther, Small below Sixth Juppenlatz Fi^derick, baker 354 south Second Justice Charles, shoemaker 474 Race Justice Elizabeth, widow, 201 Shippen Justice Friend, carter Sch. 8th above Race Justice (ieorge, surveyor to North American insurance

company 82 Crown Justice G. M. merchant 149 Market d h 233 Vine Justice George W. accountant 33 Coates

KAT whitely's annual

Justice Isaac, brickmaker Perry below Pine Justice J. & G. M. mercbants 149 High Justice Jacob, haixlware merch. 149 High and 117 Vine Justice J. P. printer 481 north Second Justice Margaret, 74 Crown

Justice Samuel, cordwainer Second above Germ, road Justice W. A. shipwright Marlborough cor Bcdtord Justus Philip, carpenter 24 Wood

Jm enal B .rtholomew, starch and hairpowdcr manufac- tory, cor. Margaretta and Nevvniarket streets Juvenal Jacob, starch factory O. York r. ab, Callowhill Juvenal Susaniaah, starchmaker cor. Old York & Noble

KAGAN TIMOTHY, carter Small near Sixth

Kaign Joseph, farmer Kaighnton (N J)

Kaign John, farmer Kaighnton (N J)

Kaighn Sarah, gentlewoman Kaighnton (N J)

Kaiker Anthony, victQaller O. York r. ab. Buttonwood

Kaiter Isaac, shipcarpenter John street

Kalbach Henry, sugar retiner 31 Chester

Kalbach & Landes, sugar refiners 189 Cherry

Kale Geo. labourer Apple near George (N L)

Kaler Jacob, shopkeeper 56 St. Tammany

Kalhaffer Margaret, widow 20 Biyan's alley

Kampman Francis C. 68 north Third

Kane Daniel, tobacconist corner Queen and Second

Kane Daniel, jr. tobacconist 87 Queen (S)

Kane Elisha, gentleman 244 Walnut

Kane Elizabeth, widow 99 New

Kane George, tobacconist N W cor. Queen and Second

Kane John K. attorney at law 191 Walnut

fKane Richard, woodsawyer Merriott's lane above 4th

Kane Thomas, cordwainer Beach near Maiden

Kane, widow of John, grocer 25 Union

Kanows Marv% widow 30 Kunckel

Karchoff Chnstopher, 392 north Third

Karchoif Jacob, tobacconist S94 north Third

Karen Francis, typefounder 178 Shippen

Karl John, accountant Ger. road below Third

Kame Anthony (96 next 14th April, his 2d wife 76)

65 Budd Karner Christian, watchman, back 174 Pine Karrager Anthony, vict. 81 High st. market above 5th Karral Mary, widow cor. Otter and Germantown road Kartsher Charles, grocer corner Fourth and Browne Kaselev Andrew, tailor Sch. 8th below High Katez Dorothy, widow 30 north Seventh Kates Jacob, tobacconist 9 Hoffman's alley Katz Adam, smith 486 north Third Katz George, corder 23 Vine


Katz Henry, woodsawyer Fourth above Browne

Katz John/baker 113 Cherry street

Katz J. John, bookbinder over the Phoenix hosehouse—

d h 9 Zane Katz Jn'.vn, labourer 113 Cherry Kiitz Michael, carter llKunckel Katez Wm. bellhanger and focksmith 28 north 7th Kavanaugh Arthur, marinei' 11 Dock Kavanaugh Frances, widow 292 Arch above Tenth Kay Aaron, accountant Prime above Front Kay Benjamin, grocer 200 N Water & 205 north Froilt Kay Charles, sea capiain 47 Almond Kay James, bandbox manufactory 119 north Sixth Kay Joseph, tanner corner Fourth aud Frankhn Kay Joseph, hatter 42 north Front and 50 High Kay Joseph L seacayjtain 113 Lombard Kay Josiah S. Poplar lane above Ninth

Kay , teacher Franklin court

Kays Addis, carpenter corner Charles and James

Kay ser John G. doctor 176 north Fifth

Keal Conrad, weaver Rose alley below Coates

Kean Harman, tailor 187 St. John [^see Ke€7i

Kean John, smith 8c farrier, Lombard ab. 4th d h 78

south Fifth Kean Mary, spinster Galbreath's court Kean Roger, mariner 97 Shippen Kean Roger, mariner 94 Clare alley Kean Sarah, widow grocer 22 Barron Kean William, clerk 82 Race

Kearny Francis, engraver 10 Library— -d h 57 south 7th Kearney Mary, widow back 46 Spruce {see Carney Kearney Robert, Beach near Ma'den (K) Kearney Samuel, cordwanier 276 south Sixth Keasbey Jesse, currier 67 and 2 Lodge street Keates Margaret, widow 19 Beck's alley Keath William, currier S Ecr,r. Eleventh and North Keating Jerome, merchant 183 south Fifth Keating John, gentleman 183 south Fifth Keating John, jr. attorney at law 17 & 183 south Fifth Keating John, coachman 1 Dawson's couit Keating Lambert, boot 8c shoe mannf. 51 N Second Keating Margaret, widow shopkeeper 6 Prune Keating William, late grocer Cherry near Sch. 6th Keck Adam, currier Crown above Callowhill 8c back

461 north Second Keck C H. machinemaker and turner in metals 5 Ap-

pletree alley d h 153 Cherry Keck John, tanner, Allen near Point road (K) Keeck Mercy, nurse 448 north Front Keef John 8c Jas. vermicelli manuf. Prime ab. Front Keef Joseph, oakcooper 9 Federal Keegan William, tailor Hause's court Keel Baltis, printer 21 Sassafras alley


Keel Ellis, constable High W. Permanent Bridge

Keel Henry, shop 15 Bryan's alley

Keel John, cordwainer Callowhill above John

Koely Abraham, blacksmith Ger. road below Second

Keemer Elizabeth, widow 422 south Front

Keeley Ellen, widow 165 north Sixth

Keemhle John, m. d. 6th above Callowhill

Keemle' Isaac A. conveyancer 6th above Callowhill

Keemle' Isaac, conveyancer 222 north Fifth

Keemle' John, m. d. 222 north Fifth

Keenjle' Samuel, attorney at law 103 Arch

Keen Abigail, widow, back 580 south Second

Keen Andrew, shipjoiner Shakamaxon near Queen

Keen Catharine, widow Queen near Bishop (K)

Keen & Curry, lumber merch. W. Permanent Bridge

Keen & Drais, sailmakers Summer's wharf

Keen Harman, tailor 189 St John

fKeen Henry, oysterman 80 St. Mary

Keen Jacob, shipjoiner Penn (K) d h Crown bel. Prince

Ke n James, labourer Cedar above Thirteenth

Keen James, shipjoiner 485 south Second

Keen James C. sailmaker 367 north Front

Keen John E. tanner 511 north Front

Keen J. storekeeper Lancaster turnpike r. ab. High

Keen Joseph S. & Co. lumber merch. W.Perm. Bridge

Keen Jos. & Sons, curriers 115 Chesnut & 19 S Fourth

Keen Matthias, carpenter Lancaster turnpike n. High

Keen Rebecca, mantuamaker 146 Cherry

Keen Samuel vV. currier 115 Chesnut d h 19 S 4th

Keen Sarah, widow 120 New street

Keen Sarah Mrs. 147 south Ninth

Keen William W. currier 115 Chesnut street

Keffer Anthony, caulker Vienna near Duke

Keffer John, cordwainer 164 north Fourth

Keffer Mary, milkwoman Vienna near Duke

Kehr J. baker 447 north Third [see Korr and Corr

Kehrum Thomas, labourer 154 north Fifth

Keighler Jacob, copper & tinware manuf. S E corner

Cherry and Sixth d h 94 north Sixth Keighler Margaret, boardinghouse 123 south Eleventh Keighler William, tinsmith back of 104 north Sixth Keihg C F. drygoods store and furrier 77 north Third Keim Jacob, copperplate maker 187 Cherry Keim John, turner & coal dealer 125 8c 127 N Fourth Keim William, turner 174 north Fourth Keim WiUiam, jr. turner 174 north Fourth Keiper Abraham, tobacconist 86 north Fourth Keisler Catharine, widow Steinmetz court Keiter Isaac, shipwright Carpenter above Front Keith Caleb, boot and shoemaker 152 Arch Keith How, saddletree plater, Frankf. road n. Otter Keith Robert, hairdresser 62 Race Keith Samuel, merchant 231 south Front


Keith William, currier Eleventh corner North Kelch George, weaver 32 Bread Kelch Janies, saddler 4 Carlisle's court Kelch James, cordwainer 97 German *

Kelisky , gentleman 119 south Front

Kell Adam, labourer Sch. Eighth above Cherry

Kellara Ann, Mrs. mantuamaker 31 Jones's alley

Keller John, waterman 107 Catiiarine

Keller Conrad, tinplate worker 64 north Front

Keller George, carpenter Crown above Race

Keller Herman, tinplate worker 403 S Second street-

Keller Samuel, shoemaker 203 north Third

Keller William, blacksmith 81 Ne^v

Keller William P. carpenter 12 Wagner's alley

Kelley Eleanor, grocer 198 north Water

Kellev Hannah, widow boardinghouse 83 Arch

Isee Kdle. Kille, b' Kdly Kellogg Hosea, merchant 15 north Water Kellum David, wharf builder Shakamaxon Kellum John, labourer 513 sonth Second n. Bedford Killum Sarah, widow Emlen's ay. or court Kelly Catharine, widow Pitt near Germantown road Kelly Daniel, weaver Penntown (Ridge road) Kelly Edward, tavernkeeper 5 Greenleaf alley Kelly Elizabeth, widow Cobb's court (N L) Kelly Daniel R. merchant tailor 12 north Front Kelly Hugh, cordwainer Merriott's laue above Fourth Kelly Jas. teacher 6 Myers' ct. school Cherry ab. 6th Kelly John, labourer back 387 south Front *

Kelly John, labourer Shakamaxon near Bedfprd Kelly John, grocer 20 Sansom and 79 Penji Kelly John, labourer Lombard above Sch. Sixth Kelly John W. 56 north Second d h 154 north Fourth Kelly John, cbrdwainer Washington above Second Kelly John, sea captain and pilot 51 Meade ay. Kelly John, carter 297 south Fifth Kelly Jonathan, carpenter 8 Pratt's court Kelly Mary, widow Lombard near Perry Kelly Norris, shoemaker 3 Shippen Kelly Patk. weaver Germantown road near Fourth Kelly Philip, 299 Chesnut Kelly Rebecca, widow milliner 91 Arch Kelly Robert W. trunkmaker south Water d ii 111

south Front fKelly Samuel, sawver, back 120 Plum Kelly Thomas, 70 High—d h 10 south Seventh Kelly Thomas, tailor Merriott's lane near Fifth Kelly Wm. shoemaker 95 German Kelly Wm. skindresser Pitt below the Germ, road Kelly widow of John, skindresser Pitt near Germ, road Kelly Wm. shipwright 9 Christian tKelsey John, labourer 261 Spruce

KEN w?iitely's annual

Kelter David, jun. combmaker 140 Cedar

Kelton Robert, porter Fourth above Browne

Kemble Chas. oak cooper 56 N. 5th shop in South ay,

Kemble George, shoemaker 33 south Third

Kemble Joseph, wheelwright Maiden near stone bridge

Kemble West, carter Hart's court

Kemil John, vict. 237 St. John's

Kemp George, accountant 92 south Fifth

Kemp John, tailor, back 109 Cherry

Kemper rev Jackson, 25 Sansom

Kempton John, bricklayer 192 north Fifth

Kempton Mi-s. widow boardinghouse 143 Chesnut

Kempton Samuel M. accountant 18 High

Kenderdine Jacob, carpenter Kunckle below Green

Kendrirk David, innkeeper 427 High

fKennard Jas, waiter Quince below Locust

Kennard Margaret, widow 220 S. 7th [see Kinnard

Kennedy Andrew, accountant 510 south Front

Kennedy David, in bank of N. America, 108 Union

Kennedy David, glass and picture store 109 and d h 236

Walnut Kennedy Frances, widow 12 Gilles' alley Kennedy George, labourer Germ. r. above 1st gate Kennedy Henry H. sea captain 4lShippen Kennedy Isaac P. boot manufacturer and teacher of

sacred music, 43 soutii Front Kennedy John, innkeeper Ridge road bel. the 1st gate Kennedy John, ccrdwainer 90n«>rth Water Kennedy M. & K. miUiners 464Racen. Broad Kennedy Mary Ann Mrs. Passyunk road above 8th Kennedy Mary Mrs. back 107 Catharine Kennedy Nathaniel, teacher Queen n Frankford road Kennedy Patrick, victualler 119 Moyamensing road

stall 39 New market Kennedy Peter, blacksmith 54 north Eighth Kennedy Rachel, widow 226 north Water Kerjnedy Rachel Mrs 56 Queen (S) Kennedy Robert S. carpenter 56 George (S) Kennedy Robert, naval storekeeper 566 S. Front Kennedy Robert Fenn, Point Pleasant (K)

Kennedy , 500 south Front

Kennedy Saml. sign & ornamental painter back 93 Arch Kennedy Samuel, cordwainer Buttonwood above Fifth Kennedy S. lookingglass manufactory 72 Chesnut d h

3 Lodge Kennedy Samuel, hatter 4 Trotter's ay. Kennedy Sarah, widow 270 south Third Kennedy Sarah, Mrs. 87 Queen (S) Kennedy Thomas, conveyancer &c. back 93 Arch Kennedy Thomas D. sea captain 219 south Front Kennedy W. D. carpenter 255 south Seventh Kennedy William, bookbinder Buttonwood lane Kennedy William, cordwainer 46 Spruce


Kennedy William, weaver 292 south Third

Kennedy William, weaver Dean

Kenney James, labourer Mark's lane

Kenney Mary, widow of Uauiel, back 77 Christian

Kenney Sarah, widow 38 Queen

Kenny Michael, carter 223 Shippen

Kenny Thomas, carpenter Vine near Schuylkill 8th

Kensel George, carpenter near 465 north Third

Kensel (ieorge, plasterer Hanover near Prince

Kensel Jacob, bricklayer Smith's allej (N L)

Kensel John, gentleman 69 north Eighth

Kensel John, cordwainer 37 North street

Kensel Margaret, widow 30 Kunckel

Kensler EUzabeth, widow, nurse 3 York court

Kensler Michael, brickmaker Cedar near Sch. Eighth

Kent Joseph, mariner 66 Passyunk road

fKenton Augustus, cook 143 Cedar

Kenton Barbara N, widow 155 Cherry

Kenton James C 163 Vine

Kenton Joseph, jun. di§tiller Carpenter bet. 6th and Tth

Kenton Robert, innkeeper Ridge road above Francis

Kenton & Torens. wholesale & retail grocers 134 High

Kenworthy John^ painter, &c. 3 south Seventh d h

George above Tenth Kenyon capt. Henry, quarantine master of the port of

Philadelphia, 41 north Eighth Keogh Patrick, grocer 78 N Fifth S W corner Cherry Kepley Christian, drayman OM Yo' kr. bel, Tammany Keppele Michael, alderman 3 Library— d h 266 Wal- nut above Tenth Kerbaugh Daniel, labourer, back 43 Chailotte Kerbaugh John, cooper Crown near frankford road Kern G. jun. & Co. clothing warehouse 123^ S Water

N E cor horsedock. Drawbridge Kern Gabriel, jun. tailor 123^ S Water and N E corner

Swanson and Aliwond Kern John, accountant (of the Custom house) 37 Crown Kern John, 181 Pine

Kern Thos. innkeeper (Bull's Head) Hamilton village Kern Mciria, widow Queen above Marlborough Kcrney Win. labourer 77 Plum Ker Adam, sea capti'in 68 Union Ker John, coachm -ker 19 Lvxust

Ker Sarah, widow 119 Ar'.h {_see Carr Isf Karr

Ktirr Ann, widow Arcn above Svhuylkill Fourth Kerr James, saddlery and coach furniture warehouse

120 High Kerr J mes. Race below Schuylkill Front Kerr Jo'ui, bricklayer Jones street above Sch. Fifth Kerr Wm. saddle, harness &irar.kmanuf. 122 High Kerrick Andrew, labourer cori.cr Sch. 5th and Pine Kerrick Sarah, widow Perry bclo^v Prince Kessler Frederick, shoemaker 8 Hoffman's alley



Kessler John, justice of the peace, 166 Coates

Kessler John, jun. grocer and collector of taxes tor

wards No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, of the Northern Liberties,

S W corner Fourth and Coates Kessler Cieorge, labourer Cheriy above Duke Kessler Mary, widow of Leonard N E cor Noble & 4th Kessler Mary, widow 10 Small Ketler Charles, tobacconist 17 German Ketler Christian, gardener Passyunk. r. bel. Christian Ketler John, flour store Callowhill near Ridge road Ketler Joseph, teacher of the Adelphi public school,

S W comer Green and Second Ketler Wm. cooper S W corner Green and Second Ketler Wm. stonemason &c. 354 Greene Kethering Peter, labourer Orange above VVest Keys John, carpenter Vine ay. above Twelfth Keys John L, shipmaster 26 Union ay. (S) Keys John, shoeniaker High near Sch. Seventh Keys Joseph, shoemaker 35 Franklm street Keysen Andrew, drygoods store 70 north Fourth Keyser Adam, baker Pine below Twelfth Keyser Charles, teacher German hall d h 8 N Ninth Keyser Elhanan W. lumber mei chant 133 N Ninth Keyser Elizabeth, widow 266 St. John Keyser George, baker 378 N Second Keyser & Gorgas, lumber merchants 225 N Water Keyser Henry, ladies' -shoemaker Vine ab Thirteenth Keyser Jacob, grocer 195 N Second d h 56 Vine Keyser Jacob, plasterer 346 Race above Twelfth Keyser Jacob, baker St. Joseph's avenue Keyser John, flour store 291 Callowhill Keyser widow of John, 236 St. John Keyser Joseph & Jacob, grocers 195 N Second Keyser Joseph, fancy chairmaker Rachel Keyser Nathan L. lumber merchant 35 Callowhill Keyser Nicholas, labourei- W>iglu's ay. near Vine Keyser Peter, lumber merchant 35 Callowhill Keyser William, cooper Rose alley above Coates Kibby Charles, baker 161 north Water Kibler Joseph, brushmaker 104 north Third Kibler Margaret, widow 198 St. John Kidd John, labourer Oak near Noble Kid Robert, copper merchant 91 Walnut Kidwell Ann, widow milliner 64 Mulberry Kiechline Wm. victualler, 31 New market south 2d—

d h Callowhill above Eighth Kiffkard Daniel, oysterman 112 south Water Kiker Peter, victualler Cranmcr's court Kiker Samuel, vict. 3 Cranmer's court Kile George, tisherman Cherry near Prince ^ Kilgris James, weaver Aspen ay. west Sell. Second Kilhower Michael, farmer Moyamensing road below Jervis'slanc


Kille Aaron, merchant 63 N Front—d h 88 Vine

Killigan Mary, storekeei)er 98 north Seventh

Killion Mrs. corsletmaker 156 Arch

Killpatrick Francis, soap 8c candle manuf. 320 Callowhill

Killpatrick Matilda, widow Lombard west Sch. 8th

Killroy John, cordwainer Shields' ay

Kilpatrick Andrew, grocer corner Shippen and 7th

Kilpatrick George, chandler Pine west Broad

Kilpatrick Wm. mariner 84 German

Kimber Caleb, teacher Lombard street public school d h 197 Lombard

Kimber George, saddler 40 Coate's ay.

Kimber & Sharpless, booksellers and stationers 93 High

Kimber Thomas, bookseller 93 High— d h 124 Pine

Kimble Job, cabinetmaker 16 Vernon

Kimmey Abraham, sea captain 38 Almond

Kindale Elizabeth, tailoreas 21 north Eighth

Kindel Clavton, stove manufacturer 224 south Front—

d h 78 Cedar Kindell Mary, widow Brown below Third Kiner Henry, labourer Christian above Third Kiner Lewis, carter Merriott's lane above Fourth King Alexander, drayman Rachel above Poplar King Benasah, tailor Rachel above Poplar lane fKing Charles, cook Bradford's ay. King Daniel, brassfounder 76 south Front King Dcboraii, tuto^eb^ iro souiii riftu King Edward, attorney at law 99 south Fifth King Elizabeth, shopkeeper 183 Shippen King Henry, sea captain 8 Noble King Hermanus, tailor 37 Coate's ay King Isaiah, carter Frankford road above Queen Kipg J. labourer below Front King Jacob, carter Rachel near Laurel King James, gentleman 210 north Front King James, cordwainer ?v1iddle alley King John, painter, Sec. Pine above Tenth King John, gardener Arch above Sch. Third King John, shipcarpenter 35 Prosperous alley King John, grocer corner Second and German King John, goldbeater 131 north Eighth jKing John, porter 35 Prosperous alley King Joseph, shaliopman Oak (N L) below hayscales King Joseph, wirefender-maker Broad below Locust King Laetitia, cordwainer 79 Cedar fKing Lawrence, mariner Atkinson's court King Mfiry. shopkeeper 115 Callowhill King Margaret, shoestore 236 south Second King R'chard, carpenter 26 Oak (S) King Solomon, shoeblack 29 south Third King Thomas, tanner 502 north Second fKing Triorocts, bottler 203 Washington court King VVm. T. &C. merchants, 48 South wharves— d h 76 south Front

KIT whitely's annual

King Wm. carpenter Ann above Sch. Eighth Kingston Simon, sea captain and master of the navy yard

538 south Front Kingston Stephen, merchant— office back 14 Locust Kingston Thomas, carpenter 217 south Fifth Kingston William, rigger Thatcher's court Kinley Heniy, carpenter, back 88 north Front Kinnan John, turner, &c. 76 Dock d h 5 Gray*s alley Kinnard Anthony, carpenter 208 St. John [see Kennard Kinriey John, tavernkeeper 202 Cedar «||^

Kinsey Edward, sen. N W comer of Chesnat and Third Kinsey Edw. jr. saddler, &c. N W cor.'Tlhesnut & 3d Kinsey James, drygoods store 46 south Second Kinsey Jonatlian, carpenter 11 Summers' court Kinsey Jonathan, sea captain back 171 Green Kinsler Elizabeth, widow Thirteenth below Race Kinsley George, plasterer Say street Kinsley John, linen weaver 66 Shippen Kinsley John, printer 16 Shippen opposite Vernon Kinsley Robert, brickmaker Spruce W. Sch. Sixth Kinsley Samuel, brickmaker Spruce cor. Sch. Sixth Kinsman Israel, merchant 111 High— d h 250 Arch Kintzing Abraham, merchant 5 south Eleventh Kip William, cordwainer High west of Sch. Sixth Kip Isaac J. teacher Prince near Shakamaxon Kirby William, shoemaker 58 Currant alley Kirk Isaac D. lapidary and glass engraver Sch. Eighth Kirk John, coachmaker Vine near Schuylkill Kirk Robert, cabinetmaker Baker's court Kirk Thomas, farmer Baker's court Kirk William, wheelwright Baker's court Kirkley William, tanner back 52 New Kirkham William, merchant 7 south Fourth Kirkland Thos. tanner and currier Oak below Coates Kirkpatrick David, currier .97 Chesnut Kirkpatrick Ferguson, cabinetmaker and grocer 186

Cedar Kirkpatrick John, carpenter Locust below Thirteenth Kirkpatri'-k Rachel, 2 Billings' court Kirn Abraham, cordwainer Allen near Frankford road Kisselman Susannah, gentlewoman 166 south Second Kissick John, engineer Water-works at Fair Mount Kitchen James, Merchants' Coffee-house, 86 south 2d—

d h 99, o/i/iosife, in the same street Kitchen Joseph trader 108 Crown Kitchen Phineas, corner Seventh and Wood Kite Betijamin & Tnomas, booksellers and stationers 20

north Third Kite Isaac, jun. carpenter 98 north Eleventh Kite Jonathan, potter 125 Garden Kite Joseph, china store 34 south Fourth Kite Joseph, printer 20 north Third Kite Joseph S. keeper of the Debtor's prisonj Arch ab.



Kite Thomas, bookseller 20 north Third— d h 137 High Kiter William, cordwainer Bi-usstar's alley (K^ Kitler J"»l\n L, Windsor chairmaker 389 north Third Kittera Thomas, attorney at law, 62 south Sixth Kitts John, shipmaster 293 south Front Kitts Miciiael, oak cooper Price's court Klapp Joseph, m.d. 290 S. Second and 72 Almond Klapp Sc Williamson, druggists N E cor. 2d & Almond

Klappj^ , grocer Sixth near Germantown road

Kleckner John, farmer Passyunk road ab. Federal Klein George, vict. 80 High st. market above Fifth Kleitz Daniel, baker Poplar lane near Fourth Klemm 8c Brother, importers of all kinds of musicalin-

struments, 8cc. 1 north Fourth Klett Frederick, drug, paint and glass store 261 N. 2d

d h N E cor. 3d and Callowhill Klett John, combmaker 83 Plum Klewell Abraham, turner cor. Sixth and Germ, road Kline Abraham, innkeeper 90 north Seventh Kline George, cordwainer 505 north Third Kline George, jr. cordwainer 105 Budd Kline James, cordwainer 105 Budd Kline John, drayman 88 Bedford \_see Cline

Kline John, 9 N. L market Khne John, cordwainer 6 RihPs court Kline John G. grocery and tavern 492 north Third Kline Peter, bricklayer 374 north Third Klinesmith Lewis, cabinetmaker back 82 Green Khngle Andrew, cooper and gaager 268 N. Second Klonegar John, baker 1 Chancery lane Klose Peter, baker 83 Passyunk road Klosser H. gentleman 28 Sansom Klotz Charles, storekeeper 188 north Second d h Em-

len's court Klotz John, weaver 207 St. Johns Klotz John C. tailor High W. of Sch. Seventh Kneass Christian, silverplater 16 S 6th— d h 154 S. 6th Kneass & Co. plane and tool manuf. 10 south Eighth Kneass Fred. F. plane, &c raanuf. 10 south Eighth dh

south Sixth below Spruce Kneass Michael, planemaker 10 south Eighth— d h 162

Cherry Kneass John, copperplate printer 18 Library street, op- posite U. S. Bank— d h 8 S. Sclv. Eighth Kneass & Saurman, copperj)late printers 18 Library st.

opposite the U. S. Bank Kneass Wm. engraver 8 S. 8th, d h N E cor. Filb. & 12th Kneass, Young & Co. engravers 8 south Eighth Knecht Geoi-ge, viciualler 189 Callowhill, stall 61 New

market south Second Kneeiand rev. Abner, (minister of tlie first Independent

church of Christ) 137 Chesnut Knerr Henry> innkeeper 140 High [see MMon-


KOC whitely's annual

Knight Alexander, m. d, 138 north Front

Knight Danl. carpenter 172 Cherry, shop Cherry ab. Qtli

Knight Edward, painter Frankf. road at 1st gate

Knight James, sen- innkeeper 1 Strawberry

Knight Jas. jr. portrait &ornamental painter 1 Strawberry

Knight Joel, porter, back of 242 Lonribard

Knight John L. tavernkeeper 18 Vernon

Knigt^ Jonathan, gentleman 303 north Second

Knight Joseph, iron merchant 219 N. 2d d h 4 Noble

Knight Saml. hardware merch. 91 High d h 141 Arch

Knight Sarah, widow, back of 40 Crown

Knighton Joseph, milkman near Schuylkill

Knipe Henry, labourer Germantown road below 4th

Knipe John, carpenter 5 Saunders' court

Kniser Micliael, baker Union alley

Knodel Daniel, bricklayer opposite 117 north Tenth

Knodel widow of George, Sch. Second above Vine

Knoderer A. weaver back of 108 Wood

Knoes Jacob, baker 32 Penn

Knoll Godlore, labourer Bedford n. Marlborough (K)

Knorr Andrew, victualler 104 W^ood

Knorr George, 14 Newmarket

Knorr George, baker 19 north Sixth [see Knerr

Knorr George, printer Ciiurch alley near Cherry

Knorr George, cordwainer 375 north Third

Knorr Henry, printer 193 north Front

Knorr Jacob, 253 north Front

Knorr Jaocb, victualler Eleventh above Race

Knorr Leonard B. painter, &c. Oak above Coates

Knorr Samuel, newscarrier, &c. 32 Wood

Knorr Samuel, baker 198 south Second

Knott Christine, painter, &c. 432 noi'th Third

Knott Sarah, widow 432 north Third

Knowles Asa, mariner Sarah near Bedford

Knowles Jane, widow, teacher, back 40 north Fourth

Knowles Selah, widow, nurse 277 south Front

Knows Jacob, shoestore 16 High

Knows Rebecca, widow Frankford road near Queen

Knows Wm blacksmith Frankford road above Queen

Knox Andrew, weaver Say street

Knox Charles, paver 149 St. John

Knox Jacob, mariner, back 338 south Second

Knox Joseph, whitesmith, &c. cor. of Germ. r. and 6th

Knox John, grocer 298 south Third

Knox John, merchant 159 High d h 58 north Seventh

Knox Sarah, widow 455 north Second

Knox William, shipjoiner 49 Budd

Knox William, shipwright Crown below Prince

Koak Hans J. merchant 56 north Water

Kober Barbara, 69 Coates

Koch Conrad, labourer Ann above Callowhill

Kochersperger Daniel, gardener Francis ab. Ridge r

Kochersperger John, labourer Penn near Maiden

Kochersperger Martin, jnn. innkeeper Gray's ferry


Kochler Maria, storekeeper Kunckel above Noble Koechling Frederick A. baker 26 Callowhill Koecker Leonard, surgeon dentist, Washington corner of Walnut (York buildings) [«ee Kooker

Koehler Bernard^ baker 88 north Eleventh Koehler John, wheelwright 157 south Tenth dh209

south Seventh Kohlenkamp Charlotte, widow 226 north Front Kohlenkamp Nich. tin and coppersmith 226 N. Front Kohler John, ironmonger 336 north Second Kohne Frederick, gentleman Chesnut near Eleventh Kokerspirc George, surgeon dentist, 8cc. 352 N. Second Kolloch Jane, widow 3 north Eighth Kollock Isaac A. printer Drinker's alley Konigmacher A. merchant 141 High d h 38 north 4th Konigmacher, Yardley & Co. merchants 141 High Kook William, whipmaTier Crown above Callowhill Koockogey John, whipmak^r 23 Sassafras alley Koockogey Samuel, whip ventier 23 Sassafras alley Koockogey & Stout, whip manufacturers 11 Crown Kooken Henry, tailor Wood above Second Kooker Jacob, whitesmith Old York below Germ, road Kooker John, whitesmith 6th ab. Camac \^see Koecker, Koons Isaac, 195 north Third

Koplin Nathaniel, deputy flour inspector back 137 N 8th Korckhauss Andrew, furrier 24 north Fourth Korckhauss Henry, furrier 55 north Third Korn Henry, lace and fringe manuf. 82 north Second Korndaffer Jacob, clerk of the hay-scales and grocer^

Comer Second and Moyamensing road Kowl Valentine, 92 north Ninth Kown William, cordwainer 32 Catharine Kouker Daniel, Jate farmer 263 north Eighth Koukler John, carter, 36 Callowhill Kraft George, cabinetmaker 94 north Seventh Kraft Henry, shoemaker 77 Walnut Kraft Mrs. layer out of the dead 197 St. John Krall Peter, carpenter Juniper below Locust Kramer Heniy, coachmaker 284 Arch Kramer Margaret, widow 288 Arch Krebs George, brickmaker 17 north Fifth Kreider Anthony, hatter 161 north Third Kreider Frederick, hatter 243 north Second Kreider Henry, hatter 255 north Second K^^eider Lewis, hatter 361 north Front Kreitz Peter, brickmaker Sch. 5th below High Keeker John P. baker 601 north Second Knder lacob, weaver and waterman 31 Franklin Krider John I. brickmaker Juniper below George Krider Mary, widow 6 Garrigues' court Krider Mary, teacher Hause's court Knder Wm. baker Lancaster turnpike above High Krieble Christian W. apothecary 131 north Third Krigamyer Jacob, fencemaker Second ab. Germ, road

KUR whitely's annual

Krim Henry, inoroccodresser 527 north Third Krinn Margaret, 8 Juniper lane Krim Mary, nurse 39 Coates alley Krimel George F. merciiant 252 Lombard Krimmev William, tailor, back of 111 Browne Kripps Jacob, chairmaker 462 north Second Kripps Margaret, shopkeeper 464 north Second Kripps Philip, potter 265 St. John Krise William, baker S W corner Second and Plum Krisig Christopher, ropemaker 455 south Second Krites Peter, brickmaker Jones' alley below Sch. Sixth KroU William, cupper 8c bleeder, Kunckel bel. Noble Kromm Henry, vict stall 10 New market. S Second

d h cor. or James and Charles Krouskop George, blacksmith 416 south Second Krouskop John, carpenter Sixth below Fitzwalter Krug F. V. merchant 139^ Higli Kniger Rachel, High above Schuylkill Fifth Kriili George, watch maji 373 north Front Krumbhaar Lewis, merchant 106 Spruce Krumer Daniel, cordwainer 106 Green Krump Adam, labourer William near Rose Kubler John, labourer 250 south Sixth Kucher Jacob, salt and coal measurer, 13 Sassafras alley

and 26 Juliana Kuen Samuel, combmaker 399 south Third Kugler Catharine, widow, 89 Callowhill Kugler George, tallow chandler 208 Vine Kugler Henry, watchman Queen below Sixth Kugler Jacob, farmer Passyunk road below Federal Kugler John, oakcooper 45 Passyunk road Kuhl Henry, cashier of the Farmers' and Mechanics*

bank, 108 south Eighth Kuhn Catharine, widow 92 Crown

Kubn C. merchant (4 York buildings) Walnut near 8th Kuhn Daniel, late cordwainer 2 Lsetitia court K-uhn Elizabeth, 52 Crown Kuhn George, beerhouse 132 south Water Kuhn George K. auctioneer and commission merchant,

15 north Fourth dh 31 Sansom Kuhn Hartman, merchant 142 Chesnut Kuhn John, milkman Ridge road above Callowhill Kuhn William, shoemaker 2 Lsp-titia court Kunckel John, victualler, stall 9 New-market, south 2(1 —d h James (P T) Isee Conkle

Kunckel M. gentlewoman 284 north Third Kunitz L cuppei', bleeder and leecher 17 north Eighth Kunz Jacob, gunsmith Germantown road above Second Kui tz George, painter &c Wood above Eighth Kurtz John, storekeeper 145 St. John Kurtz Sarah, widow, Apple below George (N L) Kurtz Sarah, seamstress Smith*s court W. Sch. Eighth Kurtz William, milkman Poplar lane above Ninth urver James, hatter 61 Coates


Kutter&Shum.'in, new German coffee-house 75 Walnut Kutter John M German coffe«i house, 75 Walnut Kvle Conrad, sen. carpet weaver 40 north Third Kyle Jane, teacher 122 north Front Kyser Nicholas, sugarboiler Wright's ay. [see Keyaer

L ABBEE CHARLES, Stewart's alley

Labbee Francis C. dancing master 13 Library d h 169

Pine Labbree J. B. sea captain Queen near Gunner's run La Blai'.c Louis, 198 south Fifth Labi uere Henry, broker 78 south Eighth La Brouse , gentleman Moyamensing road below

Wharton Lacave John, hairdresser 101 south Fifth Lace WiUiam, coachspringmaker 17 south Seventh d

h 46 Carpenter %

Lacey Edward, mariner Federal aboveTront Lacey Jesse, tailor 194 Front 5 doors below Pine Lacey John, watchmaker 79 Walnut d h 194 S Front Lacey Moses jr. labourer Wright's alley Lacey Paul, mercer and tailor 6 Jones's alley Lacey Pernel, washerwoman Arch near Broad i.acey Robert, brickmaker Juniper above Race Lackey Henry, blockmaker 15 South whan es Lackey Jas. blacksmith 11 Franklin ct. [see Luckey

Lacock VVTlliam S. carpenter. Quince below Locust Lacombe C- boardinghouse 178 Spruce Lacombe Peter, dr\t;Oods store 232 south Second Ladd Samuel, gentleman, 153 S Eleventh [^see Laird Laddon Abraham, combmaker Buttonwood above Fifth Lady Mary, shopkeeper 487 H:§:'. Lafaver Philip, ladies' shoenu.ker 5 Pear Lafferty Bernard, labourer 214 scyth Sixth Laffert'y Edward, sea captaui 235 N 2d {see Ixrverty Laterty Archib ^Id, cordwuiner oack 49 Brown Lafetra Amy, tailoress, t'vc. 103 nortli Front Lahtte Anthony, teacher 40 Strawberry Laforgue Bridget, widow 3 Wiilov/ court Lafourcade P. M. printer & bookseller N WRace &2(i Lahra Mary, widow St. Mary abo\e Seventh Laidley Phoebe, widgw of James, 29 south Front ILagraurd Michael, 211 south Seventh Laime' & Heurion, confectioners 124 High Lairae' B. confectioner 124 High Lair John, shoemaker Eleventh below Pine Lair John, farmer Quhice below Walnut iLair Joseph, woodsawyer Ninth below Lombard Laird Thomas, weaver north Front above Stone bridge Laird Wm. tobacconist 109 Race \^sec Ladd Isf Lloyd


LAN whitely's annual

Lajou Josephine, widow 140 south Fifth

Lajus PhuI, confectioner 86 High d h 165 Pine

Lake ChristopheV, labourer Front above Poplar

Lcike David, sexton to Methodist church, New street

Luke Jacob^ labourer Frankford road n. Palmer street

I^ake John, moroccodresser 89 south Fifth

Lake Lucus, blacksmith Beach near High bridge

Lake Maiy, widow Green near Kunckel

Lake Thomas, accountant 47 George (S)

Laland John, cabinetmaker 67 Queen

Lalanne Dominick P broker 73 Lombard

Lalernand (general) Henry, 148 Pme

tLamai Etienne, barber Chesnut bet. Fourth & Fifth

Lamarzelle Peter, hairdresser 44 Duke

Lamb John, grocer 336 Race

Lamb John, malster 97 St. John and 187 Callowhill

Lamb John, labourer 69 Currant alley near Spruce

Lamb John, labourer St; John near Callowhill

Lamb Joseph, victualler Davault's couit

Lamb William, malster 95 St. John below Noble

Lambeath Catharine, teacher 46 Brewer's alley

Lambary John, bottler 38 Green

Lambert Benjamin, 48 Union

Lambert Elizabeth, widow N W cor. Queen & Swanson

Lambert Gershom W. merchant 75 High dh 35 Union

Lambert John, merchant 20 Branch

Lamberton Geo. vict. Spring st. stall 16 N. markt. S2d

Lame, Margaret, nurse 453 south Front

Lameasarer James, tailor, back 85 Passyunk

Lament John, rigger 4 Parham's alley

Lammot Daniel, merchant 13 S Water d h 98 S Front

tLammoth Jacob, mariner 233 Catharine

Lamon James, carpet weaver, back 75 north Sixth

Lamorelle Joseph, tobacco manuf. 61 Lombard

Lampater George, vict. Garden below Buttonwood

Lampley Hannali, widow, south 5th above Christian

Lamsback John, carter Lawrence S E cor. Callowhill

Lancaster Jacob, labourer Ger. r. above first gate

tLancaster Jacob, labourer Pine alley

Lancaster John, lumber merchant 176 north Fourth

Lancaster 8c Jenkins, drj goods store 21 north Second

Lancaster Joseph, dealer 266 south Fifth

tLancaster Joseph, porter 100 Gaskill

Lancaster Know les, storekeeper 21 N 2d— d h 200 N 4th

Lancaster Levi, carter 32 Garden

Lancaster Ivlfvses. carpenter 180 north Fourth

Lancaster Richard, jeweller Christian above Seventh

tLancaster Susan, washer woman 233f Lombard

Lane ister Thomas, grai?) mevcKsnt 61 South llrharves

(Hamilton's wharf)— d h 114 Lombard Lance John, mariner 49 Meade alley Land J ihn, hatter 234 bouth Second Land Mary, widow ^ back 483 north Second


Land Michael, labourer 73 Green

Landell George, boatbuikler Pi-nn (K) d h 15 Beach

Landell Mary, boardinghouse oI7 north Front

Landenburgh William, cooper Second near Laurel

Landi Lcsi, 375 south Front

Landine Lucy, widow 375 south Front

Landis David, sugarbaker back 185 Cherry

Landis Henry, slablekeeper Harmony d h 15 Powell

Landis H P. currier fiO Chesnut d h 31 Carter's alley

Landis Sannuel C. saddler &c 254 Sassafras

Landis & Wilson, liverystable Harmony

Landreth 8c Co. nursery and seedsmen Federal near

Gray's ferry road Landy John, carpenter Germantown road above Budd Lane Ann, widow. Mechanic street

iLane Charles, 192 Spmce •ane Catharine, widow, Camden (N J) Lane Edward, account^t 141 south >Iinth Lane Edward, cordwainer 187 south Front Lane John, shoemaker 120 German Lane John, oysterman, cellar S W corner Sixth and

Carpenter d h Meade alley Lane William N blacksmith 36 Coates alley

iLang Charles, hairdresser 303 Walnut .ang John, mastmaker and china store 255 south Front tLang John, woodsawyer Sixth below Christian Lang John C. mercht. 69 south 4th d h 336 High Lang John G. baker 26 Jones' alley Lang widow of John, store & mantuamaker 33 N 8th Jjang William, gatekeeper at Almshouse Lange John, m. d. 95 Green Langebartel John Augustus, 95 Coates Langer Joseph, suspendermaker 126 north Third Langley Davis, mariner Turner's court Langstroth J. G. paper manufacturer inquire S W cor.

High & Second Langton Thomas, liquor store 24 Lombard Langwill Matilda, boardnighouse 16 Carter's alley Lannbau^h Frederick, victualler Apple near George Lannin 1 homas, labourer Hazel alley Lanning Benjamin engineer Second near Beaver Lanning Hannah, widow tailoress 4th above Green Lanning Hannah, widow tailoress Fourth above Green Lanning Paul, liverystablekeepers Camden N. J. Lansinger Mrs. of Jacob, Christian above 5th Lapeyi-e, Farrouilh & Co. merchants 217 High Lapeyre John, merchant 217 High Laplanche JohnB. confectioner 336 south Second Laplante Louis, morocco manuf. 68^ south Third

d h corner Goforth 8c Carter's alley Lapp Abraham, labourer 515 north Third Lapp Christiana, milliner 446 north Third Lupsley David, gentleman 144 Mulberry Lapsley David, jun. merchant 157 High d h 144 Arc^

LAU whitely's annual

Lapsley John, 23 south Second

Lapsley Joseph B. merchant 23 south Second— d h

Chesnut below Thirteenth Lapsley Moses, carter 54 Passyunk road Langstroth & Robbins dry goods and hardware store Lansinger Nicho looklnggiassframe maker Greenwich Lapo John, cooper 12 Little Water Lantz Jacob, lailor 276 south Seventh Larama Francis, painter and glazier Taper alley Lare John, brickmaker Walnut near Sch. Third Lare Henry, ju«. brickmaker Walnut near ^h. Third Lare Henry 8c Peter, brickmakers Waluftt n. Sch. 3d, Larer John, brewer 50 north Sixth Larer Melchor, brewer 50 north Sixth Large Daniel, steam engincmaker, factory Front above

Ger. road— -dh 471 north Front Large Dorothy, Mrs. (Sansom's row) 167 Walnut Large James, 298 Arch

Large John, merchant 31 Chesnnt^-d h 287 Arch ^ Large Stephen, cabinetmaker 103 Budd ""Lark John, porter corner Vine and Thirteenth Larkey Edward, labourer 11th near Pine Larkum Thomas, boardinghouse 303 Race fLarmeth Jacob, manner 233 Catnarine fLarner William, labourer Old York road La Page Peter, plasterer Union i.Uey La Roche Rene, m. d 145 Pine above Fifth tLary Robert, hatter Quince above Spruce Laskey Juhn, baker 111 Brown

Lasmart Henry, watchman north Eighth ab. Callowhill Lassalle John, merchant 440 south Front Latimer Eliza, widow 282 south Front tLatimer Freeman, mariner 201 Cedar street Latimer George, merchant and president of the Union

Insurance Company, 85 south Sixth Latimer Henrietta, widow 33 George (S ) Latimer James, merchant 129 south Front Latimer James, watch &c. maker 91^ Chesnut Latimer John R. merchant 101 south Front d h S W

corner Fourth' and Prune Latimer & Murdock, merchants 67 north Water d h

186 High Latimer Thomas, merchant 67 N. Water— d h 216 Mul- berry LatterWiUiam labourer 8 Wiley's court Latta William, labourer Wilev's court Latting, M.i.rgaret, widow Townsend's court Latouch B. cookshop and restauratufe 81 south Fifth Latour John, merchant 261 south Front Latoumo Joseph, Vauxhall, Camden N. J. Lauber Martin, baker 188 St. John Lauck David, cooi)er 128 Sassafras Lauck Hamiah, widow 240 High


Lauck Mrs. widow 128 Race

Laudenslitger George, victualler Turner's lane stall

68 old shambles Laudenslager Michael, victualler 65 old shambles Lauder Elizabeth widow 26 Shippen Lauderdale Robert, teacher 19 north Eighth n. Vine Laughead Robert, grocer, cor«er Fifth and Oak Laughlin Thomas, labourer 217 south Sixth Laussat Ambrose, merchant 17 Minor & 165 N. Ninth Laussat Anthony, merchant 208 Walnut Laurens James, ropemaker 569 south Second Laurens John C. 560 south Front Lauz Martin, mariner 54 Meade alley Laval John, merchant 210 Pine Laval Peter, ropemaker Front below Federal Lavell Joseph, ropemaker 570 south Second

Lavelle , widow, below 586 south Front

Laverty Jesse, merchant 31 N. Water d h 32 N 9th

Laverell W^illiam* saddler &c S. Fourth n. Carpenter

Laverty Louisa H. widow St. Marys below Eighth

fLayice Tliomas, labourer 16 Elizabeth

Lavigne John, sugar refiner Malt alley

Lavis Mary, widow Lolar's court

Law Andrew, weaver back 347 Race

Lawerswiler Thomas, hatter Coates near Sixth

Law Samuel, paperhanging manutactoy 102 Christian

Lawler Martha, widow 66 Budd

Lawler Matthew, alderman 34 Walnut

Lawrence Ann, washerwoman 1S5 south Fifth

Lawrence A. 19 SpafFord oyster cellar 11 soufli Sixth

fLawrence Anthony, hairdresser 405 north Front

Lawrence C. B. portrait painter 140 Chesnut— d h 298

Race Lawrence Charles, carter Prime below Second Lawrence Charles, victunller James near Ridge road Lawrence Christian, victualler James above Rugan Lawrence Elizabeth, widow vict. house 33 Jones' ay. Lawrence George, victualler Buttonwood bel. Ridge r Lawrence & Gibson, smiths 15 north Seventh Lawrence H. & W. fringe &c. manuf. 39 S. Second Lawrence Isaac, shipjoiner back 15 Poplar lane Lawrence Isaac 8c Co. merchants 103 High

i Lawrence Isaac, waiter back 8 Wagner's alley «awrence James, ropemaker 494 south Second Lawrence Jacob, sen. carter 529 south Seconj^ Lawrence Jacob, jun. 529 south Second Lawrence John, baker 73 south Third Lawrence John, paperhanger 24 Mary (S.) Lawrence John, 39 south Second Lawrence John, carpenter 353 Callowhill Lawrence John, mariner 356 S. Second [see Lauren$ Lawrence John H. labourer, back 575 south Froat Lawrence Joseph, jeweller 28 Church alley


LEA whitely's annual

Lawrence Joseph Redman, niercht. u/i/itr 159 Pine Lawrence Lawrence, skinclresser 290 \'\nc Lawrence Mary, widow 151 Moyamensing road Lawrence Mary, teacher 3 Strawberry- Lawrence Mahlon, tailor M W cor. High and Water--

d h 15 north Water Lawrence Rebecca, widow 159iPine Lawrence Samuel, labourer Apple n. George (N. L.) Lawrence Stephen, blacksmith 11 Myers* court fLawrence Stephen, mariner 112 Christian Lawrence William, baker, back 91 Arch Lawrenson Susannah 16 Strawberry

iLaws Caesar, labourer 20 Elizabeth .aws Clement, 9 John above Wood Laws Elijah, carpet and bedding warehouse 348 High Laws George, tanner 171 Vine

Lc.ws James, tanner 529 N. Front \_see Law Lt* Low fLaws Jeremiah, ostler 6 Hurst street Laws John, silverplater35 Zane st. Laws Ludawirk, hide & leather store 39 south Third—

d h 209 Spruce Laws Mary, widow 74 Wood fLaws Stephen, labourer 109 German fLaws Stephen, wood>awyer, back 109 German Laws Thomas, currier 39 south Third Lawson Alexander, engraver Pine above Ninth Lawson M;itthew, mariner 36 Meade alley Lawson Hachel, widow of John, China above Front Lawson Thomas, grocer 44 Browne (N. L) Lawton Daniel, bricklayer 456 south Front Lawton John, blacksmith Little Oak Lawton John, stablekeeper 10 Laurel Lay John, fruiterer 32 High Lay Madame, 201 south Fifth

Lay 'I'homas, fruiterer 32 High \_see Lee^ Ley^ iJf Lea Laycock J. H. fancy chairmaker 90 south Third Laycock John, bookbinder 3 Unity court Layman David, weaver St. John near Green Lazerow John, waterman 23 Parham's alley Lea Isaac, merchant Chesnut below Eleventh Lea John, merchant Chesnut below Eleventh Lea John. jun. & Co. merchants 51 South wharves Leacock William S. carpenter 13th below High Leadbeater John, lampmaker &c. 93 Walnut Leadbeater & Sheldon, patent lamp manufacturers and

brassfounders 93 Walnut Learner A. tavern and grocery Plum N E cor- George Learning F. merchant 27 High d h 53 Lombard Learning J. F. merchant 199 S. Front— dh 53 Pine Learning Rebecca, gentlewoman 53 Pine Learning Thomas F. merchant 199 south Front— d h

113 south Fourth Leamy John, president of the Marine Insurance Conte' *

pany, 79 south Third S £ corner Walnut


Leanard John, tinplateworker Wright's ay \,see Leonard Lear , cordwainer, back 171 north Second Leary John, labourer, back 159 Moyamensiwg road fLeary Robert, labourer, court in Blackberry ay. Xjcatherberry Abel, cordwainer 189 St. John Leatherby Joseph, oysterman 119 Chestiut Leatherheau Richard, soapboiler 15^ Germ road Leatherinan M. drayman Lily alley near Tammany

Leatherman , widow Christian above Eighth

Le Beche Philip, locksmith 40 New

fLe Blanc Fehx, hairdresser 17 south Seventh Le Blanc Gie, shoemaker 219 south Fifth •e Blanc Lewis, gunsmith 198 south Fifth Le Blanc Mary, widow 216 south Fifth Lebo Daniel, tavernkeeper 106 Race Le Bruce , farmer Moyamensing r. bel. Greenwich Le Brun Charles, sworn state interpreter and professor of the French, Spanish and English languages 159 S. Second Le Brun Mrs. young ladies' seminary 159 S. Second Le Campion Francis, drygoods store 336 north Front Lechleitnet" P. G. merchant, consul for the Netherlands

107 north Front Lechler Elizabeth, widow 238 south Fourth Lechler George, vict. Fourth above Browne Leclerc Joseph P. 166 Coates Lecompt Wm. innkeeper 83 north Water Leconey Catharine, fancy store, 231 south Second Leconey James, sea captain 12 Cresson's alley jLecount James, oysterman 92 N. 2d— d h 38 Coats* ay. tLecount Jose])h, labourer 30 Bonsall street Lecouut Thoraas, oysterman 123 south Third Lecount Thomas, combmaker Billings' court Lecture Wm. cordwainer Carpenter (S.) above Second Leddon Ferryman, combmaker Rihl's court N. Third Leddon Samuel, combmaker Laurel near Budd (N.L.) Leddy Michael, grocer 487 High tLee Abraham, blacksmith 233 Shippen above 7th Lee Andrew, shallopman 135 north Water Lee Ann Mrs. 52 Cedar street fLeeAnn Mrs. back 25 Cresson's alley Lee Ann, widow of John, 13 Gem\an

Lee , M. D. 315 north Second

Lee Benjamin Admiral, bricklayer 5 Pine alley

Lee & Blood, 293 north Second

fLee Cassy, widow 44 Small

Lee Charles, printer and grocer N W cor. Lombard &

Twelfth Lee Christopher, glass manufacturer Penn (K.) Lee Dawson, stone cutter Fourth below Christian Lee Elizabeth, milk woman 101 Cherry Lee Franklin, bricklayer 98 Poplar near Second Lee James, capt. Union steam ferry boat, Kaighnton N.J.

L£H whitely'9 annual

{Lee James, labourer 55 Currant alley- Lee J. widow Elbow alley [see Z.ea, -Ley, ISJ' JLa^ -ee John, grocer N W cor. Cedar and Fourth jee John, mariner Washingtorj above Second Lee John, shipcarpenter 26 rarham's alley Lee Matthias H tailor 284 north Second tLee Peter, nailer Lombard W. Schuylkill Sixth Lee Richard, skindresser Eiglith above Callowhill Lee Robert, carter 134 Cedar

ILee Stacy, woodsawyer, back 159 Lombard •ee Wm. teacher Sch. Fifth below High

Lee Wm. chairmaker 360 N. Second d h 3 Lily alley

Lee Wr(\. hairdresser 128 south Second Lee Wm. hairdresser Thirteenth below High

•Lee Wm labourer Shippen above Seventh 'Lee Yannut, labourer Shippen below Eighth

Leech Frederick, shoemaker 283 south 1 bird

Leech Henry, dealer 98 & 100 Vine

liCech Margaret, widow 130 Callowhill [see Leicli

Leconey John, labourer Camden N. J.

Leedes Wm. grocer &c. 59 Arch

Leedom Jonathan, merchant 210 south Water, and 211 south Front d h 29 Pine

Leedom widow of Wm. merchant 198 Spruce

Leeds Ann, widow 5 Duke street

Leeds Josi^ W. merchant tailor and clothing store 254 High

Leek Wm. malster 99 St. John

Lees Henry, victualler N. Fourth above Tammany

Lees Peter, tailor 50 Wood

Lefevre Ann, widow 136 south Fifth

Le Fevre James, merchant and agent for the Baltimore and Union line of packets & steamboats 6 S. wharves d h 27 R?>ce

Lefevre Theodore, silver chaser 126 south Fifth

LefFerts Charles, clock and watchmaker 61^ south Se- cond— d h 203 south Seventh

Lefferts & Hall, clock and watchmakers &lh south 2d

Leger Lott, blacksmith Christian near Fifth

Leger Nicolas, trader N E cor. Wood and Sixth

Legray Stephen, French teacher 85 Cedar

Lehman Charles, cabinetmaker 5 Bell's court

Lehman Christian, coachtrimmer 163 Vine

Lehman David, stocking weaver 181 St. John

Lehman George, late cordwainer 194 Callowhill

Lehman George F. m. d. Lazaretto physician Lombard Dear Tenth

tLehman Jacob, coachman 67 north Seventh

Lehman John, fencing master 9 Cherry

Lehman Joseph, late druggist 320 High & Hamilton vil.

Lehman Joseph, 242 High

Lehman Joseph, hatter 32 Juliana

Lehman Peter, druggist 320 High [«ee Leman


Lehman Samuel, blacksmith 296 and 304 N- Front

Lehman Seybella, widow 94 Crown

Lehman Wilham. druggist 8cc. 76 south Second

Lehr Henry, storekeeper 288 north Front

Le Huray Nicholas, clock and watchmaker 160 N. 2d

Leib Michael, M. d. corner Tammany and Third

Leibbrandt John Andrew, skindresser 490N. Seeond

Leibeck Phihp, locksmith 40 New st.

Leich & Huckel, tailors 79 south W ater

Leich Richard, tailor and tavernkeeper N E cor. Second

and Christian Leidy Conrad, cordwainer 14 Raspberry alley Leidy George, accountant 4 Bread st. Leidy Jacob, grocer 204 north Third Leidy Jacob, shoemaker Raspberry alley above Spruce Leidy Philip, hatter 196 north Third i-eighton John, labourer Joint alley Leinhart John, labourer Germantown road below 4th Leip Sarah, widow Tenth above Vine i^eiper James, grocer S W cor. of Vine and Tenth Leiper Thomas, tobacconist 274 High Leinau Andrew, hatter 101 north Third Leinau Daniel, hatter 18 north Third Leishman Robert, saddler 47 south Fourth Leitman Henry, grocer SW cor. High and Tenth , Lejee J»hn R. merchant 162 south Second "■ Lejer Nicholas, trader 189 north Sixth Leland Benjamin, shoestore 159 north Third Lelar Henry, shipmaster 121 Lombard Lelurge Joseph, jeweller, &c. Mentzer's court Lemaire Ann, widow 13 Elt'reth's alley fLemaire E. hairdresser 30 Lombard l^emarkJohn, labourer Marlborough below Prince Lemar Joseph, stevedore 7 Christian Lemette Lewis, modeller Germantown road near 4th Lemit M, B. Miss, miUiner 123 south Second Juemkey Frederick, cooper 3 Callowhill Lemmon John H. painter & glazier 1 Faries's court I^emon Mrs widow back of 10 Lsetitia court Lemon Wm. mariner 262 south Fourth Lennarmon Elizabeth, widow Tidmash st. below 10th Lenning Nicholas, merchant 66 Vine Lennon Henry, cordwainer Hazel alley Lenfestey Mary, widow Clever alley Lenoir Francis, shipwright 70 Coates Lenox David, gentleman N Wcor, 10th and Chesnut Lenox John, waterman 122 Plum st. Lenternotte John, labourer Thirteenth below Race Lentner George C. fancy chairmaker and justice of the

peace, High west of the Permanent bridge Lentrer Adam, tallow chandler 60 Browne Lentz George, vict. 405 north Fourth— stall 1 N. L.


2 T

LEV whitely's annual

Lentz Henry, merchant 236 and 238 north Second Lentz Jacob, laie stoi-ekeeper 22 Kunckel Lcr.tz John, vict. cor. Maria & 4th, stall 1 1 N. L. markei L^ntz John, cabinetmaker 444 north Third Lentz widow of John C Passyunk road below Eiehth

[see Lentz and Lance Leon John, tobacconist back 381 south Second

Leonard tinman Callow hill above Tenth

Leonard John, bleeder, &c. 108 German

[see Linnard and Lennard Leonard Michael, stonecutter 41 Mechanic street Leonard Mrs. Martha, Race above Sch. Eighth Leonard Rosina, widow, 48 Callowhill Lepper Arthur, weaver Front above stone bridge tLernons L. widow, back 138 Lombard Leroy Alexander, hair-watchchainmaker 10 Bread I^eroy Charles, broker 10 Bread Lesage Margaret, 16 Powell

Lesher Charles, coachmaker near 45 Newmarket Lesher George, coachmaker cor. of Callowhill & New- market [see iMsher Lesher John, grazier Christian above Sixth Lesher Samuel, gardener Carpenter above Sixth Lesher Wm. farmer Shippen's lane Lesher Wm. papermaker 327 north Third Leslel John, printer Eighth near Green Leslie Lydia, boardingnouse 188 Spruce Lesley Catharine, widow 22 Wood Lesley James, accountant 77 south Eleventh Lesley P. cabinetmaker 151 Vine and 54 north Third Lesley Sarah, widow, Lombard near Schuylkill Le Sueur C. A. naturaHst 104 south Front Lets Elizabeth, widow 347 south Second Letford Wm cordwainer 87 north Third Lettelier Wm. cordwainer 4 Passyunk road I-.eturno Clement, blacksmith 76 north Sixth Leturno and Durff, smiths 76 north Sixth Leturno Michael, smith Locust above Eleventh Letzinger Thomas, tailor 95 German Leubben Henry, baker 316 north Second Leuffer Thomas G. whiskey &c. merchant, High west

of Sch. Sixth Leupold Adam, baker 51 north Sixth Levan Jacob, carpenter Fifth below Buttonwood Levan William, grocer 41 Cherry Leveller Lewisn barber, back of 56 Lombard Lever David, biscuit baker Grissel's alley Levering Charles, currier, back of 127 north Fourth Levering Jacob, grocery, §, W. comer of Third and Cedar [see Lovering

Levering Jonathan H. carpenter 478 Race Levering Richard, cordwainer Brewer's alley below Fourth


Levering Thomas Washington, brass and bell-founder

94 Race below Third Levering Ztchanah, potter 270 north Eighth below

Button wood Levers Miss Maiy, Marshall's alley fLevick Charles, 4 Fri«"s's c<)urt Levick Ebenezer, currier N. W. corner of Second and

Callow hill

i Levick Lucy Mrs. 3 Fries's court icvingston Jannes, blacksmith Alban Levis Hosea I. accountant 163 north Ninth Le^s Isaac, paper manufacturer 3 Minor d h 28 north

Sixth Levis Mahlon M. teacher Southwark academy Levis Theresa, tailoress 72 Queen street (S.) Leviston James, tavernkeeper & grocer S. E. corner 4th

and Plum Levy Hart, merchant 200 Race Levy Isaac J. commission merchant 77 north Fourth-r-

d h Germantown road below 1st gate [Levy J. broker and commission merchant 36 S. Third fLevy Moses, counsellor at law, 221 Chesnut above 7th "ievy Rachel, widow Penntown near Ridge road HLevy Samson, counsellor at law 152 Chesnut tLewellen Thomas, cordwainer Vine below Eleventh Lewellen Wm. mariner, 241 south Fourth

iLewey Alexander, chandler, Brown abovcFourth .ewis Ann, widow 11 Pear

Lewis Benjamin, Germantown road above Laurel

fLewis Caroline, widow 179 Cedar

Lewis Christian, baker 32 Strawberry

Lewis David, merchant and president of the Phoenix In- surance conr-pany 127 S. Front d h 142 S. Second

Lewis David, oak cooper 12 Branner's alley

Lewis Elizabeth, widow 363 south Front

Lewis Elizabeth, widow back 40 (ieorge (S)

Lewis Elizabeth, mantuamaker 21 Union

jLewis Elizabeth, widow, 211 south Seventh

Lewis Ellis, attorney at law, 50 Walnut street

Lewis Eliza, widow GiUies' alley

Lewis Emanuel, accountant 393 north Second

Lewis Fanny Mrs. 293 Callowhill

Lewis Francis, vict, Callowhill ab. 8th 6c 82 High street market above Fifth

Lewis'Trancis, hatter 362 north Second

fLewis Francis, labourer 339 Race

Lewis George, accountant Tenth near Pine

Lewis George, brickmaker Race near Sch. Eighth

Lewis George, carter Irish lane

Lewis George, innkeeper (sign of the king of Prussia) Westchester road

JLewis George, carpenter 96 Bedford

LEW whit£Ly's aknua],

i Lewis George, labourer Shippen above Seventh .ewis Hannah, ^enllewoman 252 Spruce Lewis Harvey, silversmith 143 Chesnut Lewis, Haven &Co. merchants 127 south Front Lewis Henry C. printer, back, of 272 High st. Lewis Heniy, tavernkeeper 95 north Fourth Lewis Hezekiah, victualler 211 Callowhill, stall 92 Hrgh

street market between Fifth and Sixth Lewis Jacob M. storekeeper 201 north Third Lewis Jacob, brickmaker Broad near Race Lewis James, hatter 66 Passyunk road Lewis James, oysterman 326 south Second >

Lewis James, hatter, 64 Race Lewis Job, dealer, 8 Vernon Lewis Job and David, coopers, North wharves below

Arch d h back 43 Key's alley Lewis John, victualler Garden stall 45 High st. market Lewis John, shoemaker 113 north Eighth Lewis John, stonecutter back 73 north Eighth Lewis John, cordwainer 95 German Lewis John F. auctioneer 20 S. Front d h 124 S. 3d Lewis John, cordwainer, back 389 Race jLewis John, waiter 188 Cherry JLewis John, French cook 12 Gaskill fLewis John, waiter Quince below Locust iLewis John, porter, Warren street (S.) fLewis Joseph, sweep, Paschal's alley near Fifth Lewis Joseph S. and J. Bacon, merchants 25 Dock Lewis Joseph, shallopman 210 St. John Lewis Joseph, stevedore 96 Union Lewis Joseph, ropemaker Prince above Shakamaxon Lewis Joseph, skindresser 552 north Third Lewis Joseph S. merchant 25 Dock d h Rittenhouse

place Lewis Lewis, late grocer, 56 Walnut Lewis Lydia, widow 9 Friend's almshouse Lewis Mary, perfumer 163 north Front fLewis Mary, 112 Lombard

Lewis Mordecai,merch. 135 S Front dh 283 Spruce st. Lewis M. and S. N. merchants 135 south Front Lewis M. D. merchant 234 High Lewis Mrs. Margaret, Lyndall's court jLewis Peter, waiter 310 south Seventh JLewis Peter, barber 26 Christian fLewis Peter, mariner Crab near Plum jLcwis Priscilla, widow 28 Bai ron Lewis Rachel widow of Wm- 157 south Fifth Lewis Reeve, merchant 216 Pine Lewis Reeve and Co. merchants 33 south Front Lewis Robt. M. merchant 188 south Front Lewis Samuel, sea captain 491 south Front Lewis Samuel,tailor and cordwainer Cooper's ferry N. J.


Lewis Saml. geographer & writing master 10th bel. Pine Lewis Samuel N. 135 south Front— d h 232 Wahiut

iLe wis Thomas, whitewasher 4 Warner's court .ewis Tliomas, carter Queen near Bishop Lewis Wm. wheelwright Hopkins* court (N. L.) Lewis Wm. counsellor at law, inquire 173 Walnut Lewis Wm. A. & Co. coppersmiths 201 north Third—

d h 95 Callowhill jLewis Wm oyster cellar 257 Spruce jLewis Wm. labourer 23 Blackberry alley

i Lewis Wm. mariner Gillies' alley •ex Andrew, victualler Lawrence above Wood Lex Charles, hog victualler 345 Callowhill— stall 69

Newmarket south Second Lex Charles, combmaker 4th near Poplar lane Lex Henry, vict. Garden, stall 54 New market S. 2d Lex Jacob, merchant 283 High d h 6 north Ninth Lex Margaret, victualler Buttonwood corner Charles Lex Peter, sugar refiner 283 High tLexey Joseph, mariner Fries's court Ley Daniel, grocery Sc tavern. Sixth n. Ger.r. \8€e Lee Leyden Adam, baker 29 north Ninth L'HommedieuB^iaddock, lumber merchant Beach near

High bridge L'Hulier John B. professor of music 44 Carpenter Libbey Samuel, mariner Old alley between Hanover 6c

Marlborough (K.) Lichtell Jacob, drayman 133 Coates Lichtell^argaret, Maria above Fourth (N. L.) Liddle Wm. 32 Fitz waiter Ligget John, storekeeper 51 south Second Lightel Margaret, marketwoman Maria st. fLightell Thomas, sugarboiler, back 123 N. Tenth Lighten Wm. bottler 175 north Front Likes George, labourer, back 455 north Third tLile Wm. porter Sixth near Carpenter Liley John, gilder, back 267 South Fifth Lillibridge Charlotte, widow 121 New Limeburner George, bookbinder 53 Duke (N.L.) Limeburner George, cooper 101 Budd Limeburner Mary, widow, back 11 Budd Limete Lewis, mantle ornament maker Ger. r. near 4th tLimehouse Samuel, waiter Webb's alley Linan Andrew, hatter 101 north Third Linck Geo. carpenter Tenth above Race [see Link Linck Henry, cordwainer 102 Crown Linck Jacob, cedar cooper Jenes W Sch. Fifth Linck John, cordwainer 108 north Eighth Linck Peter, cordwainer 141 Vine Lindsey Alexander, cordwainer 179 south Second Lind.sey Andrew, weaver Aspen alley W. Sch. Second Lindsay Hugh, labourer cor Seventh and Wood tLindsay John, mariner Shippen above Seventh Lindsay Robert, cabinetmaker 1 Decatur d h 12 N. 6th


Lindsay John, carter 446 north Third Line John, stonecutter 68 Zane st. Liriensheets Charles, labourer 470 north Third Lines Conrad, cordwainer 467 S. Second [see Lyons Linerd John, niastmaker corner Oak & Noble d h 24

Cullowhill Lingtelter Andrew, wireworker 27 Appletree alley Link. Jacob, cedar cooj)er S E cor. Sch. 6th & Filbert Link John, cordwainer 2 back 131 north Third Link Martha, widow tailoress 435 south Second Link Peter, jeweller back 81 north Fifth Linker Henry, 302 north Second Linker John and Henry, potters 320 north Second Linn Henry, shipmaster 7 German Linn John, mei-chant 171 south Third Linn John H. mercliandise broker 73 south Front Linn Mary Mrs. 112 south Front [see Lynn

Linn Prudence, grocer 16 Sassafras alley Linn Robert, mariner 45 Meade alley Linnard Jas. M. lumber merchant 229 S. Third

[see Leonard Linnard T. M. & J. M. himber merchants cor. Spruce

and Eleventh Linnard Thomas M lumber merchant 150 south Tenth Linnard Wm. U. S. dep. quarter master gen. 205 S 4th Jointers William, waterman 84 Swanson Linton Benjamin, nailer 269 Race d h 27 north Tenth tLinton Catharine, widow. Little Oak Linton John, tobacconist 2S Kunckel Linton Martha, shopkeeper 223 Swanson Linton Samuel, shoemaker SpafFord street Linton Thomas, mariner 10 Little German Lions Andrew, 6 Juniper lane Lipman Jacob, dealer St. Jo'^eph's avenue Lipp Mary, widow of James, Trinity church yard back

185 Spruce I..ippincott Amelia, widow tailoress 42 Newmarket st. Lippiix:ott Benjamin, grocer N W corner Arch and

Fronted h 14 Elfreth's alley Lippincott ColHns P tailor, back 216 north Front Lippincott Ehzabeth, milliner 179 north Second Lippincott John, tanner Penn st (K) Point Pleasant' Lippincott Joshua, commission merchant 379 Arch Lippincott J, & W. commission merchants 56 S Front Lippincott Samuel, merchant 29 High d h 34 Arch Lippincott Samuel, shoemaker 365 south Front Lippincott Sarah, gentlewoman 136 Mulberry Lippincott Sarah, boardinghouse 15 Norris's alley Lippincott William, commission merchant 56 south

Front—dh 136 Arch Lish Henry, cordwainer 186 Cherry [see Lush

Lisle John, auctioneer 20 S Front— d h Wash, square f Lisle Mary, gentlewoman 127 south Second [tte Lyle


Lisle, Weir 8c Co. auctioneers 20 south Front List John, paperhanger Stewart's alley

ILibton Dublin, sawyer Atkinson's court .ister George, brasstbunder Germ, road above Second tLister Glasgow, sawyer, north 4th above Browne Lister Jacob, manner 103 Coates Lister James, sea captain N E cor. Green and Budd Lister John S. shipmaster 78 Plum Lister Thomas, printer, back 78 Plum fListly Lewis, sawyer 21 Apollo

i Listen Jeremiah, labourer 251 Spruce .ithgow Elizabeth, widow, china store 238 south 2d Litnaan Elizabeth, widow corner Front and Queen Littell Eliakim. bookseller 74 S 2d— d h 54 south 4th Littell & Henry, booksellers, stationers, and publishers

of the National Recorder 74 south Second Little Aaron, coachdriver 21 Mary's alley Little Ann, widow 101 Vine

Little Archibald, trader 93 Lombard [see Liddk

Little Archibald, tavernkeeper 142 north Water Little Archibald, sea captain 299 south Front Little Charles, stave inspector Queen above Third Little Hannah, widow 138 Lombard Little Ireland, labourer Pottery alley Little James, carter Vine above Twelfth Little James, carter Vine above Broad Little John, carpenter High W. Permanent bridge Little John P. merchant 204 High Little John, weaver 548 north Third Little Otis, fisherman 6 Blackhorse alley Little Rufus, vender of books 84 Swanson Little Sarah, widow seamstress 46 Penn fLittle Sarah, widow. Pottery alley Little Thomas, ropemaker Pitt near north Second

i Little Thomas, labourer Cordwainer's alley little Thomas, merchant 21 d h 8 Church alley Little William, brewer Pleasant near Charles Littleboy M. J. militaiy leather, comb, and patent lamp

store 46 north Second Littleboy Geo. combmaker Seventh above Camac Livensetter John, teacher 43 Newmarket street & 43

Callowhill Livezely Jacob, wheelwright 59 and 61 Plum Livezely Lsctitia, widow, innkeeper 36 Penn Livezly John, stablekeeper 333 south Second Livezey John jr. flour. merchant N E corner Water and

Race d h 184 Chesnut Livezey oohn, tailor 50 north Water Livingston Ann Mrs. gentlewoman 346 High Livingston Ann Mrs. 81 Plum street Livingston James, blacksmith Filbert above Juniper

d h Lambert jLivingston John> waiter Portland lane


Livingston John, painter &c. Quince below Walnut Livingston Mary, Mrs. of Henry, Sch. 7th above Cedar Liizenberg Jacob, sen. labourer Spruce W. Sch. 7th Litzenberg Jacob jr. labourer Arch W. Sch. Second

I Lloyd Adam, waiter 303 south Front iloyd Ann Miss, Sixth below Shippen fLloyd Edward, fruiterer 224,south Seventh and Ches- nut above Sixth [set Loyd

Lloyd Henry, shoemaker 63 George (S) Lloyd Isaac, flour merchant a6 Union Lloyd l^aac, merchant 53 S wharves d h 86 Uni&n

i Lloyd Isabella, widow, Meredith's court .loyd Joseph, waterman, back 28 Christian Lloyd Joseph, attorney at law 150 or 210 south Sixth Lloyd Margaret, widow, nurse back 154 Race Lloyd Nicodemus, stove manufactory 92 north Seventh Lloyd Richard, carpenter 197 north Fourth Lloyd Thomas, accountant 40 Union Lloyd Thomas, stenographer 148 north Eighth Lobb Btniamin, labourer Sch. Front above Arch Lobdell Stetson, iiatter 100 High— d h 98 south Fifth Lobstem J. F. D. m. d. 77 n'>rtn Second Lock Samuel, dra^ man 71 Budd Lockard Mary, widow, back 242 St. John Lockart William, labourer Merriott*s lane above Fifth Locke Harrison, dry goods store 30 High Locken James, bookbinder 1 Hinckel's court Loyd Joshua, cordwainer 83 Vine Loyd Thomas, merchant 347 High Loyd Thomas, cordwainer Kunckel above Noble Lockler Joseph, carter Brown below Third Lockton Elizabeth, widow, drygoods stpre 150 S Front Lockwert George, baker 107 Vine Lock wood Joseph, paperhanger 2Q7 south Seventh Lockwood Oliver, shoemaker Turner's court (S) Lockwood Richard, cabinetmaker 15 Plum Lockyer George, shipmaster 73 L7nion Lodoi* Benjamm, turner 128 north Fifth Lodor Benjamin H. tailor 77 S Second & 221 S Front Lodor George, labourer C^allowiiill near Garden Lodor John, tailor 156 and 221 south Front tLodine Sarah, widow Atkinson's court tLoffley Hannah Mrs. cook 6 Poplar alley Lofland Jonathan, labourer Washington above Second fLoftus Hannah, washerwoman 6 Poplar lane Logan Elizabeth, mantuamaker 123 north Front Logan Elizabeth, teacher 101 north Fifth Logan John, cutler 11 Quarry street Logan Mary, widow 42 Coates' street Logan, widow of Daniel, Quince below Walnut' Logan William, silk &c. dyer 17 Filbert Logue Catharine, widow, Grissell's alley Logue Edward, chandler 16 Small street


Logue James, labourer 8 Chancery lane LogueMenassa, tanner and currier, back. 109 Queen (S) Logue William, drayman Race near Sch. Eighth Loiira & ^.iarlile, ironmongers 139 High Lohra J. ironmonger 139 High, dwelling 222 Spruce Lohra Peter, notary public 65 Dock Loller Thomas, 14 l)uke (N L) ^see Lalor iJf Lawler Lonabaugh Chiistian, drayman 491 north Third Lonabaugh George, victualler 483 north Third Long Andrew, shoemaker Steinmetz's court Long Archibald, labourer Morgan's court Long Elizabeth, widow. Rose (N L) Long Henry, scavenger, back 196 north Third Long Henry, labourer 21 Budd Long Henry, shoemaker 405 Race Long Jacob, boot and shoemaker Crown below Prince Long Jacob, carpenter Poplar lane ab Charles (P T) Long John, hackdriver 12 Stamper's alley Long John, labourer, back 441 north Third Long John, mariner 5 Shippen

Long John, blacksmith S W cor. Green and Rose allev Long John, brickmaker Poplar lane ab. Charles (P T) Long John, tallowchandler, corner Wood and Sixth Long John, Frankford road near Queen Long Kezia, milliner 47 north Second Long Mary, boardinghouse N Fourth above Wood Long Mary, widow, washerwoman 14 Juniper lane Long Peter, stationer 28 Jones's alley Long Peter, trader Germantown road above Second Long Thomas, stagedriver 33 Race Long William, gold and silversmith 284 north Eighth Long William, runner in Philadelphia bank 190 S 5th Longbaugh A. meal dealer, 4th near Germantown road Longbaugh George, shoemaker 4th near Germ, road Longbaugh Willidm, victualler x\pple n. George (N L) Longcope Samuel, printer 171 Pine Longcraft , glassblower Cedar near Gray's ferry r.

Longer Hannah, 117 north Water Longmire & Co. manuf. of blacking, &c. 77 south 2d fLongpoint Dollar, labourer Clymer's alley fLongpoint Samuel, waiter, back 50 Currant alley Longport George, victuallef Garden street -fLongstreet Robert, labourer 8 Madison's court Longstreth 8c Bailey, merchants 113 High Longstreth Chas. merchant 12 N Third— d h 403 High Longstreth David & Charles, merchants 12 north 3d Longstreth David, merch. 12 N 3d— d h 3 Church ay. Longstreth Isaac T. broker 26 Church ay d h 371 Race Longstreth Joshua, merch. 21 Church ay.— dh 185 Arch Longstreth Samuel, mercht. 113 High— d h 183 Arch Longstreth Thomas M bookseller and manufacturer of hanging paper 129 High— d h 185 Arch

{see Lan^strotJ:


Longuefosse John B. merchant 107 Lombard

Longworth Henr}', shoemaker CO Queen (S)

Lonton Francis, painter &c. 164 Lombard

Lontcn Joseph, painter &c. 143 S2d d h 3 Green's ct

tLopemun Israel, bawyer Davis's court

Leper Daniel, shoestore, High d h Church alley

tLoper Rachel, widow Jones' allt:y

xLoj^er Samuel, labourer Perry below Pine

Loper Sarah, widow Hopkins court

Lopez M. L. M. D. Medical Repository 4 Cypress ^ley

Lopias >Jicholas A. tailor 87 Guskill street

Lord James, combmaker 411 north Fourth

Lord Levi, labourer Cedar above Twelfth

tLoress John, waiter Dean's alley

Lorronce Lewis, grocer, corner Sixth and Fitzwalter

Loring Charles, m. d. 339 north Third

Lort Mary, grocer 16 Cherry

Lothian James, typefounder Shippen above Ninth

fLot John, cellarkeeper 151 Locust

Lott Henry, storekeeper 386 south Front

Lett Jacob R. H. grocer 75 south Fifth

Lott Samuel, drayman 116 Budd

Lott Thcmus, carpenter Cedar near Thirteenth

Louch A. ladies' seminary 132 south Second

Loud Hester & Co. grocers N W cor. Prune and Fifth

Loud John, piano forte maker N W cor. Prune & 5th

Loud Thomas & John, piano forte' manufactory N W

corner Fifth and Prune Loud Thos. piano forte maker K W cor. 5th & Prune Louden John, tobacconist 311 south Second Loudenslager Richard, toyshop 90 north Fourth Louder Ezra, labourer, back 28 Duke (N L) Louderback Amelia, widow of John, 70 Spruce Louderback Benjamin, 137 north Sixth Louderback Elias, cordwainer 5" Coates Louderback George, labourer 24 Springett alley Louderback Matthias, 2 M'CuUoch's court Louderback Mary, widow 24 Gaskill Louderback Mary, widow of Conrad, Prime below 2d Louderback Peter, ])rinter S])ruce near Third J^ouderback William, cordwainer Paschall's alley Louderback Wm. bricklayer cor. Eleventh & Spruce Lougay Piioebe, boardinghouse 25 Prune Louge James, soapboilers Chancery lane Loughtad Robtrt L. grocer cor. Oak and Passyunk Loughead l'homas>, ^ea captain 54 Green Longheed Ellen, widow shopkeejier 74 Passyunk road Louglierv John, bark manuf. below Navy yard— -d h 320

south Fi-ont Loughery Esther, widow 129 north Ninth Lougnery Neal, grocer 261 south Seventh Louiset Alex. D thread lace & "Ik washer, 90 Cherry Loupy V. perfumer 6 CaufFman'i court


Love DAvid, superintendant of the Magdalen Assylum,

corner Schuylkill Second and Race Love George, mate of vessel 18 Little Water Love Lydia,104 St. John

Love Robert, printer Carj^inter below Second Love Thomus, cordwainer 227 Shippen l.ove Thoinas, back 270 south Second i^ove Thomas, ladies' shoemaker Fifth below Queen Love William, cordwainer, back 15 Charlotte Lovear Christiana, widow St. Joseph's avenue Lovear John, plasterer St. Joseph's avenue Lovel James, gunsmith Green above Third Lovering Josepli S. grocer Pine above Second

[see Levering' Lovering Wm. paperhanger 78 Chesnut and 29 Juliana Lovett Robert, stone seal engraver, 69 Walnut— -d. h.

156 south Eleventh Low Charlotte, teacher Fromherger's court Low Vincent, pilot 17 Christian Low William H. drygoods merchant 181 High Lowary John, cabinetmaker Beach near Maiden Lowber Rowers, currier 207 north Second Lowber Daniel, 82 High d h 5 Q^urch alley Lowber Edward, druggist 144 north Third d h 177

High Lowber John C. attorney at law 46^ Walnut Lowber Philip, labourer Race near Schuylkill Lowber William, tanner and currier 251 north Third l^owber Wm. and Daniel, curriers, and boot and shoe

manufacturers shoe warehouse 82 High Lowder Ezra, shingledresser back 28 Duke Lnwder George, labourer Cranmer's court Lowder Mary, widow Britton's alley Lowe James, cotton carder Second above Germ, road Lower Abraham, cabinetmaker 260 north Third, and

98 St. John Lower Elizabeth 257 north Front Lower George, baker 311 Race

Lower John S. carpenter cor. Merriott's lane and 4th Lower Joseph, silversmith 3 Dock Lowery Andrew, weaver Aspen alley nearSch. Front Lowery Ann, widow Hyde's court I Lower)' Thomas, labourer 122 Lombard Lownes Edward, silversmith 10^ south Third Lownes Joseph 8c Josiah H. silversmiths 124 S. Front Lowrey James, weaver Cadwalader near Pitt Lowrey Robert, labourer Spruce near Sch. Fourth Lowry Abigail, upholstress 29 Callowhill Lowry Ann, spinner Fourth below Merriott's lane Lowry Christian, brickmaker Peter's alley Lowry Eleanor, mantuamaker 210 south Front Lowry Isaac, mealstore 388 S Front N W cor. Queen Lowry John, cabinetmaker Beach near Maiden

LUK whitely's annual

Lowry Lewis, victualler Vine cor. Tenth—stall 34 Old shambles

Lowry Margaret, shopkeeper 29 Callowhill

I^owry Mary, Cadwalrtder

Lowry Mary, widow Mark's lane

Lowry Pt?tcr. vict. James below Ridge road

Lowry Philip, vict. 271 Callowhill

iiowry Philip, jun vict. Mulberry alley

Lowth Bamuel, shipmaster 13 Queen

Lcxlev Mary, vvidow 117 Mulberry

Lcxiey Richard, crrritr 115 Mulberry

Loxley Richard & B. currier.'' 115 and 117 Mulberry

Loyd, Serrill and Oakford, merchants 169 High

Loyd Ttiomas, jun. merchant 169 and d h 347 High

Isee Lloyd and 2.aird

Luburg John F. mariner back 246 south Front

tLucas Eleanor, 18 Lombard

Lucas Esther, wklow P .plar lane below Second

Lucas Francis, oysterman 16 Swanson

Lucas James, cook, back 169 south Sixth

fLucas John, cordwainer 18 Lombard

Luret Alexander, shipmaster 224 south Fourth

Luciani P. confectioner 136 High

Lucy William, printer. High corner Sch. Third

Luddington Margaret Mrs. 13 Mulberry alley

Luderitz Mary, widow 163 north Fifth

Luders, Marbacher & Co. Northern Liberty brewery, 117 north Fourtii above Vine

Luders Thomas C. brewer Wood below Fourth

Ludington A. teacher 7 Cypress alley d h 56 Lombard

Ludlam Reuben, merchant Camden (N J)

tLudley Mark, porter Eagle court

Ludley Sarah, widow 7 Biddle's alley

Ludwick George, (sign of the Waggon) Lancaster turn- pike above the 1 mile stone

Ludwick Sophia, widow 105 Vine

Ludwick widow of Jtihu, north Eighth ab. Callowhill

Ludwig Henry, painter and glazier, back 251 St. Johns

tLuff Cuffee, porter 158 Cherry LufF Judith, 53 German

iLufF London, labourer 246 Lombard lUflFberry Conrad, shipwright Marlborough near Queen Luffberry John, shipwright Bishop near Queen (K) Lugar Barbary, 430 north Front Lugar Christopher, victualler Lugar*srow Lugar Sophia, widow 26 Poplar lane Lugar widow of Jacob, Lugar's row Lughany Neill, grocer St. Mary Luhn Jacob, commission merchant 131 south Front Luke Campbell, merchant 75 south Front Luke James & Brothers, merchants 75 south Front Luke Wilham, merchant 75 south Front Lukens Abraham, bricklayer 176 Coates

Philadelphia directory. LYM

Lukens Abraham, cordwainer 5 Fetter lane

Lukens Elizabeth, widow Old York, road ab. Poplar 1.

Lukens Elizabeth, widow, inilliner 84 Arch

Lukens Enos, saddler, &c. 106 High

Lukens E. & Co. saddlers, &c. 106 High

Luketis Isaiah, mechanist, back 173 High

Lukens Jonathan & Son, saddlers, &c. 102 High

Lukens John, shoemaker PaschaU's alley

Lukens Joseph, yeoman 141 Green

Lukens Maria, boardinghouse 36 Sansom

Lukens William, blacksmith, back 101 Budd

Luker Timothy, 52 Plum

fLunn Benjn. labourer Sch. Front above Spruce

Luims Lewis, grocer 426 north Fourth

Lunv Jacob, hou'«ecarpenter 99 Green

Luplau Henry, mariner, back 143Moyamensingroa

Lush John, prititer. Prosperous alley

Lusk Francis, cordwainer Cresson's alley Lusty Waley, victualler Vine near Sch'. Eighth stall 60 New market south Second

Luther William T. Boston buiscuitbaker South wharves below Cedar

Lutier Thomas, tailor 302 south Third tLutter Isaac, shoeblack, shop south Second d h Bed- ford above Seventh Lutz Charles, gardener Irish lane Lutz Conrad, shipwright Hanover below Queen

Lutz , mariner 4 M'CuUoch's court

Lutz Conrad, tobacconist Buttonwood above Fifth

Lutz Eleanor, widow, milk woman Irish lane

Lutz Frederick, cedar cooper 467 north Second

Luts George, shipwright Shakamaxon near Prince

Lutz George F. watchman 159 Moyamensing road

Lutz Jacob, tobacconist Sch. Fifth below High

Lutz John, watchman. Say street

Lutz Martin, carter, back 149 Cherry

Lutz Philip, victualler Pleasant near Charles

Luzenberger Joseph, teacher 59 Cedar

Lybrand Christian, brickmaker 129 New

Lybrand George, brickmaker 307 Mulberry

Lybrand Margaret, widow 37 north Eighth

Lybrand Michael, brickmaker 38 Filbert

Lybrant Frederick, German teacher 201 St. John

Lyburn John, silverplater Shakamaxon near Bedford

Lycett John, sih erplater 460 Race

Lyle Henry, painter and glazier, back 380 south Second

Lyle James, merchant 53 Walnut d h 95 south Fourth

Lyle Mary, seamstress 46 Almond [see Lesle

Lyle & Newman, merchants 53 Walnut Lyle Peter, merchant High cor. Sch. Sixth Lyman Frances Miss 97 south Fourth Lyman Jolin VV. merchant 31 Sansom Lymao Thomas, merchant 31 Sansom


M*AL whitely's annual

Lynan Edward, paperstainer 16 south Tenth

Lynch Edward, jun. accountant 144 north Third

Lynch Daniel, coachmaker 10 Little Pine

Lynch Patrick, teacher 216 south Fifth

Lynch Thomas, bottler 11 north Fourth

Lyncli William, merchant 38 Dock— d h 226 Spruce

Lynd James, domestic warehouse 33 north Second

Lyndall widow of Benjamin, cabinetmaker 104 Lombard

Lyndall David, chairmaker 278 north Third

Lyndall James, carpenter Pine above Ninth

Lyndall John, shipjoiner 226 Swanson d h Federal ab.

Front Lyndall Joseph W. cabinetmaker 201 and 203 S.-Front Lyndall Joseph W. & Samuel cabinetmakers 203 S. 4th LynclHll Joseph, carpenter Green's court Lyndall Samuel, cabinetmaker 80 Gaskiil and 203 south

Fourth Lyndall S:irah, matron of the Widows' Asylum, cor.

Cherry and Sch. Fifth Lynn Ann, widow 139 Vine, comer of Crown Lynn John M. ivi. d. 139 Vine, corner of Crown Lynn Simon, merchant 278 High Lynn Susan, widow Queen above Marlborough Lyon Ann, 9 Franklin court Lyon Henry, mariner 9 Pleasant avenue Lyon Patrick, smith and hydraulic enginemaker Library Lyon Samuel, tinman 125 Chesnut Lyon WiUiam, innkeeper 26 south Water Lyons Hannah, widow 119 north Sixth [see Lines

Lyons Mary, nurse Broad near Vine Lyons Matthew, blacksmith George st. shop below 10th Lyons Philip, tailor 13 German Lytle Jane, widow Filbert above Tenth Lytle John, accountant 43 Shippen Lytle widow of Thomas, Drinker's court Lytle William » hackman 4 Dawson's court Ly tton John ) OS south Fourth

M' ADAMS JAMES, grocery and tavern 146 Cedar M* Adams Thos. whiskey & flour store High W. Sch. 7th M*Adan Thomas F. winsor chairmaker back 30 Cherry M'Affee James, North street above Tenth M'Affee James, labourer Lombard west Sch. Eighth M'Affee John, carter, corner Queen and Sixth M'Affee Margaret, widow Galbraith's court M'Affee Wm. tobacconist 36 Coates* ay. M'Alester Charles, merch. 66 Dock— d h 142 Arch M'Alister Alexander, late grocer 160 north Eighth

[see ArCallister ^ Micalett^ McAllister Charles, tailor 46 GaskiU


M'AUister David, mariner Marlborough n. Franktord r. M'Allister George, labourer Stilihouse ay. M'Allister James F. cordwainer Pine-near Broad M'AUister James, cordwainer Prince near West (K) M'AUister John & Son, whipmakers &c. 48 Chesnut M'AUister John, sen. whipmaker 8cc. 64 Union M'AUister John, jun. whipmaker &c. 48 Chesnut M'AUister John, grocer S Wcor. Raceand Eighth M'AUister John, whipmaker Fiankf. r. below Queen M'AUister Mrs. widow ^20 Race M'AUister Margaret, widow, 76 north Seventh M'AUister Margery, widv)vv opposite 13 Prosperous ay. M'AUister Randal, painter &c. Rose alle-j^ M'Alpin Andrew, merchant tailor 122 Chesnut d h 11

Carter's alley M'Alpin James, gentleman 122 Chesnut M'Anall James, fruiterer 134 south Tenth M'Anestry Catharine, widow 71 Small M'Anulty'Ennis, labourer Washington ab. Callowhill M'\nulty Hugh, tavernkeeper 416 High above 13th M* Aran John, gardener Pratt's place near SchuylkUl M*Arthur Charles, scourer and dyer 31 Union M' Arthur Daniel, tailor 158 south Fifth M' Arthur Peter, dyer and scourer 103-J Arcli M*Avoy Richard, grocer 36 Browne S E corner Bqdd M'Bride Collin, grocer and bottler Broad above Arch M'Bride James, stevedore 247" south Third M'Bride Robert, labourer St. Joseph's avenue M'Bride Robt- Y. saddler,f^£. 42 High M'Bride WiUiam, shoemSKer 32 Gernr>Rn M'Bryan Margairet, Misii, Cordes above Eighth M'Bryan Patrick, Cf.rter 150 Cedar M'Cabe widow of Bernard, cor. Hiie:h and Sch. Front M'Cabe & Curran, chandlers 114 Plum M'Cabe Mary, widow, corner Juniper and Lombard M'Cabe Patrick, labourer 219 south Sixth M'Caiferty James, drayman 39 German M'CafFerty Jame«^drayman Cedar ab. Tenth M'Cahcn Ann, mantuamaker and lailorness 54 south

Fifth [!}ee M'Kean

M'CaU Eleanor, Miss, 77 south Fourth tM'Call Elisha, waiter 30 Budd's court M'GaU George C. 308 Chesnut M'Call John C. attorney at law 125 Walnut— d h 308

Chesnut M'Call John, shipwright Prince above Second M'Call Judith, widow 308 Chesnut M*Call Margaret, 91 Pine

JM'Call Robert, waterman. Christian above Seventh M'Call Wm. grocer, corner Fifth and Merriott's lane M'Call Wm. C. 108 Chesnut street M'Calla Alexander, auctioneer and commission mer- chant, 15 & 64 north Fourth {see M*Cauley

M'CA whitely's annual

M'Calla Andrew, cordwainer 263 south 4th M*Calla Archd. china merch. 47 N 3d and 66 N 4tU M'Calla Hannah, Mrs. 162 south Fifth M'Calla Hugh, tallowchancller Nonnater's court M'Calla John. storekeei)er 66 north Fourth M'Calla & Rapp, china njeichants 47 north Third M'Calla Robert P. druggist 8cc. S E cor Cedar & Front M'Calla Wm. H. storekeeper 48 N 4th— d h 37 Cheny M'Callmont George, merch. 21 Dock—d h 70 S 4th M'Calley Margaret, widow, Sch. Second below Walnut M'CaUister Archibald, tailor, back 70 Shippen ; M'Camman Samuel, drayman High west of Sch. 8th M'Can John, commissioner 161 Shippen M'Cane George, labourer 67 north Tenth M'Canles John, deputy marshal inquire 57 north 4th M'Canles John, jun. grocer N E cor Branch and 4th M'Cann Cornelius, bricklayer Spafford n. Fitzwalter M'Cann Henry, labourer Crab below Cedar M'Cann James, superintendant for Moyamensing town- ship 161 Shippen - ' M'Caraher Alexander, grocer N E conkr Vine and 4th d h 135 Vine [see M'Karaher M'Carey Mary, widow Maria M'Carra J. gentleman Hamiltonville M'Carrane Charles, labourer Pine ay M'C'Arren James, bottler Thirteenth above Sassafras M'Carren Robert, (runner in the Custom house) Elms- lie's alley M'Carron Charles, shoemsibi*i, back 16 Pine alley M'Carron Darby, grocer 225? Cedar M'Carron VV^rn. watchman, back 227 Wood M'Cartee rev. Robert, d. d. S W corner Powell and 5th M'Carter Wm. turner 78 north Sixth M'Cartney Daniel, labourer 219 south Sixth M'Cartney John, baker, back 44 Spruce M'Cartney Robert, labourer, back 573 south Front M'Cartney Wm. tallowchandler, back 111 Plum M'Carty Charles, oakcooper back 402 south Front M'Carty Daniel, shipjoiner Washington below Second M'Carty & Davis, booksellers, printers and bookbinders S E corner Race and Ninth [^see M' Cartie M'Carty James, vender of books, back 395 Race M'Carty Patrick, grocer corner Sixth & Small M'Carty Sarah, widow Church street (S) M'Carty Samuel, smith 4 Dock

M'Carty Wm. printer, bookseller and stationer SE cor Race and Ninth— d h Francis 1. near Sch. Second M'Casby Elizabeth, widow Unity court M'Cauley James, labourer Greorge near Sch 3d

[see M'Calla^ M'Cauley 1st M'Cawley M*Cauley James, carpenter 7 Rihl's court M*Cauley James, weaver 134 south Ninth


M'Cauley John, coppersmith 119 south Front M'Cauley Kobert, cordwainer 279 south Sixth M'Causeland Alexander, bookbinder &c. 408 High

d h Juniper below Chesnut M'Caveny Wm. labourer Chesnut W. Sch. Second M*Cawley James, merchant 28 Wood M'Cawley James, jun. merchant 28 Wood M'Cely Patrick, shoemaker 32 St. Mary M'Chesney Sarah, widow, back 166 St. John tM'Clain Abraham, labourer, back 60 Ann (N L) M'Clain Morris, shoemaker 43Passyunk road M'Clane Ann, widow, near N E cor. Arch and Eighth M*Clane Jonn, tailor, back 49 Pine

[see M' Clean l:f M^Lane M'Clane Laughlin^ painter 12 Juniper lane M'Clane Stephen, hackdriver 12 Willing's ay M'Claskey Charles, labourer Spafford M'Claskey Catharine, widow 52 Queen (S) M'Claskey James, mariner, back 387 south Front M'Claskey James, teacher, back 246 north Second M'Claskey James, carpenter 218 Cedar M'Claskey Lydia, widow 249 south Front M'Claskey Patrick, carter, back 513 south Second M'Claskey Peter, typefounder St. Mary street M'Clatchey Robt. grocer N W cor Front & Catharine M'Clay James, bricklayer back 162 Race M'Clay John, carpenter Torr's court M'Clay John, plasterer 14 Juniper lane M'Clean Archibald, stocking hosiery 496 south Front M'Clean John, grocer N W cor Fourth and Shippen M'Clean Thomas, bottler and tavernkeeper N E cor- ner Filth and Prune Isee M'Clane M'Clean Wm. mahogany sawyer cor Federal and 2d M'Cleary Alex, shipwright Crown below Bedford M'Cleary Daniel, plasterer 5 Randall's court M'Cleary John, storekeeper 1 Strawberry M^leary Robert, lurrier 46 north Seventh M^lelan James, cordwainer 3 Charlotte M'Clellan Catharine, north 3d bet. Browne and Poplar M'Clellan George, m.d, 166 Chesnut S W corner 7th M'Clelland Geo. W. merchant 19 north Second M'Clenachan John, Vine west of Broad M'Clennen George, weaver 105 Poplar lane M'Clernon Hugh, cordwainer 70 German M'Clintock Joseph A. carpenter 28 Chester M'Clintock John, drygoods store 118 north Fourth M'Clintock Thomas, druggist 107 south Ninth M'Closkey Mary, widow Thirteenth below High M'Closkey Wm . cordwainer 3 Passyunk road M'Cloud John, hatter 43 Chesnut below Second

[see M'Lcod M'Cluce Ann, Miss, 81 Lombard M'Clure David, nautical academy 20 Walnut

M'CO whitely's annual

M'Clure James, accouatant 201 Race

M'Clurg Samuel, cooper 21 Margaretta d h 45 Cal-

lowhill M'Cluskev James, labourer 15 Spafford street M'Cluske'y John, drover Filbert W. of Sch Eighth M'Colester David, waterman Marlborough n. Frankford

road [see APjIllester

M'Colester James, cordwainerCrownnearFrankf. road M*Collin John, accountant 125 south Third M'Collin Wm. tailor 169 north Fourth M*Collom Mary, widovv 27 Crab street M'Conib Ehzabeth, widow 124 Plum M'Comb Jas. thread manuf. Fifth bel. Merriott's lane M'Comb Wm. woodsawyer Christian below Fourth M'Combe Wm. typefounder Cedgr near Tenth M*Conley Thomas, paperhanger 291 south Fourth M'Connell B. Rush, m. d. 145 south Ninth M'Connell Eleanor, teacher 57 Gaskill M'Connell George, baker and cotton manuf. 240 Cedar

between Sixth and Seventh M'Connell Joseph, weaver Germ, road near Second M'Connell widow of Matthew, broker 82 Chesnut M'Connomey Frances, widow 41 Coates' alley M'Connomey Michael, tailor 290 sout'.'. Fourth M'Cord David, tinplateworker back of 88 N. Front M'Corkle James, blacksmith back 308 south Front M'Corkle Wm. and Son, editors and publishers of the

Freeman's Journal and Mercantile Advertiser, S W

comer of Front and Chesnut M'Cormack Henry, shopkeeper 14 Chancery lane M'Cormack James, cordwainer 391 north Second M'Cormack John, shoemaker 574 north Second M'Cormick Daniel, cordwainer 522 south Front M'Cormick Daniel, coachman 133 Cherry M'Cormick Francis, tobacconist 52 Coates M'Cormick Henry, cordwniner 34 Juliana M'Cormick Henry, military hat manuf. Ann W.Sch. 8tb M'Cormick Henry, labourer Walnut alley M'Cormick Martin, boardinghouse 232Swanson M'Cormick Man', 205 north Fourth M*Cormick Philip, bootmaker 35 Walnut M'Cormick Robert, hatter 33 Coates alley \ M'Cormick Stephe)i, accountant 125 Lombard M'Cormick Wm. grocer and drover 398 High M'Cowen John, laboui^r 259 Catharine [see M^Govtan M'Cowen Thomas, 20 Cypress alley M'Cowen Wm. weaver 62 Queen (S.) M'Cown Margaret, widow of Jos. 327 Walnut M'Coy Catharine, widow 205 south Third M'Coy Catharine, widow 418 south Second M'Coy Eidward, carter Moyamensing bel. Wharton st. M'Coy Ehzabeth Mrs. of Joseph, Vine west of Broad M'Coy Ephraim, carpenter, back 35 Beck's ay.


jM'Coy Frances, widow Third near George (N. L.) M'Coy George, labourer Old water^works Sch. Front M'Coy George W, grocer U6 N. 4th & N W cor. Noble M*Coy James, shipwright Maiden [see M*Cay iJ'M'Koy M'Coy Jane, tailoress Germantown road below Fourth M'Coy John, tallowchandler S. Sixth above Fitzwalter M'Coy John, labourer 22 north Tenth M'Coy John, labourer Cadwalader near Pitt M'Coy Kenneth, printers' joiner 272 Lombard d h

Christian corner Fourth [see M''Kay

M'Coy Margaret, washerwoman Maiden n. stone bridge M'Coy Kosina, widow 4 Franklin court M'Coy Wm. grocer cor. N. Fourth and Noble M'Cracken Hanse, 120 north Water M'Cracken James, labourer 218 Shippen M'Cravy Hector, vender of books corner of Ann and

Powell (P. T.) M'Crea Daniel, drayman 56 Browne M'Crea Edward, shoestore 88 north Fourth M'Crea James, blacksmith High west of Perm, bridge M'Crea John, mercht. 35 S. Front— d h Walaut ab. 12th M'Crea Mrs. widow 16 Watson's alley M'Crea Thomas, starch manuf. Maiden n. stone bridge M'Cready Francis, N W cor. Catharine & Swanson M'Creaner John, weaver Hopkins' court ^ M'Creas Miss, Chesnut above Twelfth M'Credy Bernard, merchant 9 north^Water d h 179

Walnut (Sansom's row) M'Credy D. and B. merchants 9 north Water M'Credy Dennis, mercht. 9 N. Water d h 19 Union M'Creery John, saw-sharper 30 Plum M'Crelish Archibald, soapboiler 267 north Third M'Crelish widow of John, soapboiler 337 N. Third M'Crosson John, gardener Washington n. Kidge road M'Cue Catharine, widow, back of 61 Christian M'Culley James, plasterer 3 Plum M'Culley John, m. d. 67 Vine M'Culley Margaret, tailoress 73 north Sixth M'Culley Samuel, oakcooper 556 south Front M'Culley Wm. boot and shoe warehouse 25 Chesnut M'Culley Wm. jun. grocer 314 north Front M'Cullin, James, carter Race above Sch. Seventh M'Culloch James, merchant 114 north Ninth M'Cullcch John, printer 87 north Seventh M'Culloch John, printer Seventh above Camac M'Culloch Margaret, widow 240 south Seventh M'CuUoh Anna, widow 162 south Ninth M'Culloh Robert P. printer, 6 S. 8th— d h 162 S. 9th M'Cullough James, mason Cadwalader near Pitt M'CuUougli James, carter Lombard above Eleventh M'Cullough Mrs. back of 337 north Third M'Cullough Wm. currier, back 299 Callowhill ab. Stfe M'Cully Henry, carpenter 67 Plum

M*DO whitely's annual

*M*CuUy James, labourer Lombard above Eleventh M'Cuiie Clement, weaver Sch. Tliird below High M'Curdy Andrew, innkeeper Wissahickon or Kidger, M'Curdy Daniel, collector ot poor-tax Juniper above

Chesnut M*Curdy Hugh, shoestore 20 Ifigh [see Macurdij

MiCurdy James, cordwainer 30 Little Water M'Curdy Jane Mrs. Cedar near Eleventh M'Curdy John, ship carpenter, back SSr south Front M*Curdy John, boot and shoemaker 52 Chesnut M'Cardy John, jun. boot and shoemaker 42 Chesnut M'Curdy Raciiael, mantuamakcr&c. North st. MCutchen Ebenezer, merchant 117 New M Cutchen Marv, shopkeeper 160 south Eleventh M'CutchenVVm.H. merchant, back of 133 N. Third M*Danel John, coachspring maker Grape st d h 147

south Eleventh M'Duniel John B. labourer M'Crelish's court M'Daniel John, dep. keeper in the prison 38 Ann (N. L.) M'Dermott Cath. widow grocer N E cor. Filbert & 11th M'Dermott Edward, merchant N E cor Front & Ches- nut— d h 186 Spruce M'Dermott John, moroccodresser 129 Pine M'Dermott John, skindresser George (N. L.)n. Pitt M'Dermott John, bottler 152 nortn Fifth M'Dermott Marv, widow Lytle's court M'Dermott Peter, bottler 33 Walnut M'D<>rmott Wm. labourer Washington above Vine M'Devinger F. woodsawyerShakamaxor) ab. Prince M'Devitt James, cordwainer 274 south Second M'DevitL Roger, tailor S. Fourth near Carpenter M'Dtvitt Thomas, labourer cor. Sch. 5th and Spruce M'Donald Alexander, c:\rpenter Jones's alley M'Donald Ann, widow 14 Sterling alley M'Donald Francis, labourer Ann west of Sch. 8th M'Donald John, smith Juniper alley M'Donald John, teacher 114 north Eighth M'Donald Joseph, carter Sch. Seventh above Race M'Donald Mordecai, cordwainer, back 198 N. Second M'Donald Richard, silverplater 327 Walnut M'Donnald Charles, brickmaker Juniper above Race M'Donnald Elisha, coachman 58 Coates M'Donnald Eliza, widow Seh. 7th above Race M'Donnald George, labourer Mary's alley M'Dmnald James, accountant 114 north Eighth M'Donnald Malcolm, merchant 150 south 1 enth M'Donnald M irgaret, widow 347 south Second M'Donnald Margaret, teacher 237 south Fifth M'Donnald M. brickmaker cor. Lombard & Sch. 2d M'Donnald Nancy, mangier 15 Cherry M'Donough Daniel, shoemaker Hopkins* ct. (N. L.) M'Donough James, cordwainer Bearsticker's court M'Donough Jeremiah, tailor 242 south Third


M'Donough Michael, carpenter 18T south Sixth M'Donough Thomas, porter 261 Catharine M'Donough Wm. grocer SW corner 4th and Spruce M'Donough widow of Wm. grocer 299 Arch

[see Macdonough M'Donnough Patrick, labourer back 210^ Arch M'Doagall Eliza, drygoods store 68 south Fourth M'Dougall Samuel, accountant, back 374 south Front M'Dowale Elizabeth, widow 11 Shippen M'Dowell E. carpenter, back of 110 north Eighth M'Dowell Hannah, widow 2 Frazier's court M*Dowell James, tailor 10 Oak st. (S-) M'Dowell Mary, tavernkeeper 32 south Water M'Dowell Rebecca, storekeeper 248 north Second M'Dowell Wm. huckster Camden (N.J.) M'Dowell Wm. H. clock and watchmaker 130 S. Front M'Elroy , chairmaker Camden (N J ) M'Elroy Catharine, widow N. Third n. Germ, road M'Elroy Hannah, widow 186 south Fourth M'Elroy Hugh, stocking weaver Lombard above 12th M'Elroy James F. accountant 188 south Fourth M'Elroy John, labourer Cherry below Sell. Sixth M'Elroy Margaret, 64 Browne M'Elroy Martha, widow 64 Budd st. M'Elroy Sarah, boarding house 118 Spruce M'Elroy Wm. painte1% 8cc. 27 Meade alley M'Elwee Rebecca, widow (seminary) 39 Zane st. M'Euen Archibald, carter George st. (^C.) M'Euen, Hale 6c Davidson, brokers 83 Chesnut M'Euen Hannah, back 298 Race M'Euen John, founder Sk'^aflF's alley M'Euen Patrick, plaister of Paris manuf. 2 8c 9 Filbert M'Euen Patrick, labourer Sch. 4th near Spruce M'Euen Samuel, carpet-weaver 1 Hurst M'Euen Thomas, 255 Arch \_see M'Koion

M'Evoy Edward, cotton manuf. Third ab. Germ, road M'Ewen James, inn and livery stablekeeper 322 N. 2d M'Faden Alexander, gunsmith, back 14 Cherry st. M'Faden Alexander, blacksmit!\ S. 4th near Carpenter M'Faden Archibald, typefounder Cedar above Tenth M'Faden James, labourcir Clymer's alley M'Faden Stephen, bottler cor. Cedar and Eleventh M'Faden Wm. gentleman 148 Chesnut M'Farlan Charlotte, widow 292 south Front M'Farland Alexander, ca-ter 196 Shippen M'Farland Barbara, back 191 Race M'Farland Duncan, stockmg weaver Sheaif's alley M'F;trland James, tax-collector 212 Shippen M'Farland John, carter 216 Shippen M'Farland Joseph, blacksmith Browne near Cherry M'Farland Margaret, widow storekeeper 101 Spruce M'Farland Miry, widow of John, 12 north Seventh M'Farland Miss, 424 north Secotid


M*GI whitely's annual

M'Farland Walter, manner 163 Chesnut

M'Farland Wm. coachmaker 112 Union

M'Farlane JohnC. merchant 123 High

M'Farlane Mrs. widow Rogers' court and Miller's ct.

M'Farlane Rebecca, widow 358 south Front

M'Farlane Sarah, teacher 154 St. John

M'Farlane & Scudder, merchants 123 High

M'Fearan Joseph, blacksmith Browne (K.)

M'Fee Alice, widow, back 64 George (S.)

M'Fee John, weaver Lombard above Twelfth

M'Fee John, corder & grocer 1 Chnstian st. wharf

M'Fee Wm. tobacconist 23 Coates alley

M'Fell John, shoemaker 291 south Fourth

M'Feely John, typefounder Cedar above Ninth

M'Ferren Alex'cordwainer Vine below Sch. Eighth

M'Ferren Marv, 424 north Second

M'Fetrich Saml. H measurer and farmer Johnson's lane

M'Gaharn Margaretta, nuri-e, back 126 south Sixth

M'Gahev Mary, widow back 70 Shippen

M'Garraghan Terrence, labourer 246 south Sixth

M'Garvey James, oysterman Queen near Sixth

M'Garvey John, vendue cryer Lytle's court

M'Gauley Maiy, widow, grocer cor. Front and Prime

M'Gauley Richard, grocer SW cor. Water and Race

M'Gaw John, candle manut. Frankford road n. Queen

M'Gaw Timothy, Buttonwood above Fifth

M'Gee Ann, widow 4 Vernon and 28 Duke (N.L.)

M'Gee Bernard, labourer Say street

M'Gee Charles, mariner 49 Meade alley

M'Gee David, carpenter 243 Callowhill above 10th

M'Gee Edward, grocer 158 south Sixth cor. Elizabeth

M'Gee Frances, widow 9 Pleasant avenue

M'Gee Frances, nnilliner S E cor. Almond and Second

M'Gee John, drayman 85 Budd

M'Gee Mary Mrs, widow Sheaff 's alley

[see AI'Kee and Magee M'Gee Thomas, carpenter Third n. George (X.L.) M'Gee Thomas, labourer 150 St. John M'Gee William, oakcooper Stilihonse alley M'Gill James, cooper 20 Mary (S.) M'Gill Matthias, rigger 76Penn M'Gill Michael, grocer 322 north Front cor. Noble M'Gill Prudence, widow 497 south Front M'Gilhgan Ann, widow 9 Lombard M'Ginley Hugh, tavemkeeper 287 Walnut cor. 10th M'Ginley John, stevedore Pottery alley M'Ginley W. constable 150 Cheriy bel. Eighth

see M*Kinley M'Ginnes Margaret Mrs. widow 58 Green

{aee MagiKnes and Meginnes M'Ginnes Wm. labourer Buttonwood ab. Charles M'Ginnis Neal, 232 south Fifth M'Ginnis , labourer Spruce near Schuylkill


M'Girr rev. Terrence, 17 Willing's alley M'Glatherv Geoi-ge, carpenter 334 south Third M'Glathery M irgarct, widow Gecrge above Plum M'Glathery Mordecui, hatter 2d above Germ, road M'Cilinsey James, hemp hackler 13th below Vine M'Glinsy Patiick, grocer 62 Cedar [^see M'Linchey M'Glinsy \Vm. accountant & drygoods store 245 S. 2d M'Glue Hannah, widow 92 Locust M'Glue Luke, harnessmaker &c. 22 Raspberry alley M'Gonagle Edward, manner cor. Queen and Second M'Gonagk John, grocer 212 Lombard S W cor. 7th M'Gonegal Alexander, chandler South alley n. Sixth M*Gonegal Hugh, labourer 6 St. Mary M'Cionegle Tsabella, widow Church street (back) M'Gonegall Ferguson, labourer 206 Lombard M'Gonnigle Patrick, labourer 72 Plum st. M'Gonigell Alexander, labourer, back 269 Race M'Gowan Elizabeth, widow 61 Siiippen M'Gowan Hannah Mrs. Carpenter's alley (S.) M (jowan James, soapboiler 266 south Third M'Gowan John, grocer 242 south 6th corner Small M'Crowan Patrick, grocer 217 Lombard M'Gowan Wm. umbrella maker 151 north Second M'Gowcn widow of Edward, 111 Plum M'Gowen Martin, ship watcliman 15 Spafford M'Gowen Peter, teacher of the male department in the

Moyamensing public school d h 217 Lombard M'Grady Sarah, cake baker Poplar lane ab. St. John M'Grath Bernard, car])enter Penn near Maiden M'Gr^th John, blacksmith, back 184 Lombard M'Gregor Ann, widow 10 German M'Gregor John, blacksmith 136 north Eighth M'Grotv James, cordwainer, back 20 St. Mary M'Guay John, brickmaker Sch. Eighth below Walnut M'Guffin Thomas, drygoods store 158 south Eleventh M'Guigan Felix, candle manufacturer 63 Union M'Guigan John, drygoods store 211 south Second M'Guigan Patrick, tavernkeeper 315 Spruce M'Guigan Patrick, typefounder 210 Shippeu M Guire Anna Statia, widow 229 south Fifth M'Guire James, 212 north Water M'Guire James, 112 north Water M'Guire Michael, tailor 127 Cedar M'Guire Patrick, carter 198 Shippen street M'Guire Robert, carpenter Thirteenth near Cedar M'Guire William, mariner Oak above Noble

{see Mapruire i^ Meguire M Gvear Mrs. widow Kunckel above Tammany M^Ham Daniel, pilot 308 south Front M'Hannah Thomas, labcuirer St. Mary st. below 7th M'Henry Tliomas, shoemaker 10 Hurst street M'Heran Catliarine, widow of John, 401 Race

M'KE wmitely's annual

M'Herg James, cordwainer Race above Sch. Seventh M'llhenny Catharine, Barker st. near Sch. Fourth M*Ilhenney John, accountant cor. Juniper & Walnut M'llhenney Joseph E. clock & watchmaker 13 N. 3d

M'llhenney Moses, carter 226 south Fifth M'llhenney & West, clock & watchmakers 13 N. Sd M'llhenney William, tailor 52 Mulberry M*llhenny Wm. jun.att'y.atlaw, N E cor. Arch & 6th M'llvain Bloomfield, attorney at law 74 south Sixth M'llvain Richard & Hugh, lumb. merchants at the com- mencemeni of Lancaster turnpike W. Perm, bridge M'lUvaine Joseph B. merchant 55 South wharves M'llwaine Catharine, widow Buttonwood ab. Charles M'llvaine William merchant 11 Prune M'llwain George, printer Lombard above 12th M'llwham, widow of Thomas, Locust cor. Rose alley M'Idoo Robert, carpenter 54 Currant alley M'Inniry Thomas, cordwainer Little Oak street M'Intier Abel shoestore 46 High M'Intire Alexander, smith Old York road n. Coates M'Intire Isaiah, bootmaker 83 south Front M'Intire John, shoemaker 43 Passyunk M'Intire Margaret, mantuamaker 214 south Third M'Intire Sarah, widow Marlborough near Beach M'Intire Stephen, cordwainer 23 Moyamensing road M'lver Michael, brickmaker Lombard near Sch. river

[see M'Kever M'Kane William, grocer south Sixth cor. Fitz waiter M'Karaher Charles, sawmaker back 12 Cresson's alley M'Karaher Chaslate hardware merchant 106 south 10th M'Kane Mary Blackberry alley M'Kay John, shoemaker 9 Prosperous alley M'Kay Thomas, bricklayer 7 Sugar alley [see M'Coy M'Ke'age James, painter &c. 13 South alley M'Kean Alexander, labourer, back 13 Decatur M'Kean Ann, widow milliner 147 Cherry [see M'^Cahan M'Kean George, labourer 67 north Tenth M'Kean Joseph B. Esq. (Judge) 250 Arch above Ninth M'Kean Thomas, gentlem an 1 17 south Fifth M'Kean Thomas, mariner 93 Race M'Kean, widow of Thomas, late governor, 130 S. Sixth M'Kee Andrew, tailor 8 Harmony court M'Kee Andrew, saddler 18 south Tenth M'Kee Bernard, drayman 4 Farmer's row M'Kee Bernard, bottler 35 Powell street

[see M' Gee M' Mackk and Mackey M*Kee James, weaver 8 Rhil's court M'Kee James, weaver 12th above Lombard M'Kee William, labourer near Pratt's place Sch. tM'Keel John, porter Green's court M'Keen Andrew, tailor 2 Richardson's court M'Keever Benjamin, tanner and currier 19 Franklin


iU'Keever Charles, labourer Webb's alley

M Keever M. labourer. Cedar near Schuylkill river

M'Keever Peter, smith 50 Shippen street '

M'Keighan Sarah, widow 112 Cherry

M'Kever Isaac, ropemaker Shakamaxon cor. Prince (K)

M'Kever widow ot John, sea captain 45 Almond

M'Keown George, grocery & tavern 294 Cedar

M'Kenna Felix, weaver, Hopkins' court

M'Kenna EUzabeth Mrs. Oak street (S)

M'Kenny Mary, widow Sink's court

M'Kenny Miciiael, '.rinter 180 r.onh Water

M'Kenny Thomas R . drayman West saeet near Hanover

M'Kenzie Charles, tailor 42 Strawberry

[seeA/'Kinzie and IMackenzie M'Kenzie Hugh, mariner 105 Christian M'Kenzic Hugh, mariuer 78 Christian fM'Kenzie Janies, mariner 73Pas>yunk M'Kenzie John, Columbian pie-house 3 Gotbrth alley M'Kenzie John S. W.cor. George andSliippen M'Kenzie Mrs. widow 7 Budd M'Kibbm David, grocer X W. cor. Union & Second—

d h 34 Union M'Kibbin James, printer 137 Pine M'Kibbin John, printer 137 Pine M'Kibbin William sea captain 192 Pine M*Kimm William labourer Washington ab. Callowhill M'Kinlay James, plasterer 224 south Third M'Kinley David, labourerPrince near Frankford road M'Kinley John, teacher, back 40 north Fourth M'Kinley lilizabeth, widow Oak street M'Kinley Hugh, cordwaiuer Juniper above Cheny M'Kinley Mary, widow 32 Crown M'Kinley Martha, dn' goods store 133 south Ninth M'Kinley Nathan, cordwainer 9 Whitehall M'Kinley Thomas, carter cor. 5th 8c Merriott's lane M'Kinley William, grocer b^V cor. Second & Dock M'Kinney Abraham, carpenter 9 Bird's alley M'Kinney Felix, weaver cor. George and Pitt (N L) M'Kinney James, tavernkeeper Vine near Schuylkill M'Kinney Mary, seamstress Sixtli above Green M'Kuiory Fanny, widow 42 Coates' alley tM'Kinsey Donald, porter 51 Small street M'Kissick William bootmaker 15 Elizabeth M'Knight A. M. burr millstone maker 5 Decatur M'Knight George, grocer 287 S. Fourth [^see M" Knight M'Knight James, printer 336 south Second M'Knight Robert, labourer Juniper above Race M'Kowen George, cordwainer 45 Passyunk road

{see M'Euen and M*Gowen M'Koy James, shipwright, Maiden near Beacn M'Koy Robert, bellowsmaker and brandcutter 7 Tam- many, shop Lily alley \s€e M'Koy and M^Kay M'Koy William accountant 90 Spruce


M«MU whitely's annual

M'Lamie Margaret, nurse 228 Catharine M'Lane John, tailor Pullin's court

{see M'Clane, M'Learn and M'Lean M'Laren Archibald grocer NW corner Sixth and Wood M'Laughlin Catharine, widow M'Ginnes' conrt M'Laughlin Charles, broker 28 Carter's alley M'Laughlin Dennis, nailer, back 269 Race M'Laughlin Eleanor, widow Hazel alley M'Laughlin George, grocer, 133 Pine M'Laughlin Hugh, cordwainer 390 High M'Laughlin Rev James 374 north Front M'Llaughlin James, baker 225 south Fifth M'Laughlin John, stonecutter 392 Race M'Laughlin John, lal3ourer21 Pine alley M'Laughlin Mary Mrs. 25 Meade alley M'Laughlin Patrick, grocer 54 Cedar M'Laughlin Samuel, soapboiler Hopkins's court M'Laughlin William, mariner 36 Meade alley M'Laveen Myles, sea captain 113 Race M'Lean Ann, widow, back 21 Plum M'Lean John, constable 3 Gaskill street see J^PLatie M'Learen Duncan, carpenter 88 porth Sixth M'Learner Samuel labourer Sch. 3d. south of George M'Learn Samuel, carpenter 41 Passyunk M'Lear James, caner 19 Fitzwalter M'Leod George, shipchandler &c. 40 South wharves M'Leod Christiana, nurse 81 north Thii-d ^I'Leod John, head measurer of grain, coal, salt, &c

48 Swanson near Almorid [^see JPCioud(s!' JVI'JLoud ^I'Leod Malcolm, carpenter, back 154 Race M'Linchey James, grocer 260 south 2d \&ee A/' Glinsey M'Mackin Dennis, cordwainerSW cor. Lombard & 6th

M*Mahon newscariner back 128 north Fifth

M'Mahon Patrick, labourer 71 Passyunk road M'Mahon T. P. seed merchant & nurseryman Svc 13

south Second M*Mahon Henry, storekeeper 118 south Fifth cor. Pine M'Mahon Philip, carter 276 south Fifth M'Mahon Wm. F. printer (secretary Typographical

society) 45 Pine M'Main Andrew, cooper Rose alley M'Maken Samuel, chairmaker 296 south Front M'Mannemy Bernard, bricklayer Washington near

Ridge road M'Manamy Joseph, stonecutter, back 85 Passyunk road M'Mennomy Henry, tailor N E cor. George and Tenth M'Mennomy James, tavernkeeper Bushhill M'Mennomy Thomas, shopkeeper 82 George (S- ) M*Manniis Mary, nurse Cypress alley M'Mannus Michael, glovemaker, 288 south Fourth M'Mannus. Owen, carter, 12th above Locust M'Masters John, constable 80 Union M'Muilan James, grocer 227 south Second


M*Mullan 6c Mulock, grocers, 227 south Second M*Michael John, labourer Spruce near Sch. Fifth M'Michael John, drygoods store 447 nurth Second M'Michael Wm. shipwright corner Cherry and Duke M'Minn Robert, 177 Green street M'Minn Robert, late ironiponger, 104 north Sixth M'Mmn Samuel, lastmaker 37 Walnut M'Minn Wm. back 121 Arch M'Minnamy Wm. cordwainer 19 Crab street M'Mullen Archibald, drayman 284 south Seventh M*Mullen John R. blacksmith 268 Swanson 8c 23 Prime M'Mullen Neal, innkeeper, 319 north Front M'Mullen Wm. shipwright 25 Prime ^see MiUe7i

M'MuUin Constant, widow, back 33 German M'Mullin Elizabeth, teacher 8 College avenue M^Mullin Hugh, labourer 83 Budd M'Mullish Isaac, carpenter, 125 south Eleventh M'Mullin John, goldsmith and jeweller 114 south Front M'Mullin Joseph, grocer 155 south Front ab. Spruce M'Mullin Joseph T. ladies' shoemaker 55 south Fourth M'Mullin Robert, lumber merch*t yard 161 and dwell- ing 62 Swanson M'Mullin Robert, jun. lumber merch't 361 south Front M'Mullin Robert, labourer Shippen above Seventh M'Mullin Rosina, teacher 52 Zane M'Mullin Sarah, widow, seminary 1 Norris's alley M'Mullin Thomas, carpenter, back 8 Mulberry alley M'Mullin Wm blacksmith, 25 Prime street . M'Munn Wm. shallopman Baker's alley M'Murdy Benjamin, confectioner 119 Browne M'Murdy Jonathan, confectioner 346 north Second M'Miirry Jesse, clerk 7 Littleboy's court M'Murry Judith, widow 36 Zane M'Murtrie, Jas. stock broker, &c. inquire 57 Dock M'Namara James, storekeeper 3d above German, road M'Namee John, typefounder High west of Sch. Fourth M'Namee John, carpenter, back 203 Coates M'Namee Michael, cordwainer High near Sch. Fourth M'Namee Wm. 228 Catharine street M'Nally Bernard, tobacconist, 298 south Front M'Neran Malcom, sea captain, 336 south Front M'Neal John, labourer Mark's lane tM'Nael Peter, stevedore 153 Cedar M'Naghton Wm. cordwainer, &c. 52 Cedar M'Neal Thomas, labourer Cedar near Sch. Seventh M'Neal Wakefield, labourer Vine near Sch. M'Neal Isaac, bookbinder, back 54 north Fourth M'Neil Ann, widow S E corner Pine & Thirteenth fM'Neil Mary, widow, 165 Pine M'Neilledge Alexander, mate of vessel, 75 Gaskill M'Neillis Wm. razorstrop maker 19 Jones's alley M'Neilly John, innkeeper, 226 south Sixth street M'Nemar James, farmer 107 Moyamcnsing road

MAC whitely's annual

M'Night Robt. labourer Juniper ab. Race [«ee M^A'ig/ie M'Nichol Charles, cordwainer 120 south Tenth M'NuUy Patrick, weaver, George (N. L.) near Second M'Owen Hannah, widow 296 Race M'Ovi Edward, wea\ ei Germantown road near Third M'Phail Ann, widow, grocer N W cor. Walnut & 8th M'Pherson Alex, labourer 24 Barron M'Pherson Daniel, sea captain 100 south Fifth M'Pherson Hugh, sea captain 5 Mary (S.) M'Pherson Jolin, Frankford road above Palmer M'Pherson, Misses Margaret and Maria, 289 Spruce M'Pherson Mary, widow 15 South alley M'Pherson Robert, ship carpenter, 492 south Second St. M'Pherson Robert, labourer 24 Barron street M'Pherson and Ross, confectioners, &c. 74 High M'Pherson widow of John, 74 High M'Pherson Sarah, mantuamaker, 15 South alley M'Pherson Thomas, labourer, 28 Little Water M'Quaid Felix, tallow chandler Old York r. cor. Noble M'Queen Archibald, rigger Oak below Coates M'Que Patrick, labourer Juniper above Race M'Quillan High, sea captain 164 Lombard M'Quillin Elizabeth, widow 98 Christian M'Ree Andrew, late wheelwright Say street M'Shane Charles, cordwainer 7 Watson's alley M'Shane Ezekiel, accountant 47 north Sixth M'Swain George, woodsawyer Hazel alley M'Toy Wm. shopkeeper Fourth above Poplar M'V^ea Daniel, m. d. Perry street M'Vey James, weaver 244 south Fourth M'Vicker John, labourer, back 387 Race M'Williams Mary, mantuamaker 224 south Third St. Maag Margaret, tailoress 2 Starr alley Mass David J. baker 60 Almond Macantee Bernard, tobacconist Castle street Macarty Rebecca, midwife Heyde's court Macashin Mark, stonemason Cedar ab. Ninth Macauley Isaac, patent floor cloth manufacturer, store 4 north 4th manufactory and dwelling Bushhjn

{see MCaulcy Maccoun D. merchant 292 High d h 6 Franklin row Mace Joseph, combmaker 10 Poplar lane Mace Rachel, boardinghouse, 29Cresson*s alley Macfadden Archibald, typefounder Cedar above Ninth Macfadden John, typefounder Cedar above Ninth Macferran Samuel, justice of the peace 456 north 3d Machan Thomas, chairmaker 167 north Front Mack Conrad, baker Passyunk road below Christian Mack Jacob, ropemaker Cedar above Eleventh Mack Nicholas, tavernkeeper. High near Sch. Eighth Mack William, saddler Germantown r. near first gate Mackason Mary, 25 Race Mackason WilUam, shipwright 31 Duke (N t.)


AMackdoyle Walter, dyer Frankford road above Queen

Mackentire Elizabeth, widow, 26 Chester

Mnrkenzie Mary, widow 36 Union [see ArKcnzie

Mackenzie William, gentleman cor. Union and Second

Mcir.key Richard, grocer cor. Moyamensing & Federal

Mackey William, carter Vine above Tenth

Mackey Wm. ropemaker Cadwalader [see M''Kee

Mackie Elizabeth, widow 184 St. John

Mackie Peter, accountant 69 New

Mackie Thomas, merchant 265 south Front

Mackie Wm. ropemaker, Pitt near Germantown road

Mackintire Abel, commission agent, back 19 N 2d—

shoe store 46 High d h 83 Walnut [see M'-Jntirc fMacklin Moses, sawyer back 109 Queen (S) Mackvay James, tailor Sch. Seventh below Walnut Mdcky Robert, labourer 101 Queen (S) Macomson Joseph, carpet weaver 224 Race Macurdy Hugh, drygoods store 243 S 2d [see M' Curdy

Madden Agnes, widow, Dean's alley "Madden Catharine, washerwoman 39 Crab ■Madden Jeffery, labourer Bonsall Madden Mary, widow 26 Race

Maddin Ferdinand, bottler 9 Brewer's alley (Wood) Maddock E. E. mercht. 153 S Front— d h 223 Lombard Maddock Hannah, tailoress, &c. 31 Crown Maddock Wm. carpenter Old York road above Nobl^ Maddox Israel, watchman Philadelphia bank, back 110

Catharine Madeira David, mariner 114 Shippen Madeira G. A. and J. merchants 239 High Madeira Peter, carter U. S. arsenal Gray's ferry road Madill Catharine, Cauffman's court Madill George, printer Cauffman's court Madill Margaret, widow. Cherry below Sch. Sixth Madureria Jane, Mrs. of Josepli, I'enth below Pine MaflFet David, drygoods store 8 S Second [see Moffet Maflfet James, shipmaster 122 Christian street Magan Michael, baker 86 south Third Magaheran Mary Miss, Union N W corner Third Magarge Samuel, flour and feed store 237 N Front Magaw A. S. attorney at law Say street Magee Hugh S. oakcooper 132 Vine

[see 3f ' Gee and Maghct Mager Nicholas, tailor 32 Duke (N L) Mager, widow of Philip, tailor 30 Duke (N L) Maggs Rachel, widow, nurse Rose ay. below Browne Magilton Martha, tailoress 31 Gilles' alley Magner Charles, Vauxhall tavern, S W cor. of Goforth

and Carter's alley Magnis Daniel, teacher of elocution, 83 Locust Magoffin William M. & Co. merchants 189 High Magonagle John, cooper 13 Catharine Magrady John, cedar cooper 181 St. John Magragh George, carver 11 Quarry

MAN whitely's annual

Magrath Michael, tallowchandler 23 Wood st d h

34 Ann (N L) Magvaw John, labourer Smith's court near Sch. 8th Magraw Thomas, cordwainer 413 north Fourth Maguier Mary, widow, 17 Appletree alley Maguire John, grocer S E cor. Fourth and Callowhill Maguire James, typefounder 263 south Fifth street Maguire Thomas", labourer cor. Sch. Front & Chesnut Mahany James A. attorney at law 89 Race d h 55 Vine MahofFer William, saddletree maker, back 220 N 8th Mahon John, waterman 121 Swanson Mahony Michael, grocer High near Schuylkill Fourth Mahony James, labourer Prime above Front Mahony John, teacher High west of Schuylkill Fifth Mahl John, hog victualler Germantownr. bel. 1st gate Mahorter Elizabeth, widow 143 Cheny Mahy John, cordwainer 63 north Fifth Main Charles, mariner 2 Parham's alley Main James, shipwright, back 57 Budd \_see Mein

Main Thomas, shipwright Maiden near stone bridge Mains Arthur, weaver 1 Crab Mains John, cordwainer 1 Crab

Maison John A. merchant 196 High [*ee Mason

Maitland John & Thomas, grocers 187 S 4th near Lom- bard— d h of John, 119 Lombard Maitland Thos. merchant 17 S Water— d h 153 Pine Major Robert, carpenter 315 south Second Makins James N. sailmaker Spruce st, wharf— d h 11

N orris's alley Makins Sarah, widow 11 Norris's alley Makins William, weaver Lombard near Perry Maikins Wm, S. carpenter, 60 and d h 11 Dock Malbec John, ladies' shoemaker 124 south Second Malcolm Henry, m. d. 35 Zane corner Seventh Maley Ann, widow grocer N E cor. Walnut & Tenth Maley John, grocer Juniper above Race Maley Mrs. widow of Michl. grocer Juniper ab. Race Maley Peter, stonecutter Juniper above Race Maley Simon, labourer Cobb's court (N L)

[*<?e Marlty and Miley Malin Charlotte, widow, 121 S Eleventh [see Mayland Mallan Thomas, papcrstainer 268 south Fourth Mallendar Mary, widow, 70 Queen (S) Mallet David, shoemaker 3 Cranmer's court Mallon Mrs. young ladies' seminary 70 Walnut Malon Philip T. trunk manuf. 352 north Second Malone Mary Smyth, widow, Sch. 7th above Arch Malloney James, 26 Gilles's alley Malsberger Joseph, storekeeper 364 north Second Maltman James, mariner Car])enter above Front Manderfield C. block andpumpmaker 296 south 7tlt Mauderheld Henry, trader 58 Lombard Mauderson Andrew, storekeeper 445 north Second Manderson James, baker Beach near Maiden


Manderson John, teacher Beach near Maiden Mandeville David, cashier of the bank of Northern

Liberties, 81 north Sixth Mandeville Maiy, hairworker 10 Bread Mandry & Gravenstine, liverystable 100 north Sixth Mandry William, health officer, 102 north Sixth Maneiy Enoch, oysterman Prime below Second Manery Jonathan, shallopman 508 south Front tMang John, labourer Shippen above Seventh iVlangan John, coachspring maker 251 Race corner 7th Manger Christ, vict 4th bel. Master, stall 42 N L market Manger Daniel, oakcooper'Fourth above Poplar Maneuvre Maria, widow of Louis, confectioner 176 S 2d Manien-e Benjamin, mariner 32 Meade alley Manigault Margaret S. widow N W cor. 9ih & Spruce Manington Thomas, labourer 7 Stephens' court Mankin Edward, tailor 258 north Second Manley Wilham, innkeeper 91 north Water fManlove Philip, carter 18 Kunckel street tManlove Solomon, labourer 28 Elizabeth Manlove William E. grocer 164 Shippen Maiily Henry, gentleman 13 Branch fMann Abraham, porter Traquair's court Mann Catharine, widow, 79 Vine Mann & Cupples, merchant*^ 147 High Mann Horatio, gentleman 244 Race [see Mahon

Mann Jacob, drayman 219 north Eighth Mann Jahan, shoemaker 389 north Front Mann Jesse F, cordwainer 13 Pryor's alley Mann John, cordwainer 389 north Front Mann John, nealer in U. S mint, 62 Garden fMann Perry, farmer Malt alley Mann Thomas, merchant 288 High Mann Wm. carpenter 170 S Water & 171 south Front Mannal Andrew, baker cor. Third and Germantown r. Mannerly Enoch, fisherman Prime above Front Mannhardt C. L. inquire 200 High Manning Elizabeth, 59 Race Manning John, mariner 170 Shippen Manning John, silverplater, back 251 Race Manning Thomas S. printer office 30 Shakspeare

buildings N W cor. 6th & Chesnut— d h 13 S Sixth Manning WilUam, tinplate worker 242 south Second Mannington Thomas, labourer Apple n. George (N L) Mansfield John, tavemkeeper, Poplar lane below 4th Mansfield Richard, Golden-eagle hotel, N W cor. High

and Ninth Mansfield Thomas, tailor Sink's court Mansure John, sea captain Burd*s alley Mantell Conrad, baker 27 Walnut Manuel J. E. carpenter shop 20 Norris's alley— d h 14

Cypress alley ypenny Mrs. ef Joseph, 407 north Fourth


Marbacher Charles, carpenter 4th near Germ, road Marbacher John^ brewer 117 N 4th above Vine d li

78 Wood Marbele George F gentleman 93 Passyunk Marcev Jos. tailor 30 Branch [see Mercer ^ Mercier iMarcette Francis, tobacconist 167 south Sixth March James, reedmaker, back "224- High [see Marsh Marchment Jesse, shoemaker 74 Queen (S^ Marcker Philip, blacksmith, Carpenter (S) ab. Front

\_8ee Marker Marclay Ann, widow, 30 Budd Maree James, stonecutter, 3 Pleasant avenue Margarim David, gunsmith Kunckel above Tammany- Manner Andrew, oysterman, back 29 Green Mariner Fenwick, pilot 503 south Front Mttriner Mary, widow, 11 German Mariner Samuel, waterman, back 281 south Third Marinot Michael, cook 151 south Sixth Maris & Evans, merchts. 31 S wharves— d h 101 Pine Maris Rachel R widow of Richard, 177 Walnut (San-

som's row) Mark Ann, widow, confectioner 91 Cedar [see Marks Mark Elizabeth, widow 242 St. John Mark John, merchant 78 Lombard Mark John, minter Fifth below Buttonwood Markel Christian, millstone maker 11 North alley Marker Elizabeth, widow, 34 Green Marker George, farmer, (98 years of age) Moyamen-

sing road below Jervis's lane Marker George, tailor Sch. Front below Chesnut Marker John, papermaker 119 German Marker Mary, widow, south Second below Greenwich Marker Mary, 77 north Eighth [see Marcker

Markland John, 297 Race

Markie Jacob, carpenter 5 Wood above Fourth Markley Elizabeth, widow, back 48 Lombard Markley Jacob, gentleman 18 Kunckel ab. Tammany Markley Marj^, nurse 120 north Fifth Markoe Francis, merchant 154 south Front Markoe John, gentleman 293 Chesnut above Ninth Marks Catharine, widow, 4 Maria street Marks Isaac, merchant 119 north Fifth Marks Jared, druggist, &c. Quince above Warren Marks John, mariner 234 south Fifth Marks Mary, widow. Old York road near Buttonwood tMarks Samuel, fruiterer 162 Spruce [see Mark

Marks Samuel, brickmaker Lombard near Schuylkill Marks Susannah, widow, Marks' lane Markward William, coachsmith 8 Raspberry aUey Marley John, coachmaker & corder Vine near Sch. Mariey Joseph D. ladies' shoemaker, 121 north Fourth Marley Thomas, jr. cordwainer Broad above Walnut Marley Thon^as, mariner 6 Penn [^see Maley U" MUetj



Marley William, cordwainer Broad below George

Marlin Andrew, mariner 115 Catharine

Marlin Thomas, drayman Laurel near Second

Marine John, mariner, back 29 Prime

Marnell Daniel, tailor 120 south Fourth [see Monell

Marot Davenport, spinningwheel and chiirmaker 13 &

^8 Coomb's alley [see Merritt

Marot Elizabeth, widow, 19 Christian street Ma'.ot \Vm. bookbinder 455 High d h Juniper near

George Marotte L. 8c G. FoUin, wine store, 3 north Fourth Mdrotte Louis, merchant, 3 north Fourth Marple David, gentleman 206 north Sixth Marple Elizabeth, widow, 8 Coomb's alley Marpole i\braham, shipwright Frankford r. n. Queen Marran Ehzabeth, tailoress 27 Prune Marr Abigail, widow, back 79 north Fifth

[set Marrs 'cf Maker Marrs, widow of Robert, 17 Sterling alley Marsh Catharine, widow, Maria nea'- Fourth (N L) Marsh Elias, dry goods merchant 28 north Eighth Marsh James, agent 247 south Seventh [see March

Marsh John, labourer 291 south Fourth Marsh John, glasscutter Pine near Schuylkill Marsh Joseph, shipwright 23 Christian tMarsh Juber, labourer, back 107 Queen (S) Marsh Mary, milliner 104 south Second Marshall Abraham, carpenter 375 Race Marshall Aaron, shoemaker 489 north Third Marshall widow of Amor, wafermaker 59 Walnut Marshall Benjamin, accountant 170 south Eleventh Marshall Charles, chemist, &c. 56 Chesnut Marshall Charles, jr. druggist 310 High Marshall Christopher, druggist 19 north Fourth Marshall Hannah, widow, boarding house 38 Sansom Marshall John, vict. back 584 south Front Marshall John, bricklayer 9 Small tMarshall John, cook. Middle alley Marshall widow of John, Oak bel. hayscales, (N L) fMarshall John, blacksmith 100 north Eleventh Marshall Joseph C. cordwainer 41 Coates Marshall Mary, boardinghouse 18 Bank Marshall Moses D. cordwainer 331 north Second Marshall Samuel, cordwainer 123 south Third d h 5

Beirs court Marshall 8c Tempest, goldsmiths, 8cc. 87 south SecoTMi Marshall Thomas, sea captain Baker's alley Marshall William, printer 218 south Seventh Marstoii David, gunsmith 179 north Fourth Martel M.L. 140 south Fifth Martens John F, sandman Broad bel. Vine Marter Abm. terry man Camden (N J) Martien Elizabeth, widow^ teacher 38 Church alley


Martimer Ralph, 38 Crown Martin Abraham, accountant 171 Arch Martin Andrew, labourer, Pine W. Broad Martin Benjamin, 230 south Third Martin Benjamin, grazier 508 south Second Martin Catharine, widow. Fourth above Poplar lane Martin Charles, 3 Harmonj court ■j-Martin Charles, labourer, "Pottery alley Miirtin Daniel, labourer Twelfth below Pine Martin Edward, accountant 211 Arch Martin Edward D. plasterer 72 Green Martin Elizabeth, widow, 24Parham's alley- Martin Elizabeth, nurse Knodle Martin Frances, Mrs. 260 south Fourth Martin George, mariner, back 338 south Front Martin & Harts, merchants 233 north Third Martin Jacob, grocer 293 north Third Marti Jacob, merchant 233 and 287 north Third Martin Jacob, gentleman 105 south Ninth Martin Jacob, gentleman, cor. 4th and George (N L) Martin & Jacobs, merchants 21 north Front Martin James, gentleman 64 George (S) Martin James, jun. grazier 48 Moyamensing road Martin James, merchant 45 N. Front d h 95 New Martin Jane, widow, Sheaff's alley Martin John, mariner 184 Cedar Martin John F. waterman Broad near Vine Martin John, sea captaiu 270 south Third Martin John, carpenter Maria above Fourth (N L) Martin John, flour stoi*e, corner High and Twelfth Martin Jno. smith & tavern 176 S. Water & 177 S. Front Martin Joseph, gentleman 272 north Second Martin Joseph D. druggist, &c. 190 Callowhill tMartin Josephine, widow 18 Elizabeth Martin Lavinia, widow of Isaac> Lombard above Nirith Martin Margaret, nurse 22 Little Water Martin Margaret, widow 280 south Front Martin Marmaduke, bricklayer 463 south Second tMartin Mary, widow 18 Elizabeth Martin Mary, widow 126 north Fifth Martin Mary, widow 167 north Ninth Martin Mary, widow 4 Unity court tMariin Mori I la, widow, back 185 south Seventh Martin ScParb.am, cabinetmakers 217 north Front Martin Patrick, watch and clockmaker 98 north Sixth Martin Patrick, labourer Sch. Fourth above Filbert Martin Peter, baker Twelfth below Pine Martin Philip, sea captain 55 Lombard Martin Prosper & Co. iron founders Beach ab. Maiden Martin Richard G. accountant 473 south Second Martin Samuel, sailmaker 106 Lombard Martin Samuel, calico printer Old York r. n. mill pond Martin Samuel M. merchant 16 N. Front— d h 21 Wood


Martin Sarah, boardinghouse 4 Swanson

Mnrtin Susannah, widow, Sch. Seventh below Walnut

Mnrtin Thomas, grazier 457 south Second

Martin Thomas, carpenter 293 south Fourth

Mvtrtin Thomas, blacksmith 29 Gilles' alley

Martin Thomas, carpenter. Maiden near sione bridge

Martin Thomas, tallowchandler 98 north Sixth

Martin Tobias, smith, shop 226— d h 160 Race

Martin William, merchant 29 south Second

Martin V\'m . cabinetmaker 217 N. Front dh 87 St. John

Martin William, victualler, d h Spring Garden, stall 22

New market south Second Marts Susannah, widow, Mark's lane M 'sden Benjamin, merch. 19 S. Water & 13 S. wharves Masden & Bunker, merchants, 19 south Water and 13

South wharves Masden John, copperplate printer, back 58 Ann (N L) Mashmon Catharine, widow, 435 south Second Masminster.John, labourer 7 Garden Mason Alva, engraver in brass, &c. 13 south Fourth

d h back 58 Zane Mason Ann, widow boardinghouse 276 High Mason C. teacher Philadelpliia academy 40 north 4th Mason D. H. engraver in brass, &c- 13 south Fourth Mason Elias, tailor south Second above Federal Mason Elizabeth, widow 64 Catharine Mason Elizabeth, 13 Vine Mason George, rush bottomer 63 Filbert Mason Isaac, 135 south Eleventh Mason Isaac N. bookbinder N E cor. Chesnut & Water M ison James, carpenter 15 Noble M ison James, tailor. Relief st. Mason John, brassfounder 431 north Third Mt.son Joseph, hatter, back 29 Beck's alley

i Mason Joseph, oysterman 23 Prosperous alley lason Mary, matron of the Penn. hospital Pine ab. 8th Mason Philip, superintcndant of the Lancaster turnpike

131 south Sixth Mason Richard, m. b. 49 north Eighth {^see Maison Mason Robert, 85 Shippen

Mason Robert, merch. 40 S. wharves d h 157 Pine Mason Robert, mariner 65 Meade alley Mason Samuel, stewart of the Penn. hosp. Pine ab. 8th Mason Samuel, jr. clock and watchmaker 167 Chesnut

d h 35 south Fourth Mason & Seelhorst, grocers N E cor. Race and Fifth Mason Simeon, grocer N E cor. Race and Fifth Mason Tan ton, baker 6 Meade alley ^

Mason Thomas, toll collector at Upper ferry bridge Sch. Mason Thomas A. apothecary and druggist 183 S. 6th Mason William, oak cooper 9 Decatur Mason W. cabinetmaker 99 north Front—d h back 40

Ann (NL) Mason William, 140 St. John

MAT wmitely's annual

Mason William, engraver in brass, &<l 13 south Fourth

(1 h 8 Norris's alley Mason W. Sc A. engravers in brass^ &c. 13 south 4th Massac John, sailmaker S. wharves S W corner Cedar

d h near Gaskill Massey Charles, jun. nnerchant 28 South wharves— d h

170 Arch Massey Henry, cotton spinner. Second, above Germ. r. Massey James W. planemaker 58 St. i ammany Massey Job.n, gentleman, Camden (N J) Massey Lydia Eliza, 6 Chester M;.ssey Thomas, sea captain 23 German Mhssey Thomas, carpenter Juliana below Green Massey William, accountant 6 Cliester Master Joseph, gauger 68 Spruce Master William, ladies' shoemaker 65 north Third Mather, widow of James, grocer George above Tenth Mather Jeremiah, weaver Cedar cor Twelfth tMathers Edward, sawyer corner Coates and Fifth Mathers Thomas, waterman Marlborough near Queen Matthias A. carpenter 94 St. John Mathias Benjamin, machinemaker N. 2d nearCamacL Mathias Samuel, drayman Juliana above Noble Mathias Sarah, widow Second above Germ, road Mathieu Armond, cooper 184 south Sixth Mathieu Joseph, m. d. 52 Walnut Mathison Neil, grocer 12 Pine Matlack Benjamin, mate 95 Shippen Matlack Hannah, widow, nurse 56 George Matlack Jacob, 95 St. John below Noble Matlack Timothy, prothonotary of the district court,

office E. wing State-house d h 248 Spruce Matlack Thomas, accountant 33 Chester Matsinger Ann Mrs. gardener Irish lane Matsinger George, carter Juniper above Cherry Matson Mary, 92 Union Mattern Mary, widow, back 247 N. 2d Mathew Armand, ovsterman 184 S 6th Isee Mattheivs Matthew Austin, grocer 389 High-— d h 12 N. Eighth Matthew James, grocer 389 High tMathew Peter, waiter 165 Lombard Matthews Ahcia, ladies* boarding school SWcor. 11th

and Arch {see Mathev:

Matthews Baraibald, mariner 6 York court Matthews Barny, mariner St. John near George tMatthews Edwaid, dyer, 14 Hurst street Matthews Eleanor, Mrs. Cherry below Thirteenth tMatthews George, labourer 10 Burd's court fMatthews Jacob, teacher Allen's alley Mathews, widow of James, Sch. Fifth above High Matthews James, nailer 57 George above Tenth Matthews John, jr. boot and shoemaker 393 High tMatthews John, labourer 39 Middle alley


Matthews John, paper store 393 High Matthews Jourdan, waterman. Queen n. Marlborough Mittthews Julia Ann, widow, 250 Lombard Mathews Lydia, tailoress 3 Elm^lie's alley Matthews Mttry 8c Sarah, shop keepers 202 Vi, v Matthews Matthew, commission merchant 393 M n fMatthews Peter, clothes dealer, Dock d h 2

bard street Matthews Peter, labourer 139 Pium Mathews Richard, Willow square manuf. 177 south 2d Matthews Samuel, labourer Queen n. MarlborovU'^i Matthews William H. baker 67 Cedar Matthews William, cattle dealer. Sen. Fifth bei. Hr^h MatthewsWm.papermakerand boardmghouse 50 - -r^h Matthewson, G. stonecutter High W. Sch. Thir Mattingly Lewis, shoemaker 218 Eighth bel. C.,i. 11 tMattis John, waiter 16 B&rd's court Mattison Joseph, combmaker Filbert W. Sch. Eig'itu Mattison Sarah, Mrs. 120 Sansom Maul Caleb, lumber merchant S W cor. Ninth and Vine Maule Caleb, carpenter 117 north Fifth Maule Israel, carpenter 14 John above Wood Maule Jonathan, blacksmith Ridge road above Vine tMaulcon Marie C. washerwoman 5 CaufFman's court AlauU Henry, labourer Second above Prime Maull Jas. sailmaker 12 S. wharves d h 19 Carter's ay. Maull Jbhn, sailmaker 19 Carter's alley Maull, widow of N. boatbuilder 19 Christian Maull R. and J. sailmakers 9 South wharves Maull Robert, sailmaker 4 Bread loft 9 South wharves Maull William, shipwright 567 south Second Maurer John A. m. d. Lawrence above Wood Maxtield John, cordwainer 16 Crab Maxfield Joseph, accountant 222 north Fourth tMaxfield P. porter 246 Lombard Maxseiner Adam, shopkeeper 30 Ann (N L) Maxwell Andrew, carpenter 181 south Seventh Maxwell & Co. commission merchants 79 south Front Maxwell Elizabeth, widow 174 south Sixth Maxwell James, bookseller and printer, S E corner of

Fourth and Walnut Maxwell James, carpenter 512 north Front Maxwell James, cordwainer Spafford street Maxwell James, weaver. Cedar above Twelfth Maxwell James, wharf builder Frankf. r. near Maiden Maxwell James, commission merchant 140 Chesnut Maxwell John, grocer 237 south Fourth Maxwell Hannah, widow Maiden near Beach Maxwell John, sen. weaver 116 Christian Maxwell John, jun. carpenter 116 Christian Maxwell Robert, whartbuilder Maiien near Beach Maxwell Sarah, widow 9 Lytle's court May Daniel, bricklayer Queen above Third


MEA whitely's annual

May Henry, hatter N E cor. Tenth and Cherry M <y Esther, widow Parliam's alley May John, brickmaker Beaver near Pitt May Lewis, shoemaker Lawrence above Wood May Lewis, jr. carpenter 344 Race May Maria, widow, back 264 St. John May Mary, widow 77 north Tenth Mayberry Martha, washerwoman 27 Gilles's alley Maybin John, merchant 5 Chesnut d h 124 Arch Mayburry Jeremiah W. grocer 268 north Front Mayer Andrew, coach and sign painter N E cor. Poplar and Rachel {see Meyer and Maker

Mayer Philip F.Rev, d. d. 87 Sassafras Mayer John Dr. surgeon 500 north Third n. Germ. r. Mayer John, labourer Frankford road above Palmer Mayhew David, baker 120 Browne Mayhew David, combmakev Poplar above Second Mayhew Hazael, combmaker 269 north Second Mayhew Joseph, carter 128 Brmvne Mayhew Samuel, tailor 70 north Third Mayland Jacob, tobacconist 99 Sassafras cor. Third Mayland James, tobacconist Beach near Maiden Mayland Samuel, tobacconist 26 Sassafras alley Mayland Samuel, tobacconist 416 north Front

\se€ Malin^ Moreland and Moyland Maylin Joseph, Sixth below Germantown road Mayne Thomas, shipmaster back 204 north Se(?ond Mays Joseph, shoemaker Carrell's court 4th st. (N L)

{see Maze iP" Mease Mays Mary, widow 168 south Third Maysenhalder Charles, jeweller &c. 26 Strawberry May ville Mrs. widow, back 325 Spruce May weg John, whitesmith Green below 4th & cor. 3d May weg Wilham, hardware merchant 94 High Maze John G. carpenter 33 Mary (S)

{see Mease isf Maya Maze Mrs. boardinghouse cor Watt's and Shield's ay Mazurie James L merchant 115 south Third Mead Elizabeth, widow cor Fourth and Maria (N L) Mead Chas. teacher Franklin academy 32 Church ay Mead Jeremiah, ladies' shoemaker Bernard's court Mead John G. vict 40 old (N L) market d h Germ.r.

iMead Lewis, hairdresser 414 High lead Margaret Mrs. of Richard, Chesnut above 12th Mead Mrs. of Lanson, 9 Well's row, north Eighth Mead Samuel, carter, corner Cherry ay. and Twelfth Meade EUzabeth, widow 291 south Third IMcade Guy. maiiner 292 south Third Meade James, hairdresser 291 south Third Meade Mary, widow of Edward, shipmaster N. Sixth above Wood

iMeadesel Anthony, oysterman ct. in Blackberry alley lealy Patrick, tavemkeeper 2 south Fourth


Mealy William, brickmaker Thirteenth bel. Walnut Means Elizabeth, widow 23 Green {_see Mien Isl" Mam Means John, victualler d h Southwark, stall 2 market

soutu Seccffid Meany John, 4 (Franklin row) south 9th Meany Owen, labourer 319 Spruce Me. irs Benjamin, china store 47 south 4th \_8ee Meer Mease James, m.d. 192 Chesnut [^see Maze iT* Mays Mease John, surveyor of damaged ships and corgoes,

Norris's alley Mecaskey Audrew, drygoods store 143 north Third Mecaskey John, storekeeper 201 south Second cor Pine Mr chlin Jacob, accountant 149 Race M'cTj. Michael, labourer St. Mary's street below 7th Mecke John, cabinetaiaker and upholsterer 402 N 2d Mtrcom & Rogers, boardinghouse 113 Arch Medary Samuel, turpentine distitiller, store 447 north

Front d h 16 Poplar lane {^see Madeira

Meehan John S. printer 12 south 8th— d h 253 S 7th fMedcap Philip, waiter, back 26 Barron Meeker Cory, cordwainer 377 north Second Meeker Daniel, cordwainer 246 north Second Meeker widow of Samuel S S E cor. Third and High fMcekle Elisha, waiter 30 Burd's court Meer John, artist 4 south Seventh

[see M ears y Meyer i:t Meres Meer John, jun. artist Juniper below Chesnut Meers Joseph, stagedriver 148 Cherry Meers Mrs. victualler 351 Callowhill Megan Sophia, widow 106 Christian street Megaw Thomas, porter cor Fifth and Davis's court Megella John, Hunter's court Megonegal Roswell, teacher 216 north Sixth Megraw Thomas, tavernkeeper & bottler N E corner

Cedar and Tenth Meguire John, carter Vine alley above Twelfth Meguire Patrick, typefounder Shippen above Seventh

[see Maguire ijf M' Guire Mehany Richard, ship watchman back 57 south Water Meiers Joseph, coacnman 9 Appletree alley Meigs Charles D m. d, 134 north Eighth Mekeal Abraham, carpenter Lombard above Twelfth Mcinicka Christian, bootmaker 285 Vine Melbeck John, broker and commis. mercht. Washington

near Ridge road Melchor Horatio L. deputy sheriff 82 Locust below 9th Melchor John, oakcooper 1 1 south ay & 4th ab Poplar Melick John, vict. Button wood above Charles Melick Peter, labourer Cobb's court Melish John, geographer 121 Chesuut, where maps oi

every kind may be had Melius Wm. floorcloth printer Bushhill

MER whitely's annual

Melizet Francis, merchant 141 south Second Melone John, combmaker 9 Branch Mellan Robert, carpenter 56 Current ay. IV^llen widow of Wm. smith Church street Mclly B. widow of Wm. 203 Shippen street Melsom Edward, grocer S E cor 11th and Locust Mendenhall Adam, accountant 2 Elmshe's ay Mendenhall Isaac, wheat fanmaker 22 Old York road Mendenhall Isaac, wheat fanmaker 12 Little Dock

d h 93 High Mendenhall P. accountant 29 Elfreth's ay fMendonzer Anthony, hairdresser 29 Lombard street Menige' & Godebout, oysterman 30 south Sixth Menige' Oliver, oysterman 30 south Sixth Menus John & Joseph, hog vict. c:>r Charles & Pleasant Mensing Frederick, bootmaker 11 south Sixth Mentz Charles, tinplateworker 71 High d h 6 Poplar Mentd^eorge W. bookbinder, bookseller and stationer

71 Sassafras Isee Mintz

Menzies John, clock and watchmaker S W cor Front

and Spruce Merady Joseph, labourer Shippen's lane Mercer Bernard, carpenter S W cor 10th & Locust Mercer George, tavern and grocery 160 south Water

and 161 south Front Mercer George, grocer 56 Almond Mercer Jane, grocer 173 south Fifth Mercer Robert, sea captain 1 Mary (S) [see Marcer Mercer Robert, auctioner 314 High Mercer Thomas, grocer SW cor Christian and Swanson Mercier Charles, confectioner 104 High Mercier Charles, accountant 10 Pleasant avenue Mercier Sarah, widow 4 Cypress ay. Merdick Ann, shopkeeper Maiden near Beach

[see Mttrdock Meredith Ann, widow, back 3 Little Pine Meredith Benjamin, plasterer 98 Crown Meredith Benjamin A. hardware merchant 44 north

Second—d h 49 Duke (N L) Meredith David, baker Buttonwood above Fifth

i Meredith David mariner Grissel's ay. leredith Jos. coachsmith 193 Shippen & 11 Hyde's ct. Meredith Joseph, labourer cor» Sen. Fifth and Pine Meredith Moses, innkeeper Coates above Fourth Meredith widow of Thos. innkeeper Buttonwood n. 5th Meredith William, counsellor at law, office 1 south 6th

d h S W cor. Chesnut and Tenth Meredith William M. attorney at law, 1 south Sixth

d h S W cor. Tenth and Chesnut Meriti Jacob & Co. 355. Race Meres Sarah, widow 75 Christian street tMeres Shadrack, mariner, back 444 south Front Merkle Christian, labourer 11 North ay.


Merklee Conrad, cordwainer 108 north Third

Merrick Amos, ladies' shoemaker Merriott'sl. near 5th

Merrick Alexander P. mariner 254 south Front

Merrick Hannah, widow 48 north Sixth

Merrick Joshua, carpenter 8 Mary (S) ^

Merrick Richard, teacher Eleventh above Locust

Merriken Eliza, widow. Cherry above Eleventh

Merrill Otis B printer 77 north Eighth

Merrill Mrs. Otis B. ladies' hatmaker &c. 77 N 8th

Merrit Cinnetta, widow 6 Jones' ay.

Merrit E. S. & M. bonnetmakers 67 Mulberry

Merrit Georg , blacksmith Prince below Second (S)

Merrit John, pilot 3 Parkham's ay. [see Marot

Merrit John, mariner 425 south Front

Merrit John, oysterman 270 south Fifth

Merritt Joseph, labourer Webb's ay.

Merritt & Lance, oyster cellar S W cor 6th & Carpenter

Merritt Susan, widow 39 George (S)

Merrio Andrew, baker, back 422 south Front

Merryman John, carter, corner Queen and Third

Mervin Ferdinand, ladies' shoemaker 365 south Front

Mervine Andrew, cooper Buttonwood near Eighth

Mervine Hannah, widow, teacher 181 Plum street

Mervine John, cooper Vineyard near Ridge road

Mervine John, tailor N W corner Dock and Walnut

Mervine Peter, cooper 2 Franklin street

Mervine Thomas, smith Upper ferry road

Meser Henry, baker Hammilton village

Messchert Matthew H. merchant 11 Sansom

Messeix Samuel, 510 south Second

Messinger Simpson, hatter 139 High S W corner 4th

Metcalfe Margaret, widow 6 Chancery

Metcalfe Wm. teacher back 10 north Front

Metham Pren, muffinbaker 73 south Fourth

Mesteyer Lewis, comedian, Arch street theatre d h

2 College avenue Metts George, Buttonwood near Sixth \_see Mitz

Metts Barbary, widow Buttonwood near Sixth Mettler Samuel, 401 north Second Mettler Wm (Buck's county inn) 337 north Second Metz Barbara, widow Buttonwood near Fifth Metz George, corner Fourth and Lombard Metz George, carpenter Buttonwood near Fifth Metz 8c Jouny, bellhangers 26 Lombard Metzger Abraham, labourer Brown near Cherry Metzger John, Fromberger's court Metzger John M. tailor 245 north Second Metzger widow of George, Old York road ab. Poplar Mettey Thomas, oysterman, back 19 Lombard, cellar

94 north Second Meurer Frederick, dyer Germantown road below 3d Meyers George G. carpenter 133 north Third

MID whitely's annual

Meyer Henry, baker 9 Elfreth's ay. Meyers Henry, sen. merchant 133 north Third ' Meyers Hannah, widow of George, innkeeper 269 Vine Meyers Henry, jun. 20 Race

[see Mayer J Maker ^ MyerSy Mears c5* Merea Meyers Henry, College avenue Meyers Henry, innkeeper S W cor. Fifth and Race Meyers Jacob, victualler stall 32 New market south 2d Meyers John P. weaver 124 north Fifth Meyers Mary, widow 131 north Sixth Meyers Mary, back 154 north Fifth Meyers widow of Michael, 13 Callowhill Meyers & Son, drygoods store 1 33 north Third Meyers Thomas, accountant 82 Wood Meyers Peter C. merchant 133 north Third Meynie' John U. merchant 7 Minor d h 148 S Fourth

[see Meany Michael Rachel, widow of Joseph, 100 Swanson Michaels John, labourer, Washington street (P T) Michellan Lewis, mate of vessel, 20 Little German Mick George, shoemaker 285 north Third Mick Michael, ironfounder St. Mary Mickels Naomi, grocer S E cor. Lombard and Eighth Mickel James, cedarcooper Frankford r. near Otter Mickel Wm. shipwright Cherry above Duke Mickmack Christian, welldigger Buttonwootl near 5th Micnicka Christian, cord'vainer 104 north Sixth fMidcap Philip, waiter 6 Hurst street Middleton Allen & Co. blacksmiths 281 north Third, &

70 Callowhill— d k 11 Kunckel Middleton Allen, blacksmith Emlen*s court Middleton Ann, Mrs. 70 Penn tM'ddleton Benjamin, coachman 129 Locust Middleton Enoch, boxmaker, back 173 High d h 128

St. John Middleton Gabriel, lumber merchant 188 N Fourth Middleton George, mariner Miller's court (N L) Middleton Hannah, teacher Kunckel near Noble Middleton Hudson, merchant tailor 39 Arch Middleton Isaac, labourer Camden (N J)

i Middleton Jacob, mastmaker 153 Cedar liddleton John, waterman, back 291 south Fourth Mddleton John, hatter, back 160 Race Middleton Jo.seph, tailor 22 Union ay. fMiddleton Joseph, labourer 32 Burd's court Middleton Joshua, carpenter 177 Arch shop 171 High Middleton Lewis, cabinetmaker 151 north Fourth Middleton Robert, weaver 33 Prosperous ay. Midc'leton Wm. agent for guardians of poor 171 Pine Middleton & Woolly, lumber yard cor. Fourth & Green tMiddlesworth Joseph, labourer Juliana below Noble Midlin Walter, sea captain 379 south Front


Miercken Peter & Co. sugar refiners 37 Shippen Miercken Catharine, widow 53 Shippen Miersch Elizab. victualler Garden stall 28 N market Miffin & Conrad, brush manuf. 75 High Mifflin Benjamin, printer 6 Sansom Mifflin Jas. L. aucioneer 34 south Front d h 351 High Mifflin Joseph, accountant 176 Vine Mifflin Lloyd, merchant 21 Church ay. d h 176 Vine Mifflin Mary, widow of Benjamin, 6 Sansom Mifflin Mrs. C. widow of John F. 226 Walnut M'fflin Samuel, merchant 164 south Ninth Mifflin Thomas, merchant 31 Chesnut— d h 351 High Mifflin Thomas, carpenter 4 Pear . Might Eliza, Smith's court tMilbin Peter, woodsawyer, back 12 Christian Milbine John C. baker Lombard street alley Miles Ann, widow. Sixth near Fitzwalter Miles Catharine, widow, 139 south Eleventh street Miles Edward, drawing master 206 Walnut Miles Elizabeth, washerwoman 234 Shippen Miles Jacob, boot and shoe manuf. 25 south Fourth ■fMiles John, waiter, back 15 Mulberry alley Miles Lewis, 49 Cedar [see Milles isf Mills

Miles Mary, widow of John, gunsmith 86 Callowhill Miles Rebecca, widow, !N E cor. Walnut and Seventh Miles Robert, carpenter 114 south Tenth Miles widow of Wm. reedmaker 429 north Third Miley Frederick, senr. carter Juniper above Cherry Miley Frederick, junr. carter Thirteenth below Race Miley George, victualler and innkeeper Broad ab. Race Miley Jacob, cordwainer N Sixth near Germ, road Miley Jacob, victualler Second above Ger. road Miley John, brickmaker Juniper above Cherry Miley John, victualler George (N L) near Fourth Miley John, victualler George above Third (N L) stall 16 N L market {_see Mar ley ^ My trie

Miley John, vict. 136 Browne stall 13 N L market Miley William, cabinetmaker 6th near Ger. road fMilford James, labourer 6 Warner's court Millar Thomas, watchmaker 80 north Second Millard Charles, carver 412 north Front Millard Clement, m. d. 410 north Front Millard Elizabeth, widow, 16 Branner's alley Millard WiUiam, surgeon dentist 53 Catharine

Isee Millnvard Miller Aaron, labourer Twelfth below Race Miller Abraham, labourer 3 Callowhill Miller Abm. & Andrew, jun. potters 45 and 47 Zane Miller Adam, flour mercht. 348 High \^se€ Mellars

Miller Adam, tanner Twelfth below Race Miller Adam, tobacconist 350 north Third Miller Adam, ropemaker Shakamaxon ab. Bedford Miller Agnes, 1 Marble alley

MIL whitely's annual

Miller Alexander, bottler and tavern 56 south Water

Miller Andrew, sen. gentleman 45 Zane street

Miller Ann, widow, nurse 513 north Third

Miller Ann, gentlewoman 199 Spruce

Miller Ann, widow, 7 Juliana N E corner Wood

fMiller Anthony, shoemaker, back 387 north Third

fMiller Anthony, labourer 38 Blackberry alley

Miller Catharine, milkwoman Palmer above Duke

Miller Catharine, nurse 22 Poplar lane

Miller Catharine, widow, 188 St. John

Miller Catharine, widow, 32 Elizabeth

Miller Cii .tries, marmer, buck 24 Small

Miller Charles, grc>cer and chocolate manufacturer, 208

and 210 north Third Miller Charles, baker 269 south Fifth Miller Christian, labourer Frankford road opposite

Marlbovough Miller Christopher, labourer 170 Shippen Miller Clement S- attorney at law 113 Walnut d h

202 south Front Miller Conrad, tailor 345 north Front fMiller Cy belle, widow, Bradford's alley Miller D. gardener Carpenter below Sixth (S) Miller Daniel, innkeeper 416 north Second Miller Daniel H. hardware merchant 162 north 2d Miller Daniel K. potter 310 north Second Miller Daniel L mercht. 13 N 2d— d h Coates ab. rth Miller Daniel L & Co. merchants 13 north Second Miller David, 76 Lombard Miller David, cedar cooper Laurel near Budd Miller David, labourer 43 south Water fMiller David, woodsawyer 154 south Eighth fMiller Elijah, porter Norman alley fMiller Elijah, labourer Ninth below Lombard Miller Elizabeth, widow, 128 Coates' street Miller EUzabeth, widow, Smitli's alley Miller Elizabeth, shopkeeper 306 north Second ■Miller Ephraim, porter 2 Warner's court fMiller Fanny, widow, Old York road near Coates Miller Francis* combmaker Hopkins' court Miller Francis, blacksmith Sch. Fourth near Spruce Miller Frederick, mariner 14 York court ^

Miller Frederick, victualler Grissel's alley Miller George, leacher of German, back 33 N. Fourth Miller George, blacksmith Christian below Fifth Miller George, cordwainer 187 St. John Miller George, victualler Eighth above Buttonwood Miller George, victualler stall 1 New Market Miller George, black and whitesmith 212 Vine Miller George, stove and saddletree maker 148 north

Third— d h 212 Vine Miller George, shipjoiner 31 Charlotte fMiller George, carpenter 2 Warner's court


[Miller George, porter, back 78 north Fourth xMiller George, oysterman 130 north Second Miller Henry, cooper 24 Hurst Miller Henry, sawfiler 42 Arch d h 67 Tammany Miller Henry^ shipwright Hanover near Bedford Miller Henry, sugar refiner Margaretta and Charlotte Miller Henry, mariner 8 Callowhill Miller Henry, colourman, back 314 north Second Miller Henry H. vict, 262 N Sth—stall 12 High st. mark- Miller Hugh, weaver, corner Cedar and Thirteenth Miller Hugh, cordwainer Sixth above Green Miller Isabella, tavernkeeper 95 south Water Miller Jacob, ropemaker, corner Prime and Eleventh Miller Jacob, potter Rose alley above Tammany Miller Jacob, mariner 38 Christian Miller Jacob, labourer 496 north Second Miller Jacob, baker 18 Arch "Miller Jacob, labourer 183 Spruce "Miller Jacob, labourer Bro;.d near Vine "Miller Jacob, wocdsawyer Bradford's alley Miller Jacob, tanner 196 Lombard Miller Jacob, vict. cellar Cedar st. d h 122 German •Miller Jacob, labourer, cor. Shippen & Shippen's lane Miller James, tailor 52 north Eighth Miller James, gardener Hamilton village Miller James, sailmaker 89 Swanson street tMiller James, oyster cellar 203 Cedar Miller Jane, back 7 Filbert Miller Jane, widow, storekeeper 260 Sassafras Miller Jesse, sexton 1st Baptist church 42 N. Second Miller John, innkeeper 63 north Fourth Miller John, turner, &c 144 Cherry Miller John, sawsharper, back 310 north Second Miller John, jun. merchant 109 and d h 202 S. Front Miller John, cabinetmaker Coates above Fourth Miller John, constable 126 Callowhill Miller John, weaver Lombard above Twelfth Miller John, labourer 571 south Second Miller John, shipwatch 274 Swanson Miller John, carter Callowhill above Tenth Miller John, carpenter Juniper above Race Miller John, victualler 20 Old shambles High street Miller John, smith 153 south Fifth Miller John, labourer corner Coates and Sixth Miller John, ostler 4 Sugar alley Miller John, tobacconist 350 north Third Miller John, stevedore 464 south Front Miller John, labourer Lombard near Schuylkill Miller John C. innkeeper 228 Swanson "Miller John, waiter 272 south Fourth street Miller John, labourer Washington near Ridge road "Miller John, labourer Old York road near Fifth Miller Joseph, grocer N W corner New and Third


Miller Joseph, salt store N W corner Third and New

Miller Joseph, labourer Cherry below West

Miller & Lovett, tobacconists 47 Cedar & 389 N 2d

Miller Lydia, nurse, back 110 Catharine

Miller Lydia, widow, 89 Movamensing road

Miller Margaret, widow, 348 N 3d N W cor. Green

Miller Margaret Miss, boardirighouse 287 Chesuut

fMiller Mark, carpenter, back of 90 Bedford above 7th

Miller Martin, tanner 45 Browne

Miller Mary, mantuamaker 180 Shippen

MillerMary, widow, back S3 German

MilJlftlary, widow, S E corner Eleventh and Castle

MilWrrofery, widow, back 24 Kunckel

Miller Mary, tailoress 1 Ranstead's court

Miller. Mary, tailoress 5 Pratt's court

Miller Mary, widow, Hanover above Queen

Miller Mary, widow, 134 Browne

Miller Matthew, labourer Camden (N J)

Miller Matthias, ladies' shoemaker 83 Passyunk road

Miller Michael, carter Moyamensing r. bel. Greenwich

tMiller Milford, labourer Paschall's alley

Miller Moses, ladies' shoemaker Poplar lane below 4th

Miller & Moser, potters 310 north Second

tMiller Moses, woodsawyer 13 Springett alley

Miller Mrs. widow. Garden street

Miller Nicholas, blacksmith Newmarket above Pegg

tMiller Noah, shoemaker 196 Lombard street

Miller Peter, m. d. 181 Mulberry

Miller Peter, gardener Cedar near Broad

tMiller Peter, mariner, back 199 Lombard

Miller Philip, printer York street

Miller Philip, tobacconist 47 Cedar

Miller Rachel 8c Co. storekeepers 28^ north Second

Miller Rachel,. 10 north Third

tMiller Richard, painter &c. cor. Cedar and Seventh

Miller Robert, blacksmith Juniper below Spruce

Miller Rosanna, widow, Crown near Frankford r.

Miller Robert, copperplate printer Cedar above 12th

Miller Samuel, carpenter 47 Green

Miller Samuel, wheat fanmaker 170 and 172 Spruce

Miller Samuel, ship carpenter, back 39 Beck's alley

Miller Sarah, widow. Brown below Front

Miller Simon, waterman 7 Little German

tMiller Thomas, waiter 57 Currant alley

Miller & Van Beuren, merchants 109 south Front

Miller Warwick P. of the Pennsylvania hospital

Miller, widow of Samuel, Wiley's court

Miller William, sea captain 485 south Front

MilllerWilham, jeweller, 8cc, 49 south Second

Miller William, carter 135 Cherry

MillerWm.sec'ry. to Philad. Insurance Comp. 55 Union

Mille^r Wm. grocer 415 S Front S W cor. Catharine

Miller William T. tobacconist 171 north Second


Miller William, victualler Buttonwood above Charles Miller Wm. drygoods store S E corner 2d and Pine Milliette Joseph, typefounder 275 south Seventh Milligan Francis, storekeeper 54 High d h 13 Church MilUgan John, farmer, bick 102 High Milligan Patrick, cordwainer 51 Small Milligan Samuel, attorney at law, 263 Chesnut Milligan Wm. drayman Jones' street^ above Sch. 5th Millikan Robert, boot and shoe manufactory 40 Chesnut

[see Mullikin Millikan William, grocer 25 Strawberry Milliman John, constable 17 Carter's alley Millis Nehemiah, cabinetmaker Maria near 5th (N L)

[see Mills Millman Je.sse, shoe warehouse 266 High S E cor. 8th Millman William, shoemaker 348 north Second Mills Ann, widow, 419 south Front Mills George, lookingglass frame maker Ger. r. op'. 4th Mills George, jun. cabinetmaker 44 Crown Mills Edward, labourer M'Ginnes's court Mills Elizabeth, widow, 5 Cox's alley Mills Evey, w.Vdow, Bedford near Shakamaxon Mills James, labourer Frankford road near first gate Mills James, hatter Sheaff's alley \^see Miles ^ Millis tMills Robert, porter 228 Lombard Mills Smith, constable 79 New Mills Whitton, ferryman Cooper's ferry (N J) Mills William, M'Culloch's court Millward William, mastmaker 448 north Third Millwood John, mariner Sarah near Bedford (K) Milne Edmund, (90 vears of age) 83 Green Milne Michael, fruiterer S E cor. High & Third— d h

25 north Fourth Milne Richard, merchant 9 S Front-^dph 7 San.som Milner Eliza, widow boardinghouse T^ north Water Milner EUza, widow S. Sixth next below Fitzwalter Milner George, weaver 100 north Fifth Milner Phoebe, boardinghouse 1 north Sixth Milnor Isaac, wine and' grocery store Chesnut street

wharf d h 96 south Second

Milnor John, taylor 80 north Water Milnor & Richards, grocers and iron merchants S W

corner Third and Vine Milnor Robert, druggist, &c. 161 south Second Milnor Wm. merchant S W cor. Vine & 3d— h h 87 Vine Minch Benjamin, carpenter, 490 south Second street Minck Adam, innkeeper (Golden Fleece) 240 N. Second Mingle John & son, blacksmiths 263 Race Mingle John, .sen. blacksmith 263 Race d h 65 N. 8th Mingle John. jun. blacksmith 263 Race—d h 65 N. 8th Mingle Philip, brewer 53 Mechanic Minns Joseph, hog victualler cor. Charles & Pleasant


Minier William, carpenter Kunckel above Tammany Minora T. confectioner and fruiterer 115 north Third tMintes Barsillas, porter 24 Currant alley fMiiites William, shipwright 269 Catharine Mintzer Adam, carter 321 north Third Mintzer Christopher, hog victualler stall 14 Old N. L.

market Mintzer David, drajrman, 4th near George (N. L.) Mintzer Deborah, widow, 35 norih Third Mintzer Francis, ladies shoemaker, back 102 Christian Mintzer John G. innkeeper 404 north Second Mintzer John, victualler Fourth above Poplar lane Mintzer Joseph, victualler back 600 south Second Mintzer Peter, coachtrimmer, &c. Thirteenth bel. Vine Miquet Francis, suspendermakerSc perfumer 236 north

Front Miraben Bertrand, confectioner 15 south Fourth Mirkil Barbara, widow Taper alley Miskey Anthony, tailor anddrygoods store 382 north 2d Mitchell Abel, ropemaker 566 north Second Mitchell Abel, jun. tailor 566 north Second Mitchell, Ames 8c White, publishers, office 305 Ai'ch Mitchell Abm. inspector of staves 21 Duke (N. L- ) Mitchell Abraham, jun. accountant 3 Pfeiflfer's alley Mitchell Andrew, merchant, 68 south Front Mitchell Benjamin, bricklayer Noble near Third Mitchell Catharine, widow back 5 Little Pine Mitchell Charles, hairdresser and bleeder 402 north 2d Mitchell Caleb, mariner 587 south Second street Mitchell Daniel, cell-keeper Philadelphia almshouse Mitchell Elizabeth, widow 5 Pleasant avenue Mitchell Elizabeth, widow 126 north Fifth Mitchell Francis, trunk maker Vine between 11th & 12th tMitchell Francis, shipwright Davis's court back 72

Christian Mitchell George, labourer 14 Green (S.) Mitchell Gilbert L. Buck's county, and Montgomery

Hotel, S E corner Sixth and Vine Mitchell Jacob, mahogany merchant 131 Cedar Mitchell Jarnes & Co. grocers 8 and 12 Old Yord road Mitchell James, fancy chairmaker 76 south Fourth Mitchell James, m. d. 98 Shippen fMitchell James, paperstainer, back 111 Christian tMitchell Jane, widow, Atkinson's court Mitchell Jesse, carpenter St. John above St. Tammany Mitchell John, chairmaker 520 north Front Mitchell John, labourer Marlborough near Prince tMitchell John, upholsterer 82 Gaskill street fMitchell John, hairdresser Ridge road near CoUowhill Mitchell John, carpenter 70 north Sixth Mitchell John, tailor Simmon's court Mitchell Joseph B. accountant 64 Gaskill Mitchell Joseph, boatbuilder 414 south Second


Mitchell Rachel, widow 398 north Front Mitchell Robert, grocer 50 north Third Mitchell Samuel A. publisher, &c. 305 Arch Mitchell Thomas, conveyancer N W cor. 3d & Spruce Mitchell Thomas D. m. d. inquire 131 Cedar Mitchell Thomas L. fancy chairmaker Loxley's court Mitchell & Thomman, grocers 50 north Third Mitchell William, whipmaker 77 and 114 St. John Mitcheson R. bnindy & cordial distiller 275 north Third Mitchner Isaac, farrier, corner Ger. road and Laurel Mittaugh Eliza, widow 4 Blackberry alley

Mites Wm. Smith's court near Sch. Eighth

Mochell Wm. labourer Acorn alley Mock Adam, carter 523 north Third street tMode David, mariner Shippen above Seventh Moffat Spencer, grocer, corner Race and Tenth Moffet Alexander, weaver Cedar near Thirteenth Moftet Casper, bootmaker, back 13 Decatur Moffett Adam, labourer back 13 Decatur \_see Maffet Moffett Richard, blacksmith, 210 south Seventh Moliere Henry, gentleman 292 south Second Molineux Benj, hatter 4 north Sixth— d h 377 Race Milineux John E. hairdresser 187 and 189 Cedar Molony James, currier Gray's ferry road below Cedar Molony John, combmaker 4 back 131 north Second Momma Henry L. weaver 145 Coates street Monell John, merchant tailor, comer Chesnut and 6th Monell Wm. cordwainer Margaretta below Second Monet Peter, machinemaker Shippen above Ninth Mongan Francis, drover 13th below High Monges John R. m. d. 13 Sansom Monegar John, painter, &c. Sixth above Poplar Mongar Christian, victualler 42 Old N. L. market—

d h Fourth near Master street Monier Phosbe, widow 8 Friends' almshouse Moke Cynthia Mrs. 31 German Moland Elizabeth, teacher 6 Clever alley tMoles Samuel, bootcleaner 4 Bonsall street Monk Phosbe, widow 1 Eckfeldt's court Monk Joseph, mariner 168 north Water Monnington John, carpenter 211 north Sixth tMonroe Abraham, shoemaker Old York r. bel. Noble jMonroe Abraham, mariner 14 Springett alley Monroe John, clerk 212 south Fifth -*

Munroe William, cordwainer 90 Gaskill

SMonshell Jane, Miss, 246 Lombard lontaig James, drayman 26 Juliana Montant Claudius, storekeeper 56 south Fourth Montanye Edvvard, cordwainer Pa.ssyunk below Pnme Montelius Wm, merciiant 277 High—^d h 50 N. Seventh Montelius Marcus & Co tobacconists 270 High Montgomery Alexander jun. brickmaker 6th ab. Green



Montgomery Andrew, teacher 332 south FiX)nt— school

64 Lombard Montgomery Austin, mercht. 41 N. Front d h 252 Arch Montgomery Charles, 33 Powell Montgomery John C. 73 Spruce Montgomery John, labourer West near Marlborough Montgomery John, carpenter Second above Beaver Montgomery John, Smith's alley Montgomery John, bricklayer. Prosperous alley Montgomery John, bricklayer, Loxley's court Montgomery Joseph, merchant 101 north Front— d h 4

Rittenhouse place Montgomery Joseph, brickmaker Buttonwood above

Charles Montgomery Joseph jr. brickmaker Buttonwood above

Charles Montgomery Thomas, gentleman N E cor. John &Wood Montgomery Thomas, cordwainer cor. Walnut & 11th Montgomery William, jun. merchant 63 Lombard cor.

Third Montgomery Wm. merch. 101 N. Front d h 128 Arch Montgomery Wm. & Son, merchants 101 north Front Montgomery William, boot and shoemaker N E corner

Chesnut and Seventh jMontier Rachel, widow 36 Crown Montmollin Frederick, late auctioneer 8 north Third MontmoUin M. & L. drygoods stoi-e, 8 north I'hird Moode Jacob, fisherman Queen near Wood Moode John, fisherman, near the Glass-house (K.) Moody Elizabeth, washerwoman 12th above Cherry Moody John, printer inquire Twelfth above Chern' Moody Moses B. merch. 10 S. Wharves d h 94 Arch Moody Sarah, Miss, 124 south Sixth street Moody, Wyman & Co. merchants, ufi stairs 10 South

wharves Moon Wm. ladies' shoemaker 12 south Second Mooney Cornelius, grocer 268 south Fourth street Mooney Daniel, painter, &c. 124 Sbippen corner Crab Mooney Dennis, papermaker, Darison's alley Mooney Hugh, blacksmith, corner High and Sch. 4th Mooney Jacob, victualler St. John above Poplar Mooney James, carter 260 Cedar Mooney Jane, widow 166 Shippen Mooney John, labourer 289 south Fourth street Mooney John, labourer Washington above Callowhill Mooney John, botler 298 Vine Mooney Thomas, labourer 170 south Sixth Moor Ann, fortune-teller 18 Blackberry alley Moore Ann, widow 121 Swanson Moore Ann, Sch. Front above Arch Moore Archibald, shoemaker Second near German, road Moore Archibald, labourer Sch. Third near High Moore Andrew, tooth-brushmaker 9 Hinckers court Moore Asa, cooper Bickham's court, back 254 S. Front


Moore Asher, coachmaker Hanse's court [see Mower Moore Christiana, widow 95 south Fifth Moore David, grocery and tavern, 1 Spruce Moore David, grocer Broad below George Moore David, cabinetmaker, 52 Crown Moore Dorothea, widow 268 Lombard street Moore Edward, grocer and bottler 299 Walnut Moore Elijah, barkeeper at Merchants' coffee-house Moore Elizabeth, widow of Marmaduke, stonecutter 43

Filbert Moore Fred, dry goods store 18 N. 2d d h New ab. 3d Moore Geo. gardener, corner Carpenter & Passyunk Moore George D. painter, &c. 479 High tMoore George, mariner 8th below Lombard Moore & Gray, grocers 6 Decatur Moore Hannah, wife of John, Spafford ab. Shippen st, tMoore Hannibal, labourer Filbert near Sch. Eighth Moore James, carter Sixth below Coates Moore Jacob, millwright Sarah (K.) Moore James, oakcooper 28 Bread Moore James, sea captain 132 south Eighth Moore James, bottler 242 south Fourth Moore James, weaver Hazel alley above Walnut Moore James, soapboiler 6th near Coates Moore Jeremiah, shoemaker 50 south Front Moore John, carpenter 321 Race 8c Kunckel bel. Green Moore John, biick maker 500 south Second street Moore John, plasterer 469 Race Moore John, victualler 82 Garden near Logan Moore John C. bricklayer 16 Chester Moore John Wilson, M.D. 61 Spruce Moore John M. d. 65 south Seventh Moore John, carpenter Kunckel below Green Moore Jonathan, boardinghouse 13 Crab Moore Joseph, carpenter 12th below Spruce Moore Luke, pewterer 501 south Second Moore Margaret, widow 24 Watson's alley Moore Mary, widow Queen near Bishop Moore Mary, shopkeeper 67 Race Moore Mary, china store 13 north Fifth Moore Mary and Sarah, 2 Bank Moore Mary, widow 7 Shields' coiirt - M';ore Mrs. widow, nurse Poplar lanealjove St. John Moore Myers & Co. merchants 190 High Moore Peter, silk seller 154 south Fifth tMoore Reuben, master sweep 199 Lombard Moore Samuel, carpenter, corner 4th and George Moore Samuel F. plasterer, 155 north Ninth Moore Sarah, widow 36 Bread Moore Sarah, widow 89 Pine Moore Sarah, widow 2 Lyndall's alley Moore Sarah Ann, mantuamaker Washington street

near Schuylkill


Moore Sarah, widow 46 St. Tammany street

Moore Thomas, grocer 19 north Fifth

Moore Wm. cordwainer 18 Starr alley

Moore Wm. weaver Newmarket near Pegg

Moore Wm. currier 480 north Second

Moore Wm ship carpenter 567 south Second

Moore Wm. soap and candle manuf. 127 south Sixth

Moore Wm. caulker Cherry near Prince

Moove Wm. blacksmith, back 249 Shippen

Moore Wm. plasterer Poplar lane near Third

fMoore Wm. carriage driver Clifton street

Moorhead George, weaver 13th near Cedar

Moran Edward, labourer Sheaff's alley

Morans Sarah, widow, back 199 Lombard

tMorant Charles, mariner 230 Lombard

Morasso Sebasti-in, tavern N Wcor. 2d and Lonjbard

Morehane Joseph, accountant, back 487 north Third

Morelapd Daniel, soapboiler Lily alley [see Morland

Moren Wm. turner Vine west of Broad

Morgan i\ury, seaman corner Bread and Arch

Morgan Benjamin R. counsellor at law 41 Arch

Morgan Bennet, stonecutter 9 Heyde's court

tMorgan Charles, woodsawyer Jones' alley (N.L.)

Morgan David, mariner 8 Parham's alley

Morgan George W. esq. 371 Arch

Morgan James, carpenter 192 Eighth above Vine

Morgan John, sheet iron manuf. 12 Pfeiffer's alley

Morgan John, seed store 88^ north Ninth

Morgan John, curlier Holmes' alley '

Morgan John, brassfounder Callowhill ab. Twelfth

Morgan Jno. E. glue & cowskin whipmaker Vine b. 12th

Morgan Luke, teacher Bishop near Queen

Morgan Luke, carpenter 289 south Fourth

Morgan Mary, widow Penn (K.)

Morgan Mordecai, m. d. 2 south Tenth

Morgan Mrs. widow, nurse 7 vVood above Second

Morgan Nicholas, mariner 68 Coates

Morgan Peter, storekeeper 265 south Second

Morgan Solomon, grocer 235 south Fourth

Morgan Thomas, sea captain 55 Queen (S. ) ,

Morgan Thomas, neatsfoot oil, glue, 8cc. manufactory

381 Callowhill Morgan Thomas A. raercht. 41 Dock d h 94 S. Front Morgan Thomas W.mei*cht.433 N. Front d h 4 Lodge Morgan Thomas, cordwainer 116 north Sixth tMorgan Thomas, waiter 5 Prune Morgan Ward, sea captain 303 south Front Morgan Wm. labourer Sch. Third above High Morgan Wm. glue & cowskin whipmaker Vine bel. 12th Morgan Wm H. carver and gilder 114 Chesnut Morgan Wm.V. bookbinder Middle alley Morin Alex, jeweller, chaser Hz die sinker 113 N. 3d Morin John, jeweller &c. 23 north Third


Morland Martha, widow 132 Browne

\_see Mayland and Moreland Morrell Abraham, mariner Green ab. Old York road Morrell James, hatter 123 north Water Morrell James, china raercht. 57 N. Fourth d h 12th

above Arch Morrell John, carpenter 125 north Eleventh Morrell Mrs. widow, trader Wright's alley Morrell Mrs. widow, corner Cherry and Juniper Morrell Judith Mrs. midwife 71 Union

see Murrell and Morel Morrell Richard, china mercht 24 Minor dh 5 Lomb. Morrell Richard & Thomas, china merchants 24 Minor Morrell Robert, late china mercht. S E cor. 10th & Arch Morrell Robert E. carpenter 148 Cherry Morrell Thomas, china mercht 24 Minov—d h 43 S. 8th Morris Aaron, carter 31 Browne Morris Abigail, widow of Joseph, 160 north Front iMorris Abraham, labourer Clever alley JMorris Amos, labourer 45 Small Morris Ann, widow, tailoress 293 south Third Morris Anna Mrs. widow of Robert, jun. 196 Chesnut Morris Anthony J. gentleman 21 Powell Morris Anthony P. tanner and currier 68 south Second Morris Benjamin, cordwainer, back 44 Budd IMorris Benjamin, glass papermaker Paper alley Morris & Brother, druggists &c. 45 north Third Morris Casper W. gentleman 19 Prune Morris Catharine W.56 north Fourth Morris Daniel, harnessmaker Sturgcs' court tMorris Daniel, waiter, back 52 Currant alley jMorris Edward, coachman Bonsall tMorris Eleanor, widow 26 Shippen Morris Evan & Wm. slaters 3 Miller's alley Morris George, merchant 182 High— d h 236 Spruce Morris George L. bookbinder 2 Dock Morris George W. brushmaker 125 north Second tMorris George, porter, back 23 No¥th alley Morris Gertrude, grocer 67 Race fMorris Hannah, widow Catharine above Third tMorris Hester, widow SpafFord street Morris Isaac, cordwainer 44 Budd Morris Isaac W. late brewer 144 south Fourth tMorris Jacob, labourer 230 Lombard Morris Jehu, grocery and tavern 427 north Front Morris Jeremiah, druggist 293 High tMorris J. dealer 85 Bedford (M.) Morris John, bootmaker 38 south Eighth Morris John, brushmaker, back 506 south Second Morris John, blacksmith Sav street Morris John, boot tree & lastmaker 27 Carter's alley Morris John, printer 135 north Fifth Morris John, draymau Broad above Race

MOR WHITE ly's annual

Morris John, accountant 63 south Eleventh Morris John, fisherman Wood near Prince Morris John, carver, back 123 Race Morris Jos. carpenter & city commissioner, shop Schi le- ver's court— d Jv 58 north' Eighth Morris Joseph, hatter 12 Chancery lane Morris Joshua, cordwainer Kunckel above Tammany Morris^L. widow, back 31 Noble Morris Luke W. lumber merchant 93 south Eighth Morris Mary, widow bel. Acad, of Fine Arts, Chcsnut Morris Miles, baker 10 St. Mary Morris 6c Moore, tooth brushmakers Hartung*s alley tMorris Omar, widow Middle alley Morris Pearson, chairmaker back 84 Vine Morris Rachel, widow north Second cor. Pfeiflfer*s ct. Morris Rebecca, widow Fifth below Merriott*s lane Morris Reese, tax collector 33 Wood Morris Richard Hill, stock exchange broker 85 Dock—

d h 250 Spruce MoiTis Robert, labourer Juniper alley tMorris Robert, laboui*er 3 Prosperous alley Morris Sam. B. mercht. 34 South wharves— d h 93 S. 8th tMorris Samuel, labourer Dean's alley Morris Sarah, widow 177 Green

Morris & Smith, lumber merchants 9th below Chesnut tMorris Simon, porter Christian above Seventh Morriss Susannah, gentlewoman 35 Filbert Moms Thomas M.Sansom above Eighth Morris Thomas, brewer 86 north Secoad Morris Thomas W. attoruey at law 86 Arch S W cor.

Fourth Morris Thomas C. labourer Charles near Callowhill tMorris Thomas, labourer 208 Cedar Morris Wm. turner 3 Hinckel's court Morris Wm. dry goods store 75 High Morrison Alexander, shipwright 316 south Sixth Morrison Alexander, tailor 141 Cherry Morrison Andrew, superintendant cot.manuf. 10 Green Morrison Ann, widow Schuylkill Second above Race Morrison Abm. cabinetmaker 10 Green's court Morrison Edward, clerk 110 south Tenth Morrison Evan, merchant 43i north Front Morrison John, waterman, back 106 Plum st. Morrison John D. late grocer Hansell's court Morrison Sarah, mantuamaker, back 86 south Third

Morrison , widow 83 north Fifth

Morrison Wm. brewer 79 and d h 76 Chesnut Morrison Robert, laboui-er Thirteenth below High Morrison Sarah, widow, teacher 4 Acorn alley fMorrow Glasgow, bootcleaner, back 118 German Morrow James, carpet weaver 190 north Fifth Morrow John, weaver 446 north Front Morrow Rebecca, widow 68 Passyunk road .


Morrow Samuel, smith corner Pine and Fifth

Isee Murray and Murroiv Morow Peter, Windsor chairmaker 153 north Fourth Morse Benjamin, tailor, back 517 north Third Morse George W. sea captain 235 Spruce Morse Henry, seminary 264 Arch tMorss Andrew, waiter 131 Locust jMorss Andrew, waiter SpaiFord st. \^see Moss

Morst Henry, wheelwrigiu Swanson below Queen Mort William P. merchant 125 High tMorton Abraham, porter 213 south Seventh Morton Andrew, shipwright 301 south Second Morton Ann, 1 Poplar alley Morton Benjamin, hatter 343 south Second Morton Eleanor, widow Alberson*s court Morton Elizabeth, widow 49 Catharine Morton James, printer 38 Strawberry Morton James, mariner John's (S.) Morton John, President of N. A. Bank 116 S. Front Morton John, mariner Alberson's court Morton Joseph, boatbuilder Maiden near stone bridge Morton Matthias, shallopman 301 south Third Morton Thomas, bookbinder and paper ruler 10 Go- forth alley Morton Thomas, tailor 9 Vernon street Morton Thomas, carpenter Maidea near Front Morton and Wallace, rulers and bookbinders 74 N. 3d Mory Elizabeth, widow 297 south Front Mosberry Lydia, widow Callowhill below Eighth Moser Catharine, widow 310 north Second Moser Henry, victualler corner West and Palmer

stall 4 Old N. L. market Moser Jacob, victualler Queen below Cherry Moser widow of Martin, potter 310 north Second fMoses Daniel, porter 215 south Seventh tMoses Ezekiel, mariner 215 south Seventh jMoses Hance, porter 215 south Seventh Moses Henry, currier Charlotte Moses Jacob, jeweller 355 north Second IMoses Jonathan, waiter 20 Appletree alley

i Moses Prophet, mariner Swede's alley loses P. and M. drygoods store 230 north Second Moses Solomoa, merchant 125^ south Front— d h Locust

(Washington square) tMo^es Wm. labourer 11 Poplar lane Moss Christopher, cordwainer Germ, road bel. Fourth Moss George, labourer back 222 south Fifth Moss Jacob, quill and pen manufactory 61 S. Third Moss John, merchant 77 south Front d h 189 Spruce

[&e^ Maasy Morse, ^ Morse Moss Samuel, merchant 77 S. Front— -d h 191 Spruce Mossop John, cordwainer 16 'Vine

MUL whitely's annual

Mott Edward, paint manufactory 10 Fetter lane store

2 Cherry street Mouille Maturine, wine cooper Locust near Broad tMoulder Isaac, waiter St. Mary (back) f Moulder Jacob, labourer, back 120 Plum Moylder Joseph, ship carpenter 50 Swanson Moulder Margaret, widow 24 Pear Moulder Wm. justice of the peace 330 north Second Moulther Wm. H. accountant 175 south Eleventh Mouaier J. P. hairdresser &c. 27 Chesnut Mount Samuel, tavernkeeper 261 south Fourth jMount Sarah, widow 542 north Third Mountain James M. mate of vessel, 294 south Front Moutea George, cordwainer 27 Sugar alley Mower Ann, widow Maple street Mower John A. back 211 Callowhill Moxley Stephen, labourer 232 north Water Moyel Charles, cordwainer 116 north Third M')yer Jacob, carpenter 206 St. John Moyer Thomas, saddler &c. 26 High Moyes James, gentleman 119 Pine Moyn John, boot manufacturer 88 south Third tMozely Isaac, waiter 23 Walnut Much Adam, shipwright 556 south Front Much Elizabeth, nurse, 59 Meade alley Muck Adam, carter 527 north Third Muckelston Peter, coachmaker 19 Watson's alley MuhlenJohn, dealer 220 south Third corner Cedar Muhlenberg David, 295 Sassafras Muhlenberg Mary, widow 162 Arch Muhlenberg Rebecca, back 50 Currant alley Muhlenberg widow ot F. A. 295 Race Muhlenberg, rev. Wm. A. d. d. 162 Arch Muier Daniel, watchman 9 Mary (S.) Muir John, carpenter 4 Randolph's court Muirhead Wm. grocer 206 Cedar Mulhail Henry, baker 4 Prosperous alley Mulhollen John, brickmaker Race near Sch. Seventh Mull Benjamin, combmaker 19 south Second Mullen E. grocer cor. Oak and Hayscales wharf Mullen Hugh, labourer cor. Sch. Third and George Mullen James, biscuitbaker 134 St. John Mullen Joseph C. mariner 14 Queen (S.) Mullen John, carter 43 Currant alley Mullen John, typefounder 10 Hurst street Mullen Nicholas, cordwainer 322 south Third Mullen William, grocer 14 Oak (S.) Mullen Wlliam labourer Sansom bel. Ninth Mullen William, jr. cordwainer 14 Oak (S.) Mullin Edward, mariner 26 Catharine Mullica John, glassblower near Glasshouse (K. ) MuUer Charles, sea captain 94 Lombard MuUiken Magdalen, widow 91 CallowbiU


Multins John, merchant 43 north Front Mullison John, bricklayer 63 Tammany Mulock Edward, cordwainer 312 Race Mulock George, currier 12 Sterling alley Mulock Leah, widow boardinghouse 98 north Mulvcn Daniel, blacksmith 16 Small street fMuUony Elizabeth, widow Miles' court near Rose Mullony Samuel, woodsawyer Miles' court near Rose tMullohy Solomon sawyer Mlies' court near Rose Mulvey Chas. Spanish consul for Georgia 242 Spruce Mulvey Joseph, merchant Pine street wharf d h 242

Spruce tMundy James, clothes seller Stamper's alley Munns Sarah, storekeeper 1 South Tenth IMunt Jonathan, labourer Sch. Seventh ab. Race Munyan John P. labourer Wharton below Second Munyan John, wheelwright Sch. Eighth above Race Murat John, tailor 126^ south Second Murdock Hannah, widow cor. Carpenter (S.) and Fifth Murdock James W. sea captain 81 Penn Murdock John, smith Marlborough near Bedford Murdock Mary, widow Coates alley

Murdock , tailor Bushhill [see ATurdick

Murdock Robert, cottonspinner, Cadwalader n. Pitt Murdock Samuel, sea captain 61 Pine Murdock Thomas, bookbinder 46 Race Murdock Wm. merchant 67 N. Water— d h 186 High Murfin, Mrs L. 290 Arch Murphy Alexander, accountant 3 Ann (N. L.) Murphy Alexander, labourer, cor. Sixth and Prune. Murphy Arthur, bricklayer 62 Arch Murphy Archibald, stonemason Sixth three doors bel

Fitz waiter Murphy, Charles, shipwright Marlborough n. Prince Murphy Comfort, shopkeeper High west of Sell. 7th Murphy Cornelius, shoemaker 38 Vine Murphy Daniel, storekeeper Frankford r. n. Point r Murphy John, saddletree maker 75 Green Murphey John, coachman Stamper's alley Murphey Patrick, 6th belov/ Fitzwalter Murphey Sarah, widow Weaver's alley Murphy C. shipwright Marlborough near Bedford Murphy David, combmaker 567 south Front Murphy David, tailor 122 and 130 north Water Murphy Demarus, widow 9 Vernon Murphy Elizabeth, eating-house back 12 north Front Murphy Hannah, widow 2 Cresson's alley Murvel William cordwainer 90 Gaskill st Murphy James, tavernkeeper 34 Washington Murphey James, cabinetmaker 38 Chesnut Murphy John, carter Point Road tMurphy John labourer Wistar's court Murphy John paver Quince street below Locust -. 2 A

IMUS whitely's annual

Murphy John saddletree maker north Front n. Laurel Murphy Louisa, widow Pegg above Front Murphy Malcolm, smith Juniper above Chesnut Murphy Martin, grocer, corner Seventh and Small Murphy Sarah, widow Weaver's alley Murphy Stephen, blacksmith back 99 Budd Murphey Robert, boot and shoemaker 17 south Third Murphy William, fisherman Queen above Cherry Murphy W^illiam carpenter 25 Plum Murphy WiUiam G. bookbinder Francis' lane n. Sch. Murray Alexander, blacksmith, back 397 south Second

i Murray Benjamin, waiter, back 242 Lombard lurray Catharine, widow 215 Chesnut fMurray Charles, labourer 13 Elizabeth Murray Eleanor, grocer Mary street near Seventh Mun'ay, Fairman and Co. bankbill, &c. engravers 47

Sansom above 8th [see Morrow andAIurroiv

Murray George, engraver 45 Sansom Murray George, fancy store 187 south Second Murray Jacob, mariner 15 Parham's alley Murray James, bookbinder 4 Cresson's court Murray James, grocer 389 Race Murray James W. attorney at law, 215 Chesnut fMurray James, waiter Eighth below Lombard Murray Jane, cakebaker 45 Vine above Seventh Murray John, labourer Federal above Front Murray John, shoemaker 47 Catharine street Murray John, farmer Cooper's point (N.J.) Murray Joseph, boot and shoe manuf. 51 south Third Murray Margaret, widow back 8 Mulberry alley Murray Michael, labourer Federal below Second Murray Michael, tailor 19 Noble Murray Nicholas, baker 167Coates fMurray Samuel, master sweep 56 Small Murray" WiUiam, labourer, back 46 Spruce Murray W^illiam E. oakcooper205 south Front Murray William, labourer Pea patch Murray William tailor 126 south Fifth Murrell Susan, back 257 Race {see Morrell

Murrells Samuel, brushmaker. Baker's court Murrey Jacob, mariner 15 Parham's alley Murta Charles, grocer 106 Plum Murtagh William, 8 Cypress alley Murther Philip, carter 257 Catharine Murselas Cornelius, shoemaker, back 117 German Muschell Ehzabeth, widow 50 Crown Muschert Catharine, widow 225 St. John Muschert George, sailmaker, loft Oak above Noble—

d h 225 St. John Musgrave James, broker SE corner Chesnut and Third

d h 74 Spruce Musgrave John, attoraey at law, 56 Walnut <i h 74



Musgrave Joseph P. gentleman 142 Pine

Mussar Sarah, widow 28 north Sixth

Musser William, merchant 263 High d h 415 Arch

Mussi Joseph, merchant S W cot\ Twelfth & Chesnut

Mustin Anthony, stotekeeper 464 Sassafras

Mustin Ebenezer & Co. japanners 17 north Sixth

Mustin Eli, barkeeper at the Washington hall d h 1

Bell's court Mustin George, tailor Alder alley Mu'.tin John, shopkeeper 158 N Second d h 20 Vine Myars Frederick, carter Sixth above Green Myars Mary, widow Sixth above Green \_see Myers Myars Michael, wheelwright Sixth above Green Myars Melchor, carter Sixth above Green Myars William, carter Sixth above Green Mybert E. widow, 9 Tammany Myerle David, block and pumpmaker 85 Swanson d'

h Passyunk road near Prime Myer Isaac, painter, &c. 51 and d h 23 Chesnut Myer Jacob, carpenter 128 Plum Myer & Jones, house and sign painters 51 Chesnut

Isee Mayer^ Meyer ^ Mrres, Mears, Meer Ijf Myars Myers Abigail, widow of Wm. 131 north Sixth Myers Ann, boardinghouse 6 north Front Myers Ann Maria, widow, 116 Cedar street Myers Anthony, merchant 154 High d h 75 Spruce Myers Catharine, widow, Hudson's lane Myers Catharine, 141 north Fifth Myers Catharine, widow, 3 Read's alley Myers Catharine, widow, 11 Gray's alley Myers Daniel, cabinetmaker 334 Race Myers Frederick, carter Sixth above Green Myers George, smith Carpenter (S) below Third Myers George, rigger 210 north Water Myers George, tailor Button wood near "Sixth Myers George, cooper Steinmetz court (N L) Myers George, carpenter 12 Federal near Front Myers Grace, widow, Cedar near Eleventh Myers Hannah, doctress 495 north SecoTid Myers Henry, copperplate printer 6 College avenue Myers Henry, tailor 84 north Sixth Myers Henry, ropemaker Sixth near Germantown r. Myers Jacob, baker 126 north Fifth Myers Jacob, labourer corner Shippen and Broad Myers Jacob, carpenter George (N L) above Fourth Myers Jacob, labourer Pleasant street Myers Jacob, vict. 282 south Front below Federal Myers Jacob, carpenter 554 south Front Myers James, carpenter 202 Lombard Myers John, m. d. Third near Germantown road Myers John, brewer. Pleasant street near Ridge road Myers John, tobacconist Buttonwood near Ridge road Myers John, labourer Frankf. road near first gate

NAP whitely's annual

Myers John, porter Juliana below Green Myers John, carpenter Bonsall below Tenth Myers John, jun. victualler, stall 50 New market Myers John, vici. coiner Grissell's alley & Fitzwalter Myers, widow of John, sea captain High W. of Per- manent bridge Myers Joseph, victualler Bedford near Hanover Myers Jos. saddler & harness maker, Camden (N J) Myers Margaret, widow, 57 Green Myers Marmaduke, watchman Federal ab. Second Myers Martha, widow. Sixth above Green Myers Mrs. widow of John, Ann west of Sch. Eighth Myers Nicholas, hackdriver 8 Fetter lane Myers Peter, tobacconist Buttonwood above Eighth Myers Peter, tailor 126 north Fifth Myers Philip, labourer St. John below George Myers Rachel, widow, 32 Christian Myers Samuel, carter Say sti*eet Myers Thomas, mariner 554 south Front Myers Wamet, coach and sign painter 38 Budd Myers William, watchman 248 St. John Myers Wm. blacksmith Sch. Eighth above Race Myers William, carter Sixth above Green Myers Wm. shipsmith, cor. Swanson and Christian— d

h south Front N E corner Union alley Mynich Jacob, painter and glazier 81 north Fifth Myrick Jethro, sea captain 62 north Eighth Myring Joseph, lapidary 16 Franklin court Myring Mary, Mrs. boarding house N 9th cor. High Myrle Ann, grocer N E cor. Queen and Second

NACE JACOB, wrought nail manufactory 163 St. John Nadross Louisa, widow, lOPassyunk opposite Plum Nagel James, whitesmith 145 Locust street Nagel William, saddler, &c. Sch. Eighth near Vine Nagel Michael, tavernkeeper 145 Locust Nagle George, storekeeper 209 north Third Nagle Samuel, bookbinder, back 1 Little Pine Naglee Benjamin, lumber merchant yard Beach (K)

near High bridge d h 454 north Second Naglee Henry, grazier Germantown road above Otter Naglee John,' lumber merchant yard Beach (K) near

High bridge d h 413 north Front Naglee Rebecca, widow, nurse 16 Little Water Naglee William, shipwright 85 Moyamensing road Nancrcde J G M. d 151 south Tenth Nancrede Nicholas C. m. d.N VV corner 5th & Powell Nangel Walter, grocer 48 Cedar S E comer Vernon Nansteal Andrew, victualler 59 New market Napheys Abraham, carpenter Hause's


"NapheysC. A. carpenter Hanse's court

Napier, widow ot Alexander, S W cor. Centre Square

Napier, widow of Thomas, jiroprietor of Fisher's and Napier's pills, 15 Relief alley

Napier Williatn, printer Merriott's lane above Fifth

Nardier John F. watchcase maker Quarry street

Nartigue William E. merchant 8 Powell

Nash Sarah, widow, 12 Kunckel

fNash William, porter 237 Catharine

Nassau Michael, tobacconist, 33 north Fifth

Nassau William, tobacconist 77 High— d h 64 S 5th

Nathan Jacob, gentleman 311 Arch

Nathan Moses, 3 Cresson's alley

Nathans Isaac, shipjoiner 53 Duke

Nathans Isaiah, merchant 256 north Second

Nathans Josiah, gentleman 73 north Tenth

Nathans Lydia, widow, 46 Currant alley

Nathans Mrs. Sarah, widow, 304 Chesnut ab. Eleventh

Navarre Peter, baker 212 south Sixth

Naves Benjamin, mate 28 Argyle

Nayle Ehzabeth, widow, 1 Moyamensing \see Keill

Nayle Ehzabeth, widow, 465 south Front

Naylor Charlotte, widow. Noble below Third Naylor Joseph, shoemaker, back 401 Race Naylor Samuel, shipwright 52 Duke street (N L) Naylor WiUiam, mastmaker Stillhouse alley Neagle James, engraver 451 Arch above Twelfth Neagle John, portrait painter 288 south Front Neal Christiana, widow, Union Circulating Library 201

Chesnut, next door above the New Theatre Neal Cunrod, (blind man) Camden (N J) Neal Lewis, farmer Passyunk road below Federal Neal Samuel, corner Cherry and Twelfth

Neal , Callowhill near Schuylkill Second

Neamond Casper, blacksmith 95 Crown

Neamond John, baker 95 Crown street

Nebling Samuel, cutler, back 34 Wood

INebo Isaac, labourer Brown's court

Nedross Louisa, widow, 228 south Fifth street

Neil Wm. tavernkeeper, Franklin hotel, 2 Harmony st-

Neobinger Andrew, coachmaker Carpenter st. bel. 2d

Needles Edward, druggist, 8cc. 222 High d h 3 From-

berger's court Needles Jos. A. wireworker 58 N Front d h 72 Wood Needles Joseph & John, wire workers, &c. 58 N Front Neely Archibald, drayman Sch. Seventh above Race Neely John, drover Say street Neely Robert, drover Sch. Eighth above Race Neely William, drayman Sch. Eighth above Race Neely William, tailor M'Culloch^s court Neesam George, grocer Drawbridge wharf south side Nefll Christian, drayman Sheaff 's alley Neff Christian, carpetweaver Callowhill above Eightli


NEV whitely's annual

Neff Jacob, clothing store 327^ High

Neff J.icob, turner 10 Ellreth's alley— d h 33 Cherry

Neff John David, baker 207 south Sixth

NefFJohn R. merchant 7 south Ninth

Neff John R. & W. merchants Latimer and Murdock*s

wharf, back 67 north Water Neff, Jones & Co. auctioneers TJ4 south Front Neff Mary, widow, 33 Cherry

Neff Rudolph, grocer N W corner Vine and Eighth Negley Wm. pilot, back 124 Catharine [see Aaglee Negus John, (Naval Inn) cor. Swanson and Prime Neill Henry, m. d. 146 south Second above Spruce Neili John, tailor 14 Coomb's alley Neill Lewis, merchant 154 High

Neill William, rev. 208 Pine [see JVayle

Neilson Noble Caldwell, 180 Spruce Neisser Jacob, potter Pfeiffer's court Neisser Jacob, potter Germ, road above Laurel Nekervis Thomas, commission merchant 148 S Front Nelis James, tailor 12 south Sixth Nell Casper, victualler 482 north Third Nell John C. carpenter 482 north Third Nelson Ambrose, sea captain 203 south Seventh Nelson Andrew, grocer Rose near Ger. road Nelson George, 9 Littleboy's court Nelson John, currier, &c. 85 Ann Nelson Mary, widow, back 291 Mulberry Nelson Mary, widow, back 184 Lombard street Nelson Man', widow, 3 Burd's alley Nelson Martin, suspender, &c. raanuf. 158 High tNelson Ralph, waiter 102 Gaskill Nelson Thomas, 29 Mechanic Nelson William, victualler Pleasant above Charles Nelson Wm. labourer Rose near Germantown road Nelson, widow of William, Pitt near Germantown road fNelson Wm. waiter Eighth below Lombard Nemand Casper, smith 95 Crown Neraud Francis, tavernkeeper 238 Cedar Nesbitt Robert, drvgoods store 226 S 2d [see J^iabet Nesbitt Thomas, printer Knodle W. Sch. Eighth Nesbitt Thomas, stonecutter Barker near Sch. Front Nesbitt William, storekee',>er 416 south Front iNetter Isaac, bootcleaner 24 Acorn alley Nettles George, drayman Rugan near James Neuby Rachel, widow, 178 Lombard

Neuvalen , labourer Pleasant above Charles

Neveil John, weaver St. John above Beaver

Nevling Daniel, sign Hornet & Peacock, Beach st. (K)

Nevins James, stock & exchange broker 25 south Third

d h 300 Arch Nevins Pim, jun woollen warehouse 203 High Nevins Richard, exchange broker 25 & d h 134 S 3d Ne is Samuel, James, & Co. stock and exchange bro- 25 south Third


Kevins Samuel, exchange broker 25 & d h 134 S 3cl

New James, labourer 265 St. John

New John, fisherman Queen below Shakamaxon

Newberry Elizabeth, widow, back 181 north Third

Newberry James, clock maker 367 N 3d ab. Green

Newbold C jun. mercht. 33 S Front—d h 148 Chesnut

Newbold Samuel, merchant 18 Pine

Newbold Wm merchant 199 High—d h 229 Vine

Newbold Wm. L. merchant 9 N^Front— d h 229 Vine

Newburn Sarah, widow, Old York road above Noble

Newburn William, Camden (JS J)

Newcomb Asaph, stirrup manuf. Queen (S) bel. Sixth

Newcomb Bayse, attorney at law 124 Walnut

Newcomb & IDantforth, curriers N E cor. 4th and Race

Newcomb Hezekiah, N E corner 4th and Race and old

4th near Tammany Newcomb John, broker 236 south Seventh Newel Richard, vict. High W. Schuylkill Fifth Newell Ann, widow, boardinghouse 81 north Water Newell George, merchant 1 t.'arpenter's court Newell James, tailor, back 69 Christian Newell Jane, widow, 259 south Fifth street Newell John, labourer, back 252 Lombard Newell John, grocer 1 Callowhill d h 39 Vine Newell Samuel, victualler Hamilton village Newell Simon, shipwright Crown near Queen (K) Newell William, flour and feed store 166 Cherry Newell Wm. sen. and jun. merchants S E cor. High &

Water Newhouse Jacob W. hairdresser & bleeder with leech- es 156 north Third Newkirk Garret, merchant 41 & d h 152 north Front Newkirk George, gardener, cor. West and Vienna Newkirk Isaac, carpenter, Vienna near West (K.) Newkirk Matthew, drygoods merchant 53 N. Second Newkirk and Worth, merchants 41 north Front Newhn E. P. Mrs. boardinghouse 180 High Newlin John, carpenter 54 south Tenth Newlin Margaret, widow 50 Spruce Newlin Thomas, gentleman 214 north Fifth Kewiyn Daniel, cabinetmaker 193 south Fourth Newnnan Abraham, back 427 north Third Newman Daniel, contractor for roads 261 N. Eighth Newman Daniel, grain measurer cor. 12th 8c Locust Newman Eh, plasterer cor. Twelfth and Locust Newman Henry, mariner Huddell's ct. \_see JVorman fNewman James, bootcleaner 10 Acorn alley Newman Jacob, accountant 214 north Sixth Newman widoAv of John, grocer 5 south Water Newman John, distiller 75 St. John Newman J. B. mercht, 53 Walnut d h 20 Washington Newman Lucy, shopkeeper 352 north Third Newman Susan, :wWow 29 German


Newman Thomas, stock and exchange broker 62 Dock

d h 20 south Seventh Newnham C. boardinghouse 85 Chesnut Newport Benj. wheelwright 8cc. 305 north Third— d h

187 Green Newport David, 284 north Second Newport Jesse W, drygoods store 284 north Second fNewport John, sailmaker 208 south Seventh Newsham John, carpenter 502 Sassafras Newsham Richard, patternmaker for castings in iron

502 Sassafras fNe^wsome Nathan, bricklayer Poplar 1. bel. St. John Newton George, grocer S E cor. 8th and Callowhill Newton Hannah, back 7 Elfreth's alley- Newton Isaac, tailor Price's court fNewton John, labourer Paschall's alley Newton John, callico printer Crown (K.) Newton Margaret, widow 231 N. 8th cor. Callowhill Newton Mary, widow, 117 Cedar Newton Thomas, corkcutter 90 south Fifth Newton Wm. tanner & currier Camden N. J. Nezmos John H. sea captain 82 Christian Nice Frederick, shoemaker 258 north Second Nice James, cooper Wood n. 3d d h back 201 N. 3d Nice James 8c Washington, coopers Wood below Third Nice John, cabinetmaker M'Crellish's court Nice Joseph, labourer 7 Eckfeldt's court [see JVace Nice Levi, machinemaker and turner 73 Vine Nice Michl. planemaker Old York road ab. Callowhill Nice Washington, cooper Wood d h back 201 N. 3d Nicholas Charles J. accountant 3 south Twelfth Nicholas Jeremiah, grocer 358 south Second tNicholas John, labourer 23 Gilles's alley tNicholas Lofies, tailor Gaskill street Nicolas Lewis, upholsterer N W cor. Chesnut & 5th

d h 433 Chesnut Nicholas Mrs. Mary, gentlewoman 1 south Twelfth Nichol Charles, carpenter 63 and 61 Meade alley Nicholl & Russell^ merchants 14 north Third NichoU Thomas, merchant inquire 14 north Third Nichols Davis, ferryman Camden N. J. Nichols Edward, locksmith 124 Cedar Nichols Elworth, wheelwright Second corner Camac Nichols Enoch, tailor 47 Callowhill Nichols George, watchman 70 Christian st. Nichols James A. baker Quince below Walnut Nichols James, shipwright 63 Meade alley Nichols John, stonecutter Say street Nichols Margaret, widow 89 Penn Nichols Rebecca, widow 115 Lombard Nichols Wm. tailor High W. Schuylkill Fourth Nicholson Isaac, blacksmith Littleboy's ct-d h 22 Bread Nicholson John, mariner 3 Callowhill


Nicholson John, shallopn^an 4 Callowhill

fNicholson John, attends in a wine cellar d h 72 Small

INicholson John, sawyer Portland lane

Nicholson Lindsey, lumber merchant, yard 254Chesnut

above "Ninth— d h 326 High Nicholson Samuel, labourer Noble below Sixth Nicholson Wm. teacher 177 Cedar Nichuals Ilhasma C. carpenter 2 Mulberry alley fNickins Hannah, widow 130 Plum st, Nickle John, labourer Say street Nicklin Julia, widow of Philip, 287 Chesnut Nicklin Philip H. bookseller &c. 175 Chesnut Nickburn Samuel, bricklayer Crown (K.) Nickels Wm. watchman High near Schuylkill Third NicoU James A. baker Quince below Walnut Nicollas Peter, 65 north Third & 15 south Fourth Nicum Jacob, labourer, near 21 Noble Nidda Frederick K. merchant 12 north Third Niebuhr Christopher, baker, north 8th ab. Pegg's run Nielson George, currier 8 Littleboy*s court Nietscke John S. shoemaker 16 Vernon Nightingale Jas. sailmaker north side Vine st. wharf

d h Oak above Noble Nightlinger John, vict. James above Rugan Niles Daniel, finding shop 95 Arck Niles Joseph, cordwainer S W cor. 6th and Lombard Niles Wm. shoemaker 95 Arch {see Kniles

Ninesteel Andrew, victualler 349 Callowhill Nisbet Ann, widow 95 Race {see Keshet

Nisbet F. H. merch. 155 High N E cor. 4th— dh 95 Race Nisbet John, grocer 307 N. Third— d h 48 St. Tammany Nisbet John, carpenter 12 south Twelfth Nisbet John, carpenter Filbert ab. 10th— d h 193 Pine Nisbet Michael, merchant 13 S. Front— d h 86 Race Nippes Mary, widow 262 St. John Nippes Wm. gunsmith 254 St. John Nixon Alexander G.coachmaker Sturges's court Nixon Cambridge, whitewasher Kunckel bel Tammany tNixon Daniel, gardener &c, Jones's alley Nixon Henry, merchant 333 Arch N E cor. 9th— c h

93 South wharves Nixon James, mercht. 159 High d h 38 north Seventh fNixon James, oysterman 125 Spruce & 202 High Nixon Jane, mantuamaker 77 Small Nixon Jane, widow, back 136 south Ninth Nixon John, bellowsmaker &c. 340 Callowhill Nixon Mary, gentlewomafi 10 north Eighth Nixon Rebecca, widow 37 Jones' alley Nixon Richard, silversmitli 240 south Seventh Nixon Silas, mariner 58 Coates street Nixon and Walker, merchants 93 South wharves. Noah George, gentleman 10 Newmarket Noad Martha, widpw, back 51 Budd

NOR whitely's annual

Noble Eleanor, storekeeper 381 south Second

Noble James, cordwainer, back 117 German

Noble Samuel, tanner 268 north Tliird

Noble Samuel, shoemaker 111 Browne

Noble, widow of Joseph, tavernkeeper Gray's ferry r.

Noblit, widow of A. carpenter ^S) above Fifth

Noblit Culert, carpenter 190 north Fifth

Noe Amy, widow 265 Catharine

Noe Elias, shipcarpenter back 450 south Front

Noel George, teacher Coates near Sixth

Nolan Joseph, shingleshaver 67 New

Nolan Rosanna, widow, back 257 south Fourth

Nolen Chas. furniture warehouse 8 S. 3d d h 63 Pine

Nolen & Curtis, clock and watch tools & material store

49 north Third Nolen Elizabeth, milliner 213 south Second Nolen Spencer, clock dial manuf. 49 N. 3d d h 17 Pine tNondine Michael, hairdresser cor. Race 8c Eighth Nones Benjamin, notary public and sworn interpreter

of foreign languages 22 Chesnut Nones David B. merchant 8 Library Nonnamaker Mary, widow Davault*s court (N. L.) Nonnater Charles H. vict. Juniper above Cherry Nonnater John, vict. 19 Third street market Iligh Nonnater Peter, weaver Nonnater's court Nonnater Peter P. vict. 1 Third st. market High Nooney Margaret, widow 258 Lombard Nooney Wm. baker 258 Lombard Norberry Hannah, widow 42 German Norbury Jacob, shoemaker, back 269 Sassafras Norbury Joseph B.prothonotary of the court of common pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia office 9 west wing State house d h 71 Wood Norcross Chapin, cork manufacturer 11 Dock Norgrave Jeremiah, mate 155 south Fifth Norgrove Catharine, tailoress Norman st. ab. 13th Norgrove widow of Nathl. m. d. Thirteenth ab. Race Norkway Catharine, widow 403 south Front Norman John, jr. china store S Ecor. Fifth and Race fNorman John, coachman 3 Raspberry alley Norman Joseph, shoemaker 114 Race [see J\/ewman Norman Joseph, lime merchant 47 north Fifth tNorman Peter, hairdresser 385 Race Norman Sarah, boardinghouse 31 south Second Normanton Wm. smallware manuf. &smallware loom- maker 104 south Tenth Norona M. C. employed in the Spanish legation 100 S. 2d Norris Elizabeth, widow Palmer below Duke Norris Hanriah, widow nurse 81 Cedar Norris Isaac, hatter 32 north Front Norris Isaac W. shipchandler and rope maker, store cor.

Vine and Water— d h 218 north Front Norris John, drayman Vine above Broad


Norris John, manner back 215 St, John Norris Joseph, shipwright Beach near Warren Norris Jos. F. president Bank of Pennsylvania, Chesnut

first door above Tenth north side Norris Jos. P jr. attorney at law 114 south Fourth Norris Mrs. dealer back 69 High Norris Samuel, shoemaker 172 Race Norris Samuel, mariner Carpenter (S) above Fourth Norris Thomas, 5 Chancery lane Norris Thomas, mariner north Third above Franklin North Caleb, merchant, 31 north Water, and Sheriff of

the city and county ot Pliiladelphia office 10 west

wing of Statehouse— d h 279 Chesnut North Jane and Lydia, storekeepers 66 Sassafras North John, li\ ery stablekeeper 172 Cedar North John, teacher Old York r bel. St. Tammany North Josiah, shipwright Marlborough above Beach North Ricliard, stonecutter 53 Filbert & N E cor. Tenth North William, bark manufacturer first wharf below

navy yard d h 222 Pine North Stephen, druggist &c. 14 north Second d h N.

Fifth N W^ corner North st. fNorthgale Amos, labouier Fitzwalter above Sixth Northrop Enoch, cedar cooper 356 south Second Northrop Jonathan, hatter 48 Penn Norton Barbara, washerwoman 9 Cresson's alley Norton Daniel, bricklayer 458 south Front Norton George, oakcooper, back 81 south Water Norton Jane, nurse 13 Cresson's alley Norton James, wheelwright 444 north Front Norton John, labourer Alberson's court Norton John F watch casemaker Quarr>' street Norton Thomas, gentleman 9 Vine Norton Thomas, brassfounder 17 Beaver near Second Norton Thomas, blacksmith Browne's court Norton Thomas, smith Vienna near Browne (K.) Norton Wm. L. printer, back 386 south Second fNorton Wm. baker 61 Currant alley Norton Youhe, nurse widow 429 south Second fNorway George, coachman 208 south Seventh fNorwood John, oysterman 87 south Second Notson Christiana, widow, 75 Penn street Nourse major Charles, 65 Spruce |Novee Thomas, coachman Elbow alley Nowlan Morris, paperhanger 117 Cedar Nowland Thomas, Coates above Seventh Nowlen Mary, widow back 31 Green Nowlen John, cordwainer 223 Shippen

Noyes , combmaker north Fourth bel. Poplar lane

Nugent George, raercht. 26 Chesnut d h 178 N. Fourth* Nugent Mary, widow Frankford road above Otter Null Anthony, saddler 379 north Fourth Nunes A. J. broker 127 Lombard

O'CO whitely's annual

Nunneley Mrs. female academy 154 Cedar

Nunneley Nathaniel, teacher 154 Cedar

Nutt Aaron, tobacconist 8 Baker's court

Nutt Edmund, tailor north side Almond street wharf

Nutt John, taylor 162 north Water

Nutter Robert, carpenter Weaver's alley

f Nutter Samuel, waiter, back 49 Coates alley

Nuttle David, weaver Third near Germantown road

Nuskey Lewis, ropemaker S. Front above Prime

Nutz Charlotte Miss, boardinghouse 24 Race

Nutz Wm. tanner and currier, 220 south Fourth street

OAKFORD HANNAH, widow 312 south Second

Oaktord Joseph L. merchant 169 High d h 12 John

Oakfovd Richard, merchant 84 High-— d h 21 Sansom

Oakford Samuel, late coal measurer 319 south Second

Oakley George, gentlemcin 22 Dock

Oakman R. High near Sch. Seventh

Oar Jared, engineer 42 Tammany

Oat George H. acoouutant cor. Fourth and Tammany

Oat Joseph, grocer 265 north Third

Oat Joseph, bookbinder 2 Clawges' court

Oat widow of Jesse, late coppersmith 208 north Sixth

Oatham shoemaker, Hanover near Bedford

O'Boyle Bernard, grocer 135 south Sixth

O'Brie Nicholas & Co. merchants 221 High

O'Brien Arthur, drover, corner Vine and Broad

O'Brien Daniel, ostler, 2 Farmer's row

O'Brien Elizabeth, widow 1 Pleasant avenue

O'Brien Hugh, oyster cellar corner Shippen & Fourth

O'Brien John, pajaerstainer 40 scutn Fifth

O'Brien John M. labourer Fanner's row

O'Brien John, painter &c. 40 south Fifth

O'Brien Martin, innkeeper 130 south Water

O'Brien Wm. labourer 33 Penn street

O'Bryan Benjamin, 160 north Eighth

O'Bryan Lawrence, labourer 11 Sterling alley

O'Bryen Daniel, carriagekeeper Farmei-'s row

O'Burn Elizabeth, widow 1 Pleasant avenue

O'Conner Ann, widow 299 Spruce

O'Conner Christopher, justice of peace 22 Argyle street

oifice 258 south Fourth O'Connor Charles, tailor and innkeeper 310 south 2d O'Connor Daniel, bottler 15 Little German O'Connor John, carter St. Joseph's avenue fe*

O'Conner Kelly, cabinetmaker, back 191 Callowhill O'Connor Michael, labourer 226 Cedar O'Connor Mrs. Jane, St. Mary street O'Connor Nicholas, sea captain 6th above Race O'Connor Rebecca, widow 205 south Third


O'Conway Matthias James, interpreter and teacher of

the Spanish, French and English languages 140 Spruce

O'Dear Sprogal, wheelwright Ridge above Vine d h

352 Callowhill O'Donald Charles, labourer 9 Small 0*Daniel John, attorney at law, 70 south Sixth O'Donnall Bernard, late storekeeper 160 south Fifth 0*Donnell Dennis, fisherman, back 257 south Fourth O'Donnel Con, bottler and innkeeper 314 south Third O'Donnel M. bnckmaker, comer Lombard and Sch. 2d O'Donuell Bridget, widow Locust above Juniper ^)'Donnell Hugh, farmer 182 north Water O'Donnell Isaac, morocco dresser 125 Pine O'Donnell James, brewer, back 102 High O'Donnell James, labourer Ciymer's alley O'Donnell Mary, shopkeeper 142 south Front O'DriscoU Dennis, shoemaker 154 south Fourth O'Ell^rs James P. of U. S. navy. Pine bet. 5th & Sixth O'Ellers widow of J. N. W. corner Spruce and Fourth O'Hara Mary, teacher Thirteenth below High O'Hara Sarah, widow of James, Rose alley near Coates O'Hara Thomas, carpenter Loxley's court O'Kain Michael, grocer 327 Walnut O'Leary William, grocer 66 south Fifth O'Morrin Wm. teacher Lebanon garden Cedar n. 10th O'Neale John, shipwright Queen near Frankford road / O'Neall Neal, labourer Vine near Scli. river O'Neal Elizabeth, widow 247 south Fhird O'Nedly Robert, waiter 2 Bell's court O'Neial John, tailor Lombard above Tenth O'Neil Daniel, tailor 246 south Fourth O'Neil Louisa, gentlewoman, George (C.) O'Neill & Coi7ill, carpenters 9 Gaskill street O'Neill John, cordwainer 437 Chesnut O'Neill John, grocer 200 Cedar O'Neill John, bottler 150 north Third O'Neill John, carpenter 103 Spruce O'Neill Kyran, grocer 204 Shii)pen O'Neill Micliael, bottler 75 Dock O'Neill Robert, tailor 33 Arch O'Neill Robert, carpenter 82 Cedar O'Neill Susannah, widow 82 Cedar O'Neill Wm mariner, back 575 south Front O'Bkullion Francis, cordwainer Hazel alley n. Walnut Odenheimer John W. merchant 193 High d h 79 Union Odenheimer John, baker 56 Plum Odenheimer Jacob, coachtrimmer, back 182 Pine Odenheimer & Elton, merchants 193 High Odlin Woodbridge, 38 S. wharves— d h 119 S. Ninth Odo Lewis, confectioner 113 German Offerman Frederick, barber &c. 422 north Third Offerman John C. flour store 87 north Water d h 2 Schriver's court


OLM whitlly's annual

Offley Ann, widow 178 south Front

Offlerbaugh George, labourer Hanover n. Frankford r.

Ogden Elizabeth, nurse 43 Currant alley

Ogden Esther, widow Juniper above Arch

Ogden John M. carpenter 10 John street

Ogden John, teacher Third near Germantown road

Ogden Joshua, cotton weaver, 28 Stamper's alley

Ogden Mary, widow 47 Pnme

Ogden Mary, widow 18 Walnut street

Ogden Michael, mate, back 36 Sassafras

Ogden Mrs. widow Juniper near Arch

Ogden Robert, painter Cherry above Thirteenth

Ogden Robert W. accountant Camden bank (N. J.)

Ogden Sarah, widow, comer Spruce and Seventh

Ogilbe Sarah, -vidow 105 Christian

Ogilby Joseph, shipbuilder 56 Swanson

Ogle Ann, Mrs. boardingkouse 139 Chesnut

Ogle Benjamin, 53 Currant alley

Ogle James, tailor, south Sixth above Fitzwalter street

Ogle Mary, widow, back 24 Old York road

Ogle Thomas, coachmaker 9 south 6th d h 70 S. 8th

Ohl John F. Ill Moyamensing road

Ohm George A. baker 277 south Fourth

Okie Abraham, merchant 83 High

Okie 8c Brognard, merchants, 83 High

Oldden James, agent and broker, 19 Crown

Oldden Deborah, widow of James, 96 north Front

Oldden Elizabeth, boardinghouse N, W. cor. Filbert &

Eighth Oldenburgh Daniel, hatter 43 High Oldmixon Mary, widow of John, 51 Sansom Oldson Margaret, widow 31 Gilles' alley Oler Philip, ropemuker Buttonwood above Charles Oliphant Mary, widow 25 Jones' alley Oliver Andrew, innkeeper (Indian king) 80 High •fOliver Candy, widow washerwoman 3 Gray's alley lOliver Isaac, sawyer Elbow alley Oliver Jackson, grocer N E comer Sixth and Cheny Oliver JohnG. & Co. merchants 37 south Front Oliver John G. merchant. Vine near Eleventh Oliver Joshua C. com. merchant 75 South wharves

d h 64 south Second Oliver Paul, sea captain. Beach near Hanover Oliver Reuben, tailor N E corner Spruce and Water

d h 43 Spruce Oliver Robert, carpenter 86 Cedar Oliver Thomas P. tailor 74 north Eleventh Oliver Wm. merchant 37 S. Front d h 83 south lltb' Oliver Wm. tavern keeper (U. S. hotel) 47 S. Water Oliver W^m. jun. sea captain 47 south Water tOlmstead John, waiter 4 Burd's court Olmstead Sarah, widow boardinghouse, lower 98 south



Olmstead Mrs. Upper ferry road near Schuylkill

Olson Johh, coasting captain 70 Penn

Oman Tliomas, scourer and repairer of garments 39

Chesnut Omarah VVm. shoemaker M'Ginnes*s court Ombrister Matthias, slioemaker Castle street fOmer Aaron, porter Eagle court Omlech Henry, shoemaker Prince above Shakantiaxon Ong widow of Joseph, 184 St. John Oprebangh George, labourer Hanover near Frankf. r. Oram Wm. carpenter Paschall's alley Ore Frederick, baker 2 south Twelfth street Ord Catharine, washerwoman 107 Vine Ord George, shipchantller 99 South wharves and 354

^outh Front Ord Rebecca, widow of George, 354 south Front Ord John, teacher 57 Tammany Ormrod John, teacher Germantown Orr Ann, widow 67 Plum street Orr widow of Arthur, Castle street Orr Elizabeth, widow Quince belovir Locust ,^ Orr James, plasterer Lancaster below Wharton Orr James, bootmaker 15 Hoffman's alley Orr John, coachmaker 56 Crown d h Perry n. Hazel Orr Robert, storekeeper 325 Walnut Orr Wm. cordwainer 15 Callowhill Orr Wm. cordwainer, Washington above Callowhill Orrell James K. reedmaker & innkeeper 434 north 3d Ork Wm. carter Sch. Front near Walnut Orum Davis, drygoods store 52 north Fourth Orum James, labourer Washmgton above Callowhill Ossback Arthur, carter 8 M'Culloch's court Ossback John, chairmaker 2 M'Culloch's court Osbem Maria, widow young ladies' sennnary 129 Spruce Osborne George, watercolourman 12 German Osbourne Ebe'nezer, carpenter, back 33 Cedar d h 80

Lombard Osborne Hannah & Sarah, 1 Laurel Osborn David, hatter, back 192 north Eighth Osborn James, fisherman 325 north Fi-ont Osborn John, mariner 596 south Second

Osborn waterman 258 north Second

Osborn Samuel, labourer 238 south Fifth street

Osbourn Ann, Mrs. 8 Vernon

Osbourn Jeremiah, drayman 41 Cedar

Osbun David, oysterraan, Rogers's court

Osbun Thomas E. hairdresser, 11 north Tenth

Osmus Christian, victualler 235 Callowhill

Osterheldt Frederick, hog vict. corner Garden & Logan

Ostrum John, stagedriver 26 Branch

Oswald Eleazar, printer 66 Dock

Oswald Wm. H. translator of French, Spanish and

Italian languaes Juniper below Chesnut

OXH whitely's annual

Oswill George, grocerv^ and liquor store, N E comer St.

Tammany and Old York road Otis B. portrait painter 63 Cherry Otley Elizabeth, Alder alley

Ottinger John, papfermaker, Alban street ab. Lambert Ott Catharine, widow 86 north Sixth Ott Francis J. brushmaker 70New Ottason James, weaver Second above Germantown road Otto Jacob S.' wine merchant 3 S. 5th— -d h 163 Walnut Otto John C M. D. 139 Mulberry Otto John, cabinetmaker 8 Chorlotte O^way Nicholas, sea captain 13 Beck's alley Oudinot Henry, hairdresser 345 Kace Ouram Ann, widow Prune corner Sixth Ouram Wra. whitesmith &c. Prune near Sixth d h^l4

south Sixth Ourt Charles, combmaker 340 Race Ourt Lewis, smith Broad riear Race Outerside William, mariner 18 Little Water Overholt Jacob, gi-ocer 448 north Second Overman Wm. broker and commission merchant 2

Bank alley d h 200 south Fourth Ovem John, trunkmaker Juniper comer Lambert Overy Isabella, 41 Middle alley

Overy John, silk dyer and scourer, back 12 south Fifth f Oventon Lemuel, sawyer, 53 German street Ovington John, carpenter corner Cedar & Ninth Ovington Mary, widow, milkwoman cor. Cedar 8c Ninth Owings Elizabeth, widow 61 German street Owen Jane, drygoods store 141 north Second Owen John, teacher 133 Lombard Owen John, silversmith 65 north Second Owen Mary, grocer 217 north Second Owen & Richards, merchants 131 High Owen Sarah, widow, tailoress 487 north Third Owen Thomas, distiller 54 New d h 52 Wood Owen Thomas, jun. merchant 131 High d h 10 Old

York road Owen Thomas, 28 Chesnut Owen Thomas, weaver, back 587" north Second Owens Ann, widow, back 9 Crown street Owens Edward, smith 101 Cherry Owens James, coachman 114 German Owens John, mate 542 south Front Owens Margaret, widow, tailoress Walnut above 13th Owens Robert, tanner Rose near Germantown road Owens Samuel, sea captain High W. Sch. Third Owens Thomas, wheelwright N. Fourth ab. Tammany Owman Thomas, tailor. Chesnut above Front Ox Sarah Mrs, Arch near Schuylkill Oxiord Hannah, widow. Liberty alley Oxheimer Barbara, widow, cor.Ger.r. & Blackhorse 1.


Oxley Margaret, widow, cor. Sixth and Poplar lane Oxley William, accountant Jg> south ElevxMUh Ozeas Mrs. widow, N. Eighth near Buttonwood Ozcas Peter, inspector of customs 311 Mulberry

PACKER EDWARD, brassfounder, back 33 N.7th

Packer James, brassfounder 8 Hoffman's alley

Paden George, cordwainer 23 Pine alley

Padget George, weaver Lombard above Twelfth

fPagans David, labourer Stewart's alley

Page Charles N. com. merchant 67 8c d ii 69 Dock

Page Godfrey, gardener Ridge road near 1st gate

Page Hannah, widow 7 Vine

Page Henry, gardener Ridge road near 1st gate

Page James H. wine merchant 59 South wharves d h

S7 south Eleventh Page James, attorney at law 16 Swanwick and 225 Arch Page John, hatter 84 north Second Paije John, grocer N E corner of Green and Fourth Page John, sen. gardener Ridge road near 1st gate Page John, shallopman 262 south Fourth Page Peter, plasterer 30 Union alley Page Samuel, innkeeper 507 Second above Poplar Page Samuel R- grocer Beach ab\ve Maiden Page Wm. merchant 268 Chesnut d h 36 south Front Painter Adam, cordwainer Lily alley below Green and

Trimble's court Painter George, caulker Marlborough below Queen Painter widow of George, Ger. road above Second Painter Henry, brassfounder 488 north Third Painter Isaac, innkeeper cor. Callowhill aud Garden tPainter Isaac, labourer St. Mary street Painter Jacob, dealer 42 Garden Painter Jacob, carpenter Wood near Prince (K) Painter Jacob, bricklayer Beaver near Pitt fPainter Jeffery, labourer Webb's alley Painter John, carpenter Poplar lane below Third Painter John, turner 32 Cherry d h Garden n. Wood Painter Margaret, widow Thirteenth below High Painter Margaret, widow Fourth below Poplar Painter Mary, widow 488 north Third Painter Mary, widow, Prince near ilanover Painter Nicholas, shipwright Palmer near Prince Painter Nicholas, bricklayer 488 north Third Painter Philip, cordwainer Oak near Browne fPainter Phillis, widow, Smith's alley (back) Painter Wm. patent peg shoemaker Marlborough (K) Palber Charles, labourer Maiden near the Stone bridge Paleske Hannah, widow of George G, 79 Dock


PAR whitely's annual

Palethorp Robert, inkpowdermanuf. 444 N. Second Palethorp Robert, jun. & J. H. pewter ware and ink

powder manuf. 50 north Second Palethorp Robert, jun. pewter manuf. 444 N. Second Pahn Henry, printer 26 Arch

Palmer Aaron, combmaker, north 4th cor. Poplar lane fPalmer Aaron, woodsawyer Lily alley Palmer Amos, liquor store High west of Sch. Seventh Palmer Amos, carpenter 142 north Third Palmer Ann, v/idov/ of Wm. 27 south Tenth Palmer Ann, widow, cor. Juniper and Arch Palmer Anthony A. druggist N E cor. Fifth and Spruce

and grocer 6 High d n 27 Powel tPalmer Daniel, sawyer Browne above Fourth Palmer James, shipwright Prince near Crown Palmer Job, drygoods store 24 south Second Palmer John, caulker Otter near Frankford road (K) Palmer John B. treasurer and secretary of the Mutual

Insurar.ce company for the insurance of houses from

loss by fire, 54 Walnut Palmer Jonathan, jun. teacher 69 Pine tPalmer Matthias, labourer Spruce near Sch. Fifth Palmer Richard, justice of the peace 64 Shippen Palmer Richard, furniture, &c. store, 145 north Second

d h 88 north Seventh Palmer Sarah, widow, Otter near Frankf. road (K) Palmer Samuel, druggist, &c. 74 Chesnut Palmer Simeon, pilot 107 Swanson Palmer Thomas, "N E corner Spruce and Fifth Palmer Thomas H. printer 201 Chesnut office Locust

above Eighth Palmer Thomas, caipenter 554 south Front Palmer William, tailor Cresson's court Pancoast Samuel, sen. Filbert above Twelfth Pancoast Samuel jun. hardware merchant 148 High Pantalun Henry, vict. Steinmetz court Paoli George, chandler 7 \'evnon

Papegay Miss, artificial flower manuf. &c 151 Walnut .Parent John, labourer Meredith's court Parham John, carj^enter 62 south Eleventh Parham Joseph, carjjenter 176 Locust Park Christiana, widow, boardinghouse 144 Chesnut Park & Carpenter, n»erchants 273 High Park Samuel, merchant 273 High d h 2 north Seventh Paike Charles B. brass> &c. founder Penn near Maiden , Parke James P. bookseller and stationer 74 S. Second Parke Solomon, clock and watchmaker 146 N. Front Parke Thomas, m. d. 1 Rittenhouse place Parker Achilles, wine merchant, &c. 13 &17 Norris* ay, Parker Alexander, gardener Prime above Eleventh Parker Alice and Hannah, milliners 21 north Third Parker Andrew, tailor 1 Wood Parker Ann, widow 262 Catharine


Parker B. widow 67 Pine

Parker Bunyan, labourer Queen near Shakamaxon Parker Benjamin, cabinet and chairmaker 258 Cedar Parker Daniel, livery stablekeeper 14 and 16 Bread Parker David, d. d. 68 south Eighth Parker Dorothy, widow Phillips court Parker Edward, merchant 60 Zane Parker Edward, bookseller and stationer 178 High Parker Elizabeth A. milliner 189 north Front Parker Esther, boardinghouse 116 north Sixth Parker George, whipmaker Prime above Eighth Parker George, ropemaker Crown near West (K) Parker George, plasterer, &c. Frankf. r. n. Prince Parker Hannah-, seamstress, Bushhill Parker Hannah, widow 8 Union Parker Heniy, cordwainer Fifth below Christian Parker Isaac, clock and watchmaker 13 south Third Parker Jacob, labourer Race above Sch. Seventh Parker James, oysterman 6 Cresson's alley Parker Jeremiah, gentleman (Peel hall) Ridge road Parker John, tavcrnkeeper N E cor. Race and Sixth Parker John, fancy store 107 north Second Parker John, mariner 227 south Fifth fParker John, porter 228 Race Parker John A. bookbinder 190 Cherry Parker John, ropemaker Crown near West Parker Joseph, merchant 178 High—d h 125 N. Fifth Parker Joseph, collector of taxes 28 Race tParker Joseph, ostler Traquair's court Parker Lewis, mariner, back of 32 Catharine Parker Margaret, widow 5 Steinmetz court Parker Phoebe, widow. Unity court Parker Peter, hatter Deval's couit Parker Rebecca, tailoress, back 282 Arch ■Parker Richard, shoeblack 29 S. 3d & 11th bel. Pine "'arker Samuel, shotmaker Arch near Sch. Second *arker Sarah, widow 92 north Eighth comer Ciierry "Parker Silas, labourer and white washer 230 Shippen Parkei- Susan, Mrs. widow of John, south Tenth, one

door from Chesnut fParker Stephen, bootcleaner 19 -south Seventh Parker Thomas, 13 south Third Parker Thomas, jun. clock and watchmaker 14 south

Fourtii Parker Thomas, carpenter 144 scuth Ninth Parker Thomus, labourer Prime below Second Parker Tiion\as, carpenter, &c. 18 Currant alley |Parkcr Thomas, labourer Old York road tParker Wiley, l-ibourer Passyunk r. below Christian Parker William, merchant (Peel hall) Ridge road fParker William, mariner 54 Small Parker William, labourer 412 south Second Parker William C. carpenter 263 south Seventh

PAT whitely's annual

Pafker William, tanner 101 north Fifth

Parker Wm. tavern and oyster house 10 Arch

Parkes Zachariah, fancy store 3 north Third

Parkinson George, (Burns tavern) 13 Bank

Parkinson James, tailor 106 Crown

Parkinson Rachel, bonnetmaker 17 Arch

tParks Susan, Barclay's alley

Parmentier Charles, accountant 17 north Twelfth

Parmentier Theresa, widow 62 soutii Fifth

Parr John, tailor 25 north Ninth

Parris Gabriel, constable 42 Arch

Parrish Ebenezer, innkeeper 317 south Third

Parrish Isaac, gentleman Mulberry court

Parrish Joseph, m. d. 109 Arch

Parrish & Massey, ironmongers, 238 north 3dbel. Noble

Parrish Robert A. planemaker 238 nortli Third

tPerctt R. printer 135 Lombard *.

Parry Anna, widow, 3 Sansom

Parry Isaac, plasterer 300 north Third

Parry John J. clock and watchmaker SW cor. Chesnut

and Sixth Sjsee Ferry

Parr}'^ Thomas, storekeeper 23 north Second Parsons Abraham, shallopman Juniper above Locust Parsons John, 76 Almond

Parsons Margaret, widow, back 295 south Third Parsons William, ferryman 30 Jones's alley Pztrlenheimer Adam, brewer 77 Arch corner Bread Partenheiraer, Pepper & Co. Philadelphia brewery, 9

Bread Partoles Mary, widow 276 south Fourth Paitridge David, oakcooper, back 391 Race Parvin Pearson, teacher 25 north Fifth fParvis Isaac, saw-sharpener Passyunk r.bel. Christian fPascal Benjamin, waiter Middle alley Pascal Jane, widow, teacher 142 soutli Fifth Pascal John, blacksmith 20 and d h 24 south Tenth Paschall Edward J. tailor 2 Farmer's row Paschall Thomas, accountant Hamilton village Pass Peter, tailor 150 south Fourth Passey Samuel, teacher 127 Moyamensing road Passniore Carleton, teacher 56 New Passmore & Sparhawk, auctioneers 32 south Front Passmore Thomas, auctioneer 32 south Front Pastorius Abraham, sea captain 165 Green Pastorus Jol\n, north Fifth below Buttonwood Patterson Alexander, chandler 110 Plum Patterson Eadly, drover S W cor. Eighth and Lombard Patterson Eliza, Blackberiy alley Patterson EUzabeth, widow 4 Quarry [^ace Peterson, Patterson Hester, widow 149 south Eighth Patterson Isaac, (Robinson Crusoe inn) 23 south Third Patterson James, accountant. Maiden near Front Patterson rev. Jaraes» 460 north Second


f Patterson Joanna, pastry cook Smith's alley Patterson John, fancy chairmaker Fourth above Poplar Patterson John, weaver Prime (Wharton's buildings) Patterson Jonathan, director of U. S. bank 164 Spruce Patterson Rachel, widow Chesnut below Thirteenth Patterson John, shipjoiner Shakamaxon n. Bedford (K) Patterson & Jones, merchants 287^ High Patterson Joseph, cabinetmaker 90 north Front Patterson Margaret, widow 9 Frazier's court Patterson Margaret, widow Torr's court Patterson Martha, widow Christian below Fourth Patterson Margaret, seamstress Torr's court fPatterson Margaret, widow 3 BiKldle's alley Patterson Mary, widow Burd's alley (S) Patterson Mary, widow, cowkeeper, back 74 Plum Patterson Paul, merchant 287^ High d h 297 Race Patterson Rachel, gentlewoman 1 Thirteenth Patterson Robert M. m. d. vice provost, professor of

mathematics and natural philosophy in the University

of Pennsylvania, 210 Arch Patterson Robert, carpenter 48 north Eighth Patterson Robert, grocer, Cedar next bel cor. Third Patterson Robert, merchant 287^ High d h 61 Locust Patterson Robert, president of U. S. mint 285 Chesnut Patterson Robert, bricklayer Weaver's alley Patterson Robert, carter Juniper above Locust Patterson Susan, 514 north Front

Patterson Thos. teacher 205 squth Fifth d h 23 Prune Patterson Thos. blockmaker, &c. 63 and op. 62 Swanson Patterson Walter, labourer Eleventh ab. Race Patterson Wm. 6c Co. merchants N E corner Arch &

Water— -d h 29 Vine Patterson Wm. mate of ship, 387 south Front Patterson Wm. blacksmith Arch near Sch. Seventh Patterson Wm. sea captain Thirteenth above Cheriy J-Patterson Wm. herb doctor Callowhill n. Sch. Fourth Patterson Sarah, widow 110 Swanson street Pattison & Brother, mercht. N E cor. Chesnut & Front Pattison Granville, m. d. 154 Walnut Pattison John, merchant 53 S Front d h 151 Walnut Patton Abraham, late watchmaker 131 south Eleventh Patton Ann, Mrs. Thirteenth near Cedar tPatton Ann, Dean's ay. \_see Patten

Patton Anna, widow 43 Callowhill Patton Bernard, carpenter 43 Callowhill Patton James, jun. merchant 23 N Front d h59N4th Patton John C. merchant 117 S Ninth Patton John M. inquire 5 north Twelfth Patton Margaret, widow 34 Browne Patton Mary, widow Merriott's lane above Fourth

Patton \ labourer 418 south Second street

Patton Robert, cordwainer Locust above Twelfth

PAX whitely's annual

Patton Robert, flour, salt and plaster store 491 High

d h 5 north Twelfth Patton Samuel, grocer 61 South wharves Patton Samuel, accountant 8 German Patton Thomas, ladies' shoemaker, back 417 S Front Patton Wm. jun. accountant 175 Lombard Patton Wm. queensware store 65 Cedar Patton Wm. printer Pine below Twelfth Patti-ullo N. merchant 224 Spruce Paul Abraham, vict. 1 Fourth street market Paul Alice, widow 12 Green Paul Catharine, widow, back 55 Duke Paul, Comegys & Co. merchants 176 High d h 42 N 5th Paul Daniel, vict. 27 Fourth street market Paul David, carpenter 116 St. John Paul Hannah, widow, Camac below Old Yord road Paul Hannah, widow, Fourth below Master Paul James, merchant S W cor. North ay. and Fifth Paul Jane, widow, shopkeeper 405 north Third Paul John, gentleman 60 north Fourth Paul Joseph M. merchant 257 High— d h 202 Arch Paul Nathan, 237 High— d h 6 north Fifth fPaul Thos. drayman 159 Spruce Paul Perry, labourer Rose (N L) Paul Mrs. R. widow of Jeremiah, 6 north Fifth Paul William, carpenter 22 Strawberry Paul Wm. W. sea captain Federal above Front Paul Wm. S. carter 2 Fetter lane Paulding Sarah, widow Thirteenth above Race Paullin Joel, tailor 13 Prosperous ay. Paulin P. widow of John, tailor 10 Hinkel's court Paulus Adam, baker 26 south Fifth comer Walnut Pawling Jesse, blacksmith 93 north Fifth Paxson Benjamin, accountant 124 Cherry Paxson Charles, 198 north Sixth Paxson Edward, attorney at law 32 S Seventh d h 151

north Front Paxson Isaiah, dry goods store 100 north Second Paxson James, shipwright Shakamaxon n. Bedford Paxson James, shipwright 20 Browne Paxson James, shipcarpenter Palmer above Duke Paxson Joseph R. merchant 3 Sansom Paxson Joseph S. comer Beach and Warren Paxson Phineas, wheelwi-ight 5 Summer's court Paxson Samuel, hatter 33 south Fourth Paxson Timothy & Son, merchants 65 N Water & 158 N

Front Paxson Wm. hardware merchant 203 High— d h 3N9th Paxson Wm. I. flour merch. 65 N Water— d h N Front

cor. Vine Paxton John A. (late Editor of the Philadelphia Direc- tory,) book and mapseller, stationer, land and general agent, and commis. merch. at St. Louis, (Missouri)


Payden George, shoemaker Pine ay. Payne John, mariner 30 Carter's ay. ■*ayne Wm. carpenter 164 south Fifth ^aynter Lemuel, grocer 117 German ■Payton James, coachman 6 Washingtcn court ■Payton Joshua, waiter 18 Burd's court Payton JuUus, waiter Clover ay. ■Pea Abraham, poiter 22 Blackberry ay. ■Pea Jonathan, coachman Shippen below Eighth '. 'eace Joseph, gentleman 78 south Sixth [.see Pease

!^eacock Dodsworth, merchant 21 north Front Peacock? Eber, millwright 9 Poplar lane above Front Peacock George, (sign of the Golden Swan) 69 N Sd Peake Edward, carpenter Queen near Frankford r. Peake Elias, carter Shakamaxon near Prince Peake Robert, shoemaker Merriott's lane near Fifth Peake Thomas, shipwright, Allen near Beach Peal Henry, pewterer 119 Swanson street Peale Ann C. miniature painter 228 Spruce Peale James, portrait painter 228 Spruce Peale James, blockraaker 449 south Second Peale Raphael, portrait pamier 99 Pine street Peale Rubens, Baturalist, Museum, Statehouse d h

Walnut above Sixth Peale Sarah M. portrait painter, 228 Spruce fPearce Henry, bootcleaner Washington court Pearce John & Co- plumbei^ &c. back 12 south Fifth d h Kaighton N J {see Peirce tP" Pierce

Pearce M^ry, widow 72 Browne Pearce Noah, shallopman 11 Meade ay, Pearce Robert, painter, 112 Swanson fPearce Saml. carter 4 Bon sail street Pearce Sarah, widow Prime above Front Pearce Ward, shallopman 79 Swanson Pearl Jas. 318 N Front, deputy corder Haycsales (N L) Pearman Sarah, shookeeper N 8th ab. Mulberry ay. Pearson Cyrus, tanner Sarah near Queen (K) Pearson David, skindresser 282 north Eighth Pearson George, principal regulator of southern dis- trict, 399 south Second [»ee Peirson Pearson Isaac L. stationer 109 High Pearson Mary, storekeeper 17 north Seventh Pearson Mary, widow, nurse 9 Knight's court Pearson & Roberts, storekeepers 104 north Seventh Pearson Thomas, saddler &c. 138 High Peart Elizabeth, widow 286 St, John Pease Charlotte, boardinghouse 295 High \_see Peace Pechin John, guardian of poor 21 north Twelfth Pechin Wm. tanner 21 north Twelfth and Chen*)* near

Schuylkill Peck C. cordwainer 166 south Fourth Peck Collins, shoemaker Prime above Front

PEN whitely's annual

Peck Daniel L. teacher, school N W cor. Arch and 3d

d h 123 squth 9th Peck Jeremiah, 161 Chesnut

Peckworth rev. John P. ladies' shoestore 139 S Second Peckworth John R. m. d. 39 Spruce corner Laurel Peddle Joshua, oakcooper 10 Penn and 7 Little Water

d h 153 south Water Peddle Wm. A. oakcooper and guager 63 north Water

and 8 Elfreth's ay. Peddle widow of George, 7 Elfreth's ay. Pedersen P. Esq. minister resident and consul general

from the court of Denmark 393 Arch above Tenth Pedrick John, cordwainer, back 106 Cherry Pedrick Samuel, blacksmith Prime above Front Peel Francis, vict High west Sch. 5th Peeler Catharine, Miss, 93 Shippen street jPeets Francis, mariner 115 Queen street (S) Peiffer John, vict. 76 5th st. market h h Buttonwood Peirce Caleb, hardware merchant 81 High d h 10

Church ay. {see Pearce

Peirce James, labourer Sixth above Poplar lane Peirsol & Grelaud, auctioneers 51 north Front Piersol Jeremiah, auctioneer 51 N Front d h 91 New Peirsol Wra. iron merchant 197 Walnut Peirson Stephen, pilot north Fourth above Coates Pele Andrew, bookbinder 2 Goddard's ay. Pells Susan, tailoress 79 Green Peloux Peter, gunsnxith 190 Cedar Petz Philip, grazier corner Passyunk and Buck road Peltz Susan, widow 412 north Second Peltz Wm. gentleman 68 Queen Pember Charles, labourer Maiden below Front Pember Christian, cordwainer, back 7 Kunckel Pemberton Philadelphia, shopkeeper 61 north Third Pendegrass Eleanor, widow, back 32 Plum Pendrill Mrs. of Charles, 3 Marshall's ay. Penn Abraham, shipearpenter 75 Queen Penn Susan, widow, Thirteenth above Filbert Pennebecker Benj. (sign of Sorrel Horse) 150 N 4th Penneger Samuel, labourer, west of Permanent bridge . fPennel Benjamin, hackdriver Juniper ay. Pennel Joseph, carpenter 9 Watson's ay. Pennewill David, smith 41 Currant ay.

; Pennington Charles, fiddler Clymer's ay. ennington Edward, sugar refiner 155 & 159 Race Pennington Henry, shipwright Palmer below Duke Pennington Jolm, porter Otter near Front Pennington Martha, widow, boardinghouse 72 N 9th Pennington Wm. shipwright Beach near Maiden Pennick James, cordwainer Brnsstar's ay. (K) Pennick Joseph, labourer, back 16 Budd Pennig Mary, seamstress 24 Tammany Penning Mars, mariner Queen near Marlborough (K)


Penniwill , widow Prime below Second (S)

Pennock Abm. L merchant 231 High— d h 122 N 5th Pennock Horatio B. 161 Vine Pennock Sarah, widow 336 Arch above Eleventh Penot Francis & Son, ladies' shoemakers 135 Chesnut Penrose Charles, shipbviilder 93 Penn above Argyle Penrose Joseph, carpenter Ann west Sch. Eighth Penrose Sophia, widow, shopkeeper Acorn ay n. Spruce j-Penrose Wm. 61 Small

Penton Ruel, labourer Sch. Seventh above Race Penry Walter, shoemaker Merrirtt's lane near Fifth Peoples John, calicoprinter Sch Front above Vine Pepplow Edward, victualler 582 south Second stall 20

Newmarket south Second Pepper George, brewer 2 south Fifth N W cor. Minor

d h Chesnut next above Misonic Hall Pepper Hester, nurse 10 South ay. Pepper John, stonecutter 61 north Seventh Pepper Joseph, toothbrushmakev 8 Pennsylvania av. Pepper Michael, carpenter & shipjoiner 232 Catharine Pepper Philip H brewer 9 Bread street Pepperd Standish, chairpainter High west Perm. Bridge Percival Joshua, mercht. 78 south Front d h 149 Pine Peres Peter, m. d. 54 Callowhill Peres Wm. jeweller 3 Bard's court Pereyra Peter, merchant Baker's ay. Perie Charles, coach maker 21 Watson's ay. Ferine Daniel, tailor 56 north Eighth Ferine John, bricklayer 3 Holmes* ay. Perii & Cabot, merchants 123 south Front [see Perot Perit John W. merchant 123 S Front d h 105 Arch Perkenpine John, victualler 2 Perkenpine's court Perkin John, north Second between Race and Vine Perkin John, m. d. 159 north Second Perkins Benjamin, wharfbuilder Frankford r. n. Queer. Perkins Elizabeth, boardinghouse 97 Shipjien tPerkins Francis, steward, back 146 Cherry Perkins Henry, smith 302 Race

Perkins Henry, wheelwright Frankford r. ab. Que^n Perkins & Bacon, patent engine Sec. manuf. Pearson's

court d h Sansom above Eighth i

Perkins Jacob, brickmaker cor. Cedar and Twelfth " tPerkins James, vender of old clothes 194 south 2d Perkins Joseph, designer 8c engraver of wricing 34 S. 6th Perkins Mary, taiTbress 25 C reason's alley tPerkins Samuel, vender of old clothes 208 south 2d Perkins Sarah R. storekeeper 58 south Second Perkins Susan, widow 147 Spruce fPerkins Wm. vender second-hand clothes^ 194 S, 2d fPerkins Wisdom, labourer Crab below Shippen tPerlas Judy, washcrvvoman, back 299 sout^ Third Perlasca Peter, tuorocco case n^anuf. 21 Sterling; alley Perle James, grocer Hayscales wharf 8c 316 N. Front

2 C

PET whitely's annual

tPernel George labourer Paschall's ay. near Fifth Pernier John, confectioner High W. Sch. Eiehth Perot EUistou & John, merchants 41 north Water Perot ElUston, mercht. 41 north Water d h 299 High Perot Francis, brewer 120 Vine & 107 New [see Perit Perot James & Sansom, merchants 41 north Water Perot James, mercht. 41 N. Water— dh 297 High Perot John, mercht. 41 N. Water— d h 297 High Perot Sansom merchant 41 N. Water d h 299 High Perpignann Peter, watchmaker an<ji jeweller 367 N. 3d Perrin Wm. trader 46 Cedar st. Perroteau B. 123 north Fifth Perry Charles 6c Co. merchants Summer's wharf dh

164 Arch Periy Charles, mariner 55 Catharine Perry Felicity, widow, watclicase polisher 55 Lombard Perry Hiram A. barkeeper 8 Oak (S) Perry John, dyer and scourer 135 Locust Perry Margaret, seamstress 32 Currant alley Perry Mary, widow Juliana st. [see Parry

Perry Mary, widow 19 Cox^s alley Perry Maiy, widow, 18 Ahnond street Perry Oliver, labourer Gray's ferry r. near Cedar Perry Richard, drygoods "store 3 South Third Peny Tlieodosia, widow 86 Swanson st. Pesoa widow of Isaac, merchant 152 Callowhill Peterman Geo. flour merclit. 366 High d h 106 Filbert Peterman George & Jacob, flour merchts. 366 High Peterman Jacob, flour mercht. 366 High d h 59 S. 11th fPeter John, shoemaker 200 south Sixth jPeter John, mariner 80 George (S.) Peters Charles, mariner 98 Swanson Peters Charles, tailor, back 12 north Front Peters Conrad, cordwainer 3 Jones' alley fPeters David, coachman 218 Plum street jPeters Diana, widow. Quince below Locust Peters Evan, bricklayer 23 north Ninth Peters Francis, ferryman Camden N. J. Peters George, shipwright Beach above Marlborough Peters George, labourer 251 St. John st. fPetei-s Isaiah, sawyer, back 24 Elizabeth Peters Jacob, auctioneer 8 Decatur d h 52 S. Tenth Peters Jacob, labourer 543 north Thii-d Peters James, thimble, &c manulacturer 65 Arch fPetei-s John, labourer 4 Fine alley fPeters John, fiddler Schuylkill Second above Race Peters John W. accountant 35 south Fourth fPeters John, labourer St. Marv street Peters John, vict. cellar 20 High & bxck 12 north Front tPeters John, labourer, back 105 German fP^eters Joseph, cook 82 Gaskill street Peters Leonaixl, hardware store comer 4th and Vine


Peters Margaret, widow, 121 Swanson

Peters Mary, widow, Tenth above Race

Peters Nicholas, oysterman 78 Higli 6c 5 Cresson's ay.

Peters Ralph, farmer Mantua village

Peters Richard, judge of the District Court of the United

States, Belmont west of Schuylkill Peters Richard, jun. attorney at law N W comer Sixth and Little George d h SE cor Walnut & Eleventh Petei*s Thomas K. attorney at law 61 south Seventh Peterson Aaron, waterman Prime above Second Peterson Abigail, widow, 32 Fitzwalter Peterson Abraham, waterman, back 44 Spruce Peterson Catharine, widow, 6th above Poplar lane tPeterson Charles, porter Pine corner Eleventh "[Peterson Daniel, steamboat steward 184 Pine tPeterson Flora, widow, back 28 Barron Peterson George, grocer 3 S. 3d d h 102 Arch Peterson Jacob, merchant 93 Callowhill Pfeterson Jacob, mariner 12 Franklin street Peterson John, mariner, back 64 Catharine Peterson John, currier 95 Chesnut d h 18 Sansom Peterson John, carpenter 42 Christian Peterson John, mariner 40 Queen (S) Peterson John, jun. collector 18 Wagner's alley jPeterson, Juliana, widow, 4 Eagle court tPeterson Nathan, labourer Quince above Locust Peterson Saml, cabinetmaker Frank, road above Queen tPeterson Samuel, carter 4 Burd's court Peterson Sarah, widow, 1 Shippen Peterson Thomas, labourer 6 Pennsylvania avenue Peterson Thomas, waterman 3 Shippen Peterson widow of Emanuel, 1 Shippen Peterson Wm. drygoods store 58 north Third Petherbridge John, shipwright Church street Peto Ann, corsletmaker 132 south Fourth Peto Elizabeth, corsletmaker 132 south Fourth Petry J. B. consul-general of France 151 Pine Pettibone Daniel, inquire 15 north Seventh Petite John, back 5 Coombs' alley

Pettit Andrew, alderman 12 south 4th dh 69 S. Sixth Pettit Jonathan, bricklayer 202 north 4th above Noble Pettit Thos. M. attorney at law 36 S. 5th— d h 69 S. 6th Petit Nicholas, tailor 121 north Second tPetts Francis, mariner Queen below Third Petty John, drayman, hack 45 Charlotte Peusch Jacob, labourer 192 north Water Pew Hugh, carpenter Ann below Sch. Eighth Pew Robert, tailor 127 Cedar

Peyrusse Arnold, tailor S E cor. Spruce and Fourth Pfaff George, cordwainer 213 north Front Pfav: Joim, farmer Frankford road below 1st gate Pfeiffer Christian, grocer cor. Germ, road and Second Pfeiffer Gen, nvofe'^sor of music 193 Spruce

PHI whitely's annual

Pfeifer Jacob, flour dealer 125 Green

[see PJ'eiffer^ I*\fer ^ Pifin Pfeiffer Peter, shopkeeper 92 not th 'I'hird Pfeiffer Peter, victualler, back 484 north Third Pfeil John, cabinetmaker 338 north Second Phalen Patrick, skindresser George near Second Philbert Tamer, tailoress Coates near Sixth Phile Daniel, cabinetmaker Branch Phile John, 157 Arch

Phile John, turner and umbrella maker 367 N. Second Philler Andrew, gentleman 529 Front Philier Andrew, jun. boot and shoemaker 269 S. Second tPhillips Adam, porter 228 Race Phillips Ann, widow Alban street Phillips A. L. fancy store 7\ south Second Phillips Benjamin, late storekeeper Arch near Sch. 2d Phillips Daniel, carpenter, back of 15 Noble Phillips Edward, lastmaker 36 Strawberry Phillips Goodhour, widow 52 New Phillips Henry, blacksmith Passyunk r. ab. Carpenter Phillips Isabella, H'asherwoman 83 Swanson Phillips Jacob, blacksmith Cheriy above Thirteenth Phillips James, mariner 113 north Water Phillips James, carpenter 50 Browne Phillips John, baker 326 north Second Phillips John, labourer 543 north Third Phillips John, milkman south Fourth bel. Christian Phillips John, cordwaincr, back of 157 St. John Phillips John, cordwainer Federal above Second Phillips John, labourer, back 97 Budd Phillips John, carter Frankford road near Prince fPhillips John, hairdresser 97 Green

Phillips , bricklayer 141 Moyamensing road

Phillips Joseph, labourei" Pine above Thirteenth

Phillips Joseph, 41 north Fourth

Phillips Jonathan, West comer Marlborough

Phillips Levi, merchant 22 north Fourth

Phillips Lydia, circulating library, 8cc. 119 south Third

Phillips Mary, widow, 76 Small

Phillips Mary, widow, 13 Tammany

Phillips Peter, grocer and bottler, cor. Locust and 10th

Phillips R. and \. merchants 20 Chesnut

Phillips Rebecca, widow of John, 7 Pine

Phillips Robert, calico-printer Germ, road ab. Laurel

Phillips Rowland, labourer Wright's alley below Vine

Phillips Samuel, coachmaker 6 Blackberry alley

Phillips Samuel, last and boct-tree maker 63 Walnut

Phillips Sarah, widow, back of 32 Catharine

Phillips Sarah, ^vidow 101 Cedar

Phillips Thomas D, shoemaker St. John op. the church

Phillips Thomas, ladies' shoemaker 11 south Second

Phillips Thomas, bricklayer 135 Cedar

Phillips Wm. blacksmith 115 Swanson


Phillips William, gentleman 200 south Front

Phillips WilliHm,Jiatter 6 Carter's alley

Phillips William, sea captain 258 south Front

Phillips Ztiigman, attorney at law, 185 Chesnut

Phillipson Simon, merchant 122 Spruce

Philson Ann, teacher Perry below Pine

Phyef James, nailer Rose alley

Physick Abigail, 210 north Fourth

Physick Mrs. Elizabeih, 66 south Sixth

Physick Philip S. m d. professor of surgery, south 4th

between Uni(m and Cypress alley Picard Peter M. late drayman, inouire 266 Lombard I^ickard Wm. vender of books, 505 south Second Pickel Ann, widow 126 Cedar Pif'kel Caspar, coach lampmaker & repairer of- all sorts

of lamps. 111 Walnut Pickering EHhn, teacher Key's alley d h 194N.^Xth Pickering George, tailor 126 Coates Pickering Joseph, watchmaker 315 north Front Pickering J^hn, bras«foander Alder alley Pickering Mary, Coates above Fourth Pickering Thomas, oysterman 302 south Fourth Pickett Win. carter 589 south Second N E cor. Wharton Picquet Mrirtin, merchant 205 Hi^h Pidgeon Christopher, crier of the district court 458 S. 2d Pidgeon James, crier of the Mayor's court 121 German Pidgeon Wm, superiiUendant 352 south Second Pierce Cyrus, merchant 50 S. wharves d h 246 S. 7th Pierce E. J umbrella mnnufactirer 132* High Pierce Hannah, bonnetmaker 56 Arch Pierce Irenaus, gentleman Quince below Locust Pierce John, ship chandler Spruce St. wharf d h 36 Christian {see Pearce

Pierce Joshua, merchant 91 Wood Pierce Peter, umbrella mAnuf. 81 south Second Pierce Samuel, sea captain, back 39 Beck's alley Pierce & Thackara, ship chandlers 67 Spruce st. wharf Piercy Catharine, mantuamaker 126 north Fifth Pierie Charles, coachmaker 28 Watson's alley Pierie John, bleeder 122 S. 4tn S W cor. Marshall's ay. Pierie Wm. currier 81 Dock— d h 20 Greenleaf 's court Pierpont Robert, silk dver Filbert above Tenth Pierson Eli, labourer 54 Queen (S) P-erson Silas, tanner Noble above Fifth Piex Robert, shoemaker Prm\e above Second Piggot Robert, engraver, and agent for the Sunday and

advilt school Union society 29 north Fourth Pike Mannus Willeit, ciirver 8c gilder 41 north Sixth Pile Rebecca, widow 164 Swanson Pile Wm. accountant Pine above Tenth \aeePyle

Piles Peter, labourer 124 Queen (S) Pilling Wm. cordwainer 200 south Sixth Pilmore rev. J(^ep)|, ©. d. 171 south Fifth 2 c 2

PLU whitely's annual

Pilson Henry, mariner 21 Cox's alley

Pinchin Jane, widow of William, 120 north Ninth

Pinchin John, paperhanger 7 Appletree alley

Pinchin William, silver plater Jacoby st.

Pinyard Elizabeth, widow, 13 Queen (S.)

Pinyard Joseph, sliipcarjienter, back 18 Budd

Pinckney Matilda, widow, 12 German

Pinkerton Mary, widow, Coates above Fourth

Pinkerton Margaret, teacher Pryor's alley

Piper Frederick, currier 370 N 2d [see Pifer \^ Pfeiffer

Piper John, hog butcher Buttonwoud

Piper Wm. commission merchant, St. Johns

Pippit Isaac, cabinetmaker 71 Walnut

fPiros Abraham, mariner 24 Mary's alley

Pirrie John, bootmaker 1 Pennsylvania avenue

Pisanolli Francis, hairdresser 2i3 south Seventh

Pi.ster Jacob, shipwright Queen near Crown

Pitcarr , Mrs. 266 Lombard street

Pitcher Henry, shiiiwright Bishop near Queen Pitcher Rufxis, umbrella manuf. and fancy store 79 S 2d Pitman Reoecca, widow, 7 Clever alley Pitner Ann, widow, 221 Swaiisou street Pitt Thomas, shoefnaker Davison's alley

fPitt , widow, Wistar's court

Plackett John, tailor N Front near Blackhorse lane Plaine Samuel, oakcooper 11 Jones's alley d h Hop- kins' court Plane Jacob, carpenter 410 N 4th above Browne Plank Mrs. widow. Sixth above Poplar lane Plank Peter, carter Small st. continued n. Thirteenth Plankenhorn Susannah, widow, Sch. 8th near Vine Plant John B. labourer 80 Plum street Plantou Mrs. portrait painter 110 south Fourth Piatt & Cooper, grocer 303 High N E cor. of Eighth Piatt Wm. merchant 47 norih Water— d h 201 Arch Piatt Wm. tavern and grocery Beach near High bridge Pleasants Charles, hardware merchant 228 High d h

Walnut above Eleventh Pleasants & Charnley, hardware merchants 228 High Pleasants Israel, president of the U. States Insurance

company, Chesnut above Thirteenth Pleasants Joseph, hardware merchant 267 High Pleasants Mary, widow of Samuel, 23 Sansom Pleas George, cooper 175 St John Plecker Peter, cedarcooper 271 north Secowd Pleis Matthias, apothecary & druggist 461 N Second Pless George, oakcooper 21 Budd Plitt John, rev. editor of the American Views, 116 N

Seventh street Plocher John J. wheelwright Thirteenth below High Plowman Thomas L. Library St.— d h west of the Per- manent bridge Plumb Peter, ropemakep Federal above Second


Plumb widow of A. Hudson's lane above Eighth

Plumb Joseph, shoemaker Christian st. ab. Passyunk i .

Plume Philip, baker Thirteenth below Race

Plumley Absalom, labourer Washington bel, 2d street

Plumley Patience, widow, 63 Christian .

Plummer Frederick rev. Kaighnton, (N J)

Plummer Margaret, 8 Bell's court

Plummer Mary, widow, 57 Vine street

tPlummer Thomas, porter Allen's alley

Pluright William, accountant 36 south Fifth

Poalk Robert, merchant 56 south Front d h 43 N 4tb

Poalk Solomon, bottler 244 south Third street

Pochin John, baker 25 Walnut

Pock William, labourer Marifj street (N L)

Point John, pumpmaker N 4th between Vine and Cal-

lowhill d h Richardson's court Pointer Thomas, cordwainer Christian above Fourth Polan Thomas, typefounder Cedar above Minth Pole Edward, teacher Passyunk road near Long lane

Polick , trader, back 10 Green

Pollard Charles, printer 135 Lombard

fPoUard John, cordwainer North street

Pollin George, nailcutter, Falls Schuylkill

PoUin Peter, boot manufacturer 46 south Third

Pollock David, dealer Eleventh below Vine

Pollock Hyman, dealer 11 Key's alley

Pollock William, labourer, back 15 north Sixth

Pollock Wm. N. storekeeper & dealer 369 north 2d

I'olly Richard, weaver 243 Shippen above Seventh

Pommer Charles, piano forte maker 72 Race

Pomeroy Sarah, of Wm. boardinghouse 67 Walnut

fPompey Lewis, mariner, back 90 Shippen street

Pomrvol Israel, cordwainer Fourth beloAv Poplar

Pond Martha, widow of Samuel, back 268 Race

Pond Mary, widow, 11 Duke (N L)

Pons John'B. hatter Burd's alley (S)

Pont Christiana, widow, Jones's alley (N L)

Pool John, tailor; back 88 north Sixth

Pool Edward, coachdriver 41 Coates' alley

Pool Joseph, combmaker63 north Sixth

Pool Wm. combmaker 101 Cherry street

Pope Nathaniel, bricklayer 74 north Ninth

Pope Peter, labourer, back 519 north Third street

Pope WiUiam, labourer Rose alley (N L)

Poppal George, victualler and innkeeper 178 Cedar

stall 14 New Market ^oppe Henry, taven»keeper 154 Vine 'oree Mrs. A. M. gentlewoman 130 south Third !'ort Henry, labourer Camden (N J) '. 'ortalis Mary, widow 5th between Shippen & Plum "Porter Cyrus, coachman 79 north Sixth :'orter Henry, brushmaker 1^ north 5th & 93 Arch Porter Henry, turner 57 Arch N E cor. Third


Porter Isaac, tinplate worker N E cor. 3d & High— d

h 375 N 2d Porter Isaac, shoemaker Germ, road above Laurel tPorter Isaac, waterman. Brown above Fourth jPorter Jacob, carpenter Brown above Fourth Porter James, accountant 399 Race Porter James, coi)perplate printer cor. Chesnut & 3d

d h 13 Franklin court Porter John, m. d. 81 south Sixth

Porter John, captain Ridgway team Camden ferry boat Porter John, sen. brushniaker 89 Mulberry Porter John, jun. brushmaker 220 High Porter John, saddler 15 Carter's alley . Porter John, cordwainer William (N L) Porter John, labourer, back 134 Brown Porter Mary, widow, grocer 162 south Water Porter Margaret, shopkeeper 24 Carter's alley Porter Moses, labourer Emlen's court Porter Nicholas, weaver Lombard above Twelfth fPortcr Robert, blacksmith 6 Starr alley Porter S. & N. tinplate workers cor. 13th and Filbert Porter Samuel, tinplate worker 1 north Twelfth Porter Samuel, smith 25 N 10th d h Prospect alley jPorter Samuel, woodsawyer 57 Currant alley fPorter Thomas, tailor W'ebb's alley Porter William, tailor, back 180 Lombard Porter Wm. merchant 35 S wharves d h 446 N 2d Porterfield Rachel, widow, 120 Cedar Porterfield Wm. cordwainer 1 Watson's alley Pote Christian, glassblower Wood above Queen Pote Henry P. carpenter Wood near Queen (K) Pote M. labourer Wood near Queen Pote Peter H. fisherman Queen near Bishop Pote Peter M hsherman Wo^d above Queen

Pote , widow, Wood near Queen

Poth Conrad, tallow chandler 178 St. John above Green

Potkin George, coachman George street

"^otter Richard C merchant 29 north Third

Potter S, & Co. booksellers and stationers 55 Chesnut

Potter Samuel, stable 168 south Fifth and Cedar

Potter Sheldon, bookseller 55 Chesnut d h 24 Key's ay.

Potter Wm. W. bookbinder & stationer 36 Carter's ay.

d h 66 Chesnut fPotter William, carter Webb's alley Potts Benjn. tavern & boardinghouse 117 south Water Potts George C. rev, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian

church, 65 Locust above Eighth Potts James, oak C(,oner 63 and 73 north Water Potts James & Wm. A. Peddle, coopers and guagers 63

north Water Potts Joeph, teacher 224 Lombard street Potts John, cordwainer, back 531 south Front Potts Man', widow of David, 42 Vine Potts Nathan R. attorney at law 97 Arch


Potts Nathaniel, mercht, 5 N Water d h 20 north 7th Potts Phineas, accountant 442 south Front Potts Robert T. merchant 103 High tPotts Samuel, labourer EHzabeth street f Potts Silas, bootblack 12 Elizabeth street Potts Stacy, accountant 314 north Third Potts Susan, storekeeper 42 south Fourth Potts Susan, widow, 85 Arch

Potis William L. iron merchant 143 north Second Poulson Ann, widow, 26 Chestj^r. Poulson Charles Augustus, 172 south Front Poulson George, bricklayer Sixth below Shippen Poulson John, 37 south Fourth Poulson Samuel, tanner St, John street Poulson Zachariah, editor and publisher of the Ameri- can Daily Advertiser 106 Chesnut Poulterer Stephen, carpenter Christian below 5th Poultney Catharine, widow, 3 Strawberry Poultney James, 150 S Seventh N W cor. Spruce Poultney John, balance weigher 8 Walnut st. wharf— d

d 178 south Eleventh Pounder Jonathan, bookseller 134 north Fourth Povall Richard, m d. 115 south Ninth iPoway James, ragman Locust W. hch. Second Powell Abraham, cor. Wharton & Lancaster st. (S) Powell Ann, widow, 291 south Third Powell Benjamin, weaver, back 135 north Sixth Powell Benjamin, grocer Thirteenth corner Vine Powell Benjamin, labourer 3 Acorn alley Powell Catharme Mrs. back 57 Budd Powell Dennis, Hamilton above Sch. Eighth Powell Edith Mrs. teacher 15 Elfreth's alley Powell EUhu B. cordwainer 113 Christian Powell Elizabeth, gentlewoman 207 Chesnut bel. 7th Powell George, carpenter 197 south Seventh Powell George, carpenter Hinkel's court below 7th Powell John Hare, 172 Chesnut and Powellton Powell John, bricklayer Bonsall Powell John, tinplate worker 185 south Second Powell John L. bricklayer 87 Passyunk road Powell John, 86 south Eleventh Powell Jos. wheelwright Frankford road near Queen Powell Peter, brewhouse man, Bushhill Powell Peter, brickmaker Irish lane Powell Peter, cordwainer St. Bernard's court Powell R. layer out of the dead, 15 Elfi-eth's alley Powell Sarah, widow, 353 south Front Powell Samuel, cordwainer Rose n. Germantown road Powell Samuel, cordwainer 4th below Germantown r. Powell Samuel, carpenter Miller's court (N L) Powell Susanna, wiaow, Mark's lane Powell Thomas, brassfounder, back 210^ Arch Powell Wm. wheelwright Queen below Shakamaxoii.


PowcUWm. gentleman 101 north Seventh

Powis James, painter, &c. 3 Ranstead's court

Powison Andrew, shallopman 7 York court

Power VVilUam, mariner 10 Shields* court

Powers John, sailmaker 10 Parham's alley

Powers Samuel, carter Lombard west Broad

Powers Stephen, saddler 10 Parham's alley

Poyner Francis, porter in Mechanics' Bank 3 Fitz waiter

Poyntell, widow of William, 6 York buildings

Pradley Maigaret, widow. Queen above Cherry (K)

Prager Susan, widow, boardinghouse 19 Wagner's ay,

Prager Mark, stock, &c broker 63 Dock

Prahl Sam.uel, spring maker Rachel street

Prall Edward, chair maker N W cor. Arch & 6th— d h

64 north Fifth Pratt & Dundas, merchants 42 Walnut Pratt Edmund, mercht. back 95 N. Water— d h il2 N.

Front Pratt Henry, mercht. back 95 N. Water & 112 n. Front Pratt J. D. fancy store 82 south Third Pratt James, tobacconist 128 Cedar Pratt John, cabinetmaker, back 338 south Front Pratt John, ropemaker Harper's alley (P T) Pratt John, carter 56 Penn Pratt John, sen. waterman, 56 Penn Pratt J. B. merchant, back 95 north Water Pratt & Kugler, merchants, back 95 north Water Pratt Thomas, mariner Church street Pratt Thomas, merchant 42 Walnut— d h 58 south 11th fPrattis David, woodsawyer Cherry above Eleventh Pray Charles, 7 Knight's court Pray John, sen. vict. Fourth below Poplar Pray John, jun. vict. Fourth below Poplar Preall John shoemaker 13 Pine allev Pree Charles, silverplater Callovvhill below Rugan Preole George, shoemaker 15 Pine alley {see Prahl Brescott David W- fishstore 22 south Water Prentzel Charles S. baker 150 North Eighth Prendivill John, tailor 12 Hurst street Preston Edward, 135 north Third Preston John, carpenter 22 Lombard Preston Jonas, m. d. 275 Race Preston William jun. boatbuilder 51 Duke (N. L) Prettyman Eliza, nurse 35 Charlotte Prever James, labourer. Locust west of Sch. Second Preston Jacob, labourer 6th near Poplar lane Preston John Painter & glazier 257 south Third Preston John, shoemaker 205 south Third Preston William, plasterer 8cc. 45 Plum street Preston William, sen. boatbuilder 51 Duke (N L) tPrettymart Moses, fnariaer 14 Stamper's alley Prevost Andrew M. stock broker 79 Dock— d h 99



Provost, widow ofH. M. 23 south S< ver.lh

Price Abijah, deputy keeper oi the prison 71 Crowi:

Price Chandler, merchant 41 Dock d h 94 soutli Front

Price C. & Morgan, merchts. 41 Dock east of Second

P rice David, sea captain 362 south Second

Price Edward, merchant 435 High

Price Elizabeth, widow 58 south Sixth

Price Elizabeth, boardinghouse 150 Arch

Price Elizabeth, widow 11 Beck's alley

Price Ferriss, carpenter 143 south Ninth

Price Henry, drover, back 389 south Front street

Price James, o>sterman Cooper's ferry (N J)

P rice John, skindresser Third near Germ, road

Price John, late sea captain 5 Parham's alley

Price John, medicine pulveriser, back 58 Ann

Price John, patnt maker 20 Callowhill

Price John, carpenter Poplar lane near Budd

Price John M. merchant 143 High

Price Joseph, hatter 79 High

Price Joseph, feather stort- 209 north Second

Price Joseph, blacksmith Tammany above Fourth

Price Mary, widow, Shakamaxon near Bedford

Price Mar>', widow nurse 30 Christian

Price Philip, jun. clock & watchmaker 71 High d hS

South alley Price Rebecca, teacher 78 Crown

Price Richard, jun. merchant 133 High— d h 143 Arch Price Richard, gentleman 196 south Fourth tPrice Stephen, waiter 7 Prune Price Seth, deputy keeper of the prison NW cor Fourth

and Wood Price Timothy, milkman Frankf. road near first gate Price Wm. m. d. 112 south Fourt corner Prune fPrice VVilliam,mariner 199 Lombard Price William, pilot 9 Parham's alley Price William I. 27 Pine alley Price William huckster Cooper's ferry N. J. Price William H. silverplater Ann W. Sch. Eighth Price William, grocer 1 Spruce street wharf Prichard James, cordwainer 4 Hoffman's alley Prichett Charles, flour merchant 25 South wharves

d h 98 south Eighth Prichett Catharine, widow 239 Spruce Prichett Thomas and John, flour merchants 41 south

Water and 98 south Eighth & 138 Pine Prichett E. widow of Thos. late cooper 8th n. Cedar Prichett Thos. B. brewer 367 S. Front— d h 8ih near

Cedar Prichett Thomas, merchant 138 Pine Pichett Wm. and Jas. curriers 127 Chesnut d h 63

south Third Prichett William, gentleman 98 south Eighth

PUM wuitely's annual

Prichett Wni. R. gent. Beach bel. Shakamaxon (K)

Prickitt Barzillai, corder Oak below Coates

Prickitt Wm. carter 589 south Second street

Priesho^ George, labourer Arch near Schuylkill

Primer Adam, yeoman Anne street Vineyard n. Ridge v

Primer Lewis labourer Frankf. road above first gate

Priest Elizabeth, widow 278 south Third

Piiest Emanuel, caulker 12 Mary

Priest George, tailor 123 Race

Priest Thomas, labourer Rose alley (N L)

Priestman Wm. merchant S E cor. High and Ninth

Priestman William, jr. 242 Arch above Ninth

Primmer Elizabeth, widow grocer SE cor. 6th &Lomb

Pri> e Henry. 570 north Third below Coates

Primrose Violet, saddler &c. 291 High

tPrince Matilda, widow Fries's court

Prince Isaac, 154 south 'i enth

Pringle Elizabeth, widow 212 Pine

Pringle John, stonecutter High West Schuylkill Seventh

Pringle Margaret, widow, 4 Farmer's row

Pringle Wm. mariner 4 Farmer's row

Probasco Martha, widow 350 north Second

Probasco Simon, printing office 350 north Second

tProctor Francis, carter opposite 31 south Seventh

f Proctor James, labourer Juniper above Arch

fPrnctor VValter, cordwainer 86 Bedford

Propert John, farmer Johnson's lane

Propert William, 375 Arch

tProsser James, oysterman 124 High d h Cherry alley

Prosser Thomas, merchant 242 Filbert above Twelfth

Proudfoot Jane L. tencher female department Adelphi

public school, 372 north Front Proudfoot Richard, teacher 372 north Front Provenchere Peter, gentleman 183 south Fifth Prouty James, grc/Cer 543 south Second cor. Federal Pryfold Philip, drayman Old York road above Browne Prowatin Evan, rigger 35 Duke

fPryor Benjamin, waiter Merriott's lane above Fourth Pryor Edmund, druggi.^t, &c. 273 north Front Pryor Joseph, cabinetmaker 1 S. 11th d h 54 Filbert Pr>'or Josiah, currier Duke (N L) Prjor Joseph, clerk to the Health Office 26 Elfreth's ay. Pryor Margery, widow 47 Union Prj'or Richard, hatter, shop 6&d h 105 north Front Pryor Samuel, accountant 26 Elfreth's alley Pryor Sarah, widow 22 Little Water Pryor Tliomas W. merchant 373 north Front Pugh Catharine, widow 69 Pine Pugh Jesse, cabinetmaker 9 Wagner's alley Pugh Michael, blacksmith 46 Penn Pullen Robert, treasurer New Theatre 132 south Sixth Pugh Samuel, (sign Sorrel Horse) 25 South alley Pumeroy David, cakebaker 5 Blackberry alley


Pummer Charles, piano forte maker 72 Race

Purdon John, attorney at law 104 south Fourth

Purdon William, mariner Small alley

tPurdy Henry, coachman, 37 Currant alley

Purdy James, dealer 452 north Sixth ab. Poplar lane

Purdy James, dealer 7 Pleasant avenue

Puriil Joseph, shipwright & tavernkeeper 355 !N. Front

tPurlis Judith, widow 299 south Third

tPurnell Chloe, widow. Broad below Locust

Purnell Isaac, labourer St. Marys street

fPurnell Joshua, oysterman Bonsall

Purple Alex, shipwright Queen above Shakamaxon

Purves Alexander, merchant loiutr 22 S. 2d

tPurvis Isaac, sav/sharpener Passyunk r. bel. Christian

Purvis Mary, widow, Fourth below Poplar

Pursley Robert, labourer, back 394 Race

fPursue Aaron, carter, back 8 Coombs' alley

fPusey James, mariner Webb's alley

Pussei John, vict. Garden near Callowhill

Pussel John, whitesmith Ger. road below first gate

Putley Richard J. cordwainer 2 Dock

Pybus John, ladies' shoemaker 131 Arch

Pyf«f John, weaver Thirteenth near Cedar

Pyle Jos. storekeeper 42 N 2d d h 69 Wood [see Pile

Pyle Prudence, Mrs. 2 Holmes' alley

•fPyren Poley, cordwainer 20 Burd's court

QUAIL MARY, widow, Brooke's court Quain William S. hatter 483 south Second Quandale L. clock and watchmaker 69 Chesnut Quandril Charles, shipmaster 185 Pine Quandril Jane, widow, N E cor. Browne and Fourth Quantrell William, shopkeeper 84 Race tQuard John, hairdresser 89 south Fourth Quay & Jones, cordwainers, Pock above Front Queen Bernard, grocer 388 High Queen Elizabeth, widow 75 Union Queen John, tailor, corner Lombard and Sch. Seventh Queen William, cordwainer Christian above Third Qaerville Antoine Gabriel, cabinetmaker 11 Lombard Quick John, labourer Crown near Prince Quick Margaret, widow 78 Union Quicksall Joseph, tailor Frankf. road above Bedford Quicksall Joseph, carter Queen above Marlborough Quicksall Thomas, fisherman 19 Jones's alley Quig Henry, tallowchandler 218 north Eighth Quigley James, waterman 6 Little Water Quigley Mary, widow Mary's alley Quin Andrew, hairdresser and tavernkeeper S W cor. Passviink 5c Shippen, (sign Gen, Wayne) \s€e Queen


RAM whitely's annual

Quin Felix, grocer Cedar above Tenth

Quin Francis, carpenter 30 south Fifth

Quin John, labourer, back 74 south Fifth

Quin William, shoemaker, back 262 Cedar

Quinn Barnet, grocer, Queen S W cor. Swanson

Quinn Charles, grocer S W cor. Argyle and Swanson

Quinn Roger, waterman Crown near Frankford road

Qmudlen Mark, pilot 10 Mary above Front

Quine James, waiter 81 south Front ^

Quine Jonathan, 10 Cypress alley

Quinlin Margaret, widow 148 north Front

Quinlin William, hatter Lily alley below Green

Quinlin William, Nonnater's court

Quinter Thomas, Pegg street

Quinton Thomas, gluemaker Pegg st. bel. New market

tQuire Peter, labourer Pryor's alley

JQuonn Abigail, teacher, back 269 Spruce

RABJOHN JOHN, tailor 229 St. John

Rabjohn Wilham, cordwainer, back 207 St, John

Raborun Ellen, widow 97 Queen

Raborg Mary, Mrs. 36 north Seventh

Rabsom Mary, widow, boardinghouse 292 High

Racy William, mariner, back 64 Catharine

Radcliff John, mastmaker Carpenter above Front

Radford Elizabeth, widow 411 south Front

Radford George, gardener 25 Prosperous alley

Rae Roheit, mate of vessel 33 Almond

Raetle Charles, tallowchandler Crown n. Frankford r

Rafert Mr. gentleman 393 Spruce

Rafield John, accountant 110 Union

Raffert Thomas, carter, Lombard cor. Eleventh

Rafferty Patrick, weaver, back 106 Plum

Rager Tahtha, widow 6 Hoffman's alley

Ra^uet Condy, merchant 187 Chesnut

Ram Elizabeth, widow, back 117 Callowhill

Rainey John, carter. Filbert W. Sch. Fifth

Rakestraw John, tailor 279 south Front

Rakestraw Joseph, printer and bookseller 254 and 256

north Third Ralston Archibald, labourer, Jones west Sch. Fifth Ralston Harvey, labourer Pine alley above Twelfth Ralston Matthew G. mer. 103 S. Front— d h 161 Walnut Ralston Robt. merchant 189 Mulberry, counting house

103 south Front Ralston Robert, jr. accountant Church st. Ralston Sarah, widow 446 north Front Ramage Adam, printer'sjoiner and cabinetmaker— shop

Library d h 6 Elizabeth Ramage Emily, schoolmistiess 127 north Sixth


Rambo David, cordwainer, back 114 German

Hambo Hannah, widow of Daniel, 43 Green

Rambo John, smith, Harmony court d h 35 Spruce

Rambo Peter, shipwright, Hanover near Bedford

Rambrie Benner, grocer N W cor. Ninth and Cherry

Ramsay Thomas, cordwainer. Upper Ferry road

Ramsey Alexander, carpenter 175 Cherry [see Rumsey

Ramsey Barbara, widow 154 south Fifth

Ramsey Sarah, 27 Coates ^

Ramsey Stophel, 461 Race

Ramsdale Susannah, tayloress Cauffman's court

Ramshardt Frederick, baker Old York r. cor. Pop. 1.

Rand B. H. professor of penmanship 3i south Sixth

Randall Archibald, attorney at law 122 south Fourth

Randall A, storekeeper 43 south Second

Randall Jacob, gunsmith 31 Coates

Randall Joseph, carpenter 103 south Ninth

Randall Josiah, attorney at law 80 W ilnut

Randall Matthew, city clerk, office City-hall— dh 89

Walnut Randall Margaret, widow, 167 south Fifth Randels Mary, widow, back 291 Arch Randolph Edward, gentleman 126 north Second Randolph Edward, jun. merchant 241 High d h 214

north Fourth Randolph G. F. merchant 241 High— d h 190 Arch

below Eighth tRandolph Joseph, painter, &c. 212 Cedar Randolph Francis, labourer Frank, road cor. Bedford Randolph William, lumber merchant 223 N. Water—

d h Juliana above Wood Rang Henry, labourer Mulberry alley near Eighth Rang John, teacher, corner West and Hanover Ranken Alexander, cordwainer 183 St. John Ranken & Adams, grocers 49 Chesnut Ranken David, grocer 49 Chesnut Ranken George ^ Son, cabinetmakers 113 south Front Ranken George, jun. shoemaker 106 north Eighth Ranken William N. Fourth above Noble Rankin & Weir, grocery and tavern 84 Plum Ransford Elizabeth, widow 112 Swanson Raphune Christopher, baker Grissel's alley «

Raphune John, tailor George above Eleventh Rapp John, 94 Christian

Rapp Joseph 47 north Third d h 138 north Fourth Rasber John, chairmaker 33 Catharine Raser Charles, druggist 1 Plum cor. Passyunk & Fifth Raser Abigail, widow 41 Cherry Raser Matthias, printer S W cor. Fifth and Cherry—

d h 41 Cherry Raser Thomas M. teacher S W cor. Fifth and Cherry

d h 89 Locust Rass George, carter Sch. Fifth above Spruce

REA whitely's annual

Raster William, tavernkeeper S W cor. Arch and 10th Ratsheller A. black and wt.itesmith 360 north Third Rauch John C G tailor 1 Watson's alley Rauffiii!)art Peter, oaker, back 1 No!:nater's court Rav'.ly JoiiTi, labourer Sch. Fourth, Peniitown Ravesif^s Frcuerick, merchant 164 High d h corner of

Minor aii(i Fifth Rawle William, counsellor at law, office 116 and d h

112 iouth Third Rawle William, jun. attorney at law 46 south Sixth Rawlings Thomas, shoemaker 54 Moyamensing road Rawlins Nathan, shopkeeper 15 Sliippen cor. Verncn RaworthlM.iry, widow 33 Almond Ray Adeline, widow, Warren st. Ray Anthony, grocer Carpenter (S) ab. Second Ray David, tanner 32 Charlotte Ray David, wheel vvrigV)t Frank, road above Queen Rav Jonathan, hatter 5 Elbow lane \_see Rea

Ray Lyilia Mrs. Sch. Seventli bel. Race Ray Margaret & Co. storekeepers 3 north Second Ra> M.:ses, merchant 135 south Water d h 295 south

Front Ray Rachel, widow, Vine above Thirteenth Ray Sarah, widow 166Swanson Ray Thomas, drayman. Say st. tRay Thomas, waiter Middle alley Ray William, carter Thirteenth above Filbert Raybold Joshua, justice of the peace, office 179 Shippen

d h 51 Fitzwalter Raybold Jacob A druggist, &c. 336 High Raybold Thomas, Windsor chairmaker Arch W. Sch. 3d Raymer John, ostler 389 north Front tR'aymond Andrew, hairdresser 74 Dock Raymond Espagnel, storekeeper 148 Cedar tR'aymond Jacob, waiter 198 Cherry Raymond Mary, widow 335 north Third Rayner John, mariner 8 Arg^le Rayner Nathan, carpenter North st. Rea Alexander, umbrellamaker 38 south Third Rea Daniel, sea captain 30 Biidd Rea George, sign painter 6 Hvde's court Rea John, upholsterer 153 Chesnut [see Ray Isf Wray Rea William, blacksmith, intersection of Ger. road and

Second st. Read Alexander, china merchant 304 High d h 37 S

Tenth Read Christian, grocer 48 Budd

Read EUmelech, grocer and bottler. Christian ab. 4th Read George, mariner Davison's alley Read & Gray, china merchants 304 High Read Helena, widow Prime above Second Read Henry, grocer Poplar lane above Third Read Isaac, watchmaker N W corner Vine & Second


Read James, merchant 1 North alley corner Fifth

Read James, 81 Walnut ' ' [see Reed Isf Reid

Read John, shoemaker 100 Wood

Read John, umbrella maker 37 south Second

Read John, counsellor at law and president Philadelphia

bank, 176 Chesnut Read John M. attorney at law 176 Chesnut tRead Peter, woodsawyer Spafford Read Robert, cordwainer 63Penn Read Richard, ship master 566 S. 2d above Wharton Read Samuel, drygoods store 45 north Second tRead Susan, widow 3 Atkinson's court Read Wm. bookbinder 75 Green Read Wm. merchant 64 Dock and 15 Sansom Read Wm. I., saddler &c. 5o and d h 121 Callowhiil Reading John, tinplate worker 40 Ann (N. L.) Reading Rebecca, widow Dean's alley Reakart John, grocer 439 north Second Reakirt Jacob, dep. keeper of the prison 599 north 2d Reall Joseph, umbrella maker, back 22 Callowhiil Reall Michael, cai-penter Marlborough near Bedford Reall Samuel, corder Britton's wharf d h 246 N. Front Reamer John, victualler Frank, road near Sorrel horse Reamer Matthew, shipwright Shakamaxon n. Bedford Reamer Sarah, widow Shakamaxon near Queen Reap Andrew, cordwainer 184 Browne Reap Philip, carpenter 100 Budd Reapsher Bernard, skindresser, back 267 Race Reasen Abraham, labourer 5 Atkinson's court Rease Francis, pewterer Thirteenth above Filbert Reaver Kezia, schoolmistress, Cherr,* near Queen Ressen Samuel, waiter, 16 Burd's court Reccles Anthony, ropemaker Carpenter (S.) bel. 5th Reckhow Daniel, shipwright Frankford below Queen Reckhow Isaac, cabinetmaker Frankford bel. Queen Reckitt Joseph, lumber inspector 6 Branner's alley Rechel George, grocer 290 north Third street Rechel Jacob, sugar refiner 5 Croivn Reckefus David, cordwainer 3 Harmony court Reddingev Jacob, cordwainer Steinmetz's court (N.L.) Redferr Robert, 403 High

Redhair Martin, cordwainer Lawrence above Wood Redheffer Charles, millwright 6cc. back 7 Whitehall st. Redles Adam, turner 10 Strawberry alley Redlion Henry, labourer Sixth below Fitz waiter Redman Barnabas, printer 123 south Sixth Redman James, teacher Sch. academy High n. Sch. 6th Redman John, bricklayer 11 Small Redman M. shopkeeper 28 south Fourth Redman Thomas, gentleman 188 Chesuut Redstreke J- cabinetmaker 54 Dock Reed Adam, baker 586 south Front below Federal Reed Alexander W. grocer S W comer Cedar 6c 6th



REE whitely's annual

Reed Alexander, labourer German, road above Second

Reed Alexander, labourer, back 294 south Third

Reed Ann, widow nurse 106 Cedar

Reed Ann, widow, washerwoman, back 321 Race

Reed & Beideiman, drygoods store 156 north Second

Reed David, sen. Camden (N. J.)

Reed Frederick, clock and watchmaker 150 High

d h 11 north Twelfth Reed Hannah, of David, jun, huckster Camden (N. J.) Reed Isaac, watchmaker N W cor. Second andPme

d h 55 south Seventh Reed James, huckster Camden (N. J.) Reed Joel, labourer Camden (N. J.) Reed John, morocco dresser, back 108 north Seventh Reed John, merchant 164 north Fifth Reed John, mate, 74 Penn street fReed John, shoemaker, 46 Small Reed Joseph, counsellor at law and recorder for the city

of Philadelphia 187 Spruce Reed Joseph, labourer Rose below (rreen Reed Martha, widow 10 Frazier's court Reed Michael, storekeeper 156 N. 2d— -d h 53 New st. Reed Robert, tavernkeeper N W cor. Ririge r. & VMne Reed Robert, shoemaker 63 Penn Reed Samuel, grocer S E corner of Mary 8c Second St. Reed Samuel, tailor 24 Vv^atson's alley Reed Sarah, wiJow Relief alley

Reed Thomas, weaver Germantown road below Third Reed Wm, tailor 68 south Water and 69 south Front Reed Wm. bookbinder Davis's court above Buttonwood Reed Wm. saddler Lvndall's court Reeder Isaac N. Y. st.ge office 39 S. 3d— d h 87 New Reel J >hn, smith Second near Laurel Reel John, labourer Fourth above Poplar Reel Michael, carpenter Bedford near Marlborough Reemer Frederick, grocer 10 Elizabeth street Reemer Jrhn, victualler Frankford road near Prince Reemer Matthew, shipwright Sirakamaxon near Queen Reemer Susan, weaver Fraiikford road corner Otter Reep John, cordwainer Crown near West (K.) Rees Bernard, drygoods store, 122 north Second- Rees Charles B. cordwainer 277 south Second Rees Eleanor, storekeeper 27 Coates alley Rees Evan, stirrup filer, back 385 Race Ret'S Ezekiel, innkeeper S W corner Front & Callowhill Reese George, boot and shoemaker 276 south Second Rees George, toll collector Sch. Permanent bridge Rees Geoi^e, victualler Vine W. of Broad stall 73

New market, south Second Rees George, furrier, 264 south Front Rees Henry, smith, back 401 Race Rees Henry, tailor 75 north Fourth comer New street Reese Henry, cordwainer Cadwalader


Reese Jacob, cedar cooper 77 Race [see Rees and Bice

Reese Jacob, merchant, 195 High— d h 399 Arch

fReese Jane, widow 208 south Seventh

Reese John, grocer, 115 Hace [see Rei/s, Rhees l3^ Reiss

Reese Joseph, late bottler Vine above Twelfth

Reese Margaret, widow 464 north Third

fReese Priscilla, washerwoman, Hopkins' court

Rees Margaret, nurse, back 38 Charlotte

Rees Mary, widow 35 Plum

Rees Mrs. shopkeeper 103 ^outh Fifth

Rees Peter, milkman Gray's ferry road below Cedar

Rees Wm. carter S W corner Wood and Eighth

Reess Martin, one of the high constables, Enuiskillen

inn) 97 south Fifth Reess Samuel, bricklayer Currant alley Reeve Hosea, labourer Sch. 5th below High Reeve Isaac, carpenter Torr's court Reeve Jacob, bricklayer 12th below Spruce Reeve Ruth, widow 208 north Fourth Reeve S. A. principal of Franklin acad. back 77 Arch Reeves Aaron, wheelwright 5 Liberty alley Reeves Benjamin, inn md ferry Camden (iS. J.) Reeves Enos, shoemaker back 291 Arch Reeves Isaac, carpenter, Torr's court Reeves J. C. cordwainer 16 Jones's alley Reeves Joshua, cordwainer, back 322 south Third street Reeves Nehemiah, cordwainer, 3 Little Pine Reeves Sarah, inn and ferry, north side High st. wharf Reeves Thomas, jun. grocer N W corner Second and

Arch d h 23 Arch Reeves Thomas, millwright 149 Walnut Reeves Timothy, oysterman 271 north Front Reffert Ursula, widow, sign Rising Sun, 133 Race Reiord Elizabeth, storekeeper 24 south Tnird Regiii Abraham, silverplatcv Deval's court Rek^h Joseph, merchant 208 Higii Regnaud A. broker, &c. N E cor. Front and Walnut

d h 21 Key's alley Regnault C. F. paperhanger 218 Lombard Regnault George, paperhanger 220 Lombard Reiui Casper, mercliant 63 New Rehn Eve, widow 62 New Reiin George and Co. brewers 68 New Reiui George, brewer 256 Third above Callcwhill , Rehn Joim, brewer 60 New

Rcid Alexander J. grocer 251 S. Third corner Shippen Reid Adam, grocer and bottler 320 south Second Rcid Cntharine, widow, storekeeper 25 Callowhill Reid John, dry goods store 2 N. Fifth [sec- Read is" Reed Reid Patrick, house &sign painter and glazier 46 S. 5th Reiley James, tailor 29 Currant alley Reiiley Bernard, bottler 157 S. Front & 156 S. Water Heilley Hugh, boardinghouse 140 n^j^Water

REN whitely's annual

Reilley James, oysterfrian 8 Dcjck

Reilley Wm. watchman, Popiar lane near Fourth

Reilly Bernard, shopkeeper 316 Race

Reily John, grocer 15 Strawberry

Reilly Matthew, cordwainer 26f2 south Fourth

Reilly Owen, plasterer 34 Washington street

Reilly Paul, bottler and tavernkeeper 39 S. Water

Reinboth Fred, gexton St. John's church, back 130 N.5th

Reinboth George, carpenter 8 Mulberry alley

Reineck Elizabeth, widow seedswoman Prime ab. 8th

Reineck Lewis, biscuit baker 9 Penn and 91 S. wharves %

Reinhard C wheelwright I'idmash street

Reinhard Elizabeth, widow 97 Cherry st.

Reinhart Christian, victualler Frank, r. n. stone bridge

Reinhart George V. coach painter, &c. 158 Vine

Reinhart Godfrey, labourer 81 New

Reinhart Henry, carter Broad above Race

Reinhart Theresa, widow Tidmash below Eleventh

Reinhart Washington, teacher 13 Juniper lane

Reinhert John H. watchman N E cor. 8th and Cherry

Reinholdt Mary, widow 86 north Fifth

Reins John, mariner 83 Penn

Reisinger George, cordwainer Miller's court '(N. L.)

Reiter John, glover 239 north Second

Relf Samuel, editor of the Philadelphia Gazette, office

97 south Second Rementer Anthony, gardener Irish lane Rementer Peter, carpenter Passyunk below Prime Remmey John, shoemaker Poplar lane near St. John Remick Znoch, mastmaker 91 Swanson Remick John, shoemaker 91 Swanson Remington C. lumber merchant N W cor. 6th & Vine

d h 192 north Sixth Remington Eliza, widow 37 Christian Remington Jane, widow, back 282 Arch Remington Job B. lumber merchant, yard Water above

Vine d h 42 New Market st. Remington John A. lumber merchant Water above Vine

d h 42 New Market Remson John H watchman 1 Knight's court Renaud Ann, 6 Powell street Renaud Peter, broker 220 south Fifth Renguenet Don Bartol, Spanish consul 69 Spruce Renn Frederick, labourer 582 south Front bel. Federal Rennel Michael, oysterhouse 196 Callowhill Renshaw Benjamin, merchant 40 Dock d h 115 S. 4th Renshaw Ann, widow 90 Union Renshaw Frances, boarding house 183 Walput Renshaw Richard, justice of the peace and notary public

office 304 and d h 302 south Second Renshaw William, (Mansion house hotel, adjoining the

Washington hall) 122 south Third Renouf Nicholas, tailor 29 Franklin


Reppard Sarah, widow, nurse 17 German Repsher Leonard, drayman George N. L. near Third Repsher Jacob, saw maker, back 19 north Eighth Repsher Peter, brassfounder Beaver near Second Repsor Adam, vict. St. John above Poplar lane j-Rex Diana, widow, Mark's lane Rex Francis, blacksmith Ridge road above Francis' lane Rex George, (Lime Market) 271 Vine corner Eighth Rex William, mariner, back 13 German Reynegan Francis W. shipmaster 450 south Front Reynolds & Adgate, grocers 21 south Third Reynolds Ann, widow, 41 south Eighth Reynolds Benjamin, cooper, guager, and head inspectoi of salt provi.'.ions 7 N wharves d h 13 north Water Reynolds David, tanner 87 Budd above Laurel Reynolds Elias, carpenter 58 Almond street Reynolds George, carter 6th below Fitz waiter Reynolds James, tailor 308 south Front fReynolds John, labourer Quince below I^ocust Reynolds Jos. grocer 21 S Third— d h 20 New Market Reynolds Joshua, blacksmith Prime above Front Reynolds Margaret, widow, 33 Coates Reynolds Mary, widow, cor. German and Passyunk r, Reynolds Robert, shoemaker 4 Prosperous alley- Reynolds Samuel, merchant tailor 48 south Third Reynolds William, shipjoiner 1 Mary (S)

Reynolds , widow, Camden (N J)

Rhamp Susannah, widow, 17 Wagner's alley Rheem Jacob, flour mercht. 373 High N E cor. Tenth Rhees Ann, widow of Morgan, Loxley's court Rhees John L. leather store 177 S 2d d h Loxley's ct. Rhinehart Joseph, cordwainer 262 south Fourth street Rhoads 8c Jeanes, lumber merchantSj High near Per- manent bridge d h High W. Sch. Sixth' Rhoads Daniel J. merchant High W. Sch. Sixth Rhoads Hannah, widow, 2 Wood street fRhodes John, labourer Brown above Fourth Rhodes Joseph, glass manuf. Spruce W.Sch. Second Rhodes Samuel, merchant 42 S Front {_see Roads

Rhil Henry, carpenter Marlboro' near Prince Rhil Richard, farmer Palmer near the Frankf. road Rhume Henry, baker 447 south Front Rianhard John, merchant 179 High Riblett Pierrie, grocer 37 Passyunk road Rice Ann, teacher 53 Almond Rice Ann, seamstress, back 188 St. John Rice Edward, carter 3 Liberty alley tRice George, coachman Shippen west of Seventh Rice John, cordwainer Sch. Eighth near Vine Rice John, hsherman Queen near Wood Rice John, sea captain 39 Passyunk road Rice John P. fisherman Queen above Bishop

RIC whitely's annual

Rice Joseph, blacksmith Old York road— d h 28 Old

York road Rice Margaret, widow, back 28 Spruce Rice Martin, ladies' shoemaker Queen n. Frankf. r. (K) Rice & M'Donald, grocers N W cor. Arch & Fourth Rice Michael, grocer N W cor. Arch and Fourth Rice Peter, fislierman Queen near Wood Rice Robert, rectifier of liquors, High west of Sch. 5th Rice Sarah, widow 71 Gaskill tRice Thomas, waiter 328 south Third street Rice WilHam, innkeeper 337 north Front Rice William, drayman 41 Browne street Rice Wm. jr. labourer 165 Coates above Fourth Rice, widow of John, fisherman Queen near Wood fRice W^Ti. coachman, back 119 north Tenth Rich George, groct r 477 north Third Rich Henry, watchman 12 Paschal's alley Richard Augustus G. mangier 90 Cherry below Sixth 'iichardett Catharine, widow of Saml. jun. 298 S Front J Richards Adam, ropemakerShakamaxon n. Bedford (K) lichards Ann, teacher 31 Crown 'Richards Ann, widow, 177 north Sixth Richards Azell, blacksmith, back 192 north Eighth ' lichards Catharine, tavernkeeper 57 south Water Richards Enoch, 88 Cherry and 127^ Arch lichards & Godley, merchants 53 High •Richards Henry, bootcleaner 18 Lombard lichards Jesse, lottery & exchange office 21 Pine ■Richards John, milkman Sch. Second above Race Richards John> labourer, back 572 south Second street Richards Joseph, grocer N E corner 2d and Arch Richards Joseph, white and red lead manuf. 352 High Richards Mark, iron merchant 125 and 127 north 3d Richards Mary, widow, Shakamaxon below Prince Richards Mary, Miss, washerwoman N 3d above Otter tRichards Myers, dealer 83 south Front jRichards Nicholas, barber 257 Catharine Richards Peter, tailor Carpenter below Second Richards Rachel, widow, 206 north Front Richards Richard, drayman south Fifth below Queen Richards Samuel, fancy brushfinisher 44 Old York r.

shop cor. 5tii and Callowhill Richards Samuel, lime merchant 3 Dock Richards Samuel, iron merchant 111 north Water d h

347 Arch Richards Thomas, mercht. 151 N 3d, & 106 north 4th Richards Thomas, grocer 8 Bonsall fRichards Thomas, waiter Little Oak street Richards Wm, H. china merchant 20 south Third Richards W\ & S. R. watchmakers and silversmiths 136

south Front Richards Wm. Shakamaxon near the Frankford road


Richards William, carpenter, back of 405 Race Richards William, founder Alder alley Richardson Elizabeth Mrs. JO St. Mary street Richardson Elizabeth, Crown above Prince Richardson Elkanah, waterman 25 Parham's alley jRichardson Flora, widow, 55 Currant alley Richardson Hannah, grocer 31 Prime street fRichardson Jacob, methodist minister, back 85 Small Richardson Jared, carpenter Broad above Arch Richardson John, bookseller, &c. 224 and d h 359 High Richardson John, labourer 24 Federal Richardson John, Frankford road n. the Sorrel Horse Richardson John, smith 108 north Seventh fRichardson John, woodsawyer 118 German Richardson Jonas, hatter Camden (N J) Richardson Joseph, assayer in the mint 359 High Richardson Mary, widow, umbrella manuf. 41 S Third Richardson Mary, widow, 7 Gaskill street ■fRichardson Nicholas, labourer, back 24 Small Richardson Oliver, cordwainer Kunckel street Richardson Robert, smith, 8cc. Cresson's court Richardson R. B. bnishfinisher and bellowsmaker 251

Callowhill fRichardson Samuel, carter Bonsall Richardson Thomas, shipwright 31 Prime Richardson Thomas, 4 Biddle*s alley Richardson Westall. cutler 6c grinder 19 north Ninth Richardson William, carpenter 92 Gaskill Richardson Wm, umbrella manuf. 6 south Third Richardson, widow, 7 Springett alley Riche George, grocer 477 N Fhird cor. Poplar lane Richey Henry M. cabinetmaker Poplar lane ab. St. John Richman Isaac Oak near Coates Richman John, carver and gilder 378 north Front Richman William, shipwright 261 St. John Richmond Isaac, carpenter 107 Cherry ^lley Richmond John, boxmaker 79 Plum Richmond Mary, widow, 94 north Ninth tRichmond Peter, hatter 417 N 4th above Coates f Richmond Philip, carter Old York road Richter Charles, 398 north Front Rickel John, ropemaker Crown n. the Frankford road Ricketts George, tobacconist, back 5 Fetter lane Ricketts Isaac, labourer 23 Parham's alley Ricketts Solomon, coachman Warner's court Rickson Andrew, rigger 69 Queen (S) Rickstine John, morocco dresser 423 north Third Rickstine Mrs. widow. West near Palmer Ridabock Lewis, farmer Passyunk r. above Federal Ridabock P. blacksmith 18 and d h 12 south Fifth Riday John, brickmaker Coates above Eighth Riddit Mary, widow, 115 north Water Ridles Adam, turner 475 north Second

KIH whitely's annual

Riddle Jacob, Point-no-Point road

Riddle James, weaver Twelfth below Pine

Riddle James, carpenter 15 Pine alley

Riddle James, bookbinder Carpenter (S) below Sixth

Riddle Johanna, widow, 593 south Second

Riddle John, innkeeper 126 Queen (S) [see Reedle

Riddle Mary, boardinghouse 69 Chesnut

Riddle Samuel, boot and shoemaker 137 north Front

Rider Andrew, japanner Jones west of Sch. Fifth

"{"Rider Deborah, widow Bradford's alley

Ricler John, labourer 19 Mary's alley

Ride\ Samuel, victualler Pleasant above Charles

RidgVay Benj. S. millwright Frankford road ab. Queen

Ridgway Jac-b &. Thomas, flour mcrchts.ol N Water

Ridgway Jacob, jua. flour merchant 51 north Water

d h 31 Arch Ridgwa> Jacob, gentleman 183 Chesnut Ri igway John, bricklayer 76 north Ninth Ridgwav Joseph F. flour merchant 55 north Water— dk

107 New a

Ridgway Joseph, merchant tailor 57 north Second Ridgway Miss Rebecca, boardinghonse 141 Arch Ridguay Richards, grocer Old Yoi-k r. S W ror. Coates Ridgwav Thomas S. conveyancer..&c. 8 south Fiftii &

182 Vine -

^ Riebsam John, grocer 290 north 2d d h 37 Noble Riecheis August H. baker Germ r. above first gate Rienk Wm tamper, cor. 4th & Noble— d h 75 N 4th RiehleMrs. widow, 150 High

R:eley John, sea captain 40 south Sixth \_see Riley

Rier Peter, Water near Callowhill Riesch Henry, late grocer 71 nortii Fiftli Riffctt Jacob, victualltT Rugan near James— stall 70

New market, south Second RifFord Brighty, widow, Brusstar's court Riffiu'fi Peter, \-ictualler James above Hugan Rifff.rd Matthias, rigger Shakam axon near Queen Rifford, widow. Beach near Shakam axon Riekie Wm. shipwright 545 south Second street Rigby Agnes, widow 17 Jones* alley Rigby Henry, late cabinetmaker 15 Race Rigden Christiana, widow, milliner 205 south Second Riggins Rachel, widow. Oak below Hayscaleii (N L) Rigler John, vict. 12th bel. Vine stall 13 new shambles Rigler Margaret Mrs. 477 Sassafras . Rigler Stephen, vict Frankford road near first gate Rignault Clare F. & G. paperhangers 218 Lombai-d Rignault Francis, paper!ianger 218 south Seventh Rihl Heiiiy, shipwright Marlborough above Piince Rihl Henry, cai-y^enter 486 north 1 bird Rihl Henry, pilot 39 Christian [see Reel ^ Richie

Kx'r.X Sarah, widow of Jacob, Frankf. r. near Prince Rihl Susanna, widow, 503 north Third


Riland & Co. bell founders 48 south Fifth

Riland WilHam, rev. 90 Crown

Riland Wm. bell founder 48 S 5th— d h 1 Green's ct.

Rile WiUiam, tavernkeeper 69 Race

Riley Ann, widow, 2 Fearris' court

Riley Charles, chairmaker Fearris' court

Riley Charles, chairmaker Poplar lane above Front

Riley Isaac, bookseller 8 Decatur d h S W cor. Ches-

nut and Eleventh Riley James, labourer China above Front tRiley James, oysterman 5 Little Dock Riley John, shipmaster 40 south Sixth Riley John, coachman 10 Filbert Riley John, coachman Thirteenth below High Riley Joseph S. currier 171 north 3d d h 85 Vine N E

corner Third Riley M. china packer Myer's court tRiley Mrs. widow, Barroa Riley Peter, printer 5 Pleasant avenue Riley Sarah, widow, 408 north Front Riley Thomas, tisherman Wood above Prince Riley Tobias, baker 341 Race

Riley Wm. silverplater 108 north 6th— d h 113 N 5th Riley Wm. watchman Poplar lane n. 4th \_see Rtiley tRiley William, barber 316 south Third street Rimer Thomasj late cordwainer 10 Carter's alley Rinacke Margaret Mrs Juniper below Walnut Rind Dennis, gardener 221 Shippen street Rine Lewis, tailor Z? Franklin Rinedoller H^nry, shipcarpenter 385 north Front Rinedoller Jacob & Son, mastmakers Oak below Coates Rinedoller Jacob, shipwright 385 north Front Rinedoller Jacob, jun. mastraaker, yard Oak n. Coates

d h 9 Duke Rinehart John, blacksmith 498 south Second Rinehart Michael, cordwainer 36 Juliana Ring Mary, widow, Locust below Thirteenth Ring Rachel, nurse Galbreath's court Ringler Julia Mrs. 21 W^agner's alley Rink Jacob, blacksmith, back 263 St. John Rink Wm, b. & J. merchants 183 south Second RinkerSaml. sailingmaster Franklin 74, 11 Federal Rinsimer Christian, carter Hano\er above Prince Rivrdan Jeremiah, dealer 394 north Front Ripkey Joseph, cotton weaving manuf. Poplar bel. 4th fRipley Peter, sawyer 128 Plum street (back) Ripperger Conrad, bleeder and leecher 35 Cherry Risbrough John, drygoods store 239 south Second Risdel P. widow, upfier 157 Pine J

Rising Eli, domestic warehouse 65 north Fourth /-^

Risley Norman, shoemaker S. Fifth near Carpenter i^ <'^>

Risley Richard S. late grocer 160 south Tenth >^' ' J'

Riatiiie Jacob, tailor 387 north Front ./. - j

2 E / ,. i4

ROB whitely's annual

Ristine Jacob, la.bourer West above Palmer

Ristine John, victualler West above Palmer

Ritchie Mrs. widow, back lower 58 south Second

Riter George, livery stable keeper 150 Sassafras

Riter Matthias, paver Ann street (P T.)

Riter Michl. mercht. 180 Callowhill & 6th bel. Wood

Ritle John, ropemaker Crown near West

Ritman Daniel, labourer, back 171 Green

Rittenhouse Benjamin, mathematical instrument maker

258 Arch Rittenhouse Henry, carpenter 77 Crown Rittenhouse Peter, vict. 89 New shambles High street Ritter Abraham, merchant 333 High Ritter Ann, widow, 24 north Fifth Ritter Edward, chairmaker 313 north Third Ritter George, cabinetmaker 72 north Fourth Ritter Henry, baker 129 south Fourth Ritter Jacob, storekeeper 70 north Front Ritter Jacob, jun. merchant 333 High Ritter J. &A. merchants 333 High yee Rutler iS^ Riter Ritter John, painter & glazier High W\ Perman't. bridge Ritter Wm. bricklayer Coates above Seventh Rittison Adam, ropemaker Marlboro' above Prince Rittison Catharine, %vidow, Crown near West (K.) Rivel Adam, carpenter, south Fiftlf below Christian Rivel George, shipwinght 55 Moyamensing [see Revel Rivel John, carter 22 Charlotte

Rivers Jos. tmplate worker 26 High d h 17 Kunckel Roads Henry, carter Lombard near Schuylkill Roads John, labourer Lombard nearSch. {_s€e Rhoads fRoach Benjamin, porter 112 Christian Roach John, bookbinder 10 noith Front fRoach Mary, washerwoman 233 south 8tk ab. Cedar Roach Nicholas, labourer 115 Green fRoach Sarah, widow, Shippen below Fifth Roat Alice Mrs. 2 Pratt's court Roat Jacob, cedar cooper Ridge road above Vine Roat Jacob, cordwainer Davis's court Roat Richard P. cordwainer Davis's court Robard Joseph, merchant 177^ High Roan Christopher, labourer Prince near Crown Robb Alexander, letter carrier 3 Powell Robb Catharine, widow, Germantown road near Rose Robb James, cabinetmaker 10 Plum Robb James, letter carrier 4 Elbow lane Robb John, labourer Browne near Cherry Robb John, carter Locust above Hazel alley Robb & Winebrener, merchant tailors 100 Chesnut

Robbins , chairmaker Hyde's court

Robbins Benjamin, carpenter cor. 7th 8c Buttonwood 1. fRobbins Diana, washerwoman Mint court Robbins|lbaiali, mariner Prime above Second Robbins James, shipptiascer Appletree ay. near Fifth


Hobbins Job, weaver Fourth above Poplar lane

Robbins John, carter Fourth above Tammany

Robbins & Smith, merchants 173 High

Robbins Samuel J. mercht. 173 High— d h 122 N. Fifth

Robbins Sarah, widow, 9 Little Water

Robbins Wm. mariner 3 Buril's alley

Robbins Enoch, bricklayer Filbert W. Sch. Eighth

Robedeau Lewis, 270 south Fifth

Robeno Andrew, tailor 34 Almond

Robeno Jno. & Andw. tailors 150 S. Water— d h 38Penn

Roberson Benjamin, mariner St. John above Poplar lane

Roberts Abigail, widow, 91 Christian

fRoberts Ahce, back 157 south Eleventh

Roberts Amos, tax collector 64 south Eleventh

Roberts Ann, bonnetmaker 314 south Second

Roberts Ann, widow. Christian below Fourth

fRoberts Biddy, widow, 29 Prosperous alley

tRoberts Bowden, labourer 249 Spruce

Roberts Catharine, cakebaker 78 north Ninth

Roberts Charles F. gentleman 250 Chesnut

Roberts Charles, lumber merchant Oak below Coates

d h 174 Mulberry Rol:)erts Charles, carpenter o75 north Fourth tRoberts Curtis, labourer, back 29 Union Roberts D;\niel, carpenter, back 416 Race fRoberts Daniel, woodsawyer, back 66 Small Roberts Daniel, painter &c. 314 south Second Roberts Daniel, harness & fire bucketmaker 123 New Roberts Edward, carpet weaver below 538 N. Third Roberts Eliza, widow, 5 Acorn alley Roberts Elihu, house painter, 8cc. 38 south Fifth Roberts Enoch, hardware & fancy goods store 17 N. 3d fRoberts Flora, widow 18 Cypress alley Roberts Frances, widow of Michael, 212 Walnut fRoberts Francis, waiter 161 Lombard Roberts George, carpenter Rose alley Roberts George, merchant 252 Chesnut Roberts Helen, widow 70 Union Roberts Henry, plasterer, back 168 south Fifth fRoberts Henry, porter Middle alley Roberts Hugh, 65 south Eleventh Roberts Israel, coppersmith 132 north Third Roberts Jacob, shoemaker 40 Queen (S.) fRoberts Jacob, labourer Spruce W. Sch. Fifth Roberts James, cordwainer 48 Penn Roberts Jemima, widow 256 Lombard Roberts John, sea captain 352 south Front Roberts John, chairmaker 33 German Roberts John, grain measurer Tenth below Pine Roberts John, accountant 19 Keys' alley Roberts John, cabinetmaker 25 north Eighth Roberts Jonathan, carpenter 38 Kunckel Koberts Joseph, teller in Girard's bank 168 Arch

ROB whitely's annual

Roberts Joseph J. teacher of mathematics and natural

philosophy, Friends' academy, south Fourth Robsrts Joseph, back 33 German Roberts Joseph, accountant 77 Cherry Roberts Joseph, labourer, back 419 north Front Roberts Joseph, tailor 15 Summer's court Roberts Leonard, leather capmaker Galbreath's court Roberts Lewis, grocer N E corner Front and Cedar Roberts Margaret, widow, back 17 Passyunk road Roberts Mary, widow, back 9 Crown Roberts Mary, teacher 128 Cherry Roberts Mordecai, innkeeper 94 north Second Roberts Rachel, widow 12 north Fourth Roberts Robert, 223 north Eighth Roberts Robert, carpet weaver 219 north Eighth Roberts Robert, porter Middle alley Roberts Samuel, dep. keep, of the prison 296 Vine Roberts Sarah, widow, 93 Christian fRoberts Selah, mariner Little Oak st. Roberts Septimus, lumber merchant Oak above Noble Roberts Seth, carpenter 56 Moyamensing road Roberts Sylvester, printer 2 Decatur— d h 328 S. 2d Roberts Tacy, widow of Algernon, 123 north Ninth Roberts Thomas, merchant N E cor. High and Water

d h 250 Chesnut Roberts Thomas, joiner 69 Lombard Roberts Thomas P. merchant 25 north Twelfth Roberts Thomas, cordwainer 150 Lombard Roberts Thomas S. accountant 128 Cherry above 7th Roberts Thomas, carpenter, back 126 south Sixth Roberts Thomsine, widow 250 Chesnut Roberts W. D. upholsterer 18 south Twelfth Roberts Wm. carpenter 74 south Fifth tRoberts Wm. waiter, back 158 Lombard Robertson Elizabeth, widow 60 Catharine Robertson Gilbert, British consul 158 S. Ninth— office

32^ Walnut Robertson James, merchant 11 Franklin row Robertson Rebecca, widow, teacher 88 Spruce Robertson Thomas, victualler 8th near Buttonwood Robertson Wm. mercht. 60 S. wharves d h 100 S. Front Robertson Wm. chairmaker, back 108 Filbert Robidou Anthony, 11 Minor Robinett Elizabeth, widow, back 92 Gaskill Robinett Richard, merchant 5 Powell Robins Thomas, merchant 294 High Robinson Anthony W. carpenter 26 Cheater Robinson Arthur, 253 Race Robinson Benjamin, carter cor. Laurel and Budd Robinson Benjamin, rigger St. John above Poplar lane Robinson Charles, sailmaker, back 107 Catharine Robnison Charles, carpenter 93 Queen Robinson Charlotte, widow, 115 Christian


Robinson Charles N. carver and gilder lower 56 S. 2d Robinson Chas. C. chairmaker High W. }'erm. Bridge Robinson Christian, mariner, back 352 souci Second Roiiinson Eleanor, nurse Second near George Robinson Frederick, curter Oak above Noble Robinson (ieorge, shipmaster 13 Catharine Robinson George 8c Co. leather store 109 Chesnut Robinson George, currier 109 Chesnut d h 206 N. 4th Robinson George, victualler Hinkel's court Robinson 8c Harwood, gold and silversmiths 12 N. 2d IRobinson Isaac, labourer 34 Burd's court fRobinsonlshman, (upwards 100 yearsofag<e)Green'sct. fRobinson Jacob, labourer Cedar above I'welfth Robinson James, printer Third near Chesnut Robinson J. 8c A. Sitcher, printers Tbird near Chesnut Robinson James, mariner 65 Catharine Robinson James, rigger Marlboro' b^^low Prince Robinson James, sea captain Shakamaxon below Prince Robinson John, carpenter Wood above Second Robinson John, cordwainer 40 Cedar Robinsc^ii John, portrait and miniature painter 163 south

Tenth above Spruce *

Robinson John, mariner 9 Budd Robinson John, mariner 13 Christian Robinson John, distiller 207 Cedar Robinson John, rigger 99 Swanson d h Carpenter's ay. Robinson John, carpet weaver, back 48 Lombard Robinson John, mariner Fifth beloAv Merriott's lane Robinson John, jun. cabinetmaker 28 Union alley fRobinson John, labourer Browne's court Robinson Joseph, sea captain 40 Pine above Second Robinson Joseph, constable 135 south Tenth IRobinson Joseph, mariner 210 Cedar Robinson Joshua, carpenter 254 south Fifth IRobinson Joshua, shipwright 97 Passyunk JRobinson Kime, shipwright Merriott's lane above 5th fRobinson Levi, shoemaker, south Eighth bel. Lombard Robinson Lewis, merchant SE corner Second 8c Cedar Robinson Martha, widow 88 Union Robinson Margaret, tailorcss, back 134 south Eighth Robinson Mary, widow tailoress, back 3 Little Pine Robinson Matthew, cordwainer Germ, road below 4th fRobinson Minta, widow 8 Sassafras alley Robinson Peter, currier Cauffman's court Robinson Reter, Frankford road near Front fRobinsoiv Robert, labourer Bonsall street Robinson 8c Son, hf.tteirs 36 High Robinson Samuel, hatter 36 High fRobinson Stephen, sawyer St. John above Poplar la.ne Robinson Susan, 251 south Second Robinson Thomas, victualler 8th near Buttonwood, stall

75 New Market south Second fRobinson Thomas, shipwright N E cor. Cedar and 5th

2e 2


Robinson VVm. bookseller 25 Filbert Robinson Wm. shoemaker 199 Shippen Robinson Wm, hatter 36 High Robinson Wm. A. druggist 273 north Third |Robinson Wm. coachman Fourth bel. Merriott*s lane Kobison Christian, mariner, back 352 south Second Robson John, drorer 301 Callowhill Roch Christian, china store 99 north Ninth Roche James M. printer Paschall's ay. fRoche Mary, widow Acorn ay. Ro(he Morris, marble polisheivcor. Filbert 8c Tenth Rock Thomas, cordwainer Locust corner Thirteenth Rocket Nicholas, labourer Buttonwood below Sixth Rockhill Joshua, inn and ferry keener Camden N J Rockhill Thos. C. merchant 290 High— d h 10 Frank- lin row Rockwell Justus, smith 217 N Eighth shop S W cor.

Callowhill and Garden Roderfield Wm. accountant 69 St. Tammany Rodes & Hentz, grocers Sixth above Callowhill fRodgersWm. steward steam boat Delaware 276 S5th Rodman Solftmon, sea captain Marlborough n. Prince Rodrigue Andrew, merchant cor. Seventh & Walnut Rodrigue widow of I. drygoods store 93 north Third Roe Rachel, widow Wood near Garden Roe Robert, sawyer, 31 Crab sti^et Roebuck John, labourer 10 Franklin street Roff John, nailer 39 Prime Rogers Allen, agent for stages 43 south Fourth Rogers Benjamin, copperplate printer 18 George Rogers & Brothers, hardware merchants 52 High Rogers Charles, hardware merchant 52 High above 2d Rogers Daniel N. mariner 170 Shippen Rogers E, Miss, boardinghouse 313 Arch ;iogers Evans, hardware merchant 52 High above 2d tRogers George, labourer Warner's court ^logers Henry, druggist &c 201 High ! Rogers Hugh, wheelmaker Alban near Lambert Rogers Jacob, 181 Green, office on Green sveet. wharf Rogers Jacob, saw warehouse 173 High d h 181 Green tRogers Jacob, labourer Paschal's ay. Rogers James, hardware merchant 259 High Rogers John R. cordwainer, back 15 north Sixth Rogers John, hardware merchant 52 High above 2d Rogers John, shoemakef 138 Cedar Rogers Joseph, justice of peace, Pegg above Front d h

Elm she's ay. Rogers J. jun. glue, cowskin whip, and neat's foot oil

manuf Pegg d h 299 N Second Rogers Josiah, lumber merchant Oak below Coates* Rogers Mary, widow tailorcss 94 Christian Rogers Margaret, widow, nurse 7 Prosperous ay. Rogers Margaret, widow 395 Race


Rogers Martha, Mrs. of Thomas, Locust above 12th

Rogers Thomas, brassfoimder 28 Cherry

Rogers Thomas, merchant 411 Arch

Rogers Thomaa, oakcooper Church street

Rogers & Turner, hardware merchants 173 High

Rogers Wm. jr. 48 north Third

Rogers rev. Wm. d. d. 198 ChesnutS E corner Eighth

Rogers Wm. merchant 4 south Fourth

Roget Moses, segarmaker 40 Bread

Rohrman Francis, labourer Laurel (N L) near Budd

Rohrman Henry, wheelwright 441 north Second

Rohrman John, wheelwright Sch. Eighth above Cherry

Rohthant Frederick G. shoemaker Hanover n. Queen

Roland & Ford, merchants 206 High [see Rowland

Roland John, merchant 206 High— d h 14 N Seventh

fRoley Abner, hairdresser 112 N Fifth

Rollings Otho, labourer Spruce west Sch. Sixth

Rollins George, cabinetmaker 44 German

Rolof rev. Francis, pastor of Trinity church 181 Spruce

Trinity church yard Rolph James, teacher and boardinghouse 164 S Ninth Rolph Wm. fancy chairmaker, cor Carpenter & 3d (S) Ronaldson James, letterfounder Cedar above Ninth Ronaldson Richard, ktterfounder Cedar above Ninth Roney John, currier 128 north Third -j-Roney Joseph, shoemaker 70 Lombard Roney Thomas, currier cor. Dock and 3d d h 8 Prune Rook Mary, widow, back 242 Race -•

Rookstool Renry, cordwainer 150 Coates Rookstool John, labourer Crown near Frankford road^ Rooney Bernard, cooper 30 Penn

Rooney James D. apothecary &:c. S W cor. Green & 2d Root John, blacksmith Race above Sch. Seventh Root John, vict. 29 Fourth street market, High street Roots Michael, baker 4 Juniper lane Roreg W. P. combmaker 106 Coates Rorer Samuel, surgeons' instrum.entmaker 78 Race Rorer John, surgeons' instrumentmaker 179 Arch Roscoe James, cordwainer 103 Cedar Rose Andrew, shoemaker Prime above Second Rose Ann, washerwoman, 161 north Sixth Rose Ann, midwife 6 Brewer's ay, 'Wood street) tRose Ann, widow 51 Gaskill

Rose B. F. surgeons' instrumentmaker 53 south Seventh Rose Champlain, whitewasher, back 24 EUzabeth Rose Christiana, widow Drinker's court Rose Charles, carter Irish lane Rose Hannah, widow 2W^ood Rose Jane, midwife 7 Brewer's ay. (Wood street) Rose John, vict. 8 Fourth street market, High street Rose John, currier 10 Brewer's ay. (Wood street) Rose JonathciD, tailor Simmous' court

ROU whitely's annual

Rose Joseph 8c Wna. surgeons* instrument makers Ha- milton village Rose Mary, cakebaker, back 271 Race IRose , {French) 3 Read's ay. Rose Peter, shoemaker Shippen's lane Rose Peter, shinglcdresser 26 Union alley Rose Thomas, labourer Second near Laurel Rose Thomas, brickmaker Germant. r. above first gate Rosekrans Frederick, skindresser High n. Sch. Second Roseman Elizabeth, widow, Race above Sch. Seventh Roseman Robert, packer of ware, Nonnater's court Rosnagel John, sawyer Merriott's lane near Fifth Roset Jacob, merchant inqime 170^ High d h Rich- mond Hill Ridge road Roset John, merchant IZOj High d h 10 north Fifch Ross Aaron, saddler &c. 38 and d h 49 north Third Ross Andrew, painter See. 142 Lombard Ross David, carpenter 81 north Ninth cor. Cherr>' Ross Elizabeth, widow, tobacconist 211 Plum Ross Frederick, painter &c. 342 south Second Ross James, professor of Latin and Greek 44 north 4th Ross Joseph, ferryman Camden N J Ross Laetitia, widow 218 north Sixtli Ross Martha, widow 142 Lombard street Ross ^lary, widow 342 south Second Ross Mary, boardinghouse 184 High Ross MaiT L. boardmghouse 75 Penn Ross Mary, widow Juniper below Walnut Ross Mrs. widow tailoress, back 266 Race Ross Robert, labourer, back 44 Spruce Ross Samuel, U. S. appraiser 301 Race Ross Samuel, deputy weighmaster 14 Raspberr}" alley fRcss Thomas, labourer 226 Catharine Ross ., widow, gentlewoman, Hamilton village Ross Walter, porter in U. S. bank 14 Passyunk road Rcss Wm. late printer 87 Locust above Eighth Ross Wm. accountant cor. Filbert and Thirteenth Ross Wm. confectioner 74 High d h 30 Church ay Ross Wm. whipmaker 188 Lombard Rossman John, tailor West near Marlboro* Rostain F. merchant N W corner Pine and Fifth Roston Thomas, innkeeper 408 north Front Rotan Frederick, cordwainer Hanover below Prince Rotan Susan, widow Palmer below Duke Rotan Wm. shipwright Marlboro' above Beach RothwellWm- labourer Germantown r. above Second Rotts Andrew, victualler Mulberry ay. Roulston Harry, drayman \'ine ab. 12th [see Ralston Rougiz Simon, master stevedore 54 Almond Rounds Ann, widow 6 Pleasant avenue Rourk Rachel, widow, maker of the Grand Pectoral

syrup, 14 Mulberry Rouch M. skindresser 58 Sassafras {see Rush


Rousseau John C. m. d. 139 south 6th S E corner Pine RoQth widow of Richard, 587 north Second Rouvert Edmund, merchant 111 Spruce Rovoudt William, m. d. cor Wood and Old York road* Rowe George ,cordwainer 136 German Rowe Samuel, ropemaker 4 Federal Row, Samuel, ropemaker Front below the Navy yard +Row Robert, woodsawyer 31 Crab Rowan Amelia, nurse 358 south Front Rowan Adam, teacher Merriott's lane above Fifth Rowan John, carpenter 77 Locust above Eighth Rowan Wm. accountant 26 Coates' alley Rowand Margaret, bitters-maker 218 Shippen Rowbuck John, labourer George (N L) Rowen Henry, caulker, Marlborough near Beach, (K) Rowen Jane, widow, 48 south Sixth Rowland James, sen. iron merchant 46 Arch d h Fromberger's court {see Roland

Rowland James, jun. 46 Arch d. h. Fromberger's ct. Rowland John, cabinetmaker 6 Mary above Front Rowland Joseph W. iron merchant 161 N Second Rowland William, saw factory 54 Zane d h 24 N 9th Rowley & Alburger, plumbers 9 south 6lh & 8 Walnut Rowley Edward & Son, merchants 22 N Third 'Rowley H. G. plumber 8 Walnut— d h 22 N Third "Howley Richard, merchant 22 north Third ! lowley Samuel, pilot 467 south Front ^Rowley William, waiter 204 south Fifth street Rowse Martha, widow Noble street near Third tRoxbury David, labourer 6th near Catharine loy John, victualler Charles near Buttonwood lane Hoy John, shoemaker 381 north Third tRoy Mary, widow, washerwoman Garden street Roy Thomas, shoemaker 176 St. John Royal William B. teacher 49 Crown Rover George, carpenter Kunckel near Tammany Rozts Andrew, \-ictualler 14 Well's row, north 8th Rubicam Charles, hatter 387 north Second Rubicam Daniel, Washington hotel 20 south Sixth Rubicam John, farmer Camac's lane near Second Rubicam Jonathan, carpenter 144 Locust Rubicam Joseph, fruiterer 105 north Third Ruboy Joseph, labourer, back of 54 N Fourth Ruby Mary, widow, 18 North alley Rucco Julius, M. D. 168 Spruce Ruch John, drygoods store 192 north Second Ruddach Jane, widow, back of 134 south Eighth Rudduach Mary, widow, 211 Shippen street Rudolf Conrad, turner Prince near Marlboro' Rudolph Catharine, widow, cor. Germ, road & Black- horse lane Rudolf Christian, turner 470 north Third Rudolph George, carpenter Race ab. Sch. Seventh Rudolph George, jun. carpenter cor. of Alban 6c Castle

RUS whitely's annual

Rudolph Jacob, coachman 12 Stamper's alley

Rudolph John, oakcooper 96 Green cor. Rose alley

Rudolph John F. tailor 1 Hoffman's alley

Rudolph William, hatter, back of 178 Race

Rudy Jacob, innkeeper 377 High

Rudy Jacob, combmaker 4i:h near Poplar lane

Rue Benjamin, carpenter Camden (N J)

Rue John, grocery and taveru 472 south Front street

Ruff Wm. painter, &c. 14 S Eighth— d h 132 N 4th

Rugan Charles, sea captain 38 Chester

Rugan George, merchant 16 Noble

Rugan John & Sons, merchants 97 N Water d h 248

Race Rugan Joseph, weaver Fitzwalter cor. Seventh Ruggles Hannah, widow of Sherman, 106 Cherry Ruhl George, coachmakerand boaixiinghouse 90 N 5th Ruhl John E. coachmaker 23 Lombard Ruhlman John, cordwainer, back 123 Arch Rulon Benjamin, boardinghouse 111 Arch Rulon John W. storekeeper 1 south Second Rulon Job, shipwnght Marlborough above Bedford Rumley John, weaver, back 252 Lombard Rummel George, victualler Twelfth below Vine stall

71 High street market Rummel Jacob, plasterer 279 south Fifth fRummel John, mariner 90 Passyunk road Rumsey EHzabeth, widow Shippen bel. 5th Rumsey, Sarah, boardinghouse Beach n. Maiden (K.) Rumsey V^^iUiam m -d. 186 nonh Fourth [see Ramsey fRumsey Michael, labourer Hi.zel alley Rumpt Jacob, labourer cor. Coates and Sixth Rumpf Peter, cordwainer 142 Cedar Runckle William, clerk of the court of Quarter ses- sions, office 13 W. wing of Statehouse Rundle Geo. stock and exchange broker (treasurer of the Sch. bridge company) Bank alle)-— d h Ritten- house place, Locust above 9th \^see Randall Runner John, vict. stdli 46 Old shambles Runner Sarah, widow Old York road ab. Buttonwood Rush Catharine, widow 141 Locust street Rush Daniel, farmer Frankford road above West Rush Elizabeth, Mrs. Race below Sch Eighth Rush George, carpenter 211 Cherry [s^e Rasch

Rush Misses, daughters ot the late judge Jacob 278

Race Rush Jacob, oysterman Britten's alley Rush James, m. d. 18 Chesnut Rush James L ironfounder and Steam engineer corner

9th and Mne d h Palmyra Square Rush John, merchant 125 Race Rush John, carver 246 north Front Rush Julia, widow of Dr, Benjamin, 98 south Fourth Rush Layton, mariner, back 587 north Second Rush Lewis, gentleman 125 Race


Rush & Muhlenberg, steam engineers & ironfounders

CO r. Vine and Ninth Rush Phoebe, widow, back 32 Phim Rush Samuel, attorney at law, 73 and d h 98 S. Fourth Rush Thomas W. coachmaker 45 south Fourth Rush Thomas M. merchant 230 N. 2d.— d h 90 Wood Rush William, sen. carver 172 and 177 north Front Rush Wm.jun. clerk in the U. S. bank, Sixth corner

Callowhill Rush William, engine maker, back 341 Race Rusha Joseph, carver and gilder 15 Perry street Rushton Edward, bandbox maker 93 north Front Rushton Wm. cotton spinner corner Cedai 6c Broad ,Rusk David, vict, 28 High st. market & Hartu.igs alley Rusk Elizabeth, Mrs. of Wm. uorth Third ab. Fraukiin Rusk Charles, shoemaker 372 north Second Rusk George, tanner and currier 79 Budd Rusk Samuel, carter 147 St John Rusk William, vict. Second below the Germantown r. fRussell Barney, barber Fuller's alley Russell Edw. merchant 75 S. wharves d h 144 Pine Russell Elizabeth, widow 20 Walnut Russell Frances, grocer 131 south Second Russell George, saddler 159 St. Johns Russell James, labourer Lombard west of Sch; Eighth Russell James, mariner 3 Sugar alley Russell John, wjeaver Washington above Callowhill Russell John, black and whitesmith 476 Race Russell John, painter Sec. Alban Russell John, grocer 14 N. Third d h 31 Chesnut Russell Jonathan, shallopman 72 Swanson Russell Joseph, grocer, corner of Beach and Maiden Russell Joseph S. spermaceti oil strainer &c. 55 Chesnut Russell, Louisa, teacher 48 south Fifth Russell Philip M. merchant 125 north Fifth Russell Robert, cordwainer 95 German Russell Samuel C. cordwainer 148 Cherry street Russell 8c Smith, merchants 75 south Wharves Russell Stephen, merch. 92 S. wharves d h 77 Union Russell Wm. shipwright Marlborough below Prince Russell William, cotton manufactory 13th cor. George Rute Mary, widow Old York road ab. Callowhill Ruth E. widow of William 51 Tammany Rutherford Jacob, carter 44 Ann Rutherford John, drover Locust above Juniper Rutter Henry, ropemaker 572 S. Second ab. Wharton Rutter John, shoemaker Washington above Second Rutter John, jun. ropemaker Greenwich street Rutter Mrs. widow Germantown road above Pitt Rutter Mrs. widow of Samuel, 236 Filbert above 12th Rutter Matthias, carpetweaver cor. Moyamensing &



Ryal John, carter 43 Small

; ^yan Hannah, widow, Pearson's court

:iy an Hannah, widow, boardinghouse 5j Coomb's alipy

'lyan Henry, carter back 21 Duke

;?lyan James, drover Pine near Schuylkill

Kyan James, gentleman 77 north Seventh

'. \ysLn Lewis, boot and shoemaker 50 south Third

ilyan Patrick, china store 1^ north Third ;^yan Timothy, carpenter 49 Penn ; iyan William, currier 15 Chesnut !iyckman John, cabinetmaker 243 north Front '. ^yckman Lewis, ladies' shoemaker 345 south Second

^verson G. Ormsby &c Co. druggists 99 Walnut Ryland William Rev. 90 Crown

SAABYE HANNAH, widow 98 Swanson

Sabin Joseph, mariner Cherry near Prince

Sacker Henry, shoemaker Wood near Queen

tSadler Levin bootcleaner 37 St. Mary street

Sadler Eleanor, gentlewoman 169 Mulberry

Sackriter David, cabinetmaker 259 south Seventh

Sackriter Deborah, nurse 259 south Seventh street

Saeltzer Benjamin, baker 485 north Third

Safford Ebenezer M. tailor 4 Harmony court

Saffron Charles, cordwainer 16 York court (N. L)

Safford John, stevedore 219 Swanson

Saffron John, cordwainer 436 north Third

Sage Anthony, printer 184 south Sixth

Sage Druman, grocer 480 High

Sage Isaac, ferryman Camden (N J)

Sage widow of Miles, ferryman Camden (N J)

Sagathy Wm. innkeeper ^. W. cor. of 2d. 6c Coates

Sagee Francis, shipwright 7 Ly tie's court

Sager Hannah, widow, innkeeper 39 north Second

Sager Michael, baker 274 Mulberry

Sager Mrs. widow, 75 north Tenth

Sageson James, blacksmith 17 Hurst street

Sagey Andrew, furrier 437 north Third

Sagers Jacob, matchmaker cor. Poplar and Fourth

Sagers Samuel D. accountant 47 Wood

Sagnier Henry, riding master, back 227 Walnut

Sailer John, tailor 14-north Water

Sailor George, vict. Front n. Poplar lane {see Saylor

Sailor Godfrey, oakcooper Walker's court

Sailor Henry, cigarmakerll north Fifth

Sailor Henry, stonecutter 133 north Eighth

Sailor Jacob, potter Tkird near Germantown road

Sailor John, cabinetmaker 42 north Seventh

Sailor Samuel, painter Lawrence above Wood


Sailor Thomas, vict.203 St. John—stall 11 N L market

Saint Daniel, corder Chcsniit st. wharf d h 98 Union

Saint Douglass, late corder 41 Cedar

Salade Sebastian, fringe and lace weaver 10 north 6th

Salaignac A- C. accountant 44 Filbert

Salez Jubin, ovsterman N W cor. 2d and Walnut

Saionius Elizabeth, widow 44 Meade alley

Salsbury John, cordwainer Arch near Schuylkill river

Salsoaugh John, cordwainer Arch near Schuylkill

Salter Samuel, carver and gilder 2d above Ger. road

Salter Sarah, 1 Library corner Fourth

SaltinstaU William, accountant 121 south Eleventh

fSaltus Samuel, mariner 76 German

Saltzman Jacob, tavernkeeper 303 Vine

Salvin James, Lewis, cakebaker Clymer's allej^

tSammons Alice, widow, Lombard below Tenth

fSampson Peter, oysterman 489 south 2d street

Samson Hasadiah P, grocer S E cor. Race and Front—

dh 12 Race Samson John, grocer and tavern 422 north Front Samson Jos. awning & bed sacking maker 19 N Front Samuel Eliz. Mrs. French mantuamaker 54 Lombard Sanders Ann, seminary 78 north 7th Isee Saunders-

Sanders Elizabeth, widow. Relief street tSanders Ephraim, carter Cox's alley near 2d banders Henry, Crown near Frankford road Sanders Isaac, oakcooper Coates near Eighth Sanders Jesse, constable Maiden below Front Sanders John, carpenter north 2d above Beaver Sanders John, carpenter. Carpenter above Sixth ISanders John, mariner Nieman's alley Sanders Joseph, shipmaster 48 German Sanders Joseph, mariner Alberson's court tSanders Joseph, labourer Christian banders Mary, widow. Harper's alley (P T) tSanders Phoebe, widow, St. Mary's street near 8th banders Rachel, widow, back 46 Spruce Sanders Richard, mariner 522 south Front "tSanders Robert, labourer Ball alley banders William, tavernkeeper 24 south Fourth Sanders William, gunsmith 44 Cedar Sanders William, hatter Faries's court Sanderson John, seminary 443 High *

Sandford Ann, widow, 169 Pine Sandgren Charles, shipmaster 14 Queen Sandiford Rowland, coachmaker 13th above Race

[see San/'ord Sandoz P, A. jeweller 24 Bread Sands Abraham, nailcutler 298 Vine Sands John, carpenter Oak below Coates Sands Nathan, shoemaker Charles below James Sandy Martha, teacher 60 St. Tammany Sanford Benj. gentleman 16 Sansom [see Sandiford


SAV whitely's annual

Sanford James, vender of books 201 north Fou''th Sanford Wm. H. publisher & proprietor of the Union,

50Chesnut d h 16 Sansom Sanno Frederick D. brassfounder418 north Fourth Sansom Joseph, gentleman 182 noi th Fourth Sansom William, merchant 96 Mulberry Sante Christopher, labourer 145 Coates tSantierre Maria Ann, Eleventh below Pine Sapp Armstrong, huckster Camden (N J) Sapp Edward, bricklayer cor. Thirteenth and Vine Sapp Jacob, drayman, back 97 Budd Sapp Margaret, widow, boardinghouse 83 Mulbeny Sarchet John, blacksmith 81 Race d h 30 Coates' alley Sargent Thomas, m. d. 144 Race

Sargent Thomas, innkeeper 71 Dock [^see Sergeant Sarin Mary, widow, cor 4th and Christian Sarmiento Catharine, 206 Chesnut Sarno Frederick, labourer, back 471 north Third Survey Daniel, shoemaker 418 south 2d street Sasman William, biscuubaker 389 N Front Satterihwaite Richard, brickmaker 20 Garden Sau) Mary, teacher 198 Chesnut Saul Martha, widow, back 210^ Arch Saulniev John, accountant inquire 229 High Sauliv.er J. 8c John Durand, drygoods store 66 south 4th Saulnier John, merchant 39 Filbert Saulnier Joseph, carpenter 438 Sassafras tS>tulnow Gabriel, carpenter 18 Burd's court Saunders Henry S. tavern & grocery S Wcor. Front 8c

Poplar lane [.see Sanders

Saunders John W. merchant 64 South wharves— d h 46

Shippen Saunderson WiUiam, cordwainer 181 Race Saurman, widow of Martin, boardinghouse 97N 9th Saurman Yerkes, copperplate printer 18 Library st. op.

U. S. Bank— d h 30 Cherry Sausrnan Henry, watchman Fifth above Buttonwood Savage 8c Dugan, merchants York street Savage (yeorgc, grocer 2d ab. Poplar 1. d h 69 Coates Savage Jeniima, widow. Knight's court Savage John, merchant York st.— d h 91 south 3d Savage Maria, widow, 79 German street Savage Mcirv, gentlewoman 328 south Front Savage Reuben, carpenter 381 Sassafras 8c 1 1th ab. Race Savage William, carpenter 114 Budd above Poplar SavogeWilham, labourer St. John above Beaver Savery Gt orge, turner Germ. r. above first gate Sa\ery Rebecca, widow of Thomas, 20 north Fifth fSavel Samuel, labourer Webb's alley Sa^ille WiHiam, silverplater, 317 south Second Savin Samuel, sea ca])tain 17 Duke (N L) Suvoy Francis, paperhar.ger 79 norih Fitlh Savoy John R. card manufactory 18 Raspberry alley


Sawn Harriet, 5 Callowhill

Sawner , gardener Prime above Fifth

Sawyer Jatnes, gentle^nan 201 south Second tSawyer John, 226 Shippen Sawyer Jonathan, mariner Margaretta Sawyer, widow of Lewden, milliner 165 south 2d Sawyer Robert, blacksmith 54 Duke (N L) Sawyer Thomas, inquire cor. Pine arid Second Saxton William, wheelwright 97 north Eighth Say Mi.-iam, widow of Benjamin, 279 Chesnut Sayre Peter, tailor 17 Cresson's alley Say re WiUiam, mate Queen near Shakamaxon Sayres David, shoemaker, back 101 Budd Sc'nndhng Jeremiah, cordwainer 2 Crab Scanlan Wm. vict stall 53 Old Shambles Scanlin Cornelius, weaver Cadwalader near Pitt Scantling Hugh, moroccodresser Callowhillcor. Sch. 3d Scantling Patrick, paver Fifth below Buttonwood Scantling Peter, moroccodresser Rush's court Scargle Thomas, draytnan Cadwalader near Camac Soargle William, porter Pitt street n. north Second Scarlet Samuel, artist and picture restorer 547 S 2d Scattergood John, carter 191 Callowhill Scattergood Joseph, currier, Sec. 276 & 278 N Front Scattergood Thomas F. carpenter, back of 187 Arch Scelly Patrick, tallowchandler 218 north Sixth Schaeffer Catharine, widow. Carpenter above Fourth Schaeffer Charles, M. d. 137 Race Schaeffer Christian, baker Apple near George (N L) Schaeffer Dorothea Mrs. midwife, back 267 Race Schaeffer Fredk. D. rev. d. d. 27 N 4th [see Schaffer Schaeffer Henry, soapboiler, Carpenter near Fifth Schaeffer Margaret, widow, High near Sch. Fifth Schaffer Charles, accountant 66 south Eleventh Schaffer, widow, back 408 north Third Schaida Christian, baker Callowhill next to 219 Schallenburgh Manuel, farmer S 2d bel. Greenwich Schaumankessel Frederick, 352 north Second Scheel John Daniel, accountant 16 south Twelfth Scheetz Conrad, hatter 329 north Third Schell Henry, grocer 191 north Second \_see Shell

Schell Mary, Old York road corner Noble Schellinck John, grocer Lombard above Ninth Schellinger Wm. pilot 47 Catharine \_see Skellinger Scherzlnger John M. oil and colourman 66 N 4th— d h

27 Cherry Schetky George, professor of music 71 Locust Schetky Miss, miniature portrait painter 71 Locust Scheuermann David, cordwainer 76 south Fifth Scheuermann Matthias, jun. tobacconist 8 south Sixth Schiemants Frederick, cordwainer above 543 N Third Schieser John J sexton, back 227 Wainut Schindler Michael, corner Oak and Passyunk

SCH whitely's annual

Schivelj' George, attorney at law 16 Filbert Schively George C. shoemaker Queen n. Sliakamaxon Schively Henry, cutler & surgeons' instrument maker

75 Chesnut Schively Joshua, grocer 9 north Fourth Schiatterer John, baker 210 north Second Schlatter & Bryan, n-.erchants 223 High Schlatter William, merchant 223 High dwelling Ches- nut above Twelfth [see Slaughter Schlechter Andrew, gentleman 93 Green Schlichter Andrev, gentleman 345 north Third Schlinch Catharine, widow, 117 Coates Schlosser Jacob H late currier cor. Cherry & Duke (K) Schnaible Lawrence, mealman Frankford road Schnatz Sebastian, baker near 362 north Third Schneck Elizabeth, victualler 40 Old Shambles Schneider Rachel, tavernkeeper 290 north Front Schnell Philip, tavernkeeper 159 CiUowhill Schnider Charles, assistant tyler to the Grand Lodge ot Pennsylvania, 8 Hevde's court {_s€e Snyder Schnider Wm. tyler to Grand Lodge of Penn. 7 N 8th

Schnider , widow, grocer cor. Spruce and Sixth

Schmieding Frederick, turner 4th below Poplar

Schoen Deborah, widow, teacher 99 Coates

Schocli Geo. inn (sign Com. Decatur) 12 & 14 Decatur

Scholfield Jared, teacher 92 Crown

Scliooles Ehzabeth, widow, 411 south Front

Schooley Samuel, carter Liberty alley

Schools John, distiller Maiden near Stone bridge

Schott G. S. M. D. 47 north Eighth

Schott James ^ Co. merchants 54 S Front & 385 Arch

Schott John P. inspector of customs 43 north Sixth

Schott Margaret, widow, 428 north Front

Schovlfield Harrison, cordwainer Charlotte n. 4th and

Germ, road Schraader Henry, innkeeper 400 north Third Schrack Abraham, jun. saddler 78 north F^urtli , Schrack Abraham, innkeeper 38 High Schrack Christian, coachpainter 80 north Fourth Schrack Henry, skindresser and parchment manufac- turer Margaretia near Newmarket Schrack Joseph, tavernkeeper Wood below 4th Schrader Henry t^ Philip, ropemakers cor. Ger. road

and Master Schram Louisa, boardinghouse 35 Crown Schrank Phoebe, baker Jacoby street Schreider John D. watchman Sheaff 's alley Schreiner C. W. clock and watchmaker 78 N Third Schreiner Elizabeth, widow of Jacob, 27 Key's alley Schreiner Jacob, bookbinder back 110 north Eighth Schreiner Joseph H. hardware merchant 112 Second

comer Race Schrieber Theodore, painter, &c. 70 Catharine


Schreiner Mary, widow back 110 north Eighth

Schreiner Nicholas, turner Hause's court

Schreiner Susan, widow 448 Sassifras

Schriner Wm. bookbinder 27 Joue's alley

Schrekagast George H. labourer back 91 north Third

Schreyer John, baker 20 Branner's alley

Schriver Henry, victualler Callowhill corner 13th

stall 17 old Shamble^ [.^C'r SJiriver

Schriver Peter, vict. Charles stall 13 Ne w'.narket S. 2d Schriver Sarah, widow Charles near J"..-nes Schriver VVm. vict. Charles stall 11 jNt- vmarkei S. 2d. Schroder Charles H teacher 184 Locust Schryer George, glue and cowskin whip factory 335

Callowhill Schultheis John Nicholas, baker 85 New ScKumo Phoebe, widow 22 Elfreth's alley Schurck John, weaver 21 St. Tammany Schuyler Ppilip, sailmaker near Second, Cobb's co'i't Schuzer John Jacob, sexton of Sansom street Ch^ .ch

between Eighth and Ninth in Sansom street Schwarz J. E. fur and commission merchant 23 Minor—

d h 355 Race street Schwise John, shoemaker Old York road abo're Browne Schwitzer John, combmaker 4th below Master Schwenk Henry, tavernkeeper corner German and

Passyunk road Schweppenheiser John, carpenter 451 north Third Schweppenheiser Nicholas, tailor 435 north Third Schwikkard Frederick sealing wax and wafer manu- factory 255 north Front Scillinger Justus, cooper back 111 Catharine Scofield Gerard, teacher, school 18 Library dh 58 N,

Sixth Scofield Frederick, teacher Coates ab. 2d d h 108 Budd Scofield James, tailor 10 Almond street Scofield Lane, blacksm. Mercer st. shop 12th bel. Locust Scoggy John, carter Rose near Germantown road Scott Amos, carter Oak above Coates Scott Andrew, weaver Hazel alley below Locust Scott Debora, widow nurse back 392 Race Scott Edwin T. grocer N E corner Eighth & Cherry—

d h 3 Schriver's court Scott George, bottler 130 north Front Scott George & Son, oak coopers 119 north Water Scott George, mariner. 195 north Front jScott Henry, carter 14 Hurst street fScott Henry, boot cleaner and dealer 79 south Second Scott James, bottler and wine and spirit merchant 14

south Front Scott James B. grain measurer 26 Spruce Scott Jeremiah, labourer. Church street (back) Scott Job, wharf builder 14 Poplar above Front— lumber

yard corner Browne and Oak 2 F 2

SEA whitely's annual

Scott John M. attorney at law'2irChesnut

Scott John, erain measurer 26 Spruce above Front

Scc)tt John W. printer 36 north Sixth

fScott John, shoen^aker, corner Poplar lane & St. John

fScctt John, hairdressei', 23 Cedar

tScott John, porter 245 south Fourth

Scott Juliana, gentlewoman S E comer Chesnut and 9th

Scott Lawrence, morocco dresser, St. John ab. Poplar

Scott M. widow tallowchandler 5 Quarry

Scott Mary, niantuamaker 41 Mechanic

■(•Scott M iry, widow, opposite 310 south Seventh

Scott Miss Sarah, shopkeeper, corner Shippen & Third

Scott Patrick, soap &c. manufacturer 8 north Fifth and

Garden street Scott Rees, carpenter Sch. 6th below High Scott Robert, shoemaker Sch. 3d below High Scott Robert, tailor. Pine W. Broad Scott Robert, Hazel alley below Locust Scott Robert, engraver in the mint Scott Thomas, brushmaker Duval's court Scott Thomas, merchant 180 High d h N W corner

Ninth and Arch Scott Thomas, tanner Budd above Poplar Scott William, dyer 38 Bread Scott William » tailor 170 Race Scott WiUiam, accountant 123 north Fifth Scott William, pilot 244 Swanson Scott Wirfield, major general U. S. army, head qu^'--

ters and d h 91 south Eighth Scotten P. & A. bonnet makers 5 Strawberry Scotti Joim, perfumer and hairdresser, 15 south Fourth Scravendyke Peter, soap and candle maker 237 S. 2d Scrivep Elizabeth, widow. Prince near Hanover Scrog^ John, carter Rose (N. L.) Scroggy Thomas, labourer 19 Prosperous alley . Scrogg'y Thomas, grocer and bottler 270 south Seventh Scuber Rachel, seamtress Prime Scull Daniel, grocer 333 north Front Scull and Lafferty, corders Oak street below Noble Scull Samuel, coachmaker Camden (N. J ) Scull Samuel, shipmaster, 533 north Front Scull William, late innkeeper 4 Callowhill Scull William B. hardware store 96 north Third Scull Wm. drayman, S. W. corner of Centre Square Scully John, bottler 17 Wahiut

Scurrah Ann, grocer N W corner Cedar and Barron Seaborn Elizabeth, widow, shopkeeper 76 Arch Seabrook James, merchant tailor, 53 south Third Seal William, jun. silversmith 118 south Front Sealey Solomon, cordwainer cor. Sixth and Germ, road Seaman Charles, cordwainer Green's court tSearaan Francis, mariner 35 Parham's alley


Seaman George, waterman, 16 Queen street (S.)

[.^ee Sieman Isf Secnian Search Joseph, ropemaker, Eighth Fitz waiter street Search Joshua, ropemaker Eighth near Passyunk Search, & Marry on, wheelwrights, Sch. 8th above Race Search Wm. wheelwright Schuylkill 8th above Race Searl Enos, drayman. Laurel near Budd Searl Joseph, drayman 241 Callowhill above Tenth Sea's Christopher, drayman, 442 N. Front above Poplar Sears Joseph, ladies' shoemaker, corner Poplar lane &

Budd street Sears Mrs. widow, Frankford road below Queen Seaw right Mary, widow, 57 Budd Sebenlist Michael, city watchman -6 Sugar alley Seccor David J. carpenter Marks' lane Seckel Adam & Co. brewers 16 and d h 24 George Seckel George L. merchant, 13 south Ninth Seckel George D. grazier Eighth north Eighth Seckel Joshua C. copal varnish and japan manuf. 37 Vine Seckel Lawrence D. merchant 313 High Seckel Lawrence, wine merchant, 1 north Fourth d h

162 north Fifth Seddidger M. saddletreemaker Frank, r. ab Bedford Seddinger Matthias, silverplater Smith's alley (N. L.) Seeds Adam, labourer, Lombard below Twelfth Seeds Samuel, weaver, Lombard above Twelfth Seeger David, 226 High— d h 18 south Seventh

[see Sager Seeger William F. mermant, 21 south Front Segrave Walter, bottler &c. 139 north Front Segn George, gold and silversmith, back 484 N. Third Seel Elizabeth, widow Maria street Seeley and Gibb's, drygoods store N E corner Arch and

Fifth Seelhorst Frederick, grocer, 67 north Eighth store

N E C( rnef Race and Fifth Sees George, late grocer. Pine above Thirteenth Seidel John N morocco leather dresser 174 Cedar Seidel Nicholas, morocco leather dresser 174 Cedar Seiders Cnarles, baker 18 Green Seip Peter, accountant 1 Sterling alley Seip Jacob, pewterer 455 south Second street Selah John, baker 443 north Front Selfridge Wm carpenter 123 north Eleventh ab. Race tSelman Jane, widow, 32 Lombard street Se-x i^ David G. queensware manuf. High W. Sch. 7ih Selk rk John, importer of hardware 19 Minor d h 186

south Eleventh Sell Jacob, tailor Prince near Hanover Sell Samuel, baker 405 Second above Poplar lane Sell Solomon, tailor, 76 Browne Sellers Coleman, wireworker 231 High Sellers & Davis, grocers 54 north Third

SEX whitely's annual

Sellers Isaac, brassfounder 2 Trotter's alley— d h back

398 north Front Sellers J- corder Arch street wharf Sellers James, wireworker 231 High d h Mulberry ct. Sellers Jane, matron of Christ Church Hospital 10

Cherrv Sellers Jesse, grocer 54 Noble d h 5 Elfreth's alley Sellers Nathan & David, wire workers 231 High Sellers Nathan Y. turner, back 129 Walnut Sellers 8c Pennock patent fire hose, and bucket manu- factures 231 High Sellers Rachel, widow of David 8 north Sixth Sellers Samuel, wireworker 231 High d h 8 north

Sixth ^Selliston Favoury cook, 8 Pleasant avenue -j-SiUison Ann, widow Plum alley Se'ne'maud J. B. jeweller 126 south Fourth Senderling Nicholas, carter Beach near Maiden Sener John, tanner, Prime above Fifth street Seniff John A. gardener above Spruce near Sch. Front Senior Catharine, milliner 78 south Fourth Senior Sarah, widow, washerwoman Ann VV. Sch. 8th Senn Henry, cordwainer, 151 Green Senn William, shoemaker 124 Callowhill Sennet James, weaver Otter near Germantown road Sennet Prosper L. drygoods store 147 south Eighth Sergeant Eliza, widow. Otter near Germantown road Sergeant Eliza, widow, 104 south Eighth Sergeant E. Spencer, attorney at law 72 south Fourth Sergeant Henry, merchant 121 S. Front d h 36 Sansom Sergeant John, counsellor at law, office 91 and d h 89 south Fourth [see Sargeant

Sergeant Thomas, attorney at law, 72 south Sixth Serls Thomas, draydriver. West near Hanover Serrill Pearson, merchant 169 High d h 17 Sansom Seright Mary, widow 57 Budd Service George, morocco dresser 118 St. John Server John, cabinetmaker, back 214 north Eighth Servoss C. K. 126 Walnut tSesser Alexander, 2 Bonsall (93 years of age next

Easter) fSeth Wm. porter 45 Currant alley Settle Nicholas, brickmaker Vine W. of Broad Setzinger John, cordwainer 438 north Tliird Severin George, ivory turner German, r. above 1st gate Seveke Godfred, baker 86 north Front Severn Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin, 66 Zane Severne Wm. vict. 220 nortli 8th— -stall 44 Newmarket tSevinger Diana, Miles' court near Rose Sewall John, accountant 34 south Fifth Sewell Norris, baker Frankford road near Queeix Sexton Benjamin, 125 south Ninth Sexton Catharine, widow Courtney's court


Sexton John, "wharfbuiklcr Beach near Maiden

Sexton Joseph S. merchant 59 Spruce

Sexton Silas W. tailor 28 High

Seybert Cutllp, blacksmith Kunckel below Callowhill

Seybert Adam,M. d. iiujuire 8 south Tenth

[^cee Siddet, Siberty 1st Sybert Seybert Conrad, gentleman 388 north Sece»nd Seybert Elizabeth, shopkeeper Fourth near George Seybert Gerhard, 12 N. L market Seybert John, tooth brushmaker Garden street Seybert Phoebe, widow 7 Wagner's alley Seybert WiUiam, sea captain 62 Green Seyfert Conrad, bookbinder 10 Pear Seyfert Charles, bookbinder and grocer 136 Swanson Seyfert John, blacksmith 90 St. John Seyferfelt John, shipwright tJliakamaxon above Queen Seyferheld John, shipwright 53 Green fSeymourCato, mariner 181 Shippen jSeymour John, labourer, Middle alley Seymour Joseph H. engraver 135 Moyamensing road Seymour Saml. engraver inquire 135 Moyamensing road Shabert Eliza, widow 152 Locust fShad Jeremiah, blacksmith 45 Currant alley Shade George, hatter 231 north Second Shade John, ropemaker, south Front above Prime Shade Peter, brushmaker 2 north Fix)nt Shafel Christian, baker, south Fifth below Christian Shafer Ann, 92 Locust Shafer Elizabeth, widow, 559 south Second Shafer Hannah, widow 9 Plum Shafer Jeremiah, cordwainer High W. Sch. Eighth Shafer John, carter Cedar above Twelfth Shafer Lydia, widow, Lombard near Sch. Seventh Shafer Phihp, carter Sch. Second above Spruce Shaffer Adam, carter, back 473 N. 3d [see S/iae^'er Shaffer Christian; vict. 91 Garden above Pegg's run Shaffer Conrad, carter Carpenter (S) above Fifth Shaffer David, vict. 18 Budd Shaffer Ehzabeth, widow, 24 Passyunk road Shaffer George, cordwainer Lily alley Shaffer Jacob, labourer Buttonw'ood above Eighth Shaffer Jacob, victualler Garden above Pegg's run Shaffer John, bricklayer Coates above Seventh Shaffer John, tanner Laurel near Second Shaffer Michael, carter and grocer S W cor. Green and

Old York road Shaffer Michael, carter Clifton Shaffer Peter, labourer Lombard W. Sch. Eighth Shaffer Philip, carpenter Ann street, Penntown Shaffer Thomas, glassblower,Priiice near Cherry Shaffer William, carter Ger. road above Fourth Shales Jacob, wharf builder Germ r. above Laurel

SHA WHIT Ely's annual

Shallcross Leonard, shoemaker 137 south Front

Shallow Mary, widow Portland lane

Shallus Fronds, engraver 161 Chesnut

Shailus' Circulating Libraries, 94 S 3d and 142 N. 3<1

Sham way Sylvanus, collector 17 Branch

Shanahan Margaret, widow 186 Cedar

Shane Casper, teed store 444 Race

Shane George L. ropemaker Beach near Maiden

Shane Mary, laundress 183 north Eighth

Snanessy John, hairdresser 55 south Third

fSliankland Louisa Ann, widow, Meredith's court

Shankland Margaret, widow 1 Federal st.

Shanks Abraiiam, tailor 106 Green

Shanks George, tobacconist 152 Cedar

Shanks Hannah, wido»v Kugler's courts

Shannon Baltus, carpenter, Prince near Hanover

Shannon Henry, shipcarpetner Queen near Marlboro'

Shannon James, labourer 9 Prosperous alley

Shannon Jane, tavernkeepev 36b High

Shannon John, hatter 20 Cresson's alley

Shannon Michael, labourer, back '2,95 south Third

Shannon Mrs. widow of VVilhaaj 146 Hign

Shannon William, gunsmith and cutler 223 Shippen

Sharmer Kiity, widow, Lily alley near Tammany

Sharp Abiah, shipmaster 8 Lombard

fShurp Adam, porter. Christian below Sixth

Sharp Catharine, widow 146 Lombard

Sharp Charles, merchant tailor 39 north Third

Sharp Daniel, brigade inspector. Juniper below High

Sharp Edward, gentleman, Camden (N J^

Sharp George, carpenter Palmer above West

Sharp Hannah, widow 447 south Front *

Sharp Isaac, waterman 10 Stephens' court

Sharp John, tailor 317 south Second

Sharp John, pilot 40 Queen

Sharp John G. carpenter 47 Browne (N L)

Sharp John & Co. merchants 1 Greenleat's court, or

over 10 south Fourth— d h 66 north Fifth Sharp Joseph, drygoods store 9 south Second Sharp Josiah, chairmaker 395 south Front Sharp Mary, widow, German below Fourth Sharp Patrick, tailor 42 S. Water and 2 Bell's court Sharp Philip, cotton, &:c. presser 91 N. Water and red

store N. wharves Sharp Rob. tinman, back 75 N. Sixth Sharp Robert, labourer, back 338 north Second tSharp Robert, labourer Rose (N L) . Sharp Samuel, captain of the Team boat Camden, back

11 Wagner's alley Sharp 8c Sleeper, merchant tailors 39 north Third Sharp Susan, widow, Palmer above West (K) Sharp Thomas, tailor 110 Crown Sharp , shallopman, back 97 Budd


^harpe Benjamin, cloth merchant 21 south Second

Sharpe Lodewyke, merchant 18 north Ninth

Sharpe rev Solomon, 522 north Second cor. Beaver

Sharpless Awn, south Eleventh below Spruce

Sharpless Jesse, 48 High d h 9 north Fourth

Sharpless Joseph, bookbinder 21 north Fourth

Sharpless Jos. J. dry goods store 16i S. 2d d h 9 N. 4th

Sharpless Joshua, jun. carpenter High W. Perm, bridge

Sharpless Juliana, widow, storekeeper 16 north Sixth

Sharpless E. bonnetmaker 30 Arch

Sharpless Mary, 34 Sugar alley

Sharpless Townsend, merchant 30 south Second

Sharpnack Benjamin, merchant 209 High

Sharpnack, Destouet 8c Co. merchants 209 High

Sharswood James, gentleman 92 north Sixth

Sharswood William, gentleman 92 north Sixth

Sharvey Daniel, labourer 416 south Second

Shauck Michael, 79 Green

Shaw Amos, sawyer 8 Stephens' court

Shaw Alex, hardware merchant S W cor. Third & Arch

Shaw Ann, segarmaker 53 Small

Shaw Ann, widow of George, 31 south Front

Shaw Benjamin, gentleman 52 south Fifth

■fShaw Benjamin, mariner Shippen below Eighth

Shaw Abial, woodsawyer Cooper's court (N L)

fShaw Benjamin, labourer 21 Hurst street

Shaw Elizabeth, widow 49 Pine

Shaw Eleanor, widow 184 St. John

Shaw Isaac, blacksmith, Shippen below Fifth

Shaw James, carpenter 125 Cedar

Shaw James M. hatter 218 High

Shaw Jeremiah, tavernkeeper Old York r.ab. Tammany

Shaw John H. (U. S. Navy hotel) 25 Prime

Shaw John, justice of the peace, 406 north Second

Shaw John, labourer Huddle's court

Shaw Joseph, upholsterer 35 north Third, and 112 Race

Shaw Joseph, artist 570 south Front

Shaw Joshua, hatter 100 High d h N W cor. Eighth

and Cherry Shaw & Lobdell, hat-warehouse 100 High Shaw Mary, china store 65 north Seventh Shaw Richard, carter 283 north Front Shaw Robert, vict. High W. of the Permanent bridge Shaw WiUiam, m. d. 237^ Arch Shaw Wm. labourer Mifflin's court Shay Daniel, mate 12 Almond tShay Hannah, widow Trusty's court Sheaff widow ot Philip, 172 Vine Sheaffer John, carpenter Seventh above Camac Shearer John B. shoemaker 38 south Fifth Shearer John, cordwainer, back 482 north Third Shearer Valentine, carter 271 N. Eighth [see Sherer Shearman Conger, storekeeper 196 Cedar


Sheble Adam, hardware store & cedar cooper 206 N. '3d Sheble David, hardware store 155 north Third Sheble Frederick, corner Callowhill and Sixth Sheble Jacob, dealer in second-hand furniture 79 N. 5th Sheble Jncob, jun. cabinetmaker 465 north Second Shedaker James, guager and oak cooper 45 S. Water Sheed George, plasterer 275 south Fifth Sheed Mary, widow of Wra. German below Fifth Sheed WiUianri W. sea captain 33 Queen Sheepshanks Ttiomas, merchant 22 Church alley Sheepshanks William & Co. merchants 166 High Sheepshanks Wm. merchant 166 High d h 230 Race Sheer Frederick, victualler, stall 30 New market— d h

48 Moyamensing road Sheer widow of John, 22 Plum Sheets Jacob, boatbuilder 456 south Front Sheetz Jacob, hatter 329 north Third Sheetz John, accountant 329 north Third Sheetz John, caulker, Hanover above Prince Sheetz Mary, widow Hanover above Queen Sheetz Matthias, labourer Spruce near Broad Sheetz Peter, farmer Marlborough near Bedford Sheetz Peter, chairmaker Palmer above West Sheetz Sarah, widow Cherry near West Sheilds Luke, carpenter 203 north Fourth Sheldon William, lampmaker 93 Walnut— d h 42 Cur- rant -alley Shell Lewis, segarmaker Broad above Race Shell Miss Margaret, cakebftker 79 Race fShell W'illiam, labourer 6 Acorn alley Shellcup Mrs. washerwoman 15 Wells' row Shelmerdine Edward, hat manufactory and wai'ehouse

159 Chesnut She mar James, waterman 15 Christian Shepard Henry, innkeeper 144 Cedar tShepard Ezekiel, mariner 2 Eagle court Shepherd Catharine, boardinghouse 128 north Fourth Shepherd CoUins, grocer 306 High d h N W cor. of

George and Eleventh Shepherd & Davis, grocers 306 High Shepherd Daniel, watchman 160 Swanson Shepherd Francis, rigger Nieman's alley Shepherd Jacob, vict. James st. stall 62 New market Shepherd Jacob, caulker Marlborough near Prince V Shepherd James, carpenter Smith's alley (N L) Shepherd John, vict. James st. stall 68 New market Shepherd John, jr. vict, James near Ridge road Shepherd John, caulker Frankford road near Bedford |Shepherd John, labourer 1 Pottery alley Shepherd Joseph, mariner 13 Swanson Shepherd Margaret, widow. Beach near Maiden Shepherd Philip, victualler. Pleasant tShepherd Randall, fruiterer S W cor. Chesnut and 7tk


Shepherd Robert, vict. Apple near George (N L) Shepherd Sarah, wiilow Apple near George Shepherd Silvanus, huckster Camden (N J) Shepherd Simpson, accountant 5 Littleboy's court Shepherd Thomas, storekeeper 4 north Fifth Shepherd WiUiam, bellhanger, &c 250 Race Sheppard Catharine, widow 57 Vine Sheppard Richd. corder on Vine st. wharf, 1 PfeifTer'say. bhepperd Mary, widow Hanox er near Prince Shei)perly Joseph, vict. 440 north Second Shepperly Joseph, vict. stall 22 N L market Sherborne William, buiscuit baker 70 Swanson and 163

Shippen Sherely John, stockingweaver Tammany bel. Rose av Sherer Ann, nurse 264 Lombard Sherer Hannah, widow 63 Queen Sherer Isaac, carpenter Rose alley ab. Coates'st

Sherky , widow, Vine Hbo% e Broad

Sheridan Abm. gentleman Sch. Upper bridge, W. end Sheridan Ehzabeth, widow 1 Cresson's alley Sheridan Owen, stablekeeper, back of u/i/ier 33 N. 8th Sheridine Mary, widow of D. late dealer 61 Christian Shermer Elizabeth, milliner 79 north Second Sherman Wm. E. sea captain MCuUoch's court Shermer A. Ik J. cabinetmakers 42 Browne Shermer Jacob, cabinetmaker 422 north Third Shermer John, sexton 5th Presbyterian ch. 80 Locust Shermer John, shoemaker 216 south Seventh Shermtrr Mary, widow, boardinghouse 5 Sterling allev

Shermer , widow 64 Browne

Shermer Wm. carver and gilder J35 Arch Sherrerd Catharine, widow 31 New Market

11'^''*'^^^"'^"' g'-ocer Old York road corner Noble Sherriff George, baker 46 Filbert Sherriff William, baker 332 High below Tenth Sherry James, drygoods store, 38 south Fifili tSherry John, barber, back 66 Shii.pen tSherry Margaret, widow, Apollo above Cedar ^h^t7f^ ^''Tl' .shipwright Carpenter below Second Shette Daniel, bnckmaker 239 CallowhiH ab. Tenth Sheitel Henry, victualler 239 Callowhill above Tenth Shetz ine Samuel, caulker Laurel above Front §r^^^*\"^jy^»^^ael, carter Laurel above Front bhewell Thomas, merchant 55 noith Second Shey John shipwi-ight Marlboiough near Prince Shibe Catharine, Doarding house Ger. road near Third Shibe John, shipwiiglit Otter near Frankford road (K )

tw frT' ^ oo'x/ Shakamaxon near Bedford shields Ann, 29 North alley

^u-^}i^ Catharine widow, bookfolder, back 74 S. Fifth Shie ds Charles plasterer, back 490 Race Shields Eliza Mrs. Cedar abox e Seventh Shields Jacob, shipwright 444 N. Front ab. Poplar lane

2 G

SHN whitely's annual

Shields James, tailor 30 north Second Shields Joseph, brickmaker Sixth above Poplar lane Shields Luke, carpenter 205 N. 4th above Tammanv' Shields Margaret, shopkeeper 168 south Third Shields Mary, widow 7 Marks' lane ■^Shields Michael, carter 87 north Fifth Shields Peter, drayman Cedar below Tenth Shields Robert, storekeeper 35 north Second Shields Thomas, gentleman 71 S. 8th S E cor. Sansom Shields William, cordwainer North street Shields Mary, widow of Joseph, 10 Knight's court Shields William, brickmaker Race near Sch. Seventh Shifter John, blacksmith, back 527 north Third Shillingford Thomas, smith Juniper above Cherry Shillingsford Thomas, blacksmith 517 north Third ShiUingsford Thomas, caulker Vienna near Duke Shindle John, waterman 60 Meade alley Shindler Henry, sailmaker, back 387 south Front Shindler John, sailmaker Emlen's ct. and 123 N. Water Shingle (ieorge, farmer Pratt's place ^hinick Elizabeth, widow 365 north Third Shinn Asa, huckster Camden N. J. Shinn Eleazer, carpenter 181 Lombard Shinn Elizabeth, boarding house 110 south Third Shinn Freedom L. druggist &c. Camden K. J. Shinn John M. paint manufacturer Wright's alley Shinn John, huckster Camden N. J. Shinn Joseph B. and Co. druggists Camden N. J. Shinn Josiah, book and stationary store 368 N. Second Shinn Samuel F. printer 8 Fetter lane Shinn Samuel, bricklayer 134 Pine Shiney Mary, 42 Crown

Shinley Henry, sailmaker, back 385 south Front Shipley Ann, widow 372 north Fourth Snipley Thos. hardware merch. 45 High d h 61 Union Shipman Eliza, widow, back 54 north Fourth Shippen Charles, 27 south Tenth Shippen Elizabeth, gentlewoman 5G Union Shippen Joseph G. m. d. 292 north Third Shippen Margaret 64 south Eighth Shippen Wm. A. watchmaker 241 S. 2d— d h 48 Sliippen fShippey Theresa, widow Eighth below Lombard f Shire Benjamin, labourer, back 6 Locust Shirkey Ann, widow of Patrick, grocer 24 Small Shirkey John, quarryman Schu) Ikill Waterworks Shiriy Rachel, widow of Moses, 159 Cedar Shirt Frederick, farmer Gray's ferry road bel. Cedar Shive Christiana, widow 15 Fayette Shivers Adams, labourer Schuylkill 4th above Spruce Shnatz Frederick, baker 98 north Ninth Shneck Elizabeth, widow Lawrence above Wood Shneck Philip, vict. James near Ridge road stall 58 New Market south Second


Shober Michael, beerhouse 56 Green l^ee Shuber

Shober Samuel L. boot and shoe manuf. 296 High dh

182 south Eleventh Shober Frederick, baker 166 north Second Shober Susannah B. widow 21 Powell Shockcor Henry, brickmaker Fourth below Poplar lane Shockcor Thomas, brickmaker Fourth below Poplar 1. Shocker Margaret, widow 28 Charlotte Shoemaker Abraham, alderman, office 100 south Fourth

d h 39 Powell Shoemaker Ann Martha, widow 173 north Fourth Shoemaker Charles N. carpenter 211 Lombard Shoemaker Christian, buttonmole maker 63 Coates Shoemaker rev. Henry ,cordwainer Frankford road neau

Shakamaxon Shoemaker Jacob, actuary of the Pennsylva«nia Company

for Insurance on Lives 6cc. office 173 Chesnut d h

106 south Front Shoemaker Jacob jun. china mercht. 252 High dh 106^

south Front Shoemaker Jane, widow 118 St. John Shoemaker Jonathan, merchant 106 south Front Shoemaker Joseph, silversmith 12 north Front Shoemaker Margaret, widow 211 Lombard Shoemaker Nathan, m. d, 34 Sansom Shoemaker Lewis and Francis, conveyancers 100 S. 4t!i

d h 9 north Eleventh Shoemaker Samuel, attorney at law 32 south Sixth Shoeman John, blacksmith Jones' alley Shon John, pipemaker 8 Fitzwalter Shordy Jane, widow 119 Browne Shordy Sebastian, labourer Coates above Fourth "Short VVm. wellcleaner Old York road above Browne ■Shorter Charles, labourer 8 Wagner's alley "Shorter Elizabeth, widow Washington court ■Shorter George, sawyer Sixth above Poplar lane

Shorter Mary, widow Passyunk road below Christian Shotwell Edmund, merchant 212 north Fourth Shoup John, weaver 27 Franklin

Shourds Benjamin, framemaker &c. 10 HofFaian's alley Shourds David, shoemaker 142 Vine Shout Jacob, founder Buttonwood above Charles Shove W^m. S. morocco dress'^r Germantown r. n. 2d Showaker Elizabeth, widow 467 north Third Showaker Jacob, combmaker Old York r. bel. Tammany Shreck Christiana, Cherry below West Shreck Henry, fisherman West above Palmer Shrekagast George H. flour store corner Prince and

Hanover (K.) Shrenk George, brewer Baker's alley Shreeve Charles, rigger Oak below Coates Shreeve John, jun, rigi^er 6 S. wharves d h 50 Green Shreeve Joim, rigger Point Pleasant d h 399 N. Front

SIB whitely's annual

Shreve Margaret, widow 37 Key's alley

Shriver George, victualler Spring Garden stall 60 New

Market south Second [^aee Schriver

Shriver Henry, victualler 40 Catharine Shiiver Sarah, widow, victu-iUer Charles below James Shronk, widow of George, 200 Coates Shronk Josepii, carter 446 Race Shronk Phf>ebe, widow Jacoby street Shubard George, fisherman Hanover near Prince Shubert George, ladies' shoeiwaker 14 Knight's court Shubert Isaac, carpenter 10th below Pine Shubert John, coachmaker 22 Federal below Second Shuoert Wm. carpenter 22 Federal below Second Shufflebottom Wm. china merchant 42 north Second Shugart George S. hardware store 385 north Second Shugart Simon, late collector 366 north Second Shuler Elizabeth, widow of Jacob, 209 north Third Shull Fred, inspector of the customs at Marcus Hook ShuU Johii B, clerk in the Custom-house 384 S, Front Shultz Cdtharine, v,^idow, back 99 Shippen Shults Charles, sen. feed store 20 Passyunk road Shultz Charles L. shoemaker 277 north Third Shultz George, labourer St. Joseph's avenue Shultz Hannah, widow Grissel's alley Shultz John, jeweller 272 south Third [«<?<? Shuts

Shuitz Mary, widow Carpenter (S.) above Fourth Shultz Nicholas, carpenter 131 Cherry Shuman Frederick, storekeeper C-t north Third Shaman George, carter Marlborough (K.) n. Frank, r. Shuman John, silverplater N. Fourth corner Browne Shuman Jacob, victualler 123 Moyamensing road— stall

41 New Market south Second Shumar Wm. laboureV Juniper above Race Shunk Isaac, carpenter 57 Mechanic Shurdon Thomas, labourer 560 north Second ShurtleflF Wm. mate 68 Cathaiine Shusted David, labourer 15 Christian Shuster Andrew, oak cooper 3 Pennsylvania avenue Shuster Catharine, widow, nurse Cadwalader Shuster Jacob, oak cooper 75 N. Water d h 30 Vine Shuster Lawrence, victualler 24 Lawrence stall 31

Old shambles Shuster Peter, victualler Lawrence below Callowhill

stall 8 New market south Second Shute David, teacher, back 15 Budd Shute Enoch, 330 south Third

Shute William, umbrella maker, back 355 N. Second Shuts Hannah, widow Carpenter (S.) above Fourth Shuttle Daniel, brickmaker Callowhill above Tenth Shuttle Henry, victualler 47 Old shambles Shutzline David, farmer Passyunk below Buck road Sibble John, victualler, Allen near Frankford road (K.) Sibble Mary, Penn (K ) Point Pleasant


Sibbet John, plasterer S W cor. Fifth and Prune

Sibert Adam, cordwainer 284 Vine bel. 8th [see Seybert

Sibyl, Davies & Co. drygoods store 6 south Second

Sickle Catharine, widow 124 south Fifth

Sickels Julia Ann Mrs. 173 north Front

Sickels Thomas H. ladies' shoemaker Paschal's alley

Sickfret George, cordwainer 27 Mechanic

Sickfret John, shipcarpenter Beach above Hanover

Sickfret Joseph, shipwright Hanover near Queen

Siddall James, tavernkeeper 74 N . Water 8c 75 N. Front

Siddall J<.seph H. surveyor & di'aftsman, 105 N. Front

Siddall Joseph, drygoods store 59 north Third

Siddons John, mariner 452 south Front

Siddons Jos. biscuit baker 30 S. wharves d h 24 Union

Siddons Josiah, drygoods store 193 south Second

Side George, cordwainer Baker's court

Side Hannah, tailoress Sch Second below Spruce

Side William, cordwainer, back 517 north Third

Sides William, brickmaker cor. Spruce and Sch. 2d

Siebert Eckhart, baker 112 Callowhill

Siejners Frederick, oak cooper, back 54 Newmarket

Siens Barbara, widow, back 295 south Third

Sigler Amos, gunsmith cor. Broad and Cedar

Sigone Madame, 120 Pine

Silbert George, labourer Carpenter (S.) above Fifth

Silbert Peter, labourer 230 south Fifth

Silcock Charles, coop«r 15 Swanson

Silence widow of J Locust above Twelth

Sills EHas, wharf builder 30 Browne

Silva Francis, mariner 23 Plum

Silvan John L. pastry cook,&c. Clymer's alley

Silveira A. E. tailor 55 north T'lird

Silvers Jacob, blacksmith Peggnear Cable lane

Silverthorn John, sailmaker 10 Coombs' alley

Simes James W. druggist, &c. 459 High [see Sims

Simington George, shoemaker Second above Catharine

Simkins Wm. waterman M'Cullocli's court

Simler George, tailor Penntown [see Symington

fSimmons Ann, N^idow, back 93 Shippeu

Simmons Anthony, assistant Judge of the district court

and colonel of the 96th re^ment 100 south Eighth Simmons Edward, lumber merchant 145 north Third Simmons Edward and Son, lumber merchants 145 N. 3d

and 144 north Second Simmons Edward, jun. supercargo 217 Walnut Simmons Edward, 85 Wood fSimmons Edward, Wood corner Garden Simmons Elizabeth, 25 Meade alley fSimmons Henry, rag dealer Garden above Wood Simmons Isaac, ship watch, back 3 Parham's alley fSintmons Jane, widow Smith's court Simoaous John, collector 47 Tammany


SIM whitely's annual

Simmons Joseph, commission merchant, near cor.- 10th

and Clierry Simmons Mordeeai, teacher Willings* alley d h 28 St.

John street tSimmons Rachel, widow Pine alley Simmons Rebecca, teacher 65 Tammany Simmons Sarah, widow Callowhill above Twelfth Simmons Stephen, lumber merchant 179 N Water dh

119 Vine Simmons Steph bleeder &c. 181 S Front & 180 S Water tSimmons Susan, widow St. Mary street Simmons William, balance weigher, back 78 south

Front d h Tammany above Fourth Simmons WiUiam, jun. merchant 214 Pine Simmons WiUiam 8. merchant 127 Arch Simms & Creighton, Irish linen merchants 11 S Front Simms Robert, Irish linen merchant 11 south Front

d h 48 W^alnut fSimon Alice, widow Clever alley Simon John, shoemaker 13 Hinkel's court Simon John, jun grocer Beach above Maiden Simon John, baker 24 Walnut

! Simon John, barber 302 Vine Simon John, cook Middle alley imon Joseph, bathhouse 6 8^ 7 Fromberger's court Simon Michael, cooper 368 High Simon Michael, shipwright Frankford r. near Queen Simon Peter, merclrxnt 164 Race Simon Philip F. blee- er and barber 282 Vine Simons John P. hatter Hunter's court Simons Joseph & Co. linen and woollen drapers N E

corner Cedar and Second Simons Noah, storekeeper 39 Pine Simons Wm. hatter 387 north Second Simpson Anthony, labourer 206 Cherry Simpson David, cooper 391 north Fiont Simpson Deborah, widow, teacher 3 Meade ay. Simpson Elizabeth, widow 54 Plum Simpson George, cashier Girard's banking house d h

104 Chesnnt Smpson George, cordwainer 242 south Sixth Simpson Hannah, widow, 180 north Sepond Simpson Hannah, nurse 158 north Water Simpson Henry, mercli. 26 N Front d h 104 Chesnut fSimpson Henry, waiter Green's court Simpson Isaac, cabinetmaker 7 Shippen Simpson James, grocer S W cor Plum and Third Simpson James, combmaker 18 south Fourth Simpson James, carter 62 Catharine Simpson John, cordwainer Race below Sch. Eighth Simpson John, paperstaincr 461 Race Simpson Matthew, whipthongmaker 11 Kibb's court Simpson Michael, engineer 158 north Fifth


Simpson Richard, boot and shoemaker 168 south Ninth

Simpson Samuel, teacher 25 Green

Simpson Stephen, accountant 5 noith Thirteenth

Simpson Thos. drygoods store 28 Chesnat d h 156 Pine

Simpson Thomas, combmanuf 137 south 2d

Simpson William, cordwainer Cherry cor Eleventh

Simpson William T. innkeeper 110 north Ninth

Simpson Wm. late grocer Thirteenth below High

tSimpson Wm. doctor Barclay's alley

Simpson Wm. cordwainer 168 south 9th bel. Lombard

Simpson William, weaver Lombard above Twelfth

Sims David, corder 12Margaretta

Sims John, painter &c 40 south Eighth and 429 Arch

d h Eleventh below Arch Sims Joseph, merchant countinghous« 155 south Water,

d h S W co;r Chesnut and Ninth Sims Peter^ropemnkei- Carpenter's alley Sims Wm.ropemaker Carpenter (S) above Fifth

[see Simes i^ Simms Sin Susannah, cakebaker shop 70 Race ^Sinclair Cornelius, waiter 22 Burd's court tSinclair Joseph, porter 42 Passyunk road Sinclair Samuel, watchman Buttonwood near Fifth Sinclair Wm. cabinetmaker, back 126 south 6th Sinen John, cord wai Her Margaretta Siner , widow George n Sch. Eighth

Siner Jacob, brasstounder Fourth below George (N L) Siner John, brasstounder 4th near George (N L) ^ Siner John, ropemaker 483 south Front Siner Thomas, shuttlemaker Thorn's court Sinex John, cordwainer, back 45 Key's alley Singer John 8c Co. merchants 263 High Singer John, jun. merchant 263 High Singer John, coachtrimmer, back 84 Union Singer John, merchant 263 & d h 413 High Singer Susannah, widow 53 George street (S) Smgorly George, tailor 429 north Third tSmgler Jacob, labourer Miles' court near Rose Singleton James, shipwright 30 Mary fSiigleton Joseph, bootcleaner Middle alley fSmgleton Rachel, widow SfOO Lombard Snigleton Stephen, sea captain 89 Penn Singleton Thomas, caulker 458 south Front Singleton Wm. gentleman 173 Vine Sinfe Abraham, military store 21 High— d h 136 s. 10th Sink Catharme, widow. Vine above Thirteenth Sink Christopher, labourer cor 8th and Passyunk road iSinker Josepli, porter, back 137 Plum Sinkler Phoebe Mrs. 397 Sassafras Sinn Catharine, widow 490 north Third Sinn George, biicklayer 490 north Tiiird Sinn Jacob, brassfounder, back 437 north Third Sinnot William, boardinghouse 78 Dock

SLA whiteey's annual

Sinnott Stephen M. broker 21 Walnut

Sinyard Abraham, 8 St. Mary street

tSipple Tobias, dealer, back 239 sduth 2d

fSplin Stephen, waiter, back 489 south 2d street

Sips Margaret, widow of John, Buttonwood below 6th

Sips Michael, jun. brickmaker 1 Steinmetz court

Sirles Nathaniel, cordwainer Poplar lane near 2d

Sisk John, printer 45 Prune

■Slscoe John P. labourer Allen's alley

'Siscoe Wm. carter Spaiford

Sisinger John, innkeeper 375 north Third

Sisty John, pocketbook maker 10 south Front

Sitc'her Andrew, printer Baltimore

•Siter John, jun. merchant 133 High dh 285 R ace

Sitley John I. tailor 393 south Second

Sittler Richard, mariner 21 Coates

Sixte' Stephen, confectioner 111 south Third

Shank Robert E. carpenter Rose alley above Tammany

Skellinger Jeremiah, pilot Union ay. [see Schellinger

SkeUinger WilUam, pilot 17 Queen street (S)

Skerrett George A bookbinder 15 Watson's ay.

Skerrett James 8c Son, blacksmiths 96 8c 100 Locust

above Ninth d h 135 south Ninth Skerrett James I. accountant 154 south Ninth Skerrett Joseph, goldsmith Green near 6th Skerrett Wm. A. smith 100 Locust— d h 135 south 9th Skerrett widow of Joseph, 154 south Ninth Skerrett J. R. A. pnnting office back 100 Locust d h

135 south Ninth Sketchley Wm. mahogany sawyer Smith's alley Skillman John, harnessmaker 79 Green Skinner rev Thomas H. 277 Race Skinner John, sea captain 43 Gaskill Skinner R. painter &c 4 Cherry

Skinner Francis H. sea capt N W cor. 6th 8c Callowhill Skinner William, painter and glazier 44 W^ood Skinner WiUiam, cooper 227 south Tliird street Sk\ rin John, gentleman 11 north Eleventh Slrtck E. fancy store 38 south Fourth Slack EUzabeth 8c Deborah, milliners 270 north Front Slack John, grocer N W cor Lombard and 7th Slide Labin, shipmaster 477 south Front Slag Joim, labourer, back 427 north Tliird Slahter Jacob, tobacconist 136 north Third

[see Schloter Isf Schlatter Slater James, shipwright 530 south Front Slater James, weaver Frankford road ab. Shakamaxon Slater John, mariner Holmes* alley Slater John, weaver Passyunk road below Fitzwalter Slater Mary, widow Queen near Marlborough Slaugh Bartholomew, sugarboiler 536 N 3d n. Beaver Slaugh Michael, baker Christian above 5th street Slaugh John, sugar refiner Poplar lane near St. John


Slaughter Mary, widow, back 251 Race Slaughter Peter, inr^eeper 440 north Second Slavin William, bricklayer Charles near James Sleeper & Alsop, china merchts. 11 & 92 north Front Sleeper & Ashton, black and whitesmitlis & bellows

makers 94 N Front Sleeper Benjamin, smith cor. Callowhill and Crown

d h 99 Crown Sleeper Jas. blacksmith 94 N Front— -d h 24Elfreth*s ay Sleeper John L. merchant tailor 39 north Third Sleeper Jonathan, oakcooper 111 south Water and china

store 92 north Front Sleeper Nehemiah, unibrellamaker 113 north Second Sleet George, mariner 6 Burd's ay Sleeth Susannah, widow 35 German Slemmer Jacob, cedarcooper and sealer of dry mea- sures 439 north Third Slemmer Matthias, cabinetmaker 450 north Third Slesman widow of George, merchant 319 High Slesman Jacob, labourer Beach near Marlborough Slide Sally, 378 south Second -^

Slifer John, innkeeper S W cor. Green and Front SlinglufF Joseph, corn chandler 410 north Third Sloan Hugh, tailor Germantown r. below first gate Sloan James, tailor 2 north Water Sloan James, tailor 2 Elfreth's alley Sloan James, grocer &c. High 2 doors west Sch. 5th Sloan John, labourer Camden (N J) -^

Sloan John, grocer &c. N W cor. High and Sch. 5th |Sloan Sarah, widow Crab near Plum 7

Sloan William, sea captain 7 Penn =*

fSloby Solomon, carter Chesnut near Schuylkill 5th tSluby Benjamin, sawyer, back 112 Christian Small Abm. printer and bookseller 112 Chesnut, print- ing office 2 Hartung's alley Small Jane, widow 382 south Second Small Martha Ann, widow 304 south Third Small Marv, widow Buttonwood near Fifth Small R. H. bookseller 30 north Ninth Small Thomas, cabinetmaker & grocer 166 south Sixth Smallman James, engineer Walnut west Sch. Second Smallwood John H. carpenter Camden (N J) Smallwood Manly, labourer Beach below Warren (K) Smallwood Martha, tavernkeeper 2 Dock Smallwood Priscilla, widow Kunckel above Noble Smallwood Thomas, cordwainer, back 346 north 2d Smedley Isaac, late hardware merchant 26 Wood Smet Frederick, labourer 144 St. John Smiedel Charles, baker 139 south Tenth Smidth George F. typefounder Tenth above Lombard Smiley T. T. teacher 48 north Third Smilie John, stonecutter 56 Chester

SMI whitely's annual

Smith Abigail, gentlewoman 103 Chesnut

Smith Abraiiam, wharfbuilder Beach near high bridge

Smith Abraham, cordwainer High W Permanent bridge

jSmith Adam, (100 years of age) Quince below Locust

Smith Alexander, mariner 56 Middle alley

Smith Alex, cordwainer 4th near Carpenter (S)

Smith Amos, oakcooper, back 227 Walnut

Smith Andrew, carpenter 47 Fitz waiter

Smith Andrew, nailer Rose alley (C)

Smith Ann, seamstress 62 Dock [«^c Smidtfi

Smith Ann, tailoress 3 Cresson's court

Smith Ann, widow West above Palmer

Smith Ann, widow 71 Pine street

Smith Allen, merchant 291 Spruce

Smith Ben, innkeeper (.sign of the Lamb) Lancaster

turnpike above one mile stone Smith Bernard, victualler Old York r. ab. Poplar lane Smith C. S. 6c T. W. merchants 135 High~d h 154 S 2d Smith C. W & J.R. merchants 103 north Front Smith Catharine widow of John, grocer N W corner

Pine and Seventh Smith Catharine, widow 37 Charlotte Smith Charles W. mercht. 103 N. Front— dh 251 Arch Smith Charles K. wholesale druggist 59 &; d h 90 Vine Smith Charles,'merchant 43^ N- Front aud 105 Chesnut Smith Charles, dealer 55 Callowhill NE cor. Second Smith Charles, grocer SW cor. Eleventh and Walnut Smith Charles, coachmaker 177 south Third Smith Charles L. grocer 37 S. 3d d h 16 N. Fourth Smith Charles, carpenter Pine above Thirteenth Smith Charles, smith 14 Coombs* alley tSmith Charles, mariner Emlen's court Smith Christian, waterman 5 German Smith Christian G. baker 3 Lsetitia court Smith Christian, silversmith & spectacle manuf.6 Fet- ter lane Smith Christian, shipwright 170 north Water Smith , stonecutter Paschal's ay. bel. York road Smith Constant, bricklayer 4 Farmer's row Smith Corselia, widow 40 Arch Smith Cornelius, mariner 6 Callowhill Smith Daniel, grocer 99 north Third Smith Daniel, merchant 181 south Third Smith Daniel, stonecutter back 62 Catharine Smith Daniel, carpenter 222 (ireen Smith Dnniel B druggist 33 High d h 302 Arch Smith Daniel, jun. merchant 75 South wharves d h 44

Lombard Smith David B. storekeeper 19 north Second d h 43

Ke>^s alley Smith David, shallopman Oak below Coates Smith Dena, widow 66 south Water


Smith Dcckeray, merchant 189 Walnut Smith Edward, 4 North >vharves and 156 north Front 5>mith Edward, grocer Second SE cr.r. ChrUtiaii Smith Edward, teedsiore 257 south Fifih cor. of Pas-

syunk road Smith Ehzabeth, 299 Callowhill near Garden Smith Ehzdbeth, widow 11 Myers' court Smith Elizabeth, widow Church street Smich Elizabeth, widow, cor. Broad & Cedar Smith Elizabeth, widow 73 Chern' treet fSmith Ezekiel, labourer, back of 209 scuth Third Smith F. G. and R. S. merchants 201 south Froiit Smith F. coachmaker 45 south Fourth Smith Francis G. merchant 201 south Front d h 42

Lombard Smith Francis, coachtrimmer 147 Locust Smith Francis, watchman of Com. bank, back 61 Queen Smith Francis, cabinetmaker 61 Arch Smith Frederick, quarry man Callowhill near Sch. 3d Smith Frederick, labourer 144 St. Johns Smith George, cooper 176 north Eighth Saiith George W. dr\ goods store 175 north Second Smith George, nail maniif. 15 N- 7th & 7 Heyde's ct. Smith George, brickmaker 142 Browne Smith George, stonecutter 396 Race Smith George, stonecutter SheafiTs alley Smith George, carpenter Noble above Filth Smith George, smith 576 north Second Smith George, victualler Twelfth above Race Smith George John, currier Fetter lane d h85 N. 3d Smith George saddler, &c. 3 Fayette Smith George R. 1st teller Penn. bank, N. Eleventh Smith George, shoestore 221 Cedar Smith George, drayman Race near Sch Third Smith George, mariner 25 Prime street Smith George, whitesmith 476 north Second Smith & Griffitts, merchants 256 High Smith Gilbert, cordwainer, back 143 Moyamensingr. Smith Grizzel, widow 202 north Sixth Smith Gulielma M. widow 302 Arch jSmith Godfrey, waiter, back 159 Lombard

Smith , mariner back of 150 Spruce

Smith Hannah, Mrs. Gaskill street

Smith Hannah, shopkeeper 350 south Second

tS mith Hannah, Apple near George

Smith & Hawkins, merchants 240 High

Smith Henry, quarn-^man Callowhill near Sch. Fourth

Smith Henry, carter Say street

Smith Henry, oak cooper back 12 Cresson*s alley

Smith Henry, organ builder Germ, road bei. 1st gate

Smith Henry, labourer Merriott's lane below Fifth

Smith & Hutchinson, stock &c. brokers 85 south Second

Smith Henrietta, widow 228 Lombard street


Smith Henry, dealer in furs, 58 Queen street (Sj Smith Henry, labourer Wciod above Prir.ce Smith Henry, blacksmith Ma;dei: near stone bridge tSmith Henry, oysterman M^lt alley Smith Isaac, jun. flour mei chant Cani Jen (N J) Smitli Isaac, dr\goo<)s store SE cor. 4th and Lombard Smith I. Indian di:»ctor 112 L<imbard Smith Isabella, nuise, 23Lomijard street Smith Is.LDella, widow, taiioress 9 Garden Smith Jacob R. merchant 103 N. Front d h 249 Arch Smith J. L inquir' NE cor. Filbert and Ninth Smitli Jacob, carter 99 St. John Smith Jacob, shoemaker, back 43r north Third Smith Jacob, drayman Race cor. Sch Seventh Smith Jac{^L), cordwainer Pryor's alley Smith Jacob W. nailer 86 and d h back 62 Race Smith Jacob, store attendant 124 Cailowhill Smitn Jacob, silversmith Wood above Eighth Smith Jacob W mate of vessel 57 Catharine Smith Jacob, brewer, comer of Cailowhill and New- market— d h £10 north Sixth Smith Jacob, surgeon dentist 76 Union Smith Jacob, Third near Germantown road Smith Jacob, yeoman Vienna near West Smith Jacob, baker Frankfurd road near the Sorrel horse Smith Jacob, tailor 143 south Ninth Smith James, saddler. Prime below Second (S.) Smith James S. jr. accountant, 165 south Eleventh Smith James, m. d. 100 south Eighth Smith James, d. d. 449 south Front Smith James, merchant 103 north Front d h 253 Arch Smith James E. 165 south Eleventh Smiih James, jr. morocco store 18 High— d h 100 Arch Smith James S. attorney at law 101 south Fourth Smith James, innkeeper cor. Third & Germantown r. Smith James P. cordwainer, back 143 Moyamenang r. Smith James, labourer Prime above Second Smith James L. druggist 139 Chesnut Smith Jane, teacher 15 Cres.son's alley Smith Jane, Ann west of Schuylkill Eighth Smith Jane, Mrs. milliner 61 Arch Smith Jane, widow of Jos. boardinghouse 229 Higk Smith Jeremiah, brickmaker Thirteenth above Race tSmith Jercmiah, labourer Elbow alley I^Smith Jeremiah, coachman 6 Burd's court Smith Jesse, painter and glazier 25 and d h 70 N. 6th Smith Jesse, baker 184 Race Smith Job, broker, south Secoiul d h 4 Sansom Smith Job, Indian doctor S E corner Centre Square tSmith Job, sawyer, Shippen above Seventh— -d h 431

Chesnut above Thirteenth Smith John, late marshal 320 Arch Smith John C. and William H. merchants Lodge


>>mith John, blacksmith n. Upper ferry bridge, west end

Smith Jchn, shipmaster 3 Vernon

Smith John B. arxountant 100 Spruce

Smith John C. merchant 126 south Eighth

Smith John, silversmith 79 Plum

Smith John, grocer 90 S wanscn S W cor. of Meade alley

Smith John, shipmaster 17 Vine

Smith John, carpenter Budd above Laurel

Smith John, silverplater Jones' street above Sch. Fifth

Smith John, stonecutter Broad above Race

Smith John, labourer 262 south Fourth street

Smith John, trader Lombard above Twelfth

Smith John D. lumber merchant corner of Ninth and

George d h Twelfth above Filbert Smith John, whitesmith 52 and 54 Cedar Smith John, grocer 32 South wharves Smith John, mate 511 south Second Smith John E. flour and feed store 50 south Tenth Smith John, moulder and founder, Callowhi.U near 12tb. Smith John, plasterer, Ann W. Sch. Eighth Smith John, agent, 146 Locust street Smith John, cedar cooper, 467 norch Second Smith John J. suttler Fort Mifflin— d h 160 Lombard Smith John George, currier corner Fetter lane & N. 3d Smith John, runner of F. and M. bank 57 south Eleventh Smith John, warehouseman, back 18 Blackberry alley Smith John A. tobacconist Newmarket above Pegg st. Smith John D. lumber merchant 29 north Twelfth Smith John H, cordwainer 427 Catharine Smith John J. merchant 344 Arch Smith John J. jr. druggist, Sec. 121 High— d h 302 Arch Smiths Drug and Chemical store 139Chesnut Smith John, vict. Kensington stall 11 N. L. market Smith John, Ship-launch inn 72 German Sm.ith John, upholsterer 111 Chesnut Smith John, labourer Lombard west of Sell. Eighth Smith John, innkeeper 242 Swanson near Navy-yard Smith John, sawyer, back 24 Catharine Sm'th John, labourer, buck 517 north Third Smith John, carpenter, Old Vork road near Coates Smith John, plasterer, 80 Plum street Smith John, labourvrr, Cherry above Duke Smith John, woodsawyer, back of 23 north Sixth Smith John R, attorney at law 74 Walnut Smith John S. stock and exchange broker S W. comer

Lombard a.nd Front Smith John L. spaoish segar manuf. and tobacconist 26

north Sixth Smith John, gate-keepef at the Pennsylvania Hospital Smith John, brickmaker, Fourth near Germantown r. 'Smith John, labourer Bonsai 1 below Ninth xSmith John, labourer Meredith's court tSraith John, mariner, 32 Stamper's alley


SMI whitely's annual

Smith Jonas, corder Sch. Eighth near \me

SpiitU Jonathan, late cashier of the U. S. bank 134

Walnut Snnita Jonathan P. bricklayer 215 north Fourth Smith Jonathan, 4 Car])enter's court Smith Joseph, Few & Co. flcur merchants 35 north

\\'ater S E corner of Arch d h 298 north Front Smitii Joseph B. boot and sh-je manufKCturer 334 High Smiih Joseph, mariner 48 Mtade alley Smith Joseph, carpenter 179 Green Smith Joseph, hatier, back or 38 Cherry Smith Joseph, shallopman 8 Budd street Smith Joseph, innkeeper 191 north I bird Smith Joseph^ mariner, Sl.akamaxon near Bedford Smith Joseph, labourer Wood near Prince Smitn Joseph, morocco dresser 523 north Third Smitii Joseph H, accountant 1 Schriver's court Smith Joseph, labourer 7 W'iley's court tSmith Joseph, labourer 90 Bedford Smiih Josiah, shoemaker, S Almond street Smith Juliann, widov,- Wood above Lawrence Smith Ju^vtin, nailcutter 58 Cable lane bel Margaretta tSmirh Keziali, \vidow. Quince below Locust Smitli & Kriorr, painter^ and glaziers 25 north Sixth Sni th & M'Grath, grocers, S E ccr. 5th and Oak (S) Smith 8c Mason, oakcoopers 7 Decatur Smith Russell, m. d. physician to the out-door poor 165

south Eleventh

Smith ostler 6th above Canr-rac

Smith gunsm.th. Cedar near Gray's ferry road

Smith Margaret, 193.south Sixth

Smith Mirgaret, widow of George, 192 north Third

Smith Margaret, Mrs. of Henr, , 125 Mnyamensin^ r.

Smith Margaretta I. widcA-, boardinghouse 262 High

Smith M.;ria, widow, back 301 south Third

Smith Martha, Mrs. of Robert, Washington above 2d

Sr.iiih Mary, widow of John, 363 north Third

Smith Murv, widow, 218 south Seventh

Smith Marv, Miss, 126 Filbert above Eleventh

Smith Mc'ry, Mrs. Garden st. above Pegg's run

Smit Mary, widow of John, Alder alley

Smith M.u} , widow 134 Swanson

SniHh Mary, widow 326 .-.outh Sixth

Smith Mai y, widow. Wood near Prince

Smith Mary, widow. Prince near Palmer

Smith Maiy, vidow, Barron st.

Smith Mary, widow 87 Mulberry

Smith Mary, widow, back 10 north Front

Smith Matilda, widow 65 Catharine

Smith Matihiafc, hairdresser 91 Race

Sm.th Mrs. back 81 Locust

Smith Mrs. of Wro m.erchant 130 south Third

Smith Nathan A. measurer of carpenter's work 104

rortlr Seventh


Smith Nathan, cordwainer 18 Greenleaf s court <

Smith Nathan, late himber merchant 24 Church ay.

Smith Newberry, gentleman 227 Vine N W cor. John

Smith Oliver, accountant 2 Cliester

Smith Paul, blacksmitii Say st.

Smith Peter, tailor 247 north Front

Smith Peter, fringe cordmaker 312 south Front

Smith Philip, printer 133 north Water

Smith Philip, gunsmith, Cedar near Gray's ferry ro?i

Smith Philip, brewer Buitonwood lane

Smith Philip, victualler 12 Wells' row, north Eighth

Smith Philip, grocer N E cor. Front and Spruce d h

120 Spruce Smith, Kachel, huckster Camden (N J) Smith Ralph, carpenter 314 north Second Smith Ralph, carpenter St. Tammany ab. St. John Smith Ralph, tobacconist 1 Saunders' court Smith Rebecca, boardinghouse N E cor. 6th and Arch Smith Reuben, ship watchman 79 south Water Smith Richard S. merchant 40 Lombard Smith Richard, watchman 20 Sugar alley Smith Richard, shoemaker 313 south Third Smith Richard, turner 89 south Eleventh d h Juni- per lane Smith Richard, bookseller, 31 north Second Smith Robert, merchant 58 south Front Smith Robert, curbstone setter, &c. Sch. 6th bel. High Smith Robert, (Western Hotel) 288 High Smith Robert, labourer, Thirteenth above Race Smith Robert, jeweller 47 south Second Smith Robert, wheelwright, Lombard W. Sch. Eighth Smith Robert, accountant, Camden (N J) Smith Robert, clock and watchmaker 302 north Second Smith Robert H. attorney at law, 48 Walnut— d h 58

south Front Smith Robert T. hairdresser 360 High Smith Robert, Thirteenth below High Smith Robert, labourer, south Second ab. Wharton Smith Roger, china store 33 north Fourth Smith Ruth, widow 32 Meade alley Smith Rowland, inspector of customs and keeper of the

Washington tavern and eating house N W cor. south

Sixth and Carpenter st.

Smith , milkman Wright's alley

Smith Saml. teacher 32 Church ay. dh 79 Tammany

Smith S. B. doctor 231 south Third

Smith Samuel, grain measurer and grocer N W corner

Spruce and South wharves d h 189 south Front ^ Smith Samuel, mahogany sawyer 11 Springett alley Smith Samuel, grocer Spruce st. wharf— d h 189 south

Front Smith Samuel, tailor 98 Spruce


SMI whitely's annual

Smith & Sailor, Spanish segar manuf. and tobacconists,

26 north Sixth Smith Samuel O. gentleman 22 north Eighth |Smith Samuel, labourer Bnnsall Smith Samuel, bricklayer 37 Mechanic Smith .-^jamuel, auccionecr 20 s. Front d h 131 s. 3d Smith Samuel, mead garden Camden (N J) Smith Samuel, ferryman, Camden (N J) Smith Sarah, boardmghouse 309 north Front Smith. Sarah, widow Church st. Smith Sarah, widow of Wm. G. 2 north Eleventh Smith Sar:*h, tailoress 123 Green Smith Sarah, bonnetmaker 81 Mulberry Smith & Shoemaker, brewers Newmarket above Cal-

lowhill St, Smith Stephen W. merchant 103 north Front— d h 174

south Front Smith Stevenson, merchant 173 High d h 154 south

Second Smith & Stevenson, merchants 3 South wharves Smith Theobald, blacksmith 117 and d h 115 Pine Smith Thomas & Co. lumber merchants N E comer of

Vine and Sixth Smith Thomas, labourer 39 Mechanic Smith Thomas, shoemaker 72 north Seventh Smith Thomas, labourer Lombard above Eleventh Smith Thomas, labourer Pfeiffer's court Smith Thos. accountant (Mechanics' bank) 13 N. 12th Smith T. W. merchant 223 Walnut Smith Thomas, sailmaker Almond st. wharf N. side Smith Thomas, accountant bank N. America d h 202

Chesnut fSmitli Thomas, barber north Fourth cor. Paschal's ay. fSmith Thomas, barber Old York road above Brown fSmith Thomas, waiter 84 Gaskill Smith Walton, merchant 31i S. Front— d h 220 Green Smith Washington G. 128 south Eighth Smith William, bricklayer Callowhill near Sch. 3d Smith WiUiam, baker 438 north Third Smith William, storekeeper Kunckel above Tammany Smith William, D. hatter back 296 Race Smith William, D. carpenter 29 Pine street (S) Smith W^illiam carpenter 294 Sassafras Smith William, carter 142 Biowne Smith William, stonecutter, back 282'Ai'ch ab. Tenth Smith William, attorney at law 103 Chesnut Smith William, tobacconist 3 Wood ab. Fourth Smith William, typefonnder and innkeeper (Lebanon

garden) Cedar near Tenth Smith William, mariner back 397 south Second Smith William, mariner 6 Shields' court Smith William, gentleman 27 Sansom Smith William, morocco dresser Kessler's court


Smith William W. stock and exchange broker 53^

Walnut— d h 415 Market tSmith William, carter Lily alley below Green Smitii William A. merchant 256 High— d h 58 S. Front Smith William H merchant Lodge— d h 27 Sansom Smith William S. 6c Co. salt merchants 88 S. wharves

d h 181 south Third Smith WilUam, mariner 44 Meade alley- Smith William, mariner 311 south Third Smith William, watchmaker 216 south Fifth Smith William, printer, back 299 Callov/hill Smith WiUiam, innkeeper 340 North Third tSmith William, mariner 16 Hurst street Smither John, baker, corner Dock and Walnut fSmothers Aaron, porter 300 s( uth Seventh fSmothers Grace, widow of Joshua, 238 Lombard tSmothers Isaac, sawyer. Middle alley Smyth A. boardinghouse 124 south Fourth Smyth James, weaver Germantown road below Third Sm'vth Lambert, inspector of customs 237 Lombard Smyth Mary, Mrs. 128 north Fifth Snack Jacob, vict. Hinkel's court stall 43 "New mar

ket south Second Snare Stephen, waiter Kunckel below CallowViill Snare William jr. carter Buttonwood lane below Sixth Snare William, innkeeper Callowhili above I bird Snead Levin, inspector of lumber 42 Almond Snedc Jacob, victualler 8th above Buttonwood Sneck Philip, vict. James below the Ridge road Snelbaker Philip, bottler 190 north Water Snell Benjamin, mariner 471 south Second stree: Snell Crawford, porter 251 Cedar Snell Mary, widow Buttonwood near Fifth Snell Mary, widow, teacher cor. Newmarket & Noble Snell Perez, trader 44 Charlotte Sneston Thomas, labourer 4 Lyndall's alley Saethen David J. grocer cor. of Callowhill and Garden Snether WaiteJ, distiller Ridge road near Callowhill Sneyd Samuel, accountant 37 Race Snider widow of Jacob, shoemaker 44 and 46 Elder Snider Jacob, shoemaker 5 north Eighth \_see ^nydsr

Snovel , blacksmith Kessler's court

Snow Benjamin, shipmaster 160 Swanson

Snow James M. d. S E cor. Race_,& Thirteenth

Snow Samuel, P. bellman &; vendue cryer Christian

near Fifth Snow Silas, carpenter below Ninth Snowden Charles, mariner Pine above Tenth Snowden David, mariner 7 Bell's court Snowden Isaac, gentleman 85 Mulberry Snowden Joseph, china merchant 242 north Third Snowden Joseph S. commission merchant 22 Christian Snowden Leonard, 242 north Third 2 H 2

SNY avhitely's annual

Snowden Rebecca, widow Pine above Tenth Snowden Sophia, 85 north Ninth Snowden Thomas 96 north Eleventh Snowden & Wagner, commission merchants 221 Swan- son street below Swede's church Snowden, widow ot Joseph, Gray's ferry roadn Federal Snyder Aaron, tobacconist 1 Hoffman s alley

\_see Snider and Schneider Snyder Adam, brickmaker Spruce n. Sch. Fifth Snyder Abraham H. carter NW cor. Noble & O. Y. r, Snyder Adam, chairmaker 116 Browne Snyder Charles, 8 Hyde's court Snyder Catharine, widow 192 Cedar Snyder Christiana, widow 36 Appletree alley Snyder Christian, grocer 215 north Third Snyder Christian, cabinetmaker 49 north Fourth Snyder D.n id, bricklayer 96 Budd (N L) Snyder E. widow 118 Browne Snyder Eliza, grocer S E corner Spruce and Fifth Snyder Eleanor, teacher 1 1 Vernon street Snyder Elizabeth, Shakamaxon near Frankford road Snyder Elizabeth, widow 241 north Second SnyderE coach wheelwright 263 Race— d h 156N. 8th Snyder Geo. (attends in an auction store) 12 Chancery 1. Snyder George A. tailor 123^ S. Water and 40 Race Snyder George, tavernkeeper Bushhill Snyder George C. tax collector 48 Almond Snyder George, innkeeper N E cor Fifth & Lombard Snyder Henry, house and ship painter, Sec 289 N. Front

dh 16 Duke (NL) Snyder Heniy, tinplate worker, back 143 Coates street Snyder Henry, grocer NW cor. High and Twelfth

d h 9 north Twelfth Snyder Jacob, tailor and boardinghouse 177 Race Snyder Jacob, flour merchant 210 High d h 8 N. 11th Snyder John, deputy sheriff, Oak(N L) above hayscales Snyder John, cabmetmaker 104 north Front Snyder Jolm, Seventh above Camac Snyder John, cabinetmakej- 3 Bell's court Snyder John, gardener Irish lane Snyder Jolin, brickmaker Spruce west of Broad Snyder Jolin, jr. brickmaker Juniper N E cor, George st. Snyder John, brickmaker (.ombardnear Schuylkill Snyder John, grocer 321 High

Snyder Jos. gilder and composition manuf. 105 Walnut Snyder Joseph, shipsmith, shops Little Water and cor.

Swanson & Christian d h 18 Swanson & 79 Penn Snyder Julia Ann, widow 1 Clawges's court Snyder Lewis, blacksmith Locust above Juniper Snyder and Myers, blacksmiths N W cor. Swanson and

Christian Snyder Margaret, widow Buttonwood below Ridge road


Snyder Peter, tailor 130 south Fifth

Snyder Peter, blacksmith 92 Locust

Snyder Sarah, widow 483 north Third

Snyder General Thomas, innkeeper 400 N. Third

Snyder, widow of Peter, Sch. Eighth above Race

Soast Elizabeth, washervvoman cor. Garden and Wood

SoOba Waiter, painter and glazier 12 Shields' court

Soby Mary, widow Ann above Wood

Sockam Peter, cordwainer 23 Union

SofFee John, shoemaker 135 Moyamensing cor. Wharton

Solomon Alexander E. umbrcllamaker 269 S. Fourth

Solomon, Catharine, widow of Myer, 175 S. Seventh

tSolomon John, barber Poplar lane near Second

Solomon S. M. accountant 172 Lombard

Somers Ann, widow Camden (N J.) [see Summers

Somers John, Camden (N. J.)

Somers Joseph, shoemaker Harper's alley (P. T.)

Somers Mary, widow 12 Wagner's alley

fSomerbett John, porter 151 Locust

Somerndike E. & J. stable keepers cor. Locust and 8th

Sommer John, m d, 43 north Eighth

Somervile Wm. iron founder cor. Filbert and Juniper

d h Washington above Callowhill Songster John, labourer Quince above Spruce Songster Wm. labourer Cherry above Juniper Songway Daniel, bottler near Rogers' court Sones Agnes, widow 14 South alley Sone Henry, cedar cooper Camden (N. J.) Soper James, waterman 20 Cedar Sorbe^ Edward P. merchant 11 Minor Sork George, labourer Duke nea'' Cherry fSorden Abner, labourer Allen's alley Sorver Jacob, grocer 191 N. Third & 79 Callowhill Souder Casper, boot and shoemaker 34 Chesnut Souder Charles, justice of the peace 212 N. Sixth Souder Christopher, victualler Crown (K) stall 18 N,

L. Market Souder Jacob, bricklayer Kunckel below Tammany Souder Jacob, victualler Marlborough below Prince Souder Jacob, bricklayer 315 north Second Souder John, grocer 386 north Third Souder John J. bricklayer Kunckel below Green Souder John, innkeeper Germ, road near Fourth Souder M. milliner and bonnetmaker 297 N. Second Souder Philip, innkeeper Palmer below Duke Souder Philip, innkeeper 9 Lsetitia court Souder Thomas M. agent for the inland transportation

of merchandise 312 High Souders Casper, ropemaker Sbakamaxon ab. Prince Souders Catharine, shopkeeper 14 Kunckel Souders Godfrey, grocer 173 Mulberry fSouders John, coachman Eleventh above Filbert Souders John, trader 150 St. John st.

SPE whitely's annual

SoufFrain John, hairdresser 106 north Front

Soullier John M. n^erchant 132 Pine

Sours worth Isaac, labourer Vine near Schuylkill river

jSourwalt Anthony, mariner 55 Gaskill

Sour wait John, tobacconist 131 Callowhill NEcor. 4th

South Ann, seamstress Germantown road ab. Laurel

Soutli Elizabeth, widow, boarding house 179 S. Fifth

South wick Samuel, 201 north Front

Sover John, cabinetmaker, back 116 north Eighth

fSovereign Sarah, widow Swede's alley

Sowerby Mary, widow, china store 233 south Fifth

Sowers Christiana, 211 north Eighth

Sowers George, victualler James above Rugan

Sower Hannah, widow, boardinghouse 61 Cherry street

Sowers Jacob, labourer, back 517 north Third

Sowers Jacob, labourer Schleisman's alley near Third

Sowers Peter, farmer Duke near Cherry

Spackman & Little, merchants 21 Church alley

Spackman Saml. mercht. 21 Church ay. d h 308 Arch

above Tenth Spaeth Fr^erick, tailor, back 382 north Second Spade John, carpenter 59 Shippen Spangler G. blacksmith 34 Cedar d h 250 south Front Spangler Henry, blacksmith 32 Cedar Spangler James, cordwainer Church st. (back) Spangler Mary, widow 32 Cedar Spargella J B. merchant 178 north Second Sparhawk Thomas, auccioneer 32 south Front d h 19

Chesnut Sparks Elizabeth, widow, south Tenth below Pi''^ Sparks Henry, inspector of domestic liquo'* . corner

Filbert and Twelfth Sparks Hugh, labourer 542 north Third Sparks Jacob, corder below Christian d h Queen Sparks Richard, plumber 478 south Front Sparks Samuel, corder 452 south Front Sparks Sarah, widow of R. F. 163 south Second Sparks T. and R. plumbers 49 South wharves Sparks Thomas, shot manuf. 476 S. Front & 49 S. wharves Speakman Hannah, widow 178 Mnlberry Speare William, hairdresser 65 north Third Spece Henry, labourer N W cor. Arch and Twelfth Si)ece Joseph, labourer Hanover near Frankford road Specht, widow of George, 146 St. John Specht Jacob, victualler Charles below James Speck Christian A. tavern 14 south Fifth Speck Charles Wm. baker cor. Thirteenth & George Specker Catharine, widow, south Fifth near Carpenter Speel George, baker 146 south Front Speel, widow of John, boardinghouse 46 Strawberry Speer Alexander, grocer South wharves bel. Cedar—

d h 173 south Fifth Speer Manuel, back 93 Lombard


Spence Joseph, merchant 103 north Fifth Spence Mary, widow 206 Lombard tSpence Robert, sailmaker 194 south Fifth Spencer Charlotte, boarding house 98 south Third Spencer George, m. d. 6 York buildh.gs Spencer Jas, S. mer. 113 N. 7th— d h 232 Race bel. 7ih Spencer James, drover 113 Moyamensiiig road Spencer James, \-ictuaUerN. Second stall 33 Newmar- ket south Second Spencer Joseph, professor of languages Protestant Epis- copal academy Locust above Ninth Sj)encer Joseph,' 103 north Fifth Spencer Margaret, shopkeeper Castle street tSpencer Margaret, Bradford's alley Spencer Moffat, grocer S E cor. Vine and Ninth Spencer Oliver, m. d. 107 south Fourth Spencer Samuel, waterman, back 168 St. John jSpencer Samuel, labourer Twelfth above Spruce +Spencer Thomas, labourer 26 Shippen bpennanberg Charlotte, storekeeper 68 N. Second Sperry Frederick W. mercht. 99 S. Front—d h 151 Pine Sperry Jacob, mercht. 39 S. Front—d h 99 south Fourth Sperry John, merchant 33 South wharves d h 4 Frank- lin row south Ninth Speriy and Stansbury, merchants 33 South wharves Sperzahn Margaret,' shop keeper Castle street Spicer Frances, drygoods store 462 south Front Spicer Walter, teacher 201 Coates above Fourth Spiegle Elizabeth, widuw Davis's court (N. L.) Spiegle Isaac, potter Spruce near Schuylkill Spiegle John, soapboiler & tallov^^ chandler Buttonwood

above Fifth Spiegle Susannah, Schuylkill Front below Chesnut Spiers John, ropemaker 30 Mary (S.) Spikeman Samuel, bnckmaker'Wood above Tentli Spilliart Alice, widow 60 Swanson tSpiris William, labourer Jones' alley Spohn Wm. grocer S E cor. Sassafras and Second SpcfFord Jacob, sea captain Frankfordr. nearBeacb. Spooner William, currier ^23 north Second Spots wood Hannah, widow 47 Sassafras Spottswood Mary Ann, seamstress 484 Race Spottswood Thomas C. merchant 41 north Front Spragg Mary, widow 16 Pennsylvania avenue Spragg Richard, sen. and jun. dealers in household fur

niture 17 Dock Spranza John, fisherman Bishop near Queen Sprenger Jos. Ch, & Co. merchts. 196 Hieh above 6th SpriggsMargt. widow Rose ay, ^bove Tummany (N. L.) Springer Abraham, bridlebit filer, back 385 Race Springer Benjamin, inn and ferry Camden (N, }.^ Springer Hannah, nurse Drinker's court Springer Isabella, widow Garden street

STA whitely's annual

Springer John, tanner, back 45 Noble

Springer Joseph, shipwright Frankf. road near Otter

jSpringer William, waiter 32 Burd's court

Springbtein Wm. tanner, Sec. Cherr)- above Sch. Sixth

Sproat James W. gentiemai^ 15 Decatur d h 231 Vine

Sprogle Ann, Miss, 171 St. John

Sprong John, carpenter Beach near hi^h bridge

Sproul James, cooper, back 83 south Water

Sproul Margaret, widow, boardinghouse 7 north Sixth

fSpry John, mariner Cordwainer's alley

Spyers Moses, dealer 66 Callowhill

Spyers Peter, ropemaker 81 Moyamensing road

Stabs Daniel, painter Crown above Prince

Staatz Daniel, painter and glazier Brown above Prince

Stacey Jas. G. agent for N. Y. Union & Despatch Lines

of Packets 22 South wharves Stackhouse Amos, china store 178 north Front St^khouse Amy, tailoress James alley Stackhouse Ann, widow Camden (N. J.) Stackhouse Hastings, hatter Torr's court Stackhouse Powell, stove patternmaker, dh 19 Vine Stackhouse Samuel P, china merchant 134 N. Third Stacy Margaret, widow Faries's court tStafford Charles, barrow porter Cordwainer's alley Stafford David, labourer Swanson near Prime Stafford Mary Ann, doctress 274 south Fourth Stafford Nicholas, tavernkeeper 157 south Water Stafford Robert, m. d. 219 south Front corner Pine Stag Peter, carter Charlotte Stager Cornelius, shoemaker 183 north Front Stagg Josiah, brickmaker 504 Sassafras Stagg Sarah, widow 108 Chrislian

Stainrook David, smith, shop cor. Crown & Callowhill Stall Catharine, widow of Frederick, Ridge road near

Button wood [«ee Siell

Stallard James, stablekeeper 36 Pine Stamper Sarah, gentlewoman 68 Pine corner Third Stanchffe Benjamin, optician, philosophical and mathe

matical instrument maker 14 Walnut Stancliffe Sylvia, widow Fourth below Chesnut Standbridge John C. & Co. china merchants 276 High—

d h 5 south Ninth Stanert Rebecca A. teacher Race near Sch. Eighth Stanfield Sarah, widow 2 Vernon Stanford Wm. labourer near the Glasshouse (K.) Stanislas , Tivolv Garden (formerly Columbian)

485 Hieh Stanley Norris, mercht. 208 S Water— d h 74 Lombard f Stanley Samuel, porter Warner's court tStanly Diana, widow Middle alley Stanmire Eliza, widow 4th below Germantownroad Sanmire Wm. oakcooper, Jones W. Sch. 5th & 2 N. 13th Stanner Wm. back 112 north Seventh


Stansbury Dixon, merchant 33 South wharves

fStansbury Isaac, oysterman 102 north Third

Stant William, tailor Loxley's court

Stantlllf Sally, widow Duncan's court

jhStanton Elizabeth, widow Sixth above Poplar lane

Stanton Richard, dealer 190 north Third

Stanton William, victualler Garden street

Stanwell William, carpenter 46 north Eighth

Stappen H. cordwainer 199 north Front

Stark Jane, widow 182 Locust

Starkey Charles, plumber Bryan's court

Starkey Charles, cabinetmaker 273 north Front

Starkey George, manner, back 345 north Front

Starkpine Henry, caulker Palmer below Duke

Starn Jacob, victualler Garden street

Starne Joseph, inspector of bark, N W corner St. John

and St. Tammany Starr Edwin, typetounder Lombard near Tenth Starr Henry, lettercutter S E comer Christian and 7tli Starr John H. shoestore 46 High Starr John, saddler 366 High Starr Moses, blacksmith 101 Budd StaiTatt E. measurer Federal above 2d Stasansky Michael, mariner Maiden near Front -j-States Eleanor, widow, back 78 Plum street Statzel Henry, brassfounder n. 440 N 4th bel. Poplar Statzel Jacob, sen. 473 north 2d Statzel Jacob, jun. labourer PfeifFer's court Staudt Margaret, widow 41 north 6th Staughton Wm. d. d. pastor Baptist Church Sansom st

seminary Cheny above 5th d h 316 Arch St. Clair \Iary, Pryor's alley St. John Maiy, widow 23 Coxe's alley Stead Henry, printer 22 Cedar

Steainman John, baker Germantown road near 2d street Stear Mary, victualler, back 242 north Eighth Stearly Jacob, 136 Coates

Steel Archibald, mihtary storekeeper U S arsenal Steel Catharine, widow 5 Poplar alley Steel Charles, carter Knodle Steel Elizabeth, 122 south 2d Steel & Field, silverplaters &c. 11 north 7th Steel Harriet, widow, back 124 Queen Steel James, stonecutter 92 north Eleventh Steel James, 29 Walnut Steel John, brassfounder 38 New street Steel John, 49 Christiantttreet Steel John rear of 183 High Steel Josiah, carter Knodle street Steel Josiah, 4 Emlen's court Steel Kesiah, widow of Alexander, 15 German Steel Mathias L, sea captain 18 Ann (N L) Steel Margaret, yarnwinder, Rose (N L)

STE whitely's annual

Steel 8c Potter, auctioneers 183 High

Steel Robert, silverplater 223 Callowhili

•j-Steel Simon, labourer, back 251 Spruce

t^eel Thomas, plasterer 12 Hmkel's court

Steel Thomas, chairmaker 223 Callowhill

Steel Thomas, moroccodresser 101 St. John

Steel Thomas, weaver St. Joseph's avenue

Steel W hatter 3 Clawgeb' court

Steel William, pilot 16 Catharine

Steel William, merchant 85 Lombard

Steel William N. accountant 215 south 2d

Steele general John, collector of the port 196 Spruee

Steele John, jun. weiglier of the port 71 south 6th

Steele Thos. B. (Yellow-cottage inn) 2d below Federal

Steelman Elijah, ferryman Hodge's wharf

Steelman John, innkeeper 36 north Water

Steelman Solomon, hairdresser 345 Front

Steenberg Abraham, merchant Beach near Bishop

Steer Edward, farrier Locust above Washington square

Steer James, accountant 172 Vine

Steer Joseph, victualler, cor Button wood & Charles

Steever Daniel, flour dealer Ann west Schuylkill 8th

Steever Henry, flour store 407 High

Stein Abraliam, dealer in watches 86 north Third

Stein William, of the U S. mint 158 north Eighth

Steinauer G. W. gentleman 104 Vine

Steinauer Joseph W. accountant 190 Vine

Steinauer Michael, shoemaker 33 Vine

Steinauer William, shoemaker 33 Vine

Steinburger John, labourer 6th above Callowhill

Steiner Adam, cooper, back 34 Green

Steiner Fredenck, tailor 12 North alley

Steiner & Fries, cabinetmakers 295 Arch

Steiner George, baker 27 Strawberr}'

Steiner Jacob, cabinetmaker 295 Arch d h 12 North

Steiner John, cutler gc surgeons' instr. maker 5 N 6th

Steinman John, gunsmith 51 Green

Steinman John, baker Germantown road below 2d

Steinmetz Christ, innkeeper cor 5th & Button wood 1.

Steinmetz Eliza, gentlewoman 270 Chesnut

Steinmetz Jacob, bnckmaker Coates above 7th

Steinmetz Leonard, gardener Frank, r. above first gate

Stell James, (Woodman tavern) Germ. r. near first gate

Stell James, grocer 484 north Second

Stell William S. mercht. 161 High [«ee Steel

Stellwagen Daniel, of U S navy 75 Mulberry

Stelwaggon Charles, flour and feed sttare 125 Callowhill

Stelwaggon Frederick, 219 north Second

Stelwaggon Jesse L. iron merchant corner Old York

road and Callowhill d h 100 Crown Stelwaggon Joseph, carpenter 31 Wood Stelwaggon & Knight, iron merchants 219 N Second Stenson 8c Armour, tailors 72 south Second -


Stenwick Catharine, widow grocer 1 18 north Water Stephen WiUiam, grocer 380 north Third Stephens Alexander, accountant Caledonia court Stephens Benjamin, grocer S W cor Arch and Second Stephens David, grocer 484 north Second Stephens John, moroccodresser Thirteenth ab. Wood Stephens John, tobacconist Sheaff 's alley Stephens Thomas, carpenter Lombard below Tenth Stephens William, carpenter Lombard below Tenth Stephenson John, bricklayer High west Schuylkill 7th Stephenson William, shoemaker 69 Race fStephenson Levin, woodsawyer Bonsall Stephenson Perry, cordwainer 107 north Ninth

[see Stevenson Isf Stevens Steriger Justus, cooper, back 111 Catharine Stern Jacob, hog victualler Garden corner Buttonwood Stern William, watchmaker 158 north Eighth Sterr George, storekeeper 154 north Eighth Sterrett Ezekiel, measurer of grain Federal ab. Second Stetler Phoebe, widow Pfeiifer's court Stetser Kitty, widow, back 110 north Eiglith Stettezell Jacob, turner and chairniaker 473 N Second Steuart David, curbstone setter Scott's alley fStevens Andrew, mariner 179 south Sixth Stevens Elizabeth, Mrs. St. Mary street Stevens John, shoemaker 62 Penn Stevens John, labourer Green below Fourth fStevens Lloyd, labourer, back 137 Plum Stevens Mrs.' Mary of Jacob, St. Mary Stevens Mar^^ widow, back 386 south Second Stevens Samuel, cop])erplate printer 91 Green Stevens Saml. cutler &c. 44 Arcu— d li back 169 N 2d' tStevens Solomon, painter Cedar above Twelfth Stevens William, innkeeper 145 Cedar

[see Ste/ihens ^ Ste/i/ie?isou Stevenson Ann, Avidow Perry abo\'e Lombard Stevenson Aaron, soap and cartdle manuf. 221 south 5th Stevenson Augustine, merchant 243 north Third Stevenson Cornelius, collector of taxes, 5 north Ninth Stevenson Crooke, mercht. 35 N Water d h 296 Arch Stevenson Eliza M. shopkeeper 374 north Second Stevenson Ephvaim, tailor 4 Frazier's court Stevenson H. pocketlight maker 203 north Front Stevenson & Hart, drygoods store 225 north Tiiird fStevenson James, mariner 247 Spruce street Stevenson John, grocer Race above Schiivikill Seventh Stevenson John H. merchant 35 nortli Water Stevenson John, carter Vine alley above Twelfth Stevenson John, shipjoiner Redstone wharf— d h 6 Noble Stevenson John, grocer 264 south Fifth Stevenson John, bookseller 16 Decatur d h corner Old

York road and Coates ~

Stevenson John, coachmaker 5 Prosperous aftey


STE whitely's annual

Stevenson John, bricklayer Locust below Thirteentli IStevenson Laban, sawyer Atkinson's court Stevenson Samuel, moroccodresser Otter near Ger. r. Stevenson Samuel, mariner 15 Pratt's court '^^N L) Stevenson Thomas, tallowchandler 6 Dock Stevenson William, cuiTier 252north Third Stevenson Wilham, gentleman 288 Chesnut Stevenson William, carter Spruce W Schuylkill 7th Stevenson William, labourer Spruce above Thirteenth fSteward Alexander, carter Cedar above Twelfth Steward Charles, teacher 169 Green street Steward Elizabeth, widow Lily alley below Green Steward Matthew, labourer Vine above Thirteenth Steward Roger, inspector of leather, U S arsenal Stewardson Thomas, merchant 90 Arch f Stewart Abraham, Osbourn's court Stewart A.iexander, carter 102 south Tenth Stewart Alexander, supercargo 42 Filbert Stewart Andrew, tavernkeeper corner Vine and Front Stewart Andrew, bridlebitmaker Stephjens' court, back

of 448 north Front Stewart & Barger, painters &c. 73 Dock d h 7 Lodge Stewart Charles, bonnet wai ehouse 27 noi th Second Stewart Christiana, widow Morgan's court Stewart David, labourer cor Cherry and Sch. Eighth -{■Stewart David, dealer N E cor Fou)th and Lombard Stewart Deborah, widow 72 south Fifth Stewart Elizabeth, widow, nurse 190 Cherry above 9ih Stewart Francis, smith 373 Race above Tenth •yStewart Ferraby, widow Portland lane Stewart George, carpenter Juniper alley Stewart James, worsted manuf. Otter near Ger. road Stewart widow of James, 32 north Tenth Stewart James, grocer 416 Race Stewart James, carpenter 17 Plum Stewart James, brickmaker Juniper below Spruce Stewart James, mariner Davis's court (N L) Stewart James, grocer 207 south Second Stewart James, pianoforte maker 141 Spruce Stewart James, plasterer 73 Locust Stewart John, grocer cor. Ridge road and Tenth Stewart John, printer 190 Cherry Stewart John, ornamental paintet' 8cc. 80 Cedar Stewart John, teacher 3 Fetter lane Stewart John, farmer Washington above Second Stewart John, cooper Thirteenth below High Stewart Joseph, carpenter 115 north Tenth jStewart Lloyd, labourer GiUies' alley Stewart Margaret, widow 310 north Front Stewart Margaret, tailoress 5 Pennsylvania avenue Stewart Mary, nurse St. John above Poplar Stewart Paul Cox, accountant 15 Wood Stewart Peter, japanner Juniper below Spruce


.■Stewart Pearson, waiter, back 8 Blackberry alley

tStewart Philip, brickmaker Vine above Ridge road

Stewart Robert, smith 15 Pine alley

Stewart Robert, back 40 Cherry street

Stewart Robert, accountant 88 south Front street

Stewart Robert, shipmaster 12 Queen (S)

Stewart Samuel M. stationer 8cc. S \V corner Walnut

and Third— d h 83 Walnut Stewart Samuel, m d. 106 south Eighth Stewart Sarah, Mrs of Matthew, Vine ab. Thirteenth fStewart Sidney, widow Coates near Fifth fStewart Stephen, sawj'er 59 Small Stewart Thomas, back 38 Cherry Stewart Thomas, painter 5cc. 73 Dock d h 7 Lodge Stewart Thonms, LF S appraiser, corTth and Button wood Stewart Thomas, carpenter 182 Lombard Stewart Thomas, pianoforte maker Cypress alley

Stewart , widow 46 Budd

Stewart Wm. bricklayer 20 Queen (S)

Stewart Wm. cai-penter 11 Knight's court

Stewart Wm. innkeeper (sign Half-way-house) 46 N 6th

Stewart Wm. carpenter, back 251 St. John

Stewart W^illiam H. ornamental painter, japanner and

gilder 29 Chesnut Stewart William, 100 south Eighth Stewart Wm. mariner, back 299 south Third street Stibbs Christopher, upholsterer & paperhanger 171

Arch third door below Fifth Sticker Ann, widow 16 Ann

Stickney Samuel B. labourer Brown above Oak (N L) Stief John, baker 148 north Fifth Stiff Nancy, widow 8 Callowhill Stiles Ann, widow 98 Cedar Stiles Ann^ widow of John, 7 Browne Stiles Henry, lumber merchant, yard Stiles* wharf Oak

street (N L) d h 411 north Front Stiles H. & J. lumber merchants Oak above Coates Stiles John, lumber merchant Oak above Coates d h

13 Browne

Stiles , huckster Kaighton N J

Stiles Joiin, drayman 440 north Front

Stiles widow of John, 411 north Front

Stiles Robt. cabinetmaker Lawrence above Callowhill

Stiles Thomas T. city commissioner Eleventh below

Walnut, west side Still Laetitia, widow, M'Culloch's court fStill Samson, carter Quince above Spruce fStill Silas, carter back lllShippen tStill Wm. sawyer, back 199 Lombard street Stille' Benj.merch. 33 S Water— d h Chesnut beL 11th Slille' John, gentleman S E corner Walnut and Eighth Stille' Mary, gentlewoman 40 south Front Still well Catharine, widow 33 German

STO whitely's annual

Stillwill John, cordwainer, 4 Oak street

Stiltz John D. baker Kunckel above Tammany

Stimble George S. accountant, 315 north Third

Stimtr.el PhiHp, tobacconist, back 22 N. 10th ab. Filbert

Stinceman Jacob, sen. cordwainer, Greenwich

Stinceman Jacob, jr. cordwainer. Crab near Plum

Stinceman Jolin, labourer Hansell's court

Stinceman Peter, cordwainer Greenwich street

Stirichman Moses, ropemaker Hanover near Queen

Stinc Esther, widow Rugan

Stine Mary, widow of Peter, 115 Cherry

Stine Samuel, Camden (N. J.)

Stiner Margaret, huckster Poplar above St. John

Stinebeck Adam, vict. Lawrence above Wood

Stineford George, baker Law's court

Stinemeyer Elizabeth, widow, 4th ab. Master's (N.L.)

Stinger Eve, widow 127 New

Stinger Joseph, coachman, back of 176 Race

Stinson John, ladies' shoemaker Dock street

Stites George, cabinetmaker Oak below Coates

Stites Peter, tailor 3 Pleasant avenue

Stites Richard, shipmaster 156 south Tenth

Stitler Jacob, malster 17 Sassafras alley

Stivers Gideon, carpenter Camden (N. J.)

St. Fehx John R. merchant. High— -d h 114 south Eighth

St. John Mary, widow 23 Coxe's alley

St. John Rachel, widow south Sixth below Fitzwaltcr

Stock Frederick, carpenter Tammany near Fourth

Stock George, blacksmith 11 Sugar alley

Stock John, painter &c. 11 south Seventh

Stock Mary E. widow of John, Cooper's court

Stock Philip, carpenter Davis's court

Stockbine Philip, labourer Ridge road above Francis

Stockdale George, weaver Lombard above Twelfth

Stockdale Geraldus, teacher 6 Plum

Stockdale Jolin, printer and teacher, 6 Plum

Stockdon John, back of 573 south Front

Stocker Anthony, merchant 118 Pine

tStocker James, woodsawycr Browne near Fourth

Stocker John C. merchant 10 Prune

Stocker Margaret, gentlewoman 193 south Front

Stockhouse Thomas, carpenter 6cc. 66 Union

Stockley Mary, widow 32 Chesnut Isee Stokeleit

Stockley Prettyman, cordwainer 110 Swanson

Stokeley Scarborough, tailor, 78 Penn street

Stockley Wm. merchant tailor 243 High

Stockman Christian, mariner, back 27 Beck's alley

Stockman Jacob, thimblemaker &c. 92 south Second

Stockton Charles, merchant tailor 45 south Third

Stockton & Howell, proprietors of the New York and

Baltimore mail stages— office 43 south Fourth Stockton Sarahjgentlewoman S W cor. 8th and Walnut Stockton Wm. T. proprietor of stages 43 south Fourth Stoddard HeniT, 68 High


Stoddart John, merchant 68 High S E comer Race and

Seventh Stoker Johanna, widow, 6 Almond street Stokes Abraham, c/>rdwainer 458 south Second Stokes Abraham, 334 north Front Stokes Benjamin, flour store 221 north Front d h 23

Key's alley Stokes Cfiarles, merchant lower 54 south Second Stokes Ellis, hardware merchant 57 High d h 41 Vine Stokes Isaac, brickmaker, Lombard above Sch. Seventh Stokes Jacob, tailor 308 Vine Stokes Joshua, flour merchant, north Front above

Noble d h 6 Strawberry Stokes Joshua, jun. carpenter 23 Newmarket Stokes Thomas, late tax collector 316 \'ine Stokes Thomas, jun. plasterer 48 Chester Stokes Wm. A. lumber merchant Browne near Oak

d h 9 Browne Stokes Wm. boot and shoemaker 50 Race Stoltz Michael, boot and shoemaker 447 north Third Stone Andrew, plumber 61 Walnut d h 358 S- Front Stone Asaph, merchant 63 south Front— d h Washing- ton square Stone Benjamin, painter and glazier 321 Spruce Stone Columbus J. drygoods store 249 south Second Stone & Coffee, plumbers 61 Walnut near Dock Stone Dexter, merchant 43 north Water d h 128 S. 3d Stone Elizabeth, widow, back 31 Charlotte Stone Jacob, brickmaker, comer Spruce and Sch. Fifth Stone John, labourer Christian above Sixth Stone John, storekeeper 167 south Second Stone Mary, widow, back 251 Race Stone Maiy, milliner 103 north Second Stone Mary, widow Spruce W. Sch. Sixth Stone & Todd, merchants 63 south Front Stone Thomas, innkeeper 14 Callowhill Stone William, hairdresser 315 south Front Stoneman Joseph, plasterer, back 111 Browne Stones Samuel, merchant 111 south Tenth Stoops Adanft, grocery and tavern, corner Cedar and 4th tS oops Hannah, widow 155 Lombard street fStoops Jacob, bootblack, Atkinson's court tStoops Jacob, waiter, 249 Shippen Stoops John, mariner 3 York court tStoops John, waiter Osbourn's court Storer Samuel, sea captain 349 south Second Stork Aaron, wine, liquor and cordial store 453 High Stork Henry, merchant 72 north Fifth near Cherry Stork Fhilip, carpenter Juliana above Button wood Storey William, blacksmith back 1*4 Lombard Storm Wm. baker, 31 Swanson street Storms John, cedar cooper 19 Currant alley Story BenjamiD, tailor, 268 south Fifth stre«t

2 i2

STR whitely's annual

Stor)'' Elizabeth, tailoress, 293 south Third

Story George P. bookfolder 9 Gray's alley

Story James, mariner 7 Coxe's alley

Story Polly, huckster 4 Stamper's alley fruit cellar

under 196 south Second Story William, mariner, back 46 Spruce vStory \Vm. mariner 414 north Third street cor. BroTcne Story William, nailer 126 T^mbard Stotesburv Arthur, sea captain 59 Almond Stothers James, blacksmith, back 251 Race Stotsenburgh Christopher, cord wainer Race ab. Sch. 7th Stotsenburgh Margaret, widow Race near Sch. Eighth Stotiiai't WlUiam, merchant 244 and d h 349 High Stothard J, drover & grocer Broad above Race

\_see Stoddart Stott Abel, weaver 6 Frankhn street (N. L.) Stott Elizabeth, widow of Jacob, Weaver's alley Stott John,ropemaker 83 Moyamcnsing road Stoulder John, 446 north Third Stoul George P. welldigger 125 Coates Stouse Daniel, blacksmith 37 Ciierry Stouse Joseph, m. d. 417 north Second corner Coates Stout Ann, widow, 256 Cedar street Stout George, whipniaker 454 north Third Stout George, bricklayer Sixth near Poplar lane Stout Jacob C. hatter, next 30 SHssrdVas alley Stout James, labouj'er Stewart's alley Stout James, tobacconist, 40 Coates street Stout John L. lookii'igghiss jramemaker 17 Coates Stout John, saddler and liarnessmaker, corner Catharine

and Sixth Stout Jokn, manner, 36 Qi.'een (S.) Stout Jo!in, whipmaker 454 nortli 'i'hird Stout Margiiret, Merriott's lane above Fourtli Stout Maiy, widow 27 George street (S.) Stout PeteT-, blacksn.ith, Prince above Shakamaxon Stout Wm. sngarboiler. back 51 Cailowhill Stow Charles, tailor and drvgoods store 38 north Sixth Stow Cyrus, sea captain, 247 north Front Stow Jfremiah, mariner, back 43 Noble Stow John, turner 76 Sassafras shop 40 Bread Stow John I. shipwright Marlborougli near Beach (K.) Stow Mrs. widow Crown near Bedford Stoy Hep.ry, shipwright Beach corner Shakamaxon Strack Christian, 3 Steinmetz's court Strack Peter, carter Mintzer's court Strahan Margaret, widow of Gregory, 190 south Eighth

below Pine Strahan Joseph, carpenter 284 Lombard Strahan Paul, oak cooper 15 Coxe's alley Stran James, mariner 90 Christian Stranaghan James, weaver 245 Shippen Strang Peter, carter Cailowhill above 10th


Stratton Albey, labourer Queen above Shakamaxon (K.

Stratton Bedford, barkeeper Cooper's terry (N. J.)

Stratton Benjamin, 11 Wood street

fStratton Christopher, waiter Green's court

Stratton Clayton, clerk 183 Green

Stratton Ebenezar, tailor 22 Appletree alley

Stratton John (Masonic hotel) 28 south Sixth

Stratton Levi, carpenter 75 Budd

Stratton rev. Tithian, Queen near Shakamazor.

fStratton Tobias, coachman Green's court

Stratton Wm. starch manuf. Shakamaxon near Queen

Straw Christian, ostler 193 Eighth above Vine

Strawback Anthony, drayman Say street

Strawbridge George, merchant 232 Spruce

Strawbridge John, gentleman 206 Spruce

Strawn Jacob, bricklayer, Tammany street between

Fourth and Old York road Strayline Elizabeth, widow milkwoman Ridge road

above Vine Streaper Richard, baker, &c. 198 south Third Streeper John, grocer 544 north Third street Streeper John, nailcutter 540 north Third Streeper Samuel, drayman between Juniper & Cherry Streeper 6c Wilt, grocers, 388 north Third

Streper widow, Camacnear Germantown road

Street Jacob, cordwainer, back 221 Shippen Street Robert, druggist &c. Beach near Maiden Street Thomas, boot and shoemaker 197 north Second Streeton John, shipcarpenter Jcrvis's lane above Front Streeton William, shipwright Budd above Laurel Streiby Joseph, brassfounder 402 north Front Streiper John, Sixth above Poplar lane Strembeck Jacob, silverpiater, 41 Zane Strembeck J. sen measurer of painters' work 60 S. lltii Strembeck John, tavernkeeper Ridge road ab. Francis Strembeck Wm. painter and glazier 94 Christian Stretch Amy, widow, 118 Swanson Stretch Nathaniel, bricklayer Baker's court Stretcher Fenix, carpenter 129 south- Sixth Striceboch, John, labourer. Prince near Marlborough Strieker Barbara, widow, cor. Ann and Brewer's alley Strieker Charles, skindresser Newmarket near Pegg Strieker Daniel, coppersmiih Margaretta below Cable Strieker Elias, shipwright Liberty alley near Duke Strieker Leonard, gentleman 60 Green Strieker Margaret, widow 254 north Front Strieker Susan, widow 25 Callowhill Strickland x\aron, ostler Camden (N. J.) Strickland GeoJge, designer 14 north Ninth Strickland John, jun. carpenter 4 Willow coint Strickland John, sen. carpenter 6 Clever alley Strickland Wm. architect and engineer 14 north Nintl; Strieby Joseph, innkeeper 402 north Front

SUK whitely's annual

Strimmel Richard, labourer, Hanover near Queen ■fStringer Telly, shoemaker, south Sixth near Fitz waiter Stringheld Wm. 34 Crown Strockbine George, gardener, Moyamensing below

Greenwich Strockbine Henry, caulker Prince near Palmer Strockbine Henry, labourer. Cherry above Duke Stroby George, labourer Washington above Front Strock Daniel, combmaker 274 St. John Strock Joseph, tailor 309 north Front Strong Christian, victualler 213 north Eighth Stroop John, tavernkeeper 26 Franklin court Stroud George M. attorney at law 103 Arch Stroup John & Jacob, 4 and 8 north Water Stroup John, 127 north Front

Stroup John,jun.tailor 4N. Water d h 205 N. Second Stroup John, victualler George (N- L.) near Third Strow Christian, labourer 193 north Eighth Strownnan Rebecca Mrs. George below Shippen Stuart George, cordwainer 156 Lombard Stuart Isabella Mrs. grocer 102 Shippen ^ Stuart James, inspector of customs 155 Cedar Stuart John, cabinetmaker, shop N W corner Sixth &

Arch d h Prune above Fifth ^see Stewart

Stuart Walter, late carpenter Sch. Seventh ab. Arch Stubbs Wm. maker patent blacking N W'cor. Walnut

and Ninth Stuckert John, gentleman 304 north Third Stuffle John, farmer Johnson's lane Stull Adam, victualler Buttonwood below Ridge road

stall 50 Old shambles Stull Adam, shoemaker 334 Sassafras Stull John, cellar digger 214 Vine Stull John, currier Cauffman's court Stull William, jun. shoemaker 288 Arch Sttill William, woodsawyer, back 294 Arch above 10th Sturck Jacob, shoemaker Fourth near George Sturges Elizabeth, widow 4 Plum Sturges Lemuel, cordwainer 92 St John Sturges Nathaniel, paperhanger, back 296 S. Third Sturgis Margaret, widow 40 Ann Slurgis Peter, shoemaker 158 south Fifth Sturgis Stokely, oysterman 122 north Front Stutzil Henry, brassfounder F<.urth near Poplar lane Styers John, white leadworker Alder alley tSueld Wm. waiter Bh.ckberry alley Suidler Savier, labourer Twelfth above Arch Suiter Joseph, watchman at Bank, Camden (N. J.) Suiters Abigail, widow Camden (N. J.) Suiters Enoch, ferryman Camden (N. J.) Suker Henry, cordwainer Wood above Queen Suker Jacob, shipwright Shakamaxon near Bedford Suker Philip, caulker Wood above Queen


Sulby Mary, widow 207 Spruce. Sulger Christian, baker 161 St. John Sulger Jacob, Jun, secretary to Marine Insurance Com- pany 161 Mulberry Sulger Jacob, sea captain 45 German SuUender, widow, innkeeper S W cor. St. John & Poplar Sullender John, oak cooper 7 Summers' court Sullender John, sen. blacksmith 7 Summers' court Sullender Maria, widow 2 Poplar alley SuUenger W. F. boatman 125 Swanson fSullivan Ann. widow i^leasant st near Ridge road Sullivan Charles, merchant 191 High d h 47 Filbert Sullivan F. accountant Juniper above Race Sullivan John T. stationer K E cor. of Front & High—

d h 241 Spruce Sullivan Margaret, widow K W cor. Vine and Fifth Sullivan Myers, mariner Emlen's court Sullivan Nehemiah, waterman 82 Green Sully Thomas, portrait painter Philosophical Hall, Fifth

below Chesnut Summerl Sarah, widow Camden (N.J.) tSummer Foster, waiter 141 Cherry Sum merlin William, Camden (N. J.) Summers Andrew, accountant 20 Swanwick Summers Catharine, widow 45 Noble near Second Summers George, carpenter 25 Powell Summers George, mariner 5 Summers' court Summers Hannah, widow 15 Summer's court Summers Henry, grocer Thirteenth near Sassafras Summers Isaac, huckster Camden (N. J.) Summers John, nailer Wright's and Miller's alley Summers John, mariner 3 Margaretta street Summers Martin, planemaker cor. Chesnut & Sch. 7th Summers Philip, Chesnut corner Schuylkill Sixth Sumpton Rebecca, confectioner 154 Arch Sumption Mary, nurse 6 Knight's court Sunderland Jolm, blacksmitii 2 Sugar alley - Sunlighter Mary, widow Hcflfman's alley Super Jacob, cabinetmaker 162 and 164 N. Front d h back 18 Key's alley Supplee Jonas, carpenter Pearson's court ^ Survilliers Count de, S E corner Hi!:^h and TweUth Surrick John, caulker Wood near Prince Surrick Simon, labourer Prince near Wood Suter Elizabeth, widow, Ann above Calluvvhill Suter -Joseph, cabinetmaker 450 north Third Sutherland Daniel, late shipwright 60 Plum Sutherland Joel B. attorney at law, 66 George (S.) Sutter Ann, widow, boardinghouse 30 north Sixth Sutter Charles J. tobacconist 222 north Third Sutter Daniel, late grocer 97 New Sutter Samuel, drygoo<ls storekeeper 286 north Third Sutterly Charles, academy 118 New

SWE wiiitely's annual

Sutton Edward, shipcarpenter Prince near Hanovev

Sutton George, shipwright Crown near Bedford

Sutton Maria, widow 12 Cypress alley

Sutton Maiy, widow, 15 Pratt's court

Sutton John, shipwright Queen near Shakamaxon

Sutton John, gunsmith 55 Duke

Sutton Joseph, drayman N. 2d below Germantown road

Sutton Mary & Ann, tailoresses 9 Willing's alley

Sutton Samuel, labourer Oak (N. L.) near Browne

Sutton Sarah, widow of Jesse, 31 Gilles's alley

Sutton Susan, widow, 274 north Eighth

Sutton Wm. shipbuilder Queen near Marlborough

Swager Jane, widow, nurse 3 Fromberger's court

Swaim Wm. paper marbler 21 Carter's alley

fSwain Diana, widow Green's court

Swain Elizabeth, storekeeper 69 south Second

Swain Isaac, ladies' shoemaker 506 north Second

Swain John, mariner 113 Catharine

Swain John, painter and glazier 301 north Second

Swain John W. druggist 363 north Second

Swain Martha, 226 north Fifth

Swain Michael, mariner 83 Swanson

Swain Shubel, sea captain Green belaw Fourth

Swain Sophia, shopkeeper 363 north Second

Swain Thomas C. umbrella maker 363 north Second

Swain Willis, tobacconist Crown

Swaine Francis, boot and shoemaker 179 south Front

d h 178 south Water Swallow Jacob, innkeeper 57 George street (C.) Swan Andrew, tanner Maiden near stone bridge Swan & Johnson, boot and shoemakers 91 N. Second Swan Page, labourer, back 249 Shippen tSwan Wm. mariner 97 Gaskill Swanson Andrew, bottler 12 Almond street Swanson Andrew, mariner 48 Meade alley Swanson Charles, mariner 9 Burd's alley Swanson John, mate 6 Perkenpine's court Swartz Catharine, widow 80 Cedar Swartz Daniel, carpet weaver 299 north Third Swartz George, tailor 124 north Water Swartz Jacob, shipjoiner Shakamaxon near Bedfoi*d Swartz Joseph, carpet weaver 319 north Third Swartz & Louderback, shipjoiners 124 Swanson Sweat Joseph, labourer Pleasant above Charles Sweebley Frederick, grocer 52 Browne Sweeney Archibald, innkeeper cor. Cedar & Sch. 7th Sweeny David, labourer Sch, Seventh below Pine Sweeny Dennis, collector of ashes 23 Hurst street Sweeny Elizabeth Miss, schoolmistress. Fourth near

George (N.L.) Sweeny James, carpenter, back 257 south Fourth Sweeny Lawrence, 163 Chesnut "Sweeny Martha, boardinghousc 54 south Eleventh


Sweeny Michael, weaver south Sixth below Fitz waiter

Sweeny Miles, labourer Say street

Sweney Samuel, grocer N E cor. German and Third

Sweet Jane» widow, 5 Pleasant avenue

Sweeten William, cordwainer 568 south Third

Sweeten Wm. chairmaker 69 Plum

Sweitzer Frederick, drayman Browne's court

Sweitzer Frederick, 4G3 north Third

Sweitzer Michael, drayman Browne

Sweitzer, widow ot Michael, 4 Steinmetz's court

Swenke Henry, labourer Germ, road above Second

Swett John B. merchant 29 south Tenth

Sweyer Henry, grocer 195 N. Third d h 70 N. 7th

Sweyer & Koons, grocers 195 north Third

Sweyer Peter, gentleman 366 north Third

Swift Christian, cordwainer Maria near Fifth

Swift Jesse, mariner Washington above Second

Swift John, attorney at law, office 38 south Sixth d h

107 south Tenth Swift John W. merchant 8 Penn d h 103 Pine Swift Rebecca, widow, 50 \'ine Swift Robert, confectioner 282 Arch Swites Charles, labourer Broad above Race Swope George, painter, &c, 351 north Second Swope Walter, carter 580 Front below Federal Sword A. C. storekeeper 70 south Fourth Sybert Henry, labourer 56 Duke

Sybert Joseph, barkeeper 269 Vine {^see Sibert ijf Seybert Sydleman Casper, brushmaker, back 10 South alley Syers Abbey, widow, 138 Browne Syfax John, fancy store 88 Shippen Syferheld John C. shipwright 53 Green Syfrit Euphania, widow, 227 Cedar Sykes Ann, widow, mantuamaker 149 Cherry Sykes R. W. attorney at law 17 S. 5th— d h 222 S. Front Sykes Samuel M, shipbroker 1 Elmslic's alley d h 222

south Front Sykes Wm. gentleman 222 south Front Sylvester John, glassblower Lombard near Schuylkill Symington Sarah, teacher S E cor. Eleventh & Filbert Syng John, ladies' shoemaker 252 Lombard

TABER ANTIPAS, mariner 218 south Fifth Taber Benjamin, caulker Queen near Shakamaxon Taber John M. diygoods store 38 north Second Tack Charles, tailor, imjuire 62 north Fifth Tack John C. tailor 162 Shippen Tackman Frederick, sugar refiner 144 Coates Tacy Joseph, hairdresser 392 north Front Taerny Jacob, carpenter 49 Mechanic street

TAY whitely's annual

Tage Mary, widow, Vine above Thirteenth

Tagert Joseph, president of the Farmers' 8c Mechanics'

bank 76 south Sixth Taggert Ann, widow, back 20 Almond street Taggert Hannah, widow of Patrick, 513 north Third Taggert John, stonecutter 78 north Seventh Taggert Margaret, widow, back 14 south Fifth Taggert Robert, skindresser, back 104 north Fifth Taggert Susan, china store 108 north Second Taggert William, tavernkeeper 22 south Teath Tallen Edward, tailor, back 216 south Sixth Talley Mary, milliner 169 south Second Talliana Christiana, storekeeper 80 Sassafras Tallman George, milkman Poplar lane above Seventh Tallman George, vict. N W cor. Margaretta & Front Talman Mrs. boardinghouse 55 Walnut Tallmadge James H. hatter Barker rear Sch. Fourth TalmageE. S. shoemaker 48 north Seventh Tarns Sampson, china merchant 302 High SW cor. 9th Tanguy John, jeweller 33 north Third Tanier Ann, widow Carpenter above Fourth (S.) Tanier John, ropemaker cor. Federal & Moyamensing Tanner Benjamin, engraver 74 south Eighth Tanner Ann, widow 2 Sansom

Tanner H. S. engraver 10 Library d h 214 Walnut Tanner, Kearny & Tiebout, banknote engrav. 10 Lib'ry. Taney Sarah, Tiurse 314 south Second street Tape Margaret, widow, 450 south Front jTapsico Rev. Jacob, 247 Shippen above Seventh Tarbett Henry, stocking weaver Sch. Second bel. Pine Tardy C. milliner 80 south Third Farr Frederick, drayman Laurel (N L) near Budd Tarrant Thomas, pilot 34 Catharine Tarrs Catharine, widow 8 Plum street Tarris John, sea captain 489 south Front

Tarrapin , labourer back 366 north Second

Tasca J B. confectioner 216 High

Tash Samuel, grocer cor. Callowhill and Washington

Tate Robert, grocer 379 Race

fTate Solomon, labourer 88 St. John street

Tatem Edmund, sea captain 74 Christian

Tatem George, mate 16 Wood NW comer Ann

Tatem Jos. E. sailmaker 24 Christian

Tatem Mary, widow, 19 Browne

Tatem Mary, widow 58 Almond

fTaught Cxsar, porter Dean's alley

jTaught Joshua, labourer Madison court

Taurason Stephen, shipwright Poplar above St. John

Taws Charles, musical instrument maker Union

Tawmley Mai y Mrs. 238 south Seventh

fTayloe Araminta, washerwoman 11 Chesnut

Taylor Abraham, tallowchandler 2 Newmarket

Taylor Abraham F. hatter back 92 Crown


Taylor Absalom, shoemaker 41 Beck's alley

Taylor Adam, rigger M'CuUoch's court

Taylor Alexander, shipwright 502 south Second

Taylor Alexander, mariner, back 35 Arch

Taylor Anws, mercht, 44 &46 N. Water d h 199 Arch

Taylor Ann, widow 12 Wagner's alley

Taylor Asa, spermaceti oil, &c. store 4 south Eighth

sign of the Whale Taylor Bankson, (of Allen and Taylor) 30 Race Taylor Benjamin, brushmaker 90^ north Front Taylor Caleb, wholesale druggist 22 and 24 N. Front Taylor Catharine, widow 37 Sansom corner Eighth Taylor Charles, cordwainer China street bel. Second Taylor Charles, weaver St. Johns Taylor Charles, cordwainer 92 north Fifth Taylor Curtis, plasterer 119 north Ninth fTaylor Baniel, labourer 332 south Front Taylor & Dutton, shoestore, 128 High, S E cor. Fourth Ta/lor Ednurid, weaver, back 15 Popk^r lane Taylor Ehzabeth, widow 418 north Fourth Taylor Enoch, bricklayer, back 29 Elfreth's alley Taylor Enoch, tailor 9 Coombs' alley Taylor George, baker 21 Bank Taylor George, sen. broker and translator of the French

and Spanish lang uages 85 Chesnut near Third Taylor George, jun. stock &c. broker 85 Chesnut a. 3d fTaylor George, stage driver back 20 Appletree alley Tavior George tinplate and sheet ironworker 89 north

Front tTaylor George, labourer 3 Pottery alley Taylor German, labourer Gerinantown road ab. Third Taylor Hannah, 62 Spruce Taylor Henry, wool dealer 145 north Front Taylor Isaac, shoemaker 558 south Front Taylor Isaac P. teacher 80 Crown Taylor Jacob, farmer Wood near Prince Taylor Jacob, gent. cor. West and Wood Taylor James Rev. 246 Walnut Taylor James, sawyer Juniper above Cherry Taylor James, shipwright 67 Budd Taylor James, carpenter Fourth n. Carpenter (S) Taylor James, weaver, corner Cedar and Broad Taylor Jane, drygoods store 25 north Front Tavior Jeremiah, ladies' shoemaker 119 south Second T aylor John, waterman, 16 Little Water Taylor John, turner in metals and machine maker 30

Chester Tay^^^ John M. merchant 5 south Twelfth Taylor John, farmer Frankford r. ab Wood street Taylor John, carpenter 290 north Third Taylor Johnson, teacher back 15 south Eighth Taylor Joseph, capt. of steamboat Twins Camden (NJ) Taylor Jos. innkeeper (sign of Cross Key's) 18 N 4th




Taylor Joseph, plasterer Sch. Seventh above Arch Taylor Leban, labourer Charlotte n. Germantown i. Taylor Lemuel, cordwainer Rachel near Poplar Taylor Levi, grocer 246 south Second Taylor Levi, labourer Cadwalader near Pitt Taylor Lewis, shoe warehouse 124 High Taylor Lowthcr, boardinghouse 51 north Third Taylor Margaret Mrs. widow Broad above High Taylor Mary, shopkeeper 43 Mechanic <

Taylor Mary, teacher buttonwood ab. Charles Taylor Mary, widow, nurse, back 51 Meade alley Taylor Mary, tailoress 92 north Fifth Taylor Miss seminary 125 Vin e Taylor Moses, teacher, school NE cor. Buttonwood and

Eighth— d h 299 Callowhill Taylor Nathan, cordwainer 13 Tammany Taylor Philip, saddler 223 Swanson Taylor Rene', teacher of music 72 north Sixth Taylor Robert, auctioneer 29 N. Front— d h 206 Arch Taylor Mrs. widow of Robert, Windsor chair maker 133

south Front Taylor Robert, hatter 33 Jacoby street Taylor Robert m, d. N W cor. Tenth and Arch Taylor Robert, boot and shoemaker S north Third Taylor Samuel, brushmaker 66 south Third fTaylor Samuel, plasterer 4 Wagner's alley Taylor Samuel, labourer 23 Budd street <.

Taylor Samuel, carpenter 16 uorth Eighth Taylor Shadrach & Joseph, bookbinders 384 N. Second Taylor Tracy, hardware mercht. cor Beach & Maiden Taylor Thomas, tailor 196 and 150 north Water Taylor Thos. grocer & tavern SW cor. Swanson and

Cedar Taylor Thomas, boot and shoemaker 247 south Front Taylor Thomas, currier shop 3 Elbow lane Taylor & Wagner auctioneers 29 north Front Taylor Wm.jun. merchant 184 and d h 387 High Taylor William, tallowchandler Brooke's court - Taylor William blacksmith Noble above Old York r Taylor William, shoewarehouse 124 High Taylor Win tinplate & sheetironworker 155 N. 2d Taylor William, bricklayer 12 Juniper lane

Taylor , carpenter, back of 99 Budd

Taylorson Robert, cordwainer Sturges's court Teamer Henrietta, 17 Blackhorse alley Teaney Jacob, carpenter 49 Mechanic Teaney John, tailor 77 south Water

Teamer , shipwright Bedford near Crown

'tear John, shipmaster 52 Moyamensing road

Tear Philip, mariner 88 Shippen

Tearney Hugh, carpenter, back of 303 Walnut

Teat Matthias, ropemaker Shakamaxon near Bedford

Teas Rachel, widow, china store 189 north Second

Tedrick Catharine, widow 74 Vine


t Feel Daniel, carter 328 south Third street Teel Ezekiel, pilot 15 Beck's alley TeeL Henry, carpenter Meredith's lane above Fifth Teel Jesse, mariner, 15 Beck's alley Teepel John, cordwainer Christian below Fourth Teese Daniel, spinningwheelnnaker 150 north Front Tees Lewis, grocer Cheny corner of Duke Tecs Jacob, sliipwright Beach near Marlborough Tees John, shipwight Cherry near Prince Tees Peter, shipwright Beach near Marlborough Teesdale Robert, grocer 270 Race Teisseire Anthony, 296 Chesnut

Teisseire James, merchant 247 High dh 23 south 10th Tempest Robert, jeweller 87 S 2d-— d h 56 George (S) Tempest William, carpenter 94 Cedar Temple Daniel G drygoods store 40 south Second tTemple George, labourer Sch. Second near Spruce Temple & Smith, wholesale druggists 121 High Temple S. druggist, &c. 121 High— d h 285 Chesnut tTemple Samuel, woodsawyer Malt alley Tenbrook Abraham, attorney at law 115 Spruce Tennant Christopher, stonecutter S E corner ot Tenth

and Filbert— d h 443 High Tennant Mary Ann, nurse 556 N Second near George Tennent James, queen's ware manuf. 122 south Fifth Tennent John, ladies' corslet maker 77 south 3d Tenneut William, mariner 23 Union Tennery E. M. boardinghouse 121 Swanson Tenno Mary, tailoress 2 Poplar alley Terradell Anthony, carpenter 159 Moyamensing road Terrier Baptist, mariner, back 53 Catharine Terrier Fi-ed. Daniel, teach^ 297 north 3d Ten-ill Ephraim, fancy drygoods store 26 south Fourth Terris Charles, carpenter 18 Federal street Terry David, cordwainer Arch above Schuylkill Eighth Terry William, worsted manuf. 28 Budd Teston Joshua, painter &c. Lombard above 10th Tet%r Henry, blacksmith Race uear Schuylkill Eighth Teter John, carter Schuylkill 8th above Race Teterel Fr<incis, merchant 265 High d h 2 N Ninth Teterel & Frenaye, jun. merchants 265 High Tetsell Bernard, cooper 92 Green Tetters John, .watchman 17 Wood Thackara Elinor, widow, 36 south Sixth ThrcS:ara James A. m. d. 389 south Second Thackara James, ■> engravers Academy of Fine Arts Thackara Wm. 5 Chesnut above 10th Tackara Mark, tailor 355 south Second Thackara Simuel, shipchandler Spruce street wharf—

d h Front below Federal Thackara William, jr, plasterer 218 Pine Thatcher Andrew, late lumber merchant 312 N Front Thatcher Daniel, druggist &c. N W cor High and Se-

cond—d h 30 north 3d

THO whitely's annual

Thatcher E. widow 31 Coates

Thatcher Samuel, smith, back of 210 St. John

Thatcher & Thompson, druggists &c. N W cor. High

and Second Thatcher widow of Joseph, 396 north 3d Thaw Benjamin, 106 south Second Thaw Charles, storekeeper 106 south 2d d h 37 Duke Thaw William, accountant 163 north Fourth Thibault & Brothers, jewellers 66 south Second Thibault C. widow 66 south Second 'I'hibault Felix, jeweller 66 south 2d d h 50 Almond Thibault Francis, jeweller 66 south 2d dh 58 Union Thibault Frederick, goldsmith 66 S2d— d h 278 S Front Thibault Mary, widow, 4 Hoffman's alley Thiell Henry, piinter 211 Cedar Thom Charles Frederick, cordwainer 50 Green Thorn Mary, widow Green below Second fThomas Alice, widow 76 German street Thomas Amos, tailor 60 Shippen Thomas Amos, nailer Sixth above Poplar lane Thomas Amos, wheelwright cor. Spruce and Sch. 7th Thomas Ann, milkwoman near Pratt's place Thomas Ann & Maria, tailoress 11 Gray's alley fThomas Augustus, boardinghouse 48 Small Thomas Benj, sen. inspector ot customs 138 Swanson Thomas Benj. jun. accountant 75 Plum Thomas & Baldwins, grocers and livery stable keepers

9 & 13 south Fourth Thomas Catharine Mrs. 4 Shippen Thomas Catharine, widow Sixth below Fitzwalter fThomas Charles, barber 275 south 3d Thomas Daniel, gentleman 132 Arch Thomas Daniel, paperhanger Lsetitia court Thomas David, blacksmith Torr's court Thomas David, doorkeeper Washingt. hall 7 Gray*s ay. fThomas Diana, widow, back 190 Pine Thomas Edw. merchant 63 N Front— d h 75 New Thomas Edw. porter 540 N Third opposite Beaver Thomas EUza, milliner Fifth above Buttonwood Thomas Eliza, widow Germantown road ab. first gate Thomas Ely, grocer 204 north Third Thomas Enoch, cabinetmaker, back ot 71 Small Thomas Ezra, labourer Marlborough above Bedford Thomas George, 46 Lombard street Thomas George L. merch. 45 N Front d h 27 Arch Thomas Isaac, cordwainer, back 83 Small Thomas Isaac, shoe and morocco store 123 N Second Thomas Israel, nailer Noble above St. John Thomas Jacob, caipenter 1 Little Pine fThomas Jacob, fruiterer 139 Cherry Thomas James, carpenter 50 Currant alley Thomas James, grocer and meal store S E cor Vine & 3d Thomas Jane, widow Oak below Browne Thomas Jesse, merchant 38 north Front


Thomas Jesse, carpenter 58 Filbert Thomas John, goldbeater, back 47 Kunckel Thomas John, boot manuf. 44 south 3cl Thomas John R. cooper 46 Lombard d h 66 Almond Thomas John, cordwainer 71 Plum Thomas John, blacksmith, back 110 Cherry- Thomas John D. M. D. 163 Race Thomas John, brickmaker Green

t Thomas John, labourer Meredith's lane above Fourtii fThomas John, mariner Crab near Plum frhomas John, oysterman 38 Chesnut Thomas Jonathan, blacksmith 141 north Sixth Thomas Jonathan, gent. Old York road ab. Buttonwood Thomas Jonathan, merchant 20 north Front Thomas Jonathan, salt merchant 212 north Front store

cor. of Water and Vine Thomas Jona. 6c Co. salt store N E cor. Vine & Water tThomas Jonathan, sawyer St. John above Poplar lane Thonias Joseph, salt merchant 97 north Fifth Thomas Joseph M, teacher of French language 20 Prune Thomas Joseph, m. d. 254 north Second Thomas Joshua, sawyer Merriott's lane below Fifth Thomas & Kille, merchants 63 north Front Thomas 8c Leidy, grocers 204 north Third fThomas Lanca.ster, labourer 142 Coates Thomas Margaret widow 274 St. John Thomas & Marsh, merchant^ 38 north Front Thomas Mary, Juniper alley Thomas Mary S. widow, boardinghouse 31 Arch Thomas & Martin, merchants 45 north Front Thomas May bin, cabinetmaker Coates near Sixth Thomas Moses, bookseller, store & dwelling 108 Chesnut Thomas Nathaniel, 500 Race Thomas Nicholas, labourer 32 Blackberry alley Thomas Nathan, printer Juniper alley *

Thomas Phoebe, widow 56 Penn t

Thomas Richard, carpenter 380 south Front Thomas Richard, labourer Arch west Schuylkill 3d fThomas Sarah, widow of Simon, Elbow alley Thomas Stacy, carpenter 56 Filbert Thomas Thomas, labourer Shakamaxon near Queen Thomas Timothy, dealer 7 Coombs' alley Thomas Wm. coal merchant 47 S wharves d h Wood Thomas Wm. soapboiler Turner's court fThomas Wm. sweep Meredith's court fThomas W^m. labourer Browne near Fifth fThomas Wm. waiter 189 south Seventh Thomas Zebulon, stablekeeper and grocer 9 8cl3 S4th Thoipason John, tinpiateworker 12 south Second Thomman Frederick, grocer 50 N 3d d h 13 Cherry Thompson Aaron, cardwainer Poplar lane near Ftont Thonapson Abigail, widow 159 Front fThompsoD Abj^ana, labourer Shippen above Seventh

2 K 2

THO whitely's annual

Thompson Alexander, cabinetmaker 94 Union Th(jiv.]'Sori AUxander, carpenter Wright's -iy fThc T.pioiJ Alexander, mariner 8 Burd's court T'iom;json Ann, widow 74 Almond street Thompson Atcheson, 66 German street Tl.o npson Benj. cabinetmaker and grocer 173 N 2d Th:'iii>^on Christopher, weaver 16 Small street Ttiornjison David, drygoods store 17 north Second Thompson EHza, widow 134 Locust Thompsoj' Eliza, widow 32 Green Tliomps^n Elizabeth, Walnut west of Broad Thompson Elizabeth, widow 186 Lombard Thompson Elizabeth, widow 66 German Tho'iipson Eleanor, nurse 16 Greenleaf Point Thompson Francis, mariner 196 Lombard Thompson George C, accountant 28 Powell Thompson George, merchant, and agent for the Phoenix

nail manufacturing company 1-5 south Front Thompson George, oakcooper 39 Penn tThompson George, mariner Jones's ay tThompson Henry F mariner Elbow ay Thompson Isaac, blacksmith, back Swanson n. Prime Thompson Isaac, druggist cor. High & 2d d h 63 Arch Thompson James, mate of vessel, 74 Almond Thompson James C. merchant 137 south Fifth Thompson James, cabinetmaker Hamiltonville Thompson James, turnkey Broad above Arch Thompson James, tallowchandler 21 Shippen Thompson James, weaver 10 Vork court Thompson James, inwkeeper S E cor Water & Spruce Thompson widow of James B 221 Walnut Thompson James C. a. m. professor of languages Uni- versity of Pennsylvania ThompsoFi Jane, widow Cherry below Sch. Sixth Thompson Jane, widow 29 Crab street Thompson Jane, widow 21 Budd street Thompson John, carpenter Weaver's alley Thompson John, la'Aourer Cadwalader Thompson John, weaver Queen below Shakamaxon Thompson John, drayman Sch. 7th above Race Thompson John, tallow chandler 14 Margaretta Thompson John, papermakcr N. 3d above Franklin Thompson John, innkeeper 235 south Second Thompson John, justice of the peace 377 south Front Thompson John, mariner, back 113 Christian Thompson John, U. S. bank watchman 364 S. Second Thompson John, carpenter Eleventh below Pine Thompson John, weaver Perry below Pine Thompson John jun. boot and shoemaker 395 S. Front Thompson J. C. carpenter 120 N. Eleveuth above Race Thompson John C. tallow chandler 83 Budd Thompson John W. grocer N W cor Cedar and Second Thompson Jonah, merchant 15 south Front tThompson L. coachman Shippen above Seventh


Thompson Margaret, widow, S. Eighth bel. Lombard Thompson Mar}', widow cor. 6th and Germ, road Thompson Mary, widow 26 Brown Thompson Mary, 8 Pear

Thompson & Ogle, merchant tailors 35 south Third Thompson Peter, druggist 45 Coate's alley tThompson Phcebe, widow Atkinson's court Thompson Rebecca, widow of John, 34 north Front Thompson Robert, mercht. 15 High d h 139 Cherr}' Thompson Robert, merchant 7 north Front Thompson and Ronaldson, cabinet makers 94 Umon tThompson Ruth, back 100 north Eleventh Thompson Samuel, merchant 34 north Front Thompson Samuel, mastmaker Prime above Second Thompson Samuel, pilot 18 Little Water Thompson Sarah, widow Elizabeth Thompson Sarah, widow of Andrew, 194 Lombard Thompson Thomas, farmer, (Evergreen) Cedar st.neai

Gray's ferry road Thompson Thomas, carpenter 22 Little German Thompson Thomas, mariner 4 Callowhill Thompson Thomas, teacher 227 Arch Thompson Thomas, blacksmith 21O3 Arch Thompson Walter, grocer N E cor. Shippen and 2d Thompson Wm. mariner 57 Moyamensing road Thompson Wm. carpenter 9 Chancery Jane Thompson William, watchman Catharine N W comer

Turner's court Thompson Wm. S. ladies' shoemaker Cedar above 3d Thompson Wm. carpenter 480 Race Thompson Wm. R. and Co. grocers N E cor. Front and

High— d h 137 south Fifth Thompson Wm. mastmaker 532 south Front Thompson W^m. shipwright Rose alley near Browne tThompson W^m. porter St. Mary above Sixth - Thomson Alexander, accountant Broad near Vine street Thomson Charles, druggist 34 Sassafras Thomson Edward, merch. c h 90 and d h 92 S. Fourth Thomson George, gentleman 189 Chesnut Thomson George, oak cooper 39 Penn & 14 S. Water Thomson Jesse, m. d. back 36 Sassafras Thomson Lvde, oysterman 323 south Second Thomson Mary, widow teacher 1 Heyde's court Thomson Mary, 17 Jones* alley Thomson Mrs. widow Quarry

Thomson Thomas, cordwainer Frankford r. ab. Prince Thomson Wm. L. boardinghouse 152 south Second Thomson Wm. oakcooper 17 and 25 Penn Thones Simon, mariner 46 Meade alley Thorburn Alexander, tanner St- John above Beaver Thorman Nicholas, rigger, back 393 south Second tThorn Adam, porter south Eighth below Lombard Thorn Christiana, widow Coates above Eighth

TIL whitely's annual

Thorn Daniel J. carpenter 142 south Ninth

Thorn Enoch, carpenter Pine above Twelfth

Thorn George, grocer Fourth near George (N. L.)

Thorn James, cordwainer Burd's alley (S.)

Thorn John, ropeniaker Pleasant above Charles

Thora John, carter Kunckel above Noble

Thorn John, brickmaker N E cor. Sixth and Green

Thornhill Ann, widow 9 Jones' alley

Thornhill Richard, plasterer 11 Willing's alley

Thornton Elizabeth, Mrs. widow Drinker's court

Thornton Henry, shoeniyker Middle alley

Thornton John, tavernkeeper 326 south Front

Thornton Mary, widow, back 44 Spruce

Thornton Robert, stevedore 308 south Front

Thorp Eliza, widow St. Mary street

Thorp, Siddall & Co. merchants 59 north Third

Thorp Issachar, merchant 59 north Third

Thorp James, merchant 59 north Third

Thorp John, nailer Frankford road near Queen

Thouron Nicholas & Co. merchants 229 High d h 18

Powell Thouron Peter, accountant 18 Powell Throckmorton Joseph W. merchant 53 High d h 36

north Ninth Thum George, m. d. 268 south Second Thum John, county commissioner and brickmaker S7

Almond, kilns Cedar above Broad Thuralert George, cordwainer 403 north Third Thurston Robert, shipmaster 80 Christian Thuun Daniel, bookseller 12 south Sixth near Market

d h 181 south Fifth Tibbal Elias, cordwaiuerilO Strawberry Tibbal James, cordwainer 22 Strawberry Tice Ann Christiana, widow Cherry bel. Sch. Eighth Tice Elizabeth, widow shopkeeper Beach n- High br. Tice Mary, widow Wood near Queen Tice Richard, sea captain 126 Pine Ticeboch George, labourer cor Marlboro' & Prince Tichenor Richard, boot and shoemaker 42 N. Fourth Tiebout C. engraver 299 Vine {see Tybout 5^ Thiebault Tiedrick , widow of Joseph, 74 Vine Ticrney John, watchmaker 180 north Water Tiers Cornelius, blockmaker &c. 85, 74 and 211 Swan- son and near 102 South wharves Tiers & Myerle, ship chandlers 85 Swanson and 50 S.

wharves '

Tiffin James, hatter 147 Chesnut Tildslev James, tailor 42 Zane Tilfovd" John W. merchant 232 High Tilghman Benj. counsellor at law 142 Chesnut ab. 6th tTilghnian Daniel, porter Middle alley Tilghman Edward, merchant Walnut near Twelfth tTilghman Joseph, Shippen below Eighth


Tilghman, widow of Edward, 254 Walnut jTilghman Thomas, waiter 267 Spruce Tilghman William, chief justice of the state of Penn- sylvania 205 Chesnut tTill Abraham, labourer 5 Atkinson's court Till George, shipwright, back 482 north Third tTill John, bootcleaner 272 south Seventh jTill Manuel, woodsawyer 3 Plum fTill Philip, waiter Quince above Warren Till Susan, boardinghouse Beach above Marlboro* Tiller Robert, bricklayer, back 137 Green Tiller Robert, engraver 32 Elfreth's alley Tiller Samuel, copperplate printer 18 Library d h

139 Green Tilley George, 10 Callowhill

Tilley Richard, waterman Beach near High bridge (K.) fTillman William, Dean's alley

Tillinghast John C. accountant, 1st teller in Commer- cial bank, 183 south Seventh fTillison Daniel, waiter Clifton JTilman Andrew, coachman Sixth near Fitzwalter Tilton Eunice, widow ttacher 89 Coates d h 107 N. 5th Tilly Mary, widow of Peter, Sixth above Christian fTime Samuel, coachman, back 50 Currant alley Timings & Holme, storekeepers 395 north Front Timings Philip C. 185 north Third Timings Thomas, clerk to commissioners N. Liberties

395 north Front Timmins Uriah, cordwainer, back 106 Plum Timon Peter, manner Muiberry W. Sch. Second tTinch Peter, labourer 28 Elizabeth I'indale Henry, assistant in store 170 north Eighth Tindale John, carter 21 Fitzwalter Tine Samuel, coachman Eagle court Tingley Clement, merchant 233 High N E cor. Sixth Tippings Thomas, waterman Oak bel. Hayscales Tisdale P.obert, stonecutter Prospect alley Tite Charles P. 17 Minor

Titlow David, farmer Germ, road above 1st gate Titlow George, sen. drover Germ, road bel. 1st gate Titlow John, drover Sixth below Germantown road Tittemaiy Ann, teacher 450 south Front Tittemary, widow of John, 111 Moyamensing road Tittle Moses, bootmaker 153 north Sixth Titwiler John, Callowhill above Tenth Tizlar Frederick, coppersmith Walker's court Toal Margaret, widow 2 Vernon Tod William, drayman Race near Schuylkill Eighth Tod William H. attorney at law 153 W^alnut Todd Alexander, shipmaster 41 German Todd Henry, merchant 63 south Front jrTodd Joshua, waiter Osborne's court Todd Moses, grocer 191 south Seventh

TOR whitely's annual ^

Todd Saml. P. of U. S. navy, imjuire at Navy Yard

Todd Thomas T. grocer 269 Spruce

tTodd Thomas, coachdriver 5 Fries' court

Todd William, innkeeper, near stone bridge Frankf. r.

Todhunter Joseph, hosiery & lace store 54 S. Second

Toland Henry, merchant 290 High— d h 122 S. Eighth

Toland John B. 409 High

Toland Robert, merchant 268 and d 1^,409 High

Toland & Rockhill, merchants 290 High

Toland widow of Henry, 409 High

Tolbert Henry, carpenter Pine above Thirteenth

Tolbert Henry, blacksmith Hamilton village

Tolbert James, farmer VVashington above Second

Tolbert John, accountant 22 George

Tolbert Joseph, labourer 79 Moyamensing

Tolbert William, labourer Blackberry alley

Tole Robert, grocer cor. Fifth and Small

tTolson John, coachman 223 south Eighth

Tomkins Sarah, widow 102 Vine

Tomkins Thomas, bricklayer 30 Washington st.

Tompkin Nathan, bricklayer Vine above Broad

Tompkins Samuel, waterman 353 south Front

Tomlin Enos. waterman Christian below Fourth

Tomlin Isaiah, carter Crown corner Prince

Tomlin Samuel, drayman 76 Budd

Tcmhn Stokes, cooper 32 Little Water

Tomlinson Benjamin, carpenter 15 Prosperous alley

Tomlinson Benjamin, 44 Vine

Tomlinson John, Lancaster and Pittsburgh stage office

286^ High d h Darby road below High Tomlinson Richard, carpenter Twelfth below Pine Toner Michael, teacher Cedar above 12th [see Turner jToney Mary, widow Portland lane Tonge Christopher, blacking and perfumery manuf. &

general fancy store 86 Lombard Tonken William, sadler 236 south Fourth Tool Ebenezer, ferry carter 24 Jones' alley Toole Arthur, tavern corner Sixth and Cedar Toole Mary, widow, back 184 Lombard Topham John, carpenter & constable N E cor. Twelftli

and Spruce [.9ee Tafiham

Topham Reuben, tinplate worker Arch near Juniper

below Broad Toram Stephen, tailor 60 Lombard Torans Abraham, labourer, back 392 Race Torbenson Thomas, watchman Swede's court Torens Samuel, north Second above Poplar Tornkins George, victualler Cooper's ferry N. J. Torr Jaboel, tailor 74 north Sixth Torr John, boot and shoemaker 111 Sassafras Torr Joseph, carpenter ^I'orr's court Torr widow of Josiah, 33 Mechanic Torrence Daniel, chandler 16 Passyunk* road


Toms Bernard, tinman 41 Lombard

Torry Hamilton, tallowcliandler 6 Juniper lane

Towell Wm. brushniaker^and grocer 4ih bel. Christian

Towers Ann, widow, seamstress 169 north Sixth

Town Elizabeth, widow Lombard near Sch. Seventh

Town Elizabeth, Mrs. back 31 Elizabeth

Town John, shipwright 418 nonh Front

Town Thomas,iBrinter, oflBce back 110 Walnut

Towner Silden, smith 5 Burd's court

Townley James, ladies' shoemaker 115 Moyamensing r.

ITownsend Andrew, labourer Meredith's court

Townsend Charles, clock & watchmaker 105 Chesnut

Townsend Elida, plasterer Faries' court

Townsend Elizabeth, widow, 565 soutli Front

Townsend Isaac, labourer, back 20 Juliana

Townsend John, jun. clock and matchmaker 1 north

Fifth near Market d h 86 Spruce Townsend John, cabinetmaker 86 Spruce Townsend John, mariner 11 Callowhill Townsend Jonathan, accountant 68 Tammany Townsend Joseph, plumber 216 north Fourth Townsend William, drygoods store 191 south Second tTownsend W^m. woodsawyer, Miles' court near Rose Towreson Stephen, shipwright Poplar lane h. St. John Towson Obadiah W. silversmith 73 Ann Towson William, mariner 7 north Fifth Towzer Elias, carter Sch. Eighth near Vine Toy Andrew, shipwright 22 Mary (Sy Toy Andrew, boot and shoemaker 152 Cherry Toy Buddell, bricklayer 126 Locust Toy Caleb, labourer Camden (N. J.) Toy Daniel, labourer Clare alley Toy Isaac, fisherman Brusstar's alley (K.) Toy John, shipcarpenter Queen near Hanover Toy John M. labourer Marlborough below Prince Toy Maiy, widow, 429 north Front Toy Matthias, ropemaker Shakamaxon near Bedford Toy Nicholas, shipwright 25 Parham's alley Toy Sarah, widow S E. corner Shippen and George Tracey Hugh, back 86 High

Tracy Edward, tavernkjpeper 427 Chesnut above 13th Tracy widow of Edward, High W. Sch. Second Trader William, tailor 16 Gray's alley Train Mary^ widow 34 Newmarket Trainer James, smith 10 Sugar alley Traner Felix, grocer 174 Swanson Trapanier Susannah, widow Bradford's alley Traquair Adam, marble mason N W corner Filbert &

10th— d h Eleventh above Filbert Traquair Ann, widow of James, 5 north Tenth Traquair Thomas & Co. marble masons yard N W' cor. Filbert & 10th— d h 23 N. 10th opposite the yard

TRI whitely's annual

Trautwine W. cooper and guager 11 N. Wharves— dh

15 Vine Travelli Francis, crockery store 35 Green Travers Frederick, sea captain 563 south Second Traves Elizabeth, widow 569 south Second street Travis Elizabeth, widow Chesnut below Thirteenth . Travis John, labourer above 543 north Third Travis Joshua, glassblower Juniper alley Travilla Francis, artificial manufacturer 67 north Fifth Travilla James, cordwainer 23 Jones' alley Treadway Henry, labourer George (N. L.) near 2d Treadway William, labourer George (N. L.) near 2d Trefts George A. baker 59 Browne Tregomain Godfrey, secretary to the consulate to Rus- sia, 2 Acorn alley Treichel Charles G. accountant 233 Lombard Trelease Charles, trader 498 Sassafras Tree Lambert, sailmaker 33 South wharves d h 156

south Front Tree Rebecca, widow, teacher 14 German Trench Joseph slater Phcenix tavern 8 Lsetitia court Trees Abraham, cordwainer 5 Rihl's court Trees Eleanor, widow, seamstress 56 Currant alley Tress Thomas, carpenter 170 south Fifth Trosk John, marinrr, 394 south Third Tresse George G. apothecary to Philadel. Dispensary Tremper Henry, gentleman 28 north Front Tremper John, merchant 28 north Front Trendel Thomas, Washington academy 21 south 7th Trexler George, victualler Germantown road below

Second stall 17 N. L. market Trexicr Jacob, hairdresser and bleeder 143 N. Front Trextler John, cordwainer, back 479 north Second Tribbet widow of William, Christian above Eighth Tribout Francis, hairdresser 89 south Front Trider Lewis, farmer Duke near Cherry (K.) Trickett William, brassfounder 4 Dock street Tricebaugh George, labouier, cor. Marlboro' & Prince Trimble Henry, innkeeper 6 Stamper's alley Trimble Samuel, shipwright 11 Christian Trimble Sarah, widow Hause's court Trinkle John, currier Wood street Triol Peter, carpenter 43 Mechanic Tripp John, currier 254 north Third Tripple Anthony, boot and shoemaker 70 north Fifth Tripple Daniel,' hog victualler Charles street stall 18

Ts'ew market south Second Trippe Elizabeth, teacher 424 north Third Tripler, Jacob & Co. grocers 238 north Second Tripler Jacob, grocer 238 north Second d h 108 St.

John Tripner Jacob, cordwainer Charles above Callowhill Tripner George, shoemaker, James opposite Rugan


f.'ripner George, jr. victualler James above Charles

f'riol Peter A. carpenter, 43 Mechanic street

rroU Mary, widow 340 soath Front

Frood Alexanders, teacheracademy back 12 Bread St.

l>ost Martin, brassfounder, 101 Crown

I'roth Ann, Mrs. 207 Race

Troth Henry & Co. druggists &c. 222 High

rrotter Joseph, merchant 47 N. Front d h north 4th

near Green ' Trotter Mary, widow north Fourth near Green Trotter Nathan & Co. merchants 47 and 170 north

Front d h of Nathan Trotter 78 Vine Trotter Wm. I. innkeeper and cabinetmaker Richmond

village (point) Trotter Wm. mariner, back 72 Christian street Troubat John, merchant tailor 108 south Second Troutt Frederick, ropemaker Carpenter (S.) above 5th Trout George, rlct. Buttonwood near Ridge road Trout Hannah, widow, Buttonwood near Ridge road Trout Henry, victualler Buttonwood lane Trout Jeremiah, victualler Buttonwood below Ridge r. Trout John, brickmaker Buttonwood near Ridge road Trout John, deputy sheriff 73 Crown Trout William, watchman 11 Fetter lane Troutman 8c Eckert, merchants 292 High Troutman George, merchant 292 High Troutwine William, sen. 54 Green Troutwine William, oakcooper Clifford's wharf d h

15 Vine Troxell Catharine, Mrs. 110 Shippen Troxell Joseph, tailor 19 Sterling alley Truatt James,' typefounder Cedar below Tenth Truefit Henry P. broker 182 Spruce 3d door above 5th

south side Truman Hannah, teacher 83 New Truman Isaac, stagedriver 19 Vernon Truman James, tinplate worker 102 north Seventh 'IVuman John, currier, back 16 Jones's alley Truman Joseph M. tinplate worker 4 north Seventh Truit WiUiam, hatter Cedar near Penn d h 21 Cedar Truit Thomas, shoemaker back 117 German Truitt W^illiam, carter 122 Swanson Trump Isaac, carpenter Locust below Thirteenth T»-ump Mary E. widow, 106 north Eleventh jT rusty Campbell, porter, Shippen near Thirtecntii JTrusty Jonathan, master sweep 184 Pine ■j-Trusty Michael, sawyer, back 22 Small Trusser Nicholas, labourer Vineyard village Truxtun com Thomas, late sheriff, 328 Arch above

Eleventh ^

Tryday George H. baker Thirteenth above Race Tryday George L. weaver, Marlborough near West Tryon Elijah, combmaker 390 S. Second and 72 Plum


TUR wbitely's annual

Tryon George, cooper and tinsmith 152 north Second Tryon George W. gun. manuf. and store 165 N. Second Tryon Jacob G. iastice of the peace and brigade inspee-

tor, office 296 N. 3d d h Queen near Warren (K.) Tubbs Zedekiah, cordwainer 35 Franklin Tucker Ann, teacher Rose alley near Green Tucker Benjamin, china merchant 324 High— dh 44

north Fifth Tucker James, accountant inquire 34 south Third Tucker Mary, Mrs. of James, tancv feather store 34 S.

Third Tucker Priscilla, widow 4 Mary Tucker Robert, tailor 5 Myers' court Tucker S m. d. 114 Arch

Tucker Samuel, shoemaker Germantown road above 3d Tucker vVm. E. teacher up stairs of 4 south Eighth Tuckfield Wm. shoemaker 19 north Ninth tTudas Jonathan, dealer corner Pine and Second jTudefor John, porter Quince ^

Tuder John, M'harf builder 461 soutK Second Tuder Samuel, rcpemaker. Eighth near Tid^-nash Tuley John, fen7man Camden (!»?. J.) Tull'John, shipcarpenter, Penn near Maiden (K.') TuU Richard, shipwright 33 Duke (N L.) Tully James, carpenter, back 378 south Second Tully Philip, mariner. Pine near Eleventh Tully Thomas, cordwainer Turner's court Tully Thompson, carpenter 117 Catharine Tunrlbelston Henry, tailor N W corner Water and the

Drawbridge d h 53 Spruce Tumey Henry, labourer. Eighth Vernon street Tumey Martha, widow, back 15 Poplar lane Tuney Henry, labourer 62 Passyunk road Tunison Philip, shop keeper 153 Locust Tunis Thomas R.merchant58 S. wharves- -dh Walnut

abo\e Eleventh Tunis & W^ay, merchants 58 South wharves Turbison Thomas, watchman, back 461 south Second Turley Enocli, shipmaster, 36 Catharine TurnDuU Alexander, cabinetmaker 7 south Sixth TurnbuU Duncan, m. d. 179 south Fifth TuiTibull George, baker 173 Coates above Old York r. Turner Abigail, widow of Wm. Chesnut below 11th Turner Ann, washerwoman, St. Mary street Turner Francis, teacher Rose alley near Browne Turner George, hatter, 2 Schriver's court Turner Henry, wheelwright 19 Tammany Turner John, jr. & Co. shipchan^lers 251 Swanson

below Chnstian Turner Isaiah, shoemaker Smith's court 5th near Vine Turner Isabella, 74 Callowhill

Turner James, merchant 173 High d h 20 Strawberry Turner James, labourer, Gri^isel's alley


Turner widow of James W. 20 Strawberry Turner Jesse, shipwright 21 Beck's alley TurnepJohn, sen. gentlenrjan 68 Swanson Turner John, jun. mastmaker Swanson below Christian

d h 318 south Front Tifrner John, labourer 137 Moyamensing road Turner John, gent 471 south Front N E cor. Christian Turner John, roj^maker N E corner of Federal and

the Moyamensing road Turner rev. Josei)h, 370 S. Second N W cor. Catharine Turner Josey^h, master of vessel 417 north Front tTunier Levi, labourer. Fries' court Turner Mary, widow, 19 MulbeiTy alley fTurner Peter, sawyer, corner Coates and Fifth Turner Robert, shipsmith Rose alley below Browne t Turner Robert, labourer, back 242 Race 'r urner Rosanna, widow, 256 south Fifth street Turner Samuel, labourer 35 Catharine fTrner Susan, widow, boardinghouse 1 Prune cor. 4th Tnurner Thon-^as, labourer, back 257 south Fourth st. Turner Wm. A. attorney at law Chesnut third door

below Eleventh Turner Wm. shipwright Hanover above Queen Turner Wm. L. accountant Old York r. bel. Tammany Turner Wm. drayman, back 114 Budd Turpin John, labourer 3 Pratt's court Turness Sarah, widow, corner Mulberry alley N. Fifth Turney Ann, widow 72 Penn Turney George, mariner, back 69 Christian Turney Hugh, cari)enter, back 303 Walnut Turnpenny John, commis. merchant 10 Laurel court TuiTenia Catharine, Spafford below Shippen Tustian John, carpenter 31 Franklin Tustin Catharine, Mrs. of-Jphn, Callowhillnear Sch. 3d Tustin Susannah, widow, Tliird near Germantown r. Tuttle Adam, caulker Browne near Cherry (K.) Tuttle Edward, cordwainer 9 north Sixth Tuttle James, shipwright Queen near Crown Tuttle Jacob, caulker Beach near Marlborough Tuttle John, siiipwright Beach comer Shakamaxon (K.) Tuttle Mary, widow of captain Andrew, 29 Keys' alley Tuttle Richard, shipwright Beach uear Marlborough Tuttle Wm. caulker Queen near Shakamaxon Tutton Jenkins, cordwainer Cobb's court (N. L.) Tuzee Lydia, widow 3 Friends' almshouse Twaddell James, merchant 47 south wharves d h 24

Powell T\#addell and Thomas, merchants 47 South wharves Twells Edw. merchant 175 High—d h 269 Chesnut T wells G. and E. merchants 175 High Twells Godfrey, merchant 177 High Twells Sarah, widow of Godfrey, 177 High Twells Standley, gentleman 177 High

UMB whitely's annual

Twibill Geo. W. pocketbook manuf. 176 S. Second Twibill Joseph, tavernkeeperNE cor Fifth & Lombard Tybout Phoebe, widow Hinkel's court \see Tiebout

Tybout Richard, hatter 21 Pear— d h 195 Spruce Tyler James W. tavernkeeper 24 Bank Tyler Rufus, mechanist 40 south Fourth Tyndale Henry, accountant Webb's alley Tyndale Robinson, china merchant 111 north Front

d h 100 north Third Tyson David, shoemaker Duval's court 'i'yson Geo. broker & commission merchant 20 Arch Tyson Isaac, storekeeper 371 north Third Tyson Philip, drayman Smith's alley (N L) Tyson William, o'ysterman Harper's alley

UBER ADAM, victualler Charles above Callowhill Uber David, vict. 253 Callowhill above 6th— stall 28 old

shambles Uber Fredk. victualler 72 old shambles Uber George, vict. Buttonwood lane above Garden-^

stall 21 New market south Second Uber Lawrence, victualler James above Charles Uber Lewis, victualler 67 Garden

Uber Mary, vict. Garden stall 7 New market south 2d Ubon Joseph, brickla}er Vine above Broad Uhlary Adam, farmer S. Second bel. Greenwich street Uhlary Aust. mate 48 Christian Uhlary Wm. farmer S. Second bel. Greenwich L^hle Catharine, storekeeper, widow of John, ^n. 45

north Fourth Uhle John, surgeon dentist, bleeder, cupper & leecher

45 north Fourth Uhler George m. d. 414 north Front UhlerJohn A. baker 416 north Fropt tUhler John, labourer Carpenter (S) below Third Ullnian Mrs. gentlewoman 212Chesnut Ulman Mayer, grocery 8c tavern NW cor. 3d & Shippen Ulmer George, cordwainer 17 Charlotte Ulrich A. & H. tobacconists 199 north Third Ulrich Elizabeth, shopkeeper 425 north Third Ulrick Fredk. cordwainer cor. Eighth and Wood Ulrick John, cordwainer Maria ab. Old York road Ulrick Maw, 192 St. John Uncleson Miley, labourer Broad above Arch Underwick Barbara, widow Queen near Bishop Underwood Ann, widow 46 Penn street Underwood James, bricklayer Juniper below Walnut Unbehent John, bricklayer Wood above.Eighth Umbehent Catharine, vict. Buttonwood a bove Eighth Umbehent Samuel, vict. Washington (S) above Front IJSRb.ehent Valentine, 216 Race


Umpleby John, sackingbottom manuf. 313 north Front Underwood John bricklayer 134 north Eleventli Underwood Noah, cotton manufacturer 37 Kunckel ab

Noble Upman Matthias, saddler &c. back 196 north Third Upton John, hatter 85 north Fifth Upperman Adam, milkman Vienna near Duke Upperman Charles, drayman 113 north Fourth Upperman George, labourer Vienna cor.Hrowne Urquhart widow of Alexr. collector taxes 31 Catharine Urwiler Jncob, labourer Germantown road ab. Third Urwiler George, silver refiner N. Third n. Germ. r. Usher Edward, waterman 262 S. Fourth [sec Es/ier Usher Elizabeth, widow Old York r. ab. Poplar iaiie Ustick Stephen C. late printer, boardinghouse 306 High Ustick William, mate of vessel Drinker's alley

VAIL DANIEL, fur 8c hat trimmings store 3 and d h

69 north Fifth VailJames H. attorney at law Sansom Vail William H. & Co. fur and hat trimmings store 3

north Fifth— d -h 24 Garden Vallance John, engraver 10 Libraiy d h 87 S. Sixth Vallance William, pilot 18 Catharine fValleau Isaac, labourer 230 Catharine Vallee Francis, Fitzwalter above Sixth Vallee C. French boardinghouse 32 south Third Vallee Prosper, gunsmith 101 south Second Valentine Auiy engineer 110 Christian street Valentine Robert, Pegg street Vallentine O. carpenter Maple |Valentine Samuel, carter Bonsall above Ninth Vallette Eli Augui^tus, of the U. S. navy 3C8 N. Second Vallette Eli, accountant 2 Noble Vallette Francis, 4? Fitzwalter above Seventh Value Victor, professor of French, Mantua village Vanarsdall Aaron, accountant 160 south Ninth Vanarsdell John, accountant 113 north Fourth Van Baun William D. planemaker, back 102 High Van Beck William F. labourer cor. Pass\'unk r, & 8th. Van Beuren Abm. merch. 109 S. Front i h 19 Branch Van Beuren Henry, livery stable 11 Quarry Van Blunk Richard, mastmaker 15 Parham's alley tVan Brackle Samuel, cabinetmaker 86 Locust d h 22

Acorn alley ^ tVan Brockle & Foster, tailors NE cor. 6th 8c Lc^ard Vaneller Ann, widow Acorn alley Vanhist Rener, watchman Brock court Vanasdell Isaac, shoemaker 458 south Second Vance Adam, labourer Juniper above Cherry


VAN whitely's annual

Vance Af1am»shipsmith Fuller's ay d h 66 Christian- Vance Arthur, shjpwriglit 182 Swanson Vance Elizabeth, widow of Philip, 26 Parham*s alley Vance & Philips, shipsmiths 65 Swanson Vance John, ship carpenter, back 63 Queen (S) Vance Mary, widow Brustarr's alley bet. Queen and

Beach near Shakamaxon Van De (iraft, doctor Stephen, 294 north Front . Vandegrit't Jacob, oakcooper, inspector of staves, head- ing and shingles 29 Swanson Vandegrift James R. saddle &c. maker 144 Spruce Vandegrift George, shoemaker Knodle street Vandegrift John, carpenter above Charles street (P L) Vandegrifl Joseph, halter 32 Juliana Vaiidegrift Thomas, labourer, back 517 north Third Vanderan Susannah, widow 41 Wood Vanderbelt John, gentleman 184 north Third Yanderkemp John J. agent to the Holland Land Com- pany 77 Spruce Vandermass Abm. shipcarpenter Beach n. High bridge Vanderslice A nthony, cedar cooper Oak below Browne Vanderslice George, bleeder & barber 105 Sassafras Vanderslice George, jun. ladies' shoemaker 73 N 8th Vanderslice Henry, Trimble's court Vanderslice Henry, carpenter 350 north Front ^

Vanderslice J H. hairdresser, bleeder 8c grocer 318 Vine Vanderslice Jacob, labourer Front near Poplar Vander Sloot rev. Frederick VV^m. Kunckel below Green. Vandervere Peter, mariner 17 Mary (S) Vandervoort Daniel, cordwainer 48 Spruce Vandevier (irace, boardinghouse 74 Locu$t tVandevier Joseph, labourer W^eaver's ay Vande winter F. sawyer Shakamaxon n. Frankf. road Vandike Wm. grocer Hanover near Frankford road Vandine Cieorge, sailmaker 65 George (S) Vandine & Massac, sailmakers, South wharves S W^ con Cedar

Van Driel , clerk to Dutch consul, 116 N VV^ater

Van Dusen Nich. shipbuilder Beach near Marlborough Vandyke Harman, accountant 407 north Second Vandyke Jacob, innkeeper Frankf. road near Palmer IVandyke Jesse, coachman 4 Burd's court Vandyke &c Readings, grocers Frankf r. n. Black horse Vandyke Wm grocer Frankford road near Palmer Vaneonan Frederick, tailor 307 south Front Van Gelder George H. storekeeper 3 south Second Vanharlinger John M. drygoods store 247 S Second Vanholt James, constable 239 south Sixth i

Vanholt Val. blacksmith Hamilton WSch. Washington Vanhook Wm. shipwright Beach above Hanover Vanhorn Abm. grocer and suspendermaker 81 Shippen Vanhorn Abm. carter Laurel JN L near Budd Vanhorn Isabella, wid6w of Benjamin, 355 N Front Vanhorn Jacob, carpenter 235 Coates


Vanhorn John, constable Hanover above Prince

Vanhorn John, coachman 25 North alley

fVanhorn Joseph, waiter, back 295 south Fourth

Vanhoru Mordecai K. carver 251 Race

Vanhorn Nathaniel, Windsor chair manuf. 99N Front

d h 4 Newmarket Vanhorn Peter, labourer Christian above 5th Vanhorn Rebecca, widow 167 St. John Vanhorn Redman, labourer Carlyle's court Vanhorn Robert, upholsterer 266 south Second Vanhorn Susan, widow Queen below Shakamaxon Vanhoy Abm m. d. 8c professor of midwifery 148 Arch Vanloon John, nailer Prince near West (K) Vanmetre Henry, blacksmith M'Culloch's court fVanmetre Henry, mariner Atkinson's court Vanmetre James, drygoods store 43 north Second Vanmetre John, paperhanger 48 Gaskill Vanollev Ann, Mrs. of John, seamstress 3 Acorn ay Van Pelt Peter, surgeon dentist 149 Chesnut Van Sciver Isaac, wheelwright Camden (N J) Van Sciver Jacob, drayman Simmons* court Van Sciver Wm. morocco manuf. cor Vine & Sch 6th Vansickle Corneliu^, cordwainer Beach near Maiden Vansickle Cornelius, 4 Piatt's court Vansise Jane, widow of Joseph, 196 north Front Vanstavoren Cornelius, sen 335 north 3d Vanstavoren Cornelius, jun. carpenter 52 Chester Vanstavoren James, constable 58 Chester Vanstavoren William, currier Green Vanstenbergh Jacob, accountant Pitt above Beaver Vansyckle Elijah, grocer 131 N 2d d h 74 N Front Vans\ckle & Garrison, grocers 131 north Second Vans) kle Ralph, agent tor post chaise N Y and Balti

more stages, 28 south 3d Vanzyle John, m. d. 95 Plum Vantine John, waterman 75 Moyamensing road Vantine Joseph, shoemaker 36 Middle alley Van Trump Elizabeth, boardinghouse 22 Carter's ay Vanuxem 6c Clark, merchants 99 south Front Vanvalto Lambates, labourer 75 Lombard Vanvalto Richard, innkeeper S W cor Shippen & Front Van Vleck rev. William H. pastor of the United Bre- thren church, 74 Race Vanvoorhis Robert, shipmaster 134 Swanson Vardey Catharine, grocer 216 south Water Vardey Miles, tailor 216 south Water corner Pine & 217

south Front Vare John, shingleshaver, High near Sch. Second Varin Francis, teacher, back 1 Bread Varnar & Davis, carpenters, back of 12 south Fifth Varner Jacob, labourer 191 Green Varner Robert, carpenter Cedar below Seventh Varner Robert, carpenter, back 12 & d h 243 S Fifth


Vasse Chas. boardinghouse 120 N Water & 18 N Front

Vauclain Mrs. M A, 115 north Fifth

Vaughan Misses 12 Pennsylvania a\'enue

Vaughan John, merchant is E cor Front and Walnut

Vaughan John, shipwright Beach above Marlborough

\'aughan Jonathan, labourer Queen below Marlborough

Vaughan Maiy, niilliner 66 south Fourth

Vaughan Thomas, shipwright Cherry' near Prince

Vaughan Thomas, jun. shipwright Cherry near Prince

Vaughan William, jun. caulker Cherry near Prince

Vaughan William, grocer Queen near Cherry

V^aux George, attorney at law 145 Mulberry

V^aux James, gentleman 231 Mulberrv- near Seventh

Vaux James, labourer Queen near Hanover

Vaux Roberts, gentleman 346 Mulberry

Veabin John, paperstainer &c. Juni}>£r below Walnut

Veacock Ann, widow 59 Lombard

Velde M. baker Ninth above Race

Velthoven Richard V, tavernkeeper 270 south Front

^'emabe^ry Andrew, mariner 16 Parham's alley

iVenable Jacob, mariner 6 Gaskill street

Venabe Josiah, labourer 145 Moyamensing road

Venable Prudence, widow Cooper's ferr>- (N J)

jVenable Robert, labourer 79 north Sixth

Vench Frederick, tanner Noble below 3d

Vennell James, ferryman Bishop (K)

Venright Catharine, cakebaker, back 86 Locust

Verdey Miles, innkeeper &c. N E cor. Front & Pine

Verdin widow of John B 448 south Sd street

V>niou Samuel, wheelwright 4 Bell's court

Vernou Jno. Spanish segar manuf. perfumer &c. 34outh

Front Verdries Joseph P. classical and mathematical teacher

49 north Seventh Vernhes John, cloth spunger 67 Walnut Verrist W. paintstore 344 north Second tVesev Edward, sawyer &c. 66 Gaskill street Vesev'Hezekiah, tailor Relief alley above Front Vessels Sylvester, watchman 4 Plum Vezin Charles, merchant 8 S wharves d h 5 S Fourth Vezin & Von Lengerke, merchants 8 South wharves Viall Winchester, grocery and tavern 300 south Front Viau Benjamin, cabinetmaker 156 south Sixth Vice David caulker Marlborough above Beach Vickers Uavid, merchant 19 north Water Vickers Kezia, widow 39 Zane

Vickers Thomas, mason & bricklayer High W Sch. 6th Vickery Benjamin, shoemaker St. John ibove Poplar 1. t Victor John, barber 113 south Fifth Vie Alexander &Co. merchants 41 Chesnut Villan George, cor Weaver's ay and Hazel Villon John, mariner 107 Catharine Vince M^ry, widow 2 Parham's ay



Vincent John, mariner 480 north Second

Vincent Elizabeth, widow 9 Federal

Vining Eleanor, housekeeper 244 south Seventh

Vinton Abel, merchant 153 High

Vinton T. & A. merchants 153 High

V^inton Thomas, merchant 153 High

Vinyard James, sailmaker 47 Vine

Vinyard & Shindler, sailmakers, back 123 north Water

Vinyard William, shipbuilder 425 south Front

Virchaux H- T. 180 south Eleventh

Virtue James, cordwainer 4th below Christian

Vitick Christiana, near Shields' alley

Vitry A. gold and silver lace manuf. 8cc. 88 Race

Vivant Charles, carver and gilder 127 south Fourth

Vogel Frederick, bricklayer Sixth near Noble

Vogel John, brushmaker 142 north 3d

Vogelsang Daniel, cabinetmaker 65 Walnut

Voigt Heniy, plumber 47 S wharves d h 91 Lombard

Voigt widow of Henr}", Sixth above Camac

Voigt Thos. clock & watchmaker 44 N 7th— dh 58 Zane

Volans Samuel, gentleman 324 Arch

fVolantine Benj. bootcleaner, back 197 Lombard

Volk John F. labourer 33 Charlotte

Volkmar Henry, stovemake*;' 81 north Seventh

Vollum Ann, mantuamaker 250 Pine above Eleventh

VoUum Edward, carter 250 Pine above Eleventh

Vollum John, carpenter Juniper above Locust

Vomhoff Christian, grocer 451 north Front

Vonderweit Peter, brickmaker 39 Coates' alley

Vondyk Hermanus, sih-erplater Callowhill btil. Ridee

Von Lengerke H. F. mercht. 8 S wharves d h 5 S 4tli

Voorhees Catharine, midwife 169 north Sixth

Voorhees Maria, Miss, mantuamaker 129 north Sixth

Voris Phihp, mate of vessel, 12th near Spruce

VouteL. H. gentleman 63 north Eighth

Vowles Robert, 20 Garden street

WACKER CHRISTOPHER, innkeeper 559 S. Front Wackerly Jacob, vict. Germantown road below Fourth Wackerly John, Coates above 3d stall 15 KL. market Wackerly Isaac, vict. Germ, road above first gate

stall 23 N. L. market [see Jl'eckerly

Wackerly Peter, vict. Germ, road near first gate stall

23 N. L. market Wackerly Sarah, vict. Ger. r. bel. 2d & 5 S. L. market Wackerley Ulery, cooper Emlen's court Waddell Elizabeth Mrs. 89 north Ninth Waddington Jonathan, watchman 417 south Front

Wade , skindresser Vine alley

Wade Benjamin, millinery store 153 south Second

WAL whitely's annual

Wade Jacob B. jeweller 4 Shippen

Wade James, carpenter Pemberton's alley

Wade John, grocer 240 south Fourth

Wade Sarah Mrs. grocer Sixth below Fitz waiter

Wade Thomas, labourer 215 St. John

Wadlow Moses, saddler north Fourth near Browne

Wadman Mary, widow 220 south Third cor. Cedar

Wager Hannah, widow 348 Mulberry

Wager Pf*ter, wine merchant 134 north Second

Wager Peter & Co. wine merchants 3 south Fifth

Wager Wm. S. accountant, back 291 Arch

W^agner Adam, oak cooper Eighth near Buttonwood

Wagner Diivid, flour & feed store, cor. 5th & Lombard

Wagner Eliza, Cherry near Prince

Wagner George W^. oakcooper 50 Bread

Wagner George, watchman 86 Budd st.

Wagner Grace G. widow 30 Bread

Wagner Henry, 107 Moyamensing road

Wagner Henry, grocer 593 north Second

Wagner Henry, plasterer Sixth above Poplar lane

Wagner Jacob, saddler, &c. back 102 High

Wagner Jacob, meal dealer 536 N. 3d below Beaver

Wagner Jacob, carter Noble below Sixth

Wagner John, gentleman 15 north Eighth

Wagner John, sexton, back 251 Race

Wagner John, gravedigger 216 Vine

Wagner John, carpenter 406 north Third

Wagner John, farmer Passyunk road below Federal

Wagner John, cordwainer Marlboro' near West st.

Wagner John, fisherman Queen near Bishop

Wagner John, carter, back 478 north Third

Wagner Margaret, widow. Cherry near Browue

Wagner Mary, widow N. Eighth above Mulberry alley

Wagner Mary M. shopkeeper 126 north Front

Wagner Peter, labourer Hamilton above Sch. Second

Wagner Samuel, merchant 13 north Eighth

Wagner Tobias, auct'r. 29 N. Front— d h 13 N. Eighth

Wagner Wm. bootmaker 11 Shippen

Wagner Wm. carpenter 204 north Fourth

Wahab John C. carpenter Unity court

Waid John, labourer Tenth above Vine

Wainwright Isaac, drygoods store 35 south Second

Wainwright James M. druggist 98 south Eleventh

Wainwright Jonathan, block and pumpmaker 61 north

Water d h Kensington Wainwright W^m. tailor Federal above Second Waite G. and R. lottery and exchange office S W cor.

Chesnut and Third Waite George Washington, exchange 8cc. broker S W

^corner Chesnut and Third Walbran Thomas, morocco dresser 297 Vine Walch Mary, widow 180 Swanson Waldie Adam, printer, office Pembertoft's court— d h

5 north Tenth


VValdin John, bleeder, back 259 Cedar Waless Isaac, oysterman 14 Cedar Wale Uh'ich, grocer 300 south Second Walover John, shipwright Bedford near Marlborough Walker Ambrose, boarding house 24 Mulberry Walker Andrew, labourer 149 St. John Walker Ann, widow of George, Lombard above 11th "Walker Benjamin, woodsawyer 6th above Poplar lane Walker C. cordwainer Sixth above Poplar "Walker Commodore, cordwainer and doctor St. John

above Poplar Walker Daniel, waterman 67 Catharine Walker David, grocer 329 S. Front N E cor. Almond Walker David, shoemaker Say St. Walker Edward, carpenter 4 York court Walker Edward, turner, back 40 Union st. Walker Eliza, widow of Thos. grocer Locust cor. 12th Walker Geo. jeweller & goldsmith, inquire 296 S. Front Walker James, saddler, &c. 114 High Walker James, carpenter St. Mary st. Walker James, baker near 29 Swanson Walker rev. John, of the Methodist society 378 N. 3d Walker John, labourer 420 north Fourth Walker John, grocer 226 south Third

Walker , cordwainer Say st.

Walker John, carpenter 64 Passyunk Walker John, jeweller and manufacturer in metals ge- nerally, 296 south Front Walker' John, cordwainer 311 north Third Walker John, cordwainer 296 south Front Walker John, labourer 22 Vernon Walker Joseph, teacher of mathematics 37 Cherry Walker Lewis, hatter 358 High Walker Margaret, widow Federal below Second Walker Margaret, widow Hopkins* court .Walker Matthew, lumber merchant, yard S W corner

Callowhill and John d h Sixth cor. Callowhill Walker Nathaniel, carpenter, back 569 south Fx-ont Walker Robert, grocer 46 north Seventh Walker Robert, rigger 10 York court Walker Samuel, shoe warehouse 266 High Walker Samuel, gentleman 22 Sassafras Walker Saml. foreman to the factory at the Almshouse Walker Sarah, widow, Sixth below Fitzwalter Walker William, brassfounder 12 Quarry Walker Wm. M. merchant 22 N. Seventh & 255 High Walkley James, carpenter and packing boxmaker 10

South alley and Queen above Third Walkman Catharine, victualler Christian above EJghth Wall George, flour store 141 north Front Wall George, tailor 61 Penn and 6 Swanson Wall Henry, shoemaker near Glasshouse (K.) Wall Henry, jun. pill-box maker Queen n. Gunner's run


Wall John, fancy, &c. chairmaker 87 6c d h 93 N. Front. Wall John, pill-box maker Queen near Gunner's run Wall Margaret, widow North st. [see Wain

Wall Patrick, grocer N W corner Fifth and German Wall Peter, cordwainer 9 Plum Wall Rachel, washerwoman 15 Sassafras alley Wall Richard, Windsor chairmaker 108 north Front Wallace Alexander, accountant 137 Lombard Wallace Burton, gentleman 67 south Eleventh Wallace Catharine, widow. Queen near Wood fWallace Charles, sawyer 237 Cedar Wallace Edward, coach maker 22 Watson's alley fWallace Elizabeth, widow Lvndall's court Wallace E. saddler 38 and d h 64 north Third WaJace George, distiller 14 Gray's alley Wallace. Grace, nurse Fifth above Buttonwood Wallace James, shoemaker Queen near Marlboro' Wallace Jane, 71 north Tenth

Wallace John, carpenter Shakamaxon below Prince Wallace John, weaver Cedar below Thirteenth Wallace John B. counsellor at law d h 255 and office

257 Walnut - ^

Wallace John, \dctuall€l> 12th below Vine stall 85 6th

street market ^Vallace John, tailor Church st. Wallace John, sea captain 41 Almond Wallace Joshua M. merchant Washington n. Ridge r. Wallace Margaret, widow 109 Queen (S.) Wallace Mary, nurse Dean's alley Wallace Maty, nurse 74 Crown Wallace Penelope, widow 111 Christian Wallace Philip, 'oysterman, back 397 south Second Wallace & Ross, saddlers, &c. 38 and 40 north Third Wallace Robert, lumber merchant 513 & 517 N Front Wallace 5c Seeger, merchants 21 south Front Wallace Thomas, grocer Ridge road above Francis Wallace Thomas, carpenter Thirteenth below Race Wallace I'l^omas, innkeeper 273 S. 7th cor. Shippen Wallace Thomas, tailor 18 Almond street Wallace Thomas K. merchant 21 south Front d h S E

corner Filbert and Ninth Wallace Thomas, bookbinder 74 north Third Wallace William, millinerv, bonnet, and hat stores 17

N. Second and 22 south I'^ird Wallace William, grocer 248 Cedar Wallace William, coachmaker, back 86 Locust Wallace William, labourer Pitt above Beaver Wallace WiUiam, potter Second near Camac Wallace William, shipwright Hanover near Prince Wallace WiUiam, tallow chandler Germ, road n. Third Wallaver John, ship carpenter Marlboro' near Bedford Wallen Sarah, nurse Green below Second Wallen Wm. drayman Thirteenth above Vine


Wallhimer Elizabeth N. boardinghouse 363 N. Front

Wallin Isaac, labourer, back 37 Queen

Walling Catharine, widow 42 George (S.)

Walling Sarah, widow 8 Vernon street

Wallington D W. labourer Hazel alley below Locust

Wallington Edward, sea captain 9 Queen (S.)

Wallington, widow of the late John, collector of taxes

81 Cherry Wallington Sarah, nurse, back 33 Vine . fWalnisley Sib, sawyer Frankford road near Queen Walmsley Wm. Mason, stock, 8cc. broker 57 Dock

d h 98 south Fourth Wain Elizabeth, Miss, 223 Walnut Wain Jacob, counsellor at law, 144 south Second Wain Jacob S. merchant 34 south wharves d h 2 York

buildings. Walnut near Eighth [see Wall

Wain & Morris, merchants 34 South wharves Wain Robert, merchant 411 High Wain S. widow of Nicholas, 144 south Second Wain William, merchant 34 Dock Walnut Francis, hairdresser 29 south Third Walnut John, carpenter, Carpenter below Third (S.) Walnut rhomas, hairdresser 10 north Fourth Walraven John J. accountant 29 Dock d h 304 S. Front Walraven Mary, seamstress 26 Race Walraven Mary, widow Adelphi avenue Walsh Christopher, accountant Callow hill above 12tli Walsh James, painter and glazier Vine above Broad Walsh James, stablekeeper 40 Union Walsh Robert, jun. gentleman 322 Arch Walshaw John, engineer N. Second above Germ, road Walter Adam, shoemaker and bottler 123 Mulberry Walter 8c Easby, boatbuilders Oak (N,L.) Walter George, tailor 24 south Water W'alter Isaac, bricklayer 70 Plum street Walter Julian, storekeeper 87 Coates V/alter Jacob F. bricklayer 140 north Eighth Walter Joseph, labourer 1 Well's row cor. 8th & Green Walter Joseph S. bricklayer 237 Vine above Sixth Walter Philip, sandman York court Walter Philip, sand and coal yard Oak (N.L.)--d h 332

north Front Walter Peter B. boatbuilder Oak above Noble Walter Thrimas, teacher 1 Blrxkberry alley Walters Abraham, innkeeper 476 N. 3d N W corner

Poplar Walters Adam, carter 481 N. Third above Poplar Walters Barbara, washerwoman Juniper above Cherry Walters Elizabeth, widow of George A. Joint alley Walters Elizabeth, widow 132 Coates Walters Elizabeth, widow Vine above Tenth Walters X^eorge, labourer Sch. Eighth near Vine Walters Hannah, widow 2 York court

2 M

WAR whitely's annual

Walters Henry, plasterer 1 Richardson's court

Walters Jacob, tin manufactory 177 north Third

Walters Jacob, carter 484 north Third

Walters James C. tailor 349 north Front

Walters James, bucket handlemaker Prime ab. Fifth

W^ alters John, teacher Carpenter below Fifth (S.)

Walters John, glovemaker 5 Wood

Walters John, labourer 27 Browne

Walters John J. baker 404 Race below Twelfth

f Walters John, waiter in store, Green's court

Walters Matthias, carter James above Charles

Walters Michael, grocer 91 north Fifth

fWalters Parish, bootcleaner 153 Walnut

Walters Peter, mason 16 Small st.

Walters Robert F. cordwainer 246 south Front

Waltman Ann L. widow, innkeeper Locust above 11th

Waltman Kitty, vict. Hudson's lane— stall 36 N. market

Waltman Mary, widow of Wm. 3 Rose alley

Waltman Wm. minter Quince bel. Locust [see Wartman

Waltman Wm. painter, 8cc. Rose alley

Walto Francis, smith, back 14 Quarry

Walton Benjamin, merchant 32 Church ay. 8c 103 High

Walton Boaz, cabinetmaker 330 south Front

Walton Daniel, looking glass framemaker 176 Coates

Walton Enoch, drygoods store 73 Cedar N E cor. Barron

Walton Edward, cordwainer 28 Charlotte

Walton George, carpenter 9 north Second

Walton James, cordwainer, back 36 Cherry

Walton Jeremiah, cabinetmaker 155 Green

Walton Jeremiah, cordwainer Apple above Poplar

Walton John D. printer 15 Pratt's court

Walton Joseph, bookseller 37 High— d h 25 Arch

Walton Samuel, shopkeeper 331 north Third

Walton Sarah, widow 70 Plum

Walton & Stout, lookingglassframemakers 176 Coates

Walton Wm. mariner 45 Penn

Wampole Isaac, sen. scriviner, &c. 163 Mulberry

Wampole Isaac, jun. scrivener 163 Mulberry

Wandell Abraham, upholsterer 183 south Second

Wandell John, carver and gilder 26 North alley

Wands Alexander H. cordwainer 99 Cherry

Wands Jane, Raspberry alley

Warce Francis, victualler Germantown road near 4th

tWard Abraham, labourer, back 123 north Tenth

Ward Charles, back 305 Walnut

j-Ward Ishman, labourer 2 Burd's court

Ward James, 14 Apollo street

Ward John, innkeeper 142 south Water & 143 S. Front

Ward John, tavernkeeper S W cor. Walnut & Water

Ward Peter, labourer, back 111 Catharine

Ward Reuben, tinner 26 Mary

Ward Thomas, carter, back 123 Plum

Ward Tobias, labourer, back 35 Walnut

Ward , labourer, back 295 south Third


Ward William, accountant and scrivener 141 south 6th Wardeli Henry & Charles, tavern and grocery 8 High Wirdel Philip, bookbinder Rose alley Wardin William, grocer George above Twelfth Warder Benjamin H. merchant Race street wharf d h

117 Race Warder Charles, merchant High ab. 9th d h 34 N. 9th Warder Jeremiah, merchunt 18 Branch Warder & Brotiiers, merchants Rnce st. wharf S. side Wrtrder Jeremiah, jun. merchant Race street wharf Warder John, gentleman 117 Sassafi-as Warder John H. merchant Race st. wharf d h 85 N 7th Warder \Vm. S. botthng establisment under Washing- ton-hall 3d street above Spruce Wardle Thomas, importer of English books, 6cc. 13

Minor Ware Ann, widow, 79 northTenth Ware Henrietta, widow 220 Swanson Ware James, sailmaker 27 Queen (S.) Ware James, shoemaker. High W. Sch. Fourth Ware JohnT. shipjoiner Emlen's court Ware John, shipjoiner Emlen's court W^are Samuel, weaver, Marlborough near Prince Ware Sarah, widow Hunter's court Ware Thomas, sawyer Frankford road near Queen Ware Wm. cabinetmaker, 7 Cox's alley Waring Elijah, merchant inquire 152 High Wark John, weaver Pitt below Germantown road tWarner Alexander, coachman, back 103 Lombard St. Warner Anthony, labourer 327 north Third street Warner Benjamin, bookseller in Ilig^ ^h 182 Arch Warner Cliarles, painter and glazier 40 north Fourth

d h 194 north Eighth Warner Conrad, hog vict. Washington near Ridge road Warner Daniel, liverystablekeeper, 6th and Rose alley- Warner Frederick, milkman 4th above Franklin (N.L.) Warner Heronimus, brassfounder 36 north Eighth W^arner Isaac, carpenter Sixth above Green tWarner Isaac, carter. Smith's court Warner James, painter and glazier, 89 north Second W^arner John, vict. corner of Buttonwood & Charles Warner John, storekeeper cor. Lancaster road & High W^arner John, carpenter 182 south Sixth Warner John C. combmaker 84 north Third Warner John, carpenter. Carpenter below Third (S.) Warner Joseph, gunsmith Rose alley Warner Joseph, silversmith 15 and 22 Greenleaf court Warner Mark, shipmaster, back of 29 North alley Warner Martha, widow 65 New Warner Matthias, labourer 11 Hoifman's alley Warner Margaret, widow, back 176 north Eighth Warner Mary, widow 14 Sugar alley

WAR whitely's annual

Warner Mrs. Mary, 265 south Fourth street

JWarner Mary, widow Springett alley

Warner Michael, cabinetmaker, between Quince ^d

Prosperous alley Warner Philip, smith 460 north Third Warner Sarah, widow Thirteenth above Walnut Warner Stephen, painter 8cc. 1 Sassafras nlley Warner Susan, maniuamaker 7 Rose alley Warner Wm. watchcasemaker 7 Cherry Warner Wm. njerchant 15 south Water dh 150 Arch Warner Wm. sea captain 35 Coates Warner Wm. victualler, stall 37 Newmarket il h 26

Lawrence Warner Thomas, wheelwright, back 510 south 2d st. Warner Wm. merchant 145 south Third Wurnick Catharine, widow, 126 German Warnick Wm. ccrdwainer corner Beck and Sixth Warnock Elizabeth, widow, 387 south Front Warnock Jane, widow, 46 Passyunk road Warnock Jane, grocer 19 north Eighth Warnock Jacob A, sea captain 27 Catharine Warnock John, nailer 10 north Tenth d h 61 Filbert Warnock Joseph, nailer 25 Prosperous alley Warnock Rosanna, widow, 266 south Sixth Warnock Wm. drayman 332 S. 6th corner Catharine Warr John, innkeeper 305 Vine N W corner Garden Warrance Frederick, coachmaker 3 Laurel Warrance Wm. coachmaker, &c. 105 and 119 Sprnce Warren Charles, merchant 125 south Front '^

\Varren Isaac, white-Rand carter "Oak above the Hay- scales ^rs'.Li.j Warren Jacob, cheese store 31 High Warren John, huckster Camden (N. J.) Warren Joseph, hatter 4 Hoffman's alley Warren Joseph, carpenter Cherry above Thirteenth Warren Joseph, labourer 51 Browne Warren Perry, coachman 200 I-.ombard Warren Sarah, nurse Green opposite Budd Warren Sylvester, carpenter \ ine above Thirteenth Warren VVm. manager of the New -Theatre, 12Sansom Warren Wm. grocer 316 north Front Warrin James, teacher, 6 north Eighth Warrington Abigail, widow, 109 Christian Warrington John, clock and watchmaker S E comer

Front and Chesnut Warrington Purnell, sea craptain,76Lombare Wa<rthman Adam, drayman 96 Coates Wartman Abraham, victualler, corner Noble and Fifth

stall 67 New market south Second Wartman Abraham, jun victualler Schuylkill Eighth

above Race, stall 72 Nev market south Second Wartman Barbara, widow, 441 north Third


Wartman Dorothy, widow, victualler Old York road

above Buttonwood Wartman George, victualler Fifth above Buttonwood Wartman John, victualler corner Noble and Fifth, stall

65 New market south Second Wartman John, victualler Spring Garden stall 35

New market, south Second Wartman Michael, constable Spring Garden Warwick Elizabeth, widow, boardinghouse 92 north 5th Warwick Elizabeth, widow 29 Cherry Warwick Jeremiah, shoemaker 92 north Fifth Warwick John, carter 52 Meade alley Warwick Samuel E. tavernkeeper 253 Cedar Warwick I'homas, smith and farrier 142 north Eighth Warwick Thomas, bricklayer, 92 north Fifth Wasley Amelia, nurse 103 Christian Wass Christian cedar cooper Arch abo\ e Juniper Wass Joseph, slioeniaker 59 Dock Waterman Jesse, tea merchant and teacher of French

and EiYglish, 88 south Fifth Waterman John, cooper Arch west of Sch. Second W^aterman Joh-n, carpenter 48 Green Waterman John, dealer 456 north Second Waterman Thomas, 18 Swanwick tWaterhousc Jacob, labourer, back 90 Bedford fWaters Atley, waiter 97 Gaskiil street tWaters Elizabeth, widow. Green's court Waters Esther, widow, 186 Chesnut fWaters Francis, mariner Elizabeth below Seventh Waters Hanson, merchant 2 north Fourth tWaters John, labourer Green's court Waters John, teacher, carpenter near Fifth Waters Margery, widow, back 28 Shippen street Waters Martha, widow, 70 Penu street f Waters Mary, widow, back 251 Spruce fWaters Parrish, shoeblack Lombard above Tenth Wathington Csssar, woodsawyer, Bringhurst's court fWatkins Euphemia, teacher 137 Plum Wat kins Isaac, cooper Vine above Thirteenth Watkins John, ropemaker, Johnson's lane Watkins Rachel, 53 Budd Watkins Samuel, currier 64 Christian jWatkins Samuel, waiter, 226 south Seventh Watkins Sarah, bonnetmaker 70 Arch Watkins Thomas, sailmaker Browne Watman Michael, constable opposite 24 Garden street Watmough Anna, widow, 76 south Sixth Watmough & Downing, merchants 6 Minor W^txtmough John G. merchant 76 south Sixth Watres Charles, liquor store 386 High— d h 34 N. 9th Watson Alice, widow, 96Swanson Watson Ann, widow of Isaac, 136 Pine

2m 2

WAT whitely's annual

Watson Hannah, seamstress, Lytle's court tWatson Henry, rag-gatlierer, 4 Gilles's alley Watson Hugh, brickmaker Sch. Fifth above High ' Watson James, tavernkeeper 21 north Fifth Watson James, wcodsawyer, back 18 Budd Watson James, clocl^ and watch niaker 58 High Watson Job, North above Tenth Watson John, merchant tailor 92 Chesnut— dwelling

south side Washington square Watson John, shipwright 1 Christian street wharf tWatson John W. shoeblack, 5 Hurst street Watson Jonathan, carpenter 286 St. Jphn Watson Joseph, lumber merchant 221 Lombard Watson Joseph, merchant 2 Simm's alley dwelling

62 Spruce Watson Joshua, carpenter, Bedford near Hanover Watson Margaret Mrs. 4 Shields' court Watson Margaret, stay and corsleimaker 82 Spruce Watson Mary, widow Lytle's court Watson Mary, widow, 260 Lombard street rVv'atson Mrs. widow, Browne near Cherry Watson Samuel F. teacher 483 south Second tWatson Simo:?, labourer, Warner's court Watson Thcmas, baker, back 68 Arch Watson Thomas D. teacher, 222 south Fourth Watson Thomas, teacher 73 Pine

Watson Thomas, biscuit baker 129 and 119 north Front tWatson William, mariner 247 Spruce tWatt Alexander, labourer Juniper above Race Walt Alexander, accomitant Aurora office, back of 110

Walnut, and tavernkeepeer 28 Walnut Watt James, mariner Oak (N. L.) below hayscales Watt John, cotton manufacturer 119 south Eleventh Watt Robert, weaver, Sch. Third below High Watt Sarah, widow, Rose alley Watt William, weaver 172 Pine Watts Ann, drygoods store 250 south Second Watts Archibald, labourer, 69 Christian street Watts Isaac, cordwainer 395 north Second Watts James, broker 100 Lombard S W corner Fourth Watts James, printer and boardinghouse 32 Chesnut Waugh Jane, widow 1 1 Gilles's alley Watson Ann, widow, Davis's court (N. L.) Watson & Bunting, lumber merchants cor. of Pine and

Eighth, and corner Eighth and Orange Watson Charles C. merchant-tailor 92 Chesnut Watson Charles C. & J. woollen drapers, men's mercers

and tailors 92 Chesnut Watson Charles, gentleman 136 Pine Watson Christian, tailor, back 207 St. John Watson David, letter carrier, S W corner Filbert and



Way Andrew, agent for the Washington glass manufac- tory 58 north Fourth

Way Caleb, accountant 14 Branner's alley

Way Joseph, pilot U9 Swanson

Way James, merchant 58 S wharves d h 16 Union

fWay James, labourer Old York road *

Way Lewis, wheelwright S7 Budd

Way Wm. balance weigher, back 78 south Front d h 37 Wood

Wayland Matthew, tallowchandler 122 north Front

Wayman Samuel, waiter, 3 Hurst

Waymer Mary, widow, corner Spruce and Sch. Seventh

Wavne Benjaujin, carpenter 475 Race

Wayne & Biddle, tancy hardware Sc drygoods store S W corner of Front' and High

Wayne Caleb P. merchant 4 south Front

Wayne Jacob, cabinetmaker 136 and 166 north Front

Wayne Wm. gentleman 100 Poplar lane

Wayne Wm.jun. hardware merchant 257 High

Wavne Wm. & Co hardware merchants 257 High

Wayson Archibald, stonecutter, 13th above Filbert

Weasey Samuel, shoemaker 97 Budd

Weatherby Joseph, gunsmith, above 449 north Front

Weatherby Mary, widow of Joseph, storekeeper, 181 Coates

Weatherington Joseph, teamdriver 10 Fetter lane

Weatherly David, clock and wat#1imaker 81 north 3d

Weatherstine John, victualler Fourth below Master

street stall 11 old shambles fWeatherton JossafFer, mariner 16 Elizabeth

Weaver Adam, baker Hanover near Bedford

Weaver Adam, victualler 30 Gardeu

Weaver Alexander, brassfounder Old York road above

Poplar Weaver Ann, widow, 39 Currant alley Weaver Charles, grocer, corner Noble and Second Weaver Conrad, labourer, back of 385 Sas^iras Weaver David, brickmaker 268 north Eighth Weaver Emor T. silversmith ?0 north Fourih and 1

Loxley's court Weaver'Elijah, bookstore 5 north Front ,, ^

Weaver George, coachmaker 21 south Eighth— d h 42

Carpenter street Weaver George, baker 46 Green Weaver George, cordwainer 252 south Third Weaver George, cooper 10 Swanson Weaver George, tailor Cherry above Duke Weaver George, labourer Shakamaxon cor. Frank, r. Weaver Henrv, labourer 12 Plum x:,. , u

Weaver Henry, brickmaker Coates above Eighth Weaver Jacob, labourer 44 Tammany tWeaver James, coachman, 35 Currant alley Weaver John, shipjoiner 26 Duke

WEC whitely's annual

Weaver John, cordwaiiiAr Locust above Twelfth Weaver John G. tailor Prince near Crown Weaver John jr. shipjoiner 22 Budd Weaver John, carpenter Hanover above Queen

Weaver , widow, back 397 north T hii-d

Weaver ^'^tthew, agent 114 north Seventh Weaver Maria, widow Locust below Thirteenth Weaver Mary, widow, Sch Seventh below Race Weaver Michael, ropeniaker 20 north Water rope

walk Se\ enth near Germantown road Weaver William, gardener Marlborough n. Prince

Weaver .victualler 10 N. L. market

Weaver , labourer, back 51 Browne

Weaver & Thorn, brickmakers-yard Poplar lane ab.

Charles (P T) Weaver Thomas, brickmaker Sixth above Green Weavil Joshua, blacksmith, 79 Moyamensing road Webb liUzabeth, widow 122 New Webb Isabella, widow 122 New street tWebb Isaac, woodsawyer 417 north Fourth Webb Jane, widow, back 345 south Second Webb John, cooper 209 N. Front & 206 N, Water Webb John, merchant tailor S7 south Second Webb John, pilot 142 Swjinson near Queen Webb Martin, blacksmith Frank, road above Queen Webb Mary, nurse 42 Plum Webb Moses, carpenter 221 Callowhill \^'ebb widow ot Robert, jeweller &;c. 57 Shippen Webb Purnell, pilot 22 Little Water Webb Robert, blacksmith Fifth below Christian Webb Rebecca, widow, Key's alley schoolhouse Webb Samuel, carpenter Key's alley schoolhouse Webb Samuel, tailor 23 Coombs' alley Weber Godfrey, merchant 160^ south Second Weblin WiUiam, cordwainer, back 262 Cedar t Webster Charles, coachman George above Tenth

Webster Charles, carter 18 Budd

Webster EUzabeth, boardinghouse 104 Walnut

Webster James, bookseller and stationer (medical book store) 24 south Eighth

Webster Jesse, cooper Cadwalader near Pitt

Webster Levi, huckster Camden(N J)

W^ebster Sarah, widow, 401^iorth Third

tWebster Thomas, woodsawyer Maria bel. old York r.

Wester Thomas, bricklayer 7 Mechanic n. Maple

Weckerly Abraham, victualler Germantown road ab. 1st gates-tall 7 N L market

Weckerly Conrad, merchant 203 and 205 north Third

fWebster Yorke, labourer, back 225 Cedar

Weckerly £liza» widow 4 York court

Weckerlv Jacob, vict. Germantown road ab. Camac— stall 3 and 21 N L market

Weckerly Sarah, Germ, road cor. Rose stall 5 N L market [see Wackcrld


Weckerly Peter, victualler Germ, road near 1st gate

Weckerly Isaac victualler Germ, road above 1st gate -

Weekly Jacob, victualler Germ. r. n. 4th & 3 N L mar

Wedlake George, waiter 213 south Seventh

Weed Ann, teacher 207 south Front

Weed Joseph' grocer High W. Sch. Seventh

Weeks Caleb, calico printer 1 York court

Weeks Ehzabeth, widow 115 Green

Weeks Esther, tailoress 115 Green

Week Henry, carpenter 12 Maria above Fourth

Weeks Mary, widow, dry goods store 252 south Second

jWeeks Thomas, mariner Ninth belov/ Lombard

jWeeks William, shoeblack, cellar corner Arch and

Third, d h 94 Bedford above Seventh Weems Elizabeth, widow Coates' alley Weems James N. merchant 26 south Front d h 291

Race Wehner Benedict, I. cordwainer 57 Race Weer James, grocer SE cor. Race and Sixth Weickel Jacob, labourer, backi416north Front Weigart George, hatter 216 Cherry street Weipert John, labourer Ger. road above Fourth Weir John, labourer Noble above Front Weir Silas E. auctioneer 20 south Front d h 353 High Weir Thomas, weaver 62 Coates

Wells Benj. innkeeper (sign Gurriere) Catharine street Weis Eli as, baker 88 Locust Weiser George, shoemaker 187 St. John Weisman Joseph, coach painter Prune below Sixth—

d h 86 south Fifth Weiss Elizabeth, shopkeeper 117 north Third Weissman Samuel C. shoemaker 2 Juniper lane Weissman Nicholas, carpenter Maria above Fourth Weissman Samuel, stove manufactory 353 north Second Weitsall WiUiam, ropemaker Fourth above Poplar Weir John, labourer. Hazel ay. near Perry street Weir Samuel, grocer NE cor. Brown and Third Weiser John, carpenter, 534 north Third Welbanks Henry, printerJames above Charle Welbanks John, victualler, James above Charles Welch Ann, widow of Benjamin, 194 Lombard Welch Catharine, widow 5 South alley Welch Hezekiah, printer, back 19 north Eighth Welch John, coachmari, back 13 Decatur Welch John, plasterer Bonsall [sse Welsh

Welch John, baker, 185 south Fifth Welch^Thomas, baker 56 Union

Welcome Joseph, cooper Federal bel. Moyamensing r. tWelcome Hannah, widow 1 Gillie's alley fWelcom, WiUiam, mariner M*Ginnes' alley Weldon James, shoemaker 150 Lombard Weldon John, cordwainer Law's court Weldon John, labourer, back 41 Prime

WES whitely's annual

Weldon Laurence J. mariner Queer near Cherr}' Welford Rcljert, original manufactory of composition

ornaments &c. 145 south I enth [see Wolford

tWellington Cxsar, woodsawyer, back 29 Union Wellman Martha, widow 5 Shields* court Wells Aquila, waterman, back 347 south Front Wellb> John, packer United States* arsenal Wells John, coachmaker 19 Schriver's court Wells Lewis L B. water colour maker 223 S. Third

Wells , chymist, 245 south Second

Wells Mary, widow, millij)cr 379 north Front

Wells W^illiam H. (Morrisville hotel) Hamilton and

Upper ferry road Wells WilliaYii, carpenter 111 Christian [see Wills Wellard Richard, grocer 272 Cedar S Ecor. Seventh Weiman Martha, widow, nurse 21 Key*s alley Welser Godfrey, doctor S W corner Centre square Welser John, cordwainer Coates near Sixth Welsey Anthony, glassblower Lombard near Schuylkill Welsh Elizabeth, widow George above Eleventh Welsh Elizabeth, widow 59 Vine Welsh Elizabeth, widow 2 Hurst street

Welsh , widow 122 south Tenth

Welsh Henry, cordwainer 363 north Fourth

Welsh Henry, cordwainer Green below Fourth

Welsh Jacob, carpenter Rose alley (C.)

Welsh Jacob, carpenter Juniper below Walnut

Welsh James, shoemaker 229 Cedar [see Welch

Welsh James, carpenter 12 Currant alley

Welsh John, merchant 148§ Chesnut above Sixth

Welsh John, mariner 64 Catharine

Welsh John, plasterer 170 south Ninth

Welsh Mary, widow 180 Swanson

Welsh Michael, scrivener 206 Cedar

Welsh Roger, weaver Passyunk road bel. Fitzv/alter

Welsh Wm. back 5 South alley

Wennel James, cordwainer Beach near High bridge

Wenson Martin, labourer Steinnietz's court

Wenstone Mary, widow, back 91 Callowhill

Wentland John, labourer Francis lane near Schuylkill

Wentling David, typefounder 5 Plum

Wentling George, farmer Fi'ancis lane near Sch.

Wenterling Wilham, labourer Wistar's court

Wentworth Thaddeus, confectioner cor. 3d and High

and Myer's court Wentz Philip, labourer near 543 north Third Wentz Samuel, merchant tailor 70 north Third Wsntzel Martin, labourer Buttonwood near Fifth Werthington William, m. d. 231 Lombard Werthym Alexander J. m. d. 392 south Second Wesbey John, mariner, back 51 Meade alley Wescoatt Joel, corder cor. Oak and Coates—d h 401 N.

Front [see Wcstcott


Wescott Robert, gentleman 212 Mulberry

Wesenei- Christopher, chemist 471 Race

Wt^perd Barbara, widow Fourth above Browne

Wessels John, merchant 29 Dock d h 9 Pear

Wessells Mary, widow, back 32 P'^nn

West Alexander, mead garden High near Sch. Second

West Ann, widow cor. Tammany and Third

West Abbey, bonnet and cloakmaker 49 Spruce

tWest Abraham, ostler, back 239 south Second

West Barzilla, tailoress 158 Coates

West Catharine, widow cor. Wood and Prince

West Charles S. accountant 140 south Eleventh

West Charles C. merchant tailor 62 Chesnut

West David, tailor 8 Shields' court

West Esther, widow, back 14 German

West Francis, merchant 108 south Front

West Hannah, seamstress Queen above Marlboro'

West James, merciiant 155 N. Water d h Vine N W

comer Front jWest James, exchange oyster cellar 79 south Second

d h 23 Walnut West & Jeanes, salt merchants 155 north Water West John, shallopman 6 Perkenpine's court West John, mariner Lolar*s court West John H. teacher Queen near Hanover West John, patent sweeper 86 Crown tWest John, drug pulveriser Eighth below Lombard jWest John, oysterman 218 Race tWest John, carter Cedar above Thirteenth West Joseph, merchant 254 Arch West Mary, widow 233 south Fifth West Richard, sign painter Chesnut above Twelfth West Robert, cabinetmaker and sofa manuf. 129 Wal- nut— d h 98 south Fourth f West Samuel, labourer Essex's alley West Thomas G. clock and watchmaker 13 N. Third West Wm. and John, painters & glaziers 133 N. Front West William, mariner, back 12 German West William, gentleman N W cor. Arck and Ninth West William, sea captain 146 Pine Westcoat Charles, labourer Cherry above Sch. Seventh Westcott Charles, grocer & innkeeper 91 Plum Wester Samuel, brickmaker High W. Sch. Fourth jrWester Thomas, porter Emlen's court (N. L.) Wester William, tailor 45 George (S) Westlun Charles F. cordwainer, back 54 Newmarket Weston Hamburgh, shoemaker cor. 6th&:Merriott'sl. Weston John D, teacher 20 Dock Westphall Charles W. watchcase maker and jeweller

268 north Second Westphall Ferdinand, watchmaker and jeweller 11

York court Wetherill Christopher, hatter 188 Sassafras

WHA whitely's annual

Wethenll Eliza, fancy store 62 north Second Wetherill George D. & Co. druggists S E cor. Arch &:

Front Wetherill George D. druggist 16 Arch Wetherill Henry E, mariner 42 north Second Wetherill John, druggist and colourman SEcor. Front

and Arch d h near Frankford Wetherill John P. druggist, &c. 65 north Front Wetherill Joseph, gentleman 170 south Fourth Wetherill Moi-decai, oil and colourman 8 South alley Wetherill Samuel, druggist and colourman 65 N. Front

—d h 419 High W^etherill Samuel & Sons, druggists and colourmen, 65

north Front Wetherill Samuel P. druggist and colourman 65 and d h ^ 76 north Front

Wetherill Mrs. widow, boardinghouse 46 Cherry Wetherill Thomas, carpenter 324 south Front fWetherington Amelia, 183 south Seventh Wetherstine Adam, grocer Tammany bel. Old Y. road Wetherstine Richard, labourer Old York road Wetherstine Samuel, nailer Old York r. bel. Tammany jWetherton Archibald, waiter Shippen above Seventh Wetzell Mary, mantuamaker 10 South alley Wevill Ann, upholsterer N W cor Chesnut and Fifth W^evill Sc Nicolas, upholsterersN W^ccr. Chesnut & 5th Wextrim Samuel, mariner 53 Prime (S.) Weyant John, drayman 526 north Second Weyant Peter, carpenter Kunckel above St. Tammany Weygand Philip J. baker 107 north Third Weyman Daniel, innkeeper 308 north Front Weyman Janet, storekeeper 257 north Second fWeyman Samuel, waiter 3 Hurst We\ fner John, cabinetmaker 7 Little German Weymer Samuel, tinplate worker 341 nor;h Third Whalen Catharine, widow Drinker's court Whalen Dennis, coachman 35 Locust W'haley John G. carter Federal above Second W^haley Jonathan W. combmaker George (N. L.) n, 2d Whaley Wm, labourer Prime below Second Wharff Daniel, mariner 72 Catharine Wliarfe James, boardinghouse 48 Walnut, and bottler

75 Dock Wliartenby Joseph, late printer Clifton W^hartenby Thomas, silversmith 117 Spruce Whartman Michael, constable cor. Garden and Mul-

beriy alley Wharton Charles, gentleman 136 south Second Wharton, EUzabeth, widow 128 south Fourth Wharton Deborah, Mrs. gentlewoman 29 Powell Wharton Fishbourn, commission merchant 60 S. 4th

d h 240 Spruce Wharton John, cupper and bleeder 54 Vine Wharton John, boot and shoemaker 87 south Front


Wharton John,bro)Ler 26 Walnut d h Chesnut ab. 12th Wharton Margt. ^ntlewoman 215 Wahmt Wharton Robert, late mayor 135 south Third Wharton Sarah, widow of Joseph, 151 south Fifth Wharton Thomas F. & Fishbourn, commission merchts.

60 S. Fourth N W cor. Library Wharton Thomas C. broker 87 Pine Wharton Thomas F. commission mercht. 60 8c d h 128

south Fourth Wharton Thomas, attorney at law 173 Walnut W'hartman Barbara, widow 441 north Third Wneaton Amos, gentleman Smith's ct. W. Sch. 8th Waeaton Enoch, sea captain cor. Callowhill & Water Wneaton WMliam, sea captain 391 north Front Waeeler Charles, attorney at law 48 Walnut 8c 99 Vine Wheeler Elizabeth, widow Farries's court Wheeler Enoch, grazier 99 Vine Wheeler Jacob t). attorney at law 34 south Sixth Wheeler John I. merchant 255 High Wheeler John, artist 1 York ct. (N.L,) Wheeler John, tailor 78 north Water Wheeler Mary, widow Carpenter above Fourth W^heeler Mrs Lydia, 175 north Front Wheeler Jona. I. corderVine st.whai'f,dh5 Pfeiffer'say . Wheeler Samuel, justice of the peace, and black and

white smith 99 Vine Wheeler Samuel 8c J. Exley, whitesmiths, scale beam makers, and large screw cuttei-^, comer Brewer's alley (Wood) and Kunckel W^helan Patrick E. merchant 232 north Front

[see W/ieelen Whelan Wm. grocer N W cor. Chesnut & Fourth Whelen Israel, merchant High 4 doors bel. Eleventh Whetstone Abraham, plasterer 279 south Fifth Whetstone Isaac, ferryman 23 Coombs' alley Whetstone Jacob, labourer 502 south "Second Whetstone Nicholas, tobacconist 541 north Front Whilldin Jonathan, pilot 245 south Front Wnilldin Lambert, pilot, back 88 north Front Whilldin Wilmon, capt. New Castle steamboat 224 S,

Front Whipple Job, inspector of customs 69 Cedar f Whipper Hannah, Blackberry alley Whistler David, tailor 52 Charlotte Whistler William, oak cooper 54 Charlotte Wmtaker Ann, widow 45 Cedar street Whitaker James, fancy chairmaker 33 Dock Whitaker James, smith, 8cc, Fourth bel. Callowhill

d h Old York road cor. Tammany Whitaker Joseph, carter Sch. Fifth below Chesnut Whitaker Joseph, smith, 8cc. Old York r. bel. Tammany Whitaker J. 8c J. stove, sprig 8c nail manuf. 168 N. 4th Whitaker John, hatter, back SO Chcrrv


WHI whitely's annual

fWhitaker Sarah, widow 6 Hinkel's court

Whitaker Thomas, carter Church st.

Whitebread Elizabeth, widow 74 Christian

Whitebread William, mariner 71 Christian

White Ambrose, merchant 294 High— d h 28 N. Ninth

White Andrew, Hunter's court

White Amos, grocer cor. Callowhill and Lawrence

fWhite Benjamin, waterman 11 Hurst street

White Brittain, jun. stock, &:c. broker 80 S. Front d h

Vine above Tenth White Charles H. cabinetmaker 33 north Seventh White Charles, vict. 300 N 8th— stall 14 Old shambles White Daniel, carter Lombard above Eleventh W^hite David, carpenter 27 Prosperous alley White Edith, widow 174 Locust W^hite Ehzabeth, widow Arch above Sch. Third fW^hite Esther, Mrs. 22 Shippen

White , labourer Maria below Old York road

White Francis, sawyer cor. Eleventh and Cherry White George, black and whitesmith 28 Elfreth's ay.

shop 29 Bread street Wiiite George, planemaker 34 Juliana fWhite George, china packer Hopkins' court tWhite George, waiter 272 south Fourth White Hannah, china store 380 north Second White Henry, merchant 3 S. Water— d h 126 S. Third White Henry, bottler 14 Almond *•

I White Henry, bootcleaner 12 south Sixth White Hugh, tallowchandler Arch alley White Isaac, shipwright St. John above Beaver White & Irwin, comb manufacturers 37 north Third White Jacob, dealer cor. High and Schuylkill Fifth White Jacob, woodsawyer 92 Christian White James G. nailer 24 Budd street White James, carpenter 75 Budd White James, accountant 157 south Fifth White Jesse, innkeeper S E cor. Front and Spruce White John, chemist's laboratory 163 St. John, drug

store 82 north Front d h 117^ north Second White John, shoemaker 61 Shippen White John, 94 south Water— d h 96 south Front White John, innkeeper 203 south Front White John, tailor 127 Cedar street White John, victualler Callowhill above Twelfth White, Johnson & Tingley, merchants 233 High N E

corner Sixth White Jonathan, carpenter 263 north Third White John, wheelwright 10 & 21 Walnut White John & Co. merchants 3 south Water—d h 96

south Front White John, blacksmith High west of Permanent bridge White rev. John, teacher 146 Race t White John, porter Cedar near Thirteenth


White Joseph, confectioner 370 High street

White Joseph, ironmonger 162 north Second

White Joseph, storekeeper 54 High

White Joseph, hardware merchant 29 High d h 7

Church alley- White Josiah, wire manufacturer 172 Arch White & Lippincott, hardware merchants 29 High White Margaret, widow N. Eighih below Buttonwood I. White Martha, widow 9 Coomb's alley White Maria, widow St. Mary above Seventh fWhite Martin, labourer Sch. Fourth above Filbert White Mary, widow of Joseph, 2,7 north Third' White Mary, Miss, spinster Tammany below St. John White Miles, labourer 33 Prosperous alley White & Milligan, drygoods store 54 High White Richard, accountant at Washington hall hotel

d h 37 Spruce White Richard, porter 73 Plum street White Robert, weaver Germantown road corner 3d fWhite Robert H dealer 12 Burd's ct. & 163 Lombard fWhite Robert, sweep 58 Small White Rosina, boardinghouse 24 Washington street White Samuel & Co. merchants 107 High White Samuel, merchant 107 High White SamueL labourer 43 Plum White Samuel, oysterman, back 385 south Front White Samuel, bellman Frankford road near Bedford fWhite Samuel, labourer Maria above Fourth White Sarah, boardinghouse 13th above Filbert White Sarah, widow 17 south Fifth White Thomas, teacher 369 N. Front, school 25 Coates White Thomas, cordwainer 122 Cedar White Thomas H. wine merchant, cor. Dock and Pear

d h 224 Walnut White William, d. d. bishop of the Episcopal church

89 Walnut White William, coachmaker Broad below Arch White William, tallow chandler 236^ north Third White William, chandler, 20 Juniper lane White William, weaver Perry below Pine White William, storekeeper 6 south Sixth White Wm.L. vict. 449 N.'Front-stall 16 Old shambles Whitecar John, jeweller 81 Cedar street Whitecar Thomas, cabinetmaker and mahogany dealer

91, 93, and 95 south Second {^see Whitaker

Whitehead Caleb, cordwainer, back 296 south Fourth Whitehead Elias, cordwainer 78 German Whitehead James, merchant 27 Vine Whitehead John, merchant 27 Branch Whitehead Lsetitia, Miss, York street Whitehead Margaret, widow 62 Vine Whitehead Robert, scrivener 72 Vine Whitel Jacob, labourer 18 Brown*

WIA whitely's annual

Whitely Edward, printer, (editor and publisher of the

Philadelphia Directory) 64 north Fifth Whitely Elizabeth, grocer, cor Sassafras & Thirteenth Whiteman Charles, drayman Lawrence ab. Pegg's run Whiteman Casper, carter 117 Green Whiteman David, carter, cor 3d & George (S) Whiteman Henry, ccrdwainer 152 Coates Whiteman Jacob, 32 Ann (N L) Whiteman James, sawyer Pleasant below Ridge road Whiteman John, waterman Lily alley Whiteman John, carter Say street Whiteman Joseph, watchmaii 36 Coates Whiteman Margaret, widow 19 Carter's alley Whiteman Margaret, widow 472 north Third Whiteman Michael, accountant 42 Wood Whiteman Nathan, waterman Beach near High bridge Whiteman Peter, carter S E cor Callowhill & Lawrence Whiteman Peter, ladies' shoemaker 53 north Eighth Whiteman Rachel, widow 117 Green Whiteman Windell, tunier 509 north Second Whitesell Conrad, brassfounder S E. cor. Browne and

St. John Whitesell William, ropemaker Otter near Germ. r. Whitesides Alexander, plasterer 456 Callowhill Whitesides Barber, mariner, Second ab. Germ, road Whitesides William, merchant 106 south Fifth Whitford Robert, mariner 1 Gray's alley Whiting Nathaniel, merchant 77 north Water Whiting Isaac W. merchant 39 Vine Whitlow Catharine, widow 23 Elizabeth Whitmach Christian, welldigger Buttonwood 1. bel. 6th Whitman Charles, boatbuilder 30 Christian Whitman Nathan, jun. grocer 107^ High Whitmire John, victualler 237 N 8th above Callowhill Whitner John, carter 123 Browne Whitney John C sea captain 146 Swanson Whitney Lebius, accountant 199 Sassafras Whitney Thomas, mathematical instrument maker,

manufactures surveying instruments generally, north

Sixth, about one mile from the city Whitney R. M. merchant 19 south Front dh96S. 8th Whitney Thomas J. combmaker 107 south Second , Whittindale Robert, cordwainer 224 south Second Whitman Nathan, 86 Crown Whitmore Dyer, mason Upper ferry road Whitton Abraham T. grocer Queen n. Shakamaxon Whitton Elisha, gunner of the Hornet 502 S. Second Whitton widow, huckster 35 Jones' alley Whittelsey Elizabeth, widow China street Whittick Joseph, mariner 3 Coxe's alley Whittle Ann, hosiery store 15 south Second Whyant Conrad, carpenter Galbreath's court W^all Tnhn tailor 339jTonhFront


Wiatt Solomon, bookbinder Germantown r. above 2d

Wible Jesse, wharf builder 68 Budd

Wible Thomas, shipcarpenter 63 Budd

Wible William, carter Sarah near Bedford

Wickersham Thomas, merchant 161 Pine

Wickes Benjamin, shipmaster and drygoods store 210

south Second Wickham Christopher, ivory and hard wood turner 79

Browne Wickham & Co. military & fancy hardware store 94

High Wickham Geo. D. lumber merch. Beach n. High bridge Wickham James, sea captain 230 Pine Wickham M. T. hardware merchant 94 High Wickham Thomas, ostler Geim. road above 1st gate Wickward Thomas, labourer 3 Gilles's alley •; Widdiiield & Gaw, clock 8c watchmakers 449 N 2d Widditield George, carpenter, back 171 High d h 18

Greenleaf s court Widdifield William, hardware merchant 42 north 2d

d h 160 Arch Widdiheld Wm. jr. watchmaker &c. 97 south Eighth Widditield WiUiam, fruiterer 48 north Front Widdowsome John, stonecutter 24 Filbert Widerfelt Matthias, ladies' shoemaker 73 Small Widner John, brickmaker Coates cor Charles (P T) Wiebling William, cordw;^ner, back 71 Bedford Wiegand C(jnrad, smith 340 Sassafras Wiesey Hezekiah, tailor Shields' court Wiessbauch, Wlllinm. combmaker Smith.'s alley Wigfall Samuel, 69 High^ Wiggin 8c Whitney, merchants 19 south Front Wiggins Ann, widow 5 Duke (N L) ■fWigguis Jolm, mariner, back 239 south Second Wiggins Ruth, widow 112 Chesnut street Wight Thomas, bookbinder 13 Sterling alley Wight Thomas, cordwainer 88 north Fifth

[«ee Whight Ijf Voight Wigmore Hannah, Mrs. china 8cc. store 72 Walnut Wiketh George, hatter, back 268 Race Wikoff Peter, merchant 146 south Tenth Wilbund Catharine, widow 16 Bryan's alley Wiibank John, brassfoundcr N R cor Seventh 8c Arch Wilbe Thomas, shipwright 81 Budd near Poplar Wilckens Henry, sexton of the German Lutheran

church, next door to the cor Fourth and Cherry Wilcocks Richard H. merchant 61 south Water Wilcocks Samuel, attorney at law 134 Walnut Wilcox Charles G. late stock, 8cc. broker 167 S 11th Wilcox Edward, tailor 16 Branner's court Wilcox Miss Elizabeth, 301 Spruce Wilcox James, tallowchandler S Second cor Federal Wilcox Saml. cashier of the Mechanics' bank 40 N 5th



WIL whitely's annual

Wilcum Joseph, c?lbper Eighth above Tidmash Wilder John, labourer Prime below Front Wildes Joseph, inn and ferry keeper Camden (N J) Wildey Jonathan B. Heyde's court W'ildey Rich, shipjoiner Oak ab Coates d h 177 St. John Wile Andrew, bootmaker inquire at 42 north Fourth Wile Conptd, cordwainer 112 Race » ,

Wile George, cabinetmaker Lawrence bel. Callowhill Wile James, hatter Heyde's court Wile John, cordwainer 20 Mulberry alley- Wile Mary Ann, widow of Conrad, 12 Bread street Wile Rebecca, widow, layer out of the dead 33 N Fifth Wiler John, baker 5o Moyamensing Wiley Alexander, merchant tailor 309 High WileV Ann, shopkeeper 333 north Second Wiley Benjamin, shoemaker 450 Race Wiley Benjamin, carpenter 266 Sassafras Wiley Elizabeth, widow Juniper above Locust Wiie'y Ewing, rulemaker, back 268 Race Wiley George, mariner 35 Plum W^iley Hannah, widow, teacher 64 north Sixth . Wiley Kesiah, widow, Budd Corner Laurel Wiley John, weaver Juniper below Walnut Wiley John, cordwainer Rose alley below Browne Wiley Joseph, carter Simmons' court Wiley Mary, widow N Eighth above Callowhill Wiiey Mary, widow of James, 534 north Second Wiley Mrs. widow bookfolder47 Strawberry street Wiley Robert, grocer 39 South wharves W^iley rev. Samuel B. Walnut above Eleventh Wilhelm Frederick, cabinetmaker 344 north Third fWilkes Henr\ , labourer, back 50 Currant all^y Wilkey Rosina, widow, trader North street W^ilkins & Black, merchants 18 north Front Wilkins Isaac, merchant '18 N Front & Camden (N J) tWilkins Isaac, waiter 90 south Seventh vViikins Jacob F. cabinetmaker 209"Race Wiikins James, coal measurer, back 14 Crab W^iikins Jane, widow, cor Chesnut and Sch. Fifth W^ilkins John, cabinetmaker 7 Meade alley Wilkins Theresa, Mrs 17 Prosperous ay Wilkinson Abner, tailor 136 S Water & 137 S Front Wilkinson Ann, widow Smith's Siley Wilkinson Charles, bookseller 75 south Second Wilkinson Christ, carpenter and china store 284 Race Wilkinson Elizabeth, widow 104 Poplar bel. Second Wilkinson John, cordwainer 34 Coates I Wilkinson John, ragman, back 93 Shippen Wilkinson Mary, widow, tailoress 47 Mechanic street Wiikinson Robert, painter and glazier 51 Budd Wilkinson Thomas, shipcarpenter Hanover near Queen Will Elizabeth, victualler 285 north Eighth


Will George, combmaker Poplar lane near Fourth Will Isaac, carpenter Poplar 1. below 4th ^see U'ills Will Martin, victualler north Eighth near Buttonwood Will William, carpenter Poplar lane near 4th Wlllard Abraham, blacksmith 8 Knight's court Willard George, late constable cor Hazel &; Weaver's ay Willard Martin, mariner 411 south Front Willey Harriet, shopkeeper 4 Sassafras alley Willett Samuel, innkeeper (Bird in the hand) 139 N. 4th WiUiams Ann, widow, boardinghouse 188 N. Water j-WiUiams Ann, widow 4 Middle. alley Williams & Albertson, merchts. N W cor. High & Front Williams Ann, widow, boardinghouse 193 north Front" f WiUiams i.\nthony, mariner 18 Parham's alley Williams Benjamin, dentist 114 Race Williams Benjamin, accountant 186 north Front WiUiams Catharine, teacher 8 Cypress aUey Williams Charles, agent for the New York and Balti- more lines of Post chaise and Coaches 28 S. Third tWiliiams Charles, gardener 24 Blackberry alley jWilliams Charles, labourer Atkinson's court WiUiams David, labourer Lombard near Sch. river WUliaras Daniel, jr. fruiterer 42 N. Front & TLsetitia ct. •fWiliiams Daniel, labourer Fourth near Carpenter Williams David D. druggist 300 ^outh Third WUliams David, blacksmith Carroll's ct. near Fourth Williams David, cordwainer 22 Franklin street Williams Dennis, labourer 493 north Third fWilliams Edward, labourer Juniper below Vine Wdliams Elizabeth, widow 211 Spruce WiUiams Elizabeth Miss, 205 Spruce Williams Elizabeth, widow Stephens' court Williams EUzabeth, widow S. Second bcl. Greenwich Williams Ennion, accountant, surveyor & scrivener 54

FUbert Williams Frederick, tailor Lily alley below Green Williams George, merohant 71 north Seventh Williams George, engineer CallowhiU ab. Washington fWilliams George, carpenter 259 Spruce Williams Henry J attorney at law, 86 Arch dh 43

Walnut Williams H. and T. R. cabinetmakers 73 Race fWilliams Henry, carpenter 131 Locust jWUliams Henry, coachman Dean's alley WUliams Isaac, hatter 174 Race fWilliams Jacob, waiter 114 Cherry st. fWilliams Jacob, grocer, &c. 163 Lombard WiUiams James, mercht. 286 High d h 315 Arch Williams James, carpenter 198 Pine Williams James, currier 21 Plum Williams James, fruiterer 32 Vine fWilliams James, boardinghouse 40 Small Williams James, tavernkeeper Frank, r. n. Shakamaxon

WIL whitely's annual

Williams Jesse, 298 Race

Williams Jesse, waterman Prime above Second (S.)

Williams John, lumber mer. cor. Sixth and Buttonwood

Williams John, ccrdwainer 19 Coates

Williams John, victualler James above Charles

Williams John, smith High west of Perm, bridge

Williams John, mari er, back 364 south Second

Williams John, rigger 110 Catharine

Williams John, watchman 31 German

Williams——, blacksmitli 2d above Gerraantown road

Williams John, caulker, back 110 Catharine

Williams John, labourctr St. Joseph's avenue

Williams John, whitesmith, alley running from Beach to

Allen •fWiUiams John, la')ourer 249 Spruce fWilliam^ John, sawyer Meredith's court f Williams John, labourer 22 Plum fWilliams John, mariner, back 126 Plum fWilliams John, barber 4th bel. Germ. r. shop Poplar 1. W.lliams Jonathan G. stiTekeeper 457 N. Second Williams Joseph, lumber niei chant 205 Spruce Williams Joseph, ladies' shoemnker 8th bel Christian Williams Jos. cashier Com. Bajik N Wcor. 4th &Pine

•Williams Joseph, sawyer 20 Burd's court "WilLams Julia Ann, widow Ui.ion alley

VViUiams Levin, woodsawyer 14 Stamper's alley |S\ illiams Margaret, widow Bonsall street Williams Mary, widow 43 Duke Williams Mary, widow 37 Penn Williams Mary, widow, back 44 Spruce Williams Mary Mrs. Townsend's court Wilhams Mary, widow, mantuamaker 139 south Tenth |WiUiams Mary Ann, widow, back 54 Small Williams Moses, fruiterer 3 Wood ^Williams Moses, profile cutrer 10 Sterling alley Williams Moses, shoemaker 179 Cherry Wilhams Nehemiah, cordwainer, back 120 German fWilliams Phoebe, Meredith's court Wilhams Rachel, widow 15 Fromberger's court \\ illiams Richard, merchant 19 High d h 141 Arch Williams Robert, tanner Petticoat alley Williams Robert, plasterer 24 B.irron st. fWilliams Rosanna, widow 4 Pine alley Williams Sarah, 140 south Ninth Williams Samuel, cordwaintr Garden street jWilUams Sampson, labourer Juni])er below Vine Williams Samuel, currier 247 N. 3d— d h 273 N. 2d Williams Saml. & Jos. mahogany yard Chesnut ab. IGth Williams Samuel, lumber merchant 219 Walnut Williams Saml. H. tinware manufacturer 258 High Williams S & A. drygoods store 459 north Second fWilliams Susan, widow 14 Stamper's alley Williams Thaddeus, combmaker 457 north Third


Williams Theophiius, trusshoopmaker Hopkins' court Williams Thomas, tanner and currier 451 north Front Williams Thos. ScBcnj. tanners & curriers 461 N, Front Williams Thomas, accountant 23 Woocl Williams Thomas, cordwainer 11 Pine alley Williams Thomas, constable 53 Coates Williams Thomas, gentleman 75 Race Williams Thomas, cordwainer 206 south Front Williams Thomas, mariner 241 south Fourth Williams Thomas, tavernkeeper NW cor. Penn and

Cedar Williams Thos. waiter, back 129 Cherry Williams Thomas, chairmaker 180 north Eighth Williams William, Camden N.J. Williams Mrs. of Wm. storekeeper 140 south Ninth Williams Wm. P. tallowchandler 28 Stamper's alley Williams William. J. 203 south Ififth Williams William, labourer 65 Christian Williamson Benj. ropemaker and shipchandler 57 south

wharves ropewalk and d h Tidmash street Williamson David, merchant 67 High Williamson Hannah, widow Cedar corner Ninth Williamson James, baker 1 Chancery lane Williamson Jesse, carpenter 22 German Williamson John, carpenter 207 Cherrj' Williamson John and Isaac, hatters 193 N. Second Williamson Joseph F. lumber merchant Spruce ab. 12th Williamson Mary Ann, widow Sch. Second near Vine Williamson Michael, iron merchant 56 N. 3d d h 22

Key's alley *

Williamson Peter, druggist 63 Almond & N E cor. 2d Williamson Stephen, dyer 28 north Eighth Williamson Sidney, widow, sailmaker 4 Race St. wharf—

d h 93 north Water Williamson Sarah, widow 24 Ann street Williamson Wm- shipmaster, back Swanson n. Prime Williamson Wm. sawyer, back 345 south Front Willig George, musical magazine 171 Cliesnut Willig George, jiin. jeweller & silversmith 171 Chesnut Willing George, merchant 64 Pine Willing George C. attorney at law, 36 south Sixth Willing Richard, merchant 21 Penn d h 42 Pine Willing Rich. jun. merch. 23 S. Water—d h 191 Walnut Willing Robert, tanner Petticoat alley Willing Thomas M. & Richard, merchants 21 Penn Willing Thomas M. merchant 21 Penn— d h 105 S. 3d

opposite Washington Hall Willing-Thomas, gentleman 100 south Third Willing W. S. stock and exchange broker 80 S. Froivt Willing, White & Co. stock and exchange brokers 80

south Front Willington Thos. woodsawyer Carpenter (S.) above 5th WiUisford \ym. shipwatch 57 Penn

WIL whitely's annual

Willis Eliza, widow near 17 Cresson's alley

Willis Hannah, widow 35 Race

W^illis James, bricklayer 12 Schriver's coart

WiiUb John, late grocer 4 Stamper's alley

Willis John, oysterman S E cor. Sjiruce and Front

W^illis John, accountant 29 Race

Willis Jonathan, flour merchant 31 S. Water—dh 332

Arch Willis Ruth, widow 141 north Fourth Willis Solomon, turner 266 south Fourth Willis S. & L. storekeepers upper 379 High Willis Thomas, sea captain 35 Race VV^iUis & Yardley, merchants 31 south Water W^illits E. grocer, cor. Palmer and Prince Willits James, bricklayer 61 north Tenth WilUts Jeremiah, plasterer 153 N. Ninth below Vine Willits John, bricklayer 61 north Tenth Willits Joseph B. bricklayer 25 Wood Willits Phcebe, milliner 7o Arch WiUitts Archibald, carpenter, back 26 Cherry Wills & Helverson, carpenters 106 Coates street Wills James & Son, grocers 84 Chesnut Wills James, jun. 84 Chesnut twills John, labourer 154 Swanson Wills Joseph, labourer 56 S. Second \see Wells i^ Will Wills Josiah, cordwainer 81 Budd street Wills Thomas, deputy marshal 40 Currant alley fWilsher Jacob, sawyer Middle alley Willson Matthew, carter Laurel (N. L.) Willson Peter, mariner Rachel above Brown Wilmer Henry, inquire 30 north. Fifth Wilmer James 8c Peregrine, merchants 8 N. Front Wilmer John, accountant 109 Vine Wilmer John R. merchant 8 N. Front d h 153 Vine Vv^ilmer John, acccountant Taper alley W^ilmer Lambert, city commissioner 120 N. Fourth fWilmore John, sawyer Old York road below Noble Wilson Alexander M. sea captain 170 S. Third Wilson Alexander, victualling house 2£9 Cedar I Wilson Ann, back 26 Barron f Wilson Baner, porter Atkinson's court Wilson Benjamin, caulker Front below Wharton Wilson Benjamin, fur merchant 4 Minor street Wilson Bennet, cordwainer, back 14 Oak (S ) Wilson Beulah, quilter Poplar lane near Front Wilson Catharine, teacher 1 Fetter lane Wilson Charles, carpenter 17 Prosperous alley Wilson David, stonecutter cor. Juliana and Callowhill Wilson Dorothy, widow, back 45 Meade alley Wilson Edward, merchant 1 Greenleaf s ct— dwelhng 96 south Fourth Uee Willson

Wilson Enoch, captain Chester packet, 9 Relief ay.


Wilson Ephraim, labourer, back 51 Prime st. Wilson Francis, tobacconist 2 Pennsylvania avenue Wilson George, morocco leather store 41 north Third Wilson George, carpenter 137 north Fifth Wilson George S. merchant 223 south Front Wilson George, stonecutter 10 Fayette Wilson George, hatter, 102 north Front Wilson George, stonecutter 24 Crown Wilson George, cooper Prime below Second (S.) Wilson & Glenn, stonecutters cor. Crown & Callow hill Wilson Henry, shipmaster 49 Penn Wilson Hugh, bricklayer High below Sch. Third Wilson Jacob F. cabinetmaker 500 Race Wilson James, grocer cor. Germ, road & Second Wi Ison James, mariner 9 York court Wilson rev. James P. d. d. pastor of the first Presby- terian church 24 Sansom Wilson James, tailor, corner Water and Arch 8c comer

Water and Race Wilson James, cabinetmaker 5th near Walnut d h 209

Race Wilson James, shipwright 27 Callowhill Wilson James, merchant 261 High d h N W cor 8th

& Race Wilson James, cordwainer 4 Knorr's court fWilson James, dealer 248 Lombard fNVilson James, oysterman 129 Cherry Wilson Job, carter James above Charles Wilson John, livery stable Harmony d h Marshall's ay Wilson John, shoemaker Coates above Old Yord road' Wilson John, carter 83 north Sixth Wilson John, labourer 52 Queen (S) Wilson John, blacksmith 214 south Fifth street Wilson John, printer and broker 280 Cedar Wilson John, cordwainer, back 104 Union Wilson John, stonecutter, back 14 south Tenth Wilson John, tavernkeeper 193 Chesnut tWilson John, sawyer 6 Warner's couit Wilson John, shoemaker Twelfth below Pine Wilson Joseph H. 209 Race Wilson Joseph, boatbuilder 27 Callowhill Wilson Joseph, cordwainer Newmarket ab. Pegg street Wilson Joseph H. 209 north Sixth Wilson Joseph, chemist, back 34 north Fourth fWilson Joseph, labourer Barclay's ay jWilson Lxtitia, widow Jones' ay Wilson Laban, labourer, back 26 Barron Wilson Margaret, tailoress 2 Hoffman's ay Wilson Margaret, widow 236 south Third Wilson Maria, teacher female department Moyamens-

ing public school d h 32 Dock Wilson Margaret, tailoress 5 Lsetitia court

WIL wiiitely's annual

Wilson Mary, widow, back 217 north Sixth

Wilson Mary, widow M'Culloch's court

Wilson Mary, widow Camac near Germ. r.

Wilson Mary, widow 39 Christian

Wilson Mary, widow 14 Plum

Wilson Mary, widow 314 Vine

Wilson Matthew, carter, cor Laurel & Budd (N L)

Wilson Motheral, merchant 323 High, 138 N Second &

45 I^ey's ay fWilson Myers, coachman Stuart's ay. fWilson Pet-r, labourer ]^rowne near Fourth fWilson Phillis,^washerwoman Dean's ay Wilson Rebecc«t teacher Frankt. r. above Queen Wilson Richard, mariner 508 south Front Wilson Robert rheodore, merchant 127 High— d h 276

north Third Wilson Robert, silversmith N W cor Fifth and Cherry Wilson Robert, weaver cor George and Sch. Third Wilson Robt M. late sea captain, cor. Passyunk & Sixth Wilson Robert, weaver Tliirteenth above Cedar Wilson Robert, tobacconist 147 north Second tWilson Robert, oysterman 186 south S ixth Wilson Samuel, printer 4 Rose ay Wilson Samuel, carter Noble above Old York road Wilson Sarah, widow St. Joseph's aveuue Wilson Tljomas, stonecutter Nonnater's court Wilson Thos. coach painter 12 Library d h 44 Chester Wilson Thomas, cashier U S bank, 2 Franklin row Wilson Thomas, sea captain 47 Shippen Wiiscn Thomas, bookseller 19 Sassafras ay tWilson Thomas, mariner Small near Sixth fWilson Thomas, labourer 16 Meade ay W^ilson Thompson', drygoods store 226 south Second fWilson Violet, widow 32 Lombard fWilson & Wilkins, cabinetmakers 49 south Fifth Wilson Wm, tailor Clymer's alley Wilson Wm. carpenter 218 Green ab. Old York mad Wilson W, shoemaker I'enth beloAV Vine * Wilson Wm. assistant at museum 47 Currant ay Wilson VV. &; Co. merchants 138 N Second & 323 High Wilson W^. carter Beach near Hanover (K) Wilson Wm. paperhanger 93 south Fifth Wilson Wilson, livery stable keeper ^ Marshall's ay Wilson & Wright, grocery & feed store, cor Ger. road

& Second *

Wilstach Garret B. mercht. 359 northJThird ab. Green Wilstach Hannah, widow 6th above Wood Wilstach John A. stove manuf, 174 N Second cor Vine Wilt Abraham, carter Coates above Eighth Wilt Abraham, gentleman 55 Sassafras Wilt Hannah, widow 487 north Third Wilt Jacob, shipjoiner 57 Coates Wiltbank rev. James, 281 Chesnut


Wiltberger George, tinsmith Fourth S W cor Race Wikberger Isaac, hardware merchant 105 High Wiltberger Joseph S. mate of vessel 166 Pine Wiltberger Peter 5c Son, hardware merchts. 105 High Wiltberger Thomas, druggist &;c. 169 north Second Wilton Mary, widow, back 32 Plum Wiltse Benjamin, cabinetmaker Camden (N J) Wiltse Cornelius, carter Camden (N J) Wiltse Wm. labourer Cedar near Clifton Wiman George, watchman Ger. road below Second W^imer Andrew, matchmaker, -back 41 Prime Wimer John, cabinetmaker 418 south Second Wimley Catharine, 9 St. Tammany W^imley John, labourer 54 \\'^ood Windike Henry, coachman Shippen below Eighth Wine Jacob, labourer 416 north Front Winebrenner David, merchant tailor 100 Chesnat Winer Mary, 20 Blackberry alley tWiney Hannah, widow. Elbow alley Winey John, blacksmith Emlen's court above Pegg Winfield William, mate of vessel, 20 Union ay Wing F^-ederick, baker 146 Spruce Wing Jacob, shipmaster 401 south Front Wingate & Jones, merchants 2 north Fourth Wingate Peter B. merchant 2 north 4th Winlet Isrl. pumpmakerS W cor Poplar & Charlottt Winn EHsha, hatter 113 Lombard street Winn Isaac, sawyer 91 Shippen street Winn Isabella, widow 24 Catharine Winn Jacob, woodsaw) er Rose alley near Browne Winn Peter, late constable 116 Cherry f Winn Richard, woodsawyer St. Mary street Winn Samuel, cordwainer Pryor's court tWinn Samuel, porter Eagle court Winnemore Andrew, cabinetmaker High west of Per- manent bridge Winnemore Elizabeth, widow, back 380 south Second Winnemore Jacob, gentleman 113 Lombard Winnemore Philip, 72 Union

Winnemore Philip, mariner, back 578 south Second Winnemore Thomas, hat manufact. 212 south Second Winner Elizabeth, widow Beach near High bridge Winner Joseph, collector 160 south Front Winslow Charles, sea captain, Mifflin's court Winslow George, combmaker, Poplar above St John Winslow James, waterman St. John above Poplar lane Wintafeld Abel, gunsmith 427 noith Third Winter Jemima, widow 127 south Third Winter Joseph, tailor S E cor. High and Thirteenth Winter Stacy, tailor 79 Race Winter Thomas, trussmaker 51 Pine Winter William, tailor 6 and 28 S. Water— d h 136 N. Front



Winters Adam, carter Vine above Thirteenth

Winters Ann, widow 50 Meade alley

Winters Garrett, carter 424 north Front

Winters William, labourer 269 Catharine street

Wiperd John, labourer Ger. road below 1st gate

Wirsham John, drayman 261 St. Johns

Wirt Peter, whitesmith, 143 south Tenth

Wise Casper, tobacconist 40 Bread

Wise Catiiarine, widow, back 6 Blackhorse alley

Wisely John, labourer Pitt near Germantown road

Wiseman John, ropemaker 480 south Second

Wiseman Joseph, coachpainter 1 Wood

Wiseman Nicholas, carpenter, Maria n. Fourth (N L)

Wiser Elizabeth, widow 197 Spruce

Wiser George, shoemaker, 187 St. John street

Wiser John, carpenter Third above Poplar

Wiser John, baker 115 north Ninth above Race

Wisinger Ann, widow, wirew orker 79 north Front

Wisner Frederick, sugar refiner cor. Shippen & Crab

W^isson Archibald, stonecutter Prospect alley

Wistar Bartholomew, merchant 133 High

Wistar Hannah Miss, 9 south Ninth

Wistar widow of Casper m. d. Washington square

Wistar Richard, gentleman 110 Chesnut

Wistar Richard, jr. mercht. 117 High— d h 110 Chesnul

Wistar Peter, wheelwright Fourth below Master

Wistar Thomas, gentleman upper 377 High

Wister Charles J. merchant 143 High

Wister J., J. M. Price, & C. J. Wister merchts. 143 High

Wister John, merchant, 143 High

Witchell Samuel, carter 167 north Sixth

Witham Ann, widow, 35 Jones's alley

Witham Charles, farmer Union alley (S)

Witham Isaac, ornamental painter Camden (N J)

Witham Thomas, carpenter 22 south Fourth

W\thers William, gunsmith 5 Baker's court

W'itherstine Christian, victualler 406 N. 4th ab. Browne

Withtrstine Joseph, cooper 34 Vine d h Tammany

below Old York road Withey Elizabeth, widow. Drinker's court Withey Samuel, combmaker Miller's court (N L) W'ithington Saml. jeweller 119 Chesnut Witman Margaret, widow drygoods store 96 N. 4th

[see Whitcman Witmer Henry, tavemkeeper 89 south Water Witmer Jacob, hog vict. Eighth above Callowbill Woeibert Margaret, widow of Thomas, Rogers' court Woelp per David, victualler 18 Lawrence Woclpper George G. gentleman 138 Race Woelpper Rachel, widow, 63 Queen (S) Woglom Abi-aham, bricklayer 149 north Ninth Woglom Jane, widow of Peter 75 north Eighth Wolberson Ann, washerwomaft''Oak below Coates


\Volbert Catharine, layer out of the dead 193 St, John

Wolbert Frederick, justice of the peace 427 N. Second

Wolbert Frederick, victualler 193 St. John

Wolbert George, vict. Moyamensing r. bel. Greenwich

Wolbert Margaret, Tammany N E cor. St. John

Wolf Abraham, shoemaker, back 113 German

Wolf Alexander, commission store S. 4th near Plum

Wolf Catharine, widow 9 Ms'ers' court

Wolf and Folwell, tailors 146 south Water

Wolf Elizabetli, widow Shakamaxon near Frankf. r.

Wolf George, baker Budd near Laurel

Wolf Jacob, Career 472 Sassafras

Wolf John G. cordwainer 458 north Second

Wolf John, carter 21 Noble

Wolf Margaret widow of Andrew, Hamilton nearSch.

Wolf Martin, labourer Thorn's court

Wolf Thomas, tailor 146 south Water

Wolfe Jacob, baker. Buttonwood near Fifth

Wolfe John, tinker 18 Cbarlotte

Wolfe William F. baker 390 south Second

Wolfe William B. accountant 99 north Fourth

Wolff Abr. black lead pencil manufactory 213 Cherry

Wolff Andrew, professor of music 206 Cherry

Wolff Peter, musician, 206 Cherr>' street

Woltington Catharine, widow Weavers' alley

Wollohen Jacob, carter 8 Moyamensing road

Wolmer Philip, labourer Sixth abeve Poplar lane

Wollston Michael, plasterer, back 147 Ciierry

Wolper Margaret, widow, 92 Wood

tVVomley Ralph, neatsfoot oilmaker Garden ab. Wood

Wonder G eorge, vict. Germ. r. "above Second

Wonder George jr vict. Gerraantown road near Fourth

Wonder Jacob, vict. Fourth above Masters (N L)

Wonder Samuel, vict. Coates above Seventh

Wonderly Charles, blacksmith, inquire 291 Arch ^

Wonderlv Elizabeth, widow of Wm. 102 N. Eig;hth—

stall 9 Old shambles Wonderly Jacob, harnessmaker 77 Christian "VVonderly John, litbourer, corner Chester Wonderly John, grazier 177 Cherry Wonderly Joseph, grazier 192 north Eighth Wonderly Samuel, accountant 84 Crown Wood Adna, hatstore 2h north Fourth Wood Adna, hatter 85 N. 4th & 6 Cresson*s alley" Wood Ann, widow 90 Gaskill Wood Barbara widow q1 James, 159 north Front Wood Bernard, shallopman Cadwalader Wood Charles, shoemaker 163 south Front Wood Charles J, hatter 47 CuiTant alley Wood Clement, 323 Spruce Wood David C. merchant 10 south Water Wood Elizabeth, widow of Robert 71 south Fifth

woo whitely's annual

Wood Elizabeth, grocer cor. Plum and Fourth Wood Elizabeth 8c Hannah, layers out of the dead, 279

north Third tWood Elizabeth, washerwoman Mint court Wood George, paper stainer, cor. Spruce 6c Eleventh Wood George C franfework knitter 8 Passyunk road Wood George B m. d. 85 Arch Wood Hannah, widow 11 Willing's alley Wood Hannah, seamstress 31 Greenleaf court

Wood , cabinetmaker Germ, road ab. first gate

Wood Isaac, boatbuilder 23 Callowhill shop near 225

north Water Wood Jacob, innkeeper & lastmaker 5 North alley Wood James, merchant 28 south Front Wood James, boatbuilder 55 Coates Wood James, lace and fringe manuf. 65 Chesnut Wood James, merchant 8 N. 2d.— d h 19 Church alley Wood J. and T. merchants 8 north Second Wood James C. merchant tailor 92 Race Wood John, exchange broker 12 south Fourth Wood John, boatswain of Navy Y ird 504 S. Front Wood John, mariner Carpenter above Front Wood John B. wheelwright, cor. Frank, road & Queen Wood John, Germantown road above Third Wood Joseph, mercht. 8 N. Second d h 49 Arch Wood Joseph, labourer Hamilton st. west Sch. Fourth Wood Margaret, grocer 42 Cedar Wood Obadiah, tailor 5i S. Water—d h 263 N. Front Wood Richard C. attorney at law office 72 S. Fourth

d h 58 south Sixth fWood Richard, porter, back 94 north Eleventh Wood Robej't S. mate 501 south Front Wood Sarah, nurse 361 north Third Wood Sarah, widow Rose alley above Green Wood Seaton, labourer Sixth above Poplar lane Wood Stephen T. shoemaker Smith's alley Wood Thomas, merchant 8 N.2d^d h 15 Church ay. Wood Wm. B. manager of the New Theatre 26SansQm Wood Wm. and Co. merchants 65 High Wood Wm. millwright Pitt near Second Wood Wm. stonemason Frankfoid road above Queen Wood Wra. blacksmith Crown below Bedford Wood Wm. and Thos. morocco dressers 73 S. Fifth Woods Danl. S. stablekeeper bk. 26 N. 3d— d h 353 Race Woods Elizabeth Mrs. back 7 Vernon Woods JoTin, weaver cor. Washington and Vine tWoods Joseph, sugarboiler Merriott's lane ab. Fourth Woods & Montelius, merchts. 277 High— d h 246 Arch Woods Wm. merchant 277 High— d h 246 Arch ^■Woodby Manuel, mariner Shields' court Woodhouse Samuel, captain U^S. navy 218 Walnut Woodland Isaac W. tailor 4 Hoffman's alley Woodman Catharine, 286 south Fourth


Woodman Constant, merchant 55 High

Woodman Joseph, Camden N. J.

Woodrow Isaac, carter, back Parham's alley

Woodrow Isaac, carter, back 143 Moyamensing road

Woodruff Ann H widow 300 south Third

Woodruff Archibald, merch. 23 N. 8th & 48 N. Third

Woodruff E. labourer Frankf. road above Beach Woodruff Phoebe, widow of Abram. George (N.L.)n. 2d Woodruff Wm. engraver 41 Zane Woodside John A. sign painter Loxley's court Woodward Ann, widow 158 north Fifth W^oodward Charles, sen, accountant S9 north Sixth Woodward Charles, jun. cop])erplate printer 89 N. 6th tWoodward Isaac, sawyer Cordwainer's alley Woodward John G. shipwright, back 53 Prime fWoodward Peter, mariner 179 .Cedar W^oodward Wm. Hill, pnnter 7 Pear St.— d h 21 Zane Woodward Wm. \V, bookseller & stationer S W cor.

Second and C'.iesnut d h 21 Zane Wooldridge Robert, oak cooper Chesnut above 13th VVoolt Daniel, cordwainer 420 north Fourth W^oolf John L. justice of the peace for N. L. and Penn-

town, intersection of north Fourth 6c Old York road

d h 15 Juliana Woolf Lewis, bleeder 30 Sugar alley WooUett Wm. portrait painter 370 north Fourth WooUey George, lumber merchant 168 north Fourth Woolle'y Stephen, shingledresser 488 >{. Second Woolly Elizabeth, widow, midwife 36 Appletree alley Woolman Charles, bricklayer &c. 36 Chester Woolston Benj. carpenter & grocer Poplar 1. n. Front Woonderly Henry, oak cooper 153 Coates cor. Fourth Wooster Isaac S sea captain 59 Penn Work Frazer K carpenter 277 south Third Work Samuel, carpenter 277 south Third Workman J. lumber mer. 67 Swanson d h 314 S. Front Workman John, drayman 4 Eckfeldt's court Worknot Conrad, constable 42 Ann Worl George, cedar cooper 179 north Third Wormly Ralph, renderer of oil 90 Small Wormly S. labourer Frankford road below Queen Worn Phihp, bookbinder 110 Vine Wurn Thomas, carpenter 36 nortli Eighth Worrali George, sheet iron and stove manufactory 26

and d h 92 north Second Wcwrrall John, Irish linen warehouse &c. 49 S. Second Worrell George W. tailor 25 Coates' alley Worrell Hannah, widow 16 Wells's row- Worrell Isaac, recorder of deeds, &c. for the city and

county of Piiiladelphia office 4 east wing Statehouse Worrell Jesse, tailor Schuylkill Eighth above Race Worrell John, shoemaker 6 Wiley's court Worrell Joseph, shoemaker Crown near Frank, road

2 o 2

WRI whitely's anvual

Worrell Joseph, carpenter 56 south Sixth

\\"orreH Margaret, widow 90 Cedar

Worrell Margaret Mrs Lombard street alley

Worrells, Hichardson and Co merchants 191 High

Worrell Robert, blacksmitli Lombard street alley

Worrell Wm. mercht. 67 & 191 High— d h 68 N. 11th

Worrell \\'. & John R. merchants 191 High

Worrell William, shoemaker 577 south Front

Woi^poch Andrew, carpenter Webb's alley

Wortendyke Mr. and Mrs. seminary 187^ S. Second

Worth David, merchant 41 north Front

Worthington Jonathan, grocer cor. Budd and Laurel

Worthington Robert Wm. m. d. 215 Lombard

Wotherspoon Thomas, merchant 127 south Ninth

Wouters Eleanor, nurse 56 Meade alley

Wray Andrew, grocer cor. Sch Eighth and Race

Wray John, hatter 20 Vernon [^see Bay ^ Bey

Wi-ay Matthew, labourer Galbreath's court

Wray Wm. drayman Thirteenth above High

Wrav Wm. grocery & drygoods stores 3, 5, 9 & 11 High

Wrench Henry, carter 224 Catharine

Wright Aaron P. drygoods store 11 north Second

Wright Archd. grocer cor. Germ, road and Second

Wright Catharine, widow Camden N. J.

Wright Catharine, widow, back 110 Catharine

Wright Catharine, widow, back 71 Christian

Wright & Cooke, merchants 13 south Front ^

|W>Ight Edward, stevedore Browne's court

Wright Elihu, carpenter 219 Lombard

Wright Ellis, carpenter 5 Perkenpine's court

Wright Enocli, tailor 80 Mulberry

Wright George, shipwright Marlboro' near Prince (K.)

fWright Hector, sawyer 14 Hurst street

Wright Isaac, grocer 48 Coates cor. Budd

Wright Jacob, shipca.rpenter Phillip's court

Wright James, ladies' shoemaker 21 Browne

Wright Jane, widow (9 Frankhn row) south Nmth

Wright John, tobacconist 4^ N. 6th— d h 44 Cherry

Wright John, accountant 50 Chester

Wright John, carter, back 171 Green

Wright John, labourer, back 113 German

Wright John, chemist 154 Lombard

Wright John, late grocer 89 Swanson

Wright John and William, grocers 352 High

Wnght Jonathan M mercht 151 High— d h 110 S. 3d

Wright Joseph, carter 14 Charlotte

Wright Joseph, carpenter 5 Hartung's alley

Wright Joshua, gentleman 11 north Second

Wright Margaret, widow 126 north Fifth

Wright Mary, shopkeeper Marlboro' below Queen

Wright Mai*y, mantuamaker 120 Locust

Wright Mar>', mantuamaker Rose alley

Wright Mrs. E. boardinghouse 117 south Thini


Wright Peter, china store 27 N. 3d d h Hazel alley

below Locust Wright Robert, carpenter 74 north Eleventh Wright Samuel, carpenter Arch wesi of Sch. Second Wright Saml. G. mercht. 13 Cedar d h 78 N. Front Wright Sarah, bonnetmaker, &c. 81 N. 3d & 21 N. 4th Wright Smithson, tailor 438 north Front *

Wright I horn as, salt merchant 138 N. Water d h 201

north Fourth Wright Thomas, Camden (N. J.) Wright William, accountant, back 92 Vine » Wright William E. lumber merchant and justice of the

peace, Hamilton village Wright Wm. & James, grocers S W cor. Front & Arch Wright Wm. mariner south Second below Prime Wright Wm, labourer Prince near Cherry Wrigley Francis, printing inkmaker Lombard bel. 10th Wroth Ehzabeth, widow 85 Christian Wunder Geo. victualler 4th bel. Germ, road stall 10

N. L. market Wunder Jacob, victualler Germ, road below Fourth Wunder Samuel, victualler Baker's court Wurtz Francis, vict. Germantown road below Fourth Wurts Maurice and Wm. merchants 173 High Wurts Maurice, merchant 173 High d h 38 S. Front Wurts John, attorney at law 205 Arch Wurts Wm. merchant 173 High— d h Vine above 10th

[see IVirts Wyant John, ropemaker Crown near'West (K.) Wyles John & Co. dyers, 8cc. 119 north Second Wylie Samuel B. d. d. teacher & minister of the Cove- nanted church, Eleventh below High Wylie Sarah, teacher 269 north Eighth [see Wiley

Wyman , watchman Germ, road above Otter

Wyman Jonas, mercht. 10 S. whar\ es d h 94 Arch Wymar George, carter, back 274 Christian Wymar Margaret Mrs. 280 south Third Wynard Elizabeth, widow 62 Coates Wythe Kent Daniel, ornamental letterer of every de- scription 25 north Sixth d h 94 north Seventh Wythe Mrs. seminary for young ladies, 268 Race

YAGER HENRY, victualler, stand cor. 8th and High

Yammer Sarah, widow 32 German

Yard Edmund J. collf^ctor of taxes 116 south Tenth

Yard George, printer 2 Hinkel's court

Yard Helen, widow 23 Elizabeth

Yard James, merch. Walnut st. wharf d h 240 Walnut

Yard John, cabinet and chairmaker 30 north Fourth

Yard Mary Ann, widow 30 north Fourth

Yard Pearson, drygoods store 68 north Fourth

YOR whitely's annual

fYard William, barber Callowhill near Lawrence & 27

north Tenth Yarder John, cordwainer 146 St. John

Yardley , merchant 141 High & 38 north Fourth

Yardley Joshua, carpenter Fourth near George Yardley Rachel, widow, miUiner 71 Mulberry Yarnall B. H. hardware mercht. 39 High d h 60 Arch Yarnall Ellis, merchant 357 High Yarnall E. H. merchant 235 and d h 357 High Yarnall Israel, storekeeper 20 north Ninth Yarnall N. & B. H. hardware merchants 39 High Yarnall Mathan, hardware merchant 39 High dh 67

Wood Yates Abigail, nurse 7 York court [see Yeates

-#Yates David, labourer Prime below Second (S.) Yates Edman, tinsmith 156 Spruce Yeates Abraham, assistant to regulator Marble st.

Yeates , shallopman, back 86 south Third

Yeager Benjamin, victualler 235 Callowhill

Yeager Benjamin, brushmaker, back 14 Quarry street

Yeager Casper, blacksmith 4 Cresson's alley

Yeager George, skindresser and parchment maker 4th

above Poplar Yeager Henry, victualler Garden near Callowhill Yeager John, smith 13 Heyde's court Yeager Joseph, cordwainer Pryor's alley Yeager Joseph, engraver 37 Chester Yeager, widow of John, 103 Sassafras Yeager William, teacher Callowhill N E cor. St. John Yeager William, cordwainer 103 Sassafras Yeakley Conrad, carter 29 Charlotte Yenser George, victuaJler Sixth below Germ, road

stall 28 N. L. market Yerger George, skindresser N. Second cor. George Yerger John, cordwainer 146 St. John Yerger John, skindresser 284 north Front Yerger John, shoemaker 386 north Second Yerger Matthias, 90 north Fourth Yerger Peter, cooper John above Callowhill Yerkes Titus, Red Lion hotel, 200 High near Sixth Yerks Silas, flour and feed store 333 north Second Yhost Ezekiel, blacksmith, shop Sixth near Passyunk

d h Carpenter (S.) near Sixth [see Yofisi

Yocom James, accountant 12 Myers' court Yocum George, mariner Cherry near Browne Yohe George, (Washington inn) 4 and 6 north Fourth Yohe Samuel, carpenter 8 Hoffman's alley Yokem Margaret, widow of David, 166 north Fifth Yonker Jacob, smith 27 Noble Yoreous Henrv^, baker 18 Christian fYorkcumer Elizabeth, widow 152 south Eighth Yorke Ann Mrs. 387 Race tYorke Mary, widow boardinghouse 61, Dock


Yorke Mary Mrs. 146 Mulberry

•*"Yorke Mary, widow of Jonathan, George (S.) ^ Vorke Sannuel, sea captain 15 Catharine Yorke Samuel, carpenter 1 Eckfeldt's court Yorke William, carter 3 Wood above Vine Yost John, victualler 28 Franklin court Youck William, 204 Cherry Younes William, carter 236 north Water Youmans James, shipwright Oak near Coates Young Andrew, tailor cor. Poplar and St. John Young Andrew, labourer near Glasshouse (K.) Young Andrew, brassfounder, back 538 north Third Young Ann, widow, china store 87 north Seventh Young Archibald, cordwainer Pottery alley Young Benjamin, shipwright Hanover above Queen Young Benjamin, victualler 43 N^ L. market Young Christian, wheelwright Frank, road ab. Otter Young Christian, innkeeper High W. of Perm. Bridge Young Christopher, weaver 5 Wagner*s alley Young Christopher, innkeeper 27 north Fifth Young Clajrton, turner, back 47 Kunckel Young Daniel, watchman Palmer near West (K.) Young Daniel, glass and furniture store 31 Lombard Young David, shallopman near 6 Emlen's court Young Edwd. tavernkeeper N E cor. Race and Water Young Elizabeth, widow Say street Young Elizabeth, widow St. Mary's street Young Eve, widow 267 Catharine Young Francis, cordwainer 52 Callowhill Young Francis, tailor 9 Pharriss's court fYoung Francis, blacksmith Miles' court near Rose

_ Young George, basketmaker Christian near Fourth Young George, brassfounder 424 north Third Young HenrfV N E cor. Catharine and Second Young Henry, paperhanger and marble papermaker.

Noble below Third and 5 Wagner's alley Young Isaac, bricklayer Allen near Point road Young Israel, ladies' shoemaker 34 south Second Young Jacob, ropemaker cor. Passyunk and Sixth Young Jacob, ferryman Camden N. J. Young Jacob, blacksmith 164 Pine Young Jacob, blacksmith, back 42 Prune d h 8 Cy- press alley Young Jacob, labourer Wood near Queen Young Jacob, labourer Christian cor. Queen Young Jacob, laboure^orner Orange and West

tYoung James H. engw^er 8 south 8th d h 73 Gaskill Young James, dry goods store 219 south Second Young Jane, boardinghouse S W cor. Pine and Penn * Young Jeremiah, cabinetmaker 389 S Second d h 13

Burd's alley Young John D. hairdresser N W cor. Cedar &; Front Young John, back 78 north Fourth

ZAN whitely's annual

Young John, tavernkeeper 32 N. Seventh corner Zane

Young John, cordwainer 287 south Third

Young John, plasterer, back 10 Cresson's alley

Young Joseph, smith Franktord road corner Palmer

Young Joseph, meal store cor Browne and Fourth

Young Lewis, cabinetmaker 261 south Second

tYoung Lewis, oysterman Small alley

Young Mary, widow Vienna near Duke

Young Marks, blacksmith 43 south Tenth ab. Walnut

Young Maria C. widow 157 Vine

Young Marks, blacksmith 26 Watson's ay

Young Martha, widow S W cor Sixth and St. Mary

Young Matthew, typefounder Cedar above Ninth

Young Michael, 81 Callowhill

Young Mrs. widow 393 south Second

tYoung Perry, brassfounder Paschall's ay near Fifth

Young Peter, milkman Broad near Ridge road

Young Peter, accountant 28 Sugar ay

Young Peter, tanner, cor Noble and north Fourth

Young Peter, jun. baker 191 N Fourth near Tammarjy

Young Philip, wheelwright 13 Summer's court

Young Philip, cordwainer Smith's court

fYoung Philis, widow, back 24 Passyunk

Young Robert, grocer 422 south Second street

Young Rosina, widow 28 Sugar ay

Young Samuel, fruiterer 185 N 2d cor Keys' ay

Young Susannah, ship's colour maker Farmer's row

Young Thomas, hardware merchant 203 south Second

Young Thomas, carpenter 263 south Third

Young Thomas, Marlborough below Prince

Young , widow 244 St. John

Young William, broker 1 Farmer's row Young Wm. tailor N E cor Shippen and Passyunk road Young WiUiam, Son, & Co. Delaware woollen factory warehouse : they manufacture superfine broadcloths, cassimers, sattinetts and fancy cords, 10 south Third Young William S, merchant 10 & 49 north Third Young Wm. weaver 85 Plum tYoung Wm. boardinghouse &c. 20 Juniper ay Yourhouse Frederick, musician 546 north Third Yourhouse Jacob, paperhanger 546 north Third* Yoursoune Giles, drayman Race above Broad Yuckley George, carter 2 Oak st. (S.^ y Yuckley John, cordwainer 2 Oak st. (S.) Yuckley Mary, widow 2 Oak st. (S.) Yutt John, labourer 69 Christian street

ZANE JESSE S. balance weigher 62 north Water—

d h 4 Elfreth's ay Zane John, carpenter, back 200 Coates street


Zane Sarah, gentlewoman 292 Chesnut

Zane Wilkey, oysterman 8 Svransou

Zane Wilkins, mariner 63 Penn

Zane William, tanner Cooper's ferry (N J)

Zane William, carter Lombard west of Broad

Zane William, carter 124 Queen (S)

Zantzinger Thomas B. merchant Twelfth ab. Walnut

Zargable Anthony, shoemaker Frankford r. ab. Otter

tZarr Philis, back 177 south Third

Zebley Benjamin, carpenter 40 Garden street

Zebley Benjamin Franklin, carpenter Smith's ct, N 5th

Zebley Jacob, inspector of customs 44 Union

Zebley Rudolph, carter 468 Sassafras

Zelin Jacob, 5 Little George

Zeiss Andrew, baker 244 Spruce

XeW Catharine, widow 5 Eckfeldt's court

Zell Christopher, grocer 25 Sassafras ay

Zell Jacob, drover, Lawrence above Wood

Zell Thomas, hardware merchant 272 High

Zeller Daniel, merchant 14 Branch

Zeller Jacob, 73 New

2^1ler Peter, cordwainer 127 north Fourth

Zeller Philip, gentleman, back 115 Sassafras

Zelley John, tailor 4 Branner's ay

Zelley Daniel, bricklayer Fourth near George (N L)

Zenser Jacob, weaver Marlborough near West street

Zentler Conrad, printer, office back 104 N Second d h

233 Lombard Zimmerman John, tailor 25 Lombard Zimmerman Sarah, cakebaker 68 Sassafras Zimmerman Sebastian, 368 north Third Zingler Ann, widow Christian below Fifth Zingler George, cordwainer 182 St. John above Green Zingler Jacob, collector of taxes 74 New Zin^rafFMary, widow grocer 5 Sugar ay ZollickofFer Henry M, druggist N E cor 6th and Pine Zottman Ann, storekeeper 84 north FHhrth


WHITELY^S Philadelphia Register,

FOR 1820.

List of Streets, Roads ^ Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Avenues, Public Places, Wards, Wharves, and Ship-yards, in the City, Northern Liberties {in- cluding Kensington^, Penn Township, South- wark, Moy amensing, and Passyunk.

{JlT" This list contains 208 streets, 12 roads, 16 lanes 153 alleys, 140 courts, and 7 avenues; being 1 street, 1 road 1 lane, 4 alleys, and 26 courts, more than has appeared in any list before given to the public. The whole alpha- betically arranged.

Academy of Fine Arts^ Chesnut above Tenth, north side

Acorn alley, from 52 Locust to Spruce ,

Adams street, runs south from FitzMtfilter above Sixth

Adelphi avenue, runs from Pegg to Noble

Adelfihi Public School Houie^ Pegg st

Alban street, from Norman to Clare alley

Alberson's wharf, opens at 99 Swanson street

Alder alley, runs from Castle street to North street

Allen's alley, from 159 south Sixth

Allen's court, from 150 Spruce

Allen street, runs N. E. from Frankford r. near Maiden

Allen's wharf, opens at 67 north Water

Almond street, from 314 south Front to 315 Second

Almshouse and House of Employment^ Spruce between

Tenth and Eleventh American Fire Insurance Office, 101 Chesnut Ann street, (N. L.) from 52 vine to (Pegg*s run) Willow


ii lVhitely''s Philadelphia Register,

Ann street, (Sch.) from Sch. Seventh to Eighth betweeii Filbert and Arch

Ann street, from Twelfth to Thirteenth between Lom- bard and Cedar

Anne street, (V.) from Wissahiccon to Charles between Francis and \'ineyard

Annesley's wharf, first north of Walnut

Apollo street, see Crab

Apple street, runs south from George between Fourth and Old York road

Appletree alley, from 50 north Fourth to Z5 Fifth

Apricot alley, runs from Currant to P(^lar alley

Arch street, see Mulberry

Argyle street, from the Delaware to 337 south Front

Arsenal street, from Gray's feny road to. Federal alley

Artillery lane, see Duke street

Ash alley, from Sch. Front to Second between High and C^hesnut

Aspen alley, between Locust and Spruce and Sch. 2d and Front sts.

Aspen alley, from Aspen court to Lombard

Aspen court, runs south from. Ash alley

Asheton street, (N. &: S.) along the Schuylkill from Vine

' to C^ar, west of and parallel to Front

Atkinson's court, opens at 153 Lombard

Baker's alley, from 35 Elm to 70 Vine

Baker's court, runs east from 49 Budd

Baker's court, from 145 Coates

Baker street, runs west from Spafford

Baker's wharf, first north of Bishop (K.)

Ball allev, from 120 Cedar to 77 Shippen

Ball's alley, from the Delaware to 391 north Front

Ball's wharf, opens at 391 north Front

Banks^ see the article Banks

Bank allev, from 86 south Second to 67 Dock

Bank street, from 70 High to 69 Chesnut

Barclay's allev, from 190 soutli Sixth ^

Barker street, from Sch. Fourth to Seventh between High and Chesnut

Barron street, from 24 Gaskill street to 75 Cedar

Beach street, (Sch.) from the Perm. Bridge to Cedar

Beach street, (K) from the High Bridge to Bishop

Bearsticker's court, from 68 north Sixth

Beasley's wharf, below the Swede's Church

Beaver street, from north Second to Third between Poplar lane and George

Beck's alley, from 172 Swanson to 453 south Front

Beck' a Shot Manufactorv, Sch. Second near Mulberry

Beck street, west from "Passyunk road near the inter- section of Sixth

Beck's wharf, opens at 15 south Water

Bedford street (M) continuation ni Small to Eighth

Bedford street, (K) from Frankford road to Hanover

List of Streets^ Wc, 'w

Bell's court, runs west from Bingham's court

Bell's court, runs north from Marshall's ay

Benner's allej', from 85 Elm to Vine

Bernard's St. court, from 460 south Second

Bickham's court, back 2o4 south Front

Bickham's wharf, opens at 17 Swanson

Bickley & Taylor's wharf, at the High bridge

Bickle's wharf, opens at 7 & 13 north Water

Biddle's alley, from 78 High to 9 Elbow lane

Billings' court, from 110 north Eighth

Bingham's court, from 69 Spruce

Bishop street, from the head of Beach to Queen

Bishop's wharf, first south of Walnut

Blackberry ay. from Walnut to Spruce, and from Pine

to Lombard between Eighth and Ninth Blackhorse ay. from 20 south Front to 19 Secor d Bonsall street, from Ninth to Tenth between Lombard

and Cedar Botanic Garden, corner Ridge road and Francis's lane Bowers' J. wharf. Second south of Marlborough Bowers' S. wharf. Third south of Maiden Bowers' S. wharf and ship-yard. Third above Maiden Bradford's ay, from 246 south Seventh to Eighth Branch street, from 130 north Third to 59 Fourth Branner's alley, from Bryan's alley to 180 Vine Bread street, from 77 Mulberry to 70 Sassafras Brewer's alley, see Wood street (N L) Bridge street, runs from Lancaster Bridge through Man

tua village to the Lancaster turnpike road Bright's wharf, opens at 123 and 127 north Water Bringhurst's court, north from 29 Union Bringhurst's wharf, opens next 97 south Water Britton's alle\% runs from 205 north Water Britton's J. wharf, opens at 149 north Water Britton's Wm. wharf, opens at 207 north Water Broad street, runsN from Cedar to Wissahiccon road Broad-street Market, south Broad near High Brooke's court, from 126 north Front Brooke's wharf, opens at 109 north W'ater Bix)wn's court, from 93 Sassafras Browne street, (*N L) from the High bridge to Old

York road Browne street, (K) from Cherry to Vine between Prince

and Duke Browne's court, (N L) from 19 Budd Browne's wharf, Second south of Warren Browne's wharf, opens at 325 north Front Brusstar's H. wharf, first above the intersection of Penn

and Beach, (K) Brusstar's S. wharf, first south of Marlborough Brusstar's alley, from Beach to Queen n. Shakamaxon Bryan's alley, from 148 north Fifth to 141 Sixth Bryon's court, runs south from 102 Cherry

iv Whitely^s Philadelphia Register ,

Buck road, S ETrom the U S arsenal Gray's ferry road

Budd street, from 67 Green to Germantown road

Burd's alley, (S) from 7S Catharine to Queen

Burd's alley, (C) runs from Raspberry to Watson's ay

Burd's court, runs south from 124 Locust

Burd's row, runs K & S back 40 Currant ay [se-e Eagle ct

Bush- Hill hotels north of Callowhill bet. Sch. 5th and 6th

Button wood ^Uey, from north 13th to Juniper near High

Buttonwood street, from the Old York road to Wissa- hiccon between Noble and Green

Cable lane, see Newmarket street

Cadwalader street, situated between Second and the Germantown road above Masters street

Caladonia court. Filbert between Tenth 8c Eleventh

Caldwell's wharf, first south of High

Callowhill street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill be- tween Vine and Willow

Camac street, runs west from N Second near Mud lane

Camden Bank Office^ 21 Church ay

Carlisle's court, from 46 south Fifth

Carpenter's alley, from Sixth to Seventh between High and Chesnut

Carpenter's alley, (S) runs N from 105 Catharine

Carjjenter's court, from 116 Chesnut

Carpenter's street, (S) from Church to Passyunk road

Carfienter^s Hall, back of 118 Chesnut

Carroll's court, enters Fourth near Germantown road

Carter's alley, from 65 south Second to 55 Third

Castle street, from Tenth to Eleventh bet. Race and North

Catharine street, from the Delaware to Passyunk road between German and Queen

Cauffman's court, from 147 north Second

Cauffman's court, from 14 Cherry

Cavanaugh's wharf, south side ot Argyle (Almond) st. public landing

Cedar street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill between LombarcUand Shippen, being the southern boundary of the city

Centre alley, from Eleventh to Twelfth between Wal- nut and Locust

Chancery lane, from 15 Coomb's alley to 32 Mulberiy

Charles street, from 335 Callowhill to Buttonwood

Charles street, (V) from Francis lane to George

Charlotte street, from 121 Browne to Poplar lane

Cheesman's wharf, first south of Maiden

Cherry street, from 74 north Third to Schuylkill . ^Cherry street, (K) from Queen to Fraiikfork road be- tween Palmer and Vienna

C he ^ut street, from the Delaware to' Schuylkill be- tween High and Walnut

Chesnut Ward, between Hig'h and Chesnut, the Dela- ware and Fourth

List of Streets^ ^c, v

Chester street, from 297 Sassafras to Vine China street, runs from 466 south Front to Second Christ Church Hosfiital^ Cherry \jear Third Christian street, from the Delaware to Passyunk road

between Queen and Prime Church alley, from 20 north Second to 11 Third Church street, runs soutii from 24 Christian street Church ay. from Mulberry to 142 Cherry Circus and Equestrian Theatre N E. corner of Ninth &

Walnut City Disfien^ary, south Fifth below Library City HalU S W corner of Fifth and Chesniit City Hosfiital, corner Francis lane and Fourth Clapier's wharf, first north of Cedar Clare alley, from Tnirteenth to Juniper between Lam- bert and Vine Clawt^es court, from Brvan's alley running north Cbiver alley, from 90 south Fifth' to 125 Sixth Chfford's wharf, opens at 29 north W^ater Clifton street, runs south from Cedar near Eleventh Clinton's ship-yard, Wilson's wharf Clover street, from Twelfth to Thirteenth bet. High 8c

Chesnut Ciy mer's alley, from Fitzwalter near Passyunk r. to 6th Coates' alley, from 134 north Front to 151 Second Coates' court, from. 31 Newmarket street Coates' street, from the Delaware to Wissahiccon road

between Green and Browne Cobb's court, runs W from Fourth S of Poplar lane Calhoun's whari, opens at 29 north Water College avenue, runs E from Tenth below High Columbia avenue, from near 179 Walnut to Locust

\^s€e Washington street Columbia Garden^ High west of Thirteenth Coraley's wharf^ Second north of Caliowhill ComfTiercial Batik, 104 Chesnut Commissioners Halt, ( Spring Garden,) corner Eighth

and Buttonwood Cominissioners Hall, (S) Second street near Christian Commissioners Hall, (N L) 323 north Third street Commissioners. Offices, (City and County,) City Hall 8c

State-House Connelly's wharf, first south of Warren Connostoga- Waggon Inn, 140 High Coomb's alley, from 44 north Front to 51 Second Cooper's court, from 33 Mulberry Cooper's court, (N li) from 404 north Front Cordwainer's alley, from Pine to Lombard between

Ninth and Tenth Council Chambers, (Select aud Common,) City Hall Courtney's court, west from 120 north Eleventh Cox's alley, from 300 S Front to 323 Second Crab street, from th« Old Theatre running south


vi JVh'itely^s Philadelphia Register,

Cranmer's cfourt, opposite 26 Garden street Crawford's court, runs from 364 south Second Crawford's wharf, opens at 99 north Water Cresson's alley, from 96 north Fifth to 91 Sixth Cresson's court, from 61 Cherry Crooked-Billet wharf, opens at 21 south Water Crown street, from 155 Sassafras to O York r& Willow Crown street, (K) from Queen to Frankford road be- tween Shakamaxon and Hanover Currant alley, from W^alnut to Spruce between Tenth

and Eleventh Custom- Hou/ie, south Second below Dock Cuthbert's wharf, opens at 247 S Front, 25 Penn, and

9 Little Water Cuthbert's wharf, first south of Coates' street (N L) Cypress alley, from 144 south Third to 79 Fourth Darby road, see Woodland street Davault's court, runs west from 418 N Fourth Davidson's court, from 151 Spruce DaA is' court, runs south from 72 Christian street Davis' court, runs W from Old York road above Fifth Davison's alley, from Thirteenth to Juniper between

High and Chesnut Dawson's court, from 83 Chesnut Dean's alley, from 144 S Eighth to Blackberry alley Dean alley or street, see Hazel Debtor's Jail, corner of Mulberiy and Broad Decatur street, from 210 High to Carpenter street Delavau's ship-yard, opposite the Swede's Church Delaware Insurance Office, 42 Walnut / Deval's court, runs west from 38 Ann, (N L) Dispensaru, (City,) 37 south Fifth District Court, held S E corner of Sixth and Chesnut Dock street, from 158 south Front and 15 Spruce to 67

Third Dock Ward, between Walnut anti Spruce the Delaware

and Fourth Donaldson's alley, from Gray's ferry road to Federal ay

between Arsenal street and Buck road Donaldson's alley, runs west from 70 Swanson street Donaldson's wharf and mast-shed, Kensington Downing's wharf, opens at 119 north Water Drawbridge public landing, at the east end of Dock Drinker's alley, from 108 N Front to 119 Second Drinker's court, runs south from 66 Union Duke street, (N L) from 242 N Front to 363 Second Duke street, (K) runs N E from Palmer bet. Prince &

West Duncan's court, from 289 S Fourth Duval's court, runs west from 36 Ann, (N L) Eagle court, bet. Locust & Spruce W from Currant ay Eckfeldt's court, runs north from 4 South alley Eighth street, (N) from 301 Higlj, running north

List of Streets ^i^c." vii

Eighth street, (S) from 265 High, running south to Pas-

syunk road Eighth street, from Schuylkill (N 8c S) from Vine to

Cedar between Seventh and Broad Elbow alley, from 184 south Sixth, and turns south to

Barclay's alley Elbow lane, from Bank street to south Third Elder street, from 32 north Seventh to Eighth Eleventh street, (N) from 407 High to Vine Eleventh street, (S) from High to Cedar bet. Tentii

aud Twelfth Elfreth's alley, from 94 N Front to 105 Second Elizabeth street, from Ninth to Tenth above Race Elizabeth street, from 164 south Sixth to Seventh Elm street, from 160 north Second to 153 Third Elmslie's alley, from 118 south Second Emlen's alley, from Clever alley to 5 Powell Emlen's court, or alley, from Pegg st to 4 Noble Equality court, see York court Etris's court, trom 128 north Fifth Evans' court, from 163 north Sixth Eyre £c Massey's wharf, Second south of Chesnut Eyre's E. wharf, third above Hanover Eyre's F. ship-yard, at J. Eyre's wharf Eyre's G. wharf and ship-yard, first south of Hanoi'er Eyre's X, wharf. Second north of Hanover Eyre's J. wharf and ship-yard, Second above Maiden Eyre's J. ship-yard, at E. Eyre's wharf Eyre's T. B. ship-yard, at Cheesman's wharf Fairview street, from Schuylkill Fourth to Broad Faries' court, runs north fromN. street above Tenth Farmer's alley, see Sugar alley Farmer's row, from 41 Dock

Farmer^s and Mechanic's Bank, 157 Chesnut ab. Fourth Fayette street, from 53 Filbert to 262 Mulberry Fearris's court, runs west from 148 north Front Federal alley, from Arsenal street to Federal road Federal street and road, from the Delaware to Schuyl- kill between Prime and Wharton Fetter lane, see Watkins' alley

Fifth street, (N.) from 197 High to tlie Old York road Fifth street, (S.) from 163 High, runnhig south Fifth street, from Schuylkill (N. & S.) from Vine to

Cedar between Fourth and Sixth Filbert street, from 22 north Eighth to Schuylkill Fisher's J. C. wharf, opens at 63 north Water Fislier's T. & M. wharf, opens at 17 Swanson Fitz waiter street, runs West from 32 Passyunk road Flintliam's wharves, opens at 137 and 141 north Water Flint's court, runs north from 13 Filbert Floating Bath HousCy Delaware river, opposite High st Flower's alley, from 42 Budd Flower's wharf, at Argyle (Almond) st. public landing

viil Whifely^s Philadelphia Register.

Fordkam's wharf, first above ^^'"alTen

Fourth street, (N) the middle boundary of the wards

from 155 High to the Germantown road Fourth Street (S) the middle boundary of the wards

128 High, running south Fourth street, from Schuylkill (N. & S.) from Francis

lane. to Cedar between Third and Fifth Francis lane, from Ridge r. n Hickory lane to Schuylkill Francis street, from the Ridge road to Charles between

Francis lane and Anne Frankford road, runs north from Maiden Franklin court, runs south from 106 High Franklin row, W. side of Ninth bet. Walnut & Locust Franklin street, from Third to Fourth n. Germ, road Frazier's court, runs east from Fifth bel. Christian Friend's Academij for males & females 4th bel Chesnut Friends^ jilms house, n. 70 Walnut bet. Third and 4th Fries' court, runs west from 2 N. Eleventh Fries' wharf, south side of Walnut street wharf Front street, (N) from 21 High, running north Front street, (S) from 14 High, running south Front street, from Schuylkill (N & S.) from Vine to

Cedar between Asheton and Second Fromberger's court, from 34 N. 2d to Hartung's alley Fuller's alley, from Swanson to 403 S. Front [see Nie-

man's alley Galbreath's court, N. from 119 Queen street Garden street, from 297 Callowhill to Butionwood Gardner's court, opposite Orange street south Eighth

below Locust Gardiner's wharves, at 37 South wharves near Walnut Garrigues' court, from 213 Sassaftas Gaskill street, from 238 S. Second to 229 Fifth Gaw's court, runs west from 84 north Front George street, from Ninth to Schuylkill betv.'een Ches- nut and Walnut, see Little George George street, (N L) from n. 550 N. Second to Sixth George street, (P r)from the Ridge road to Chr^rles st.

north of Vineyard George street (S) from 12 Cedar to 31 German German street, from 334 south Second to Passyunk,

see Little German Germantown road commences at the intersection of

north Front and Maiden Gilles' alley, from 136 Lombard to 119 Cedar Girard's Banking- House, Third street opposite Dock Girard's wharf, opens at 19 north Water Gl lucester Point road (Old Front street) Glasshouse Kensington Glasshouse Cedar street near Schuylkill Goddard's alley, from 2 New-market to 211 N. Second Goforth alley, from 72 Chesnut to 71 Dock Golden Eagle Hotel, N W corner of High and Ninth Golden Swan Inn, 69 north Third

List of Streets^ ^c. ix

Goodwater alley, from Columbia avenue to 91 S. Eighth Graff's alley, trom 57 Sassafras

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Chesnut st. ab. Seventh Grape alley, (V) from Anne to George between Ridge

road and Powell Grape street, from 24 south Eighth to 13 Ninth Gray's alley, see Morris's Gray's Ferry road, from Cedar near Schuylkill Front

running southwest to Scnuylkill Greenleaf's court, runs west from 10 south Fourth Green's court, or street, runs north fr.om 123 Pine Green street, from 358 uorth Front to Old York road Gree7i- Tree l7in. Sit 50 north Fourth Greenwich street, runs from Front to Moyarnensing,

below Jervis's lane Grice's J. &. F wharves and ship-yard, first above the

High Bridge (XL) Grice's S. wharf and ship-vard, first above Maiden Grindstone alley, from 81 High to Church alley Gr'.sel's alley, from Little Oak to 13 Fitzwalter Haines' alley, see Ncholson's alley Halberstadt'Sc Haines' wharf, opens at 311 north Front Hall street, see Beach

Hamiltou street, from Upper Ferry road to Broad Hamilton's wharf, see Kern's wharf Hanover street, from the Delaware to Frankford road

between Marlborough and Palmer Hansen's court, runs west from Fifth bel. Christian Harmony court, runs north from 27 Coates' alley Harmony street, from 76 south Third to 47 Fourth Harper's alley, runs from 83 south Water Harper's alley, (Penn township) bet. Sixth & Seventii

street, runs northward from Poplar lane Hai-per's wharf, opens next 83 south Water Hart's court, from 37 New-market street Harfi and Eagle Hotel, 43 north Third Hartung's alley, from 26 north Second to 31 Third Hause's court, runs nonh from Cherry east of Ninth Hay Markets, Sixth corneroi Buttonwood st. and Moya- rnensing road below Christian Hazel alley, from Walnut to Lombard between Twelfth

and Thirteenth [see Perry &/.]

Hazlehurst's court, runs east from Tenth below High Health Office, 39 south Fifth Heyde's court, runs north from 23 Filbert Hickory lane, running west from Old York road and

Coates to the Ridge road near Francis lane High street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill between

Mulberry and Chesnut High street Coffee- House, N. W. cor. of High and Ninth High street Ward, betwee:* High and Mulberry, the

Delaware and Fourth Hillegas 5c Clarkson*s wharf, at the High Bridge

X Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

Hillzeimer street, see Lemon

Hinkel's court, from 203 Sassafras to Mulberry alley

Hinkel's court, (N. L.) runs north from 249 Vine

Hodge's wharf, opens at 85 north Water

Hoffman's alley, from 61 Cherry to 114 Sassafras

HoUingsworth's wharf, opens at 141 south Water

Hopkins' court, runs northeast from William between

Otter and Rose Horse Market^ Race below Fifth

//bs/2im/,(Pennsylvania,)Pine between Eighth and Ninth Hofif}italy (ChristXhurch) 107 Mulberry & Cherry near

Third HosfiitaU (City,) corner Francis lane and Sch, Fourth Hozey's wharf, see MafFet's wharf Huddell's wharf, opens at 79 and ll7Swanson Huddell's court, from 91 Swanson Hudson's alley, from 112 Chesnut to Harmony street Hudson's lane, runs W. from Passyunk r.near Christian Hughes' wharf, first above Warren Humane Society^s Apfiaratus^ for recovery of drowned

persons 89 S. wharves, 9 North wharves, & Noah's

ark, cor. Noble and Front (N.L.) Humphrey's wharf, opens at 109 Swanson Humphrey's wharf & ship -yard, bel.the Swede's church Hunter's ct. east from N. Eleventh bet. High & Filbert Hurst street, from 146 Lombard to 191 Cedar Hutton's ship-yard, near the Navy Yard Imlay's wharf, opens at 7 north Water Increase court, from George to Juniper alley W. of Tenth Irish lane, runs south from Cedar near Broad Jacoby street, from Cherry to Sassafras between

Twelfth and Thirteenth James alley, from Maple to Hillzeimer James street, from Charles street to the Ridge road, be- tween Callowhill and Pleasant Jervis's lane, runs W. from Front below Wharton st (S) John street, runs N. from Vine bet. Sixth and Lawrence Johns street, runs from 466 south Front to Second

[5re Carfienter st. (S.) Johns & Linerd's wharf and mast-shed, first south of the

public landing at the Hayscales, (N. L.) Johnson'slane,runsW. from Moyamensingbel. Wharton Joint alley, runs E. from Sch. Eighth near Chesnut Jones' alley, see Pewterplatter alley Jones' alley, (N. L.) runs south from Browne between

Budd and Second Jones' alley, ruris north from 15 Mary's alley Jones street, runs from Sch. Fourth to Sixth between

High and Filbert Jones' wharf, opens at 127 north Water Juliana street, runs north from 175 Vine and continued

above Buttonwood Juniper alley, from Tenth near Walnut to Juniper lane

List of Streets^ c^t. xi

Juniper lane, from George to Walnut between Tenth

and Eleventh Juniper street, (N. & S.) from Vine to Cedar between

Broad and Thirteenth Kensington Public School^ Marlborough street Kern's wharf, ouens at 119 south Water Kessler's court, funs east from N. Fourth near Coates Keys' alley, from 160 N. Front to 183 Second Keyser & Gorgas's wharf, opens at 225 north Water King street, see Beach Knight's court, runs south from 170 Cherry Knight's J. wharf, opens at 179 north Water Knight's D. P. wharf, opens at 371 north Front Knodle street, from Walnut to Locust between Sch. Se- venth and Eighth Knorr's wharf, opens at 195 north Water Knose's court, runs West from 298 South Third Kugler's court, opens at 130 Sassafras Kunckel street, fr. Wood to Green bet. N. Third and

Fourth Lsetitia court, from 30 High to Blackhorse alley Lake's wharf, first north of Cedar Lambert street, from Thirteenth to Juniper bet. Norman

and Clare alleys Lancaster street, runs S. from Washington (S. ) ab. Front Lancaster and Susquehanna Insurance Office^ Large's wharf,^ opens at ^5 Swanson Latimer & Murdock's wharf, Third above Arch Latimer's wharf, opens at 163 south Water Laurel street, from 39 Spruce to York Laurel street, (N.L.) from near 529 N. Front to Second Laurence street, runs north from 255 Vine Law's court, runs south from 106 Christian Lebanon Garden^ in Cedar near Tenth Leech's court, runs south from 156 Spruce Lee's court, see Fries' court Leiper's wharf, opens near 179 north Water Lemon street, runs from 156 north Eighth to Chester Lewis' alley, from 24 Small to Plum alley Liberty alley, from 9 Duke' to 6 Green Library y (Philadelphia,) in Fifth corner of Library st. Library street, from 62 south Fourth to 35 Fifth Life Insurance Office^ in Chesnut op. the State House Lily alley, from Tammany near Second to near Coates Little Dock street, from 50 Spruce to 177 S. Second Little George street, from 50 south Sixth to 51 Seventh Little German street, [commencement of Meade alley]

from 90 Swanson to 377 south Front Little Oak street, from Pottery alley to Lewis' between

Shippen and Fitzwalter Little Pine street, from Seventh to Eighth between Pine

and Lombard Little Washington street, from Front to 2d S. of Federal

xii JVhiteiy's Philadelphia Register*

Little Water street, from Lombard st. alley to 7 Cedar

Littleboy's court, opens at 48 Arch

Locust street, from 125 south Sixth to Schuylkill

I^ocust Ward, between Walnut & Spruce, south Fourth

and Schuylkill Lodge street, from 78 south Second to Goforth alley Lodge alley, from 16 s«uth Seventh to Eighth Logan street, see Buttonwood Lolar's court, runs west from 328 north Front Lombard street Public School, between Sixth & Seventh Lombard 'street, from 212 south Front to Schuylkill Lombard street ay. from the Delaware to 249 S. Front Lo'mbardy , west of the Centre square Long lane, runs south from Cedar near Sch. Seventh Lower Delaivare Ward, bet. Mulberry and Sassafras,

and the De^aware and north Fourth Lownes' alley, see Elm.slie*s Loxley's court, runs north from 115 Mulberry Loxley's court, runs south from 30 Spruce Lugar's row, enters Second north of Beaver Lyndall's alley, from Twelfth and Thirteenth between

Walnut and Weaver's alley Lyndall's court, runs east from Tenth below Pine Lytle's court, runs east from 263 south Second Madison avenue, from Sheaff 's alley to Vine street Madison court, runs north from 23 St. Mary Maffet's wharf, first below Queen (S.) Magnolia street, runs south from >ioble east of Sixth Magdalen Asylum, ccr. of Sch. Second and Sassafras Marden's row, N. from Catharine bet. Front & Second Maiden street, from the Delaware to the intersection

of the Germantown road and Front Malt alley, from Nicholson's court to 206 Sassafras Mansion- House Hotel, adjoining W^ashington Hall Maple street, from 134 north Ejghth to 113 Ninth Marble street, from 14 south Tenth to Eleventh Margaret alley, from Twelfth to Thirteenth bet. Cher-

ly and Sassafras Margaretta street, from 258 N. Front to 275 Second Maria street, from north Fourth to Old York road, bet.

Coates and Browne Marine Insurance Office, 47 Walnut Maris & Evans' wharf, opens at 57 south Water Marsh's wharf, opposite Swede's church Market street, see High

Mark's lane, from 98 north Eleventh to Twelfth Markoe's court, see College avenue Marlborough street, from the Delaware to the Frank- ford mad bet. Crown and Hanover Marshal^s Office, west wing of the Statehouse Marshall's alley, from 122 south Fourth to 137 Fifth Marsh street, from the Delaware near the High bridge

to Front

List of Streets, ^t\ xiii

Mary's alley* from 27 Gilles's alley to south Sixth Mary street (S.) from 496 south Front to 505 Second Mary street (K.) from Cherry to the Frankford road Masonic Halt and Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,

Chesnut bet. Seventh and Eighth Masonic Hall (African) Eleventh below Pine Massey's wharf, opens at 15 south Water Matlack's court, runs south from 12 Spruce Maull's court, see Nonnater's coun Mayor^s Court and Office^ S. W. cor. Fifth 8c Chesnut M'Cloud's court, opens at 154 Race M'C relish's court runs east from 337 north Third M'Culloch's court, runs west from 144 north Front M'Ginnes' court, runs east from 7 Vernon M* Michael's court, runs east from Pitt above Beaver M'MuUen's wharf, second below Queen Meade alley, from 328 south Front to 349 Second Mechanics* Bank, 9 south Third Mechanic street, runs from 316 Vine to Maple Mercer street, runs from Warren to Locust Merchants* Coffee-House and Exchange, 86 S. Second Merriott's lane, from south Fourth to Passyunk road

between Christian and Carpenter Meredith's alley, enters Poplar lane above Third Meredith's court, enters Fifth above Button wood Middle alley, from 168 south Sixth to Seventh Middle Ward, between High and Chesnut, and Fourth

and Schuylkill Midlen's court, opens at 369 south Front Mifflin's alley, runs west from 112 south Second Mifflin's court, runs west from 320 south Front, see

Workman's court Mifflin's wharf, opens at 133 and 139 north Water Miles' alley, runs west from 102 south Tenth Miles' row, near Rose and William Miller's alley, runs east from 87 south Sixth Miller's alley, from Sch. Eighth to Broad bet. Sassafras

and Vine Miller's court, runs south from 158 Spruce Miller's court, (^. L.) runs west from 314 N. Second Miller's court, (N L.) runs north from 45 Green Minor street, from 4 south Fifth to 3 Sixth Mint (United States) 27 and 29 north Seventh Mintzer's court, runs west from 244 north Second Mint court, runs west from Raspberry lane bet. Cherry

and Sassafras Model Public School^ Chester corner Maple Moravian alley, see Bread street Morgan's court, runs east from Eleventh to Paries*

court below Vine Morgan's court, runs northward from Vine between

Eleventh and Twelfth Morgan street, fr. Ninth to Tenth bet. Sassafras & Vine


xiv Whiteiy^s Philadelphia Register.

Morris's alley, from 62 south Front to 79 Second Morris' wharf, opens at 115 south Water Morris & Flowers' wharf, at Argyle st. public landing Morton's wharf, opens at 105 south Water Moyamensing Public School^ Queen above Sixth Moyamensing road, runs south from the intersection of

Christian and Second Mud lane, from the Black horse, Frankford road to the

Germantown road Mulberry alley, from 148 N. Fifth to Sixth, see Bryan's

alley Mulberry alley, from 282 north Eighth to Garden . Mulberry court, runs west from 8 north Sixth Mulberry street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill bet.

High and Sassafras Mustum^ at the Statehousc, Chesnut street Myers' court, from 203 Sassafras Myers' court, runs east from 133 north Third JVavy Yardy lower end of Swanson street New Bank street, see Lodge street Meiv-Englayid Inn, 5 south Water JVew-Market House^ Second between Pine and Cedar Newmarket street, from 19 Vine to 42 Green Kenv- Market Ward, between Spruce and Cedar, the

Delaware and Fourth New street, see Story J\/'eiv Jaily see Debtors' Jail

JSTeiv Theatre^ N. W. corner of Sixth and Chesnut Nicholson's alley, runs from 113 Cherry to Race Nieman's alley, runs W. from Swanson to 403 S. Front,

see Fuller's alley Ninth street (N.) from 339 High to Vine Ninth street (S- ) from 304 High to Cedar Nixon's wharf, opens at 11 Penn Noble street, from 330 north Front to Sixth Nonnater's court, runs south from 280 Mulberry Norman alley, from Thirteenth to Juniper between

Sassafras and Lambert Norris' alley, from 68 south Front to 87 Second Norris' wharf, fourth above Hanover jSforth America Bank, 99 Chesnut above Third Morth America Insurance Office^ 40 Walnut JVorthei-n Liberty Banky Vine below Third JVorth Mulberry Ward, bfetween Sassafras and Vine

and Fourth and Schuylkill North street, or alley, from 35 N. Fifth to 39 Sixth North street, from 'fenth to Eleventh below Vine JVort/i fVardy between High and Mulberry and Fourth

and Schuylkill Oak street (N. L ) from Willow to the High Bridge

between the Delaware and Front Oak street (S.) from 22 Crab to the Passyunk road Ogilby's wharf and ship-yard, second below Argyle

List of Streets^ tsfc. xv

Ohio street, from Quince alley to Twelfth between Pine

and Lombard Old Court Hou8€y Second, east end of Market house Old Ferry, back of 45 north Water Old Rotterdam^ at 118 north Third Old Theatre, S. W, corner of Cedar and Crab Old York road, from 121 Vine to the Germantown road Olympic Theatre, N. E. corner of Walnut and Ninth Orange street, from Seventh to Eighth, between Lo- cust and Spruce Orange street, (K.) fr. the end of Palmer to Frankf. r. Orphan jlsyhim, cor. Cherry and Sch. Fifth Orphan Asylum, 154 south Sixth street Osbourn's court, W from Blackberi'y ay. S. of Walnut Otter street, from Frankford road N.of Queen in a ser- pentine direction to Second Oyster Market, Spruce street wharf Palmer street, from Queen to Frankford road between

Hanover and Cherry Palmyra Square, Vine above Tenth Paper alley, from Thirteenth to Broad between Filbert

and Mulberry Parham's alley, from 104 Swanson to 393 south Front Paschall's alley, from N. Fourth to the Old York road

between Green and Coates Passyunk road, the boundary between South wark and

Moyamensing, runs S. W. from 178 Cedar Patton's court, from 26 south Fourth Peach alley, see Mechanic street Peale^s Museum, Statehouse in Chesnut street Pearson's court, E. from St. James' church N. Seventh Pear street, from 62 Dock to 83 south Third Peddle's wharf, opens at 63 north Water Pe|>g street, from 290 north Front to 299 Second Pemberton's alley, .see Benner's ^

Pennington's alley, see Crown street Penitentiary and Slate Prison, cor. of Walnut & Sixth Penn street, from 8 Pine to Argyle Penn street, (K.) from the Canal to Beach street along

the Delaware Pennsylvania avenue, from Bryan's alley to 138 Vine Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, N. side of Ches- nut near Eleventh Pennsylvania Hospital, Pine between Eighth and Ninth Pennsylvania Bank, 86 south Second Pennsylvania Insurance Office, N, E. cor. Second and

Dock Penntown, or Francistown, n. Ridge r. ab. Fi ancis's lane Penrose's wharf, first north of Argyle st.p'ibuc landing Penrose's wharves, between Catharine and Queen Perkenpine's court, runs east from 43 Budd Perot's wharf, at 39 and 43 north Water

xvi Whitely^s Philadelphia Register,

Perrj^ street, from Walnut to Lombard bet. Twelfth &

Thirteenth, continuation of Hazel alley Peters' alley, from Charlotte near Browne to N. Fourth Petticoat alley, from 125 Coates to Browne Pewterplatter alley, from 14 north Front to 17Second>

see Jones' alley Pfeiffer's alley, from 22 Newmarket to 235 N. Second PfeifFer's court, east from Second to the Germantown r. Phariss's court, runs W. from 148 north Front Philadelphia Banky S. W. cor. of Chesnut & Fourth Philadelfihia Dispensary ^ 37 south Fifth Philaddfihia Library ^ corner of Library st. and Fifth Philadelphia Insurance Office^ 94 south Second, corner

of Walnut street Phillips' court, runs west from Rose alley near Browne Phillips' ship-yard, first north of the Navy Yard Philosophical Hall, in Fifth below Chesnut, west side Ph(£nix Insmance Office^ 96 south Second Pine alley, from Ball alley to 235 south Fourth Pine street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill between

Union and Lombard Pitt street, from Cohocsink creek to the Germantown

road between north Second and Third Pleasant avenue, from 235 Lombard to Little Pine Pleasant street, from Charles to Wissahiccon road bet.

James and Button wood Plum street, from 230 south Second to Fifth Plum alley, (M.) from Grisel's alley to south Sixth Poplar alley, runs south from Walnut between Currant

alley and Eleventh Poplar lane, fror.i 440 N. Front to Wissahiccon road Portland lane, from 152 south Sixth to "Seventh Port Wardens Office, 18 Walnut Post Office, 116 "Chesnut Pottery alley, from 8 Small to Little Oak Powell street, from 100 south Fifth to 133 Sixth Powell street (Penntown) from Francis to George Pratt's court, from 396 north Front Pratt's wjtiarf, opens at 93 north Water " Presbyterian court, v/est from 170 south Fourth Prichett's wharf, first south of Chesnut Prime street, from the Delaware to Shippen's lane bet.

Carpenter and Federal Prince street, runs N E from Shakamaxon bet. Bedford

and the Frankford road Probate of Wills,'0^ce in the Statehouse Prospect alley, east from 27 north Tenth Prospect court, east from Eleventh between Filbert and

Mulberry Prosperous alley, south from Locust between Eleventh

and Twelfth Protc'stant Episcopal Academy, in Locust above Ninth Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania^

Office in the State House

List of Streets^ ^c. xvii

Prothonotary of the Court of Common PleaSy Office in

the Statehousc Prune street, from 110 south Fourth to near 81 Sixth Pryor's alley, from near 152 south Ninth to 165 Tenth Pryor's wharf, opens next 385 north Front Pullin*s court, runs south fr. 6 Locust [see Trusty's ct.] Pump alley, west from Spafforcl below Shippen Quarry street, from 36 Biead to 101 north Third Queen street, (S.) from the Delaware to Passyunk road

between Catharine and Christian Queen street, (Point-no-Point road) N E from Frank- ford road near Otter to Gunner's run Quince street, from Walnut to Lombard bet. Eleventh

and Twelfth Race street, see Sassafras Rachel street, north from Browne to Laurel between

Budd and Second Randall's court, west from Blackberry alley ab. Locust Randolph's court, west from 126 north Second Ranstead's court, see Patton's Rapin's court, south from 102 High Raspberry alley, fr. Walnut to Spruce between Ninth

and Tenth Raspberry lane, from 173 Cherry to 286 Sassafras Read's alley, from 190 Cedar to 5 Small Recorder of Deeds^ Office in the Statehouse Red's court, runs south from 198 Cedar Red store wharf, opens at 75 north Water Relief alley, from Carter's alley to Dock Relief street, from 218 south Front to 237 Second Remmington 6c Simmon's wharf, opens at 223 N. Water- Richardson's court, north from 159 Sassafras Ridge road, see Wissahiccon Rihl's court, west from 536 north Third Rising Sun Inn, 133 Sassafras near Fourth Rittenhouse place, N. side of Locust above Ninth Robbins' wharf, opens at 9 Little Water Rogers' court, runs north from Pegg street Rose street, runs N E from Germantown road bet. Otter

and Second Rose alley, (N. L.) from Tammany n. Third to Browne Rose alley, runs north from 127 Locust Ross's wharf, opens at 97 south W^ater Rowlinson's court, east from 169 north Second Rugan street, from 347 Callowhill to Jam€s Rush's court, west from 142 south Fourth Russell's wharf, first south of Pine st. public landing Sansom's alley, from Willow to Noble, between St. John

and north Third Sansom's row, north side of Walnut bet. Swanwick and

Eighth Sansom's Union row, (N. L.) 258 north Second

2 cl2

xviii Whiteb/s Philadelphia Register^

Sansom street, from south Seventh to Ninth between

Chesnut aiid Walnut Sarah street, trom Queen near Frankford r. to Bedford Sassafras alley, from 190 Sassafras to Bryan's alley Sassalras street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill bet.

Cherry and Vine Saunders' court, east from Pitt near Beaver Say street, from Sch. Seventh to Eighth between Sassa- fras and Vine Say's alley, from Cherry to Walnut, west of Thirteenth Say's court, west from 36 north Third Say's whirf, opens at 19 north Water Scheme r.iley, see Vine alley Schiveiy's alley, see Bryan's Schleisnjan's alley, east from N. Third between Poplar

lane and Beaver Schneider's wharf, opens at 315 north Front Schriver's court, east from 71 north Eighth Schuylkill Bank, S E corner of High and Sixth Schuylkill road, runs from Washington to Bridge street,

west of the river Schuylkill Scott's alley, from 379 High to 96 Filbert Scott's court, enters Poplar lane above Front Second street, (N.) from 67 High to Mud lane Second street, (S.) from 52 High running south Second street, from Schuylkill (N. & S.) rnns from Vine

to Cedar between Front and Third Segan's wharf and ship-yard, opens at 371 north Front Sen's court, south from 60 Sassafras Seveji-Stars Inn^ N W corner of Fourth and Sassafras Seventh street, (N.) from 263 High to Vine and conti- nued north from Camac Seventh street, (S.) from 228 High to Passyunk road Seventh street, from Schuylkill (N. & S.) from Vine to

Cedar between Sixth and Eighth Shakamaxon street, from the Delaware to the Frank- ford road between Sarah and Crown SheafTs alley, from N. Eleventh n. Sassafras to Twelfth Sheph^d's alley, see Churcli's alley Shepherd's court, west from 36 north Third Sheriff's Office, in the Statehouse Shield's alley, from 140 S. Ninth to Raspberry alley Shield's court, runs south from Relief alley between

Front and Second Shippen's lane, from Cedar near Broad to Federal Shippen street, from 266 south Front to Irish lane Shoemaker's court, back 10 north Front Shoemaker's wharf, first S. of Mulberry street public

landing Shriver's court, east from 71 north Eighth Simmon's court, west from 216 north Front Sim's alley, from the Delaware to 15 south Water

List of StreetSy £sfc. xix

Sims' wharves, opens at 153 and 159 south Water and

Pine street landing Sink's court, runs south from 98 Gaskill Sixth street (N.) from 233 High to the Germantown

road north of Vine it is the boundary line between

the Northern Liberties and Penn township Sixth street (S.) from 162 High to Carpenter Sixth street, from the Schuylkill (N. & S.) from Vine to

Cedar between Fifth and Seventh Small street, from Passyunk road near Cedar to Bedford Small alley, opens at 27 Barron, see George (S. ) Smith's alley, from near 219 S. Third ta32 Springett

alley [see Gaskill] Smith's alley (N. L.) from 119 Green to 128 Coates Smith's court, runs south from High near Sch. Eighth Smith's court, north Fifth near Vine Smith's court, west from 172 north Eighth Smith's J. wharf, opens at 349 north Front Smith's W. T. wharf (Red stores) 111 and 75 N. Water Smith's wharf, opens at 67 north Water Sober's alley, from 129 Walnut to Library Soup, Societies for supplying the poor gratis Western^

Marble near Eleventh— ^or^ern, Smith's alley (N .L.)

Southern^ 49 Gaskill South Mulberry Ward^ between Mulberry & Sassafras,

the Schuylkill and Fourth South street, see Cedar

South street or alley, from 10 N. Fifth to 7 Sixth South Ward^ between Chesnut and Walnut, and Fourth

and the Schuylkill Southern Dispensary, 98 Shippen Spafford street, from 50 Small to Fitz waiter S/iarks's Shot Manufactory^ Carpenter street between

Front and Second Spring- Garden Tavern and Wigivam, in north Sixth

near Buttonwood Springett alley, from 238 south Second to Third [see

Gaskill] Spruce street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill between

Locust and Pine St. Andrew's street, from Sch. Second to Broad between

Hunter street and Francis' lane St. George's alley, from 55 Elm (New) street St. Jolm street, from Pegg's run or Willow street to

Cohocsink creek St. Joseph's avenue, from Sch. Fifth to Sixth between

High and Chesnut St. Mary's street, from 220 south Sixth to Eighth Stable alley, from south Seventh to opposite 46 Eighth Stall's court, from 203 Sassafras to Bryan's alley Stamper's alley, from 208 south Second to 163 Third Stamper's wharf, opens at 127 south Water Starr alley, from 163 Cherry to 189 Sassafras

XX Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register^

State Arsenaly between Market and Chesnut 8c Twelfth

and Juniper streets State House^ the S. side of Chesnut bet. Fifth and Sixth. Stein rnetz's court, runs east from 93 north Fourth Steinmetz's court (N. L ) N. from Buttonwood n. Fifth Sceinmetz's wharf, opens at 51 north Water Stephens* court, runs west from 404 north Front Sterling's alley, from 15 Cherry to 118 Sassafras Stewart's alley, from Cherry to 394 Sassafras Stewart's court, west from Eleventh near Sassafras Stewart 8c Wiltberger's wharf, opens at 173 N. Water Stiles' wharf, first north of Coates street Stillhouse's wharf, first north of Christian Stillhouse alley, runs west from 330 north Front Story street, from 152 north Third to near 93 Fourth Strawberry street, from 58 High to 55 Chesnut Sturgis's court, runs back 133 Lombard Sugar alley, from 32 north Sixth to 23 Seventh Sugarhouse alley, from Vine to Wood, east of Third Summerl's wharf, opens at 75 north Water Summers' court, runs west from 414 south Second Swanson street, south from 10 Cedar Swanwick street, from Little George to 153 Walnut Swede's alley, runs south from 12 Christian Swede's court, runs east from 459 south Second below

Christian Swift's wharves, below the Swede's Church Tammany street, from 318 N . Second to the Old Yorkr. Taper alley, runs north from 53 Green ^

Taylor's alley, from 5S south Front to 73 Secona Tenth street, (N.) from 373 High to Wissahiccon road Tenth street, (S.) from near 371 High to Cedar Thatcher's wharf, opens at 319 north Front Thatcher's alley, (N L) fr. Emlen's alley to Rogers' ct. Tlieatre (New)'N W corner of Chesnut and Sixth Theatre^ (Old)S E corner of Crab and Cedar Third street, fN.) from 115 High to Germantown road Thivd street, (S.) from 90 Higli running south Third street from Schuylkill, (N. & S.) runs from Vine

to Cedar bet. Second and Fourth Thirteenth street, (N.) from High to Vine bet. Twelfth.

and Juniper Thirteenth street, (S.) from High to Cedar bet. Twelfth

and Juniper Thomas' wharf, opens at 137 Swanson Thompson's court, see Browne's Thorn's court, enters Fourth near George (N. L.) Tidmash street, from Passyunk road facing Carpenter

street to Shippen's lane Timber lane, from Frankford road above Shackamaxon

street to Turner's lane Ton alley, from 57 south Water Torr's court, runs E. from the Ridge r. above Wood

List of Streets^ ^c. xxi

rownsend's court, runs south from 86 Spruce

Traquair*s court, runs east from 1 1 N. Tenth

Trimble's court, from 510 N. Front

Trinity church yard, back 185 Spruce

Trotter's alley, from 22 south Second to Strawberry.

Trusty's court, runs S. from 6 Locust, see PuUin's court

Tunis' wharf, opens at 71 south Water

Turner's alley, see Carpenter street

Turner's court, runs N. from near 101 Catharine

Twelfth street (N.) from High to Vine bet. Eleventh

and Thirteenth Twelfth street (S.) from High to Cedar between Ele- venth and Thirteenth Union alley, from 180 Swanson to 463 south Front Union Canal Comfiany ^ office 79 Dock Union Insurance Office^ 45 Walnut Union street, from 166 south Front to 79 Fourth Union street (K.) from Bedford to Prince between

Marlborough and Hanover United States Bank, Carpenter's court United States Insurance Office, 49 Walnut United States Jrsenal, Gray's ferry road, S. of Cedar United States Medical Deposit office^ 207 S. Fourth United States Stai^e Office, 30 south Tiiird United States Loan Office, Carpenter's court Unity court, south from 12 Little Pine University of Pennsylvania and Medical Lyceum, south

Ninth near High Ufifier Delaware Ward, between Sassafras and Vine,

and Fourth and Delaware Upper ferry road, from Callowhill near Washington to

the Upper Bridge Vanduson's wharf & ship-yard, first north of Hanover Vernon street, from 44 Cedar to 29 Shippen Videl's court, west from 58 south Second Vienna street, from Prince to West st. between Cherry

and Wood Vine alley, runs from Tenth to Broad above Vine st. Vine street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill between

Sassafras and Callowhill, being the northern boundary

of the city Vineyard street, from the Wissahiccon road to Charles

between Anne and George Vineyard's ship yard, at S. Brusstar's wharf Wagner's alley, from 135 Cherry to 252 Sassafras Walker's court, I'uns east from 239 north Second Wallace's court, runs west from 10 N. Front Wall's elbow, rnns from Emlen's to Rogers' court Wall's wharf, opens at 127 south Water Wain's R. wharf, opens at 135 south Water Wain's W. wharf, opens at 7 Swanson Walnut alley, from Thirteenth to Juniper bet. Cherry

and Sassafras

xxii Whitely''s Philadelphia Register.

Walnut street, from the Delaware to Schuylkill bet.

Chesnut and Spruce Walnut Ward, bet. Chesnut and Walnut, the Delaware

and Fourth Walter's wharf, opens at 355 north Front Wardens Office, 18 Walnut Warder's wharf, first south of Sassafras landing Warder's wharf, (N. L.) opens at 371 N. Front Ware's wharf, second below Christian Warren street, from Quince to Twelfth, N. of Spruce Warren street, from Beach to Queen, between Hano- ver and Bishop Warner's court, south from 230 Shippen street Washington court, runs north from 205 Lombard Washington Hall, Third street ab. Spruce Washington Square^ bet. Walnut and Locust and Sixth

and Washington street W^ashington street, see Columbia avenue Washington street, a continuation of High from the Per- manent Bridge, running through Hamilton village Washington street, (Penn township) east irom the

Ridge road, between Green and Hickory Washington street (Penn township) north from Vine,

between William and Front Washington street, (South wark) runs from 550 south

Front to Moyamensing road Water street, (N.) from 16 High to Willow, or Poole's

Bridge Water street, (S.) from 12 High street to Pine Watkins' alley, from 22 Bread to 85 N. Third Watson's alley, from Branch to Story Watson's alley, runs south from 104 Locust Watson & Paul's wharf, first S of Chesnut st. landing Weaver's alley, runs from Twelfth to Thirteenth, bet.

Lyndall's alley and Locust Webb's alley, from 221 Cherry to 334 Sassafras Wells' alley, from Oak street to 371 N. Front Wells' row". Eighth below Green (P. T.) West street, from the Frankford r. to Wood ab. Duke West's court, east from 27 Newmarket-street West's Picture Exhibition, Spruce street above Eighth West's C. wharf, first north of Vine street landing West's W. wharf, opens at 155 north Water Wharf street, south from Cedar along the wharves Wharton street, from the Delaware to Passyunk road,

between Federal and Reed Wharton's wharf, opens at 67 Swanson Wharves, (N.) from High along the Delaware Wharves, (S.) from High along the Delaware White-bear Inn, 220 High Street White's ship-yard, at J. Bower's wharf (K.) Whitehall street, see Well's alley White-horse alley, from Cherry to Walnut alley

List of Streets, ^c, xxiii

IVhite-Sivan Inn^ 106 Sassafras near thii-d

IVidoivs* Jsylum^ High west of Sch. Seventh, S. Side

IVidoivs* and Single Womens' Asylum, Cherry corner

Schuylkill Fifth Wiggin's court, runs south from 62 Cherry Wilcock's wharf, opens at 57 S. Water Wiley's court, runs south from Castle street W^illiamson's court, from 262 Cedar to 71 Bedford (M.) William street, from Otter to Rose Willing's alley, from 98 S. Third to 75 Fourth Willing 8c Francis* wharves, at 15 and 25 Penn Willow court, runs south from 182 Pine above Sixth Willow street, (Sch.) from Locust to Cedar, between

Schuylkill and Beach Willow street, (N. L.) from Delaware along Pegg's run Wilson's wharf, second south of Maiden landing Wissahiccon road, or Ridge road, N. W. from the cor.

of Ninth and Vine Wistar's court, runs south from Vine east of Broad Wittman's alley, from Kunckle n. Callowhill to Fourth- Wittman's court, runs west from 400 N. Second Woglom*s court, east from 73 N. Eighth Wood street, (N. L.) from 190 N. Second to Schuylkill Wood street, (K.) runs from Queen near Gunner's run

to West street Woodland street, or Darby road, runs S. W. from the intersection of the Lancaster turnpike and Washington Workman's court west trom 320 south Front

[see Miffiin^s court Wright's alley, from Miller's alley to Pme between

Sch. Eighth and Broad York Buildings, on the south side of Walnut between

Washington street and Eighth York ocurt, runs east from 37 Budd York street, from 135 south Third to Laurel Zachary's court, north from 31 Walnut Zane street, see Elder



Aliens are informed, that such as have arrived in the United States since April 14, 1802, must report them- selves to the clerk of some court of record ; and wait five years before they can be naturalized, even though they may have declared their intention to become citi- zens some time since.

Those who have not made their declaration must do that also, three years before they can be naturalized. By the law of Congress, the certificate of report and re- gistry must be produced to the court, as an evidence of the time of arrival in the United States, at the time of application to be naturalized ; and by a law passed Marcli 22, 1816, said certificate of report and reg'istry must be recited, at full length, in the certificate of natu- ralization, otherwise such certificate will be of no vali- dity.


This indenture witnesseth^ t/iat-We, Packenah, Jarck- han, Sikals, Partquesott, Jervis Essepenauk, Felktvoy, Hekellappan Econus, Machloha Metthconga^ Wissa Powey, Indian Kings, Sachemakers, rigiit owners of all lands, from Quing Quingus, called Duck creek, unto Upland called Chester creek, all along by the west side of Delaware river, and so between the said creeks back- wards as far as a man can ride in two days with a horse, for and in consideration ©f these following goods to us in hand paid, and secured to be paid, by William Penn, proprietary and governor of the province of Pennsylva- nia and territories thereof, viz. 20 guns, 20 fathoms matchcoat, 20 fathoms stroud water, 20 blankets, 20 kettles, 20 pounds powder, 100 bars of lead, 40 toma- hawks, 100 knives, 40 pair of stockings, 1 barrel of beer, 20 pounds of red lead, 100 fathoms ot wampum, 30 glass bottles, 30 pewter spoons, 100 awl blades, 300 tobacco pipes, 100 hands of tobacco, 20 tobacco tongs, 20 steels, 300 flints, 30 pair of scissors, 30 combs, 60 looking glasses, 200 needles, 1 skipple of salt, 30 pounds of sugar, 5 gallons of molasses, 20 tobacco boxes, 100 jewsharps, 20 hoes, 30 gimblets, 30 wooden screw boxes, 100 string of beads Do hereby acknowledge, &c. Given under our hands, &c. at New Castle, 2d day of the eighth month, 1685.

The above is a true copy from a copy taken from the original, by Ephraim Morton, now living in Washing- ton county, Pennsylvania, formerly a clerk in the land office, which copy he gave to Wm. Hutton, and from which the above was taken in (kittle York, this 7th of December, 1813. A. M'C.

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register, xxiii



On all Goody, Wares, and Merchandise, imported intg the United States of America, in American or Foreign ships or vessels to have effect from and after the 30th of June, 1818.

Note. The articles in italics are not specified in the law, but pay the duties affixed to them.

}Jj^ See List of free articles at the end of this table.

A American Foreign^ other

Articles manufactured from and British. than British,

brass, i roH , steel, pe w ter, lead , or tin or of which those me- tals, or either of them is the material of chief value brass wire, cutlery, pins, needles, buttons, button moulds, buc- kles of all kinds, cannon, mus- kets, liro and side arms.

Ale, beer, and porter in bottles.

The same otherwise imported

Articles not free, nor subject to any other rate of duties,

Artificial flowers,





Brad, sprig, and tacks, not ex- ceeding 16 oz. pr. M.

Above 16 oz. pr. M.

Books, printed.



Bonnets and caps for women



Copperas, 100 cents per cwt. 110

Copper rods, bolts, spikes or nails, and composition rods, bolts, spikes or nails, 4 cents per lb. 4.4

Copper manufactures, 25 per cent, ad val. 27.5

China ware, earthenware, stone ware, porcelain and glass ma- nufactures, other than win- dow glass and black glass ' quart bottles, 20per cent, ad val, 22


20 per cent. ad. val.


15 cents per gal.


10 cents do.


15 per cent ad. val.


30 per cent. do.


200 cents per cwt.


3 cents per lb.


2 cents per lb.


5 per M.


4 per lb.


15 percent, ad. val.


150 cents per pair


30 per cent ad. val.


30 per cent do.


3 cents per lb.


WhHeli/^s Philadelphia Re^^ister.

Cotton manufactures of all de- scriptions, or of which cotton is the material of chief value, and on cotton yarn, twist, and thread, till the 30th of June, 1819— .(after that day only 20 per cent.)

Cabinet wares, and all manu- factures of wood, carriages ot all desciiptions, and parts thereof,

Cordage and cables, tarred,

, untarred yarns, twines,

packthreads, & seine twine.

Cassia, Chinese,



Canes, walking sticks & whips,

Cosmetics, washes, balsams, perfumes, Sec. Sec,

Clothing, ready made,

Candles, tallow,

wax or spermaceti,






Corks ^

Cofifiery (braziers)

Carfiets^ isfc. (woollen)




Dyeing drugs, and materials for composing dyes, not subject to other rates of duty, such as. Verdigris^ Saffi^on^ Cochi- neal^ life.


Fans, Feathers, ornaments for head-dresses.


Floor cloths, painted. Mats of

. grass 01* flags,

tish, foreign caught,



all other pickled,

^ G

Glass, black quart bottles,

window, not above 8 by 10

inches in size.

^^merican and British.

Foreign^ other than British.

25 per cent ad val. 27.5

30 per cent. do. 33

3 cents per lb. 3.3

4 cents per lb. 4.4 6 cents per lb. 6.6

25 do. do. 27.5

25 do. do. 27.5

30 per cent, ad val. 33

30 per cent. do. 33

30 per cent. do. 33

3 cents per lb. 3.3

6 cents per lb. 6.6

9 do. do. 9.9

3 do. do. 3.3

2 do. do. 2.2

5 cts. p. heaped bushel 5.5

16.5 16.5 27.5

5 cents per lb. 15 per cent, ad val. 15 percent, do. 25 per cent. do.

3 cents per lb.

3 do. do.

.5 per cent, ad val. 8.25

30 per cent. do. 33

3 cents per lb. 3.;

30 per cent, ad val. 33

100 cents per quintal 1 10

150 cents per barrel 165

200 cents do. 220

100 cents do. 110

144 cents per gross 158.4 250 cts. p. 100 sq. feet '"'" "

Whnely''s Philadelphia Register.


Glass, not above 10 by 12 do.

if above 10 by 12 do.


manufactures, other than

the above,

Gum Arabic,


Gold leaf,




Hempen cloth or sail cloth, ex- cept Russian and German li- nens, Russia 6c Holland duck,

Holland duck not exceeding 52 archeens eacli piece.

Hats or caps of fur, wool, lea- ther, chip, straw, or silk,



Iron and steel wire, not exceed- ing No. 18,

over No. 18,

in bars and bolts, manufac- tured without rolling,

in pigs,


slieets, rods, and hoops,

in bars, and bolts, when

manufactured by rolling and on anchors,




Jewelry, gold, silver, and other watches and parts of watches ; gold & silver lace, embroide- ry and epaulettes ; precious stones and pearls of all kinds, set or not set ; Bristol stones or paste work, and all articles composed v/holly or chiefly of gold, silver, pearl, and pre- cious stones,

L -

Laces, lace veils, lace shawls or shades of thread or silk,

Lead, in pigs, bars, or sheets,

in shot,

- red or white, dry or ground in oil,

American Foreign , other

and British. than British.

275 cts. p. 100 sq feet 302.5 325 cts. do. 357.5

30 per cent, ad val. 33

20 per cent.



7.5 per cent.



7.5 per cent.



15 per cent.



5 cents per lb.


8 cents do.


20 per cent, ad val. 22

250 cents per piece 275

30 per cent, ad val. 33

150 cents per cwt. 165

5 cents per lb. 5.5

9 cents do. 9.9

75 per cwt. 82.5

50 do. 55

75 do. 82.5

250 do. 275

150 do. 165

2 do. 2.2

15 do. 16.5

7.5 percent, ad val. 8.25

7,5 per cent.

1 cent per lb.

2 cents do.

3 cents do.


8.25 1^1




Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.



Munafactures of leather, or of

which leather is the material

of chief value, Mace,

Millinerv of all sorts, Mustard,

N Nails, Nutmegs, Nankeens,


Oil, spermaceti, of foreign fish- ing,

whale or other fish do.

oli\ e, in casks

•■ ■■ salad, Ochre, dry, in oil,


Printing types.


Paper of every description,paste-

board, paper hangings, blank

books, parchment or vellum. Playing cards.

Perfumes, &c. (see Cosmetics,) Plums and prunes, Prussian blue. Pepper, Pickles, capers, olives, comfits,

and sweetmeats, preserved in

sugar or brandy. Plated (silver) saddler)-, coach

and harness furniture, Plated ware, other than the



Russia sheetings, (white,) not

exceeding 52 archeens each

piece, Russia sheetings, (brown,) not

exceeding 52 archeens in a

piece, Russia duck, not exceeding 52

arclieens each piece, Ravens duck, as above. Raisins, muscatel, and id jars, ^-i— all other,

jimrrican Foreign, otke^-

and British. than British.

5 cents per gal. 5.5

30 per cent, ad val. 33

100 cents per lb. 110

30 per cent, ad val. 33

30 per cent. do. 33

3 cents per lb. 60 do do. 25 per cent.

25 cents per gal. 15 cents do. 25 cents do. 30 per cent ad val.

1 cent per lb.

1.5 cent do.

20 per cent, ad val. 6 cents per lb.

30 per cent, ad val. 30 cents per pack,

3 cents per lb. 20 per cent, ad val. 8 cents per lb.

30 per cent, ad val- 25 per cent. do. 20 per cent. do.

3.S 66 27.5

^7,5 16.5 27.5 33 1.1 1.^5

22 6.6


22 8.8



250 cents per piece, 275

160 cents do. 176

200 cents do. 220

125 cents do. 137.5

3 cents per lb. 3.3

2 do do. 3.2

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register. xxvii

Saltpetre, Steel,

Stockings, of wool or cotton, of silk or thread,


American and British.

7.3 per cent 100 cents per cwt.

20 per cent, ad val.

ready made clothing) Spirits from grain, 1st proof, _ do. 2d do.

do. 3d do.

do. 4th do.

do. 5th do.

do. over 5th do.

Spirits from other mate rials than

grain, 1st 8c 2d proof,

do. 3d do.

->— do. 4th do. do. 5th do.

. do. over 5th do. Saddles, bridles, and harness. Shoes and slippers of leather,

. ~_— - for children,

of silk,

Salt, Segars, Soap, Sugar, brown,

white, clayed, or powdered,



loaf, or sugar candy, T

Foreign ^ other than British. ad val. 8.25 110 22

15 per cent do. 42 cents per gal.

45 48 52 60 75

do. do. do. do. do.

38 do.

42 do.

48 do.

57 do.

70 do.

30 percent, ad. val.

25 cents per pair,

15 do. do.

30 do. do.

20 cts. p. bush, of 56 lb. 22

















Tin, in plates. Tallow,

Teas, from China, in ships be- longing to the U. States, Dohea,

souchong and other black, imperial, gunpowder, and gomee,

hyson and young hyson,

hyson skin and other green.

Teas, if from any other place, or in any other than vessels of the United States


souchong and other black,

imperial, gunpowder, and


hyson and young hyson,

hyson skin and other green.

Tobacco, manufactured, other than snuff and segars,

250 cents per M. 3 cents per lb.

3 do. do.

4 cents per lb. 10 do. do. 12 do. do. 12 do. do.

15 per cent. 1 cent per lb.

12 cents per lb. 25 do. do.

50 do. 40 do. 28 do.

14 do. 34 do.

68 do. 56 do. 38 do.

do. da do.

do. do.


do» do.

75 3.3 3.3 4.4




16.5 1.1

13.2 27.5


44 30.8

10 do. do.



xxviii Whiteli/''s Philadelphia Register.

U jimencan Foreign, other

Umbrellas, parasols, of what- and British. than Briti9h.

ever materials made ; sticks

of frames for umbrellas or

parasols, 30 per cent, ad val. 33

W Woollen manufactures of all de- scriptions, or of which wool is

the material of chief value, 25 per cent, ad val. 27.S Wool Blankets, rugs, and worst- ed stuff goods, such as ratti-

nets, bombazets, calimancoes,

moreens, &c. &c. 15 per cent. do. 16.5

(After the 30th of June, 1819,

the duty on woollen goods is

to be only 20 per cent, ad

valorem.) Wines : Madeira, Burgundy,

Champaigne, Rhenish, and

Tokay, 100 cents per gal. 110

Sherry and St. Lucar, 60 do. do. 66

others not enumerated,

when imported in bottles or

cases, 30 do. do. 33 Lisbon, Oporto, and other

wines of Portugal, and on

those of Sicily, 50 do. do. 55

Teneriffe, Fayal, and other

■■ wines of the western it^Iands, 40 do. do. 44

all others when imported

otherwise than in cases or

bottles, 15 do. do. 16.5

Wafers, 30 per cent, ad val. 33

Whiting and Paris white, 1 cent, per lb. 1.1

The following' Articles are free of dutij.

All articles imported for the use of the United States ; philoso- phical apparatus, instruments, books, maps, charts, statues, busts, casts, paintings, drawings, engravings, specimens of sculpture, cabinets of coins gems, medals, and all other collections of anti- quities, statuary^modelhng, drawing, painting, etching or engrav- ing, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning ; specimens in natural history, mineralogy, botany, and anatomical preparations ; models of machinery and other inventions ; plants and trees; wearing apparel, and other personal baggage in actual use, and the implements or tools of trade of persons arriving io the United States ; regulus of anti-

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register^ Xxix

mony ; bark of the cork tree unmanufactured ; animals imported for breed ; burr stones unwrought; gold coin, silver coin, and bullion ; clay unwrouglit ; copper, imported in any shape tor the use of the mint ; copper and brass, in pigs, bars of plntes, suited to the sheathing of ships ; old ccpper and brass, and old pewter, fit only to be remanufitctured ; tin, hi pigs oi- bars ; furs un- dressed, Gf all kinds ; raw hides and skins ; lapis calaminaris ; plaister of paris ; rags of any kind of cloth ; sulphur of brim- stone ; barilla; Brazilwood, brzilletto, red wood, cam wood, fustic, logAvood, nicaragua, and other dye woods ; wood, unmanu- factured, of any kind ; zinc, teutenague cr spelter.

Note. It will be seen that (to the rates> of duty imposed on goods, wares, and merchandise, imported in American vessels,) an addition of 10 per cent has been made when the importations are in foreign vessels, on all the foregoing ad valorem and spe- cific articles except on ica^ from China ; in that instance alone the act makes the specific discrimination. The third section of the act provides, that this additional duty of 30 per cent, shall not apply to goods, wares, and merchandise, imported in ships or vessels not of the United States, entitled by tieaty, or by any act or acts of Congress, to be entered in the ports of the United States, on the payment of the same duties as are paid on goods, ■wares or merchandise, imported in ships or vessels of the United States.

Note From and aiter the 1st day of June, 1818, the credit on duties from all places situated on the eastern shores of America, north of the equator or in its adjacent seas, bays and gulfs, (salt excepted,) shall be one half in six, and one half in nine calendar months ; and on goods (other than wine, salt, and teas,) imported from any other place than Europe and the West Indies, one third in eight, one third in ten, and one third in eighteen calendar months.

Note. In calculation of the ad valorem duties, to the cost at the place from whence imported, if from the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond it, 20 per cent, is added thereto ; and in like manner, 10 per cent, from all other places including all charges, except commission, outside packages, and insurance.


The following rates of tonnage duties are demandable after the 14th of January, 1817.

dolb. eenti.

On ships, &c. of the United States, entering

from any foreign port, - - per ton 6

On such foreign ships, &c. on their entry from

foreign ports as by treaty stipulation, such

vessels are placed on equality with the ships

of the United States, - - per ton 6

On other foreign ships, &c entering from a

foreign port where vessels of the United

States are permitted to trade, - per ton 50

XXX Whitely^s Philadelphia Register*

_ dolls, cents.

On Other foreign ships, &c. entering from a foreign port where the vessels of the United States are not permitted to trade, per ton 2 00

On ships, &c. built in the United States since the 20th of July, 1789, belonging to sub- jects of foreign powers and possessing a certificate of record, - - per ton 30

Duties— ^payable in

. /. y-, dolls, cents.

Gold coins of Great Britain and Portugal ot

the standard prior to the year 1792, for

for every 27 grains, - - - 1 00

Gold coins of France, Spain, and the dominions

of Spain, of the standard prior to the year

1792, for every 27 and 3-4th grains, - 1 00

Spanish milled dollars, 17 dwts. 7 grs. (and in

proportion for the parts of a dollar,) - 1 00

Crowns of France, 18 dwts. 17 grs. (and in

proportion for the parts of a crown,) - 1 10

Provided^ That no foreign coins shall be receivable which are not by law a tender for the payment of all debts ; except in con- sequence of a proclamation of the President of the United States, authorising such foreign coins to be received in payment of the duties and fees aforesaid.

Rates of Coins for estimating^ Duties,

d Pound sterling of Great Britain, Pound sterling of Ireland, _ - -

Livre tournois of France, - . - -

Florin, or Guilder of the United Netherlands, Mark banco of Hamburg, _ - - -

Rix dollar of Denmark, - - -

Ryal plate of Spain, - - - - -

vallon of do. - _ . -

Milree of Portugal, - - - - -

Tale of China, _ - - _ _

Pagoda of India, - - -

Rupee of Bengal, - - - - -

Ruble of Russia, (paper 18 to 20 cents,) Franc, 1 1-4 per cent, more than the Livre.

And all other denominations in value as near as may be to the said rates, or the intrinsic value thereof, compared with the money of the United States. Provided, that it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to cause to be established, fit







































JVhitely^s Philadelphia Register. xxxi

and proper regulations for estimating the duties on goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into the United States, in respect to ■which the original cost shall be exhibited in a depreciated currency issued and circulated under authority of any foreign government.

Compensation Act, Fees of Office.


Entry of a vessel of 100 tons or upwai'ds, Clearance do. do. do.

Entry of a vessel under 100 tons, Clearance do. do. - - -

Every post entry, - - - - -

Permit to land goods, _ _ - -

Every bond taken officiallv, . ^ -

Permit to load goods for exportation, for drawback, Debenture or other official certificate,

Bill of Health,

Official document (register excepted,) required by any person, - - - - - 20


Admeasuring and certifying the same of every ship or vessel of 100 tons and under, per ton, - 1 00

Admeasurement of every ship or vessel above 100 tons and not exceeding 200 tons, - - 1 50

Above 200 tons, - - - - - 2 00

For all other services on board any ship or vessel of 100 tons and upwards, having on board goods, wares, or merchandise subject to duty, * 3 00

For like services on board any ship or vessel of less than 100 tons, - - - - - 1 50

On all vessels not having on board goods, wares, or merchandise, subject to duty, - - - 662-

Allowances for Draft., ^c.



On importation, the tare on every whole chest Bohea Tea, 70

half chest, 36 qr. chest, 20 Every chest of Green Tea, if the gross weight be TO lbs. or upwards, - ^ - - - 20

xxxii Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

iiji. On every box of Tea, not less than 50 lbs. or more than 70 lbs. gross, - - - - - - 18

If 80 lbs. gross, _ _ . _ _ 20

And from 80 lbs gross and upwards, - - - 22

All other boxes of tea according to invoice or actual weight.

On coffee in bags, 2 per cent ; in bales, 3 per cent ; in casks, 12 per cent on sugar other than loaf, in casks, 12 per cent ; in boxes, 15 per cent ; in bags or mats, 5 per cent on cocoa in casks, 10 per cent ; in bags, 1 per cent on pimento in casks, 15 per cent ; in bags, 3 per cent on cheese in hampers or baskets, 10 per cent ; in boxes, 20 per cent on candles in boxes, 8 per cent on choco- late in boxes, 10 per cent on cotton in bales, 2 per cent ; in se- roons, 6 per cent itidigo in barrels, 12 per cent ; in other casks, 15 per cent ; in seroons, 10 per cent ; in bags or mats, 3 per cent —on nails, in casks, 8 per cent on pepper in casks, 12 per cent j in bales, 5 per cent ; in bags, 2 per cent sugar candy in boxes, 10 per cent soap in boxes, 10 per cent shot in casks,' 3 per cent twine in casks, 12 per cent ; in bales, 3 per cent. All other goods according to invoice or actual weight.

N. B. Notwithstanding the above tares ure designated by law, it is lawful, at the time of making an entry, for the importer, collector, and naval officer (where there is one,) if they see fit, to estimate the tare according to the invoice ; but if not deter- mined at the time of making entry, then the above tares shall be taken.

In addition to the TareSi the following Drafts shall be made, viz.

On any quantity of 1 cwt. 1 lb. on any quantity above 1 cwt. and not exceeding 2 cwt. 2 lb. on every quantity above 2, and not exceeding 3 cwt. 3 lb. on any quantity above 3, and not ex- ceeding 10 cwt. 4 lb. on any quantity above 10 cwt. and not ex- ceeding 18 cwt 7 lb. on any quantity above 18 cwt. 9 lb.

Mlonvance for Leakage and Breakage.

An allowance of 2 per cent, from the guage for leakage, and 10 per cent, on all beer, ale, and porter, in bottles, and 5 per cent, on all other liquors in bottles, to be deducted from the iHvoice quan- tity, in lieu of breakage ; or it shall be lawful to compute the du- ties on the actual quantity to be ascertained by tale, at the option of the importer, to be made at the time of entry.

For the Deposit of Wines., cifc.

An Act providing ior the deposit of Wines and distilled Spirits in public warehouses, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of jl7nericay in Congress assembled., That it shall be lawful for any importer ot wines or distilled spirits, which may be imported into the United States, at any time after the first day of

JVhiteiy^s Philadelphia Register. xxxiii

June next, at his option, to be determined at the time of making- entry therefor, either to secure the duties thereon, on the same terms and stipulations as on other goods, wares, and merchandise imported, or to give his bond, in double the amount of the duties thereupon, with condition for the payment of the said duties, in twelve calendar months from the aaceuf such bond ; which bond shall be accepted by such collector without surety, upon the terms following, viz. The wines or distilled^ spirits, for the du- ties whereof such bond shall be accepted, 'shall be deposited at the expense and risk of the importer, in such public or other store-houses as may be agreed upon between the importer and the surveyor, or officer of inspection of the revenue, for the port where the said wines or spirits shall be landed ; and such wines or spirits shall be kept under the joint locks of the inspector and the importer; but no delivery shall be ijiade of such wines or spirits without a permit in writing, under the hand of the col- lector and naval officer of the port.

Sect. 2. jlnd be it further enacted^ That no permit shall be given for the removal of the wines or spirits deposited under the provisions of the foregoing section, unless the duties upon the wines or spirits for which it shall be required, be first paid or se- cured, in the manner following, viz. The importer, or his as- signee shall give bond, with o»e or more surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector, in double the amount of the duties upon the wines or spirits in each case to be delivered, with con- dition for the payment of the said duties, at the same credits, to be computed from the date of the permit, as w«uld have been allowed on bonds for the same articles, if they had not been de- posited under the provisions of this act. Provided^ that the time to be allowed for the payment of the duties upon any wines or spirits so delivered, or for any part of such duties, shall not be such as to extend the credit beyond the term of twelve calendar months, originally allowed upon depositing such wines and spirits.

Sect. 3. And be it further enacted., That if the duties on any wines or spirits, deposited under the provisions of this act, shall not have been paid, or secured to be paid, iathe manner described in the foregoing section, within the term of twelve calendar months from the time of their importation, it shall be the duty of the collector to cause so much of such wines or spirits as may be necessary, to be sold at public auction, and retaining the sum ne- cessary for the payment of the duties which have not been se- cured or paid, together with the expenses of safe keeping and sale of such wines or spirits, shall ^return the overplus, if aay, to the owner or to his agent, or lawful representative ; and the amount of each bond, taken for the duties on wines or spirits de- livered, after being deposited, as directed by this act, shall be en- dorsed immediately on the original bond given by the importer, specifying the articles delivered and the date of the delivery.

Sect. 4 And be it further enacted., That no drawback shall be allowed of the duties paid on any wines or spirits, which shall be imported into the United States after the first day of June next, unless such wines or spirits shall have been deposited in public or other stores, under the provisions of this act, and there kept from their landing to their shipment.

xxxiv Whitely^s Philadelphia Register ,

Sect. 5- And be it fxirther enacted^ That if any wines or other spirits, deposited under the provisions of this act, shall be embez- zied or fraudulently hid or removed from any store or place wherein they shall have been deposited, they shall be forfeited ; and the person or persons so embezzling, hiding or removing the same, or aiding oi- assisting therein, shall be liable to the same pains and penalties as if such wines or spirits had been fraudu- lently unshipped or landed without payment of duty.

Sect. 6. And be it further enacted^ That from and after the first day of June next, the bonds for duties on articles imported by sea, the produce of foreign places or islands, situated on the eastern shores of America, north of the equator, or in its adjacent seas, bays, and gulfs, salt excepted, shall be payable, one half in six, and one half in nine calendar months ; and the bonds for du- ties on goods, wares, 'and merchandise, lot her than wine, salt and teas,; imported from an> other place than Europe and the West Indies, shall be payable, one third in eight, one third in ten, and one third in eighteen calendar months.

H.CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President ot the^natc, pro tempore. Approved— April 20, 1818.


Tef^Ms of Credit.

Sect. 62. When the duties on ad valorem articles are less than 50 dollars, it must bf paid immediately; if specific, a deposit must be made to secure the same, which, when ascertained, will be immediately settled.

When the duties on goods im]»orted, where the sum payable by one person or co-partnership, shall amount to more than 50 dol- lars, the following credit is allowed by law, except where any bond on which the person or co-partnership entering such goods, wares, or merchandise, are eitiier principal or security, being due, remains undischarged.

On all articles of the produce of the West-Indies, or from places north of the equator, one half in six and the other half in nine months.

On Madeira, and all other wines, twelve months.

On all goods, &c. from Europe, (wines and teas excepted,) the one third in eight, one third in ten, and one third in twelve months.

On all goods, &c (wines and teas excepted,) from any other place than £urope, the West-Indies and north of the eouator, the one third in eight months, one third in ten months, and one third in eighteen months.

Teas, from ('hina or Europe, may be deposited at the option of the importer or importers, (to be detei mined at the time of mak- ing entr>- tneretor,) either to secure the duties thereon, on the same terms and stipulations as on other goods, wares, and mer- chandise imported, or to give his, or her, or their bond, to the

Whitdy''s Philadelphia Register, xxxy

colleetor of the district where any such teas shall be landed, in double the amount of the duties thereupon, with condition for the payment of the said duties in two years from the date of such bond : which bond shall be accepted by such collector without surety, upon the terms following : that is to say, the teas, for the duties whereof such bond shall be accepted, shall be deposited at the expense and risk of the said importer or importers, in one or more storehouse or storehouses, as the case may require to be agreed upon, &c. The said teas to be delivered upon bond being^ given with one or more surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector, '* if the same shall not exceed 100 dollars, in four months ; if above 100 dollars, and not exceeding 500 dollars^ in eight months; or if the same shall exceed 500 dollars, in 12 months ;" so that the term of credit shall not exiend the period beyond two years from the time of depositing the said teas ; any teas remainmg after the said term of two years, to be sold by the collector, who shall return the surplus (after paying the duties,) to the owner or owners thereof.

Sect. 65. When bonds given for duties shall become due, and not discharged, the collector to prosecute without delay ; and in case of insolvency or death, the United States to be the first credi- tor ; and any executor, administrator, assignee, or any other per- son, paying any debt due by the person or estate, from wiiom or for which they are acting, previous to the debt or debts due to the United States being first fully satisfied and paid, shall become answerable in their own fierson an*"' ^state for the same, or part thereoif remaining unsatisfied.

Sureties on all bonds given for duties, shall in case of insolvency or death of the principal, '* have and enjoy the like ad\r(nt<iges, priority, or preference for the recovery and receipt ot the said money out of the estate and effects of such insolvent, or deceased principal, as are reserved to the United States."

When bonds are prosecuted for the recovery of duties due to the United States, judgment to be granted at the return term, " unless the defendant shall in open court, the United States' at- torney being present, make oath or affirmation, that an error has been committed in the liquidation of the duties demanded upon such bond, specifying the errors alleged to have been commit- ted, and that the same have been notified, in writing, to the col- lector of the district prior to the commencement of the return term aforesaid." '^

On all bonds upon which suits shall be commenced, an interest shall be allowed at the rate of six per cent, per annum, from the time when said bonds became due until the payment thereof.

Sect. 33. Duties to be paid where ^oods are landed, and bonds to be given for securing the duties, if the whole or part of the cargo is destined to different districts.

Ports of Entry and Delivery for Foreign Vessels,

1<40 vessel not wholly belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United States, shall be admitted to unload at any port or place except the following :


:Sxxvi VVhitely^s Philadelphia Rt:gister,

New-Hampshire, Por/smowM. MASSACHusETTS,/*or//ancf and Falmouth, A''eiv Bedford, Dighton, Salem, and Beverly^ Gloucester, JVenvburyfiort, Marblehead, Nantucket, Boston, and Charlestown, Plymouth, Bath, Frenchman's Bay, Wiscasset, Machias, Penobscot, Biddeford. and Ptpfierelhorou^h, Saco, and Kennebunk. Rhode-Island, JVeivport, Providence, Bristol.—^ Connecticut, JVenv London, and Jsfenv-Haven, New-York, New-York. New-Jersey, Perth-Amhoy, Jersey, Burlington. Pennsylvania, Philadelfihia. Delaware, Wilmington,^^\f- Castle, Port Penn. Maryland, Baltimore, Annafioiis, Vienna, Oxford, Georgetown (on the Potomack,) Charlestown Creek, Nottingham-Nanjemoy, St. Mary's Digge's landing, Snowhill, Carrolsburgh. Virginia, Alexandria, Kinsale, Newport, Tap- pahannock, Port-Royal, Fredericksburgh, Urbanna, Yorktown, West-Point, Hampton, Bermuda-HuDdred, City Point, Peters- burgh, Richmond, East-River, Rocket's landing, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. North-Carolina, Wilmington, JVeivbern, Beau- fort, Washington, Edenton, Plankbridge, and Plymouth. South Carolina, Charleston, Georgetown, Beaufort. Georgia, Sa- vannah, Sunbury, Brunswick, Frederica, St. Mary. Louisi- ana, New- Orleans.

Kor shall any vessel from the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond the same, be admitted to enter, except at the ports in the above lisc which are distinguished by italics.

Restrictions on Importations.

Sect. 92. No goods, wares, or m.erchandise, of foreign growth or manufacture, subject to the payment of duties, shall be brought into the U. States, from any foreign port or place, in any other manner than by sea ; nor in any ship or vessel of less than thirty tons burthen, agreeable to the mode of ascertaining American tonnage, except in certain districts on the northern, north- western, and western boundaries of the United States, adjoining to the dominions of Great Britain in Upper and Lower Canada, and the districts on the rivers Ohio and Mississippi.

Sect. 103. No beer, ale, or porter, to be imported in casks of less capacity than forty gallons beer measure ; or if in bottles, in packages less than six dozen^ under penalty of forfeiture, with the ship or vessel.

No refined lump or loaf sugar, shall be imported into the United States, from any port or place, except m ships or vessels of the burthen of one hundred and twenty tons and upwards, and in casks of packages containing each, not less than six hundred pounds, on pain of forfeiting the said ship or vessel, and the loaf or lump sugar imported therein, except in such casks or pack- ages as aforesaid.

No distilled spirits, (arrack and sweet cordials excepted,) to be imported in casks or vessels of less capacity than ninety gallons wine measure, on pain of forfeiture with the ship or vessel ; nor in casks or vessels which have been marked pursuant to any law cf

IVhztely^s Philadelphia Register. xxxvU

the United States, on pain of forfeiture of the said refined loaf or lump sugar, and distilled spirits, together with the ship or vessel. Frovided, that the forfeiture shall not be incurred on " any ships imported or brought into the United States, in other casks or ves- sels aforesaid, or the ship or vessel in which they shall be brought, if such spirits shall be in the use of the seamen on board of such ship or vessel, and shall not exceed the quantity of four gallons for each seaman," and tvliich shall at the tiine of the entry of the said vessel be inserted in the manifest as the sta-stores of such shift or vessel.

Duty of Masters of Vessels,

Sect. 23. Mo merchandise to be imported in any vessel belong- ing in whole or in part to a citizen or inhabitant of tiie United States, unless the master of such vessel shall have on board a i manifest in writing, signed by such master or other person having the command, containing the name of the port or place where such merchandise were received, and the port v. here consigned or destined to, within the United States, particularly noting the merchandise destined for each port, respectively, and every pacj^- age on board sucli vessel to be particularly described to whom consigned, or if to order, with the names of all passengers, distin- guishing whether cabin or steerage passengers, or both, with their baggage, and an account of all remaining sea-stores (it any.)

Vessel and Cabin Stores,

If merchandise impoi-ted are destined to be delivered in differ- ent districts or ports, the said merchandise to be inserted in suc- cessive order in the above manifest, and all spirits, ivines, and teas, being the whole or any part of the cargo, shall be inserted in like order, distinguishing the port where destined, and the kind, qualities, and quantity thereof.

Sect. 45. Excessive quantity of sea- stores to pay duty.

Sect. 19. Vessels bound to Connecticut, by way of Sandy Hook, or to Hudson, before they pass the port of New York, and imme- diately after arrival, the master to deposit with the collector a true manifest of the cargo on board such ship or vessel : the pen- alty for neglect or omission, or refusing to receive an inspector of the customs on board the same, to accompany such vessel, is 500 dollars.

Sect. 24. For all goods not included in the manifest, the master forfeits a sum of money equal to their value, and all merchan- dise not included in such manifest, belonging or consigned to the master, mate, officers, or crew of such vessel, shall be forfeited, unless it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the collector, naval officer and surveyor, or the major part of them, or to ^

xxxviii Whitelyh Philadelphia Register.

court on trial, that no part was unshipped except what is men- tioned in the report, or that the manifest has been lost or mislaid, without fraud, or defaced by accident, or incorrect by mistake.

Sect. 25. The master of any vessel, or other person having charge thereof, belonging in whole or in part to a citizen or citi- zens, inhabitant, or inhabitants of the United States, on arrival within four leagues of the coast, or within any bays, hai'bours, ports, rivers, creeks, or inlets thereof, to have a manifest on board, and on demand made by any officer of the customs, first coming on board, to produce such manifest and deliver him a copy thereof, signed by the master or other persons having charge of such vessel, and the officer shall certify on the original the day and year the same was produced, the said copy to be provided and subscribed by the master, or such other person havmg com- mand ; tVie copy of which to be compared with the original, and certified by such officer on the back thereof; the day and year such copy or copies was or were delivered to him the original manifest to be delivered afterwards by the master to the col- lector. Provided, that not more than one copy of each manifest shall be required by any officer or officers who shall first come on board, within four leagues of the coast of the United States, and one other copy to any officer or officers who shall first come on board, within the limits of any district for which the cargo, or any part thereof, shall be destined.

Sect. 26. The penalty on masters, for not producing manifest, and delivering cop^ thereof to the proper officer or officers on demand, or for not informing such officer of the true destination of such vessel, is 500 dollars for each offence : and the like pen- alty is incurred by such officer, who shall neglect or refuse to , certify such manifest and the officer is required to make a re- turn in writing, of the name of the vessel and master, offending in any, or all of the particulars required, to the collector of the district where such vessel may be bound.

Sect. 27. Any vessel within four leagues of the coast, or within the Hmits of any district, unloading goods without authority from proper officers,' tlie master and mate forfeit 1000 dollars,/br each offence^ and goods forfeited, except in case of accident, necessity, or stress of weather ; wliich shall be proved before the collector, by the master, mate, and one other officer or mariner.

Sect. 28. Masters of vessels receiving goods so unladen (except as before excepted), to forfeit treble the value of such goods ; and the shifi^ boat, or vessel receiving them, to be forfeited. ^

Sect. 29. If any vessel having arrived within any district, shall depart, or attempt to depart from the same (unless to some more interior port, or by stress of weather,) without report to the col- lector, the master forfeits 400 dollars.

Sect. 30. Any vessel ariivhig from a foreign port, the master - is to report to the collector, within 24 hours after his arrival ; and within 24 hours thertafter, further to report the name, bur- then, &c. in writing, agreeable to the directions of section 23d, and shall make oath or affirmation to the truth of the same.

The master or other person having charge of any vessel haying distilled spirits, wines, or teas, shall withiu 48 hours after arrival^

IVhitely^s PJiiladelphta Register. xxxix

make a report in writing to the surveyor, or officer acting as in spector ot tiie revenue of the port, under a penalty of 500 dollars.

The master, or other person having command, neglecting to make such report, forfeits 1000 dollars.

Sect. 31. Ships of war, or packets of any prince or state, not permitted by such prince or state to carry goods in way of trade, are not required to' make such reports.

Sect. 32. Masters of vessels after arrival and entry, may pro- ceed to foreign ports with goods, noted on the manifest at the time of entry for such foreign fiort, without paying duties thereon, on giving bond that the said goods shall be actually re-exported in such vessel to a foreign port ; but bonds are not required when vessels put in, in distress.

Sect. 34. Masters of vessels, having goods on board destined to different districts, other than the district at which he may arrive, to be furnished by tlie collector with a copy of his report, and a certificate, showing on what part of the cargo the duties have been paid or secured, and give bond for reporting such goods, on which the duties have not been paid or secured ; which copy the master is to produce to the collector of the distsict where bound, within 24 hours after his arnval, under a penalty of 500 dollars ; and the said bond to be cancelled by producing from the collec- tor of such district, a certificate within six months, of the due en- try and delivery of such merchandise in such district or districts.

Sect. 35. In addition to the foregoing section, the master to apply to the surveyor or inspector of the poit for a copy of his report (where there are distilled spirits, wines, or teas on board, to be delivered in different districts,) the want of which, subjects such articles to forfeiture, and 500 dollars penalty on the master.

Post Office LazL\

No ship or vessel from foreign ports, or coming by sea from any port of the LJnited States, shall be permitted to report, make en- try, or break bulk, till the master shall deliver to the postmaster, all letters under his t are or within his power, other than such as are directed to the owner or owners of such shift or vessel, and an oath or affirmation to be taken of such delivery ; the master to receive two cents for every letter so delivered.

Sect, 57. Goods found on board any vessel not noted on the manifest, the master to make post entry, previous to any permit being granted therefor.

Packages wanting, or goods not agreeing with the manifest, the master forfeits 500 dollars, unless made appear to the satisfaction of the principal officers of the customs, that no part of the cargo has been unloaded since it was taken on board, except such as noted in the report, and pursuant to permits ; and that such disa- greement arises from accident or mistake. -^

Sect. 60. Vessels arriving from any foreign port, in distress, at any port in the United States, not being destined for the same,, protest to be made by-the master and mate, within 24 hours, and


xl Whitely^s Fhiladelpfi'ta Register^

lodged at the custom-house ; and within 48 hours enter his ves- sel, as in all other cases; and it i)y certiticate of the wardens of the port, of the necessity thereof, the vessel may be unladen and cargo deposited in the pubhc >tore, and reladen again (except such part as may be necessary to be sold to defray the expenses of the rapairs of tlie vessel only, on which the duty shall be paid as in other cases,) by permission from the custom-house free from ar.) other charge than storage and fee to the officers of the custom, as in other cases.

Sect. 93. The master or person having command of any ves- sel bound to a foreign port or place, shall deUver to the collector of the district from whence such vessel is about to depart, a ma- nifest of all the cargo on board, and the value thereof^ subscribed by such person ; the penalty for not dehveringsuch manifest, and obtaining a clearance, previous to departure from such district, is 500 dollars for every offence.

Importers and Consignees.

Sect. 36. Owners or consignees of goods imported, are, within 15 days after the niasters report, to make entry with the collec- tor, d'etaiUng the several contents and nett cost of each package particularly, and produce the original invoice, documents and bills of lading, which must be \ eritied on oath or affirmation, by the said parties, who must subscril)e the /o7-m of entry on oath.

When the above entry is made by any agent, factor or other per- son, other than bonajide owner or consignee of such merchan- dise, such person to give bond in tlie sum of 1000 dollars, over and above wiiat the duties may amount to, with condition, that the bonajide owner or consignee of such merchandise, shall, on or before the first period of payment of such duty become due, deliver to said collector, a full and correct account of said mer- chandise, in manner and form aforesaid ; verified by a like oath or affirmation, before any judge of the United States, or a judge of any court of record of a state, or before a collector of the cus- toms: and in case the duties are paid at the time of entry, a like bond to be given, that such an account shall be delivered, within ninety days from such entry-

When the particulars of such merchandise are not known, an entry thereof to be made according to circumstances: declaring on oath or affirmation, al! the particulars the party knows or be- lieves concerning the same, to be subscribed by the party : and ■where an imperfect entry is made, either for want of invoices, bills of lading, &:c. the collector to take such merchandise into his custody, until the quantity, qualitvor value can be ascertained.

Sect. 37. Every importer or consignee of distilled spirits, wines or teas, to make a'separate entry of the same, specifying the name of the vessel and master, and place from whence ; the quantity and quality, and a particular detail of the chests, casks or ves- sels, containing the same, with the marks and numbers ; which entry, after being certified by the collector, to be produced to

IV/iiteiy^s Philadelphia Register, xli

the surveyor or officer as inspector of the revenue for the port : and all jjermits granted by tfie collector for the above articles, shall, pnorto the landing of the bame, be produced to the sur- veyor or officer acting as inspector for the port, for endorsement; any of the above articles landed, contrary to the above direction, are subject to forfeiture, and 500 dollars penalty on the nriaster or person having charge oi the vessel.

Sect. 52. Goods without invoice, or specification of particu- lars, to be stored by the collector until appraised, or invoice, ar- rive, at the option of the importer.

Appraisers to ascertain and certify- at what rate, or per cent- age, such goods are damaged : but no allowance for damage, nn- less such appraisement is lodged in the custom-house within ten days after the landing thereof, accompanied with a certificate of the wardens of the port.

Sect. 56. Goods not landed in 15 days to be sent to the public store, and all goods so deposited to be at the risk and charge of the importer ; and if not entered and the duties paid, or secured .within nine mmiths to be sold, (being first advertised for one month,) the surplus money arising from such sale, after the du- ties and charges are paid, to be paid into the treasury of the United States, for the benefit of tlie owners, who, upon due proof of the property, shall be entitled to the same. Perishable arti- cles may be sold immediately.

Sect. 66. Goods entered under a fraudulent invoice to be for- feited, or where the collector shall suspect that such goods are not invoiced agreeable to the sum such goods are sold for at the place from whence they are imported, to be taken into his pos- session at the risk aud expense of the importer, until they are appraised, and in case of prosecution for the forfeiture aforesaid, such appraisement shall not exclude other pr^of on trial, of the ac- tual and real cost of the said goods at the place from whence im- ported.

Sect. 67. Packages may be opened in presence of two mer- chants, upon suspicion of fraud, and repacked under the inspec- tion of an officer ; and if found to differ from the entr>', to be for- feited unless made appear to the satisfaction of the principal offi- cers of the customs, or a court on trial, that such differeMice pro- ceeds from accident or mistake, or without intention of fraud.

Returned Cargo,

Sect. 47. When goods. See. the growth or manufactures of the United States shall be returned, net having been shipped for the benefit of drawback or bounty, no duty to be demanded.

Sect. 48. Report and entry of such goods, &c. to be made, and proof, by oath or affirmation, of the facts thereof.

N. B. When the goods so returned have been exported from any other district than the one they may be imported in, bonds to be given by the importer, in addition to the above oath, in the sum ot the' duties, that within six months a certificate shall be

xlii Whitely^s Philadelphia Register,

produced from the collector of the cusfoms for the district from whence they were exported, tliat such goods were actually so exported : in default of whicj*, the bond to be forfeited and the penalty paid.

If any articles of the outward cargo are brought back, they are to be detained, specifying by whom shipped outward, and to whom consigned inward.

Return of passengers, and of packages belonging to them re- spectively. (Here insert the names of the passengers and whether cabin or steerage passengers ; with the description and number of packages containing their baggage, or the tools or implements of a mechanical trade.)


Sect. 46. Entry to be made by passengers, of all clothes, tools, or implements of trade or professions, arriving in the U. States to settle which articles are exempted from duty.

If the articles shall be entered by any other person than the owner, bond to be given in a sum equal to the amount of what the duties would be if imported subject to duty : that the owner shall within one year verify such entry on oath, or the collector may direct such baggage to be examined ; and if any article is contained therein which ought to pay duty, entry must be made thereof, and if an entry is made as aforesaid, and upon examina- tion thereof, any article is found therein subject to duty, {not huving- been expressed at the time of making' the entry,) it is for- feited'; and the person in whose baggage the same shall be found forfeits and shall pay treble the value thereof.

31ode of obtaining Drawback on Foreign Merchandise,

Sect. 75. Merchandise imt)orted into the United States, (foreign caught fish, fish oil, and playing cards excepted,) if exported within one year from the paying or securing the duties thereon, from the ports of original importation, are entitled to a drawback of such duties, or may be transported coast ways to certain dis- tricts, and the drawback, if exported from thence to a foreign port, excepting those immediately adjoining the United States,* by observing the following directions ; Provided the duties paid or secured on such merchandise, imported by one person or co- partnership, and entered at the same time, shall amount t.oJifty dollars^ except distilled liquors, which must be one hundred and Jifty gallons^ and exported in the original casks, cases, chests, boxes, or other packages, in which they were imported, except liquors in casks, coffee or cocoa in casks or other packages, or unrefined sugar, which may be filled up out of others of the same importation, or put up into new casks or packages corre-

* St. Augustine, Nova Scotia, Halifax, and the Canadas.

Whitely*s Philadelphia Register, xliii

spending therewith, which must be marked and numbered as the originals, but no change or filling up to take place, unless the casks or other packages are unfit for exportation, and in no other case ; the whole to be performed under the inspection of a pro- per officer appointed for that purpose.

When articles are imported in bulk, the packages in which they are landed shall be deemed the packages of original impor- tation, and must be exported in the same ; and all certificates for distilled spirits, wines, or teas, must be given up, or no draw back to be allowed.

Sect. 76 Twenty-four hours notice to be given by lodging an entry therefor before shipping the goods, except distilled spirits, ■which require but six hours ; and goods shipped without a pro- per permit, forfeit the drawback.

Previously to any permit being given, proof must be made by the importer, of the importation and the paying or securing the duties thei'eon, and eveiy other person through whose hands such merchandise may have passed, of the identity thereof.

Sect. 82. If any goods, wares, or merchandise, entered for exportation with intent to drawback the duties, shall be landed within the limits of the United Stages, the same is subject to sei- zure and forfeiture, together with the ship or vessel, and the vessels or boats used in landing the same : and all persons con- cerned therein, upon conviction, to suffer imprisonment not ex- ceeding six months.

Sect. 77. Merchandise may be transported coastways to such ports as vessels arriving from the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond the same, are admitted to enter at, by making the following entry, and obtaining a certificate from the port of original importation.

Sect. 7S. The certificate accompaning such merchandise to be produced at the time of making entry, upon which a permit will be granted for unlading ; and if intended to be exported to a fo- reign port, the same proceedings to be had as if such merchan- dise had been originally imported into the district from whence they are to be exported

Sect. 79. Merchandise may be transported across the state of New Jersey, by the following route to Philadelphia, and exported from thence to a foreign port, and obtain drawback, viz : New- Brunswick, South Amboy, and Lambertcn,Bordentown, cr Bur- lington, by making an entry as if transported by water; the said merchandise to be inspected and mai kf d previous to the land- ing on board any packet with intention of tranbportation as afore- said, and obtaining the certificate as in otiier cases ; and if m.er- chandise is transported by any other route than expressed in tne passport accompanying the same, or if the marks, fastenings or seals that may be placed thereon, by direction of any officer of the customs, be broken or defaced, or unpacked, the merchan- dise in respect to which such omission or wrong doing shall hap- pen, or the value thereof, shall be forfeited.

Sect. 80. If goods are exportedfrom the district into which they were originally imported, the exporter shall receive from the col- lector of such district, a debenture or debentures for the amount of such drawback, payable at the exact time or times on which the duties on such goods shall become due. Provided^ that If the da-

xliv W'hitely''s Philadelphia Register.

ties on such merchandise shall have been paid prior to an entry for exportation, the debenture shall be made payable in 15 days from the time of signing the bond; and the debenture may be made pay- able to the original importer when the same shall be requested in •writing by the exporter, and not otherwise.

If merchandise having been imported coastways, accompanied ■with a certificate, shall be exported to a foreign port, the exporter to receive a certfficate from the collector of the district from whence exported ; which is to be produced to the collector of the district of originalimportation,andthe drawback to be paid at such port, u])on debenture or debentures being granted thereon, pmy- able as aforesaid but in no case is the drawback to be paid until the duties are first received.

Information generally.

Sect. 43. The want of certificates of distilled spirits, wines, or teas,jsubject such articles to seizure and 50 dollars fine if such cer- tificates are not delivered to the purchaser ; and if any cask", chest, vessel or case, containing such articles shall be found in the pos- session of any person, without being marked, and not being accom- panied with a certificate, the sanie is liable to seizure.

Skct. 44. On the scale of any cask, &c. which has been marked, the marks to be defaced in presence of «ome officer of inspection or customs and the certificate of the same to be delivered up, under the penalty of 100 dollars and costs of suit.

Sect. 50. Goods from foreign ports, not to be unladen but be* tween sunrise and sunset, without special license, under a penalty of 400 dollars on the master and every other person concerned, disability from holding any office under the government of the United States for seven years, and being advertised in the news- papers, with forfeiture of the goods; and if above four hundred dollars value, of vessel and apparel.

Sect. 51. Goods removed before gnaged and weighed, (and if wines, spirits, or teas, before being marked,) without permission, are forfeited.

Sect. 98. Persons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit from 200 to 2000 dollars. Inspectors, and officers of revenue cutters, may go on board, examine, and search vessels : have free access to the cabin, and seal packages : and after sunset, secure hatches, &c. Persons in charge of vessels, for breaking fastenings, but in pre- sence of an officer, forfeit 200 dollars.

Officers may seize within or without theirdistricts persons re- sisting or impeding them, forfeit 400 dollars.

The master or commander of any vessel, that shall obstruct or hinder, (or be the cause thereof,) any officer of the revenue, io going on board his ship or vessel, for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the revenue laws of the United States, forfeit,from 50 to 500 dollars.


Register Act.

Every owner of a vessel, residing within the limits of the United States, to swear to the register within 90 days ^er ist being

JVhitely^s Philadelphia Register, adv

granted, or it becomes void, and the vessel and cargo pays foreign tonnage and dut>\

Consuk and Fice-Conmls.

By an act of Congress of the 28th of February, 1805, it is made the duty of every master of any vessel bound on a toreign vo\ age, before any clearance is granted, to deliver to the cohector ot the customs, under oath or affirmation, a list contc^ining the names, place of residence, and a description of the per?»ons coujpfisingihe ship's company, as tar as he can ascertain them, and the collector shall deliver him a certified copy thereof, for which the collector shall be entitled to 2* cents; and the said master is to enter into bond, with security, in the sum of 400 dollar^, tot- xhibit the afore- said cenified copy of the list tothehri«c boarding officer, at the first port in the United States, at \vhi( h he shall arrive on his return, and then and there produce the persons named therein. The bond not to be foiieited, on failure of the master to produce any per- son contained in the list, who may be discharged in a foreign coun- try, with the consent of the consul, \ice-consul, commercial agent or vice-commercial agent there residing, signed in writing, uiider his hand and official seal : nor on account of any such person d>mg, or absconding, or being forcibly impressed into other service. Sect.*2. Makes it the duty of every mas>teror commander of any ship or vessel belongmg to the United States, on his arrival at a foreign port, todep^sii his register, sea-letter, and Mediterranean passport, with the consul, vice-consul, commercial agent, (it any there be at such port,) and in case of refusal, he forfeits oOu dol- lars ; and when the said master produces a clearance from the prcf- per officer of the port, it is the duty of the said consul, vice-consu?, or commercial agent, to return him all of his said papers.

Sect. 3. Whenever a ship or vessel of the United States shall be sold in a foreign countrv'. and her company discharged, or when an American seaman shall bv his own consent be discharged in a foreign country, it is the diity of the master or commander to pro- duce to the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, a certified list of the ship's company, and to pay to such consul, 8cc. for every seaman so discharged, three monthi pay over and above the wages then due to such seaman ; two-thirds thereof to be paid by such consul, to each seaman so discha'-ged, and the other remaining third to be retained for the purpose i;f creating a fund for the maintenance of destitute American seamen in such foreign port.

Sect. 4. Makes it the dutv- of the consuls, vice consuls, com- mercialagentsand vice-commercial agents, to provide for thesea- men of the United States, who may be found in their districts re- spectively, sufficient subsistence and passages to some port in the United States, at the expense of the Lnited States, subject to such instnictions as the Secretan' of State shall give ; and it is made the duty of all masters andcommanders ol vessels of the United States, bound to a port of the same, to take such seamen on board of their ships or vessels, at the request of said consuls, &c. (not more than two men to every hundr«i tons burthen of his ship ©r vessel,) and

xlvi Whiteli/''s Philadelphia Register.

to transport them to the port in the United States to which he is bound, on such terms as may be agreed on, not exceeding ten dollars for each person ; and if the captain or commander refuses to take such2,feeamen on the request of the consul, 8cc. he forfeits 100 dollars for each seaman so refused.

Sect. 6. Fixes the fee of the consuls, &c. for a certificate of discharge of any seaman in a foreign port at 50 cents ; and allows them two and a half per cent, on all monies received and paid on account of such discharges.

Sect. 7. Subjects the consuls to a fine not exceeding 10,000 dol- lars, and imprisonment not exceeding three years, for knowingly giving a false certificate, stating that property of foreigners be- longs to citizens of the United States.

Sect. 8. Subjects the consuls, &c. to a fine not exceeding 1000 dollars, for knowingly certifying that an alien is a citizen of the United States.

Sect. 9. Provides that all powers of attorney, executed in a fo- reign country, for the transfer of any stock ol the United States, or for receiving interest thereon, shall be verified by the certificate and seal of a consul, vice-consul, commercial agent, or vice-com- mercial agent, if any there be at the place where the same shall be executed, for which the said consul, &c. shall receive 50 cents. .



Between 112 and 120 south Second street, below Dock. Office hours from 9 o'clock, A. M. till 2, P. M.

Gen. John Steele, Co//ec^or— Andrew Epplce, Defiuty Collector —Samuel Clark, JVaval Officer—Robert Heysham, Deputy J\ra- val Officer James Glentworth, Surveyor James Glentworth, jun. Deputy Surveyor John Steele, jun. Weigher Samuel Ross, Deputy Weigher Isaac Milnor, Ga?/^d'r— ^James S. Hubcr, Jacob Kucher, J. Henderson, and Joseph Abbott, Measurers of Salt and Coa/— Samuel Ross, and Thomas Stewart, ./^/z/ircisfr* Andrew Geyer, Inspector and Keeper of the Public Stores.

Inspector's Office, 49 South wharves, below Walnut street.

Inspectors^ ^J. P. Schoot, Peter Ozeas, Andrew Jackson, Ben- jamin Thomas, (capt. of Revenue barge,) Robert Hopkins, Fre- derick ShuU— ^^ Marcus Hook, Thomas Cash, Benjamin Ash- mead, James Stuart, Charles Anderson, Henry Huber, James Engle, David Rose At the Lazaretto, Rowland Smith, John R. Dickson, John Brown, Jacob Zebley, Job Whipple, John Davis, J. W. Durant, W. Dalzell, Chambers Gaw, Gilbert Gaw, H. Huddy, John Reed, and J. Robinson.

it/*' Directions for finding the different Offices in the Custom House. The desks oir the Clerks, &c. are numbered from 1 to 11, and the business done at each desk, as follows :

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register. xlvii

Desk, No. 1. Entrance and Clearance of Vessels from and to foreign ports, and for preparing ship's papers.

No. 2. Cashier, and for the Entrance and Clearance of Vessels coastwise.

No. 3. Examination of Inward Entries, calculations of Duties and Drawbacks.

No. 4. Record of Imports.

No. 5. Bonds for Duties taken and Permits issued.

No. 6. Debentures paid, &c.

No. 7, Exports and Debenture;

No. 8. Record of Exports.

No. 9. Miscellaneous.

No. 10. Miscellaneous.

No. 11. Protections, &c. Surveyor's office, down stairs.


Samuel M. Sykes, No. 1 Elmslie's alley Barnes and Diehl, opposite the Custom House Samuel Emery, 109 south Second below Dock street


For the City Peter S. Duponceau, Peter Lohra, Nicholas Diehl, George Heyl, Benjamin Nones, and Clement C. Biddle For Southtvark. Richard Renshaw. For the Northern Liberties. John Goodman, jun.


Robert Halston, President Thomas M Willing, ., Vice-Presidents Robert Smith, Treasurer John Vaughan, Se- cretary.

The stated meetings of the Chamber are held on the first Mon- day of each month, at seven o'clock in the evening. At the January meeting the officei^s are elected. To a Committee (appointed every month,) of five members, all differences, of ■which the Chamber is required to take cognizance, are referred for adjustment. Applications to the Committee to be made through the Secretary. Instituted in 1801.


Appointed annually in April office No. 18 Walnut street.

James Josiah, Master Warden Paul Cox, Stephen Girard» Joseph Reynolds, William Newbold, William West, and Charles Penrose, Wardens Thomas Jackson, Clerk Captain Henry Kenyon, Quarantine Master of the port of Philadelfihia^ 41 north 8th— Caleb Earle, Harbour Master.

Attendance given from 9 o'clock, A M. to 3, P. M. On Sa- turday, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 1 P. Mi and from 2 o'clock to sunset.

Surveyors of Damaged Ships and their Cargoes^ John Mease, William Hawks, and Arthur Stotesbury.


xlviii Whitely's Philadelphia Register.

Rates of Pilotage. INWARDS— Under and up to 12 feet, at 3 dolls. 33 cents per foot.

Above 12 feet, at 4 dollars and 16 cents per foot. OUTWARDS— -Under and up to 12 feet, at 2 dells. 50 cents per foot. Above 12 feet, at 3 dollars and 33 cents per foot And ten dollars extra, from tlie 20th of November until the 10th of March, inclusive, is paid by all vessels of 100 tons bur- then and upwards.

Foreign bottoms pay two dollars and 67 cents, in addition to the above.


Warden* s Office y J^ovemher 20, 1818. For the information and government of Owners, Masters, and others, having the command, care, or charge of Ships or Ves- sels within the port or harbour of Philadelphia, the Wardens of the port conceive it necessary to publish the following Rules and Uegulations:

1. Every ship or vessel that may arrive in this harbour, and that shall come to anchor in the stream, any where between Al- mond street (in the district of Southwark,) and Vine street, having previously caused her gunpowder, if she had any on board, to be landed as the law directs, may remain in that situation 24 hours, and no longer ; taking care to lay as near to the Island, or Sand-bar, as may be consistent with their safety. But if, from the circumstance of a a essel having servants on board, or from any other cause, it may be thought necessary or convenient to lay a longer time in the stream, then, and in every such case, the Owner, Master, Pilot, or other person, having the charge or di- rection of such vessel, shall remove her from opposite the city, and shall moor her, or cause her to be moored to the northward of Vine street, with one anchor and cable up, and one anchor and cable down the stream ; and in both the above mentioned situations, the regulations contained in the next succeeding arti- cle to be duly attended to.

2. When a ship or other vessel shall be hauled into any wharf or dock, or along side of another vessel that may be lying at such wharf or dock, the Owner, Master, Pilot, or whoever may have the command, care or direction of her, shall have her securely made fast, and if outside of another vessel, shall get one good fast from each end of the vessel to the shore, and within 24 hours thereafter, cause her jib-boom, spritsail-yard, main-boom, ring- tail and driver-booms, if any they have, to be rigged in, and their lower yards topped up, in such a manner as least to interfere with vessels passing.

3. If any vessel, properly moored in the stream, shall have her anchor or cable overlaid by another ship or vessel, in anchoring or mooring, the Master or person having the care or direction of such last-n»entioned ship or vessel, shall immediately, or soon as may be, after application made to him by the party aggrieved, cause the said anchor and cable so overlaying, to be taken up and cleared.

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register, xlix

4. If the fasts of a ship or vessel, when moored at a wharf, shall extend across a dock, so as to obstruct the passing or re- passing of a shallop, lighter, or other craft or vessel, the Master or other person having the charge or command of such ship or vessel, shall upon the first application, immediately cause such fast or fasts to be cast off or slacked down.

5. No outward bound vessel putting off from a wharf, shall lay longer in tlie stream, between Vine street and Almond street (in the district of South wark,) above-mentioned, than 24 hours. And if vessels lying at the end of wharves, so much interlock with each other, as to prevent vessels from hauling in or out of the docks, the Master, Owner, Pilot, or other persoi\ having charge of the same, shall immediately on appUcation from any person so wanting to haul his vessel in or out of the dock aforesaid, have the vessel or vessels, so interfering, moved in such manner as to accommodate the one applied for ; in which case the vessel mak- ing room for another to haul in or out, shaU have liberty to make her warps fast to the most convenient place adjacent for a reason- able time, and that all sea vessels, when transporting or wanting to haul into a wharf or dock, or to make sail in order to proceed to sea, shall have tlie same privilege.

6. When atiy ship or vessel is lying along side any wharf, and not taking in or discharging, she shall make way for, and permit any vessel that wants to unload or load, to come inside next the wharf, until she discharges or loads her cargo ; and the said ves- sel when so discharged or loaded, shall haul outside, and give wa)'^ to the ship or vessel that first occupied the wharf Provid- ed, that from the first day of December, to the first day of March, no vessel shall be compelled to move.

JAMES JOSIAH, Master Warden.

Authorized Inspectors of Lumber ^ Flour ^ 'i^c.

OF LUMBER. Ebenczer Ferguson, Head-Insfiector Peter Gable, Samuel Ferguson, John How, William Powell, George Engle, Alexander Ramsey, John Dickerson, Archibald Cozens, Samuel Work, John C. Kelsey, P. C. Firth, Joseph Barger, 73 south Fifth, and Joseph Ebertle, 143 Vine.

OF STAVES. Abraham Mitchell.

OF SALT PROVISIONS. Daniel Bussier, No. 13 N. Water

OF BUTTER AND LARD Thomas Enuis, office Arch above 2d

OF BARK Joseph Starne.

OF FLOUR Jacob Holgate. Head Inspector Nathaniel Koplin, and John Danenhower, Deputxj Insfiectors,

Regulator of Weights Isf Measures John Dorsey, Decatur st.

Regulator of Dry Measures Jacob Slemmer, 439 north 3d

Measurers of Grain ^ Coal^ and Salt,

Office north side Spruce street wharf.

Head Measurer John M'Leod, No. 48 Swanson street. Deputy Measurers Samuel Smith, No. 1 Spruce st. wharf, & 199 S Front— John Scott, 26 Spruce— James B. Scott, 36 Spruce

I Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register*

Ez^kiel Starrat, Federal st. above Second—Daniel Newman, Locust cor. 12th— Charles Callahgan, 9 Wood—John Roberts^ Tenth below Pine— John Allison. 11 Passyunk road Henry Y. Darnell, 234 Catharine— James Wilkins, {coal) inquire at No. 1 Spruce St. wharf— George M. Heckman, {coal and salt^ 208 N. Water— Samuel H. M'Fetrich, {coal, grain, and salt) inquire N E cor. Queen and 2d— Joseph Abbott, 155 St. John.

Sufierijitendant of Powder Magazine-^Chavles Souder, Esq.

Inspectors of Domestic Sfnritous Liquors John Chamberlain, No. 310 Vine street- Henry Sparks, High cor. Sch. 5th.



President His Excellency James Monroe, of Virginia, Vice-President His Excellency Daniel D. Tompkins, of N. York. Secretary of State Hon. John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts. Secretary oj the Treasury Hon. Wm. H. Crawford, of Georgia. Secretary of War Hon John C. Calhoun, of South-Carolina. Secretary of the Aai;?/— Hon. Smith Thompson, of New-Yorlp Attorney General Hon. William Wirt, of Virginia.

[The above officers, with the exception of the Vice-President, coinpose the Cabinet.]



New-Hamfishire David L. Morrill, Joseph F. Parrott. Massachusetts Harrison G. Otis, Prentiss Mellen. Rhode-Island William Hunter, James Burrill,juh. Connecticut James Lannan, Samuel W. Dana.

Vermont Palmer. Isaac Tichenor.

JS/ew-York Rufus King, Nathan Sanford. jsTew-Jersey James J. Wilson, Mahlon Dickerson. Pennsylvania Walter Lowrie, Jonathan Roberts. Delaware Outerbridge Horsey, Nicholas Van Dyke. Maryland Robert H. Goldsborough, (One vacant.) Virginia James Barbour, John W. Eppes. JVbrth Carolina Nathaniel Macon, Montfort Stokes South Carolina John Gaillard, WilUam Smith. Georgia John Elliott, (One vacant.) Kentucky John J. Chittenden, William Logan. Tennessee John Williams, John H. Eaton. OAio— Edward Trimble, Benjamin Ruggles. Louisiana James Brown, Henry Johnsom Indiana ^Waller I'aylor, James Noble. Mississippi Thomas H. Williams, Walter Leake. Illinois Ninian Edwards, Jesse B. Thomas.

Wiiiteii/''s Philadelphia Register, li


President His Excellency Daniel D. Tompkins, of New-York. Secretary Charles Cutts, Esq. of New-Hampshire. Serjeant-at-arms Mountjoy Baily. Door-keeper Henry Tims.


Jsr^tv Hampshire Joseph Butler, Nathaniel Upham, Clifton •- Clagett, -Buffum, Arthur Livermore, Plumer, jun. 6.

Vermo7ii Samuel C. Crafts, Ezra Meech, William Strong, Charles Rich, Mark Richards, O. C. Merrill— 6-. i Massachusettfi Samuel C. Allen, Jonathan Mason, Tiriiothy, '■ Fuller, Marcus Morton, Walter Folger, jr. Benj. Adams, Joshua Cushman, John Holmes, Zabdiel Sampson, Edward Dowse, Na- thaniel Silsbee, Jeremiah Nelson, Ezekiel Whitman, Jonas Ken- dall, Enoch Lincoln, Mark L. Hill, Martin Kinsley, Samuel La» throp, Henry Shaw, James Parker. 20.

Rhode Island, Nathaniel Hazard, Samuel Eddy. 2.

Connecticut H. W. Edwards, James Stevens, J. O. Moseley, Gideon Tomlinson, John Russ, Elisha Phelps, Samuel A. Foot.

J\reiv- York Silas Wood, Ebenezer Sage, Henry Meigs, Peter H. Wendover, Caleb Tompkins, Randall S. Street, James Strong, Walter Case, Jacob H. De Witt, Robert Clark, Solomon Van Rensselaer, John D. Dickinson, John W. Taylor, Natnaniel Pitcher, EzraC. Cross, Harmanus Peck, John Fay, Robert Mo- nell, Joseph S. Lyman, Henry R. Storrs, Aaron Hackley, jr. Wil- liam D. Ford, George Hall, Jonathan Richmond, Caleb Baker, Nathaniel Allen, Albert H. Tracy. 27.

Keno-Jersey Henry Southard, Joseph Bloomfield, John Lynn, Ephraim Bateman, Bernard Smith, John Condit. 6.

Pennsylvania John Sergeant, Samuel Edwards, Joseph Hemphill, Thomas Forrest, W^liam Darlington, Samuel G-ose, James M Wallace, Jacob Hostetter, Jacob Hibsham, Andrew Boden, David FuHerton, Thomas J. Rogers, Samuel "D, Moore, Joseph Heister, Robert Philson, William P. Maclay, George Dennison, John Murray, David Marchand, Thomas Patterson, Christian Tarr, Henry Baldwin, Robert Moore. 23.

jD(?/awar^— WiUiam Hall, Louis M'Lane. 2.

Maryland Thomas Culbreth, Peter Little, S imuel Ringgold, Samuel Smith, Stevenson Archer, Joseph Kent, Thomas Bavley, Ralph Neal, H. R. Warfield.— 9.

Virginia WiUiam L. Ball, Philip P. Barbour, Wm. A. Bur- well, John Floyd, Robert S. Garnett, James Johnson, William M'Coy, Charles F. Mercer, Hugh Nelson, Thomas Newton, James Pindall, James Pleasants, Ballard Smith, Alexander Smyth, GeoTrge F. Strother, John Tyler, Mark Alexander, Se- vern E. Parker, John Randolph, George Tucker, Jared Wil- liams, James Jones, T. W. Van Swearingen. 23.

North Carolina Jesse Slocumb, Lemuel Sawyer, Tho:.!.^, Hall, J. J. Smith, Weldon, N. Edwards, Thos. Settle, WiUia u Davidson, Levin Williams, Chas. Fisher, Felix Walker, Charles Hooks, H. G. Burton, John Culpepper. 13.


ill Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

South Carolina Charles Pinckney, William Lowndes, James Irwin, James Overstreet, Sterling 'rucker, Eldred Simkins, Elias Earle, John M'Crerv, Joseph Brevard. 9.

Georgia R. B. Reid, John A. Cuthbert, William Terrill, Joel Crawford, Joel Abbott, P. W. Cobb.— 6.

Kentucky Henry Clay, David Trimble, George C. Robinson,

Richard C Anderson, Metcalf. (The other members not


Tennessee John Rhea, Newton Cannon, R. Allen, Francis Jones, Robert Mack. (One not ascertained.)

Ohio Thos. R. Ross, Henry Brush, Philemon Beacher. (The other members not known.)

Louisiana Butler 1.

Indiana William Hendricks. 1.

MUsissififii Christopher Rankin. 1.

Illinois Daniel P. Cook. 1.

Alabama John Crowell.

Missouri Territory. John Scott 1.

Michigan Territory W. W. Woodbridge.


Speaker Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky,

Clerk Thomas Dougherty, Esq.

Serjeant-at-arms Thomas Dunn.

Doorkeeper Thomas Claxton.

RECAPITULATION. Senators ... 42

Representatives - -♦ 185 Delegate . - - i



General Post Office.

Return J. Meigs, jun. Ohio, Postmaster General, salary, 4000 dollars Assistant, Abraham Bradley, Conn, salary 2500 dollars —Assistant, Phineas Bradley, Conn, salary 2500 dollars— An- drew Coyle, chief clerk.

United States Mint (at Philadelphia.)

Robert Patterson, Director; salary 2000 dollars ;— James Rush, Treasurer ; salary, 1200 dollars Adam Eckfeldt, Coiner; salary, 1500 dollars Joseph Richardson, Assayer ; salary, 1500 dollars— Joseph Cloud, Refiner ; salary, 1500 dollars— Robert Scott, Engraver; salary, 1200 dollars ^William Stern, Door- keeper and Watch WilUam M'Minn, Cai'penter and Adjuste? Philip Summers, Melter John Mann, Annealer Wm. Tag- gert, George Walters, Wm. Stern, Benj. Louderback, John Summers and Michael Simpson, pressmen One clerk at §700. Land Department,

Josiah Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office ; sala- ry, 3000 dollars— Edward Tiffin, Surveyor General ; salary, 2000

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register. iiii

dollars, office at Chilicothe, Ohio— Thomas Freeman, Surveyor, south of Tennessee ; salary, 2000 dollars ; office at Washington, Mississippi Territory William Rector, Surveyor of lUinois and Missouri Territories John Coffee, Surveyor D. W. Hale, Collector of Direct and Internal Duties, state of Indiana.

Architect of the Capitol. Charles Bulfinch.


John Marshall of Virginia, Chief Justice of the United States ; salary. 5000 dollars.

Associate Judges Bushrod Washington, Virginia William Johnson, jun. South Carolina B. Livingston, New -York Thos, Todd, Kentucky Gabriel Duval, Maryland Joseph Story, Massachusetts. Salary 4500 dollars each.

William Wirt, ot Virginia, Attorney General of the United States ; salary, 3500 dollars.

District yudges.

District of Maine, Albion K. Parris New Hampshire, John S; Sherburne Massachusetts, John Davis Rhrde Island, Da- vid Howell Vermont, Elijah Paine Connecticut, Pierpont Ed- wards,— New- York, Chief Judge New- York

Additional Judge, Wm. P. Van Ness New-Jersey, Wm. S. Pennington Pennsylvania, Eastern District, Richard Peters .-Pt'tnsylvania, Western District, Jonathan H. Walker Dela- ware, John Fisher Maryland, Virginia, Eastern

District, St. George Tucker Virginia, Western District, John G. Jackson North Carolina, Henry Potter South Carolina, John Drayton— Georgia, William Da vies Kentucky, Robert Trimble Tennessee, John M'Nairy Ohio, Charles W. Bird- Indiana, Berjamin Parke Louisiana, Dominic A. Hall Missis- sippi, Wm. Bayard Shields Illinois, Nathaniel Pope Colum- bia, Chief Judge, William Cranch Assistant Judges, Buckner Thruston, James S. Mosrell, Henry G.Webb.

Clerks to the Supreme^ Circuity and District Courts, Supreme Court, Elias B. Caldwell District of New-Hamp- shire, Jonathan Steel Maine, Henry Sewall Massachusetts, John W. Davis— Rhode Island, Benjamin Coweil Vermont, Cephas Smith Connecticut, Henry Edwards— New York, Gilbert L. Thompson, Southern district ;R. R. Lansing, North- ern district New Jersey, Robert Boggs Pennsylvania, David Caldwell Delaware, A. Johns Maryland, Phihp Moore— Vir- ginia, east, Richard Jeifries North Carolina, Wm. H.Haywood South Carolina, James Jervay Georgia, John J. Bullock- Kentucky, John H. Hanna Tennessee, Robert M. Gavock— Ohio, Humphrey FuUerton Louisiana, Wm. Claiborne Co- lumbia, Wm. Brent, Washington county ; Edmund I. Lee, Alex- andria county.

liv JVhitely'^s Philadelphia /Register.

District Aitornies.

New-Hampshire, Daniel Humphries Maine, Wm. P. Preble Massachusetts, George Blake Rhode Island, Asher Robbins Connecticut, Hezekiah Huntington Vermont, Titus Hutch- inson— New-York, Robert Tillotson, Southera district ; Roger Skinner, Northern District New Jej'sey, Joseph M'llvaine Pennsylvania, Charles J. Ingersoll, Eastern district ; Andrew Stewart, Western district Delaware, George Read, jun. Ma- ryland, Elias Glenn Virginia, Robert Stanard, Eastern district ; Jacob Beeson, Western district North Carolina, James M'Kay South Carohna, Thomas Parker Georgia, Richard W. Ha- bersham— Kentucky, George M. Bibb East Tennessee, John M'Campbell West Tennessee, Henry Crabb— Ohio, John C. Wright Columbia, Walter Jones, jun. Louisiana, John Dick Mississippi, Bela Metcalf Indiana, Alexander A. Meek- Missouri, Robert Wash Illinois, Jepthah Hardin.

Marshals. New- Hampshire, Michael M'Clary Maine, Thomas G. Thornton Massachusetts, James Prince Rhode Island, Ebe- nezer K. Dexter Counecticat, Robert Fairchild Vermont, David Robinson New York, Thomas Morris, Southern dis- trict; John W. Livingston, Northern district New Jersey, Oli- ver Wayne Ogden Pennsylvania, John Conard, Eastern distiict; William B. Irish, W^esterh distiict Delaware, James Brobson Maryland, Paul Bentalou Virginia, Andrew Moore, Eastern district; Benjamin Reeder, Western district North Carolina, Beverly Daniel South Carolina, Morton A. Waring Georgia, John H. Morrell Kentucky, Robert Crocket East Tennessee,

Charles I. Porter West ' Tennessee, Ohio, John

Hamm Columbia, Tench Ringgold Louisiana, Michael Rey- nolds— Indiana, John Vawter Mississippi, Heniy G. Johnson Illinois, Robert Lemmon.


LOCAL. The Governors of Territories have a local super- intendency of Indian affairs, ex officio^ within the limits of their I'^sjjective territorial jurisdictions.

Missouri Territory. William Ciavk, of Kentucky, Governor ; salarv, £000 dollars Frederick Bates, SecretarV ; salarv, 1000 dollars Judges, Silas Bent, John B. C Lucas, William Sprigg, each 1000 dollars Additional Judge, George Bullit Charles Lucas, Attorney Henry Dodge, Marshal.

Michigan Territory. Lewis Cass, Governor Wm, Woodbridge, Secretan* Judges, Augustus B. Woodward, James Witherell, John Griffin. Alabama Territory.

Wm. W. Bibb, of Georgia, Governor John W. Walker, Se- cretary,

IVhitely^s Philadelphia Register, UNITED STATES' NAVY.




74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 44 44 44 44 44






::New-Orleans, -


Virginia, -


New- York,


New Hampshire, -


United States,

Guerriere, - -

Java, - - -


One building at Washington, 44

- - ° 36

36 36 33 32 32 28 24 24 22 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 12 12 12

Constellation, Congress, Macedonian,

Fulton the First, Steam frig. tConfiance,

iMohawk, - - -

Cyane, > - - John Adams, corvette^

tGeneral Pike, corvette,

iSaratoga, - - - ^iLawrence,

jErie, - - - -

Peacock, - - -

Ontario, - - -

iomet, - - -

IDetroit, - - -

::Jefferson, - - - :^ Jones,

::Madison, - - -

::Niagara, - - -

!LiOuisiana, - - -

Linnet, _ _ -

iSylph, - - ' Boxer,

Saranac, _ - -


Oneida, - - -

Queen Charlotte,

anger, _ - - Enterprise,

Spark, _ . - Eagle,

When and where built

1814 Boston

1816 Portsmouth, (N H)

1815 Philadelphia

1819 Washington, (D C) Sackett*s Harbour ditto ditto Building at Norfolk Building at Philadelphia Building at New York Building at Boston Building at Portsmouth,

1797 Boston

1797 Philadelphia

1814 Philadelphia

1814 Baltimore

Sackett's Harbour

1797 Baltimore

1797 Portsmouth, (N H)

Captured 1812, England columbiads. New York

Captured 1814

1814 Sackett's Harbour Captured 1815

1813 Sackett's Harbour 1813 Erie

1813 New-York 1809 Baltimore

1813 Erie

1815 Sackett's Harbour

ditto ditto

1812 Erie

Captured 1814

1813 Sackett's Harbour 1815 Hartford, (Conn.)

ditto 1814

1815 Sackett's Harbour- Captured 1813

Ivi Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.


Nonsuch, - - > 6

Surprise, - _ _ 6

Lynx, - - . _ 5

Hornet, - _ . 5

Fox, - - - - 4

Despatch, - _ - 2

Ghent, - - _ 1

Lady of the Lake, - 1

Porcupine, - - - 1

Alert, store ship, - none Captured 1814

Corporation, - -

Tickler, - - -

^tna, Vesuvius, and Ven- geance, bombs.

(tT* Those ships marked thus %, are upon the Lakes, and ar& considered as forming a part of the Navy.

The smaller vessels are principally stationed at important passes, for the purpose of protecting our commercial trade, from privateers, &c.

Commissioners of the Navy Board.

John Rodgers, Stephen Decatur, and David Porter— J. Paulding, Secretary.

Captains of the United States Navy.

Alexander Murray, John Rodgers, James Barron, William Bainbridge, Hugh G. Campbell, Stephen Decatur, Thomas Tin-

fey, Charles Stewart, Isaac Hull, Isaac Chauncey, John Shaw, ohn H. Dent, David Porter, John Cassin, Samuel Evans, Jacob Jones, Charles Morris, Arthur Sinclair, Thomas Macdonough, Lewis Warrington, Joseph Bainbridge, William M.Crane, James T. Leonard, James Biddle, Charles G. Ridglev, Robert T. Spence, Daniel T. Patterson, Samuel Angus, Melancthon T. Woolsey, John Orde Creighton, Edward Trenchard, John Downes, John D. Henley, Jesse D. Elliott.

Masters Commandant of the Navy.

Robert Henley, Stephen Cassin, James Renshaw, David Dea- con, Louis Alexis, Sidney Smith, Thomas Brown, Samuel Wood- house, Charles C. B. Thompson, Alexander S. Wadsworth, George W. Rodgers, George C. Read, Henry E. Ballard, Thomas Gamble, William Carter, jun. Joseph J. Nicholson, Wolcott Chauncey, John H. Elton, Edmund P. Kennedy, Alex- ^n^er J. Dallas, John B. Nicholson, Beekman V. Hoffman, Jesse Wilkinson.

Whitely''s Philadelphia Register. Ivii

Lieutenants of the Navy,

Francis J Mitchell, Joseph Nicholson, John Pettigrew, George Budd, Thomas A. C. Jones, Joseph 8. M'Pherson, John Porter, William B Finch, William B. Shubrick, Henry Wells, Benja- min W. Booth, Alexander Claxton, Charles W. Morgan, Samuel P. Macomber, Raymond H. J. Perry, Lawrence Kearney, Wil- liam H Watson, Thomas Hendry, jun. Foxhall A Parker, Ed- ward R M'Call, Daniel Turner, William H Allen, David Con- nor, John Gallagher, Thomas H Stevens, Henry S Newcomb, James P Oellers, William M Hunter, Joiin D Sloat, John Pack- ett, William H Cocke, Matthew C Perry, Charles W Skinner, Joseph Wragg, Samuel W Adams, John R Madison, Dugomier Taylor, (ieorge Pearce, Frederick W Smith, Nathaniel D Nir cholson, Otho Norris, John T Newton, P A I P Jones, Samuel Henley, A H M Conklin, Joseph Smith, Lawrence Rousseau, George W Storer, Joseph Cassin, Robert M Rose, Beverly Ken- non, Edward Shubrick, Charles A Budd, Francis H Gregory, John M Maury, Robert Spedden, John H Clack, Philip F Voor- hees, Benjamin Cooper, William L Gordon, James Ramage, Si- las Duncan, Dulany Forrest, John Tayloe, jun. David Geisinger, Robert F Stockton, Thomas S Cunningham, Isaac M'Keever, John P Zantziriger, Charles E Crowlev, Heniy Gilliam, William D Salter, Charles S M Cauley, John H Bell, Thomas M Newell, Ehe A F Vallette, W^illiam A Spencer, Francis B Gamble, Wm. Laughton, Nelson Webster, Richard Dashiell, Thomas T Webb, Richard M Winter, John Percival, Charles T Stallings, John H Aulick, William V Taylor, Mervine P Mix, Bladen Dulany, James M'Gowan, George Vancleave, Silas H Stringham, Na- thaniel L Montgomery, William A C Farragut, George B M'Culloh, Walter G Anderson, Stephen ChapHn, William Lowe, Walter N Monteath, Richard G Edwards, Isaac Mayo, William K Latimer, William Mervine, Thomas Crabb, Edward B Babbit, George W Hamersley, Thomas Paine, jun. James Armstrong, Joseph Smoot, Robert B Randolph, William Berry, Samuel L Breese, John Evans, Benjamin Page, jun. John T Rit- chie, John A Wish, John Gwinn, William A Weaver, Thomas W Wayman, James L Morris, John A Belsches, Andrew Fitz- hugh, William M Caldwell, John K Carter, Joseph Cross, Abra- ham S Ten Eick, Thomas Hamersley, John White, William M Robins, Robert Field, Hiram Paulding, Jonathan D Williamson, Charles L Springer, James Trant, Uriah P Levy, Enoch H Johns, Charles Lacy, Clement W Stevens, Chas. Boarman. jun. French Forrest, Edgar Freeman, Thos. A Tippett, W^m. E M'Kenney, William J Belt. Charles H Caldwell, William Jamesson, James W H Ray, William Boerum, Charles L Williamson, Charles Gaunt, William W Ramsay, Ralph Vorhees, James Nicholson, Robert E Searcy, Thomas H Bowyer, Alexander Eskridge, Ebe- nezer Ridgeway, Thomas A Conover, Archibald S Campbell, William Taylor, George W Isaacs, John C Long, Henry R Warner. John H Graham, Nathaniel Carter, jun. Henry Ward, James E McDonald, Henry Henry, Samuel W Downing, Richard S Hunter, William Pottenger, Henry W Ogden, John H Lee,

Iviii Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register.

Walter Abbott, James M K M'Intosh, Josiah Tatnall, William Temple, George M'Cauley, Hugh N Page, James A Perry, Ar- chibald M'Neal, John A Cook, William Inman, Joel Abbot, Lewis E Sitnoiids, John M Dale, Peleg K Dunham, Harrison H Cocke, WiUiam H Mott, William J M'CU.ney, Albert G Wall, Ephraim D Whitlock. James F Curtis, James Goodrum, John B Montgomery, Horace B Sawver. Corif-lius K. Stribling, James E Legare, Joshua R Sdtids, Allen B W Giiffin, i^ichard M Pot- ter, Jo'ii -CuniT^ing-^, Sa.nuel A Ea.iiiu, FrederidtS Gibbon, Samuel W Adams, A. L., Chnrlbtt C Russell, A, Z.., Nicholas Marchand, A. L,y Nathaniel A Prentiss, A. L,

United States'* Navy Agents.

Portland, John J^ Storer Portsmouth, (N H) Henry S Lang- don Bostrtii^ Amos Binney New London, Joseph Hull New York, Robert Swartwout Philadelphia, (ieorge Harrison Bal- timoi'e, James Beatly Annapolis, John Randall Morfolk, Miles King Charleston, John Ronertson Sav.nnah, John P Henry Kentucky, James Morrison— > ew Orleaus, I K. Smith New- port, (R I) Constant Taber— Hartfoid, (Con.) John Morgan- Wilmington, (N C) Joshua Potts Nevv.>crn, Jeremiah Brown New Castle, J S R)d die-— London, Baring, Brothers & Co. Bank- ers of United Slates Barcelona, Richard M'Call.

A commission is allowed to navy agents not exceeding one per cent, upon their disbursements. Their whole annual emoluments are limited by law to §2,000, without any allowance for clerk hire, porters, office rent, stationary, or any thing else. Every charge must be paid out of their commissions.


Jacob Brown, Major General.

Andrew Jackson, Major General.

Alexander Macomb, Brigadier General, maj gen. brev-

Edmund P Gaines, Brigadier General, maj. gen. brev.

Wnifield Scott, Brigadier General, maj. gen. brev.

Eleazer W Ripley, Brigadier General, maj. gen. brev.

Daniel Parker, Adjutant and Inspector General, brig. gen. brev.

Thomas S Jesup, Quarter Master General, brig gen. brev.

Robert Butler, Adjutant General, col brev.

Roger Jones, Adjutant General, col. brev.

Artiiur P Hayne, Inspector General, col. brev.

John E W^ool, Inspector General, col. brev.

Charles J. Nourse, Assistant Adjutant General, maj. brev.

R M Kirby, Asastant Adjutant General, maj. brev.

Ferrin Willis, Asastant Adjutant General, maj. brev.

James M Glassel, Assistant Adjutant Genetal, maj. brer.

Whiteiy's Philadelphia Regisitr. lix

John M Davis, Assistant Inspector General, maj. brev. Francis S Belton, Assistant Inspector General, maj. brev. William M'Donald, Assistant Insoector General, maj. brev. John Biddle, Assistant Inspector General, maj. brev. William Linnard, Deputy Quartermaster General, maj brev. Mile Mason, Deputy Quartermaster General, maj. brev.

Divisions and Departments of the Army,

The Northern Division comprises five Military Departments, to wit : No. 1. New York, above the Highlands, and Vei:nont No. 2. New Hampshire, Massacbubetts, Rhode Island, ^.nd Connecticut No. 3. New Ycrk, below the Highlands, and New Jersey, excepting that part which furnishes the first divisioi; of militia No. 4 Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and tnat part of New Jersey which furnishes the first division of militia No. 5. Ohio, Indiana, and the territory of Michigan, and by a line drawn from the south end of lake Michigan to the mouth of Rock River, on the Mississippi, to include all posts that are, or may be, estabUshed north of such line, on both sides of the Mississippi, embracing all the waters of that river above Rock River.

The Southern Dinsion comprises four Military Departments, to wit : No. 6 Virginia, North Carolina, and the Disrrict of Co- lumbia— No. 7. South Carolina and Georgia No 8. Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Alabama territory No. 9. Tennessee, Ken- tucky% Illinois, and Missouri.



Ministers Plenipotentiary.

Richard Rush, to Great Britain. Albert Gallatin, to France. George W. Campbell, to Russia. John Forsyth, to Spain. John Graham, to Brazils.

Charge d* Affaires. Alexander H. Everett, to the Netherlands. Christopher y Hughes, jun. to Sweden.

Secretaries of Legation.

John Adams Smith, to Great Britain. Daniel Sheldon, to France. Charles Pinkney, to Russia. Thomas L. L. Brent, to Spain. John J. Appleton, to Brazil.


Ix Whiteh/s PhiladelpJiia Register.


In Great Britain and its dependencies.

Thomas Aspinwall, London. James Maur)% Liverpool. Hef- man Visger, Bristol. Nath. G. Ingraham, jr. Plymouth. Robert W. Fox, Falmouth. WilHam Davy, Kingston-upon-HuU. Thos. Auldjo, Cowes. Joel Hart, Leith. Thomas English, Dublin. Jacob Mark, Cork. James Luke, Belfast. Bernard Henry, Gib- raltar. Martin Bickham, Isle of France. Thomas Wynns, Turks Island. *WiUiam R. Higinbotham, Bermuda.

In France and its dependencies. Isaac Cox Barnet, Pans. Daniel Strobel, Bordeaux. Joshua Dodge, Marseilles Henry Wilson, Nantes. Robert Sterry, La Rochelle. Edward Church, L'Orient. Reuben G. Beasley, Havre de Grace. Thomas Johnston, Calais. Philip De Peyster, Island of Guadaloupe. Silas Marean, Island of Martinique.

In Russia.

Abraham P. Gibson, St Petersburg.

In Spain and its dependencies,

John M. Hcdl, Cadiz. Richard M'Call, Barcelona. Obadiah

Rich, Vaieiicia. George G. Barrell, Malaga. Robert Mont-

i^omery, Alicante. Richard S. Hackley, St. Lucar. Francisco

Xavier de Ealo, Bilboa. John O'SuUivan, Island of Teneriffe.

Andrew Stuart, Island of Manilla. William G. Miller, Monte

\'ideo. Robert K. Lowry, La Guayra. *Michael Hogan, Ha-

vanna. *John Mason, St. Jago de Cuba. *John M. Baker,

Porto Rico,

In Portugal and Brazil. Israel P. Hutchinson, Lisbon. Henry Hill, Rio de Janeiro. Jose dcs Santos Monteiro, Maranhao. John H. March, Island of Madeira John B. Dabney, Fayal. Samuel Hodges, jun. Cape de Verde Islands.

In Siveden and Norway. David Erskine, Stockholm. C. A. Murray, Gottenburg. Peter Isaacksen, Christiansand. Joseph Ficklm, St. Bartho- lomews.

Denmark, John Rainals, Copenhagen. Robert Jaques, Island of St. Croix. *Nathan Levy, Island of St. Thomas.

In the Netherlands. Alexander M'Rae, Amsterdam. George Joy, Rotterdam. David Parish, Antwerp. Emanuel W^ambersie, Ostend. Wil- liam Gamble, Island of St. Eustatia. Cortland Parker, Island of Curracoa, *Abraham E. Soesman, Batavia.

In Germany. John M. Forbes, consul-general, Stettin, &c. Edward Wyer, Hamburg. Frederick J. Wichelhausen, Bremen. Wilham Clark, Embden. Philip Marck, Franconia.

JVhitehfs Philadelphia Register. Ixi

In Tuscany^ Sardinia^ and Austria. Thomas Appleton, Leghorn. James Schee, Genoa. Victor A. Sasserno, Nice. Francis Adams, Trieste.

In the Two Sicilies. Alexander Hammett, Naples. Henry Preble, Palermo, John Broadbent, Messina.

In the Barbary States. William Shaler, consul general, Algiers. Townsheud Stith, Tunis. Thos. D. Anderson, Tripoli. James Simpson, Tangier,

In China. Benjamin C. Wilcocks, Canton.

Note. Agents tor Commerce and Seamen are distinguished by an asterisk thus *



From France.

His Excellency, M. Hyde de Neuville, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, from France to the United States of America.

Mr. Roth, Secretary of Legation.

Mr. Bourgueney, attached to the Legation.

Mons. Lesseps, consul to the United States, at Philadelphia,

Mr. Berard, ele-ue Vice-Consul, Philadelphia.

Mr. De Valnais, Consul, Boston.

Mr. Le Comte D'Espinville, Consul, New York.

Mr. Angelucci, Consul, Baltimore.

Mr. Couteaux, Vice-Consul, Norfolk.

Mr. Le Marquis de Fougeres, Consul, Charleston.

Mr. Buchet de Martigny, Agent of the Consulate, Charleston,

Mr. Le Loup, Vice-Consul, ad interim^ Savannah.

Mr, Guillemin, Consul, ad interim. New Orleans.

Mr. Thierry, Vice-Consul, District of Columbia.

From Great Britain,

Envoy Exti'aordmary, and Minister Plenipotentiary. Gibbs Crawford Antrobus, Esq. Secretary of Legation. WilUam Henry Hughes, Esq. Private Secretary. Anthony St John Baker, Esq. Consul General. James Baker, Esq. Secretary.

James Buchanan, Esq. Consul for the State and City of N. York. William Dawson, Esq. Consul for Maryland Baltimore William Gray, Consul for Virginia Norfolk.

Ixii Whttely^s Philadelphia Register.

Benjamin Moodie, Esq. Consul for North and South Carolina,

and Georgia Charleston. John Davidson, Esq. Consul for Louisiana New Orleans. William S Skinner, Esq. Acting Vice Consul, Boston. John' Barnard Gilpin, Esq. Acting Vice Consul, Newport (R I) Gilbert Robinson, Esq. do. do. Philadelphia.

James Patton, Esq. do. do. Alexandria (D C)

James Wallace, Esq. do. do. Savannah. *

Donald M'Intosh, Esq. Consul, New Hampshire and Maine

From Russia.

Pierre de Poletica, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary George EUisen, Counsellor of Legation. S. LomonosofF, Secretary of Legation. Theodore Ivanoff, Consul General, Philadelphia. Alexy Eustaphieve, Consul, Boston. T. Swift, Vice Consul, .^Vlexandria. T. G. Bogert, Vice Consul, New York. Benjamin Chew, Vice Consul, New Orleans-. Edward J Coale, agent, Baltimore. Fortescue Whittle, agent, Norfolk. John Prince, agent, Salem. Ebenezer Mayo, agent, Portland- Samuel Snow, agent, Providence.

From Spain.

Minister Plenipotentiary, and Envoy

Extraordinary, Philadelphia. Don Bartolome Ronquenet, Consul, Philadelphia. Don Thomas Stoughton, Consul, New York. Don Juan Stoughton, Consul for New Hampshire, Massachusetts,

Connecticut, Vermont and Rhode Island Boston. Don Pablo Chacon, Vice Consul, Alexandria (D C) Don Juan B Baraabau, Consul, Baltimore.

Don Antonio A rgotteVilalobos, Consul for Virginia & Kentucky. Don Diego Morphy, Consul, New Orleans. Don Felipe Fatio, Consul, Louisiana. Don Carolus Mulvi, Vice Consul, Savannah.

From Portugal.

His Excellency M. Correa de Serra, Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves, Phila- delphia.

Joseph Amado Grehan, secretary of legation.

Joaquim Jose Vasques, consul-general, New-York.

Philip Marot, Vice Consul, Boston.

J. DufF, Vice Consul, New- York.

John Vaughan, Vice Consul, Philadelphia. ^

William R. Swift, Vice-Consul, Baltimore.

Jonathan Swift, Vice-Consul, Alexandria.

A. B. Nones, Vice Consul, Norfolk.

Joao P. Calhorda, Vice Consul, Wilmington, (N C)

Whitely's Philadelphia Register. Ixiii

C. P. L. VVessendorf, Vice Consul, Charleston, (S C)

Francis Sorral, \"ice Consul, Savaniiah. From Deiimark,

His Excellency P. Pedersen, nainister resident from the court of Denmark and consul-general, Philadelphia.

John Bohlen, vice-consul, Philadelphia.

George Hammeken, consul, New York.

Chnrles W Greene, vice-consul, Boston.

Lewis Brantz, vice-consul, Baltimore

Jonathan Swift, vice-consul, Alexandria.

Moses Myers, vice-consul, Norfolk.

Joseph Winthrop, vice-consul, Charleston, (S C)

Richard Relf, vice-consul, New Orleans.

From Sweden and Norway.

His Excellency Baron Robert Stackelberg, charge d'affaires.

Henry Gahn, consul-general, New-York.

Seveiin Lorich, consul, Philadeli)hia.

Samuel Blagge. commercial agent, Boston-

R. Rogers, jun. commercial agent, Providence, (R I)

J. Swift, commercial agent, Alexandria.

J. B. Cunningham, commercial agent, Washington, (^^C^

Edmund Bridge, jun. commercial agent, Wilmington (N C)

Joseph Winthrop, commercial agent, Charleston, (S C)

Wm Taylor, commercial agent. Savannah.

R. D. Shepherd, commercial agent. New Orleans. From Prussia.

His Excellency, Frederick Greuhm, minister resident.

Jacob Sperry, consul, Philadelphia.

J. W. Schmidt, consul. New York.

Riilph B. Forbes, consul, Boston.

Louis Trapman, consul, Charleston, (S C) From Hamburgh,

C.N Buck, consul general, Philadelphia.

J. W. Schmidt, vice-consul. New York.

Frederick C. Graf, Baltimore.

Anthonv C. Cazenovt, Alexandria.

Jacob Wulff, Charleston, (S C)

Vincent Nolle, New Oi leans.

Fro:.i the United Nether landi^.

His Excellency Viscount de Quabeck, Charge d'AfFaires, Wasli- ington.

P. G. Lechleitner, Consul, Philadelphia.

F. L W^entrop, Esq Consul, Boston.

J. C. Zimmerman, Cnnsul, New-York.

C- S Konig, Consul, Baltimore.

Jonathan Swift, Consul, Alexandria.

Moses Meyer, Consul, Norfolk.

James Holmes, Consul. Charleston.

Thomas Wright, Consul, Savannah.

William Nott, Consul, New-Orleans.

Austria the name not known, (4*)


Whitely^s Philadelphia Register,


In the Ports of Entry within the United States,



White Mountains






Beverly and








New Bedford*










Thorn astown

Frenchman's Bay



Waldobo rough '



North Kingston

East Greenwich



Pawcatuck river











Sagg Harbour


Timothy Upham Eph. H. Mahurin James Fisk Roger Enos Joseph Marquand Asa Andrews John Kittredge

William R. Lee

Joseph Wilson H. A. S. Dearborn Henry Warren Isaiah L Green Martin T. Morton Thomas Cooke, jr. * John Hawes Nathaniel Williams Jeremiah Bradbury Daniel Granger Isaac Ilsly

> J. Wingate, jr. Francis Cook

> Josiah Hook

Hezekiah Prince Meletiah Jordan Jeremiah O'Brien Stephen Thacker Denny M'Cobb Joseph Storer William EUery

Chas. Collins, jr. Thomas Coles

Thos. H. Cushing

Abraham Bishop Alex. Wolcott Walter Bradley

Henry P. Dering


James Ladd

William Cross

Ebenezer Dale C Jonathan Smith X John Sanders Joshua Prentis Eldridge Gerry

James C. Jewett ^ Isaac Carter

^Joseph Carr

John Slocum Wm. Hammond Thomas Arnold Nathaniel Philips Samuel Bosworth Sylvester Gavet John B. Barton Joseph Aborne Thomas Durfee Oliver Champlain Elijah Palmer William Munson W. Van Deursen

Solomon Porter George Wolcott

Whitely''s Philadelphia Register.



New York* and







BufFaloe Creek


Sackett's Harbour

Cape St. Vincent

Perth Amboy



Great Egg Harbour

Little Egg Harbour

New Brunswick



Presque Isle

Wilmington (Del)*


Town Creek


Oxford and ^








St Mary's (Md.)

Havre de Grace

Georgetown (DC)





Smith field



City Point


West Point, and


East River



Port Royal


Carter's Creek

Charlestown, (V.)


> David Gelston

Reuben Moores Alexander Richards Peter Sailly Nathan Sage Robert Fleming Oliver Forward Jesse Hawley

> Peter Keys

John Brewster Lemuel Howell James D Wescott Gideon Leeds Silas Crane


C Gen. Swift t John Vernor, jr. Isaac Dayton


Henry Coffin

John Steele Thomas Forster Allen M'Lane Jas. H M'Culloch

James N Gordon

I John Willis

John Ennalls Lemuel P Spence John Randall Henry Boswell

Athan. Fenwick <

H Goldsborough John Barnes Charles Simms David Brodie Charles K Mallorey

Bernard Smith Philip Williams Jaraes Glentworth

William Lo wry Charles Chilton

Benjamin Wilmot

Lewis Ford Wm. D Harrison Robert Chelsey

Joseph Jones, James Gibbon


Nelson, jr.

J. B. Roberts



John Haile

Bath. Dangerfield

Copeland Parker Joseph Prentiss Robert Butler John H Peterson Ryland Randolph Andrew Torborn

Eugene Sullivan

WiUiam White

j Henry Muse <^ William Gray I Adam, Cooke LEz. G. Shearman Jacob Decamps


Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.




Folly Landing

Cherry Stone

South Quay

Wilmington, (N C)








Currituck Inlet


Newbiggin Creek




Beaufort (N C)







Georgetown (SC)*

Beaufort (SC)*



Brunswick and


St. iMaiy's (G)








Cincinnati .



New Orleans

Bayou St John

Charlestown (L)



D^ troit



John S Tapscott W. A Linton * Parker Barnes Nathaniel Holland Willis W Parker Robert Cochrane


Francis Hawks Bridges Arundel Thomas H Blount Samuel T red well Levi Pagan Enoch Sawyer Thos, S. Singleton Simeon Theus Thomas Chapman William Joyner Arch. S Bullock James Holaies

^W J. M'Intosh

Archibald Clark John J. Jenkins

A. W. Walworth Almon Gibbs Peter P. Ferry

Beverly Chew

Thomas Callender Demsey Jones Ptterson Gurley William H Ruffin Henry Hunter Josiah Townsend Samuel Matthews Thomas C. Ferebee Malachi Jones David Richardson T. L, Shannonhouse Jehu Nichols James Morgan

Thomas H Jervey

Thomas Bourke

(. M'Queen M'Intosh

Richard Ferguson Charles Pelham

Henry P Wilcox Jolm Andrews Gide«n D Cobb W. H. Beaumont

r Willi am Emerson

< Louis Blanc

James Miller

Adden Ltwjs

William Woodbridge

Adam D Stewart NoTE~The ports which have stars affixed, thus *, are those at which vessels from the Cape of Good Hope, or any place be- yond, are admitted to make entry.

IVhitely'^s Philadelphia Register. Ixvii


Portsmouth, Elijah Hall Newbury port, Daniel Sweet Sa- lem, Henry Elkins Boston, Thomas Melville Newport, Wal- ter Nichols Providence, Samuel Brown New York, John Ferguson Philadelphia, Samuel Clarke Baltimore, Joshua Barney Norfolk, Philemon Gatewood Wilmington, John D. Jones Charleston, Thomas Waring Savannah, Alexander Ir- vine— New Orleans, Edwin Lorrain.


Afifiointed under the jlct sufifilementary to the Collection LaiVy

fiassed during the late session.

Boston, William Little, Isaac Waters New York, Ichabod

Prall, Abraham R. Lawrence Philadelphia, Samuel Ross,

Thos. Stewart Baltimore, William Dickinson, William Haslett,


The general law concerning the issuing of Patents will be found in the second volume of the Laws of the United States, page 200. This law provides for citizens only ; but a subsequent law (vol. 5, page 88) provides also for applicants who have re- sided two years or upwards in the United States, and who are not citizens.

In applying for a patent, it is necessary to attend to every legal form, for in consequence of inattention to forms only, some of the patents issued formerly, have in the courts of law been declared to be null and void.


" Every inventor, before he presents his petition to the secre- tary of state, signifying his desire of obtaining a patent, shall pay into the treasury of the United States, thirty dollars, for which he will be furnished with duplicate receipts, one of which he shall deliver to the secretary of state, when he presents his pe- tition ; and the money thus paid shall be in full for the sundry services to be performed in the office of the secretary of state, consequent to such petition. This petition must be addressed to the secretary of state, and may be in the following or in a similar style ;

To the Hon, , Secretary of State of the United


The petition of A. B, of , in the county of , and

state of , respectfully represents :

That your petitioner has invented a new and useful improve- ment [" or art, machine, manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement in any art, machine, manu- facture, or composition of matter"] in , not known or used

before his application, the advantages of which he is desirous of secunng to himself and his legal representatives ; he therefore prays, that latters patent of the United States may be issued, granting unto your petitioner, his heirs admistrators, or assigns.

Ixviii Whitely^s Philadelphia Regifiter,

the full and exclusive i ight of making, constructing, using, and vending to others to be used, his said improvement, (art, mven- tion, machine, manufacture or composition of matter, &c.) agreeably to the acts of Congress in such case made and provi- ded ; your petitioner having paid thirty dollars into the treasury of the United States, and complied with the other provisions of the said acts. A. B.

The specification or description of the machine, art, discovery, or invention, must be given in clear and specific terms, designa- ting it from all other inventions, and describing the whole in such a manner as to comprehend not only the form and construction, if a machine, but also the mode of using the same ; and if it be only an improvement on a certain machine already invented by the applicant or any other, it ought to be so mentioned or de- scribed ; and as this specification, description, or schedule, enters into and forms part of the patent, it must be without any refer- ences to a model or drawing, and must be signed by the appli- cant or applicants, before two witnesses. It is material that this be in good language, and correctly written, as it is transcribed into the patent, and the original papers will be deposited in an office, that will hand them down to posterity ; by which the honour of the country is concerned in this attention. The modest inventor will, no doubt, exclude those panegyrics on the excel- lence of his invention or discovery, which abounds sometimes in the productions of the inferior genius, but which ought not to enter into the patent.

The following, or a similar oath or affirmation, taken [before a judge of any of the courts, or a justice of the peace, or any per- son qualified' to administer an oath] by the applicant or appli- cants, must be subjoined to the specification, ii citizens oi the United States :


On this of , 181 , before the subscriber, a justice of

the peace, in and for the said county, personally appeared the aforenamed A. B und made solemn oath [or affirmation] accord- ing to law, that he verily believes himself to be the true and ori- ginal inventor or discoverer of the art, [machine, invention, or improvement, composition of matter, 8cc.] above specified and

described, for (mention here the object or intention)

, and that he is a citizen of the United States.

.. .-. , Justice Peace.

If not a citizen (or citizens) the following addition must be made to the declaration, *' that he verily believes himself to be the true and original inventor or discoverer of the art, &c. And that the same hath not, to the best of his or her knowledge, or belief, been known or used, either in this or any foreign country

." ♦♦ Also, that he ;or she) hath resided in the United

States two years and upwards."

It is not necessary that the time of residence should immedi- ately precede the application.

If an inventor or discoverer should die intestate, before an ap- plication be made for a patent, his legal representatives may

IVIiitely^s Philadelphia Register, Ixvix

apply for the patent, in tnist for the heirs at law ; otherwise in trust for the devisees.

The specihcation must be accompanied by a good drawing, in perspective, of the whole machine or apparatus, *' where the na- ture of the case admits of drawings, or with specimens of the ingredients, and of the composition of matter, sufficient in quan- tity for the purpose of experiment, where the invention is of a composition of matter." " Aad such inventor shall, moreover, deliver a model of his machine, provided tne secretary shall deem such model to be necessary." It is requisite, in giving a drawing of the machine, to give also sectional drawings of the inteiior when the machine be complex; and every drawing should be ac- companied with explanatory references. If the machine is com- plex, a model will likewise be necessary, notoRly to explain and render it comprehensible to a common capacity, but also to pre- vent mfringements of rights ; for many will plead ignorance of drawings, who cannot avoid conviction by wheels and pinions.

The drawings ought not to exceed a quarto size, and if confin- ed to octavo they would be still better, where it can be done conveniently and distinctly.

Many of the drawings in this office are executed in a very handsome style, and do much credit to the gentlemen whose names are ascertained. If the artists would always sign them, with their directions, information might be given to the appli- cants for patents where to apply for drawings.

The papers must all be sent directed to the superintendent of the Patent Office, under cover to the secretary of state, which of course renders them free of postage ; but if models be sent, their freight or carriage hither must be paid, and, before pack- ing them, the name or names of the inventor or inventors should be written thereon, with the name of the machine, and the date ; for, sometimes, on receiving them, it is difficult to know to whom they appertain. - .

T he congress being impressed with a high sejise of the value of the inventions of our citizens, have purchased an elegant and extensive building, wherein preparations are made for the ac- commodation of a very numerous collection of the machines il- lustrative of the ingenuity displayed ; and this Museum of the Arts, it is presumed, will stimulate the ingenious to send the: models of their machines and inventions in a style that will rather honour than discredit themselves and our country.

Copy-rights of books, prints, charts, maps, &c. are secured •* by depositing, before publication, a printed copy of the title of such map, chart, book or books, in the clerk's office of the dis- trict court, where the author o." proprietor shall reside, who will record the same ; and the author or proprietor shall within two months from the date of the record, cause a copy of the said re- cord to be pubhshed in one oi' more of the newspapers printed in the United States, for the space of four weeks. And within six months of publishing the map, chart, book, or books, the au- thor or proprietor shall deliver, or cause to be delivered to the secretary of state, a copy of the same ;" and, when deposited and entered in the patent office, a certificate will be returned of its being received. This will secure the sole right of publication;

Ixx Whitely's Philadelphia Register,

for fourteen years, to the author or proprietor, if a citizen of the United States, or resident therein, " And if, at the expiration of the term, the author or authors, or proprietors, or any of them, be living and a citizen or citizens of these United States, or resi- dents therein, the same exclusive right shall be continued to him or them, his or tlieir executors, administrators or assigns, for the further term of fourteen years ; provided, he or they shaJl cause the title thereof to be recorded and published in the above man- ner, within six months before the expiration of the first term of fourteen years aforesaid." In securing designs for paper hang- ings and ornaments for rooms, &c. a specimen of each should be deposited in the clerk's office where the inventor resides, who will describe, in writing, all the ornaments, and the colours used in each, so as to designate them, with the changes that are propo- sed to be used in changing the ground and general tint. Let each paper thus described, be numbered, 1, 2, 3, &c. and after enter- ing them in the clerk's office, and publishing them as directed, let a specimen of each be sent to the honourable the secretan'^ of state, or through him to the person who directs the pateiit office, with correspondent descriptions and numbers ; and a certificate of such a deposit will complete the requisitions of the law in se- curing the exclusive right to each original production of genius.



The Post Office establishment is under the direction of a Post- master General, whose office is called the General Post Office, and is kept at the seat of government.

Congress, by special act, establishes such post roads as appear to them expedient. At this time there is a main post road which extends 1,733 miles from Robbinstown, on the north-eastern ex- tremity of the sea-coast of the United States, to St. Mary's, on the south eastern extremity ; and another main post road which leads from th^ seat of government to New-Orleans, being a distance of 1,233 miles, and branches, or cross roads, which keep up a communication between the capital of the United States, and the capitals of the individual states, and also with every city or vil- lage of any note. The aggregate of the excent of the several post roads is about 51,600 miles.

The mail is carried by contrasts made with the Postmaster General, who has divided the whole into nearly 400 routes or contracts, and has stipulated for its conveyance as often and with such expedition as he finds the public interest requires. It runs daily between the great and commercial towns ; twice a week to the capitals of each state, not commercial; and once a week to other places. The usual rate of travellin,^ en the cross-roads, is 40 miles a day ; and trom 60 to 120 miles m 24 hours, between the great commercial towns.

Post Offices are established by the Postmaster General, at such places as he considers expedient.

There are stages for the conveyance of the m^l and passen- gers, from Belfast in Maine, to St. Mary's in Greorgia, and on many of the cross-roads.

Whitely's Philadelphia Register,




POST OFFICE ESTABLISHME.VT. From 1789 to 1818, inclusive.



Q 7^


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3 O

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1804 1805 18061 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 181^ 1813 1814 1815 181t





























.2 y *^ «-> n ^

c o

837,935 46,294 67,444 104,747 128,947 160,620 195,067 213,998 232,977 264,846j 280,804: 320,443; 327,045 351,8-23 389,450 421.373 446.106: 478,763: 460,564 506,634! 551,684' 587,247 649,208 703,155 730,370 1,043,065 961,782


i0,3l2 3,092

16,518 5.28-

21,646; 5,660

27,156 9,812

30,272 12,262

35,730 14,353

47,109, 13,623

56,035 16,035

63,958' 14,605

69,243 16,107

79,338, 23,365

85,587 21,658

93,170. 24.084

107,716 24,231

111,552 26,180

119,785: 25,895

129,0411 32,093

128,653 28,676



3459 1,002,97


141,579 149,438 159,244 177,422 221,848 234,354 241,901 265,544 303,916

23,516 18,565 20,689 22,117 20.605 17,170 18,441 16,508 23,410





























§5,795' 9,597. 12,913, 32,707i 33,974^ 42,727, 63,495 63,884' 53,S93j 76,808! 66,8101 65,292 45,129 29,459 51,948 44,006 o2,Doo 24.878


























31, or 6

33,431 o'oj 53 34,035 34:035 36,406 36,406 39,378 39,540 41.736 43,966 48,976 51,600

Ixxii Whitely's Philadelphia Register.



Progress of the Post Office Department,



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j 1817




The Mail i% transported in stages, each day in the year, 10,121 miles.

The Mail is transported in sulkies and on horseback, each day m the year, 10,616 miles, making 20,737 miles per day.

If you divide the post roads of the United States into two distinct post routes, the Mail will travel each week, in stages nearly equal to three times round the globe ; and divide all the post roads in the United States, into four equal or distinct post routes, on which the Mail is carried in stages, bulkies, and on horseback, it will be equal to a travel of six times, each week, round the globe, averaging one Post Office for eveiy 15 miles of post road.

The Mail is transported by a direct or corresponding line of stages, from Anson (in the district of Maine,) via Washington city, to Nashville, (Tennessee,) a distance of 1,448 miles, in a south- western direction. The Mail is transported, by a direct line of stages, from St. Maiy's, in Georgia, to Highgate, in Vermont, -v/a Washington city, a distance of 1,369 miles, in a northern direction.


I^or Single Letters^ comjiosed of one piece offiaper. Any distance not exceeding 36 miles, 6 cents. Over 36 and not exceeding 80 miles, 10 cents. Over 80 and not exceeding 150 miles, 12^ cents. Over 150 and not exceeding 400 miles, 184 cent«= Over 400 miles, 25 cents.

Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register, Ixxiii

Double Letters^ or those composed of two pieces of paper, are charged Avith double those rates.

Tri/ile Letters, with triple those rates.

Quadruple Letters^ With quadruple those rates, provided they weigh one ounce ; otherwise, with triple postage.

Every Packet y composed of four or more pieces of paper, and weighing one ounce or move, is to be charged with single postage for each quarter of an ounce ; except letters conveyed by water mails, which are not to be chnrged with more than quadruple postage, unless the packets actually contain more than four dis- tinct letters

JVenvsfiapers cents

Each paper carried not over 100 miles, - - - 1

Over 100 miles, - - - - 1^

But if carried to any Post OfRce in the state in which it is printed, whatever be the distance, the rate is - - 1 Magazines and Pamfihlets are rated by the sheet. Carried not over 50 miles, per sheet, - - - - 1

Over 50 and not over 100, - - - - - - 14

Aay greater distance, - - - - - _ - 2


116 ChesniU street^ Richard Bache^ Esq, Poiitmaster .



New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ver- mont, and New Hampshire states, arrives dait}% at 7 A. M ; closes daily, at 2 P. M.

Frankford, Holmesburg, Andalusia, Bristol and Morrisville, Pa. arrives daily, at 7" A. M. ; closes daily, at 2 P. M.

Hulmville, Pa. arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 A. M. ; closes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 2 P. M.

Newton and Attleborough, Pa. arrives Thursday, at 7 A. M. ; closes Tuesday, at 2 P. M.

Burlington, Trenton, Princetown, Brunswick, Woodbridge, Rahway, Elizabethtown, Newark, Jersey city, 8c Amboy, (N J) rives daily, at 7 A. M. ; closes daily, at 2 P. M.

Newton, Morristown and Sparta, arrives Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Saturdays, at 7 A. M. ; closes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 2 P. M.

Via Easton, Pa. for Johnsonburg, Hamburg, Belvidere, Hope, Knowlton Mills, Deckertown, Harmony, 6c Vernon (N J) arrives Tuesday, at 7 A. M. ; closes Monday, (from (1st April to 30th Sept.) at 5 P. M. ; at 3 P. M. (from 1st Oct. to 31st March.)

Flemington, Pittstown, Van Syckles, New Hampton, Ashbury, Mansfield, Bloomsburv, and Milford, (N J) arrives Wednesday, at 7 A. M, ; closes Saturday, at 2 P. M.

All other offices in East New Jersey, arrives Wednesday, at 7 A. M.; closes Monday, at 2 P. M. '

Ixxiv Whttely'^s Philadelphia Register,


Delaware State, and the Eastern shore of Maiyland and ViF- ginia, arrives daily, at 1 o'clock, P. M. ; closes daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M.

Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Georgia States, and Alabama Territory, arrives daily, at X o'clock, P. M.; closes daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M.

Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana States, and Arkansas Territory, arrives Sundays, Tuesdays 8c Thursdays, at 1 o'clock, P. M. ; closes Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 o'clock, A. M.

Ohio South, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri States, and Washington, Brownsville and Union Town, (Pa.) arrivea Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at IP. M.; closes Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7 A M.

Pittsburgh, (Pa) and intermediate offices, and via Pittsburg, for Ohio state west, and Michigan Territory, arrives daily, at 4 P. M. ; closes daily, at 6 A. M.

Via Harrisburg, (Pa.^ for Mifflin and Huntingdon Counties, arrives Wednesday, at 4 P. M. ; closes Sunday, at 6 A. M.

Via Harrisburg for Halifax, (D. Cy ) Seelin's Grove, (U. Cy.) Sunbury and Northumberland, (N. Cv.) Danville and Milton, (Ca. Cy.) Williamsport, (L. Cy.) and Bellfont (Center Cv.) ar- ^ves VV''ednesday, at 4 P. M.; closes Thursday, at 6 A. M.

Via Columbia, (Pa.) for York and Adams' Counties, arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 P. M. ; closes Mon- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 A. M.

Via Downingstown, (Pa.) for Kennett Square, New London, Cross Roads, Oxford, (Ch. Cy.) and Marshalton, arrives Wed- nesday, at 4 P. M. ; closes Monday, half an hour before sunset.

West Chester, (Pa.) arrives W^'ednesdays and Saturdays, at 4 P. M.; closes Thursday at 6 A. M. and Monday and Friday half an hour before sunset.

Kimberton, (Ch. Cy.) Charleston, Lower and Upp>er Merion and Valley Works, (Pa.) arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 P. M.; closes Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 8 A M

Reading (Pa.) and intermediate offices, arrives Mondays, Thursda> s, and Saturdays, at 6 A. M. ; closes Mondays, Wed- nesdays, and Fridays, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March,) 2 P. M.

^ Via Reading, for Berks, Lebanon and Dauphin counties, ar- rives Mondays and Saturdays, at 6 A. M. ; closes Mondays, and Fridays, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March) 2 P. M.

Via Reading, tor Northumberland, Union, Columbia, Lycom- ing, and Centre counties, arrives Mondays, at 6 A. M. ; closes Mondays, from (1st April to 30 Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March,) 2 P. M.

Easton (Pa.) and intermediate offices, arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 A, M. ; closes Mondays, Wed- nesdays, and Saturdays, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March) 3 P. M.

Via Easton, (Pa.) for Wilkesbarre and intermediate offices, ?,rrives Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 6 A. M, ; closes Wednes-

Whitcly'^s Philadelphia Register, Ixxv

days, and Saturdays, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March) 3 P. M.

Via Easton, (Pa.) for Northampton, Luzerne, Pike, Wayne, Susquehanna and Bradford counties, (Pa.) and Tioga, Broome, Steuben, and Ontario counties, (N. Y.) arrives Tuesday, at 6 A. M. ; closes Wednesday, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March) 3 P. M.

Bethlehem, (Pa.) Nazareth Montgomery Square, Quaker- town, AUentown, Lausanne, White Marsh and Kreidersville, arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 A. M. ; closes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, (from 1st April to 30th Sept.) 5 P. M. ; (from 1st Oct. to 31st March) 3 P. M.

For Bridgetown, (W. N. J) and intermediate officers, arrives daily at 3 P. M. ; closes daily, at 3 P. M.

Via Bridgetown, for Cedarville, Fairton, and Dividing Creek, arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 P. M. ; closes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 P. M.

Via Bridgetown, for Milville, PoVt Elizabeth, Dennis's Creek, Cape May C. H. and Cape Island, arrives Mondays, aad Fri- days, at 3 P. M. ; closes Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 3 P. M.

Salem, (N. J. ) via Woodbury, Sweedsborough, and Woods- town, arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, at 3 P. M. ; closes Mon- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 P. M.

Tuckerton, Somer's Point, Long-a-Coming, Evesham, Sooy's Inn, May's Landing, and Absecom, (N. J.) arrives Tuesday, at 4 P. M. ; closes Wednesday at 3 P. M.

Mount Molly and Moore's Town, arrives daily half past 12 A. M. ; closes daily, half past 12 P. M.

Bordentown, New Mills, Haddonfield, New Egypt, and Black Horse, (N J) arrives Wednesday, at half past 12 A. M. ; closes Wednesday, at half past 12 P. M.

Swiftsure mail, via Jenkintown and New Hope, (Pa.) So- merset C. H. Plaintield, Springfield, Bound Brook, and Scotch Plains, (N J) arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 A. M. ; closes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 A. M.

Mail for Germantown, (Pa ) arrives daily at 8 A. M. ; closes daily at 4 P. M.

Letters must be left at the Post-Office within the time speci- fied, to insure going in the Mail of tho day ; and JVeivspafierSy half an hour before that time. As there arc several places of the same name in the United States, it is necessary th»t the di- rections should be particular ; the States should be distinguished, and when it might otherwise be doubtful, the Cou?ities. When Letters are not for a Post-Town the nearest Post-Town ought to be mentioned.

The office is open daily, from sun-rise to sun-set ; except on Sundays, the Fourth of July, and Christmas-day, when it is open from 8 to 9 A M. and from 1 to 2 P. M

Persons wishing to pay postage when the office is shut, can in- close the money with the letter, directed to " The Post Office." Those who keep accounts with the carriers, or office, will please to inclose the letter directed in the same manner, with a request that the postage be charged to their account.



WhiteiyU Philadelphia Register.

'X7^ All notes or letters deposited in this office, directed to any part ot this city this side of Broad street, and to the populous parts of the Northern Liberties and Southwark, will be carried out with the Eastern, Southern, and Westeni Letters.

Letter Carriers. Abraham Cook, Josiah Johnson, James Robb, David Wut^on, Alexandei' Robb, Isaac Bcwley, Thomas F. Goodwin.

Mai7i Line of FosT-Towas frotn Wiscasset to Sunbuty, zvith their distances, as established by the Post-Master- General.

rWiscasset to Bath J Brunswick

"N. Yarmouth I Portland Biddeford Wells LVork

H. Portsmouth pNewburyport j Ips witch Beverly Salem Lynn j Boston I Worcester l^Springfield ^ rHartford 3 Middletown 2 j New Haven '^•^ Stratford g I Fairfield -2 j Norwalk . ^Stamford fc»^ C Kingsbridge ^ (^New York . rNewark ^ Ehzabeth Town Bridgetown Woodbridge New Brunswick Princeton




13 12 15 15 14 14 16 12

























25 40 55 69 83 99 111

145 155 157 163 176 224 273 301 315 341 35^ 363 375 385 415 429 438 444 450 454 464 482 494

r Bristol < Philadelphia C. Chester C Wilmington \ Christiana bridge rElkton Charlestown Havre-de-Grace Harford 2 j Baltimore ^ I Bladensburg "^ LGeorgetown ^Alexandria I Colchester S j Dumfries S J Fredericksburg ^"^ Bowhng Green tC Hanover court ho I Richmond ^Petersburg rHahfax c J Tarrbuiy vJ'S Smithfield ^ LFayetteville ^ rCheraw court hou S I or Greenville ^^•n Cambden Columbia ^ LCambridge rf-C Augusta ? < Savannah c5 C Sunbur\'


20 524


539 552 563 573 583 589 601 626 38^ 664 8 672 81 680 16] 696 12 708 25 733

15 13 11 13 10 6 12 25

22 25 22 25 75 37 69


780 802 827 902 939 999


75 1124 551179 35il214 80,1294 5C1344 12011464 49il513

Whitely's Philadelphia Register, Ixxvii


With the time and filaces of their departure from Philadelfihia.

iEtna steamboat High street ferry north side, 12 o'clock (noon.)

Alexandria packets, (Col.) Hamilton's wharf.

Amboy steam boat, at Bickley's wharf.

Appoquinimink packet, Hamilton's wharf.

Baltimore Post Chaise, leaves Stockton and Howell's, No. 43 S. Fourth street, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 A M

Baltimore mail leaves Yohe's hotel, 4 north Fourth, daily at 7 AM

Baltimore steamboat Vesta, via Wilmington, Market st. wharf, north side, daily at 7 A M

Baltimore steamboat Superior, via Wilmington, Market street wharf, north side, daily at noon.

Baltimore steamboat Delaware and Baltimore, via New Castle, Market street wharf, south side, laily at noon.

Berwick, (Pa.) stage, leaves White Swan, 106 Race st. Thurs- day, at 4 A M

Bethlehem, (Pa.) stage, leaves White Swan, 106 Race st. Sun- day, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 4 A M

Boundbrook stage (Green Tree) 50 north Fourth street.

Bordentown packet and steamboat, Bickley's wharf, 7 and 13 North wharves.

Boston packets, Chesnut street wharf and Perot's wharf ab. High.

Bridgetown, W. New Jersey, Arch street ferry, daily (Sunday excepted, at sunrise

Bristol steamboat. High street ferry, north side.

Burlington packet, Mulberry street wharf, south side.

Burlington steamboat, High street ferry, north side.

Burlington stage (by Jersey) High and Arch st. ferries, N. side.

Bustleton and Holmsburg. Buck, 130 N Second st. daily, at 3 P M

Cape May stage, leaves Heppard's ferry every Thursday at sun- rise. See Cumberland stage.

Cape May, via Bridgetown, Arch street ferry, Monday and Thursday, at sunrise.

Cape May packet, Massey's wharf, 12 South wharves.

Chester stage, White Horse, Bank street, daily (Sunday ex- cepted) at 8 A M and at half past 1 P M

Chester packet. Wain's wharf.

Chester steamboat, daily, 2PM from High st. ferry, north side.

Charlestoji, (S C) packets, Clifford's wharf.

Chesnut Hill (via Germantown) leaves 18 N Fourth street, daily, at 10 A M and 118 north Third at 10 A M and 3 P M

Cumberland stage leaves Arch street ferry daily (except Sun- day) at sunrise.

Delaware steamboat (Union line) to New Castle, Frenchtown, and Baltimore, Beck's wharf, daily, at 12 o'clock, (noon.)

Downingtown, Black Bear, Fifth near Market, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 7 A M

Jxxviii Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

Doyle&town stage, Buck inn, 130 north Second, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, at 8 A M in summer, and Wednesday and Saturday, at 9 A M in winter.

Easton mail stage, leaves the Green Tree inn, 50 north Fourth, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 4 A M

Egg Harbour, Arch street ferry, Thursday, at 10 A M

Fails of Schuylkill, Green Tree, 50 north Fourth street, daily, at 2 and at half past 6 P M and from the Cross Keys, 18 north Fourth, daily at half past 3PM

Flowertown, Cross Keys, 18 north Fourth street, daily at 8 A M a* 3 P M

Flowertown, Old Rotterdam, daily at 3 P M

Frankford, Sorrel Horse^ N. Second st. daily at 9 A M and 5PM

Frankford, Buck, 130 N. Second st. daily at 9 AM and 5PM

French Creek, stage leaves Elliott's 193 Chesnut

Fredericksburg, Hamilton's wharf.

Georgetown, (Col ) Hamilton's wharf.

Germantown, Cross Keys, 18 N. 4th st. daily at 8 A M & 3 P M

Germantown, 94 north Second st. daily at 9 A M and 6PM

Germantown and Chesnut Hill, Old Rotterdam, daily at 8, 9, 9^, AM. and 3,4, 5, 6.P M

Germantown, Chesnut Hill, and Flowertown, 106 Race st. daily at 9, 10, 11, A M and 3, 5, 6 P M

Great Egg Harbour, Arch street ferry, daily, at sunrise.

Hamiltonville, Black Bear, Fifth near Market street, daily at 9 A M and 3 P M

Harrisburg (Coachee) Red Lion, Market above Sixth, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 6 A M

Harrisburg sta^e, 286^ lligh, and 106 Race.

Holmsburg, 130 north Second, daily at 3 P M anotherruns from the Camel inn, 140 north Second.

Lancaster accommodation, leaves 286^ High, daily (Sunday ex- cepted) at 4 A M

Lancaster coachee, leaves 200 High every morning.

Lancaster and Pittsburg mail leaves 28 (i^ High, daily Sunday ex- cepted) at 7 A M

Marcus Hook Packet, from Massey's wharf 12 South wharves

Mantua Village, Shakspeare Hotel, daily at 6^, 9 AM. and 5^, 6PM

Mifflin, Lewistown & Huntingdon, via Harrisburg, 286i Market street, Monday at 7AM

Mount Airy, daily from 16 north Third.

Moorestown, High street ferry, north side, daily, (Sunday ex- cepted) at 3 P M

Mount Holly, Arcli street ferr}', daily (except Sunday) at 2 P M

Nazareth, White Swan, Race street, Saturday at 4 A M

New Castle, Frenchtown, and Baltimore Union line, daily 9 S. Wharves.

New Jersey coach -andsteamboat line for New York, leaves N. side High strcet/wharf daily at 3PM office Cook's buildings south Third.

New York Post Chaise, connected with the steamboat Pennsyl- vania, seats to be taken at Stockton 8c Howell's, No. 43 south Fourth street, daily (except Sunday) at 6 A M

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register. Ixxix

New York Second Post Chaise, connected with the ULiw^ steam- boat ; seats to be taken at Stockton & Howell's, No. 43 south Fourth street, daily (except Sunday) at 2 P M

New York Citizens' coach, apply at Bailey's No. 30 south Third street, daily (excejit Sunday) at 5 A M

New York Muil Coach, apply at Bailey's, No. 30 south Third st. daily at 3 P M

New York Post Chaise, leaves Yohe's hotel, 4 north Fourth, daily at 4 A M

New York, steamboat Pennsylvania, Market st. wharf, N. side, daily at 6 A M (Sunday excepted.)

New York, steamboat Philadelphia, Market street wharf, south side, daily at noon, (Sunday excepted.)

New York, steamboat ^tna. Market street wharf, north side, daily at 12 o'clock, noon, (Sunday excepted.)

New York, steamboat Bristol, Market street wharf, north side, daily at 3 P M (Sunday excepted.)

New York Swiftsure, (via Sonierville, N J) Green Tree, No. 50 north Fourth st. Monday, Wednesday and Fnday, at 8 A M

New York Exchange line, via Trenton and New Brunswick, daily, south side Arch street wharf, office 71 north Water.

New York Mercantile line, via Lamberton and New Brunswick, Wednesday and Saturday, south side Arch street wharf.

New York Union line packets by sea, Chesnut st. wharf N side.

New York steamboats, Bickley's wharf, north side High.

Norfolk packets. Hamilton's wharf,

Norristown, Green Tree, 50 north Fourth, daily at 2 P M

Pennsylvania steam boat, N side High st. wharf, daily at 6AM

Petersburg (Va.) packets, Hamilton's wharf.

Philadelphia and Olive Branch steamboat line, via Trenton and New Brunsvvick, 9 South wharves.

Philadelphia steamboat, 9 South wharves, daily.

Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Northampton, Nazareth, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Oswego, Geneva, Ithaca, Canandagua, Buffalo aud Niagara mail stages leave Yohe's hotel, 4 north Fourth, Sun- day, Tuesday and Thursday, at 4 A M

Pittsburg, via York, 286^ Market street, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at half past 6AM

Pittsburg, via Harrisburg, Market street, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at half pkst 6AM

Reading, White Swan, 106 Race street, Monday at 2 P M and ThursiSay and Saturday at 4 A M

Kichmond (Va.) packets, Hamilton's wharf.

Salem (N J) packet, lea\'es.^rch st. wharf every Thursday.

Salem (N J) Arch street ferry, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day, at sunrise.

Sassafras river packet, Hamilton's wharf.

Savannah (Geo.) packet, Chfford's wharf.

Superior steamboat, High street ferry, north si^lc.

Sunbury, Northumberland, via Reading, 106 Race st. Tuesday and Saturday at 3 A M

Sunbury, Northumberland, via Harrisburg, 286^ Market street, Monday and Friday at 7 A M

Ixxx lFhitely''s Philadelphia Register.

Swedesborough, High street ferry, north side, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday at 10 A M

Trenton coachee, daily, from 23 south Third, 39 north Second, and 197 Chesnut.

Trenton Coachee leaves Judd's hotel, 27 south Third, daily at 9 A M. in winter only.

Trenton stage leaN es 193 Chesnut st. daily at 9 A M

Trenton packets, &;c. North wharves below Arch.

Trenton steamboats, 9 South wharves,

Tuckerton mail stage, 9 North wharves, Heppard's ferr}% every Thursday at sunrise-

Union hne steam boats, 9 South wharves

United States' mail coach leaves Chester Bailey's, 30 south Third, daily at 3 P M for New York.

United States' mail stage office, 30 south Third.

Yesta steam boat. High street ferry, north side.

Washington City packets, Hamilton's wharf.

West Chester, Cross Keys, 18 north Fourth street, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 A M.

Wilmington, White Horse, Bank street, daily (Sunday except- ed) at 8 A M and half past 1 P YI.

Wilmington stage, runs daily from 23 S Third and 193 Chesnut

Whitehill packet, High street wharf north side

Wilmington packet, Massey's wharf 12 South wharves

Wilmington steamboat, High street ferry N. side, daily, (Sun- day excepted) at 2 P M.

WoodbuiT, High street ferry, N. side, daily, (Sunday excepted) at 2 P. M.

Yellow Springs, Chester County, Shakspeare Hotel, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 9 A M.


William Findlay, Governor, Salary, §5333 33

Samuel D. Ingham, Sec'rv. of the Commonwealth, 2000 James Trimble, Deputy Sec'ry. 1200

State Legislature, The General Assembly shall meet on the first Tuesday of De- cember in every year, unless sooner convened by the Governor-

The following is a correct li-;t of the Senators and Representa- tives of the Common v-zealth of Pennsylvania for the session of 1819—20. '


1st District Samuel Breck, Condy Raguet, Michael Leib, Ro- bert M'YIullin.

2d District Markell Ewing, Samuel Cochran.

3d District Cyrus Cadwallader.

4th District Jacob Grosh, Molton C. Rogers.

Whitely's Philadelphia Register. Ixxxi

jth District Peter Frailey, Charles Shoemaker, jr.

6th District John Sawyer.

7th District— Philip S. Alarkley.

8th District Joseph Fry, jr. Henry Winters.

9th District Charles Fraser, Simon Snvder.

10th District— John M'Meens.

11th District Frederick Eichelberger, Jacob Eyster.

12th District Alexander Dysart.

13th District— Jacob Altar.

14th District William Piper.

15th District Robert Smith.

16th District Henry Allshouse.

17th District WiUiam Davidson.

18th District Isaac Weaver, Joshua Dickinson.

19th District Samuel Power, William Marks.

20th District— Henry Hurst.

House of Representatives.

Philadelphia aTv— William Lehman, William J. I^uane, James

Thackara, Richard Povall, Josiah Randall. Philadelphia county John Holmes, WiUiam Weaver, Richard F,

Bower, Jacob bouder, Nathan Jones, John M'Fee. Bucks county Phineas Jenks, David W^ynkoop, Benjamin

Foulke, Crispin Blackfan. Chester Thomas Ashbridge, James Kelton, Abraham Bailey, r ^ Thorn:. s Baird, Joshua Hunt.

Lancaster Edward Coleman, Daniel Morrison, Nathan Rutter,

John Rohrer, John Lightner, James Caldwell. York Jacob Doll, Henry Logan, Robert Ramsey, Peter Reider. Curnberland Wilham Devor, John Schwartz welder, William

Anderson. -

Berks and Schuylkill Godfrey Reher, John Zohler, Abraham

Mengle, John W. Roseberry, George Gemaud. Northampton^ Wayne and PiA-£— Dan Dimmick, Janres Hays,

Henr>' Jarrett. Lehigh W. Fenstermacher, Peter Newhard, JVorthumberland Lewis Dew art, John Haas. Union John Ray, Ner. Middleswartii- Columbia James M'Clure. Washington ^Walter Craig, James Keys, Joseph Lawrence,

John Reed. Westmoreland James Estep, Richard Coulter, Peter Wallace. Armstrongs Indiana, and Jefferson Robert Orr, jun. Robert

Mitchell. Fayette James Todd, Daniel Sturgeon, John B. Trevor. Bedford John Noble, William Crisman.

Franklin Andrew Robeson, Ludwick Heck, Wm. Alexander. Montgomery Joel K Mann, Jacob Drinkhouse, Peter MiUer,

Isaiah W^ells. Dauphin Simon Solliday, William Rutherford. Lebanon Adam Ritcher, John Uhier. Luzerne and Susquehanna Benjn. Dorrance, Jonah Brewster.

Ixxxii Whiteiy'^s Philadelphia Register,

Bradford and Tioga John R}^an, jr.

Hunti>igdon John Scott, David R Porter.

Beaver James Stackman.

Alleghany a,nd Buder— John Gilmore, William Wilkins, Laza- rus Stewart, Alexander Brackenridge.

Mifflin John Cummin, Joseph Kyle.

Dclaivare John Kerlin, Thomas Robinson.

Somerset and Cambria Alexander Ogle, John Hindman.

Lycoming, Potter and M'Kean John Hanna.

Gretne Rees Hill.

Adams WiUiam Thompson, William Miller.

Centre and Ctearjield William Smylh.

Erie, Cranojord, Warren, Mercer and Venango ^Wilson Smith, W illiam Connelly, James Cochran.

Treasury Department*

Auditor General, George Bryan. Treasurer, R. M. Crane.

Land O^re— Surveyor General, Jacob Spangler. Secretary, William Clark.


The Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court (as a Court in Bank,) holds six terms for argument, &c. in the hve districts of the state, and adjourned courts as they may deem necessary. The regular terms are

For the eastern district, composed of the city and county of P/iitadel/ihia, and the counties of Delaware, Cliester, Mont- gomery, Bucks, Northampton, Lehigh and Pike, at Philadelphia, on the second Monday in March, to continue two weeks, and on the secoinl Monday in December, to continue three weeks. The last Monday in July is the return day for July term, but no court is then held.

For the Lancaster district, composed of the counties of Lancaster, York, Dauphin, Lebanon, Schuylkill and Berks, at Lancaster, on the third Monday in May.

For the middle district, composed of the counties of Nor- thumberland, Union, Columbia, Centre, Mifflin, M'Kean, Clear- field, Lycoming, Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and Luzerne, at Sunbury, on the W^ednesday following the se- cond week of the term of the Lancaster District.

For the western district, composed of the counties of Alleghany. Westmoreland, Somerset, Fayette, Washington, Greene, Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Warren, Ve- nango, Armstrong, Indiana, Jefferson and Cambria, 2it Pittsburgh^ on the first Mohday in September, to continue two weeks if ne- cessary. 1

For the southern district, composed of the counties of Franklin, Adams, Cumberland, Hun^gdon and Bedford, at

Whitely's Philadelphia Register. Ixxxiii

L'/tamdersburg; on the Monday week next following the end of the second week of tlie term of the Western District.

JVote. It is only in the city and county of Philadelphia thut the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction, and there only where the sum in controversy exceeds 500 dollars : all issues of fact are tried by jury, before a single judge, at nisiprius.

William Tilghman, Chief Justice.

John B. Gibson, i A«nriifP« Thomas Duncan, ^Associates.

Prothonotaries Supreme Court.

Isaac Franks, prothonotary, Eastera, at Philadelphia'^ Heniy Eichholtz, do. Lancaster, at Lancaster i Martin Bruner, do. Middle, at Sunbury |>Districts.

James M. Riddle, do. Western, at Pittsburg i

John Findlay, do. Southern, at Chambersburg J

The District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, has original jurisdiction of all cases where the sum in controversy ex- ceeds 100 dollars. This court holds four terms annually On the first Mondays in March, June, September and December. If business requires it, they are bound to hold courts nine months in the year.

Joseph Barnes, 5


Courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, are held for the several counties, as follows in the f

1st District-r-ln Philadelphia, on the first Mondays in March and June, third in September, and first in December. Pres. John Hallowell, Esquire.

2d District In York, on the first Mondays of January, April, August and November; in Lancaster, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in York. Pres. Walter Franklin, Esquire.

3d District In Berks, on the first Mondays in January, April, August and November ; in Northampton on the secoisd Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Berks ; in Lehigh, on the Mondays succeeding the second week of the courts of Nortli- amptoii^county. Pres. Robert Porter, E.squire.

4th District In Bedford, on the first Mondays in January, April, August and November ; in Huntingdon, on the second Mondays of the same months ; in Mifflin, on the tiiird Mondays of the same months ; in Centre, on the 4th Mondays of the same months. Pres. Charles Huston, Esquire.

5th District -In Washington, on the Monday preceding the last Monday in March, the third Monday in June, and the last in October and December ; in Beaver, on the first Monday in January, last Monday in March, and first Monday in x\ugust and November ; in Allegheny, on the Mondays succeeding the com-


Ixxxiv Whltely''s Philadelphia Register.

mencement of the courts in Beaver ; in Fayette, en the Mondays succeeding the commencement ot the courts in Allegheny ; in Greene, on the Mondays succeeding the commencement of the courts in Fayette. Pres. Samuel Roberts, Esquire.

6th District In Venango, on the first Mondays in November, February, May and August ; in Butler on the second Mondays of the same months ; in Mercer, on the third Mondays of the same montlis ; in Crawford, on the fourth Mondays of the same months ; in Erie, on the Mondays succeeding the commencement of the courts in Crawford. Pres. Jesse Moore, Esquire.

7th District In Delaware, on the third Monday in January, the second in April, the fourth in July, and the third in October ; in Chester, on the second Mondays after the third Mondays in January, April, July and October ; in Montgomery, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Chester ; in Bucks, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Montgomery. Pres. John Ross, Esquire.

8th District In Columbia, on the first Mondays in January, April, Augusi-t and November; in Northumberland, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Columbia ; in Lycoming, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Northumberland ; and in Union, on the second Mon- days after the commencement of the courts in Lycoming. Pres. Seth Chapman, Esquire.

9th District In Cumberland, on the first Mondays in January, April, August and November ; in Adams, on the Mondays next succeeding the courts in Cumberland; in Franklin on the Mon- days next succeeding the courts in Adams. Pres. Charles Smith, Enquire. n

10th District In Westmoreland, on the Mondays preceding the last Mondays of February, May, August and November ; in Somerset, on the last Mondays of the same months ; in Cambria, on the first Mondays of March, June, September and December; in Indiana, on the second Mondays of the same month ; and in Armstrong, on the third Mondays of the same month. Pres. Jolm Young, Esquire.

11th District In Luzerne, on the first Mondays in January, April, August and November ; in Pike, on the third Mondays of the same month ; in Wayne, on the fourth Mondays of the same month. Pres. David Scott, Esquire.

12th District— \x\ Schuylkill, on the last Mondays in March, July, October and December; in Lebanon, on the first Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Schulkill ; and in Dau- phin, on the second Mondavs after the commencement of the courts in Lancaster. (See 2dDist.) Pres. S. D. Franks, Esquire.

loth District— In Susquehanna, on the first Mondays after the courts in W^avne ; in Bradford, on the first Mondays after the courts in Susquehanna ; and in Tioga, on the first Mondays after the courts in Bradford. Pres. Edward Herrick, Esquire.

Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, arc held twice^n each year in the city and county of Philadelphia. One Court is held by the judges of the Common Pleas, and the other bj the judges of the Supreme Court. In the other dis-

Whitely'^s PkUadelphta Register. Ixxxv

tricts, they are held by the jadges of the Common Pleas. Trials of civil causes in ttie Common Pleas of Philadelphia county, are adjourned courts, held at such times as the judges may appoint.

The Orphan's Court ot Philadelphia county, is held the third Friday in each month.

The Mayor's Court (for the trial of offences committed in the city) holds tour sesi>ions in the year The third Monday in March ; second Mcjiday in June ; third Monday in October ; and third Monday in Decembei-.



Of the City of Philad-'ljihia^ District of Southivark, Townshi/is of the J\'orlhern Liberties and Penn ; their Places of Abode and Districts.

1, William Drum, 302 north Eighth street, from the north side of Vine street to the south side of Callowhill street, and from the west side of Sixth street to Schuylkill.

2, Josepli B Norbury, 71 Wood street, from the north side of Callowhill street to tiie south side of Hickory lane, and from Sixth street to Srhuylkill.

3, William Steiumetz, Coates above Seventh street, from the north side of Hickory lane to the boundary line of Penn town- ship, and from Schuylkill to Sixth sireet, taking in the best part of G^rmantown road.

4, Abednego T Whitton, Point road, Kensington, from the east side of the Germantown road up to the township line, and from the Delaware, including Kensington, to the townshij) line

5, Franklin Lee, 98 Poplar lane, from the north side of Poplai' lane, including the west side of the Germantown road, to the township line, and from the Delaware to the township line.

6, Benjamin Naglee, 454 north Second street, from the south side of Poplar lane to the north side of Brown street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

7, Charles Elliott, 431 north Second street, from the south side of Brown street, to the north side of Coates street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

8, James M'Cormac, 391 north Second street, from the south side of Coates street to the north side of Green street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

9, Samuel Gilbert, 208 north Second street, from the south side of Green street to the north side of Noble street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

10, Robert A Parrish, 238 north Third street, from the south side of Noble street to the north side of Callowhill street, and Irom the Delaware to Sixth street.

11, John Byerlv,N E corner of Juliana and Vine street, from the south side of Callowhill street to the north side of Vine street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

Ixxxvi Wliitely's Philadelphia Register,

12, James Donley, 149 north Third street, from the south side of Viiie street to the north side of Race street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

13, Joseph Donaldson, 72 north Second street, from the south side of Race street to the north side of Arch street, and from the Delaware.to Sixth street.

14, Abraham L Pennock, 122 nortli Fifth street^ from the 80uth side of Vine to the north side of Arch street, and from the west side of Sixth to the east side of Ninth street.

15, Michael Baker, 166 Arch street, from the south side of Vine to the north side of Arch street, and from the west side of Nintii to the east side of Twelfth street.

16, John Pechin, 21 ilbrth Twelfth street, from the south side of Vine to the north side of Arch street, ^nd from the west side of Twelfth to Schuylkill.

17, Benjamin H Yarnell, 39 Market street, from the south side of Arch to the north side of Market, and from the Dela- ware to the east side of Eleventh street.

18, Thomas Roney, 8 Prune street, from the south side of Market to the north side of Chesmit, and from the Delaware to the east side of Eleventh street.

19, JosepU B. Lapsley,Chesnut near Thirteenth street, from the south side of Arch to the north side of Chesnut, and from the west side of Eleventh street to Schuylkill.

20, Thomas P M'Mahon, 13 south Second street, from the south side of Chesnut to the north side of Walnut, and from the Delaware to the east side of Eleventh street.

21, James Fearcn, 49 Union street, from the south side of Wal- liut to the north side of Spruce, and from the Delaware to the east side of Seventh street.

22, John Horner, 261 Market street, from the south side of Walnut to the north side of Spruce, and from the west side of Seventh to the east side of Eleventh street.

23, Joseph Caskey, 392 Market street, from the south side of Chesnut to the north side of Spruce, and fro.m the west side of Eleventh street, to Schuylkill.

24, Joseph W Lyndalli 201 south Fourth street, from the south side of Spruce to the north side of Pine, and from the Delaware to the cast side of Tenth street-

^5^ Thomas Maitland, 153 Pine street, from the south side of Pine to the north side of Cedar, and from the Delawaie to the east hide of Fifth street.

£6, Clement Lee Bready, 197 south Fifth street, from the south side of Pine to the north side of C^dar, and from the west side of Fifth to the east side of Tenth street.

27, William Govett, 229 Cedar street, from the south side of Spruce to the north side of Cedar, and from Tenth street to Schuylkill.

^ 28, Jol\r. Gladding, 7o Penn street, froni the south side of South street to the north side of Shippen street, continued, and from the ri\er Delaware to Passyunk road.

29, 13driiel Roberts, 314 south' Second street, from the south side of Shippen to the north side of Plum street and north side of Fuller's alley, and from the river Delaware to Passyunk road.

IVhitely'^s Philadelphia Register. Ixxxvii

jO, Sylvester Roberts, 328 south Second street, from the south aide of Plum street and south side of Fuller's alley to the north side of German street and north side of Meade alley, and from the river Delaware to Pa^syunk road.

31, Lemuel Painter, 177 German street, from the south side of German street and south side of Meade alley to the north skle ot Queen street, and from the river Delaware to Passyuuk road.

32, Peter Hortz, 392 south Second street, from the south side of Queen street '^between the east side of Second and the river Delaware) to the southern boundary of the district.

33, William Herman, 2 Moyamensing road, from the south side of Queen street to the southern boundary of the district, and from the west side of Second street to Passvunk road.

-Managers of the Almshouse and House cf EmploymerJ*

Joseph Cloud, FresiderJ, 276 Arch street Lewis Lo\sry, corner of Tenth and Vine streets Isaiah Jeanes, 208 r.orth Front street John H Warder, 85 iiorth Seventh street— P>iier Williamson, 63 Almond street John \'allance, 87 south Sixth Henry Barrington, 306 seuth Foiu'th street Thomas D. Grover, 33 Christian street Silas Yerkes, 335 north Second st.

Officers of the General Board.

Joseph Howell, President, 107 Chesnut street John Lohra, treasurer, 139 Market street Samuel Ewing, solicitor, 146 Chesnut street John Hutton, secretary, 502 south Front street William Middleton, agent, 171 Pine street Joshua Merrick, assistant agent, 8 Mary street, (S) William M'CcUin, as- sistant agent 169 north Fourth street John Buckingham, m.es- senger and doorkeeper, 42 south Fifth street.

Physicians Samuel Stewart, 106 south Eighth James Rush, 181 Chesnut Joseph Klapp, 290 south Second

Surgeons Joseph PaiTish, 109 Arch Thomas T. Hewson, 132 Chesnut John Rhea Barton, 204 Chesnut.

Lying in Department.

Thomas C James, 7 York buildings John More, 63 south 7th. Physicians to the Out-door Poor,

Tiiomas M Hall, northwest corner of Callowhill and Sixth streets, for Penn Township ;

Thomas M. Hall, northwest corner ot Callowhill and Sixth streets, from the north side of Vine street up the east side of Sixth street to the Germantown road, down the west side of Germantown road to Third street, down the west side of Third to Vine street ;

Joseph Thomas, 254 north Second street, from the ncrih side of Vine street up the east side of Third street to the German- town road, up the east side of the said road, to the northern boundary of the township of the Northern Liberties, and from thence eastward to the river Delaware ;


Ixxxviii IVhitelijh Philadelphia Register,

John y. Clark, 110 Arch street, from the south side of Vine street to the north side of Market street, and from the Delaware to the ewst side of Nin^h street ;

John Eberle, corner of Race and Chester streets, from the south side of Vine street to the north side of Chesnut street and from the west side of Ninth street to Schuylkill;

Wilham Price, corner of Fourth and Prune street, from the south side of Market to the north side of South street, and from the Delaware to the east side of Ninth street ;

J. Russell Smith, 165 south Eleventh sti-eet, from the south side of Chesnut street to the north side of Pine street, and from Ninttk to Tenth streets, and from thence on the west side of Tenth street to the north side of South street, thence to the river Schuylkill ;

David F. Condie, 193 Lombard street, from the west side of Third street up the south side of Pine street to Tenth street, down the east side of Tenth street to the north side of South street, down South street to the east side of Passyunk road, down said road to the southern boundary of the district of South- wark, and from thence to the west side of Third street ;

Harvey Klapp, 72 Almond street, from the south side of Pine sti'eet to the southern boundary of the district of Scuth- wark, and from the Delaware to the east side of Third street.


Hannah West, Queen street, Kensington, third door from Marlborough street William Revoudt, corner of V/ood street and York road Richard Jordan, southeast comer of I hird and Coates' street Charles Loring, 339 north Third street Peter Lehman, 320 Market street M( rdecai L. Gordon, 58 north Second street Charles Marshall, 56 Chesnut street Robert Milnor, 161 south Second street George Glentworth, corner of Chester and Race streets Thomas M'Clintock, 107 South Ninth street James W. Simes, 459 Market street Peter Wil- liamson, corner Second and Almond.

Pemisijhania and Lyiiig-in Hospital.

The liistoty of this eminent institution is too well known to need particular notice here. It may. however, be observed, that the plan was first suggested by Dr. Thomas Bond, and it was founded by indi\ idual philanthropy in 1752. In 1774, it lost, by the depreciation of continental money, about ten thousand ])ounds, nearly one half of its productive estate. Subscriptions were, however, solicited, and by the united exertions cf the managers successively employed, and the receipt of some legis- tive aid. it has at length arrived at its present eminence.

Afanajs^ers, Samuel Coates, Pattison Hartshorne, Lawrence Seckel, Zaccheus Collins, Joseph Lownes. Thomas Stewardsofi, Kdward Pennington, Thomas P. Cope, Joseph W^atson, Israel Cope, Henry Hollingsworth, Thomas Morris. Treasuei- Josepti|S. Lewis.

Physicians Thomas Parke, 1 Rittenhouse place John C Otto, 139 Arch Samuel Calhoun.

WhiteUfs Philadelphia Regi.stir. Ixxxix

Surgeoiis Joseph Hartshorne, S E corner 7th and Spruce Joseph Parrish, 109 Arch Thomas T. Hcwson, 132 Chesnut

Thomas C- James, lor the lying-in departrnt-nt, 7 York build- ings.

Applications for admission must be made first to one of the Physicians, then to one of the attending managers. The attend- ing Managers and Physicians attend at the Hospital on the 4th and 7th day morning oT every week, to receive and discharge patients. Recent fractures and wounds, happening in and about the city, if brought immediately as they occur, will be ad- mitted gratis and without any security being demanded of the persons who bring the patient to the house.

N. B. Comfortable accommodations are provided for poor married women in the lying-in department, where they .are at- tend free of expense.

Published by order of the Managers. *

October, 1817. TllOS. P. COPE, Secretary

Christ Chur-ch Hospital^

No. 10, Cherry street, is an endowment for aged women of the Protestant Episcopal Church, made by Dr. John Kearsly, formerly an eminent Physician of this place, who bequeathed for this purpose, an estate, chiefly landed, which he vested in the rector, church wardens, and vestrymen of the United Epis- copal Churches of Christ and St. Peter's. Since its endowment it has received considerable accessions of property.


Office 39 south Fifth stJ'eet.

Members/or the City Dr. Samuel Jackson, President. Dr. Franklin Bache, Secretary. Joseph Worrell, Esq. 'Ireanurer. Dr. Jesse Roe Burden, Samuel Volans, Capt. Williain Havvkes.

For the Northern Liberties. James West, John By erly.

For Peiin Townshifi Charle. Souder, esq.

For Southwark. Dr. Joel B. Sutherland.

For A!oyame?isi}ig. Joshua Rayl";old.

Dr. George F.Lehman, Lazaretto /ihysician. Captain Henry Kenyon, Quarantine Master. John Robbins, Steivard of the Lazaretto. Yiv. Alexander Kniglit, Port Physician. William Mandry, Health Officer.— ios^ph Pryor, Clerk, i^c. John Buck- ingham, Messeyiger.


Section of the Act.,liasscd the 27th day of Afiril^ 1819, relative to the jiractitioners of Midivifery. j^\

Sect. 2d. " And be if further enacted by the authority afore- said. That it shall be the* duty of all persons who may pursue or

xc Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register.

practise Midwifery in the City of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, the township of the Northern Liberties and the townships of Moyamensing and Penn, between the first day of March and the first day of April, annually hereafter, to leave their names in writing, and the places of their residence, at the Office of the Board of Health, and when so left it shall be the duty of the clerk to receive and enter the same alphabetically in a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be open at all times during the Office hours, to persons desirous to inspect the same. And all persons pursuing or practising Midwifery as aforesaid, shall keep a true and exact Register of the births that take place under their care and superintendance, and shall, from time to time as they may happen, enter the same, with the sex of the child so born, on a blank schedule to be furnished to them by the clerk of the Health Office, which schedule shall be signed with the name of such person, and delivered on the last Saturday of each month to the clerk of the Health Office, or other person calling for the same ; and every person pursuing or practising Midwifery, neglecting or refusing to leave their names and places of residence at the Health Office as aforesaid, or to per- form any other of the duties required by this act, shall forfeit and pay for each offi^nce the sum of twenty- five dollars, to be re- covered in the manner and for the uses prescribed in ** an Act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and conta- gious diseases and for other purposes."

Corporation of the City of Philadelphia^ c^c. ^c.

Mayor, James N. Barker, office City Hall S W comer Ches- nut and Fifth ; Recorder, Joseph Reed ; Attorney and Solicitor, Thomas M'Kean Pettit ; Citv Treasu<rer, John Bacon, office City Hall ; Clerk of Mayor's'Court, Randall Hutchinson, office 3 E. wing of Statehouse.

Aldermen Robert Wharton, Matthew Lawler, Samuel Cars- well, Michael Keppele, Abraham Shoemaker, Jolin Inskeep, Andrew Pettit, John Douglass, John Geyer, George Bartram, Joseph Hertzog Samuel Badger, James N. Barker, Peter Chris- tian, {one vacancy.)

Select Council George Vaux, President ; Isaac Boyer, An- thony Cuthbcrt, William Delany, Stephen Girard, Elijah Grif- fith,"Joseph S. Lewis, William Rush, John W.Thompson, Geo. Vaux, Joseph Watson, Thomas Bradford, jun. clerk.

ConwiDn Council Joseph Worrell, president ; Alexander Adams, Joseph Burden, Alexander Cook, William Duane, James S. Duval Michael Fox, Levi Garret, Ihomas Harper, Samuel Jackson, John Maitland, John M*Clintock, William PiersoU, Mark Richards, Abraham Small, Richard Tybout, Thomas Wallace, Joseph Worrell, Maurice Wtirts Samuel Rush, clerk.

City Commissioners Joseph Morris, Conrad Bartling, and Thomas T. Siiles.

City Clerk—Matthew Randall, office City Hall.

JV/iiteiy''6- Philadelphia Register. xci

Regulators and Surveyors Reading Howell, Samuel Haines and A.C. Ireland.

City Constables High Constables, George Campbell ; Mar- tin Rees : Upj^er Delaware, Smith Mills ; North Mulberry, James Vanstavoren ; Lower Delaware, William Stokes ; South Mulberry, William M'Ginley ; High street, John Metzker; Northward, John Hess; Chesnut ward, Tiiomas Cooper; Mid- dle ward, Josei^ii Robinson; Walnut ward, John MiUiman; South ward, Israel Hoopes ; Dock ward, John M'Masters ; Lo- cust ward, John Topham ; Newmarket ward, John M'Lean ; Cedar ward, John Hcffecker.

Corders of wood and receivers of wharfage George Fry, corder at \ine street wharf; Henry Myers do. Race do. ; Paul Reilly, do Arch do. ; Daniel Saint, do. Che?^iut do. ; Samuel Black do. at the Drawbridge ; Charles Mcrcier, deputy corder at the Drawbridge; William Fife, corder Schuylkill Landing

Captain of tiie Night watch, Samuel Paxson ; Lieutenant ditto, Francis Mitchell.

Clerks ot the High street market, Jacob Strembeck and Geo. Beck; Ditto of the Second street market, John Ashmead.

Vaccine Physicians Dr. George S. Schott, 35 N. Eighth, for the N E district ; Dr. David J. Davis, 2 S Eighth, for the N W district ; Dr. Jose])h G. Nancrede, 181 S Tenth, for thcS W^ dis- trict ; Dr. John C. Hebertony 115 S Fiftii, for the S E district.

Superintendant of the Public Burial Ground, Benj. Ferguson.


Jan. 5th, 1820,

Notice is hereby given, that agreeably to an Ordinance of the Select and Common Councils, the City is divided into Three Districts, and that each District is under the spet.ial superinten- dence of the person whose name is am-,exed thereto.

District No. 1 From the nonh side of Vine street to the north side of High or Market-street, and from the Delaware to Schuyl- kill, Joseph Morris, No. 58, north Eighth -street.

District No. 2 From tiie novth side of High or Market-street to the north side of Walnut-street< and from the Delaware to Schuylkill, Conrad Bartlmg, No. 455, Arch-street.

District No. 3 From the north side of Walnut-street to the south side of South-.street, and fiom the Delaware to Schuylkill. Thomas T. Stiles, Eleventh-street, vvest side, between Walnut and Locust-streets.

For Repairs of Pumps .^ ^c.

Apply to either of the City Commissioners, or to Thomas Dixeify in Fitzwalter-street, between Seventh and Eighth- streets, for that part of the city south of Market-street, and east of Broad-street ; or to John Point, in Richardson's court, north side of Sassafras, near Fifth, for that part of the city r.orth of Market-stieet, and east of Hroad-street ; or to laaiah Dixey iJf Co. west of Broad-street, near Market, for that part of the city west of Broad, and fron) Vine to South-'Street.

xcii JVhiteiy^s Philadelphia Register.

The JoUoiving are fixed on as Stqyids for Drays^ Hackney Coaches^ a?id Sleig/is, keeping twenty teet from any intersection of the street, and ten feet clear of any pump, fire-plug, or hy- drant.

Stands for Drays.

No. 1 Penn-street, from Pine to Cedar or South-street, on the west side.

No. 2 ^Water-street, on the west side from the Drawbridge to Pine-street.

No. 3 Di^wbridge, on the north side from Water to Front- street.

No 4 Spruce, Pine, and Cedar-streets, on the nortli side, and east of Front-street.

No. 5— Front, from Chesnut to Wahiut-street, east side, and Front 200 feet iiorth of Chesnut, on the east side.

No. 6 Front, from Wahiut to Hamilton's stores, east.

No. 7 Walnut, on the north sido, east of Water-street.

Nc. 8 Chesnut, on the north side from Front to Second-street.

No. 9 Front-street, on tlie east side, from Sassafras to Vine.

No. 10 Vine-street on the north side, from Front to Second- street.

No. 11 Mulberry, on the south side, from Front to Second- street.

Na 12 Second-street, on the east side from Sassafras to Coates' alley.

No. 13 Branch -street, on the south side, from Third to Fourth-street.

No. 14 rhird-street, on the east side, from High-street to opposite Elbow lane.

No. 15 Third-street, west side, from Mulberry to Cheny- street.

No. 16 Fifth-street, east side, south of Market, and within ten feet of an avenue, leading to Davis's tavern. '

No. 17 Decatur- street, from High-street, to Carpenter- street, on tlie east side.

No. 18 Seventh-street, on the east side, from an alley ad- joining St. James' Church to High, and from High to Carpenter- street.

No. 19 Eighth-street, on the west side, from Filbert to Mar- ket-street.

No. 20 Ninth- street, on the west side, from High-street to Chesnut-street

No. 21— Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth-streets, on the east side, and from High to Chesnut-street.

Stands Jo r Hackney Coaches and Sleighs.

No. 1 Dock, the middle of the street, from Third to Second- street.

No. 2 Pine-street, south side, from Fourth to Fifth-street. '

No 3 Fifth-sti-eet, west side, from Walnut to Library-street.

No. 4 Sixth-street, east side, from Chesnut to Walnut.

No- 5 Seventh-street, east side, from Chesnut to George- street.

Whttely''s Philadelphia Register, - xciii

No. 6 Mulberry-street, in the middle of the street, from Fifth to Sixth street. No 7— Ninth- street, west side, from George toChesnut-street. By order of the Ciiy Commissioners,


Directors of Public Schools for the city of Philadelphia^ first school district of the state of Pennsylvania.

Roberts Vaux, Joseph Reed, Thomas Stewardson, William Fry, Peter Key ser, John C. Browne, James Ronaldson, Joel B. Sutherland, David Woelpper.

City Ordinances List of Penalties,

For wasting the Schuylkill water 5 dollars

Empty boxes remaining in the street longer than 3 hours 1 dol- lar 33 cents

Goods remaining in do. more than 4 hours 2 dollars

Occupying stands in the market unappropriated by ordinance 2 dollars

Exposiag goods for sale on or over the brick or stone pave- qient 1 dollar 33 cents ' For persons remaining in the market after market hours 5 dolls

Riding or driving immoderately 3 dollars

Driving without reins and without being within reach of the horse's head 3 dollars

Riding or driving on ot- over the brick or stone pavement, ex- cept going into a stable or enclosure 5 dollars

Piling lumber or unloding out of a cart, &c. any bar iron, coal, &c. on the footway 5 dollars

Hackney coaches not numbered as the law directs 5 dollars,

Drays and carts do. 10 dollars

Acts of Assembly,

Selling ardent or vinous spirits within the city or county of Philadelphia, by less measure than one quart, without having a license 50 dollars for the first offence, and 100 dollars for every subsequent transgression. By a late act of assembly, an^' respecta- ble citizen is made a competent witness. The fine is to be ap- plied to the use of the poor.

Chimnies being on fire, not having been swept within one ca- lender month 5 dollars 33 cents

Throwing privy filth in the street 4 dollars.

xciv Whitehfs Philadelphia Register.

Officers of Philadelphia County,

Sheriff— -Caleb North ; office 10 west wing of State House. Under Sheriff, Thom.is EUiott Deputies, Ccnrad Hester, Hen- ry Engles, John Trout, John Snyder, Horatio L. Melchor.

Prcthonotary of the Supreme Court Isaac Franks ; office 7 State House

Prothonotary of the District Court—Timothy Matlack ; office 5 State House

Prothonotary of the Common Pleas Joseph B, Norbury ; of- fice 6 State House

Clerk of Quarter Sessions— rVym. Runkle, jun- office 6 State House.

Clerk of Orphan's Court Thomas F. Gordon; office 12 State House

Register Samuel Bryan ; office 6 State House

Recorder Isaac Worrel ; office 4 State House

County Commissioners (office 11 State House ;) John Thum, Philip Peltz, Robert Brooke ofOxford^ George Ingels, 22 New- market.— Treasurer, Daniel B. Lippard Solicitor, William Delany, Esq. Clerk, John Rees.

Justices of the Peace Philadelphia County,

First district Composed of the City. See City Corporation

Second district Composed of the townships of Byberry, Lower Dublin, Moreland, and Oxford Jonathan Clofieid, Joshua Com- ly, Joshua Jones, Benjamin Walmsley, John Helm, jun Refbert Morris, Isaac Worrall, John Salter, John H. Worrall, John Ruan, Jacob Coates, Theophilus Harris.

Third district Conjposed of Bristol, Germantown, and Rox- borough John Huston, Samuel Conrad, Peter Baynton, Jacob Nice, Cornelius Holgate, Sila;* Wilson, Josejjh H. Fleming, John De Rofontain.

Fourtli district Composed of the Northern Liberties and Penn Samuel Wheeler, Frederick Wolbert, Jr>hn Goodman, Samuel M'Ferran, Joseph Grice, John Kessler, Frederick Peer- ing, Edward D, CorMeld, Henry Prohasco, Thomas Barnes, Charles Carey, jun. William Moulder, John Shaw, Jacob Fitler, Joseph Rogers, John Clifford, Charles So«der, John Johnson, Martin Ludie, Jacob G. I'ryon, and John L. VVoolf.

Fifth district Composed of Moyamensing, Passyunk, and Southwark Kht^nezer Ferguson, Ricliard Renshaw, Richard Palmer, Joseph Marsh, Daniel Bussier, John Thompson, John Hunter, IVJichael Freytug, Joshua Raybold, Israel Israel, John Allison, Christopher ()'Conner, Philip Peltz.

Sixth district composed of Blockley and Kingsessing Wil- liam E. W^ri^it, George C. Lentner.

Northern Liberties,

Commissioners for the incorporated part of the Northern E?-^ berties, (meet at their Hall ilflf Third street, first Tivesday in each

IVIiitely^s Philadelphia Register.


month.) Daniel Groves, president Thomas Heart, George Woolley, Jacob Souders, Joseph Smith, Peter Grim, Michael Baker, sen. John Naglee, John Barclay, Isaac W. Norris, James Whitehead, George Knorr, Thomas Coats, Jonathan Roberts, J. Franks, Conrad Hester, Thomas Goldsmith, Sannuel FoerTng, treasurer Thomas Timmings, clerk John Kessler, jun. col- lector.

Captain of the watch, Thomas Arnold— Lieutenant of the watch, John Abel.

Superintendant of streets Joseph Pricker.

Police officer, John G. Mintzer— Clerk of the market, Ed- ward Edwards.



COHOCSINK CREEK, or Northern Boundary.




S 3 O



u o






X »— <





3 O

-a o














Willow street^

{/r, Pegg's Run.







3 u u

«-• (A





< <



VINE STREEr, or Southern Boundary.



Joseph Fricker, high constable— /'7r5.' Ward, ('onrad Worknot

Second Ward, John Miller— 77n>Y/ M'ard, John Christine

Fourth Ward, Joseph Franklin Fifth Ward, Benjamin D. Jef-

feries— 5/jcM Warf/, Jacob 'D^2iYX—S€ve7ith Ware?, John Painter

Unihcor/iorated. Henry Benner John Vanhorn.


xcvi Whitely^s Philaclelphia Reg^ister.

Directors of public school, for tlie incorporated part of the Korthern Liberties and Kensington Peter Keyser, John C. Browne, George F. Goodman, "William Binder, Jacob Justice, Joseph Lukens, John Taylor, Joseph Warner, George C. Schi\ eley, Thomas Bacon, WiUiam Fitler, George KnorT«.

District of Penn Tozunship,

(This district is incorporated" between Sixth and Broad, and Vine and Hickory lane)

Commissioners David Woelpper, president ; John Alburger, Henry Boroef, William Drum, Frederick Haas, Jacob Gardner, Nicholas Grear, Lewis Loury, H. H. Miller, Laurence Shuster, Charles Souder, WiUiam Warner, Jacob Frick, clerk ; Peter Hotz, treasurer ; Joseph H. Siddall, regulator; Daniel Newman, superintendant.

Directors of Public Schools David Woelpper, William Warner, Joseph B. Norbury, George Esher, Martin Ludie,

Henry Urben.

District of Southwark,

Commissioners, (meet at their hall, Second street above Chris- tian, every Thursday evening,) Robert M'MuUin, president; Hugh Cavsnaugh, Thomas Sj^arks, John Turner, John Tur- ner, jun. Jesse WilHam.son, Charles Penrose, John Floyd, Wil- liam M'Call, Thomas D. f Trover, (one vacancy.) Josiah Haines, John Graham, Cornelius Tiers, Joel B. Sutherland, John Hutton, clerk; Wm. Pidgeon, superintendant.

Corders Benjamin Duncan, Almond street wharf; George Hood, Catharine street wharf; WiUiam Kennedy, Queen street wharf; John M'Fee, Christian street wharf; vacant Pine street ^vharf.

Captain of watch, Geo. W^eaver; Lieut, of do. Samuel Work.

Constables Henry Engles, WiUiam Harvey, Peter Crans.

Directors of Public Schools for said district Benjamin Mar- tiuj Joel B. Sutherhmd, George C Snyder, Robert M'MuUin jr. George M'L«od, John Turner, jr.

Moyamensing and Passyunk.

Constables Michael Cooper, James Vanholt.

Directors of Public Schools Thomas Dixey, James Ronald- son, James M'Cann, Joshua Raybold, Jacob Snyder, Robert Longhead. .

Auctioneers Stated days for sales.

Passmore Sc Sparhawk, 32 south Front— Dry goods Monday and Tutisday, at 2 o'clock ; gi'oceries, Wednesday and Saturday, at 11 o'clock; Hardware &c. Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 6 o'clock.

T. Humes & J. 5c W. Ljppincotts, 56 south Front Dry goods, Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; dry goods, Friday afternoon at half past 2 o'clock ; Groceries, Monday and Thursday, at 11 o'clock.

Lisle, Weir & Co. 20 south Front Dry goods, Wednesday and Saturday ; groceries, Tuesday and Friday.

Whitely's Philadelphia Register. xcvii

Neff, Jones & Co. 34 south Front street--.Dry goods, Monday and ruesday ; groceries, Wednesday and Saturday.

Piersol 8c Grelaud, 39 noriii Front Dry goods, Tuesday and Friday ; groceries Monday and Thursday

'i'aylor & Wagner, 29 north Front Dry goods Tuesday and Friday ; groceries Monday and Tiuirsday.

Steel 5c Potter, 153 Market Dry i^oods, Tuesday and Friday afternoon at half past 2 o'clock, hardware &c. Wednesday anc4 Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock.

A List of all the Mayors and Recorders^ fro^n the Jirst incorporation of the City of Philadelphia. Mzz/or.9.— Edward Shippen, 1701-2— Anthony Morris, 1703— Griffith Jones, 1704 Joseph Wiicocks, 1705— Nathan Stanbury, 1706-.Thomas Masters, 1707-8— Richard Hill, 1709— Willianri Carter, 1710— Samuel Preston, 1711— Jonathan Dickenson, 1712 —George Roch, 1713— Richard Hill, 1714-16— Jonathan Dick- enson, 1717-18 William Fishbourne, 1719-21 James Logan, 1722 Clement Piumsted, 1723 Isaac Norris, 1724 William Hudson, 1725— Charies Read, 1726-7 Tliomas Lawrence, 17'27-8— Thomas Gr.ffitts, 1729-30- Samuel Hassel, J 73 1-2— Thomas Griffitts, 1733— Thomas Lawrence, 1734— William Allen, 1735— Clement Piumsted, 1736— Thomas Griffitts, 1737 Anthony Morris, 1738— Edward Roberts, 1739 Samuel Has- sel, 1740--Clemcnt Piumsted, 1741— William Till, 1742— Benja- jamin Shoemaker, 1743 Edward Shippen, 1744— James Hamil- ton, 1745 William Attwood, 1746-7 ^^Charles Willing, 1748— Thomas Lawrence, 1749 WiUiam Piumsted, 1750 Robert Strettell,175l Ben jamin Shoemaker, 1752 Thomas Lawrence,- 1753_4-_Charles Willing, 1754-5— WiUiam Piumsted, U55-^ Atwood Shutc, 1756-7 Thomas Lawrence, 1758 John Stam- per, 1759 Benjamin Slioemaker, 1760 Jacob Duche, 1761— Henry Harrison, 1762 Thomas Willing, 1763— Thomas Law- rence, 1764 John Lawrence, 1765-6 Isaac Jones, 1767-8— Samuel Shoemaker, 1769-70— John Gibson, 1771-2— William Fisher, 1773— Samuel Rhoads, 1774— Samuel Powell, 1775*— Samuel Powell, 1789— Samuel Miles, 1790— John Barclay, 1791 —Matthew Ciarkson, 1792-5— Hilary Baker, 1796-7— Robert Wharton, 1798-9— John Inskeep, 1800— Matthew Lawler, 1801-4 John Inskeep, 1805 Robert Wharton, 1806-7 John Barker, 1808-9— Robert Wharton, 1810— Michael Keppelle, 1811-12— John Barke)', 1813— John Geyer, 1814— Robert Wharton, 1815- 1819— James N. Barker, 1819-20.

Recorders i^T\\orc\2LS Story, 1701-3— David Lloyd, 1704-6— Robert Asheton, 1707-1725— Andrew Hamilton, 1726-40— William Allen, 1741-9 Tench Francis, 1750-4-5 Benjamin Chev/, 1755-75— Alexander Wiicocks. 1789-1800-1— Alexan- der J.Dallas, 1801-2— Moses Levy. 1802-7-8— Mahlon Dicker- son, 1808-9-10— Joseph Reed, 1810-19.

* In the year 1776, the corporation was dissolved in consequence of the revolution, and the city remained unincorporated until 1789.



Thcnights Conversation Works Manner Diet <^ Apparel Will Sleep Prayers Recreations ^Memory Hear, Be silent, Understand, Remember,

''Divine, awful, godly.

Little, honest, true, /

Profitable, holy, rharitable.

Grave, courteous, cheerfhl.

Temperate, convenient, sober. ^be<^ Frugal, neat, comely.

Constant, obedient, ready.

Moderate, quiet, seasonable.

Shorty devout, often, fervent, j Lawful, brief, seldom. LOf death, punishment, glory. be silent.

Y and learn to -<

understand- remember, do accordingly.

All that you



r see, judge ) hear, beheve i l^now, tell L can do, do

If ever you speak any thing, think first, and look nar- rowly what you speak of whom you speak— and to whom you speak ; lest you bring yourself into great trouble.

Franklin's schtine for the Employment of Time.


Rise, wash, and address Powerful Goodness ! con-

. ^trive day's business ; and

this j 6 rtake the resolution of the I I day ; prosecute the present



Morning. The question, what . good shall I do day }

study, and breakfast.





C 12 I Read, or look over my ac-


counts, and dine.



The question, what [ood have I done to




I 12 I

<; 1 ^Sleep.


Put things in their proper places. Supper, music or diversions, or conversation. Examination of the day.

Whitely''s Philadelphia Register. xcix




Monied^ Religious^ Humane^ and Charitable^ Literary^ National^ Mutual Benefit^ ^c, so for as theij could he obtained in time for publication^ alphabetically ar- ranged.

The officers, 8cc. of the societies marked thus, (*) were not received in time.

it^ The respective secretaries of the various public institu- tions and societies of the City and Liberties^ will confer a favour on the Editor, and render a fiub lie service^ by sending him, «n^w- ally^ a written list of the officers, stating the time of election, date of incorporation, place of meeting, object of the institution, together with any other remarks, previous to the 1st February, in each year.


Bank of the United States Carpenter's court, back of the post office. Incorporated 1816, to endure until 1836. Capital §35,000,000, divided into 350,000 shares of %\0Q each. Divi- dends declared January and July. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. Annual election, 1st Monday in January. Open daily, except Sundays, 1st January, 4th July and Christmas, from 9 A, M. to 3 P. M. Notary, C. C. Biddle. Public Directors— lu?.r\^Cion Cheves, President, Thomas Wilson, cashier, Nicholas Biddle, Manuel Eyre, John M. Rim, junr. of Maryland, Charles E. Dud- ley of A'ew York. Directors for 1820. Pierce Butler, Richard Rundle, John Sergeant, Joshua Lippincott, Gustavus Colhoun, James Schott, Thomas M. Willing, Horace Binney, Thomas Astley, Samuel Wetherill, Hartman Kuhn, Silas E. Weir, John Potter, South Carolina, John Oliver, Maryland, George Hoffman, Maryland, Archibald Gracie, A^ew York, Curtis Bolton, JVetv York, Nathaniel Silsbee, Massachusetts^ Jam^s Lloyd, Massa- chusetts.

List of Branches. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston, Providence, R. I. Middletown, Conn. New York, Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, New Or- leans, Fayette ville, Pittsburg, Chillicothe, Lexington, Louisville, Cincinnati.

Bank of Jsforth America No. 99 Chesnut street. Capital §834,000. Directors, John Morton, president ; George Latimer, Jacob S. Wain, Daniel Smith, James Read, Joseph Pierce, Timothy Paxson, Henry Nixon, Benjamin R. Morgan, George Fox, George M'Callmont, Charles M'Alester ; Henry Drinker, cashier. Open daily, except Sundays, Good-Friday, Christmas

( 7* )

c Whitely''s Philadelphia Registei\

day, Ist January, and 4th July, from 9 A. to 3 P. M. Discount days Monda) s and Tliursdays. Election 2d Monday in January, annually ; notary, Peter Lolira. Dividends January and July.

Bank of Pennsylvania 86 south Second. Joseph Parker Noi'ris, president Directors on part of the State^ George W. Morgan, Mathew Carey, John Thoburn, VVm. K Correy, Thos. Leiper, Dr. James Smith Directors y Godfrey Haga, William Sansom, Charles Biddle, Louis Clapier, Jacob Ridgway, George Vaux, Anthony Stocker, Abraham Sharpless, John G. Cunow, Jonas Preston, William Brown, James Robertson, Jonah Thomp- son, Matthew C Ralston, Peter Wager, Mark Richards, Hugh Ely, Anthony Beelen ; Elihu Chauncey, cashier. Incorporated 1792>, renewed 1803, to endure until 1833.— Capital ^2,500,000, divided into 6250 shares, at JS400 each, all of which has been paid in. Dividends, January and July. Discourft days, Wednes- days and Saturdays. Annual election, first Monday in February. Notary, Peter Lohra Open daily, except Sundays, 1st January, 4th July, and Christmas, from 9 A.M. to 3 P. M.

JBa'.k of the J^orthern Liberties 77 Vine street, below Third, north side. Directors, Jolin Barclay, president ; Andrew C. Bar- clay, George Gorgas, Thomas Hart, Joseph R. Jenks, Jonathan Knight, ThoniuS Latimer, Thomas Loyd, jun. Wm Milnor,, Isaac W. Norris, James Paul, John Taylor, George Thomas, Joseph Thomas, James Whitehead. D. Mandeville, cashier. Incorporated 9th May, 1814, to endure until 1st April, 1825. Capital 500,000 dollars, on which §250,000 has been paid,— §25 paid on each share. Dividends 1st Monday of May and Novem- ber. Discount days Tuesdays and Fridays. Notary, John Good- man. Annual election, 3d Monday of November. Open daily, except Sundays, Christmas and 4th of Julv% from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Transfer books close 14 days preceding the 1st Monday of May and November Dividends payable 10 days after de- clared.

Camden Bank, New Jersey. Capital §600,000. Directors Richard M. Cooper, president ; Henry Cliew, Thomas Wright, Jas. Matlack, Thos. Newbold, Wm Potter, Joseph Uodgers, Clement Acton, Joseph Fauikenberg, Isaac Hewlings, Benjn. Masden, Joseph Lea, Isaac C. Jones, H. F. HoUingshead, Saml. Spackman, Josh. Longstreth, Jno Gill, Isaac Wilkins, Jos Og-

den, Joseph Matlack, . Wm. Hillegas, cashier. Office

21 Church alley. Dividends payable after 15th of April and after 15th of October.

Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania. No. 102, Chesnut street. Directors, Andrew Bayard, president ; Richard Dale, Caleb P. Wayne, Henry Pratt, James S. Duval, S.iml. Archer, John C. Smith, John M'Crea, Cl\arles N. Bancker, Charles Perrv, Wm. L. Hodge, Edward Hallowell, cashier Capital 1,000,000 dols. divided into 2000 shares. Dividends declared May and Novem- ber Di.scount days Tuesdays and Fridays. Notary, Geo. Heyl. Closed Sundays, Christmas, New Year and 4th of July. Election Sd Monday in November.

lVhitely''s Philadelphia Reg'ister, ci

Farmers^ and Mechanics^ Bank 157 Chesnut street. Incor- porated in 1809. Chartered until 1824. Capital and amount paid in §1,250,000, divided in 25,000 shares at §50 each. Dis- count days Tuesdays and Fridays. Annual election last Satur- day in January. Notary, Benjamin Nones. Open every day, Sundays, Christmas, and New Years excepted Directors Joseph Tagert, president ; Samuel Barnes, Wm, E. Howell, Seth Craig, Wm. W Fisher, James M'Alpin, John M'Cauley, George Pepper, Samuel Richards, James Sharswood, George Sheaff, Richard Tybout, Charles A. Harper Henry Kuhl, cashier,

Girard's (Stephen) Banking House Formerly the U.S. Bank, Third street opposite Dock— (ieorge Simpson, cashier. Open daily, except Sundays, Christmas, and 4th of July, from 9 A.M. till 3 P. M. Days of discount Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Mechanics' Bank 9 south Third. Directors, Joseph Gilling- ham, president ; John Moore, John U.Fraley, Isaac L. Pearson, Samuel G. Wright, Joseph Williams, Joseph Price, Abraham L. Pennock, Richard M'llvain, Jonathaa Fell, Samuel Palmer, John Markland. Joseph Howell, Jonathan Sleeper, Joseph Be de, Nathaniel Holland, Thomas B. Darrach, Wilha n Gerhard, AmableBrasier, Timothy Abbott, Thomas Marshall. Samuel Wilcox, cashier. Incorporated 9th May 1814, to endure until 1st April 1825. Capital Sl,000,000, divided into 20,000 shares at 1^50 each. Dividends declare'd first Mondays in May and November D;.>5Count days Tuesdays and Fridays. Annual elec- tion third Monday in November. Benjamin Nones, notary. Opeiv daily, except Sundays, 1st January, 4th July, and Christmas.

Philadel/ihia Bank S W corner Fourth and Chesnut. Di- rectors, John Read, president Lewis D Carpentier, Siml. W. Jones, W.n. Phillips, John A. Datilh, T.aleb Newbold, Edward T wells, Robert Patterson. Alexander M'Caraher, Samuel Smith, Jacob Sperry, John Welsh, Joseph Lownes, Joseph R. Evans, Charles Biddle,junr.DawelH. M.ller, A. Fisher, Charles Graff, Benjamin Stille', John M. Price, William Yardley, Quintin (Camp- bell, cashier. Incorporated 1803, to endure until 1824. Capital 1,800,000 dollars, divided into 18.000 shares at 100 dollars each. Dividends declared March and September. Discount days Mon- days and Thursdays Annual election second Monday in Febru- ary. N. Diehl, jun. notary. Open daily, except Sunday, 4th July, Christmas and first January.

Schuylkill Bank S. E. corner Hii^h and Sixth Directors, William Meredirh, president ; Simon Gratz, John Horner, Aaron Denman, John Dubarry, Thomas M Souder, Robert A. Cald- cleugh, Edward Smith. John Bennet, Joseph Montgomery, George Thomson, William Paxson, Benjamin Johnson Hosea J. Levis, cashier. Incorporated 9th May 1814, to endure until 1st April, 1825. Capital §1, 000,000, divided into 20,000 shares. Dividends declared 1st Monday in May and November Dis- count days Tuesdays and Fridays. Annual election^Sd Monday

cii Whitely''s Fhiladelphia Register.

in November. Benjamin Nones, notary. Open daily, except Sundays, Christmas, Isc January, Good Friday, and 4th July.

INSURANCE COMPANIES. Amei'ican Fire Insurance Comfiany. Office 101 Chcsnut, Capital §500,000, divided into 5000 shares, on each of which §40 has been paid. Dividends declared first Monday in Apiil and October. Annual election first Monday in May. Directors, Chandler Price, president; Manuel Eyre, John Swope, John Sergeant, Joseph Heed, Samuel Wethe'rill, William Schlatter, Guy Bryan, Thomas M'Euen Edward Fox, secretary.

Delaware Insurance Company Office south-east corner of Walnut and Second. Samuel Keith, president; Wm. Bell, Wm. Boyd, John Cook, Joseph R. Evans, Thomas P. Cope, Isaac Harvey, jun. Benjamin Jones, James Kitchen, Jonathan Leedom, Joseph Lownes, Joshua Longstreth, Wm. M'Faden, James S. Duval, Fournier Rostair, Dividends first Mondays in June and December. Choice of Directors 2d Monday in December. First incorporation in 1803 second in 1813 expires in 1835. 5000 shares at 40 dollars per share 200,000 dollars. Open every day Sundays, 4th July and Christmas day excepted.

Insurance Comfiany of the State of Pennsylvania. Office N.E. corner of Second and Dock Annual election in January Capital 500,000 dols. Shares 400 dols. Dividei^ds declared 1st February, and 1st of August. Directors, James S. Cox, pre- sident ; Daniel Smith, John G. Wachsmuth, Henry Pratt, Joseph Sims, Samuel Coates, Henry Nixon, Paul Siemen, George Fox, Gustavus Calhoun, Anthony Stocker, Charles Macalester, John Marcoe ; Joseph L. Inglis, secretary.

Marine Insurance Company. Office 47 Walaut. Directors, John Leamy, president ; Jacob Sulger, secretary ; David Walker. Joseph Peace, James Paul, John Coulter, Samuel N. Lewis, George M'Callmont, John B. Newman, Henry Hollingsworth, Stephen Russell, William Read, Elihu Chauncey, and Isaac W. NorriS. Capital 300,000 dollars— Shares 100 dollars— Divi- dends July and January. Election 3d Monday in January, meet once in every fortnight.

Mutual Assurance Company For insuring houses from loss by fire, in and near Philadelphia. Office No. 54 Walnut street. Trustees— Robert Wharton, president ; Daniel Smith, Jonathan Smith, Robert Smith, James C. Fisher, Walter Kerr, Thomas M'Euen, George M'Callm.ont, Thomas Hale, WiUiam Flintham, John C. Stocker, John Markland, Robert M. Lewis— John B. Palmer, treasurer. «

North American Insurance Company. Office 40 Walnut. Directors, John Inskeep, president; Alexander Henry, James Read, Godfrey Haga, John Stille, Samuel Mifflin, Thomas Ast-

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register, ciii

ley, Andrew Pcttit, Charles Perry, Samuel W. Jones, Thomas Latimer, Jacob S. WaJn, Jacob C. Wikuff, Edward Smith, Samuel Archer; Robert S Stephens, secretary. Capital 600.000 dollars shares 10 dollars. Dividends second Mondays of Janu- ary and July. Incorporated April 14th, 1794. Charter renewed 28th Jaiiuar>', 1813 to 1835. Annual election in January.

Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities Incorporated March, 1812. Charter perpetual. Capital stock 8^00,000— Shares SlOO each—Dividends first Monday in January and July Election third M')nday in January Office 173 Chesnut Open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock Directors, Jaceb Sperr\', president ; Cadwalader Evans, John Bohlen, Jeremiah Warden, jun. Joseph Peace, Charles N. Banc- ker, Charles Macalester, William Parker, William Boyd, Hy- man Gratz, John C. Montgomery, Robert Patterson ; Jacob Shoe- maker, actuaiy.

Philadelphia Contributions hip For the Insurance of houses from loss by fire, commonly called the Hand-in-hand Insurance Company, 25 Dock street, where insurance will continue to be made, without limit as to time, on the usual terms, by application to Joseph S. Lewis. Incorporated 1768. Annual election, 2d Monday of April. Directors John Morton, Pattison Harts- home, Joseph P. Norris, Joseph Cruckshank, Zaccheus Collins, Zachariah Poulson, Joseph Watson, Thomas Morris, Horace Binney, Joseph Price, Joshua Longstreth, Geoi-ge Fox; John C. Evans, surveyor Joseph S Le\^s, treasurer. Monthly meeting, 1st Tuesday in every month.

Philadelphia Insurance Comp.any. Office S W comer Second and Walnut streets. Directors, Thomas M. Willing, president; James C. Fisher, John Ashley, WlUiam Wain, John Savage, Abraham Kintzing, James Smith, Joseph S. Lewis, William J. Miller, Elliston Peror, William W. Fisher, Richard Willing; William Miller, secretary. Capital 400,000 dollars. Shares 100 dols. Dividends June and December.

Ph<£nvr Intrurance Company. Office 96 south Second street. Directors, David Lewis, president; Paul Beck, jun. John C. Smith, Peter Graham, Lawrence Lewis, Alexander Murray, Paschal Hollingsworth, John G.-xidard. Capital 480 000 dollars. Shares SO dollars. Dividends June and December.

Union Insurance Comfiany. Office 45 Walnut. Directors, George Latimer, president; Joseph Ball, Rich-\rd Dale, Mat- thew Lawler, Lewis Clapier, John Bohlen, Stephen Girard, Hugh Colhoun, William Davis, Samuel H^ys, William Lynch, Bankson Taylor, and Austin Montgomei-y Secretary, John Ro- berts. Capital 300,000 dollars in 5000 shares ot 60 dollars each. Days of declaring dividend, 1st Monday of January and July. Election 2d Monday in January.

civ Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

United States Insurance Comjiany Office 49 Walnut. Di- rectors, Israel Pleasants, president ;' CUandler Price, Benjamin B. Howell, Henry Toland, jun. Caleb Newbold, jan. John C. Stocker, Jonah Thompson, Matthew L. Bevan, Henry Sergeant, Joshua Emlen, Frederick W. Sperry,Wnn. L. Hodge, and James Latimer. Capital 400,000 dols. Shares 50 dollars. Dividends June and December.


Abolition Society At an election held 31st Dec. 1819, the un- dernamed members of the Pennsylvania Society, for promot- ing the Abolition of Slavery, the relief of free Negroes unlaw- fully held in bondage, and for improving the condition of the African race, were duly chosen officers for the ensuing year, viz. President, William Rawle, Esq, ; vice presidents, Joseph M. Paul, Jonas Preston, m. d. ; secretaries, Benjamin W^illiams, Blakey Sharpless ; treai^urer, Thomas Shipley ; counsellors, Richard Peters, jun. John Hallowell, John Sergeant, Richard C. Wood, David Paul Brown, William Rawle, jun. James Hop- kins, of Lancaster county, George Fisher, of Dauphin county, James M. Porter, of Northampton county, Matthias Morris, of Bucks county, John Henderson, of Montgomery county, Samuel Edwards, of Delaware county ; Board of education, Benjamin Albertson, Blakey Sharpless, Phihp Price, junr. Benjamin M. Hollenshead, John H. Willits, Nathan Shoema- ker, M. D. William P. Paxson, George Bergen, m. d. Edward Needles, Benjamin C. Parvin, James Cox, William Wayne, jun. Tow-nsend Sharpless; Electing committee, Henry Troth, James Cox, William Bryant, Lindzey Nicholson, Benjamin C. Parvin, Robert Murphy, Daniel Smith, Joseph M. Truman, Alexander Shaw, William Master, Jacob T. Bunting, John H. Willits.

Academy of JVatural Science. Annual election 30th December; president, Wm. Maclure ; vice presidents, Z. Collins, George Ord ; corresponding secretary, Reuben Haines ; recording secretary, Frankhn Bache m. d.; curators, C. A. Lesueur, Thomas M*Euen, Isaiah Lukens, Richard Harlan, m. d. ; librarian, Jacob Pierce ; treasurer, Jacob Gilliams,

Jdult School. The public are informed, that an Evening School for those who have not had the advantages of early education (who are taught gratis), is now opened in theSouthwark Hall. Those of either sex, who wish to attend the course of instruc- tion, can leave their names at either of the Day Schools, in the Hall. Persons, although advanced in years, need not feel diffi- dent in coming forward.

*JEschylenian Society Meet at Perry Hall, comer of Fifth and Cedar street.

* African Friendly Society of St. Thomas.

*AimweU School Society for the free instruction of Female Chil- dren.

^American Beneficial Society. Meet at Zeilin's tavern, !61 Chesnut street.

^American Brotherly Society.—Meet the second Saturday in every month, at Reed's inn, 212 north Third.

lVhiteiy''s Philadelphia Register, cv

* American Colour and Paint Comjiany.

* American Convention, for promoting the abolition of Slavery

and improving the condition ot the African race.

American Friendly Institution. Meet at Meyer'> Inn, S. W. corner Fifth and" Race, on the 2d Monday of each month. In- stituted June 4th 1810 incorporated January 1811 President, Jesse Ferguson ; vice president, Thomas \V Budd ; secretary, Joseph Hermstead ; treasurer, Charles W. Schreiner ; door- keeper, James Dennison. The officers are chosen on the 2d Monday in June of every year none but native Americans are admitted. The benefit of sick members is from 3 to 4 dollars per week, and in case of death 30 dollars is allowed for funeral expenses and 25 cents in addition if there is a widow, which is paid by each of the members. Persons applying for mem- bership must be between the ages of 21 and 40. Initiation from 5 to 10 dollars. Contributions STj cents per month.

*American Fhiladel/ihia society.

American Philosophical society Jbr the promotion of useful kno%u~ ledge. President, R. Patterson ; vice presidents, William Tiighman, P. S. Du Ponceau, Zaccheus Collins ; secretaries, Thomas C. James, R. M. Patterson, Robert Walsh, junior, George Ord ; counsellors for 3 years, Wm, Rawle, Horace Binney, John Sergeant, John Q. Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Wm.'M'Clure, Nicholas Colhn, Wm. Meredith, James Gib- son, N. Chapman, Robert Hare, Wm. Hembel ; curators, Jos, Cloud, Thomas T. Hewson, Reuben Haines ; treasurer and librarian, John Vaughan.

*Americc7i Society of Plasterers.

*Antihifinotics. Meet every Tuesday evening at Martin Rees', 97 south Fifth street.

Atheneeum. Instituted 1814, incoi-porated 5th April, 1815, for the promotion of literature. Rooms Pkilosophical Hall, south Fifth, street which is open daily, except Sunday, from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Directors for 1820, chosen on the first Mon- day in February ; William Tiighman, L. L. D president ; Sa- muel Ewing, vice president ; Quintin Campbell, treasurer ; Robert H. Smith, secretary : Peter S. Duponceau, Roberts Vaux, George Vaux, Benjamin Tiighman, Richard C. Wood, John Vaughan, Quintin Campbell, Jacob Gratz, Thomas J. Wharton, E. S. Ingersoll, John C. Montgomery, \\'iiliam Lehman, Clement C. Biddle, Wm. M'llhenny, jr. librarian.

*Aujciliary Bihle Society.

Banks. See the article Banks.

*Bayard Beneficial Society of Pennsylvania. Instituted 1818. Meet at Trueman's school room. Vine below Second street first Monday in each month. Election first Monday in January.

* Belles Lettres Association. Instituted 3d September, 1816.-^

Meet S W corner Fifth and Arch. Election first stated meet- ings in March and September.

*Benevole7it Blues Society. Instituted for the laudable purpose of supporting each other in sickness and distress.

Benevolent Society of Journeymen Tailors, Meet at Elliott's, on Monday evening weekly.

cvi Whiiely^s Philadelphia Register,


'^Benevolent Society of Loaf Bread Bakers. Bible Society. Instituted Dec. 1808, for distributing the Bible gratis. Managers, right rev. William White, d. d. president.

* Bookbinders' Society. *BookseUers' Society.

*Botanic Garden. Incorporated March 24th 1817.

* Bridge Comfianies. See their respective names. ^Bricklayers' Benefit Society of Pennsylvania. *Brickiaycrs Company Incorporated 11th March, 1799. Elec- tion, 1st January, annually.

^British Ejtiigrant Society. —•'^Itet at 27 north Fifth street

*Burns Club Meet 29tii January.

^Burrows Beneficial Society. Instituted Octobtr 31st, 1815. Incorporated April 18th, 1816. Meet at Wilson'.-, tavtrn, op- posite the statehouse, the first Tuesday in each monh. Elec- tion on the sixth of October annual!) William Bladen, presi- dent ; Jaraes Botner, secretary.

Biistleton and Smithfield Tuimfiike. President, Henry Prat^; managers, Richard Leedom, Joshua Jones, Phujeas Jenks, Jacob Souimer. John Siocldard, 1 homas M'Kean, Joshua Com- ly, William Maghet, Isaac Worrell, John M'Naer, Robert Adams, James H. Du' cias. 1 reasurer and Secretary, John Roberts Shares §100 each. Election first Monday in Novem- ber. Incorporated 5tii March, lo04. Office back 95 north Water street

* Cabinet of Sciences .

* Caledonian Benevolent Society. Annual election, Januaiy 8th

President, Thomas Dobson ; vice president, Robert Adams ; treasurer, Alexander M'Causland; secretary, Duncan M'Fa- dyen ; visiters, Alexander Campbell, Robert Leishman, Ed- ward Brodie. - *Canal Comfianies. See their respective names.

* Carpenters' Company. Meet at their Hall in Carpenter's

court. Instituted 1724 and incorporated 1790

'^Cheltenham and IVillowgrove Turnfiike Company. Annual election, 2d Monday in November. Managers, Robert W bar- ton, president ; John Hart, Thomas M'Eucn, Dr. George Ga- lasspy, Thomas Biddle, David C. Claypoole, Thomas* Morris, Dr. Ceorge De Benntville, Thomas Mather, George Rex, Thomas Fletcher, Samuel Scholfield, Isaac Leech ; Griffith Evans., treasurer.

*Chesnut Hill and Springhouse Turnpike Company.

* Christ Church Ho^iitalfor widoivs^ 10 Cherry street.

* Christian Benevole?it society.

* Cincinnati society of the state of Pennsylvania. ^Annual elec-

tion 4th July.

^City Hospital For the reception of patients labouring under malignant fevers. Commenced 1807— finished in 1810. Situate S.W . corner Francis lane and Schuylkill Fourth.

*Colltge of Physicians. Founded 1787 incorporated 1789. Election in July.

Columbian Beneficial society of the city and county of Philadel- phia. Timothy Blake, president ; David B. Moore, vice pre- ?-ident; Samuel Jones, treasurer; J. Barnes, secretary. The

Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register, cvii

i>ociety meets at Newmarket Hall on the first Tuesday in every month. Each person on being admitted a member, pays into the funds a sum agreeable to his age. If between the age of 21 and 25, three dollars for every year older 50 cents ; but no person admitted whose age is more than 40 years. The monthly contributions of each member is 31 cents. Each per- son, after being one year a member, is entitled, if confined to his bed by sickness, to four dollars per week and if his dis- order be of a less serious nature, yet so as to incapacitate him from pursuing his professional business, he#'is entitled to re- ceive three dollars per week. The above society was incor- porated January 26, 1816.

*Colu?nbia Benevolent society Instituted 1804. Meet 4th Thurs- day in every month at Newmarket Hall. Election in Feb. annually. President, Thomas Elliott. Vice President, John W. Saunders. Treasurer, Wm. Nesbit. Secretary, Robert Ralston.

'* Columbian Chemical society.

*Columbian Beneficial society. Incorporated 1800. Meet first Saturday in every month at John Wilson's inn, 193 Chesnut street. Election first Thursdays in March and September.

* Columbian Society of Artists. President, Col. J. Trumbull;

vice president, Wm. Strickland, George Murray, Benjamin Trott, George M. Miller ; secretary, Gideon Fairman ; trea- surer, John Vallance ; professor of anatomy. Dr. P. C. Barton.

Columbus Beneficial Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Meet at the sign of the General Jackson, 264 Race street, on the third Tuesday, in every month. Daniel Clawges, presi- sident; Bartholomew Rees, vice president; Lewis Davis, se- cretary ; Benjamin Wdey, treasurer.

*Committee of Missions of the General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church.

* Common Prayer Book ^ode^i/.— President, Hon. William


* Corchvainers^ Society. Meet 161 Chesnut street.

* Cordivainers* Society. Meet 3d Monday in each month, at 97

south Fifth street.

* Coaqu?iague Benevolent Society. Meet 4th Tuesday, monthl\% at Newmarket hiiU, George M'Leod, president ; Benjamin Bates, treasurer ; Wm. Hamilton, secretary.

Decatur Benevolent Institution. Established 1817. Meet at the sign of the Cock and Lion, corner of Second and Coates, first Saturday in each month. Election first Saturday in Ja- nuary, annually. President. Scddinger ; vice president,

J. C. Hill ; treasurer Wm. Hoovan ; secretary, Nicholas He!- verson ; doorkeeper, C. L. Archer. >

Delafilaine^s J^Tational Panzografihia^ Ox the portraits of distin- guished Americans, Chesnut street. Admittance 25 cents.

* Democratic Association of Yoking Men.


* City Dispensary 37 south Fifth street. Annual election 1st Monday in January. Managers, right rev. Williaai White, president ; Lawrence Seckel, Robert Blackwell, Henry Hel-


cviii White ly''s Philadelphia Register,

muth, Robert Smith, Godfi-ey Haga, Robert Raltson, Joseph Cruckshiink, Elliston Perot, Roberts Vaux, Joseph Parrish ; Samuel P. Gritfitts, secretary. Attending physicians and surgeons, doctors J. G. Heberton, Edward Barton, George B. i Wood, Richard Harlan, Joseph G. Nancrede, Samuel Emlen. f Consulting physicians and surgeons, doctors I'homas Parke, *

, Philip S. Physick, Thomas C. James, Thomas T.

Hewson; treasurer, Jdin Clifford; apothecary, George G. Tresse J\forthern Disfiensary Green, S W corner Second. Instituted 1816. Annual election January 6th. Managers, rev. George Boyd, pres. Isaac Cleaver, sec'y. John Barclay, esq. treasurer ; Daniel H. Miller, Joseph Townsend, John C Brown, Alexan- der Knight, John Perkin, Robert A. Parish, George Gorgas, Jonathan Roberts, Joseph Sansom, Joseph S. Riley ; attending physicians and surgeons, doctors William R«mscy, Azor L. Gregory, George F. Klingle, Benjamin S. Janney, John M*Cul- ly, John Linn. Consulting physicians and surgeons, doctors Joseph Hartsliorne, Thomas T. Hewson, John C. Otto. Apo- thecary, Richard Jordan.

* Southern Dispensary 98 Shippen street. Managers, Dr Sa-

muel P. Griffitts, president ; Charles Penrose, Anthony Cuth- bert, James Gibson, C. Stevenson, Thomas Elliott, E. Fergu- son, Peter Williamson, Norris Stanley, Joseph Ogilby, David J. Davis Joseph Watson, secretary ; physicians, Harvey Klapp, John Y. Clark, John R. Peckworth, David F. Condie, George Thum, Edward Haydock; treasurer, Robert M'Mul- lin ; apothecary, James Mitchell. *i)oinestic society for the Encouragement of Manufactures. Established in 1805.

* Dorcas society.

*Emfiorium of Fine Arts^ over 18 Chesnut street

*Efiiscofial Female Tract society of r*hiladelfi/na.

*E]lmco/ial Missionary society. Annual election 23d October, right rev. William White, d. d president.

*jErm Benevolent Society. Daniel Bready, president ; Michael Williamson, vice -president ; Thomas Burke, treasurer ; John C. Holmes, secretary ; I'homas Hopkins, assistant secretary. Meet the I7th of every month, and 17th March is the anniver- sary ; at Mrs. Dunn's inn, 213 south Second.

* Evangelical Society.

^Exhibition, of the works of American artists ^2X Samuel Kenne- dy's, 72 Chesnut.

^Farmers* and Mechanics' society. Meet corner of Budd and Green.

*F'cmale Association for the Relief of Women and Children m reduced circumstances. Instituted 1801.

^Female Domestic Missionary society.

*Female society ofPhiladelfihia^ for the relief and employment of the poor. The Societv continue to offer for sale at their ware room No. 5, Ran^tead's court. Sheeting, Table Linen, Nap- kins, Comfortables, Bolster and Pillow Cases, Stockiitgs,

IVhitely^s Philadelphia Register, cix

Homespun, Cotton and Woollen Yarn, Linen and Muslin Shirts, &c.

*Fe?nale Hcsfiitable society^ for the relief and employment of the poor. Instituted 1808-9. Tne public are respectfully in- formed that the Female Hospitable Society have for sale, at No. 54, N. Fourth stieet, cotton, flax and woollen yarn, setf- ing; th'ead, shirts, table li leii, fleece cotton, manufactured by the poor, >viih many articles on commission. Those who wish to employ, to be a rer-ef to the indigent and industrious, will be kind enough to gi\e their custom to the institution.

"Fire A-^anciatiori of PJiilacUlfilna. At a meeting of Delegates from the different companies coinposing the Fire Association of Philadelphia, the following persons were elected trustees for one year, from the first day of January, 1S19 : Benjamin Thaw, president; David C. Claypoole, Frederick. Hoeckley, Mordecai Y. Bryant, James H irper, jun. William Abbott, Jeremiah Boo!ie, Daniel H. Miller, Michael Fox, John D. Smith, Benjamin Martin, Joseph P. M'Coikle Caleb Car- malt, treasurer. To either of whom, applications may be made for the insurance of houses from loss or damage by fire for a limited or unlimited period.

'First Day or Sunday school. Instituted I "90. Alexander Shaw, secretary.

*Fir>it Jackson Benevolent Institution. Meet at Henry Mey- ers' tavern S W corner Fifth and Race.

Frankford and Bristol Turnpike Road Comfiany Election Nov. 10th annually. President, James C Fisher ; Managers, John G. Wacksmuth, George Lualam, Robert Smith, V^'illia^l Philips, Abraham Duffield, John Lardner, Derick Peterson, William J. Miller, Paul Siemen, Amos Grigg, John Brown» Anthony Stacker Treasure)', Joseph L. Inglis.

Franklin \4ssociation of Phila'lel/ihia. Instituted Januar\' 16th, 1814, for the promotion and dissemination of general literature. Meets weekly at Ko 32 Church alley. President, Davis B. Stacy ; vice-]jresident, x\lexander Graham ; secretary, Joseph M. Lynn; corresponding secretary, Charles W^. Thomson; recorder, Isaac I. Horner ; treasurer, Aquila Bolton ; libra- rian, Isaac Bedford. Their anniversary is celebrated on the evening of the sixteenth of Januar\', the birth-day of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Their general officers are elected quar- terly, on the first Monday evening in the months of January, April, July, and October. The association consists, at pre- sent, of about thirty mem!)ers, and has several branches in different parts of the United States.

*Franklin Benevolent Institution. Instituted 1811, and incor- porated January 7ih, 1812. Meet at the sign of the Iron sign in Third below Coates, first Monday in each month. Elec- tion first Monday in May annually. About 100 members.

*Franklin Union Benevolent society. ^^eet at John Wilson's tavern, 193 Chesnut, first Monday in every month.

^French Benevolent socieiu- (" Societe' de Bienfaisance.") In- stituted 1804 Incorporated 1805.

'^Friendly Columbian Beneficial society Meet first Wednesday

ex IVhitely^s Philadelphia Register.

in ever}' month, r.t Newmarket Hall— Wm. Lecture, presi- dent ; John Rogers, treasurer.

^Friendly society of P/iiladei/ihia—^eet at Meyer's, comer Fifth and Race, 2d Tuesday in each month John Cromwell, president ; D. Wetherly, vice-president ; E. Shelmerdine, treasurer. . fT

"'Friendly society of St, Tanmany.

''Friendly St. Tammany aociety. Incorporated 1790 Meet at Meyer's inn, S W corner Fifth and Race, third Saturday of each month. Elections 1st of May and third Saturday of No- vember.— President, James Coldwarter ; vice-president, Isaac Sanders ; treasurer, Philip Coldwarter; sect'ry.Luke Shields.

*Gafi and JVczf/2ori Turnpike Compaiiy. Office N E comer Second and Dock.

"^General Gates-' Beneficial society. Meet at Red Lion, Brewer's alley near Fourth, 2d Thursday in each month. Elec- tion 2d Thursday in February. Incorporated April 1, 1818. Present officei-s, Wm. Meguire, president ; John Schreyer, vice president ; Jonathan Kite, secretary ; Henry Goldey, treasurer ; George Smith, messenger.

^German American Mutual Assistant society. Instituted 1797, and incorporated 1801. Meet first Monday in each month at the Widow Crowmer's, in Third street opposite the Northern Liberties Commissioner's Hall. Election first Monday in February annually. Ninety members. Capital 2000 dols. President, .Andrew Bnsch ; vice president, John M. Metzker; Trea.surer, John C. Blumner; secretan', John L. Klotz. /German and American Mutual Assistant society. Instituted March 1817, incorporated 1818. Meet at the widow Crow- mer's, in Third opposite the N. L. Commissioner's Hall, on the second Monday of each month- Election second Monday in February annually. Capital 400 dols. and 114 members. President, Andrew Busch ; vice president, John M. Metzker ; Treasurer, John A. Langebartel; secretary, JoUn L. Klotz.

* German American Beneficial society.

* German Beneficial society.

*German Benejicent society oj the .Yorthern Liberties.

* German society-— yieei at their Hall in Seventh below High.

President, Isaac W'ampole ; vice president, J. N. Harmes ; treasurer, John Roland ; secretaries, John C. Lowber, T. E. Schwartz ; solicitor, Samuel Keemle ; librarian, Frederick K, Nidda; overseers, George L. Cook, Frederick Erringer, George W. Mentz, J. U. Fraley, J. H. Fisler, William Spohn ; intei"preter, John S..ock.

*German society for Mutual Suhfiort and Assistance. Meet the first Saturday in January, March, May, July, September and November, at Meyers' tavern, S W comer of Fifth and Race. John Bernbaum, president ; Henry Young, sec'r)^

*Genna7itoivn Bank, office of, 106 south Fifth.

^Germantoivn and Chesnut Hill Turnpike Company.

*Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Company. Annual election 2d Monday in Nov. President, Benjamin Chew ; Managers, Jos. P. Nor«s, William Davis, George Roberts, Chandler Price, John Bohlen, Thomas Norton, George Fox,

Whitely^s Philadelphia Register. cxi

John Connelly, John Wharton, Samuel Wetherill, John Dela- mater, Coleman Fisher ; treasurer, Joseph Bullock.

*Guardians of the Poor " See List of Contents .""^

* Hand-in- Hand society. Meet at the Cock and Lion, corner Second and Coates, 2d Saturday in each month,

*Harmomc society of St. John's Church. Stated weekly meet- ings, Friday evening at the corner of Race and Sixth street Wm. Binder, sec'ry.

Haydn society of St. John's Church. Stated weekly meetings, Friday evenings, at the corner of Race and Sixth streets. Martin Gaul, secretary.

*Hibernian society y for the Relief of Mmis^ants from Ireland. Incorporated in 1792.

*Miram Beneficial society. Meet at the German Hall, south Seventh street William G. Oliver, secretary.

*Ho'ivard Beneficial Institution of Penyisylvania. Instituted October 29th, ISll, and incorporated January 7th, 1812 Meet at N. L Comniissioner's Hall, in Third street Election 2d Wednesday in January, annuiilly. President, William Moulder, esq. vice president, John M'Michael treasurer, Levi Garrish secretary, Joseph Taylor.

*Humane .?or?>/iy.— Managers, Joseph Cruckshank, president, John W. Moore, sec'ry ; Joseph P. Horner, treasurer ; Ben- jamin Thaw, Samuel Pancoast, jr. Matthew L. Bevan, Ben- jamin Jones, Isaac Snowden. Inspectors, W^illiam Leedom, ^Vm. Henibell Committee of correspondence, John W. Moore, Thomas C James, Joseph Parrish Medical assistants, William Currie, Samuel P. Griffitts, Thomas C. James, James Mease, John C. Otto, Thomas T. Hewson, Peter Millar, Jo- seph Parrish, Isaac Cleaver, Henry Neill, Joseph Klapp, Wm. B. Duffield.

*Insfiectors of the Philadelfihia Prison. (Northern Liberties) Dr. Michael Leib, William Wager, George N. Baker, Fred- erick Foering. (City) Thomas Bradford, jr. Wm. Flintham, Samuel P timer, Joseph Price, John Bacon, Matthew L. Be- van. (Southwark) Peter Miercken, James -31. Linnard, Tiiomas Sparks, John Summers Dr. Michael Leib, presi- dent; M.itthew L. Bevan, treasurer; John Bacon, secretary. Keepeis of the prison, Jacob Holiaway, principal keeper, re- sides at the prison ; Nicholas Tilliiighast, clerk. Deputy keepers, Abijah Price, Jacob Reakerc, Seth Price, Samuel Roberts, Edward Guys, Josiah Claypoole, Christopher Arm- strong, Furman Black Prune street apanment, Israel Dea- con, principal keeper ; John M'Daniel and Joseph S. Kite, deputy keepers.

*Indefiendent Blues and Militaru Benevolent society— tM-GQI at Martin Rees's, 97 S. Fifth, 2d 'Wednesday monthly.

Tnde/iendent Harmonic society Meet every Thursday evening N W corner Vine and Fourth Josepii E M'llhenney, pre- sident ; Joseph Lenard, secretary and treasurer

Indefiendent Beneficial society Incorporated 1811 Meet at New-market Hall, 3d Monday in every month. Election third Monday in April, annually. President, Lebbeus Whit-


cxii Whitely''s Philadelphia Register,

ney ; vice president, Jesse Ferguson ; treasurer, John Hassall;

secretary, Isaac G Haunum. Indtjitndent Benevolent society Instituted Jan. 16th, 1810

Meet 2d Thursday in every month at New-market Hall.

Vice president, John C. Kelsey ; treasurer, Adam Reid. *Indigent Widows and Single tVomen's society Asylum High

near Sch. Sixth. Mrs. Mary Hodge, treasurer. Insurance Companies See the article.

* Irish Beneficial society ,

*Irish Emigrant Association.— Meet at Judd's hotel. Michael Williamson, secretary.

*Jackson Beneficial Society— Meet first Tuesday in every month, at Meyer's tavern, S W corner Fifth and Race. Election in Jtinuary. President, Lewis D. Belair ; vice presi- dent, Levi Burrough ; secretary, S. Simpson, treasurer, John Stinger ; door keeper, A. Burrough.

^Journeymen Bricklayers* society

* Journeymen Blacksmiths* Beneficial society:

* Journeymen Coofier':^' society. ^Journeymen Cordwainers* society.

* Journey men Hatters* society.

* Kensington Beneficient society. ^Lancaster and Philadel/ihia Turnfiike.

* Lancaster Schuylkill (Upper Ferry) Bridge —K\\n\i2i\ election

first Monday in January. President, Jacob Ridgwav ; mana- gers, Samuel Richards, James Whitehead. John M'Cauley, Thomas Cadwalader, Henry Nixon, Abraham Sheridan ; treasurer, IhomasP. Roberts. ^ Law society of Philadelj-ihia. Meet at the corner jof Sixth & Chesnut opposite the Law Library Room, Trevanian P. Dallas, secretary.

* Lawrence Benevolent Institution. Instituted 1st January,

1814, and incorporated 1st June, 1814. Meet at N L Com- missioners' Hall, north Third street. Election first l hursday in January, annually. President George Smith ; vice president Jacob Baker, jr; treasurer, Samuel Keller secretary, Benj. D. Jeffries ; doorkeeper, Archibald Burrough-

*Loga?iian Library. Annexed to the Philadelphia Library ; but the books, consisting of 3944 vols, are kept separate

Madison Beneficial society bf the Northern Liberties. Meet 2d Thursday in each month, at the Cock and Lion inn, S W cor- ner Second and Coates streets. Instituted 4th March 1811, and incorporated 7th March 1812. Election first Thursday in March, annually. President, Wm. Piatt ; vice president, Lu- cas Lake ; treasurer, John Barger ; secretai-y, Isaac Boileau.

''^ Magdalen society. Incorporated 1802 AsvUim N E corner Sch. Second and Race. The Right Rev. Wm White, D. D. president ; Robert Ralston, vice president ; William Ashbridge treasurer ; Thomas .Mitchell, secretary ; managers, Thomas Latimer, D-iniel Jaudon, George Williams, Jonathan Roberts, Alexander Henry, Thomas Saverv, James Moore, Peter Van Pelt, Samuel Haydock. Meet at Carpenters' Hill Meeting 2d 3d day (Tuesday) of February, May, August and Novem- ':>€r. Election 2d 3d day in February

IVliitehfs Philadelphia Register. % cxiii

*MaleSabbath school society

*MarineBidie society.

^Mariners Benevolent society.

*Masonic Institutions For full information, see Desilver*s Mason's Pocket Book, which miiy be had at the publisher's book-store, 110 Walnut street.

*Master Bricklayers^ society Incc.rporated 1809.

"^Master Coopers'' society.

*Maiitcr Mechanici^ Benevolent society. Instituted 1810. An- nual election second Tuesday in January. Meet at Carpenters* H.iil President, Joseph Burden ; vice president, Cornelius Stephenson; treasurer, George Reese ; secretary, John W. Scott ; visiting committee, William Bryant, Cornelius Tiers ; fund committee, James Wilson, Lambert Tree, W illiam Camm, George Thompson, John Cuhn, James M. Linnard.

Master Plasterers' society. Incorporated 23d March, 1804. Election 1st Monday in January. President, William Thackara; vice president, ; secretary, Edward Evans ; trea- surer, Isaac Parry ; committee of measures, Wm. Thackara, E. Evans, and James Glasgow. Meet at Hoskins' school- room, High above Tenth, first Monday in every month.

* Master shi/iivrig-hts'' society.

* Master Tailors' society Incorporated 1805. *Medical Lyceum. Founded 1804.

Medical society. Incorporated 1791. Annual election first Wednesday in February. Meet at the Hall in Lodge street. President, W P. Dewees ; vice presidents, Joseph Parrish, John R. Coxe ; treasurer, Dr Stewart ; corresponding secre- tary, Dr. Bnmes ; recording secretary, William Staughton ; orator, W. P. C. Barton.

Mint of the United States— Kohevt Patterson, director; James Rush, treasurer; Adam Eckfeldt, chiet coiner ; Joseph Rich- ardson, assayer ; Josepi-i Cloud, melter and retiner; Robert Scot, engraver ; George Ehrenzeller, ckrk.

* Missionary society.

Mosheini society Incorporated fortheimproi^ementofthe Ger- man language, the propagation of the Gospel, and the support of Sunday schools ; President J. N. Fisher ; vice president, Wm. Yager ; secretary, Jacob Harpel ; assistant secretary, Godfrey Schmauck ; treasurer, (reorge Muller; book and finance committee, J. N. Fischer, William Yager, Frederick Dteer, George Muller, John Harpel.

^Montgomery Beneficial Institution of Kensington President, » R(jbert Hodgson ; vice president, James C. Holme ; treasurer, John Simon, jun. ; secretary, Isaac Boileau.

Montgomery Beneficial society Meet second Monday in each montli, at Wilson's tavern, 193 Chesnut. Election second Monday in January. Jacob R. Clark, president; Charles S. Clawges, vice president ; Charles J. Boulter, secretary ; Ed- ward Clew, assistant secretary ; Chalkley Baker, treasurer; Jonathan Gardner, messenger.

wVew England society of Philadelfihia Founded the 3d day of January, 1816, for charitable and social purposes. Election, first Monday in November. Meet at the Carpentei^* Hal

cxiv Whitely''s Philadelphia Register.

Charles Chauncey, president ; Enos Bronson, . . Perot, Joseph Bariieij, Elihu Chauncey, vice presidents ; chaplains, Rev . Dr. Wni. Rogers, Rev, E S. Ely ; Richard Nevins, se- cretary ; , treasurer; Thomas Bigelow, Hum- phrey Atherton, counsellors ; N. C. Nancrede, Joseph Nan- crede, physicians ; Joseph Cabot, R. M. Whitney, William .R Rodman, William Gill, stewards.

Korlhern Dhfiennary See " Dispensaries."

*JVorther7i Liberty Benevolent society.

*J\forthern Liberty Grand Mechanics^ Beneficial society~-^^leet corner Second and Coates.

*JVorther?i Liberty Harmony Beiie/icial society.

*JVorthern Sou/i society Smith's alley, (N L) John C. Browne, president ; George Robinson, treasurer ; Joseph Cowperthwait, secretary.

'^Painters' and Glazi'n^s'' Beneficial society Incorporated 7th December, 1810 Meet at Elliott's, Shakspeare Hotel, 197 Chesnut, first Monday of January, April, July and October. Election first Monday in Januarv, annually. JacoD Strem- beck, president ; John Sims, vice president ; Thomas Stewart, treasurer ; Timothy Desmond, secietary.

*Penn Beneficial society Incorporated April 25th, 1815 Wm. Meguire, president ; George Hitner, vice president ; Jonathan Kite, secretary ; William Srern, treasurer; Nicholas Mager, messenger. Annual meeiinc:s on the third Monday in March. Meet at Jacob Zeilin's, 161 Cliesnut street.

* Pennsylvania Hosfiital See the art-icle.

Pennsylvania State Arsenal and Armory Juniper street be- tween Market and Chesnut. ^Pennsylvania Beneficial society.

* Pennsylvania Benefit society Meet second Tuesday in every

month at New-market Hall. Henry Engles, president; E. T. Weaver, vice president ; John Rogers, treasurer ; John Brown, secretary.

^Pennsylvania Benevolent society,

^Pennsylvania and JVevj Jersey Steamboat Company.

*Pennsylvania Philanthrofiic society . Incorporated 16th April 1814. Meet 118 New street Pre-ident, David Lake vice president, Joseph Abbot secretary, John M'Clintock ; trea- surer, Samuel Hause.

^Pennsylvania Slate Comfiany.

*Pennsylvania society fior the firomotion of fiublic economy. In- stituted 1817 Meet quarterly on 2d Monday of February, May, August and November, in the Hall above 118 Chesnut street. President, Robert Ralston ; vice presidents, Robert Wain, Thomas Leiper; secretary pro. tern. Roberts Vaux ; treasurer. Jonathan Smith ; counsellors, Benjamin R. Morgan, Charles Chauncey and Joseph Reed ; committee of correspon- dence, Richard Peters, jun. Condy Ragaet, James Robeitson, Enos Bronson and Nathaniel Chauncey ; libraiy committee, Joseph P. Norris, John Vaughan, James P. Parke, Zachariah Poulson and Samuel Hazard. This society has the following standing committees, viz. on public schools, Roberts Vaux,

lVhit€ty''s Philadelphia Register, cxv^

ciiairman ; Jonah Thompson, secretary ; on public prisons,

John Connelly, chairman ; secretary ; on the poor

laws chairman; sec'ry ; on domestic econo- my, Benjn. Ives Oilman, chairman ; secretary ; on

si:ppression of vice and immorality, Thomas Latimer, chair- man ; secretary.

Pennsylvania Union Benevolent society. Incorporated Febru- ary 2, 1812. Nicholas Mager, president ; John Wilbank, vice president ; Jonathan Kite, secretary ; Wm. Megtiire, treasu- rer; Wm Hadder, messenger. Antiual meetings second Mon- day in December meets at Jacob Zeilin's 161 Chesnut street.

^Peii^ Beneficial society of Pennsylvania. Jacob C. Stout, pre- sident* William Bozorth, vice president ; Charles W. Schrei-

ner, treasurer ; Wm. Skinner, secretary ; —— , assistant

secretary. Election in September. Stated meetings held first Wednesday evening in every month, at the house of H.Meyers, S. VV. corner of Fifth and Race. Incorporated August 1817

*Philadelfihia Association of Friends For^ the instruction of poor children. Incorporated 1808. Adelphia School-house Pegg street. Annual election in January. Treasurer, Joseph M. Paul ; clerk, Geo. M. Justice ; managers, Isaac Donaldson, Daniel B.Smith, Blakey Sharpless, Henry Cope, Bartholomew Wistar, John Cooke, James Martin, John Richardson, Ellis H. Yarnall, Charles Roberts, Merrit Canby, Daniel Elliott.

*Philadeljihia Association of the City and County^ for the sup- pression of vice tiT* im7nora/?/7/-Instituted January 18, 1819. Pre- sident, Benjamin Martin ; vice president, Joseph B. Mitchell ; treasurer, Jacob Mitchell ; secretary, Henry Alcorn. Meet at Commissioner's Hall, South wark, 2d Monday in every month.

Philadelphia Academy Fourth street above High.

^Philadelphia Beneficial society Meet at Newmarket Hall, 4th

Friday m every month ; Thomas Elliott, president ;

secretary ; John Sims, treasurer. *

^Philadelphia Benevolent society of Journeymen Taylors.

^Philadelphia Baptist Missionary society.

Philadelphia Dispensary See *' Dispensary."

^Philadelphia Harmonic society Meet every Tuesday evening, at the Harmonic Hall in Norris' alley. Managers, John W. Thompson, president ; Isaac P. Kennedy, Isaac P. Cole, lea- ders ; James C. Thompson, John Wiley ; secretary and trea- surer, John M'Kee.

^Philadelphia Irish Emigrant Association On Monday evening, Dec. 23, 1818, the members of the association assembled at Judd's Hotel, and elected their officers for the ensuing year, as follows President, general John Steele ; vice president, Joseph Taggert; recording secretary, M.Williamson; cor- responding secretary, W J. Duane ; treasurer, Silas E. Weir ; managers, Robert Patterson, Wm. Duane, rev. George C. Potts, John Horner, Hugh Calhoun, Mathew Carey, James Stewart, Alexander Cook, Edward Fox.

^Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road Company Presi- dent, Elliston Perot ; managers, -Richard Thomas, VVm. San-

cxvi IVhitely^s Philadelphia Register.

som, James C. Fisher, iVdam Reigart, John Habley, John H. Brinton, James Taylor, WiUiam Davidson, Caleb North, Paul Beck, jun. Henry Pratt, John J. Downing ; treasurer, John Bacon. 'Philadtlfihia Library Comfiany Library Hall N E corner Fifth and Library streets. Election 0:1 the first Monday of May, when tlie annual payments are due. Library open everv day

Z^accheus Collins, George Fox, Z ichariah Poulson, Joseph S. Lewis ; treasurer, James P. Pa; ke ; librarian, Geo Campbell.

Philadtlfihia Literary Association— In^lilwlcd. A. D. 1813. Hen- ry Troth, president; Thomas Yardlev, vice president; Benj. M. Holliubhead, secretary ; Thomas Ridgway, corresponding secretary ; Jimes Rowland, jun. Solomon Temple, recording secretaries ; Tiiomas J. Carlile, treasurer ; standing commit- tee, Jacob T. Baniing, chairman ; Joseph W. Rowland, sec*ry.-

*Philadelfihia Linuitan society Established in 1806, under the name of the Botanical society.

*Philadelfihia Mechanics Beneficial society Meet 2d Wednes- day in every month at Newmarket Hall. Andrew M'Calla, president.

Philadelfihia Or/ihan society Formed in J814. Election first Tuesday in January annually. Tiie Asylum is an elegant brick building, situated N E corner Cherrv and Schuylkill Fifth streets. Mrs. Robert Ralston, president; Mrs. Jno. Markoe, treasurer.

*Philadellihia society for alleviating the miseries 0/ indigent fier- sons.

*J'hJladelphia society for alleviating the miseries of fiublic firisons , Was instituted A. D. 1780. Election 2d Monday in January. This association was for many years successfully employed in promoting the humane system which now predominates'in the penal code of Pennsylvania ; the government of the prison of the city and county of Philadelphia having within a few years been intrusted to a board of inspectors appointed by a law of the state, the services of the society have been confined to re- lieving the sufferings of prisoners who have not had trials, and those under sentence for thirty days, both of which description of persons do not come under the care of the inspectors. Wm. White, D. D. (bishop) president; Wm. Rodgers, d d. and Thomas Wistar, vice presidents ; Cal»b Cresson and Roberts Vaux, secretaries ; Joseph M. Paul, treasurer. (tT* See " In- spectors of Prisons."

^Philadelfihia society for the establishment and supfiort of charity schools Schoc)! Walnut above Sixth street. Election first Tuesday in January annually. President, Jonathan Fell ; vice president, Philip Garrett; treasurer, Benjamin Williams; secretary, Samuel L Shober ; board of managers, Philip Gar- rett, Jonathan Fell, Johji Claxton, Benjn. Williams, John G.. Simmons, Christian W^ltberger, Samuel Sellers, Blakey Sharp- less, James Cresson, W^m. Paxson, Wm. Abbott, Joseph War-

IVhitely^s Philadelphia Register, cxvii

* ner, Ebenezer Ferguson, Samuel J. Robbins, Richard Oak- ford, Reubens Peale, Saniuel li. Shober, Geo Lybrandt.

'^PhUadelhhia Sugar Refining Company Office 37 Shippen St. James Whitehead, president.

^Philadelphia Society for promoting jigriculttire Instituted 1785. Incorporated 1809. M'jec 3a Tuesday of every month in Philosophical Hall. Election 3d Tuesday in January Pre- sident, Richard Peters ; vice presidents, Wm. Tilghman, Dr. James Mease, Dr. George Logan of Stenton, Wm. Coleman of Lancaster ; secretary, Roberts Vaux : assistant secretary, Richard Wistar, iun. ; treasurer, Edward Burd ; comnuttee of correspondence, Richard Peters, James Mease, John Vaughan, Zaccheus Collins, Wm. Tilghman : curators, Reuben Haines, Joseph R. Paxson, Stephen Duncan, Isaac C. Jones, James M. Broome.

Philadelphia Tyfiographical society Instituted Nov. 2d, 1802. Incorporated 1810. Meet at Mrs. Colerick's tavern. Walnut street. Election first Saturday in November annually. John Clinton, president ; John W. Gibbs, vice president ; Horatio Boate, treasurer ; Wm. F. M'Mahon, secretary,

^Philadelphia JJnion society for the education of poor female children. Incorporated 1808.

* Philanthropic Beneficial society Incorporated in 1799. *Philomathean society Inquire at the LJniversity.

*Pike Beneficial society Meet 4th Monday in every month, at Meyers' inn, S W cor. Fifth and Race. Election 4th Monday in April. Joseph S. Colladay, president; Wm. NefF, vice pre- sident ; Wm. Skinner, secretary : George H. Cook, treasurer.

^Pilots* society^ for the relief of distressed and decayed pilots ^ their ividows and c/iildren Incorporatod 1789. Stepiicn Flan- agan, treasurer ; Robert Ralston, clerk.

*Potatoe Club. Meet every evening at 13 south Seventh street.

"* Protectors of Property in time of Fire

*Protestant Episcopal society Jor the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania.

* Provident society. Meet quarterly at Newmarket Hall, first

Monday in January, May, August., and November. John Val- lance, president; John W. Scott, secretary; Liberty Browne, treasurer.

* Provident society of House Carpenters. Incorporated 1809.

* Relief Beneficial Society Incorporated 1816. Meet first Mon-

day in each month, >l W corner Arch and Third. Election first Thursday in January. L. Whitney, president; E. Gas- kill, treasurer; William Andrews, secretary. '

*Religious Historical society. Rev Jacob Brodhead, D D pre- sident; Rev. Jacob J Janewav, D D. Rev. James Milnor. N Y, Rev. Wm. Staughton, D D.Rev. Samael B Wylie, D D. Ro- bert Ralston, esq. Rev. Thos. Sargent, D D. vice presidents; Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D D. corresponding secretary; Mr. John W Scott, recording secretary; Nathaniel Chw.mcey, esquire, treasurer; Rev. Robert M'Cartee, librarian.

Ridge Turnpike Company. Office N W corner Dock and Pear. Annual Election first Monday in January. Prdeident, Wil-

cxviii Wfiitely^s Philadtlphia Register,


liam Rawle, Esq. Managers, Nathan Levering, Charles Ro- berts, George Bisbing, Joseph Sims, Peter Robeson, Alexander Crawford, John Clifford, Henry Nixon, Matthias Holstein, Clement Remington, Jesse Bean, Robt. Watkins, Treasurer, Thomas H White. C *"

Rose Beneficial society. Held at Henry Freed's, Kensington Hotel, Franktord road. George Painter, president; Jacob Shepherd, vice president; Michael Day, treasurer; Jas. Phil- lips, secretary.

*Rush Benevolent society. Meet at John Wilson's inn, 193 Chesnut, third Wednesday in each month.

*Saint jlndrew^.'i society President, Robert Smith. Vice Pre- sidents, Charles Macalester, Gavin Hamilton. Treasurer, Quintin Campbell. Secretary, James Imbrie. Counsellors, John B Wallace, Edward S Burd. Physicians, Dr. N. Chap- man, Dr Aitkin. ChapUn, Rev. D. Banks. Assistants, Thos. M'Eutrn. George Morris, Adam Ramage, Robert Swan, Ro- bert Kid, William Young.

* Saint George^ the Society of the Sons of. Established for the

advice v.vA assistance of Englishmen in distress. Instituted 23d April, 1772 incorporated 16th Januan', 1813. Meet at Wdshinfton Hall Hotel, quarterly, on the 23d January, April, July and October. Election of officers 23d Ja.nuary. Anni- versary meeting 23d April. Robert E Griffith, president; Joseph Sim%, vice president; Joseplr Bell, tieasurer; George Davis, secretary Stewards, William Page, George Rundle, TUomas Astley, James Williams, James Kitchen, Tristram B Freeman, J^mes Wood, Antliony Slater— Physicians, John Redman Coxe, Thomas T Hewson, Edward Barton Coun- sellors, Richard Peters, jun. William Meredith.

* Saint John's Beneficial society.

^ Saint Jose/ih's society, •Tor educating and maintaining poor or- phan children Incorporated 1807. Asylum N W corner Sixth and Spruce.

* Saint Pati'ick Benevolent society . Incorporated 1804. William

J Duane, president; John Maitland, vice president; John Alli- son, 1st secretary; Bernard Reilly, 2d secretary; John O'Brien, treasurer Election 17th Marcli annually.

''Saint Tammany Benevolent societv. Meet third Saturday in every month, at Meyers' tavern, S W corner Fifth and Race.

Saving Fund society Office 5 south Sixth street. Andrew Baviird, president"; Samuel Archer, Richard Bache, Charles N. Bancker, Clement C Biddie, Turner Camac, Reuben Haines,, Thomas Hale, Adam Konigmacher, I. Krumbhaar, John M'Crea, Samuel B Morris. Isaac W NoitIs, Richard Peters, jun. Condy Raguet, Joseph Rotch, M. C. Ralston, Wil- liam Schlatter, Samuel Spackman, John C Stocker, John Strawbridge, Roberts Vaux, John Vaughan, Daniel B Smith, and John J Vanderkemp, managers. George Billington, se- cretary and treasurer

''School for the free Education of Blacks, bv the Friends. Insti- tuted"l770. They have two schools in'Willing's alley, one for girls.

Whitely'^s Philadelphia Register. cxix

^SchuylkillJ^avigation Com/iany. -^-O^ce No. 2, Decatur street. Election in January.

* Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Comfiany. Directors Richard Peters, president; John Perot, George Fox, Charles Biddle, Anthony Cuthbert, Richard Rundle, Robert Imlay, Abraham Kintzing, John Connelly, Joseph Lownes, John Markland, John I Downing, John Read treasurer, Israel Whelen.

*Scots' Thistle society. Instituted 1796. Incorporated 1799. Election in December. Meet quarterly at New Market Hall, first Monday in March, June, September, and on St. Andrew's day. John Vallance, president; Robert Adams, vice president; Alexander Rea, jun. treasurer; Alexander M'Causland, se- cretary; WiUiam Ross, William Hood, Alexander M'Caus- land, William Wilson, Robert Lauderdale, and Peter Doug- lass, counsellors.

*Second Jackson Benevolent society. Established 1815. Meet at John Wilson's inn, 193 Chesnut, 3d Monday in each month. Election 3d Monday in January annually. President, Adam Slemmer; vice president, Andrew Seaguy; treasurer, John Rudy; secretary, Matthias Slemmer; doorke^er, Hubert Lequen.

* Shackamaxon Union Benevolent society.

* Society for the Information and Assistance of Emigrants .

* Society of Master Painters. ^Society of Journeymen Cordivainers .

*Society to assist the Poor^ Old and Sick, of the German Lu- thei-an, Zion, and St. Michael's Congregations.

*Society to assist and encourage the Evangelical Congregation, in an near Philadelphia.

*Society for the Relief of the Poor of the first Reformed Dutch Church President, Frederick Erringer; vice president, Henry Schell; treasurer, Joseph Eberth; secretary, Jos. H.Schreiner.

^Society for tht'free Instructioti of Peofile of Colour.

*Societyfor the Promotion of a Rational System oj' Education

*Societyfor imfiroving the Breed of Cattle.

*Societyfor the Relief of Poor, Aged and Infirm Masters ofshifis, their Widows and Children Instituted 1765 incorporated 1770.

*Soufi society, for supplying the Poor with Soup gratis. Soup house 49 Gaskill street .

"^ Stonecutters* society Instituted 1790 Incorporated 1806.

*Sfiring Garden Association for Charitable fiurjioses Meet at the public school-house N E corner Eighth and Button wood streets. President, John Alburger; treasurer, William War- ner; secretary, David J Sneathen.

^Sunday and Adult School Union Instituted in 1817. Incorpo- rated 1819 Meet annually the first Tuesday after the 28th May President, Alexander Henry, esq.; corresponding se- cretary, J. P Bankson.

^Sunday School Society Instituted 1791 Incorporated 1796. William White, president; (xilbert Gaw, vice president; John B Ackley, treasurer; David Jones, secretary.

*Susquehannah and Lehigh Turnhike Comfiany.


cxx IVIi'itely^s Philadelphia Register.

* Suaquehayinah and Tioga Turnfiike Road C&?«/?g;2z/— President, George Vaux; managers, I'homas S-.ewardson, Benjamin R Morgan, Samuel Mifflin, John Read, William Lehman, Thos. Cadwalader, John Rogers of Philadelphia, Silas Engle, Thos. Bowman, Daniel Fowler, Jesse Bowman or Berwick. Trea- surer, George K Harrison.

'^Tammany society^ or Brethren of Principle Meet second Thursday in every month, alternately, at Rees's tavern, 97 south Fifth street, and Kerlin's, (Cock and Lion). Election second Thursday in June, annually. John Harrison, grand sachem. William Binder, Dr. M. Leib, James F M'Llrpy, Ricnard Palmer, Joseph Reed, Joseph Stouse, Jacob Strem- beck, William Delany, Peter Hotz, George F Goodman, Ja- cob Walter, Peter Kline, sachems. Wm. Binder, treasurer. James F M'Elroy and George F Goodman, secretaries.

The Afifirentice8* JJbrary Cornfiany oj Philadelphia President, W P Dewees, M D. Vice Presidents, Joseph Parish, M D. John R C!;xe, M D. Recording secretary, William Staughton. Orator, W P C Barton, M D.

^The society for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Members of the Evangelical Lutheraii Congregation of St. John's Church in the city and county of Philadelphia, Incorporated Novem- ber 1, 1817 Meet quarterly on the last Monday evening in June, September, December and March, at the vestry room in Fifth above New street. Election yearly on the last Mon- day in June. President, J. Wampole. Secretar>', W. Musser. Treasurer, Henry Erben. Stewards, J U Fraley, Andrew Leinau, J H Fisler, Jacob Gilbert, J Brown and M Fox, who form the acting body of the society during its vacation, and meet the third Wednesday evening of every month.

■The Tract a?id Book society oj St. John's Church in the city and vicinity of Philadelphia^ for the dissemination of Usejul Reli- gious K?ioivledge Meet every six months, viz. fourth Monday in January and July. Election in Januaiy. John Goodman, president. J Wampole, secretary. Daniel Breutigan, trea- surer; and five managers, Rev. P F Mayer, John Goodman, J Wampole, D Breutigan, and I Sulger. The said officers meet by adjournment, and form the acting body of the society in its vacation.

^True Afntrlcan Beneficial society Meet at Newmarket Hall. Annual election first Friday in Januaiy. Joshua Raybold, esq. president " John Jenkins, vice president. Samuel Hanse, trea- surer. James Gihcn, secretar)'.

*7Vue Assistance society of Hatters.

''True Beneficial 50ci<°/t/— -Incorporated May 21, 1816. Meet N E corner of Vine and Sixth, on second Monday of each month. President, Andrew Sagey ; vice president, Heniy Kugler ; treasurer, Lewis AUoway; secretary, Saml. Bardier.

''True Columbian Beneficial society Established September 6, 1817. Meet in Fifth above Butlonwood, on the 1st Wednes- day, monthly. Elections October and April. President, James Coldwater ; vice president, John Stevenson ; treasurer, Jacob Meyers; secretary, Luke Shields.

Whitely's Philadelphia Register. cxxi

*True Re/iublican society. Meets on the first Saturday of every month President, John Carter, sen. ; vice-president, John Reap ; treasurer, Casper Souder ; secretary, John Jolinson.

* Turnpike Comfianies^ See their respective names- ^Twelve and a half Club. Meet at the sign of the Leopard—

Lsetitia court daily.

* Union Benevolent Society.

*Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania. Office No. 79 Dock street. Incorporated 2d April 1817. Joseph Wats hi, presi- dent; William Meredith, vice-president; George Simpson, treasurer ; John Read, Williani Read, managers : George Ehrcnzeller, secretar)'. The object of the couipai \ is the opening a communication by water, for the transpoi tation of the production of the country, and of goods, wares and mer- chandise, between the city of Philadelphia and the western and north-western counties of the state of Pennsyhania, by means of a complete canal and lock navigation. The annual meeting of the stockholders is on the third Tuesday of No- vember.

*Union Harmonic society Meet at their hall in Nonis' alley. President, James Weir ; treasurer, Henry Rigby; secretary, George W Try on.

*Union society of Cordvjainers.

*Union Society of Journeymen Tailors Meet at Elliott's, Tues- day evening, weekly President, Samuel Craig secretary, Joseph Cobb.

*Union Society of Philadelfihia Meet monthlv at Newmarket

Hall. -*Union society for the aufifiort of schools and Doinestic .Manu- factures Jor the benefit of the African race Instituted 1810.

*tJnio?i society of Hatters Meet first Monday in every month, at Meyers' tavern, S W corner Fifth and Race

^United Beneficial society Meet at Newmarket hall, 41 h Wed- nesday in every month. George Jeflfries, president ; James Barnes, secretary

'United German Benefit society Instituted 1785. Incoi ))orated 1798- Meet at Cock and Lion Inn, corner Second and Coates William Bender, president

^United PpAscofial Churches' Free schools

"^United Ger/nan Fraternity President Charles W\ Westphall ; ' vice-president, Henry Lex ; treasurer, Conrad Miller ; secre- tary, John Reiter. Meet the third Saturday in each month, at Mr. C. Steinmets'. Incorporated 1804

*United Journeymen shifi^vriq'hts* society

United States Loan o^c^^-Cai-penter's court, adjoining the U S bank Henrv J. Hutchins, chief clerk ; clerks, Edward Lane, Stacy K. Potts

^University of Pennsylvania Situated in Ninth below High

*United I^ijfh German Evangelical reformed congregation of the Korthern Liberties

*Vaccine society Annual election in January. Establislud 1809. Managers, Dr John W. Moore, Joseph Parrish, John Paul, Philip Garret, William Abbot, John Elliott, Richard Oikford,

cxxii Whitely^s Philadelphia Register.

David Jones, John G. Simmons, Nicholas Wain, JohnTanguy Daniel B. Smith, clerk, 33 High Where fresh scales can at all times be procured ^-rcrjs. Since the establishment of this societ} 12,048 persons have been vaccinated

"^ Fictualler's society Meet 269 Vine. Election 1st Tuesday in each year. President, Joseph Graff; senior steward, John Alberger; junior steward, Henry H. Miller; treasurer, Da- vid Woelpper ; secretar>% Abraham W^artman, jun

*Vine Company of Pennsylvania President Lewellen Young, Esq. Managers, Joseph Warner, Isaac Jones, Abraham Yerkes, Thomas Robinson, and Thomas P. M'Mahon ; trea- surer, Benjamin Tucker; secretary, Levi Evans

* Warren Beneficial society Meet at John Wilson's Inn, 193

Chesnut, fiist Thursday in eveiy month.

* Washington Association of Youfi^ men Pres. Joseph P. Norris,

jr ; first vice-president, John C. Montgomery; second vice-pre- sident, Benjamin Gratz ; first secretary, Richard Price, jun; second secretary, Robert B. Aert'sen •, first treasurer, Samuel Patton ; second treasurer, Mason Hutchins standing com- mittee, Joseph P. Norris, jun. John C. Montgomery, Benjamin Gratz, Richard Pnce, jun. Robert B. Aertsen, Samuel Paton, Mason Hulchins, Richard C Wood, William A. Peddle, J. J. Cope, Sansom Perot, ChailesW'. Morgan, Josiah H. Lownes, Asher M.Howell, Da\id Gailager, Robert Govett, Thomas G. Condie, Francis Hopkinson, Robert W. Sykes, George Thum marslials, John Banks and Augustus Cushing Committee of correspondence, Richard C. Wood, Joseph P. Norris, jun. Benjamin (iratz.

* Washington beneficial society

*]Vashi7igton he7ie-volent society Meet at their hall in Third street below W^alnut

* Wayne beneficial society Incorporated 1817 Meet at John

Goodin's inn, South alley, the second Monday of each month. Election on the first of January, annually, being the birth day of General Anthony Wayne. President, John Clawges, jun ; vice-president, Daniel M'Karaher; treasurer, John Goddin ; secretary, P. Stimmel

* Welsh society Form.ed before the American revolution; reviv-

ed in 1798— incorporated 1802

"* Western Charitable Association

Western Charitable Soufi Association Marble street near Ele- venth. President, Joseph P. Hornor ; vice-president, William Paxson; treasurer, Benjamin Tucker; secretary Benjamin H. Yarnall. Stated meetings, first Wednesday in every month during the winter season

* Wesleyan beneficial society Instituted in 1815. Meet third W^dnesda) in January. April, July and October, at Newmar- ket Hall— Alexander Wallace, president; Timothy Blake, vice-president; W'illiam Nesbitt, treasurer; Robert E. Mor- rell, secretarv

* Whitfield Beneficial society Meet at Newmarket hall, fourth

Monday in every month Jesse Ferguson, president WiMlam M'Kane, vice-prt^sident

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